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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78837949 No.78837949 [Reply] [Original]

The 25th Wind

>Debut Stream: [DEBUT STREAM] It's wind-up time!! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice

>Channel Preview: Let this ensemble begin! #holoJustice

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen

#ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
#Immergination (Art) https://twitter.com/hashtag/Immergination

>Previous Thread: >>78824283

>> No.78838084

Invest in /grün/coin!
Remember, the stocks can only be evergreen!

>> No.78838094
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Fleshfags will never understand the unparalleled aesthetic beauty that is clockwork. Each brass gear delicately hand filed to micrometer precision and polished to a radiant shine, every spring precisely tuned, each piston painstakingly oiled and cleaned, every pin and arbor meticulously measured and drilled, every part with a purpose, to come together in a symphony of perfect rhythmic ticks and whirs as the machine leaps into motion. Imagine the breathtaking complexity of a clockwork brain and voicebox capable of speech, hands capable of the fine motor control to play a violin like the classical virtuosos, the motive force of a single hand-cranked mainspring winnowed and refined by mechanical ingenuity into exquisite complexity. Such a marvel would have taken a master artisan a lifetime to assemble, an act of creation surpassing even god himself. The resulting mind could only look upon its own metallic corpus and be certain of intelligent design. I can only get so erect.

>> No.78838102

She's MY dollwife. Mine alone!

>> No.78838127

Or maybe this guy will bake, that's fine too

>> No.78838166

don't be a greedy grüüner

>> No.78838227

Guys I'm scared. everyone is hyping her up to be the saviour of Justice, but what if her debut turns out to be a bit underwhelming?

>> No.78838273

I made this post

>> No.78838296
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>> No.78838333

People will love her anyways, this is hololive

>> No.78838356

She is going to lead us to green paradise

>> No.78838365

Then we’ll have a comfier chat experience and she’ll still be able to make a decent living

>> No.78838378

That's the ideal so the annoying pests who would try to use her as a shitposting ammo would fuck off. She is guarenteed to be great in the long run

>> No.78838393
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If schizos hype themselves to unrealistic expectations, they have only themselves to blame.

>> No.78838394
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I hope the retards posting about "carrying the whole gen on her back" fuck off after debut

>> No.78838396

Should I wake up at 6am to watch her debut?

>> No.78838408
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Then it's your duty to protect her sacred sanctuary against raging antis.

>> No.78838469

Yes. I am pullindmg an all-nighter for it.

>> No.78838470
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>> No.78838486

Set the alarm and go to bed now, find out if you can wake up in time.

>> No.78838531

Looks like my brain already stopped working kek

>> No.78838540

A little less than 7 hours

>> No.78838711
File: 211 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault_live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention, all personnel, Cecilia Immergreen debut will occur in T-minus 375 minutes.

>> No.78838867

i am going to say some very retarded things tonight

>> No.78838901

Thanks for the heads up

>> No.78838958

If this truly is bean I don't know if I'm proud of her or disappointed. She threw away her entire community and a lot of future plans to go corpo.

>> No.78838991

It's ok Cece, we know that it will be just the nerves talking.

>> No.78838996
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>> No.78839029

it's the career opportunity of a lifetime for a streamer

>> No.78839047

Anti or fan? The answer may surprise you

>> No.78839049

Some people just prefer the money over their real friends. Oh well. It is what it is.

>> No.78839080

It’s a once in a lifetime offer. Just means some of the plans in her head are bigger than she nought possible as an independent creator

>> No.78839118
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>> No.78839135

I hope those schizos fuck off so we can enjoy the doll joints in peace.

>> No.78839144

Look, I am honest and selfish enough to say that I'm not happy about it either, but she would've been stupid not to take the opportunity. It's free fame and money. And remember, if she doesn't like it, she can just graduate and start as Soya again. Listen to Try Try Try again.

>> No.78839180

I am a Bean that has never watched Hololive before but you'd have to be crazy not to take a contract with them. The way I see it she has fucking made it and I am so proud of her hard work being recognized after 3 long years of going largely underappreciated, now she will get the recognition and comfort she deserves.

>> No.78839257

the price we pay for enjoying indies is that some of them might actually get to live their dreams and if i ever get mad they chose that over my goony ass i will walk into the ocean

>> No.78839425

please do Cece, it will be very cute

>> No.78839460

She's packed her things and moved on, you should too.

>> No.78839472

>threw away her community
I'm right here, supporting her like always

>> No.78839519

Well said.

>> No.78839553

don't be sad that she's gone, be glad you were there to see her grow up and achieve her wildest dreams

>> No.78839565

Guaranteed (You)s

>> No.78839685


>> No.78839815
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Be honest:
Out of all the /lig/gers that ever /lig/ged, did ANYONE think it was going to be her? I'm not saying she doesn't deserve it, because she absolutely does. But she was just so small...it's like a one-in-a-thousand chance. It's one of the most welcome surprises ever. Who knew some of the Holo talent scouts actually had taste and could sense potential?

>> No.78839850

I believed in her

>> No.78839875
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Cecilia, or some say CC

>> No.78839876

I was a complete doubter, i thought she got tired of the life. Go ahead and bring up my old posts and call me a dipshit you cant spoil my good mood

>> No.78839908

The title preview on links is apparently bugged for me. This is the second time it shows me the info of the sho clip when it's a completely different video. It's working correctly in the OP though. Weird.

>> No.78839918

enjoy being wrong, dipshit (sincerely)

>> No.78839943
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Not the first time.
We've had someone even smaller than her.

>> No.78840015

It wasn't something I was aware she was pursuing, and she rarely ever talked about Hololive. Having said that, she is more than good enough to get a place there so it is good she was seen. Possibly recognized by her Twitter showcases of her work or when she played Violin on Filians talent show.

