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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78820213 No.78820213 [Reply] [Original]

The loudest silence

>> No.78820358

>ERB gets cut off due to being a retard with time management
>Advent basically brushes right past her beggarly ways
>Gigi follows that up by being based beyond belief (a Trickster Online fan)

>> No.78820377
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i don't like bullies

>> No.78820385

>oof size

>> No.78820409

>hololive fans are bullies
lol, lmao, great pick yagoo

>> No.78820410

ruhroh i think the bullies know

>> No.78820460

>bau bau bau bau~

>> No.78820518

>image of marine and mococo

>> No.78820562

Why do they sound retarded

>> No.78820593

That's not Marine nor Mococo, anon...

>> No.78820604

>socially-stunted autists on this board don't understand what "listening" means

>> No.78820649

t. bully.

>> No.78820727

>great pick yagoo
yeah anon, yagoo picked her

>> No.78820902


>> No.78820954

it one of homostars there

>> No.78821056

advent.... I KNEEL

>> No.78821133

truly the golden gen

>> No.78821255
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>> No.78821510

He does actually have final say over the picks, that's why every girl has to meet him
I doubt he's denied anyone though after they've gone through the pipeline

>> No.78821529

Yeah, and when the homos were mentioned that other time with FWMC they were just "listening" too right? kek

>> No.78821651

FWMC arent like you sister, stop trying to push this "mean girls" narrative.

>> No.78821694

FWMC literally had to say "bau bau bau bau" to fill the awkward silence, stop it

>> No.78821756

>"mean girls"
>trying desperately to pretend the dogs aren't trying to be unicorn friendly
I don't think I'm the sister here, nijinigger

>> No.78821821

Which is weird, for adult women.

>> No.78821828

Based advent the unicorn gen

>> No.78821893 [SPOILER] 

Have you ever actually watched a Vtuber?

>> No.78821931

Post tits and fuck off.

>> No.78821956

Mean? There's this saying "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all". They don't want to be mean, so they stay silent.

>> No.78822071

You two are turbo retards if you don't understand why they did that. They know their target audience well. Unitards don't fill their wallets, the parasocial/unicorns do. There's no "narrative" here. Just plain business.

>> No.78822075

3rd gen is always best gen.

>> No.78822169

What is this weird ass cope?

>> No.78822192

>can't even fill the silence
zero bants skillz
advent are FAILURES

>> No.78822342

> reading comprehension doko

>> No.78822429

You can just tell that Shiori wishes she had the same confidence and principles. I bet this reminded her of her debut and how she became the very thing she and her friends hated. She sold out and knows it. Every time she looks at Elizabeth she’ll be reminded of her own failure and weakness.

>> No.78822481

go to bed elizafat

>> No.78822507

She made the right decision, advent corrected her homolover ways and she is in a better place for that.

>> No.78822513

I was wondering what they would do because I was expecting ERB to bring that garbage up.

I kneel.
FuwaMoco are my kamioshi. Biboo is oneof favorites. I like Nerissa and Shiori quite a lot too. All of them earned even more of my respect now. Advent love.

>> No.78822594

And he says this on /vt/.
There's a good chance you have another tab up right now, writing a comment about how she's a whore.

>> No.78822616

What a bunch of cunts

>> No.78822655

The only thing this gen is going to do is showing how good of a gen Advent truly was lmao

>> No.78822664

Homos are the cancer of vtubing.

>> No.78822681
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What kind of mental illness is this?

>> No.78822727

this is even funnier considering some stuff /#/ leaked back on january

>> No.78822736

It is called being a woman. Though, these symptoms are also common in those who suffer from being brown, so it's hard to say.

>> No.78822739

Exactly, but faggots like this
Keep trying to imply otherwise.

>> No.78822788

You have to be more specific. half of vtuber related leaks happen in /#/ first.

>> No.78822806

Vtubing has a wide variety of cancers.

>> No.78822924 [DELETED] 
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>advent knee-
Fag op go kill yourself /#/

>> No.78822991

/#/ are sapling shits retard

>> No.78822992

So are you unikek, but you paid for my entertainment, so you get a gold star lil piggy.

>> No.78823015
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>> No.78823018

It's pretty easy to understand what they were thinking
>Holy shit, if we say anything at all, the autists in our audiences might actually murder us

>> No.78823023
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>> No.78823046

Jesus Christ, how horrifying.

>> No.78823062

one of their members liked official homo art on their pl and locked their twitter soon after

>> No.78823065
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>> No.78823118

kek based advent

>> No.78823120
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>> No.78823132


>> No.78823138

I hope you'll tune in to ERB's streams. She's what your lot say you want.

>> No.78823142

least based Advent moment

>> No.78823159

I used to think Advent was the worst gen, but not anymore

>> No.78823164

One of whose members? I assume this is referring to EBR.

>> No.78823270

I don't know what the red head is saying, at least splice her audio in

>> No.78823383


>> No.78823477

Reminder that bullying is based

>> No.78823484
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Advent love

>> No.78823486

korone reaction?

>> No.78823519

Advent literally stopped the nijification of EN one generation, the plan was set in motion with council and Kronii/Bae, now I worry advent wasn't successful enough and this new gen is going to achieve TOTAL NIJIFICATION

>> No.78823538

We are talking about the same FWMC that cucked their audience trying to go for numbers with the japs, right?

>> No.78823573


>> No.78823593

Paraphrasing here but basically "I love everyone. Hololive, Holostars, ReGloss". Also I think she lists "Holostars" and "Uproar" as different things even though they're not.

