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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78857494 No.78857494 [Reply] [Original]

>crying on stream because she worked her project team to death to speed run her new model
Niji management was right in the end
Hopefully this will open your eyes

>> No.78857639

sex with a bird

>> No.78857745

Yes we understand you're a faggot OP

>> No.78857790

Laziness isn't a virtue, brownoid.

>> No.78857857


>doki capable of feeling empathy and remorse if she does something mean
>sister not capable of feeling empathy

My eyes are opened.

>> No.78857982

Her team can’t make something better than THAT in one week?

>> No.78858248

beat me to it. people fuck up, feeling remorseful after doing wrong by people is what could be called a normal reaction.

>> No.78858329

post your last paycheck

>> No.78858399

Sister no ones even shitposting about your organs because they have become so irrelevant and end up losing to literal 2 views. I don't think this is a competition.

>> No.78858420

Fuck Off Enna

>> No.78858461

It was very weird for favoritism heaven Niji to not side with their most popular female liver. She must've been super annoying to work with.

>> No.78858712

She's admitting to making them crunch and work all nighters
She's making her own black company

>> No.78858863

She probably thought it was normal since she had grown accustomed to working like that for a certain company.

>> No.78858885

But unlike Niji, she's paying them well.

>> No.78858931

>apologizing for her own mistake instead of blaming everyone involved

>> No.78858954


>> No.78858995

>Team doesn't tell her they were crunching and overworking even though she was willing to pay for more people to join to help.
>Team doesn't tell her they needed more time until 10 minutes before.

You are all a bunch of retards, sisters. Have fun seething, I am still watching her tomorrow :D

>> No.78859007


>> No.78859050
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>admitting to making them crunch and work all nighters
So did she and people still loves her

>> No.78859075

She's also constantly telling people to send them love when it's over and to not blame them, since they're working hard to finish things, but it just didn't pan out in time, as opposed to trying to pin someone as a scapegoat...

>> No.78859093

watch out, she's got receipts she's somehow still never posted

>> No.78859151

>i have 37 people employed on this
She's going to fucking go broke Jesus Christ.

>> No.78859172


>> No.78859230

Sisters being disingenuous what a shocker

>> No.78859258

Reminder that more than half of dookie's debut runtime was spent on stalling until the opening of her merch store by Mr. Man

>> No.78859283

At least she actually pays her workers and not steal from them unlike a certain company. Compared to your oshi who has to rely on goodwill of slave niji artists for anything related to streaming because your organs are too poor to afford anything. Broke ass bitch.

>> No.78859401

skinsuit reveal stream delayed to tomorrow due to some unavoidable delays. It would've taken 2-4 hours to fix, and normally that'd be okay, but that'd overlap the holos and she knows that wouldn't be fun for anyone involved who might have to choose. So instead she's moving it to tomorrow.
It's pretty fucked since this was an absolutely amazing time to debut, smack dab between two holos and ending right as the next one starts.

>> No.78859411

2% sis

>> No.78859441

>admits she spent the most money she every has on this project
>37 people working on it

>> No.78859491

The brown people are still seething over this one vtuber.

>> No.78859504

And that was a very smart business move.

>> No.78859550


>> No.78859608

Can't blame management now, kek

>> No.78859651

I love how nobody refutes this because she's just an indie now and people can and will just turn on her without having to fear for a cease and decist from a black company if she actually treats other people badly.

>> No.78859718

It seems...risky.

>> No.78859908

2 more weeks, right?

>> No.78860081

With the way she spends money, she'll be that way if she isn't reined in.

>> No.78860162

Reminder that Niji did pay her $200,000 last year and she blew all of them on her useless projects

>> No.78860202

>2 more weeks

>> No.78860212

She will be fine. Bao has been scammed multiple times and she is still fine LMAO

>> No.78860285

>she blew all of them on her useless projects
weird I remember sisters fawning over how Selen always did the most events on nijiEN and how she paid for 3d chibi models for their homos, weren't so useless back then huh?

>> No.78860294

>get paid to do a job
>you don't do your job
>somehow it's your bosses fault

>> No.78860385

>Reminder that Niji did pay her $200,000
niji didnt do shit, they just stole their cut you fag

>> No.78860418

>Niji Paid
Do you mean a SMALL PART of the money HER fans gave her?
>Useless projects
The ones you were once proud of because she was in Niji?
Not even a Dragoon but even I know. Sisters, I wouldn't even want to share hell with your kind.

>> No.78860434

What's this even supposed to mean?

>> No.78860436

Yes? Ultimately he boss is responsible for the entire project. That's literally what being the boss means, the buck stops here.

>> No.78860512


>> No.78860518

Anon, not even the JP sisters want anything to do with them or their organs KEK

>> No.78860670

Sisters now use the NijiJPs as a margin of their success. Like as if JP will ever give EN any part of their earnings.