>> No.78840033

thanks man, this is her hour of triumph

>> No.78840043

How small was Ina?

>> No.78840061

A lot of hires were in her range, it really has nothing to do with it. I only doubted because it didn't look like there was even gonna be an EN5 for a while and all the other corpo debuts went by without a trace of her.

>> No.78840081

I didn't think she had any corpo aspirations at all.
But like I said in the last thread, when she did graduate so suddenly I had a mild hope that it was holo.

>> No.78840097

I knew she got into a corpo, but I was very afraid we might see her in some random microcorp simply because she likes to try new things, but I always considered Hololive a possibility.

>> No.78840102

>one-in-a-thousand chance
Myth was chosen from thousands of applications, nowadays its probably one-in-a-hundred-thousand chance

>> No.78840153


>> No.78840249
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>> No.78840304

She is the puppetmaster of my boner

>> No.78840308

But my niche giantess comfort streamer

>> No.78840318 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.78840344

>some random microcorp
That wouldn't have made any sense. Just completely graduate her indie identity out of a sudden and even being secretive towards her indie friends about it only to pop up in a microcorpo sounds absurd. It was obviously a big corpo with a heavy NDA so either Holo or Niji and Niji is a joke these days.

>> No.78840377

>A lot of hires were in her range
I bet Hololive has an explicit policy of hiring at least some small indies to cultivate a sense in the wider vtubing community that Hololive could be anybody's golden ticket. It fosters good will towards the company and a sense of competition and hunger to make it.

>> No.78840421

I thought it was going to be Nina since Nina signaled plenty of times that she wanted to be part of a corpo.

>> No.78840432

Now I got reminded of VShojos auditions that ended in a nepohire, that was fun

>> No.78840434

Rolling for au-tomo[dachi]s.
Gold friends.

>> No.78840486

Vshojo operates by poaching and nepotism, complete opposite philosophy but it works for them

>> No.78840509

I'm hoping that the clockwork victorian doll aesthetic and bird mascot means she's supposed to be Olympia-coded and that it's not just my autism recognizing nonexistent homages

As such, praying the fan name are the "Hoffmen" or some shit

>> No.78840518

that is a great name desu

>> No.78840553


>> No.78840579

I knew it day one. Maybe it was just obvious to me because I followed Holo from time to time while being primarily a ligger. The modus operandis was the same as Moe's.[\spoiler]

>> No.78840627

Holo also nepo

>> No.78840671
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>> No.78840714

She's not made of circuits

>> No.78840715
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>> No.78840716

I figured it has more to do with hiring people who are experienced enough to know what they are doing, but aren't too large since they need to create a new persona from scratch.

>> No.78840736

In her early years, maybe. Now she's content where she is and will be cheering for her friend's wonderful opportunity.

>> No.78840748

I guess that also makes sense. If they're too big they also have too much negotiating power.

>> No.78840768

Well had you seen her inside?
Checkmate, gearfags.

>> No.78840802

People will always hate, as long as there is no big controversy shit like with Liz, she will do great

>> No.78840892

Hi, can you please tell my brother Hugh he has a call? Last name Janus.

>> No.78840899
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Golly I am excited right now!

>> No.78840959
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Im so ready to have a flat chuuba that isn't a (crypto) loli.

>> No.78841098

Yeah hold on one moment... Hugh Janus? Can someone check the men's room for a Hugh Janus?

>> No.78841157
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>> No.78841337
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>> No.78841340

She's an automaton. Silicon is unrefined and uncultured. She isn't some cheap made in china temu toy she is an artisan doll for patricians of taste.

>> No.78841356

is soya single?

>> No.78841371

>Saviour of Justice
Reminder to ignore Holo vs Holo posts. Especially genmate vs genmate

>> No.78841393

Cecilia sitting placidly in an antique chair backstage while a team of techs oil the joints, re-apply varnish, and polish up the brass mechanisms for tonight's performance

>> No.78841400

No, she has a boyfriend. Me.

>> No.78841401

who? Cece is definitely single

>> No.78841407

Flare would definitely laugh at that joke if she could understand it

>> No.78841410
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>> No.78841421

will we ever get to nut on her face again?

>> No.78841426

No, she's in a relationship with me. She just doesn't know it yet.

>> No.78841443

If she leaves Hololive she will maintain a part of the audience that will be bigger than before when she was indie retard

>> No.78841449

probably not but she'll come up with something similar, guaranteed

>> No.78841469
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>> No.78841503

Unbelievably erotic

>> No.78841507

I have no faith in youtube cooperating, but I have full faith on her.

>> No.78841524
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>> No.78841575

oh my god, that would work perfectly...

>> No.78841578
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I'm enjoying the rising popularity of Doll Joints

>> No.78841637

Even better if they use an acorn nut

>> No.78841681

Cecilia should release an RP ASMR where (You) perform maintenance on her...

>> No.78841687
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>> No.78841788

Cute! https://youtu.be/UTubHd6ZsSQ

>> No.78841801

it's really an inspired design and I'm surprised and happy that Cece was the first to get it, it will give her an advantage of novelty

>> No.78841883

Youtube doesn't have channel points. Plus having chat do things on screen besides chatting is annoying.
Speaking of which, did she call chat "chat" or by its fan name?

>> No.78841895

she kinda always was idol material. she can sing, play the violin, made an original song together with nina, had the most elaborate handcam stream setup i've seen in vtubing, and lots of streaming assets she made herself.
incredibly high effort stuff.
i'm glad it worked out for her, and i hope that she can continue to do most of those things in a corporate environment.