>> No.78823611

Oh. Either Shiori or Nerissa then, I'd bet on Nerissa. Thankfully it was in the past and both showed they're willing to adapt to Hololive ways and did so very well. People were cautious in debut period because of multiple homogens under Omega rule but none of them actually did anything bad ever while in Hololive.
EBR is very different...

>> No.78823613

>bullies? I don't like bullies! You don't have to put someone else down to bring someone else up
I've never watched Advent. Is it basically the children's cartoon show experience?

>> No.78823620
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>> No.78823637

Cope and seethe EOP, can't handle the truth.

>> No.78823686

Ruffians came crawling back because they have no self respect

>> No.78823758

I thought bullying and girl-cliques were bad and nijitier.........

>> No.78823798

They're trying to shift the shit into the new gen but I'm not going to forget. I don't even like the red bitch, but they are hypocrites.

>> No.78823802

What truth? That they still keeping the same exact timeslot they had back when they were still in Canada? Ah, I get it, you really thought their Golden Week schedule was going to be their default moving forward. I'm sorry anon but you're clinically retarded.

And another nijinigger.

>> No.78823826

But they are based for shitting on the homolovers so all is forgiven.

>> No.78823844

I wonder why the clip ends right there, mhhh

>> No.78823872

Stop replying to yourself.

>> No.78823922

The sheer unadulterated seethe that FWMC produce in sisters will never cease to be funny to me. Good lord, you'd think the dogs literally walked up and shot people's moms in the head the way narratives are made up against them specifically

>> No.78823947

Bullying retards for being retarded until they improve is always correct. Like those fat kids who get called lard ass until they start working out.

>> No.78823972

Can't handle the truth. Ruffians are the ones going for this campaign. Don't even go for the sister cope, they don't watch the debuts.

>> No.78824027
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>> No.78824056

least obvious sister, fucking plague seek the rope

>> No.78824060

You're not making any sense, sister.

>> No.78824174

Now whe know the same Ruffians that were shiting on Shiori whe she debuted are the same fuckers trying to stir up shit with the new gen, given the thread got completely derailed.

>> No.78824229

Anons are trying really hard to push this "silence" when she didn't even mentioned holostars at the time of the stream that they were silent.

>> No.78824266

FWMC represent the culture, sisters will never understand what is like to respect idol culture

>> No.78824322

Not anons, they're ruffians, they want you to forget about what happened.

>> No.78824323

That was shiori stimming

>> No.78824353

Dont forget your ssri meds sister

>> No.78824352

based based based based based based based based based

>> No.78824516

Don't know, ruffian. I'm pretty sure this gen will be as popular as the others. Trying to stir up shit on the new holoen gen looks way more like something a sister would do, your cope does not work here, accept you were cucked by FWMC.

>> No.78824529
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Shut up nigger

>> No.78824619

Me when I catch a sister false flagging

>> No.78824635

nigga please, everytime a "holo fan" has attacked another holo theyve always been outed as a nijinig, phasecuck or homotroon. You are probably one of these

>> No.78824703

nice try phasecuck

>> No.78824706


>> No.78824715

Ruffians shit on every member of Advent, as well as most other holos, its getting more fervent lately since they failed to hit their million subs goal despite their hardcore numbermonkeying and throwing their EN fans in the trash chasing jap noombers

>> No.78824728

If you get upset that a hololive vtuber is collabing with someone you don't like and you think the answer is to insult and harass them to pressure them to stop.
that's bullying.
there's a chance ERB was either talking about this or it was a lore question

>> No.78824768

Literally this whole thread, this is why you never reply to catalog posters.
>now I'm a phasecuck
It's funny in a way

>> No.78824843

Man you fags are disgusting by resorting to using Advent for your pathetic hate raid against Liz

They are clearly supportive of her and she is clearly being respectful towards her senpais. This Holo vs. Holo bullshit is really pissing me off

>> No.78824912

It's pretty funny when they call you a sister for defending another holo member.

>> No.78824960

Am I losing my mind or did they do this same amount of silence like 10 times during the stream? Seems like normal conversational silence to me. But I don't give a shit about homos so maybe I'm missing deep rrat lore.

>> No.78825093
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>> No.78825101

Hololive as a whole is clean of yabs, so we have to make up shit for entertainment. Go watch a stream fags.

>> No.78825239

uh huh

>> No.78825262

Holy baused

>> No.78825359

This dumb bitch actually drew one of the homos for her debut?

>> No.78825372

It like arguing with libtards, if you dont subscribe to their world view you are suddenly a misogynist that rape babies.

>> No.78825515

not only one... half of her drawings were homos

>> No.78825517

80% of the posts by holofags on this board are anti-ing another holo, that's literally what this thread is

>> No.78825531

I can insult who I want, that's not bullying or harassment. If they come looking for it it's their own fault. Either way, I JUST said it's a good thing anyway. She sounds like the type of girl who never got bullied enough in the first place.

>> No.78825533

It's kind of interesting that people in this thread are acting like this is the first time Advent has even seen the new talents as if they didn't have like 6 months of onboarding and time to talk amongst each other and get to know each other. If this was actually a problem, wouldn't someone up the chain of management actually do something about it?

>> No.78825622
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>ifunny waterma- ACK

>> No.78825657

Alright, that's it
Advent is the most basedesd HoloEN and dare I say it, Holo Gen.

>> No.78825687

It's never a problem, JP collabs way more with homos that this red bitch ever will.EN fans just like to larp as if they where schizoid JP idol fans.

>> No.78825804

>Source: It came to me in a dream.

>> No.78825862

>using Advent
Advent is silent when the homos appeared nothing against Liz.