>> No.78860688

Are you retarded? She's streaming because the Dragoons were wait, but it wasn't ready, so she apologized and turned it to a Zatsu stream. Why are Nijisisters such dumb faggots?

>> No.78860787

It's a bait thread bro. Don't reply and let it die.

>> No.78860797

>sisters can't even have bait threads in peace because everyone hates their guts

>> No.78860817

I am going to give you real life experience. Yes and no. As a boss, if I directed things and I was wrong in my directions, then yes it is my fault. If I gave directions and my team didn't inform me or update me in time that we would need more time, then it means there needs to be a revision in how we move. It wouldn't be my fault, and I would be frustrated, but I wouldn't blame them either. It's why I respect her, because she is reacting as normal as possible being a newly self-made boss.

>> No.78860831

The only blame on her is failing to supervise and failing to confirm everything is done, but that's it. If her team said they could do it and she trusted them to do so and they failed to do so, that's on them more than it is on her.

>> No.78860910

Is she always this bad with money

>> No.78860988

Having been a team member and a boss, I think this is all pretty normal accidents and they will find a better team dynamic. She is doing good learning to be a boss.

>> No.78861086

>It's pretty fucked since this was an absolutely amazing time to debut, smack dab between two holos and ending right as the next one starts

Damn. I didn't even think about that....oof

>> No.78861106

>chinese woman
>known mental illness

>> No.78861109

She literally said she was used to this situation happening (people overworking and delaying things) leading to her having emotional outbursts at them. She said it's different now because she has people to talk on her behalf when she's feeling emotional and upset.

>> No.78861122

>Do you mean a SMALL PART of the money HER fans gave her?
Yes? That's how it works in chubba corpo
Don't get fooled by idol corp 50%+ revenue share shit, half of 0 is still zero and yuko yurei is gone
Before joining Niji, Dookie was nothing, while not as much as Holo, being Niji WAS a buff
$200k was a lot of money, just take the money and work you ungrateful biatch

>> No.78861180

Ironic really

Nothing would make me happier than knowing that even the good nijis were shit all along.

>> No.78861252


>> No.78861301

Nobody has ever said she's smart with money. We know she blew $200,000 on projects last year. I wish she would save some money for herself, but I really admire her spending money on her passions to entertain people and make them happy. She's reinvesting the money back into the community who funds her.

>> No.78861302
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Not what you were saying less than a month before christmas.

>> No.78861393

U mean she invested in her projects with the money she earned. U would happily be a slave for generations in another universe with that kind of intelligence.

>> No.78861404

>just take the money and work you ungrateful biatch
whats funny is that she did work and she spent all the money in projects FOR Niji, she almost overworked herself to death for the company and they are so incompetent they cant even respond a message in 24 hours KEK

>> No.78861612

Whenever you start on a job it's not clear how long it's going to take, and it always takes longer than you think it will. You can't just give people directions to "get it done by x". Doki rushed into a premier date without actively confirming with her (enormous) staff that this would work and that's really her job, you have to be absolutely sure before you announce that date and the responsibility lies with the boss there.

>> No.78861647
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Duality of nijiniggers

>> No.78861693

Ok Millie.

>> No.78861749

just admit that dookieshit was shit all along. the last cup of coffee cover drama was selen fault 100%. holos had permission issues all the time, even delaying birthday lives and just straight up cancelling cover releases. nobody whined and encouraged their fans to do illegal reupload.

>> No.78861772

>Doki announces a date before checking with anybody else first

>> No.78861781

Loll fuck off millie

>> No.78861820

sounds familiar KEW

>> No.78861859
File: 502 KB, 220x244, 1691679758062470.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want her to save some fucking money already. It is actually painful hearing about how many times she's emptied her bank account for like one asset or one stream. And the worst part is that it isn't actually ever going to help her numbers grow. Mint spends essentially nothing on her channel and just streams and has fun and I wish Doki would do that too instead of spending and working herself into an early grave.

>> No.78861953

thanks for telling everyone you don't watch streams

>> No.78861958

To be fair, if there was ever a good thing to dump your money into, it'd be a re-debut of your new model that isn't 5 years old.

>> No.78861978

Clearly the fans knew and attributed the project success to Selen, so she was working for herself in the end

>> No.78862030

This is you assuming that she didn't confirm it at least days before, the other issue would be that the team felt they could do it in time and confirmed it, which a new boss would trust. It is not good on their part to have waited until 10 minutes to say: Well actually... She said she would have been happier with at least a few hours of a heads-up which makes more sense. I am going to assume you have no malice, and I am not blindly defending her, I am just older than her (most likely) and I have been in that position when moving up the ladder.

>> No.78862069

that's how it's supposed to be. But while she was in niji the fans were also part of niji

>> No.78862113

Yes and no. Doki's model is actually excellent. It was made back when vtuber models weren't overdesigned crap and it fits her perfectly, lots of dragoons actually prefer it to Selen. But that's not even the entire story, this isn't just a model debut, it's a fucking multimedia extravaganza that surely cost six figures and is not ever going to earn its money back.