>> No.78841924

6 hours. europeans are all sleeping, now we can make actually good conversation about her

>> No.78841936

she called them chat, but they had a fan name

>> No.78841959
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acrtually going to bed, literally waking 5 am to catch my automaton


>> No.78841987

sleep well eurobro

>> No.78841988

It was pretty obvious desu

>> No.78842020

it's only 11pm on a saturday

>> No.78842024

Dang. I'm a bit spoiled by my oshi never referring to chat as "chat"

>> No.78842053

she might call us whatever our fan name is, if she comes up with something cute

>> No.78842061

i just assume every german man goes to sleep at exactly 10pm after playing his logistics simulator for 2 hours, in order to get up at 5 am to start his job as a crane operator

>> No.78842123

I don't think calling chat chat is bad. Not every chatter has earned the right to be called the fanname.

>> No.78842174

Are there holos that say "chat". I have the impressing that management discourages, but i could be missing some reps.

>> No.78842189

You sound like a massive faggot so I am glad you already have an oshi I advice you to not be a whore and stick with her going forward

>> No.78842280

even with fannames it's pretty common to still refer to chat as chat, max

>> No.78842289

Based clockpunkfriend

>> No.78842330

Im certain theyre encouraged to do it, especially now since there are gen fan names (adventrix, i dont know the others but theyre there)

>> No.78842338

So wholesome.
The lyrics are so sincere and I love it.
She seems like a very wholesome, hard working girl.
I'm hype for the debut.

>> No.78842343

I feel like a max wouldn't need to ask that question.

>> No.78842346

She's married to a green woman named Cecilia.

>> No.78842362

is she pon?

>> No.78842417

real ones call their chatters "chatroom"

>> No.78842427

Very much so.

>> No.78842432

Korone calls them listeners which is the JP equivalent

>> No.78842440

They probably do. Feeling included in a group leads to slightly more attached fans that build a schedule around the talent and are more likely to donate, member, buy merch because of the connection they feel.

>> No.78842475

Is there even point redeem integration on youtube?

>> No.78842480

Lots of EN holos say "chat". I hear it's less common among JP holos.

>> No.78842503

My oomfie

>> No.78842517

I've known of one chuuba that did this and thought it was the funniest thing.

>> No.78842532

you are not wrong. That used to be the german way.
The newer generation just doesn't understand

>> No.78842558

Most JP didn't even referred to their chats as *fanname*.

>> No.78842637


>> No.78842641

Imma take a shower. Please post screenshots if she shows up in chat again. With my luck, she will.

>> No.78842648

saying "chat" is also part of English streamer culture.
do they refer to their chats at al? t.eop

>> No.78842665

They pretty much all just say "Anta" or "Minna"

>> No.78842683

i was referring to the famous bloons streamer aria rin, but the chicken is cool too.

>> No.78842720

There are two liggers, henemimi and mint castella that do it.

>> No.78842774

It's just various version of "you guys" or "you".
Some like Stinky orca call them nerd/otaku.

>> No.78842809

Yeah I was thinking of aria. I haven't seen her in a long time. Didn't know mint and mimi did that too.

>> No.78842991
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>> No.78843179


>> No.78843225

holos will never know the joy of loving a fat bitch

>> No.78843224
File: 49 KB, 400x400, GA sol Gol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread will be bettur

>> No.78843431

>He doesn't know

>> No.78843444

there are plenty of fat holos, they just don't have fat models

>> No.78843601
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Im gonna grün

>> No.78843667


>> No.78843726


>> No.78843944

This artist understandably don't know how to draw a doll. Still cute tho.

>> No.78843948
File: 146 KB, 1536x2048, 1715872902590143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi friends!
Have fun with the debut.
I'll be watching, too!

>> No.78843993
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Same desu

>> No.78844062

thanks fren, we hope you like her when you see her!

>> No.78844149
File: 292 KB, 1243x2086, 20230708_075105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks friend!

>> No.78844230

>so much fan art
>hasn't even had her debut
Is this the true power of a corpo?

>> No.78844329

Yes. Tons of artists viewers and regular artist hoping to capitalize working in tandem

>> No.78844352

the power of associating with popular people
if snoop dogg announced his vtuber debut he'd mog every vtuber combined

>> No.78844366
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No this is the power of hololive

>> No.78844448

Sadly, yes. Cecilia and Panther cat have got more fan art qthat their PLs have got in 9 months.

>> No.78844458
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>> No.78844525

this is the first time that ive actually been hyped about a holo debut since I started watching hologirls back in late 2019

>> No.78844558

>european nighttime
>posting dies down
I guess euros are going to carry her, huh? Sorry burgers, but you'll always be secondaries.

>> No.78844579
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Any other dollfags remember this? I'm pretty sure it was the awakening of my robot/doll/automaton fetish. My disappointment was immeasurable when he never made it and instead pivoted to overpriced fashion dolls they are still cute though

>> No.78844586

Hot, metal even

>> No.78844630

I know, they’ve always been her bread and butter.

>> No.78844652


>> No.78844661
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>go in for a motorboat
>discover her chest is a 9 on the Mohs scale

>> No.78844715

Lesbian but single

>> No.78844722

As a self hating burger I want this. I despise my own kind.

>> No.78844745

I know what a mohs scale is because of biboo...

>> No.78844774


>> No.78844829

cute retard

>> No.78844843

Temper your expectation, grüner

>> No.78844927

early morning burgerbros will be more well adjusted individuals so its all good

>> No.78844943


>> No.78845049
File: 121 KB, 712x1000, 81qRzg2aGgL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better

>> No.78845188

>show model to gigantic community with countless artists in it
>get more art
It's shocking, I know.