>> No.78826062

Uproar is actually just as “separate” from Holostars as Regloss is from Hololive, so if she mentions one separately it’s correct to mention the other

>> No.78826183

eat shit faggot. CGDCT rules in Hololive. Always has been. ALWAYS will be.

>> No.78827543

Advent is currently pandering to unicorns but why do you think they made a big deal about not liking bullies? They don't want unicorns to attack Elizabeth for collabing with Holostars and they wanted to make that clear to viewers.

>> No.78827681

>Yagoo literally hired someone to take the sisters off Shiori's back
>he even gave them a lore connection
lol, lmao
I'll just keep ignoring Elizabeth and avoiding any group collabs

>> No.78827735

> eat shit faggot. CGDCT rules in Hololive. Always has been. ALWAYS will be.
no wrong I don't give a fuck at all go kill yourself /#/

>> No.78827800


>> No.78827998

post membership.

>> No.78828084

Goes both ways desu. I've seen unitykeks and beggas fire shots to what they label pickme girls, i.e advent.

>> No.78828141

That wasn't even that bad you're all just being a bunch of girls again

>> No.78828180

>you’re a sister
>no YOURE a sister!
This shit is so funny

>> No.78828230
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It's a tale as old as the internet

>> No.78828333

>You can just tell that Shiori wishes she had the same confidence and principles
I can't because I don't have schizophrenia

>> No.78828455

every girl does not meet him. that stopped long ago.

>> No.78828456

Youre so cute when you throw a tantrum, hopefully you can learn some more english next time

>> No.78828503

>>78823270 (me)
this is so dumb, here's the clip with audio. Jesus you guys are retarded

>> No.78828562

>Shiori seethe
Respect her collab choices.
Vesper and Magni sabotaged the EN homos’ reputation within the company enough on the way out that there’s no way the others would want to go back to that.

>> No.78828728

Why did you say the same thing thrice?

>> No.78828764

at least make it longer and cover the actual whole page so it has the part where she talks about the collabs.

>> No.78828899
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>> No.78829142

I honestly can't state enough how much those two retards ruined the entire stars's future development for growth, at the very least the remaining and new members seem to be doing just fine albeit with a smaller audience than they could've had otherwise but if your a true stars fan you shouldn't like either one of these menara fuckheads. Its the best way to spot fake stars fans.

>> No.78829401

She was saying not to expect many collab partners from her. That is all she ever said, just she phrased it terribly.

>> No.78829613

No, they didn't do anything to the Stars rep. They came in to start the branch off on a good foot, had a great run and gained a lot of good attention to Stars, then ended up leaving for business reasons.
The only ones who view them negatively are unicorns.

>> No.78829854

Fuck off you faker, my Vesper merch was for fucking nothing, fuck this traitor.

>> No.78829929

Well the femicorns hate them too, especially Vesper, so much so that one of them made /cbdct/ and dont forget the endless catalog threads.

>> No.78829957

>going quiet when your coworker mentions wanting to speak to other people in the same company
>everyone cheers this psychotic behavior on
Have I just become too normal for Hololive?

>> No.78830088

yes, it's time to leave and stop watching. bye.

>> No.78830145

don't worry this new gen was made just for you normiefriend.

>> No.78830171

>Have I just become too normal for Hololive?
Since they were obviously just listening I'd say no.

>> No.78830203

kek, this is the second time now a few seconds of silence absolutely makes sisters livid

>> No.78830249
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>I can insult who I want, that's not bullying or harassment.
literally by definition it is

>> No.78830319

Its just Ernoul and friends shitting up the board. Unicorns are pretty clear on their position, state your intentions early and we wont watch or harrass you thats it.

>> No.78830327

>ruined the entire stars's future development for growth
By becoming the most recognized names in a sea of literallywhos, then leaving, allowing the Holostars concept to grow into what it was always intended to be - an unmarketable idea that exists only so that Cover could say "We have boys too, you know"?
If stars sucks, it's more in spite of them, than because of them.

>> No.78830373

I'm not personally cheering for it, but I do find it funny. Here you have a girl who actively swims against the accepted norm as opposed to the advent girls who've already understood the assignment and do what's already proven and tested. Time can only tell what happens to Liz. I won't personally watch her streams but I'll be observing her numbers.

>> No.78830383

She didn't even talked about holostars in the segment where they were silent

>> No.78830403

>state your intentions early and we wont watch or harrass you thats it
Can I also get an order of "shut the fuck up about them on /vt/" as well?

>> No.78830464

>please acknowledge da bois!!

>> No.78830505

Idk I think you might an incel anon. Can’t you respect women’s choices? Honestly it seems you just want an excuse to be a misogynist.

>> No.78830565

Am I not autistic enough to see anything wrong with this? It's not like they were mid sentence and then they stopped the second you saw Stars members (which apparently no one on this site can recognize was literally the page talking about bullies since that's Flayon on the right). FWMC going silent when seeing them on screen in the Holofes stream was MUCH more egregious than this as there's no bausible deniability at all there.

>> No.78830612

No it's not. I don't care what google tells you dipshit, harassment is when you're actively pursuing after someone and trying shitting on them when they're trying to be left alone. I could shit on her anonymously here all day and there wouldn't be an ounce of "harassment" to it. If she comes here and sees it it's her own dumbass fault.

>> No.78830677

>other people in the same company
Sorry, who?

>> No.78830715

This rrrrat again. They've already done this twice. The first one was all visual. They were reacting to pictures of holofes, when homos came up, advent girls went radio silent on their reactions and only bae (who's pro homo) gave a slight remark. Imagine high pitched cheering reactions to pictures of holo girls but when the homos come up, everything went deadly silent. You could even tell how awkward it was. It was especially hilarious when they went back to cheering after the homo slide was done. I can't even make this up. It's so funny.

