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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 760 KB, 1919x1080, allholos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78791164 No.78791164 [Reply] [Original]

Owari da.

previous thread >>78744461

>> No.78791249

Oh wow another shitpost /innit/ general

>> No.78791320

is this a real fan one or a fake fan one

>> No.78791371 [DELETED] 

We love the homos here incel

>> No.78791853

It's over. I almost feel bad for pronoun woman.

>> No.78791931


>> No.78792028

>real fan

>> No.78792141

I can't believe they let an actual homobeggar into hololive

>> No.78792333

I am a they/them myself.
She uses her/she pronouns.

>> No.78792508

>Says she hates bullies
>Mentions getting inspiration from her senpais like Regloss and Uproar, but not Advent
What did she mean by this...?

>> No.78792519

Looking at how much shit post she is getting, is clear than those from outside of Holos fandom are terrified of this one XD She is insanely talented, was natural as hell for her first stream, and this was well produced debut of any EN Holo ever. Plus, now the sisters, can no longer insist that Enna is the best EN vtuber singer XDD Total Holo World Domination

>> No.78792596

I don't see anything wrong with saying she's gonna homocollab from day 1.

That's better than pretending to be unicorn friendly and then dropping it a year in.

>> No.78792670

>I don't see anything wrong
It makes schizos seethe that they don't get to have a spergout with a bigger retard payoff and couple months down the line, don't mind it.

>> No.78792699

Same sister, I love the homos! I hope Liz can be an excellent accessory to Oga or Jurard!

>> No.78792718
File: 80 KB, 900x752, bloodrose-keen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uh, what games do you guys want her to stream first?

id love to see her struggle at elden ring

>> No.78792738

You can't break kayfabe day 1

>> No.78792751 [DELETED] 
File: 2.93 MB, 3840x2160, 1719035665505351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78792842

And I thought /baubau/ was an unusable general due to the shitposting.

>> No.78792884

Chudbros, our response?
We totally got owned

>> No.78792914

Is the collab ban no longer a thing? Did we do away with it at Advent? My memory's all scrambled these days.

>> No.78792916

>implying there are fans

>> No.78793009 [DELETED] 

>no solo streams
She is against having any fans at all lol

>> No.78793031


>> No.78793078

it was either gone or only two weeks long

>> No.78793085 [DELETED] 

Oh wait, there's a karaoke...but jesas

>> No.78793088

I wanna comment on her accent. I don't think Cockney is her natural accent, she breaks from it a fair bit. She's very comfortable in it, but she slips into something... transatlantic every now and again? We'll get a clearer picture the more she streams of course.

>> No.78793222

is this supposed to be a homage to Shiori's schedule

>> No.78793345

Rosarians pls be smarter. You'll need it.

>> No.78793358

The worst 1week schedule I have ever seen

>> No.78793500

Whaaaat? He lied? No way, why would people do that??? On the Internet????

>> No.78793565

>4/7 streams
>3/4 of those are collabs
I'm already losing hope, I won't say it's over until about the 1 month mark, though. Call it cope, but I feel like there's something special deep down.

>> No.78793584

Stop being a bully

>> No.78793663

Honestly how are you clowns this easily baited

>> No.78793728

I guess it's gonna be like this for a bit. Eh, I've seen worse.
She's a hag and I don't think she's played a lot of games, so seeing her do some unusual picks could be fun. retro games are unlikely but could be a lot of fun.
By the way rosarians, she hasn't put out a schedule yet...

>> No.78793988

I remember Nerissa drawing a lot of heat on this board during her debut because she declared herself a KFP.

We're genuinely autistic here, we get obsessive over the smallest details.

>> No.78794012

>rosarians have low int

>> No.78794059

Remember when the board basically burnt to a crisp over Shiori's "respect my choices" comment?

>> No.78794163

ERB's impressions were really good, i have a feeling we're gonna be seeing some kino collabs with her and the other holos
2 rissas, 1 in each ear.....

>> No.78794188

>rosarians are dumb just like homobeggars

>> No.78794213

/vt/ was openly declaring Advent as NijiLive for like a week.