>> No.78845289


>> No.78845386

its not like im overhyping her debut but like im legit excited for her, it doesnt rellay matter to me if her debut is just fine, just knowing that holo managed to get a girl who was beloved in her previous life makes me enthusiastic about her career as a holo and if everything that ive read about her is true then Im pretty sure that I will like her a lot

>> No.78845408

I don't know if it is better, I think a lot of the schizo guys get angry if a chuuba is a lesbian because she is even more unattainable to them

>> No.78845437

I'm excited for today's debuts bros it hasn't been since council I've been this hyped for a holo debut. Pink woman too, if she is actually Sayu's illustrator I know she will be kino, her art is incredible. And I am excited for the Italian accent

>> No.78845536

Good I hope they get filtered so I can enjoy the doll joints /u/ in peace.

>> No.78845598

Yeah if only the filtered schizos would then not be here. For years. Posting on cooldown.

>> No.78845625

She is a great and respected artist, designed ShyLilys most popular model, Lumituber and several others.

>> No.78845649

Debuts are always mid anyway. ERB actually did a great job of making it more entertaining than usual with so much singing and impressions though instead of powerpoint autism so maybe CC will play the violin for us?

>> No.78845744

no not really trust me
the only thing schizos will do is pin groups against each other and attempt to give the fanbase a bad name since they will have nothing to use against her (also its all bs contained here)

>> No.78845811

What I've seen from her is amazing. Sayu's new cyberpunk model is probably my favorite vtuber model of all time, it's absolutely gorgeous with cute faces and so many accessories and toggles. At the very least Pink Woman will be able to draw some kino props for her genmates.

>> No.78845967

Yeah she was known as pink sex factory for a reason lol

>> No.78846174

I know it's only been a little over 3 months but just to hear her voice again after not knowing if we ever will again, it's gonna be so rewarding

>> No.78846278
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Dollbros, is she going to play the dlc?

>> No.78846370

Proof of lesbianism?

>> No.78846450

Some have been bitching she needs to fix her mic but I kind of hope she keeps what she had.
Never thought it needed changing, it's not like it was blowing out like an xbox mic.

>> No.78846474

There are things you can do and achieve in hololive that you will not be able to do anywhere else in vtubing. Vshojo doesnt look for 2views, Niji is a trashfire, and Phase is a streaming corp not an idol corp.

>> No.78846482

Desu it's better in a way. It's not like any chuubas are actually attainable in the first place, but knowing that she won't be with another guy whatsoever is just reassuring. No idea if what that anon said is actually true but I'll choose to blindly believe it :^)
t. Schizo-ish

>> No.78846636

I have no idea what the fuck anyone who complained about her mic is talking about to be honest

>> No.78846723

Every encounter with Nina and Freya, never liking a man (except shotas tho), practically only commenting on the appearance of female characters in any sexual way. She likes dumb girls, that's her favorite.

>> No.78846799

She never even played Elden Ring yet so she will have to do that first but isn't that a nightmare for Holos to deal with

>> No.78846848

>CGDCT confirmed
I knew i was right to have cece as my most anticipated of this gen

>> No.78847106

Not that long left boys I am getting more stoked every hour

>> No.78847169

i saw another violin vtuber mentioned in another thread, how high are the chances it's the bean girl you all are talking about and not the other one?

>> No.78847283

99.99% of BeanQuean

>> No.78847302

in terms of perms? doesn't seem like it outside of having to demonetize the stream
the actual issue is bloodborne and that has to do with sony not fromsoft

>> No.78847348

I was doubtful at first but I've seen enough to be sure it's her.

>> No.78847438

If schizos latch on to her and start being incredibly annoying about it I might shoot myself

>> No.78847544

I'm more worried about how the JP sphere all assume she's going to be a mild mannered 'Ara ara~' type

>> No.78847758

She has the best design in HoloEN. If she's cute and talented, it's over for my heart

>> No.78847816

that's good to hear, i just looked at one video to hear a bit of her voice. i'm excited for her debut, praying for good eu hours

>> No.78847833

If I were willing to newfaggot all over the place I'd walk over to 2chan and machine translate "temper your expectations"

>> No.78847972
File: 474 KB, 2160x3840, 1690701682953821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this doll makes my pp feel good

>> No.78848008
File: 1.03 MB, 2896x4096, Sit and Stay Awhile[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxchcma.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very excited for the debut tonight!

>> No.78848019

Would she have answered "yes" if you asked her if she was a lesbian (or bisexual with the shota thing), using that wording, or is she a "cute girls are cute" yuribaiter like 90% of vtubers?

>> No.78848108

>She likes dumb girls, that's her favorite.
Oh no

>> No.78848113

If she really want to play Elden Ring now is the best time to try it out since Holomem can't monetized Formsoft game.

>> No.78848199

I sure hope not because that could get obnoxious real quick.

>> No.78848251

>>78848199 (me)
I meant the "I'm gay!" thing, not yuribaiting.

>> No.78848434


>> No.78848455

There's a difference between just saying "yes" if somebody asks if you're gay and making it a part of your personality, anonchama.

>> No.78848457
File: 697 KB, 720x720, winding down [sound=files.catbox.moe%2fflzqgh.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a name euro bros, you don't want to miss the debut.

>> No.78848495

I sure hope so, because that would be based.

>> No.78848500

She would be way too embarassed about being asked, I don't think she would ever say her sexuality explicitly

>> No.78848545

>it's a "sleeps through her own debut" episode

>> No.78848565

Movement too organic, where's my clockwork motion.....