>> No.78830732

Graduate them all for threatening Yagoo's dream

>> No.78830792

Yep, now please leave this hobby

>> No.78830857

I hope someone in Advent sees this

>> No.78830868

Would've been fine if homobeggars weren't as much of a menace as they are these days.
I don't remember anyone seething about Bae this much, most of the focus at the time was on FauMei.

>> No.78830869
File: 220 KB, 500x600, yagoo-go-back [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzmejg4.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homo dream cope

>> No.78830960

Shiori in particular is such a nonstop blabbering machine that for her to not be talking for more than 20 seconds is more damning than anything, but that would require people other then myself actually watching her to know that.

>> No.78830976


>> No.78831035

This is the kind of sister that anti her btw for not doing what they want aka homocollab.

>> No.78831109

>Casually leave out the fact the Ina also reacted to it

>> No.78831133

>Sister hating holo girl
I thought they love them, why are they such a hypocrite?

>> No.78831184

>Hate each other
No one's implying that anon. It simply shows advent's stance on the whole homo thing. They don't necessarily hate each other. But who am I to say. Something could be cooking behind the scenes.

>> No.78831191

I genuinely cannot tell which part of the video is the weird silence you're trying to highlight

>> No.78831260
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>ERB talking about how she doesn't like bullies
Based dog

>> No.78831264

yeah she regrets fucking up her I'm not collabing with strangers speech and replying to the homo

>> No.78831333

Collab beggers should be shot, simple as, no you dont get to deflect with le evil homobegger.

>> No.78831337

no they aren't, every time I gave them a chance they fucked up 2 days later

>> No.78831364
File: 186 KB, 528x1671, 1709122643389166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would the fuck would she ever want go back to the people that screwed over her vtuber career in the past? Have you ever wondered that the reason she probably made that "Respect my collab choices" speech during debut was because she wanted her PL fanbase to fuck off for good?

>> No.78831384

>It simply shows advent's stance on the whole homo thing
Fear of losing paypigs by saying literally anything that might be construed as positive.

>> No.78831409

>t. Im a schizo that can read anon minds on /vt/, while all the homotroon harrassing holo in the real world with account history are not real.

>> No.78831520

just for (You)

>> No.78831588


>> No.78831653

>Fear of loosing money
And? It's a job man. Even if they tell me straight to my face they don't care about the cash flow, I wouldn't believe them and call them hypocrites.
>Literally say anything...
In this case, not saying anything.

>> No.78831718

You sound like an incel anon, respect their choice, didn't you say the same thing with erb too.

>> No.78831801

That doesn't really seem like they get quiet.

>> No.78831810

What I'm saying is that you can't construe "staying silent out of fear of offending crazy people," as "their true feelings on the matter."

>> No.78831915

That anon is right, sister consider shit talk on a mongolian basket forum is harassment, now i can see why a single silent is akin to being a hitler.

>> No.78832073

Well of course. They're playing a persona. I understand it's just kayfabe and I'm sure everyone else understands it's not real too.

>> No.78832148

>women not doing what I want is psychotic

>> No.78832332

>Fear of losing paypigs
or maybe Advent dont care and dont know shit about homos (like everyone i guess )

>> No.78832388

>no one likes bullies

>> No.78832442

>silent for a whole 4 seconds when nothing happens
the girls are all laughing at you at this very moment

>> No.78832463

>my Vesper merch was for fucking nothing
It was a tea cup and pot, just drink tea with it

>> No.78832476

Why can’t you respect women’s choices? You don’t know what they’re thinking. Stop being an incel.

>> No.78833217

I can't believe you found a clip where they were silently watching the debut. Crazy!
They didn't comment on any of the art until it was art of Nerrissa, but they also didn't go silent the one time during debut she talked about Holostars. They were saying Advent because they wanted to be called out in specific as Senpai. Instead, Liz listed Hololive, Holostars, Uproar, and ReGloss. The four overall branches.
Advent didn't acknowledge boys, but they also didn't go silent like the dogs did last time. Please watch streams.

>> No.78833271

because they don't. They don't even go quiet when she mentions holostars by name when she's thanking her senpais

>> No.78833585

Yeah. It is what it is. I wish it were some really great silence like fuwamoco did before, but it's just not. Arguing they had some big silence is no better than the arguments about what Shiori didn't really say last time.

>> No.78834220

>The criminal gen Advent (the bad guys) are unicorn friendly
>The law enforcer gen Justice (the good guys) are homocollabers
That's pretty on the nose

>> No.78834662

>bad guys are actually the good guys
>good guys are actually the bad guys
a little overused but I love this trope, great world building yagoo

>> No.78835244
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>> No.78835610

>sisters are the biggest bullies of them all
>ERB hates bullies
>"yeah take that unicorns"

>> No.78835833

putting bullies right before holostars mention, this hag is evil genius innit

>> No.78836020
File: 972 KB, 220x220, 1651035842610.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sisters are the biggest bullies of them all
>ERB hates bullies
>shill homos to high heavens
>ERB is an undercover sister

>> No.78837367

This isn't Kurosanji sister

>> No.78837387

You guys are fighting over a nothing burger, liz didn't even mentioned holostars at the time where they were silent

>> No.78837607

This is a job
Money first, then coworkers later
The fans gives them money, not coworkers.

>> No.78837622
File: 95 KB, 303x223, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fyjb0bs.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i smell a tranny behind this post

>> No.78837776

this bot's script is repeating itself...