>> No.78862119

Hi Millie. Hows your dog doing?

>> No.78862210

Dude she is not broke, she spent a lot of money but she is not going red. I am more worried over vtubers that play gachas and spend money on stream for rolls, I know for a fact those go up to 5k for one character.

>> No.78862214

I will say many things about Doki's model like it's design is top notch, but saying it's top-tier rigging is just wrong and you're genuinely delusional if you think it is. It's not as bad as gen1 nijiJPs but it's certainly below modern-day indie standards.

>> No.78862240

you're overexaggerating just to be a concernfag

>> No.78862283

What is the nijisister waffling about now?

>> No.78862308

>I want doki to invest nothing into her content and languish in mediocrity like the rest of my e-thot oshis

>> No.78862384

Seethe more Millieshart

>> No.78862389

>pitting doki vs mint
very subtle

>> No.78862406

We don't really have privy to the actual conversations so it's hard to litigate the specifics. And while I sympathize with the issues of being a new boss, she's going to have to skin or swim quick. Big money is on the line in these projects and she has to take responsibility or they're going to keep being clusterfucks. She doesn't have time to ease into it or learn the ropes because she's an executive director RIGHT NOW.

>> No.78862416

Still obsessed with Doki more than ever since the JP sisters hate their EN organs.

>> No.78862423

On just the outfit??

>> No.78862503

Well today she learned the best thing she could ever learn as one: Delegation.

>> No.78862506

Goddamnit.... *sigh* what did they do NOW?

>> No.78862509

when will you nijiniggers stop shitting up the board with doki/sayu seethe

>> No.78862512


>> No.78862575

C'mon dude, this happened with Mr. Man store too.
Doki rushed everything and her staffs lied to her with optimistic schedule because they are afraid of her and her fans.
"She attempted twice, you know? We can't offend her any more", was what the staff was thinking.

>> No.78862577

No, I agree the rigging is shit. Never said otherwise. It's just such a good design that it's still a good model and she wouldn't have lost anything by waiting a month or two to debut the next one.

>> No.78862582

Doubtful. It's probably the show that comes with the reveal

>> No.78862590

I tried telling everyone. She uploads a MV knowing that her manager has to see it first, she uploads it anyway. Then, that somehow causes her to try and kill herself? lol okay. Then, she makes her suicide shit public becsuse she knows 90% of vtuber fans will fall for it and believe her. She knows the formula to fool all the retards. Its "muh big bad evil corporation" + "muh suicide"= "everyone will take my side". I'm still waiting for her proof of bullying. People always believe that without any proof. She fooled all of you retards, lol.

>> No.78862678

The amount of Nijinigger seethe in this thread

>> No.78862686
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>months passed
>still seething

>> No.78862695

Doki just wants to do the events that JP chuubas have but for the EN scene. It's just incredibly hard to break even on operation costs even with sponsors.

>> No.78862753
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>> No.78862769

Did the demonic voices in your head tell you their secrets, sister?

>> No.78862817

>My reaction to this entire thread

>> No.78862834

she threw 200k usd in the trash bro

>> No.78862870
File: 75 KB, 205x226, 1713941043914650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah fuck keep it coming sisters, if you make me bust I might let you have a few minutes with vox

>> No.78863011

They cannot cope with the fact that people who left the company are doing better than ever. Even the stockholders are not as schizo as these femcels. The doxxsite has done irrepairable damage to these pag pag monsters.

>> No.78863150

>The doxxsite has done irrepairable damage to these pag pag monsters.
I miss it solely for the containment it provided

>> No.78863161

Has Doki collabed with Sayu yet?

>> No.78863217

she sided with cy yu

>> No.78863272

QRD for anyone who actually wants to know what happened in a less nijisister-infested way

>> No.78863375

She seems to be from a rich family by the way the acts with money. Either that or from a poor one, kek. No in between.

>> No.78863472

Maybe u need to take ur meds sis...

>> No.78863477

Her fans will watch regardless, Vtubing is about harvesting money from people who care about you in exchange for details of your personal life, not funding an entertainment extravaganza out of your own pocket and hiring 37 people for a fucking costume reveal

>> No.78863530

Yeah, but if she has money, she'll have to pay taxes. The fear of taxes is stronger, than the fear of having nothing.

>> No.78863545

So Nijisanji did nothing wrong. They were unable to keep up with her unreasonable demands.

>> No.78863596

reminder niji committed tax fraud

>> No.78863668

Yes and no
Yes because their family has rich people
No because she and her parents got "mogged" by their own familiars
I remember Selen telling us how one of her uncles rubbed his car in their faces and the fact that he compared his son who was a doctor with Selen

>> No.78863673

Dookiebird ruined my saturday.