>> No.78848567


>> No.78848573

It doesn't really matter, being in holo means you'll get accused of yuribaiting whether you're into girls or not. Those people are pretty easy to ignore though

>> No.78848579

>inb4 she missed her own debut

>> No.78848583

That would be an amazing start

>> No.78848679

The delusional schizos refuse to believe even the most obvious dykes are really gay while claiming the most painfully straight ones are. There's no winning with schizos

>> No.78848689 [SPOILER] 
File: 176 KB, 680x867, Seiso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To put into perspective how seiso or rather shy on the subject she is, she had to ask all her friends if picrel was "too revealing" and "indecent"

>> No.78848745


>> No.78848775

>doesnt like showing skin, thinks it's indecent
she's muslim isn't she

>> No.78848791
File: 921 KB, 2000x2866, 20230205_162956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love /u/ here

>> No.78848798

>(except shotas tho)
She's officially my oshi.

>> No.78848810

That was SUPER lewd. Thankfully she toned it down now or I'll have to get if off every stream...

>> No.78848811

Is she a prude?

>> No.78848885

Unbelievably cute and sex outfit

>> No.78848899

Remember that she picked that herself. A prude won't be wearing that.

>> No.78848916

>und sie waren zimmergenossen
>och mein gott, sie waren zimmergenossen

>> No.78848956

I don't remember anything though.

>> No.78848970
File: 2.39 MB, 1356x813, watamixya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you on the other side bros

>> No.78849018

Do we like yuri here

>> No.78849060
File: 105 KB, 396x296, 1698520894075955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only Nina wasn't straight and in the throws of baby fever, maybe Bean could have got her bean

>> No.78849109

Personally I'm fine with anything. Just no homo(stars).

>> No.78849113


>> No.78849144

4 hours lads

>> No.78849222

Nein, kann nicht sein! Sie liebt mich, wir sind verheiratet!

>> No.78849235

From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I claimed the strength and certainty of doll joints. I aspired to the purity of the ancient automaton. Your kind cling to your flesh as if she will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass that you call an oshi will wither and you'll beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved. For the Immergreen is immortal.

>> No.78849302

Yes. I speak for the thread.

>> No.78849340

No, just shy, not morally against but shy.

>> No.78849424

Realistically, can we have automatas IRL in the next 50 years? I want to die old with a cute anime doll wife.

>> No.78849459

Its a bit revealing yeah

>> No.78849515

Well she's white and likes anime so I am inclined to say no

>> No.78849539

yuri is the lifeblood of hololive

>> No.78849578

Automaton is a dying art anon.
If we're lucky we might get Android or Robot but there won't be anyone left who still work on clockwork in 20 years.

>> No.78849579

I've seen more risque within hololive

>> No.78849637


>> No.78849651

Clockwork is probably impossible but I actually believe they'll exist within our lifetime. I never expected to live to see it until a few years ago even when I believe it is possible philosophically and scientifically, but AI developments are accelerating at a shocking rate. The GPT-4o demo got me shook, it's literally just Her irl. Humans will be obsolete for most tasks within a decade at the current pace.

>> No.78849711

It's not about attainability, it's just that they easily get jealous of other men. If yuri happens, it just means less likelihood of another man getting in, which is ideal

>> No.78849771

If we are a /u/ split what's everyone's favorite yuri manga and why is it Asumi-chan?

>> No.78849838

I don't care about yuri stuff outside of VTubers.

>> No.78849854
File: 219 KB, 400x400, 1718769547737662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros if the rrats are true she can definitely save this new wave. I never thought I'd say this but I WISH the rrats about her are true man. I would member Ceci immediately

>> No.78849861
File: 914 KB, 2148x3384, 1694753716728099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it isn't her?

>> No.78849929

Well why would they not be jealous of a woman too?

>> No.78849938

I can safely never have to watch any of this gen's streams.

>> No.78849943

I guess the beans leave back to search for their mistress

>> No.78849959

well I guess this anon would kill himself then

>> No.78849965


>> No.78849967

then that reopens the question of where the fuck did she go and why did she suddenly quit.

>> No.78849985

A lot of beans are going to back up back to Beantopia.

>> No.78850002

imagine if she's the pink girl just to bait and switch

>> No.78850006

I hope unicorn schizos don't latch onto her as some messiah and drag her into their shitposting and use her to attack her genmates, she doesn't deserve that. I hope she just gets left alone so we can have a comfy time with her.

>> No.78850058

It's confirmed she had to move back in with her parents.

>> No.78850102
File: 358 KB, 866x1000, 1606509334012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read enough /u/ manga but I love Shimeji Sim

>> No.78850132

It's her. She made it. Trust. Believe. She got her golden ticket, she's set for life.

>> No.78850151

Just hololive vtubers really

>> No.78850156

Then I can safely say I'm not watching a Youtube stream live ever.

>> No.78850206

I've seen people doing this with shiori recently and it's annoying af. Never let them latch onto your oshi as an excuse to shit on others.

>> No.78850258

The artist and vtuber who is a friend of hers and who drew that image soft confirmed it's her

>> No.78850316

Then why are you seemingly the only one who knows about it when 20+ other beaners frequenting the thread don't?

>> No.78850347

I only read /u/ webnovels from syosetu tbdesu

>> No.78850380

God this reminds me so much of FWMCs pre-debut threads. Don't worry yourself too much. Dreams sometimes come true. And there are at least two pieces of definitive evidence out there.

>> No.78850395

that's a lot of onaholes

>> No.78850404

Is that the same as webtoons

>> No.78850484

Pre-debut jitters

>> No.78850517

It's has "novel" in the name anon.

>> No.78850526

I have the books on my shelf because I was a huge fan of Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou but I never got around to reading it. Is it good? Is it /u/?