>> No.78838072

Not a single person ITT even watched their watchalong huh literally only the clip lmao

>> No.78838240

>Unicorn LARPers don't actually watch the girls
The irony of this has been true for years and has always ben embarrassing

>> No.78839128

>dislike allergies bullies
I absolutely have no idea on why the fuck did she say that? Is it purely because she's THAT retarded? I mean is there even any other member listing shit like that on their debut "dislike" Section?

>> No.78839297

Because it's not a controversial statement to say you dislike either of those things? Pretty much everyone hates bullies and allergies. It's on the same level as people saying they hate cockroaches and jorts.

>> No.78839836

ReGloss is basically Hololive too, yet you see no issue with them being mentioned as if they're a separate entity, curious

>> No.78840110
File: 4 KB, 301x116, 8ASS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to go on record as stating that ReGloss and the entire Dev_IS division was a stupid as fuck idea.

>> No.78841640

She did not phrase it terribly, you're all just ESL retards, and or autistic as fuck and unable to understand what people say. She said she was gonna collab with who she wants, and it takes her a while to warm up to people. Maybe stop being retarded.

>> No.78841796

I wanna sit in on your harassment lawsuit when your only defense is "NU-UH JUDGE I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK HARASSMENT IS I DIDN'T POST IT UNDER MY REAL NAME SO IT'S NOT HARASSMENT"

You do know that there's precedent for this already, yeah? You sound like some sovereign citizen moron with this shit

>> No.78842026

Bullying someone by using the legal system as your weapon is much, much, much worse than posting mean things on the internet.

>> No.78842112

If you say something mean about someone that's not harassment. If you go out of your way to seek out me being a big ol' meanie on a completely different part of the internet that doesn't mean you can magically sue me. Good luck trying lol

>> No.78842572

>I wanna sit in on your harassment lawsuit
"Mr Judge, he day it bad things about my drawing that I use as an avatar on the social media"

Please return to your HRTdiscord.

>> No.78842735

where's this "le awkward silence" people are talking about
all i see are five cute girls WATCHING in the WATCHALONG

>> No.78843262

Trying to earn a living and wanting to sing and dance is a sin somehow because the person on screen is not constantly flirting with opposite sex? What kind of sad life do you lead, ms femcel? Or are u jealous no man is willing to even spend a single dollar on u...

>> No.78843679

Ina has always been the True Neutral of homocollabing.

>> No.78844206

>This thread it's still up

>> No.78846097

This whole time I thought she said "boys? No one likes boys" "I don't think anyone does".
Why do they talk like that?

>> No.78846365


>> No.78846574

Excuse me, we don't just call anyone a whore

>> No.78849214


>> No.78849639

They are not unicorn friendly. They are unicorn chasers since minute 1. No one gives akasupas like friendless losers with no life.

>> No.78849907
File: 323 KB, 1451x421, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love advent so fucking much.

>> No.78850256
File: 182 KB, 1847x302, image_2024-06-21_120331120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sure smells like sisters in here.

>> No.78850454

That is a retarded image.

>> No.78850631

No, no. You're right. It's calling listening. But you see, some time ago the dogs did some kind of similar stunt, being silent at the mere mention of a homo (i think, i don't watch them and i don't want to watch them), and since then all the unicorns feel validated to say whatever schizo theory they see.

>> No.78850699

I went and checked Mori's debut watchalong out of curiosity and even she didn't acknowledge ERB's homo drawings outside of just a generic "hey she's a good artist". That's fucking grim. She better wise soon.

>> No.78851066

who's next on the watch order?

>> No.78851459

That's the point retardchama. This thread and all the other "worst gen ever" are either made by unicorns, sisters falseflaggins as unicorns or dramatards falseflaggins as sisters falsseflaggin as unicorns. Confused? Yeah, because all this forced high school drama gets confusing in the end.

>> No.78851703
File: 236 KB, 1326x1574, 1718830480704911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you?

>> No.78853599

>I respect Fuwamoco for their choices but FUCK THEM I HATE THEM THEY SHOULD DIE
the average homowatcher

>> No.78853861

I am fully convinced that advent is holo's experimental gen, a gen that avoids interacting with homos as much as possible.

>> No.78854953

>Shiori would probably be down
My god, they're still at it with her.

>> No.78855115

Holy shit, is the fastest way to make them shut up just mentioning a man in their presence? It's actually too easy

>> No.78855143
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1556, 1719024814244818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eradicate bullies
>Create safe haven for HololiveEN production
>Arguably #1 singer of the branch

>> No.78856532

You guys are literally grasping at straws at this point

>> No.78856726

Wait this meme doens't even makes sense? Don't you guys keep saying hololive isn't holostars? Then why are you mad that she wrote "holo"?

>> No.78857208

Nerissa was a Vespie so that's who you're probably talking about.

>> No.78857270

>shows holostars
>girls say "ooooo"

>> No.78857761

I'm honestly impressed someone managed to do a worse debut than Shiori's "RESPECC MUH COLLAB CHOICES CHUD"
My fucking sides.
Everyone was just thinking "Oh God what the fuck is this stupid bitch doing?!"

>> No.78857938
File: 508 KB, 600x450, Funny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder, Kronii still hasn't mentioned Holostars once, since the last squad collab in May 2023. They're dead to her.

>> No.78858093


>> No.78858260

You don't watch her

>> No.78858443
File: 6 KB, 835x117, Screenshot 2024-06-22 211148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78858472

sister = homosister/nijisister = hololive anti
it's not rocket science

>> No.78858565

You threw money at her for almost 3 years, but you don't watch her streams? What the fuck!