>> No.78863730

They tried to make their own VCR GTA server.
It went horrific and Hoshikawa and Kanae were harassed to hell and back from the RP tards, and most of the NijiENs were flat out harassed out of ever playing it again because of the language barrier. Apparently Luca fucked up and stole a bunch of shit or cheated or something, like he always does.

>> No.78863757
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Her team SHOULD have had it ready by the deadline, they just underperformed, then didn't bother to tell her until literally 10 mins before showtime.
Then she feels remorseful because she overcorrects and thinks she was overworking them rather than blame then.
Then regrets feeling angry and going cold on them after failing to deliver.

The takeaways is literally that she ended up blaming herself for everything and how she could've made everythimg better for those who failed her.
Yet somewhat you expect us to believe her to be some cartoon villain?

>> No.78863808

Doki is a turbo work-a-holic Chinese girl, expects others to have same lunatic work ethic. Feels bad when she remembers not everyone is robot Han genetics. Not surprising.

>> No.78863896

It's a Nijinigger bait thread

>> No.78864003

Don't (You) me, your kind disgust me even as a non-dragoon.

>> No.78864005

Even assuming each person is getting paid 1k, which is unlikely, that's still around 40k. Crazy stuff but it'll probably be worth it unironically.

>> No.78864032

>>Nijisanji did nothing wrong
and other delusions you can tell yourself

>> No.78864349 [DELETED] 
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I know, but still needed to put it out there

>> No.78864474

Sisters on a scale of 1-10, how ugly are you? Are you angry at all these men spending ridiculous amount of money on more talented and beautiful women compared to you?

>> No.78864734

Yes, it’s the hololive strat.

>> No.78864752
File: 964 KB, 312x278, suiseiseki-rozen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, but still had to put it out there

>> No.78865085

Anon, I wouldn't date a nijisister even if they were a supermodel. That's gross. Ew. Hell. I would even date an ugly homosister OVER a nijisister if I had to choose.

>> No.78865176


>> No.78866558

No she just hired a team of retards happens very often to vtubers

>> No.78866611

The voice already makes me wanna throw up

>> No.78867867

Must've been the Phantom Thieves

>> No.78868830

> Vtubing is about harvesting money from people who care about you in exchange for details of your personal life
unpleasant truth

>> No.78869121

I can't believe they had to sit at their desks! that's exhausting work, I hope they didn't pull a muscle or injure themselves

>> No.78869630

Whatever helps you cope with worshipping a black company, Nijisister.

Also, this is 100% a deflect from new Hololive girls blowing your organs out of the water

>> No.78870486

89 samefag doxsite camper vpn upvotes 5 downvotes

>> No.78870616

Millie we get it, you hate Doki. You gotta let it go at some point

>> No.78871512
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>Nijisanji did nothing wrong. Nijisanji is always right

>> No.78871746

yeah I see you are a faggot

>> No.78875024

wasn't her beef with nijisanji that they were constantly putting breaks on her projects?
holotrannies can't even get their narratives straight, surprise surprise.

>> No.78875097

>Hoshikawa and Kanae were harassed
The fuck happened, what did they do?

>> No.78875398

Remember sisters are conservatives.
People like OP see empathy as a weakness.

>> No.78875442

another ennachad W
enna is always right

>> No.78876165

Probably because they were unable enforce strict rules on Luca and co when they were running around distrupting everyone else rping

>> No.78876812

i already know it is nijiniggers

>> No.78876988

Yep, the cracks are forming and its only going to get worse for them. Niji was right.

>> No.78877234

seethe more nijitranny, you will never be a woman!

>> No.78877338

NTA but JP sisters like to mass blame anything bad that happened in an event on the organizer.
My oshi's volume is small! It's the organizer's fault for not adjusting well!
My oshi interacted with a person I don't like! It's orgamizers' fault to let that person in!
My oshi is performing like shit! It's the organizer's fault for not balancing well!
My oshi's stream is not interesting! The event is shit and the organizer should eat the bullet!

>> No.78877508

samefag nijinigger KEK

>> No.78877700

>Crackes are forming
so true for niji

>> No.78877778

>Dokibird did nothing wrong. Dokibird is always right

>> No.78877790


>> No.78877966

It was explained in another thread but the tl;dr is
>JP roleplay autists mad at Hoshikawa using spectator mode and accidentally ruining a chase
>Luca incident
>probably something else idfk lmao

>> No.78878495

sayu was right too. nijiniggers get btfo

>> No.78878801

no need to state the obvious nijinigger, your CEO needs more shiny boots you should go lick it

>> No.78879181

Probably not true in a vacuum but unironically true if compared to Niji

>> No.78879448

Hoooly talking to yourself lmaooooooooo...
whew, meds onegai.
I asked earlier but u did not respond, are you angry at the fact that no man will ever spend a single dime on you?