>> No.78850589

I hope its her beans its been an honor regardless

>> No.78850623

Sometimes I dream about having a /u/ fling

>> No.78850626

Syosetu is JP equivalent to royalroad/scribblehub and is where most light novel slop comes from (since publishers will poach stuff from there that looks promising)

>> No.78850675
File: 327 KB, 588x525, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Ceci. If she truly is european she has to debut around 5am... It's already difficult for euroviewers to stay awake for her debut, I can't imagine how anxious and tired she must feel

>> No.78850685


>> No.78850709

It's her I mean I'm nervous that she won't use her regular voice and people will start to doubt but there's so much evidence now it can't be anybody else

>> No.78850768
File: 207 KB, 543x554, 1585376408119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really good. The yuri romance isn't the main focus but it's there

>> No.78850772
File: 62 KB, 662x837, 1708858315060823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you tell me the name of this artist, my friend?

>> No.78850800

We use gen here

>> No.78850810

If her debut goes well then its not out of the possibility.

>> No.78850816

I read this in parrot's voice.

>> No.78850818

Even I know that is Niji speak and I don't watch Corpos til now

>> No.78850894
File: 657 KB, 1184x848, 1710465633100855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No _

>> No.78850916

Just wait until she debut nigga.

>> No.78850927

Here Soya is her rigger and she did a fanart of Cece today

>> No.78850941

damn shame. looks like a cutie patootie

>> No.78850972

Based I'll have to read it soon. Gotta dust off my rusty nihongo anyway

>> No.78851026

I thought she's very durable?

>> No.78851084
File: 451 KB, 919x2048, GQriIeFaMAEJn1i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POWERFUL thigh to carry all that weight.

>> No.78851117

Anon I think they're trolling, they're referring to one of the barbie group, Shondo aka Fallenshadow

>> No.78851134

They just aren't. Psychology and social dynamics are like that

>> No.78851148

I dunno if Girls Last Tour is Yuri cos I haven't seen it but she really likes that one

>> No.78851170

Durable physically, fragile mentally

>> No.78851175
File: 1.08 MB, 2000x2970, GQh3xidbEAAgonK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just her acting tough.

>> No.78851212

its not her. Sorry, I'm disappointed too. Feel free to grudge post me

>> No.78851234

Stfu kek

>> No.78851281

i will jack off to shondo earlicking in honor of the debut

>> No.78851283
File: 346 KB, 1836x929, 1707679127530340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know much about how Hololive handles previous vtubing friends. Is her interacting with them feasibly possible anymore?
I know several of the girls have said that she's still talking with them in private

>> No.78851319

Oh I see the asker posted with Shondo image so I assumed they meant Nocti because she made an art today and called Cece her new Oshi and obviously Soya rigged her so it was another connection

>> No.78851338

If it’s not her, I will be genuinely impressed with the amount of coincidences

>> No.78851368

>holding hands with Shondo while also grabbing Vivi's thigh together
>other hand on Tanya's crotch
Insane lesbian agility

>> No.78851378

We'll have to wait and see. Most likely very limited if at all. She's still in touch with them privately.

>> No.78851385
File: 2.37 MB, 1280x720, 1719056872373840.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are... we going be called cogs?!

>> No.78851414

I don't know what your plan is but I don't think it's a good idea to misdirect like that.

>> No.78851416

My fellow Cogga

>> No.78851431

From what I have seen in previous threads it's feasible but far far down the line and after a vetting process

>> No.78851434

Absolutely cultured posts.

>> No.78851454

Nothing stopping them, but it's not common for them to collab nearly as frequently as if they never joined Hololive. I'd expect to see some of them at some point.

>> No.78851461

its awkward but there's nothing strictly against it if they want to keep up the kayfabe
notFauna was the one that interacted with shondo, not Fauna

>> No.78851475

It's possible but unlikely, especially in the early months. You might get a collab a year down the line with the ones who pass the filter, which means most of them are out.
As long as they stay in touch privately that's the best we can hope for.

>> No.78851491

Also Twinkettes

>> No.78851494

Usually fine, unless theyre controversial, im 90% certain people like peppa are blacklisted, otherwise bae has collabed with miori and mumei has collabed with selen but not dokibird yet which might be because cover wants to avoid bad blood with 2324

>> No.78851498

It isn't really yuri aside from it's about two girls but it's a masterpiece, it's one of the best manga ever written imo. The art is gorgeous, but the story is also beautiful and it's both crushingly nihilistic and unwaveringly hopeful.

>> No.78851508

If she is durable and indestructible, does that mean she can her way with (You)? I don't wanna be raped.

>> No.78851528

dont care about what happens on that front as long as inislein ends up sexually humiliated

>> No.78851539

Depend on the girls. Fuwamoco did collab with their friends.

>> No.78851540

It's the simplest suggestion so far but I'm holding out for wordplays like automos or immeralds.
Maybe they would be used for membership tiers.

>> No.78851553

How is that a misdirect, that's factual information you tard

>> No.78851558

holo's definitely banned pinis and shondo

>> No.78851570


>> No.78851591
File: 228 KB, 915x1041, cat dude wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to draw her eventually but i don't know doll anatomy

>> No.78851612
File: 182 KB, 2250x2250, 1689170014793712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cranks is my favorite

>> No.78851651

Just draw her as a hummies then.
Called it "human Cecilia"

>> No.78851657

doki already collabed with holostars

>> No.78851661

Fauna directly greeted Shondo on stream multiple times

>> No.78851666

Never unclothed a barbie?

>> No.78851675
File: 199 KB, 583x323, 1711197070599946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get yourself one of these

>> No.78851676

Based, good taste then

>> No.78851692

noctiluca did not draw that art.
unless the person who posted it deliberately never attributed it to her and passively claimed she drew it herself.

>> No.78851714

Everyone but Abi. Holo probably doesn't want her associated with religious extremists

>> No.78851746

She have a time limit, just survive until then and you can reversal her.