>> No.78858572

Yeah ok

>> No.78858603

>They're dead to her
I mean yeah, she was only friends with the two grifters that bounced after ruining everything for everyone

>> No.78858689

Stream and timestamp?

>> No.78858716

Wait, she wasn't really close with any other holostar aside from magni and vesper and they didn't even leave in bad terms, they're Alumni in the hololive site, so i don't know what's the "gotcha" here.

>> No.78858782

Leave on bad terms? Kronii never even mentioned them leaving, unlike Kiara and Mori.

>> No.78858891
File: 178 KB, 1079x1050, 9764356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know Shiori will think about this post for a long time dont you, you evil bastard.

>> No.78858903

>I don't like bullies
>Korone: Bully? I love that game
And this is why Korone is the best

>> No.78858922

Also let's not forget that the word "Vesper" has been banned in her chat for a year now.

>> No.78858924

>/vt/ thinks le been woman is bad
>/vt/ only wants to watch women

>> No.78858994

>ruining everything for everyone
It was the unicorn backlash that ruined it for everyone. If that had never happened, the whole situation would have been merely an unfortunate event instead of a disaster that permanently impacted her career. It showed her that her audience wasn't a group she could count on for support, but just another adversary to be handled tactically, much like her incompetent/hostile managers.

>> No.78859088
File: 396 KB, 1530x930, tactical watamelon protects fuwamoco doro from gunshots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78859104

dont even have to sniff, I can sense the fear in the sister. U don't have to react if there is nothing to hide, unless... paki-chan....

>> No.78859576

...creates the loudest farts.

>> No.78859671

honestly, this is a based take

>> No.78859694
File: 1.32 MB, 3508x2199, 1685251667753147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only that, it showed her and the rest of the girls that if they care about the boys in any capacity, they would have to avoid mentioning or interacting with them, lest the crazy percentage of their fans overreact and harass them as well.

>> No.78860123

That's because of spammers with her previous drama

>> No.78860262

why would she? they killed her career

>> No.78860293

anon, most if not all homosisters are prohololive. they wouldn’t be begging if they were antis. get your shitposts in order, it’s embarrassing

>> No.78860303
File: 1.46 MB, 1024x576, landalaugh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fs48ehp.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it showed her and the rest of the girls that if they care about the boys in any capacity, they would have to avoid mentioning or interacting with them

>> No.78860462

No, I think she was (is?) close with the blue haired boy, but ever since people started shipping them they avoided each other like the plague.

>> No.78860613
File: 16 KB, 605x217, 1716257054645266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they wouldn’t be begging if they were antis

>> No.78860709

Why is bae drawn as a man in this picture?

>> No.78860846

you know why

>> No.78860888

>career killed
>doing better than 90% of any other EN corpo
>a millionaire
Just how fucking stupid can unikeks get ?

>> No.78860964

actual nijisister behavior, you should be embarrassed

>> No.78861134
File: 4 KB, 125x113, 1665856749811557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exposing some beggar who threatened to cuckpost Watame is nijisister behaviour

>> No.78861144


>> No.78861198

Being memetic is an effective way to get the point across.Case in point, the Russian orange still holds a grudge over l'il Marco saying his hands were small. And more funny, the fact he had them photo shopped to look bigger in official press pictures

>> No.78861199

Because the audio they're reacting to is in another video.

>> No.78861237

>Fuwamoco's enthusiasm immediately returned after the homostar segment is done.
Everybody was kneeling out of respect.

>> No.78861495

Silence cant be loud you dumb retard

>> No.78861600
File: 110 KB, 1200x715, 1685245317769032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78861670

My rrat is Vesper mistook Kronii's kindness for affection and then had a meltdown when she friendzoned him after he hit on her.
Or she felt betrayed because she was willing to light her career on fire and plunge her fanbase into a civil war for the homos and, the homos replayed her loyalty by being little bitches and quitting making everything Kronii did meaningless.

>> No.78861821

I mean I like Holostars in general but I didn't recognize who that was. I'm still not sure if it's Miyabi or Flayon. But the next slide with Oga and Bettel was very nice.

>> No.78861885

Exposing? Anon, if you’re gonna post facts, don’t post out of context Twitter shit. Prove that beggars are antis. Shipping isn’t anti behavior, even if it’s done for trolling. You’re just looking for drama and you’d at this point

>> No.78861973
File: 137 KB, 480x480, 1686022833268882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its Flayon. You can tell because the hat is a Machiroon.

>> No.78862054

Always found that strange. Kronii was all over their dicks and even going against her own fanbase to go be with them. But then suddenly she stopped collabing with them. Then they got graduated and she never even acknowledged their graduation either. Now she completely ignores the Homos. Like they don't even exist.

>> No.78862121

Sometime during the period Vesper and Magni were suspended, notKronii went on a, 'Who the fuck do you think you are? I don't even know you?' rant. At the time I didn't think it was Hololive related, but it probably was. She didn't name names, but she was incredulous that someone would attack her friends and think she wouldn't stand-up for them.

My rrat is that Vesper and Magni got too comfortable and started shit talking the other girls to Kronii. Kronii lost her shit, since obviously she'd never be ok with that.

>> No.78862354

One of the more nuanced ways to tell if an anon is ESL or not is if they try to fill in drama where none exists. Their unfamiliarity with the language leaves them guessing at social cues, and this is the result.

Despite how soap-opera dramatic it would be for all you little shitposters, "bullies" doesn't refer to any of the girls or fans. Use some common sense and critical thinking. Avoid using retard logic.