>> No.78879667

you pay taxes on money earned not saved retard

>> No.78880021
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lolol speaking of taxes best way to make more money is make the organs pay your taxes amrite

>> No.78881711

Bro you're so fucking retarded you don't know the basic concept of taxing, I think you might be a nijisanji lawyer you stupid retarded faggot.

>> No.78886170
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Good one, Millie

>> No.78890307

Ok that was good, damage control out!

>> No.78892424

as expected, I'm sure more and more of this kind of stuff will happen until they get sick of her shit, just like niji management did. Dumb bitch can't just stream, she has to mememememe vanity projects vanity projects vanity projects non stop

>> No.78892791

The big numbers are getting into her head

>> No.78892973

ok nijisis
you forgot corpo = bad

>> No.78893036

We always knew it was Niji but thanks anyway Nijisister.

>> No.78893098

holy nijiseethe loll

>> No.78893405
File: 53 KB, 520x600, 1694725070900671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To think I actually liked you when you were an indie. You're so in the Niji bog you don't even see how much you've changed. I pity you, Millie.

>> No.78893738

We're all enna

>> No.78893887

the rapidly dwindling numbers!

>> No.78894080

You know she's Chinese right
For Chinese people 12 hours x 6 days per week is normal

>> No.78894758

You can tell that sisters are running out of bait. I wonder how they'll react when their precious branch gets merged into JP with an audience that already hates their guts.

>> No.78895452

Yikes graduation buff dying off

>> No.78895640

There are good chinese, and there are bad chinese.
She is in the former category.

>> No.78895646

this nigga is fighting ghost

>> No.78895918

I knew this new model was the start of her fall. It's only going down for her until she reaches bottom again and becomes a forgettable 2view.

>> No.78896021

They'll probably worship the ground Riku walks on for upgrading them all to JP. Or maybe they'll start admitting that there was faults with EN management.

>> No.78896020


>> No.78896132

That's the feesh. Millie should be left alone while her dog is sick.

>> No.78896232

pretty sure there are at least some nijiniggers /here/ ever since their doxxsite went down

>> No.78896724

Alright why are sisters mad this time?

>> No.78896888

Sisters or not doki made an error, ofcourse people are going to shit on her for it. We're on a shitposting board, shit like this will always came up

>> No.78897386

ikr. doki made an error of joining niji

>> No.78897451


>> No.78897907


>> No.78898184

Niji GTA went bad. REAL bad. Like the second most popular guy in the company after Kuzuha is getting death threats and will never run a GTA server again bad.

>> No.78899177

Holo Justice is a resounding success despite efforts of the tranny nijiniggers, denauflop numbers are in the slump,jp wave meat also a flop, AX ticket sale a low and the event is supposed to happen in a couple of weeks, some shittersanji en organs were kicked out of gta rp servers, apparently sara hoshikawa and kanae are being harassased over gta rp server. kuzufag and jp shittersanji caught using bots,etc... so take a guess.

>> No.78899501

Stop bumping this thread retards

>> No.78899828

i guess trying to leech off holo debuts failed

>> No.78901169

>least retarded Nijinig

>> No.78903534

what, just cuz no ENs? how can gta go so wrong

>> No.78903566
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The retard said, bumping the thread

>> No.78903912

no that's from RP autists
ENfans have no power anymore let alone any over Japs and Japfans

>> No.78905281

Enough about yourself millie, time to go back to making pag pags for niji family.

>> No.78905480

Some things never change, do they! Only difference is now she can't cry about management and shift the blame on them

>> No.78905861

I wonder who she'll point the finger at now since she can't blame her boss anymore. Maybe she'll go back to shitting on her parents

>> No.78905998

Damn, this is peak NIJISEETHE

>> No.78906089

Every time I see a post like this, I go and watch the original stream/clip to fact check. And every time I do that, the sisters look that much worse.
I swear they are worse at PR and only serve to sink Nijisanji's reputation even further. Either that, or the OP is a falseflagger and falseflaggers are becoming skilled.

>> No.78906293

>shit that never happened

>> No.78906444

>falseflaggers are becoming skilled
Falseflagging as sisters is the easiest shit in the world

>> No.78906556

Fuck off, Millie.

>> No.78906737


>> No.78906806

Why the fuck would you want to falseflag as a sister? If I have a bad day and wanna shitpost i'll pretend to be a phasefag.

>> No.78906817

>He doesn't know
lol, LMAO even

>> No.78906863

bird sex

>> No.78907112

She already seethed at her mom because she put her in charge of finding a distributor for merch

>> No.78907237

>said the nijitroon

>> No.78907387

>source: it came to me in a dream

>> No.78907478

You didn't even watch the stream, didn't you? She blamed herself. Once again. I guess the Niji conditioning hasn't completely worn off yet.
>B-but in the past...!
Irrelevant. We're talking about the outfit reveal fuck up, stop moving goalposts.