>> No.78851794

Does this cat have a syndrome

>> No.78851821

>she cant rape you if you rape her first

>> No.78851841

i barely know regular anatomy

>> No.78851858

Definitely give it a read. Idk how good the EN translation is since it's very dialogue heavy and philosophical but you can still enjoy the art.

>> No.78851891

Mutual rape, the best kind of sex

>> No.78851903

Are these actually useful for learning how to draw?

>> No.78851910

Immeralds is a good one, I've not heard that before.

>> No.78851946
File: 264 KB, 1200x716, img_0179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artcog here. Her joints are litteraly basic anatomy without the lines erased.

>> No.78851953

Yeah Nocti drew Cecilia tho, that image of Soya was drawn by Shondo but doesn't have any connection back to Cece

>> No.78851951

Honestly I've been pretty impressed with the quality of these threads. Barely any schizoing so far. I'm sure that'll change, but at least the holo regulars seem to be reasonably well disciplined

>> No.78851956


>> No.78851976

I prefer aütismos.

>> No.78851978

They're useless lol

>> No.78852000
File: 1.09 MB, 1123x1296, 1721476159573524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then just fucking admitted that you can't draw.

>> No.78852048

There was an anime miniseries too she watched that on discord, liked it

>> No.78852050

i've been drawing for 6 months tho

>> No.78852069
File: 829 KB, 1772x2717, FnWR2ddXoAEC7z7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about Gears?
>hear metal music

>> No.78852078

They're a useful posing reference but also pretty limited compared to more modern tools.

>> No.78852093

It helped with perspectives or so I've heard.

>> No.78852120

Your art looks very German, I don't even know how to explain what I mean by that but it does

>> No.78852135

I'm gonna miss you liggers once the PL iron curtain drops at debut. I'm sure a lot will stick around, but you won't be liggers at that point, or at least won't be able to be liggers in the same way here.

>> No.78852184

I really hope she cultivates a similar fanbase to her PL, but bigger. I'll be heartbroken if she ends up attracting a bunch of schizos and rude people.

>> No.78852213

Forced corpo sissification

>> No.78852233

No wonder artists had an easy time churning out fanart.

>> No.78852236

The only schizos are the automaton fetishists (me) who are of course based patricians. It's been a fun split so far, I am just really worried she'll attract the unicorn schizos after her debut and they'll shit up the thread and catalog by using her to attack the other girls. I hope we can filter them and make sure negativity is unwelcome.

>> No.78852263

Size attracts schizos pretty much regardless, but the trick is training the thread to not bite their bait, they will generally get bored and leave. Every other split had to learn it, Advent splits are still learning it.

>> No.78852281
File: 87 KB, 1024x1024, 20240623_014139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was just a random pic i found.
This is my 2nd try on Cecila

>> No.78852298

Then lets everybody here now agree to shun the future schizos and rratposters that don't show the same respect as we have

>> No.78852339

This is Pomu reskin right?

>> No.78852365

The anime is good but it only goes to like volume 2? So it misses most of the best parts including the ending. The manga is even better, it's peak.

>> No.78852416


>> No.78852447
File: 29 KB, 182x120, 1704141279322001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should get back to nasfaq
has it been updated yet to include the new ones?

>> No.78852454

It's extremely useful for posing and shadows
Articulation leaves a bit to be desired when there are action figures that have better articulation

>> No.78852472

Oh that's cute, I like it's sketchy hand-drawn look, you'll probably refine it tho ofc but it's good progress

>> No.78852500

Those eyes are ugly.

>> No.78852543

It got a little bad for a thread or two, but the shitters use obvious tactics and I've seen them get called out every time.

>> No.78852546

Yeah! There's been an IPO going all weekend!

>> No.78852557

Of course, its a sketch. Some "inking" on it and then lets see how the coloruing goes.
>colourblind artcog trying to colour.

>> No.78852574

If cecilia becomes as popular as fwmc did then this thread is fucked.

>> No.78852590

That's objectively wrong but also not constructive criticism, you would do better to include how you think they could be improved

>> No.78852643

It's cute and don't listen to >>78852500 the eyes are cute for a doll. They need more mechanical parts though I want to look into her eyes and see them focusing in on me like a camera

>> No.78852652

Not even close.

>> No.78852659

How can a subjective opinion be objectively wrong? And I don't care for some other person's ability to improve artistically.

>> No.78852671
File: 46 KB, 1032x464, 1719066007408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78852672

usually the signs of a bad thread are seen predebut, and fwmc had god awful predebut threads.

>> No.78852676
File: 58 KB, 208x246, 1701787495032444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30k already

fuck, well guess im going all in it can only go up

>> No.78852718

Idk the janny is pretty good in here so far, any obvious schizoing has been zapped

>> No.78852736
File: 290 KB, 400x400, 59AaFOob_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have seen my stuff 1 year ago. I had a big pause, getting better and better.
I see what you mean though, looking at the offical art.

>> No.78852744

she was a force of pure healing before
schizos will be converted
she is the chosen one, after all

>> No.78852772

Because the ruffians encourage it and fwmc cultivated schizos actively instead of filtering. We just need to be disciplined and keep up the filters

>> No.78852798
File: 3.85 MB, 1500x2314, Oh yeah well can a robot perform a symph-ACK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78852804

this doll is gonna make me sooooo much money!

>> No.78852806

Then don't offer criticism if you don't wish to provide solutions

>> No.78852815

Fuck you
The eyes are cute
Keep going!

>> No.78852893

I'll call it when I see it. If the artist doesn't want to get shit on, then they shouldn't post their art here where I can see it. Also why are you white knighting for an anon artist lol.

>> No.78852903


>> No.78852921

We appreciate artists here

>> No.78852926

That is highly dependent on how cece decides to manage her fans. If she feeds into them and lets them get away with bad behavior, then there is effectively nothing /we/ can do.