>> No.78794215
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>> No.78794324
File: 135 KB, 293x365, 1716954932472559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>other holos
Yeah, holostars

>> No.78794363

sweet summer children, this old man here witnessed bae's debut, and back in the ancient eons, Ame's. This is business as usual.

>> No.78794404

impressions are only ever really used to mock people

>> No.78794420

So is this real? I need a link faggots.

>> No.78794519

It's bait, already checked her twitter

>> No.78794564

Use your brain anon please. The bar is low enough as it is you gotta rub those 2 braincells together before they atrophy altogether

>> No.78794590 [DELETED] 

im here to shit at her

>> No.78794650

Are people really afraid Rose is going to turn Hololive into Holowoke when they managed to keep Kiara in line for all this time?

>> No.78794680
File: 628 KB, 617x498, 1711632315507613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78794706

Where the freaking hell did they find this incredible woman

>> No.78794733

yagoo has a clear enough vision that all i need to do is just watch who i like, feels good man

>> No.78794867

ESL chama, first of all that's unsanitary and disgusting, secondly its unhealthy to obsess over someone you don't like, I would tell you to seek help but no one should have to deal with the likes of people like you

>> No.78794909

Probably singing some lounge jazz music in a Gloucester dive bar for me

>> No.78794930

Schedule doko?

>> No.78794932

No one here cares about her, including you

>> No.78794960

you say that as if she's not an enemy of the majority of the industry, what are you even talking about

>> No.78794988
File: 95 KB, 1024x1023, 1715500768057425m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is OBSESSED with her job as an idol. She won't do anything to jeopardize it, even on her rm.
There's no guarantee that the next SJW brained tard will be as committed, meaning there's a higher chance they will say something politically retarded on stream that will be rationalized as "basic respect" or "human rights" or some bullshit and bait other Holo girls to comment.

>> No.78795008

>die again in 2024

>> No.78795077
File: 555 KB, 2048x1820, celexcity-liz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully she tries some of the harder retro games. i love to see hags drop their cool persona and go full gremlin mode.

>> No.78795102
File: 483 KB, 1340x1600, 1713883913387532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight, it's OC time.

>> No.78795109
File: 460 KB, 835x578, IMG_0287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now show Kiara woke moment

>> No.78795273

It's probably best to ignore this kind of post. They'll get bored and go back to catalog bait threads pretty soon, based on past data.

>> No.78795282

What nasty disgusting incel piece of shit. You're not welcomed here, get the fuck out.

>> No.78795319

Disengenuous shitposts aside the least you can do is check whatever you are criticizing is real, falling for shitposts just makes you look stupid, weak ass hater game

>> No.78795348

meant for >>78794867

>> No.78795432


>> No.78795469

if you think incels aren't welcome on /vt/, sister, you've escaped your mandated containment threads.

>> No.78795547

Will she ever get a genuine thread on /vt/? kek

>> No.78795567

As a male vtuber enjoyer, the problem with male vtubers is not enough male weebs that hate faggots will put in the effort to become one and are too busy being gooners and watching anime/hologirls. The few that do put in the effort are actual faggots or the average /vt/ poster, which means a literal groomer. From what I hear, gold faggot is both. The world needed vesper but he was mind broken by the japs while retards wrongly labelled him as a sex pest. Now we have this faggot. I should bite the bullet and pay for a model then finesse my way into holostars so I can proceed to not allow fag enabling to the full extent of my powers without getting fired. Also will ignore non homo friendly girls and let them hustle.

>> No.78795572 [DELETED] 
File: 523 KB, 1920x1080, 1719037935223878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she have a crush on flayon

>> No.78795661 [DELETED] 

She's EN Ollie, so

>> No.78795700

That twink only wants to fuck Bettel so she chose poorly if so.

>> No.78795740

Why would a Hololive Karaoke be unarchived? That makes no sense.

>> No.78795747

>Enemy of the majority of the industry
You have already formed your opinion of her, and somehow deluded yourself into thinking the loud spergs that share your delusions make up the majority, it's laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.