>> No.78908843

>She blamed herself
Except for when she blames her mother. I guess she's used to giving a date for when something would be completed without ever bothering checking if it is with anyone

>> No.78909041

Uh, no, it won't, Nijisanji is evil and Dokibird is good.

>> No.78909537

Nijinigger lying as always, too mad that EN won't be loved by the Japanese?

>> No.78909583

doki was part of nijisanji when it committed many evil acts like smearing sayu

>> No.78909584

Did you take you long to notice? She wasted all her Niji money on projects and she's mentally ill to the max

>> No.78909774

>faggoon pretending like the BPD parent hate arc before niji never existed

>> No.78910069

Kek fucking retards i swear

>> No.78910174

Sayu was and is shit

>> No.78910197

She already showed her crow model tho.

>> No.78910324

>doxxsister bringing up old shit from the last decade because they're still stuck in the past.
Jesus christ, sister. Be less obvious.

>> No.78910624

>It only happened 5 years ago!
As if that changes her accusing her parents of abusing her and her dog then sweeping it under the rug

>> No.78910746

I hate niji and hope it burns, it I do think that Doki is a little crazy and that the veneer will wear off on her eventually.

>> No.78910770

Really tells you her true nature behind all of the lies she puts on

>> No.78910868

Stop samefagging nijinig.

>> No.78911029

>entire stream is about how they failed to communicate shit to her and weren't telling her important things
>"I didn't know they were crunching"
But go ahead and spread lies you niggerfaggot

>> No.78911075

She's always full of shit and the only reason people believe her is because "muh Niji bad". She was known for being a gaslighter for a reason. No evidence at all for either of her accusations, by the way

>> No.78911132

What a fucking cunt holy shit

>> No.78911170

>it was literally on her main twitter she's using right now

>> No.78911253

kek now vspo is overlapping her after today's delay shitshow

>> No.78911328

>the samefagging sister is still shitting up the thread.
jesus christ the nijiseethe tonight. Did Niji do anything special today or are they still seething about the GTA thing?

>> No.78911432

i mean its their thread, you're free to leave and go back to /HAHA/

>> No.78911452

>Nijinig pretending his black company did nothing wrong

>> No.78911471

Nijinig isn't there someone you can go watch now instead of having an actual tantrum /here/

>> No.78911571
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The nijiseethe continues to this day

>> No.78911577

you can just leave this thread

>> No.78911588

She didn't even make it four months without proving she's a giga menhera who was fired for being a shitty employee. Her next BPD breakdown is coming soon

>> No.78911672

we dont need nijiniggers on this board, go back to your priv discords

>> No.78911676
File: 91 KB, 1600x1098, GQKFEBaaMAA31Ei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but then we can't laugh at your schizophrenic breakdown over a woman who hasn't acknowledged you in nearly 5 months.

>> No.78911713

Nice fanfic, Nijikek
Meanwhile your new organs are unironic 3views

>> No.78911714

Its probably coming soon after the shitshow today

>> No.78911807

Projection, faggot. Doki gives 0 shits about you and is currently having a mental breakdown. Leading to your mental breakdown

>> No.78911808

didnt know dragoons are actually this retarded engaging with literal baits

>> No.78911884


>> No.78912052
File: 440 KB, 800x903, ax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78912166

Bored. Can't sleep. Slightly annoyed between the actual delay causing potential problems for her and Mint's cat having health problems.
Figured annoying a sister was a harmless way to pass the time.

>> No.78912186

doesnt make her shitshow of a debut any better

>> No.78912206

I see a lot of allegations in this thread but no receipts.

>> No.78912231

>gets btfo'd
>b-but it's bait
lmao fuck off nijinigger

>> No.78912311

ever since the doxxsite went down I always assume there's nijiniggers /here/ more than baits

>> No.78912460

Im trying to help you realize that this shit doesn't matter, retards talking shit about your oshi in thecatalog don't mean shit. im actually on your side, fagoon

>> No.78912534

>i'm actually on your side
>says shit ndf would say
nijiniggers aren't sending their best

>> No.78912596

are you actually that retarded?

>> No.78912609

One look at /NijiEN/ will confirm that. Speaking of which, /NijiEN/ doxxed a random kid they thought was one of the livers.

>> No.78912608

jesus christ lol can smell the 39iq on this one

>> No.78912689

Not as retarded as the dragoons keeping this thread alive kek

>> No.78913524

making artists do something instead of being lazy, whiny menheras is actually a good thing

>> No.78914273

So confident and so wrong at the same time. A beautiful combination.

>> No.78914344

So true, sister.

>> No.78914733

95% of "dookiebird" posts on this site are false flags and trolls, the other 5% are actually Millie

>> No.78914774

Finally learned their lesson huh?
be less retarded next time

>> No.78915427

i don't think nijisisters will ever learn their lesson, it's never ending retardation

>> No.78915590

Faggoons are so mind broken, they bump a thread proving that they're oshi is an unprofessional menhera that has issues working with people. What happened to her being extremely easy to work with? Tough to hide behind Nijisanji's leg now, isn't it?