>> No.78852968

No offense to Fuwamoco, don't really know them but their content I've seen dare I say, was far more "babyish" than anything Cece is gonna do. Basically their audience and Ceces isn't gonna be an obvious crossover from what I've seen

>> No.78852979

Yea, and I appreciate my eyes, and the eyes of drawings my eyes see in this thread. Almost made me want to scoop my eyes out.

>> No.78853016

I am way to chill and been on 4chan way longer then Id like to admit.
>artcog ons

Welp, 2 am, 3 more hours to go. Slept for 5.

>> No.78853037

They’re called teletubbies with tits for a reason, anon
(this is not a bad thing)

>> No.78853054
File: 77 KB, 1504x450, 1714973037878910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I remembered how the auto trader works

>> No.78853081

I'm not white knighting, I just hate critics that have never contributed anything to a community shitting on other peoples efforts

>> No.78853083

Id hang your eyes on the wall but theyre uglier than that anons art

>> No.78853111

all me

>> No.78853128

shitting on other peoples effort is based however

>> No.78853156

Many have said that. I think it's an acquired taste for certain audience. I've grown to appreciate them though I'm not a regular viewer

>> No.78853159

I hope she will attract oldfag desu posters instead of election tourists and summer zoomers maybe it'll keep the thread less shit

>> No.78853182


>> No.78853206

If the artist gave up just because a couple people shit on their art, then they aren't cut out to be artists anyway. They don't need dumbasses like you defending them.

>> No.78853223


>> No.78853222 [DELETED] 

Man fauna is whipped

>> No.78853235

be nise

>> No.78853245

Here we have a prime example of the kind of posts you shouldn't reply to, and it wasn't even Cecilia-related.

>> No.78853266

i can't stop watching

>> No.78853269

They are fun in clips, but a full stream is just too much.

>> No.78853304

Equally they don't need your criticisms, retard.

>> No.78853306
File: 138 KB, 320x244, Say_desu.gif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was quite a horrible time to be alive when that hit 4chan. Most of them are in their late 30s or early 40s now

>> No.78853377

hearty kek

>> No.78853386

>teletubbies with tits
>with tits
Whaet are you talking about ruffian? Only one of them has those.

>> No.78853391

Not your personal hugbox, faggot

>> No.78853395

They don't need your criticism either, let them post their art here, and no one should reply.

>> No.78853453

I'm a zoomie (20) and I still don't know where the desu girl is from

>> No.78853468
File: 121 KB, 374x498, 1707322481268022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old fag desu posters
>late 30s

yes, me

>> No.78853473
File: 98 KB, 655x305, Screenshot 2024-06-22 200217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cecilia so strong she can even force Doki to reschedule despite a 3 hour start time difference

>> No.78853479
File: 156 KB, 900x900, 43a38820011e4be2be10d717160fdd67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They’re called teletubbies with tits
pic related

>> No.78853519

be meen.

>> No.78853521

go away

>> No.78853530

Good to see you again old friend.

>> No.78853534

Google exists.

>> No.78853538
File: 323 KB, 718x900, GQh77WkWQAACaTK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WARNING, Cecilia Immergreen debut will occur in T-minus 180 minutes.

>> No.78853627

I treat anons as my personal gpt. No tokens required.

>> No.78853631
File: 174 KB, 600x600, Eepy Ceci [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdnern1.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys SHUSH! She's trying to rest before her debut!

>> No.78853713
File: 265 KB, 361x393, Desu_Dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cecilia has made Desu posting relevant again

>> No.78853720

Maybe I'm just old but it felt like the site was so much more fun and less serious back then. I really think the election tourists destroyed the site culture and it's never recovered, back then you would have been mocked for being an ideological faggot pushing an agenda and dragging politics into everything

>> No.78853743

eep tight little ticker

>> No.78853805

Anime is named Rozen Maiden. Dolls fighting dolls to become real girl.
One of those that if I watch it again, it will prolly be a bit meh

>> No.78853854

ty, chuu

>> No.78853856

No but it's your personal rapebox, now bend over and spread your shithole

>> No.78853878

So we get practice before debut, this is the kind of dramabaiting post that should be ignored.
Go back.

>> No.78854052

Character is named Suiseiseki, and she says desu at every given moment.

>> No.78854129

I love my menhera wives.
Babyish how? They do put on a cutesy show, but I'm not sure if it's babyish. Or maybe it just seems babyish relative to how crass vtubers can tend to be in some circles.

>> No.78854373

>Babyish how?
NTA but I think it's mostly how they talk to their fans. I was a traveller and I still love them, but the whole talking to us as kids rather than give it to us straight or tell us to shut up when doing something stupid or embarrassing is kind of cringe but I get that it works for their whole new puppies schtick.

>> No.78854416

It's definitely babyish. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Everyone looks for something different in their anime emotional support women. Some people like to regress.

>> No.78854597

Why is the fuwamoco tellytubby poster here?

>> No.78854668
File: 237 KB, 850x1894, __cecilia_immergreen_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_rifufu__sample-10900a2696973642e273cf14940a544c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78854714

They're fine and I like watching the clips of mogojyan saying noeh!! it's just that they accidentally or on purpose cultivated a fan base of schizos. They definitely have a "family friendly" sort of vibe though which could be considered babyish, they seem to be incapable of being even the slightest bit edgy and it can come off weird in collabs with other holos where they have to banter. Nothing wrong with it though and I have nothing against them at all.

>> No.78854715


>> No.78854733


>> No.78854738

is she good at mariokart, or does she like it
there is an annual company wide tourmament

>> No.78854796

the eyes are cute

>> No.78854884

Don't lie to yourself.

>> No.78855238
File: 113 KB, 1200x800, 54756747585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I love cute girls