>> No.78862385

nigger, Vesper and Magni are fucking faggots... Or maybe they were bi-sexual? Because one thing they aren't is straight.

>> No.78862501
File: 110 KB, 439x698, all kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wives are based

>> No.78862615

This make more sense than sexual advancements. Faggots are worse than women when it come to shit-talking behind your back.

>> No.78862661

>Shipping isn’t anti behavior
You're too far gone, sis. Shipping two real persons of the opposite sex is already going over the line. Doing so to spite one of their fans is outright antagonistic.
You're basically just proving the stereotype correct.

>> No.78862697

thats what happens when you give homobeggars an inch

>> No.78862713

>pretending Holostars don't exist
>staying quiet when they are on screen
Sora once mentioned that she does keep up with what happening on the Holostars side of things because it is not a good thing to not be able to say anything about all your coworkers even if you don't work with them much.
The silence when Holostars is on screen is exactly what Sora referred to. Not even a "That is a good drawing"?
Simply acknowledge that they exist and that would be enough to get past such moments without the awkward silence.

>> No.78862714

>He actually stupid enough to believe the gay excuse.
Look at the retard and laugh.

>> No.78862728

holy kek

>> No.78862751

this just proves that unicorns are not economically significant. If they were fuwamoco would have millions of subs, and they'd be the top earners. I guess unicorns don't donate shit

>> No.78862839

I love that you keep using her as an example but probably never watch her.

>> No.78862914

Is this your NTR cuck fantasy? Vesper is the biggest faggot I've ever seen.

>> No.78863024

Stop projecting.

>> No.78863026

>lying through its teeth
the average unicuck

>> No.78863078

Yes I don't like collabs with Holostars (I like some of them but not with the girls) but it's so uncomfortable for them to not say anything at all. Their fans are unicorns but surely not to that extent either, no one other than like 5 anons here would actually care if they were like wow cool drawing and that's it.

>> No.78863123

Not the worst theory as that is the one way to get even Mori to cut ties with you. Given Magni's ego and how he felt he was never "given a chance" he may have said things about girls who wouldn't collab.

>> No.78863318


This gen is the first time a gen has been 4 members for a girls group since Gamers (Excluding ID since they're always 3 people) so that is a bit odd. Maybe one got to Yagoo and he said no, maybe something came up and they ended up not being able to do it, maybe they yabbed too hard and got released before debut. Who knows.

>> No.78863426

It probably just has to do with FuwaMoco only having one channel and Justice supposedly being Advent's "counterpart".

>> No.78863486

>Always found that strange
>Kronii was all over Vesper's dick
>But then suddenly she stopped collabing with him when he suddenly was prevented from streaming
>Now she completely ignores the ones she's always ignored
Adds up to me

>> No.78863553

>shipping two people from the same company is anti behavior
>whining about antagonism when the unicorns are coming out in droves to shit on a new holo girl for, gasp, absolutely nothing

holy k-pop, Batman, and you have the audacity to call others homos. this is straight up troon shit. hypocrisy of the highest order. I don’t even care about the stars idiots, I am utterly annoyed at you shits for making this hobby a chore at times. I just want to watch cute girls be retarded, not be screamed at by spastic mutants who can’t help themselves but piss and shit their pants anytime a chuuba does something they disagree with. don’t moralize, you have no morals. get the fuck out of my hobby.

>> No.78863587

Fuwamoco is basically one person, though.

>> No.78863652

Biboo, Shiori and Nerissa were all excited during the new girls' debut streams but Fuwamoco acted almost jealous. Are they always like that?

>> No.78863724

Based and wise Soda-chan. The mark of someone who actually had to work for what she has now.

>> No.78863766


The overwhelming runt of her group by almost 100k vs Red who is up on GG as of now. We'll see how the other two do after their debuts, but as of this moment, Red is winning.

She didn't gain anything by "course correcting" in fact she probably lost out by not doing it. Any of the girls who have the balls to collab with the guys are basically going to get a boost from the guys viewers while losing very few unicorns.

>> No.78863889

I'll say it, its annoying how much Fuwawa and Mococo kept going "[mention] Advent" whenever Elizabeth talked about Hololive. You could feel the passive aggressiveness emanating from them towards her.

>> No.78863908

the kayfabe is so strong they probably have a lot of suppressed bitterness

>> No.78864304

Nice blogpost, but I'm not a unicorn. Doesn't take one to recognize how most beggars act like antis. Now fuck off from "your hobby" and stop justifying your fetishes.

>> No.78864358
File: 94 KB, 1021x1024, 1714703690988442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true sister, now go back to ny-ACK

>> No.78864485

>haha dude you should totally be like Sora, she’s the daisenpai after all!
>what? I’m not going to watch her, that’s ridiculous, I’ve got DA BOOOOOIZ to shitpost about (and still not watch, either)

>> No.78864489

>the kayfabe is so strong I can't even recognize when they do things for kayfabe
They're unironically too good

>> No.78864491

This one makes more sense to me than the cuck shit.

>> No.78864523

Nta but retard like you make unicorn unironically looks retarded, you make no argument at all

>> No.78864601


>> No.78864611

These sisters must be dumber than the niji feesh if they think they can latch on to Sora to gain acceptance.

>> No.78864651

Not kayfabe, they're just women.