>> No.78915672

jesus christ lol what did fagoons do to you guys lol you seem very upset for some reason

>> No.78915725

>2 nijinigs fighting each other
The absolute state lmao

>> No.78915787
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>> No.78915902

I don’t think any new outfit has better captured the type of person behind the avatar before.

>> No.78916674

They cant help themselves

>> No.78916903

look at their country and then look at ours.

>> No.78916920

bumping this gem

>> No.78916953
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>> No.78917096

>paid concert btw

>> No.78917580

Faggoons are as menhera as their oshi

>> No.78918990

Watch streams

>> No.78921644

Everyone knew she was a diva. No one likes working with divas

>> No.78922376

You don't deserve double dubs, Millie. Also Yuko fucked up, she was making bank until she decided to run back to her groomers and mock her paypigs.

>> No.78922470

Holy falseflag
>captcha: KYSRN

>> No.78922635

american meme
deadlines exist, be more productive if you don't want to pull all nighters to complete your work in time

>> No.78923091

Are you guys actually?

>> No.78923208

Be sure to give us that extra view like you always do instead of watching your Organs fail, :).

>> No.78923268

>back to page 3

>> No.78923350

>yet another Doki seethe thread
It’s over. Doki won. Niji lost. In fact, Niji is STILL in the process of losing while Cover curb stomps them. Go watch their new gen instead of baiting here.

>> No.78923403

thanks for the bump

>> No.78923484
File: 666 KB, 720x720, 1714399604859371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijiniggers and their triggers
https://vocaroo.com/1a5fvEtXZTGV - t. Sister
https://vocaroo.com/1nrM41iaJxrT - yacht
https://vocaroo.com/1kN2NfbxwzH0 - Ennacuck
https://files.catbox.moe/z9yky7.mp3 - Anycolor but they chose Black
https://vocaroo.com/1mVuxWMF4bty - You disgust me
https://vocaroo.com/175QN29GrzmJ - Please seethe
https://vocaroo.com/177taGVaasmE - baseball lovers
https://vocaroo.com/1nTIFMSlM9lx - Empty chairs
https://vocaroo.com/1gkJNqfAp5VB - How do you deal with Gura?
https://vocaroo.com/15uYlm1FxAL0 - I can't catch up to her
https://vocaroo.com/19P5G4rzh3lM - Sign the contract

>> No.78923616
File: 105 KB, 900x900, sadge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping just to show how low nijinigs have fallen

>> No.78924492

>Make a disingenuous post that can easily be proven false
The Nijinigger special

>> No.78924588

who is that guy talking to? bro is losing his mind

>> No.78924988

Go buy tickets for AX concert sister

>> No.78925291

Your continued seething at Doki only makes my penis harder, please continue.

>> No.78927446

she's lie about anything if she think it'll get her pity views and sympathy bux. It works every time, fagoons are the most naive and delusional fanbase of all time, maybe second to Rushia's.

>> No.78928811

>he thinks I don’t sage every thread on this godforsaken board

>> No.78930770

>/vt/ sweeping when it's Doki doing the abusing

>> No.78931031

fucking esl nigger

>> No.78931125

Link next thread?

>> No.78931230
File: 462 KB, 1110x888, 1714201242307345.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent. Free.

>> No.78931307

holy fucking esl are nijiniggers all hutdwellers??

>> No.78931396

This board is retarded, it takes forever for a thread to be deleted once it reaches page 10, it's perfect to keep bait/slander threads up forever even if the OP isn't self-bumping.

>> No.78931416
File: 3.21 MB, 1536x2048, GMKnVvJbQAAzmvj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so did you attend the concert?

>> No.78931912

with VSPO coming soon, I guess she'll have to try hang herself again to make people give a fuck

>> No.78931971

holy fuck lol the nijiseethe continues

>> No.78932015


>> No.78932167

A statement that is designed to get (You)s

>> No.78932218


>> No.78932505
File: 21 KB, 463x466, maths-v5_ScalarVectorMultiplicationProjection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people don't change or learn from their mistakes or grow up in the span of 5 years

>> No.78933402

im confused what you think people are upset about
people are making valid criticisms of someone involved in dumb e-drama, I don't think anyone is actually affected by this or has any reason to be upset

>> No.78933696

This. Were not going to forget.

>> No.78933791

Jesus it's already been months, can't you nijiniggers get over it already

>> No.78934030
File: 1.33 MB, 1079x1174, 7lek3joxcqqc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijiniggers be like

>> No.78934324

I dont see how whetever a random eceleb is a good person or not actually matters to people who don't watch them
also, dokibird is a bpd psycho who weaponized her suicide to get sympathyviews

>> No.78934515
File: 350 KB, 564x444, 1713765411380686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ogey nijisis

>> No.78934591

What are you doing at the PC Enrique? Get back to hauling those bricks cabrón!

>> No.78934777

I literally have not watched a niji stream in over a year
its okay you got emotionally manipulated by a crazy woman crying oppression, it happens to people
the next time someone says "so and so caused me to try to kill myself, twice" try to be objective and recognize it for the crazy behavior it is

>> No.78934906

so you watch niji
you are a nijinigger lololol

>> No.78935018

holy shit lol over a year ago and this faggot is still sniffing the niji koolaid

>> No.78935054

nah not really

>> No.78935216

I was never a nijii fan

>> No.78935300
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah totally

>> No.78935539

"havent watched a stream in a year" doesn't mean I quit some fucking addiction it means I care about it so little about it that it effectively doesn't exist to me
"anyone who disagrees with me is a shill" is a retarded attitude and doesn't change the fact you and most of /vt/ got emotionally manipulated by a crazy woman posting the most hollow #metoo bullshit that any sane person should have been able to see through. people aren't responsible for the mental illness of others and someone blaming (multiple) suicide attempts on their fucking job are clearly super unwell

>> No.78935618

>So what if I accused you of being a child beater and dog kicking psychopath? That was a mistake

>> No.78935713

oof the nijiseethe is intense here
keep it up though nothing will help your hot flaming garbage company

>> No.78935814

>care so little about it
>desperately trying to justify niji's actions on /vt/
sasuga nijitard

>> No.78935860

nijii is a billion dollar company that doesn't give a fuck about me, I don't care if a bunch of rich japanese guys get more or less money
doesn't change the fact that dokibird is a crazy person who farmed drama (and fucked over her ex-coworkers most of whom did nothing to her) for personal gain (sympathyviews). more people are starting to realize this

>> No.78935891

In countries that matter Tax is based on income they're literally called income taxes, I don't know what you pagpag faggots do in your sea shitholes.

>> No.78935981
File: 1.48 MB, 1375x1179, 1713790335875383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion dokibird is a crazy person who farmed drama

>> No.78936132

>''try to be objective''
>shitting out nijinig talking points like there is no tomorrow
you are a special kind of retard. Did your parents let you pick the stickers that go on your safety helmet?

>> No.78936199
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 1713748419842062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right, they don't care about you, yet here you are sucking and slurping on riku's cock

>> No.78936207

she literally tweeted out blaming her (multiple) suicide attempts on ex-employer.

>> No.78936290

That didn't actually happen, though? In fact, we learned about her attempts THROUGH Niji.

>> No.78936381

if someone says "my ex-employer is the reason I tried to kill myself, twice" you should think they are crazy and not take that seriously at all. how is this a niijii talking point
I am giving my take on relevant /vt/ drama because I saw a thread about it and people (like you) have a retarded take on this

>> No.78936418

kek you mean niji livers announced it
you're fucking stupid you can't even keep up with the news

>> No.78936496

ehh i don't really care about your stupidville takes though.. you should talk about it on those niji private discords they'll love you there

>> No.78936602

Facts and truth get in the way of irrationally hating a vtuber who made me angy :(

>> No.78936734

Is this thread just two anons baiting each other?

>> No.78936739

true lol. at this rate I don't think nijisisters like this "huu i don't watch niji" person will even see the truth. they are simply blinded by hate

>> No.78936781

"I will not be silenced anymore. On Dec, I was hospitalized for an attempt that was caused by a built up of bullying from within&being in a toxic&poor environment for numerous months that led to my breaking point. I requested to leave first but on more neutral terms on 26th Jan."

this is a tweet, from dokibird, that is the first time her suicidality comes up in any of this drama.
I guess she didn't say "nijisanji" in the tweet so I am a fucking idiot though

>> No.78936803

Wow do you get down on your knees and open your mouth everytime a ceo of a big company walks past you?

>> No.78936837

>I am a fucking idiot
you just realised this?

>> No.78936843

>if someone says "my ex-employer is the reason I tried to kill myself, twice"
Find me a quote where doki said that, literally ever. We wouldn't even know about her attempts if her former employer didn't get on the bullhorn about it.

>> No.78936943
File: 460 KB, 720x568, vox_choke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.78936951

this is a tweet of her blaming her suicide attempt on nijii. later in the drama she mentions there were two attempts

>> No.78937082

actually guys what's wrong with blaming niji?
why is this bootlicker trying to hard to defend a multibillion dollar company?

>> No.78937192

I don't know why you included my post in the middle. I think it's awful what Niji did to her.

>> No.78937250

dam you are either a very dedicated LARPER or just another nijishill trying to suck nijicock

>> No.78937285

She was forced to come clean about events because Niji was, even then, bullying and harassing her and her family.

>> No.78937388


lol at least at the end the nijinigger realises he is a fucking idiot

>> No.78937453

>Don't worry riku-sama I'll suck every last drop of cum you can count on me.