>> No.78864682

Go back and listen to Advent's watchalong sometime and make it a drinking game taking a shot anytime either of the twins go 'Advent' or 'Advent?'. There is one 20 second segment where they say it like 5-6 times

>> No.78864737


Brilliant - something like this probably happened

>> No.78864772

They legit don’t seem comfortable with the harassment some of their fanbase inflict on other members of their company. That’s probably why they went silent the first time. If they say anything, it isn’t just the stars who get shit, it’s their fans, employers, and genmates as well. It’s just not worth the trouble of acknowledging their co-workers for even a second. I guarantee Cover has stressed this to both sets of talents post-Holosalt. Honestly that’s super depressing, I can’t imagine the hassle of worrying about how a minuscule amount of a fan base may feel about every single thing you say and do.

>> No.78864950

I've re watched that clip so many times lmao. A shit ton of beggar seethe in the comments. These fucking subhumans man.

>> No.78864954

>using someone in your culture war as a proxy for pushing your shit
>thinking I won’t notice this

>> No.78865114
File: 687 KB, 611x595, 1683577924114932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy mother of copium, you retards are more delusional than unironic unicorns

>> No.78865115

>muh invisible gun again

>> No.78865143

If they don't want schizo fans they shouldn't cater to schizos. They have no one to blame but themselves.

>> No.78865213

still haven’t explained how shipping two people from the same company is anti behavior. I accept that you’re a coward who has nothing to back their deiulu. I accept your retreat

>> No.78865235

Look beggar-kun, you're not fooling anyone, we've all been around long enough to know that male collabs only lead to the death of vtubing. We just don't want her to hurt any of our girls on the way down. Other than that nobody cares about her.

>> No.78865413
File: 644 KB, 640x645, 1661184166281004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need to be explained why that's bad, you're already too far gone. You need meds, unironically.

>> No.78865453

Wow so much Jealousy and passive aggressiveness
Like i said go back to /pcg/ or whatever troon like you come from

>> No.78865535

>>78865413 (me)
Pardon, it was meant for this >>78865213

>> No.78865544

I don’t even care about the stars, sister. Watching vtubers shit themselves around men is just beyond bizarre.

>> No.78865727

Damn, you'll write an entire fanfiction to explain your delusions before accepting reality. The only reason you and your companies top earner aren't best buds is because they don't want their clients to harass you. That's what you sound like.

>> No.78866096

Don’t talk to me about reality when you guys are actively poisoning the well of a new hololive member two days into their fucking run. That, dear anon, is far more delusional.

>> No.78866442

You ain't notice shit retard-chama, you're just too stupid to even think some kind of decent counter argument, that post you're replying to isn't even a new argument and the poster left out the part where Sora basically said she has duty for it because she often need to be MC and such, if you're not new or retarded or both then you should've know that Sora can't simply be used as an example because she is technically different than regular Hololive talent, she and A-chan are like Yagoo so obviously they got to promote all of their products which including Homostars

>> No.78866467

Yeah we know beggars don't care about vtubers, it's an established pattern of behavior. We enjoy it though, and because we can spot patterns, we can see how male collabs are vtubing poison. Why would we be happy that a new source of poison is around someone we care about?

>> No.78866790

Yet you don’t use A-chan or Yagoo for your arguments.

>> No.78866973

>the talents should be able to acknowledge the homos if they want, stop being a bully
>wtf you can’t just ignore them, that’s wrong!

>> No.78867039

Poisoning the well? She very deliberately hung a sign saying "This well is Poisoned", and you're actually just annoyed at people for noticing her sign.

>> No.78867059

This is so goddamn funny

>> No.78867258

People use A-chan and Yagoo all the time for this shit, holy shit how new?

>> No.78867273

>same company
bro it's like saying you want to get the janitors involved in your daily standup meetings

>> No.78867758

I’m talking about ITT right fucking now.

>> No.78868066

In other words, you don’t have shit. You’re gonna generalize and draw long as the day hyperbole to justify your inherent hatred of yourself, your gender, and the world around you. My oshi is Ina, btw. The fact that you fucks can only combat any pushback for your nonsense by making rhetorical claims of your opponent not watching streams or buying merch when you have nothing to back those claims says everything about the content of your character. I’m willing to fight for the girls and hololive at large st least.

>> No.78868964

Like I said you ain't notice shit retard-chama, anyone isn't retarded newfag know that you can't use Sora as an example for this matter because she has the same position as A-chan and Yagoo

>> No.78870339

nta, but yeah you sound like a faggot. Imagine having Ina as an oshi and thinking you can speak about anything

>> No.78871413

I hate having to use any ounce of willpower to write this, but whatever: These non-arguments for the sake of DA BOIZ always stem from her role as daisenpai and how she has approached her idol career. That’d be fine, except that, unlike A-chan or Yagoo, she’s still a talent that is active with streaming, and her supposed supporters across the lane don’t bother watching her. Her actual supporters are numb to this crusade on either side and only care about lifting her up, not using her as a proxy for their ulterior motives. By stating that you don’t bother watching her, I am casting you amidst those that only use her for your own goals and care not about her on a personal basis, the same as the legion of clipfags or twitter retards that only care about outrage and changing the tide for their own amusement.

>> No.78871598

NTA but fighting for the normalization of homocollabs will only bring about the end of Hololive as we know and love. Do whatever the fuck you want if that makes you feel good with yourself, I'll entertain myself with something else when that happens.

>> No.78873418

But if the majority of the girls don't care to collab with Holostars, than almost nothing would change from how Hololive currently is. I mean the invisible gun isn't real, right?

>> No.78874336

You mistook me with someone else or what? I don't even care about your retarded war I simply find it hilarious that you're ironically make the unicorn side looks retarded, if you think "you probably don't watch" is an argument that helps your case whatsoever then you're unironically retarded, so long that they actually watch then they are correct? That's what you basically said lmao