>> No.78795749

She better not.
That’s my bussy

>> No.78795812

be glad she even got them unlike the pink one

>> No.78795842

flayGOD is only for the phase girls

>> No.78795992

Femcel momento lol

>> No.78796069

It's her repeated pattern of behaviour over years, going well beyond the age at which that has a reasonable chance to shift.
It's entirely possible she can move beyond that professionally, but the weight of evidence against that shows it's more likely to win the lottery.
There is currently no logical reason to think she won't fuck up

>> No.78796238

Make no mistake, she will say something retarded and she will start drama. British women cannot help themselves.

>> No.78796285

>majority of the industry
Bait-tier delulu

>> No.78796369

Vesper shat on coomers and containment breakers that came to his streams. According to /mans/ thats menhera behaviour .

>> No.78796438

No, fair point, the literal who 3 views and the pre-predebut vtweeters might make up the majority of the industry by now, so let me rephrase.
An enemy of the only members of the industry of any actual lasting economic or social important

>> No.78796480

I think Holostars shouldn't even need an idol identity. They'd work fine if they didn't imitate the girls with their:
>We are seiso idols
>I'm going to an idol meeting
>Being the equivalent of yuri and being total fags about it on purpose.
Now the faggy part is a hit or miss or they're just doing it because their fans want it. I don't give a fuck... But in reality male idols don't have a market. They should just stick to being themselves and see what happens.

>> No.78796496

he'll skulk back to /#/ soon

>> No.78796529

Hololive is a blank slate, I literally don't care who she was in the past, only how she'll be in her streams. Plenty of people turn out to be able to rein themselves in for the bag, people said plenty of mad shit about Shiori too at debut after digging up her past and look where those rumors went? In any case, like a sane human being would, I'll tune in to watch the streams I like and if she does content I don't enjoy then I won't watch those streams, literally that simple

>> No.78796594

Backpedalling into the dogshit isn't helping your case.

>> No.78796603

male idols have a fucking huge market, they just don't have an /economic/ market share outside of asia that exceeds generic investments

>> No.78796624 [DELETED] 
File: 698 KB, 1033x607, 1719000123850492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for her to gush over Oga

>> No.78796699

>I'll give money to this raving feminist because she's anime now!!
Never wonder why the world sucks now, because it's your fault

>> No.78796726

If only it were that simple we'd not even be having the conversation, but you're right. there's no way apathy about a problem could ever see the problem escalate

>> No.78796771

Just become a part of /mans/ at this point, Rosarians, at least you'll have a semi-active thread past the first week.
>oshi didn't respect you enough to consult for a fanbase name
>her hashtags are so bland and bad with 0 thought put into it

>> No.78796801 [DELETED] 


>> No.78796839
File: 3.34 MB, 3508x2480, 1695486124226017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, cool set art. I like Thorn.

>> No.78796871

>talks shit about what makes the industry great
>supports those talking shit about what makes the industry great
>does this for years
>"you're crazy if you think she's an enemy of the industry"
are you just retarded or are you also outside of the sister threads?

>> No.78796875

Listen I just think male idols are garbage and just pave the way for fujos to have an excuse to make them kiss each other. The same way female idols do Yuri stuff as an excuse for yurilovers to be satisfied. .

>> No.78796887

Ah you're right, sisters are usually neets waiting for some sad sack to come along so they can baby trap him

>> No.78796945 [DELETED] 

First en with a legit straight ship?

>> No.78796948

ERB's already got that downpat so I guess it explains a lot

>> No.78797053

How long will this general last? 2 months? 6 months?

>> No.78797063

fag hags should be burned at the stake

>> No.78797097
File: 508 KB, 2048x2048, 1698213574971219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute elizabeth

>> No.78797207

More women like her will infest EN vtubing until it's unwatchable. Hell it's already close.

Remember the "why did you force me to do this, I just wanted to play video games" meme? Yeah, it's happening again. You should have no mercy on the people that support this.

>> No.78797214

Tell me this anon, are feminist and lgbt movements the main reason why you think the world sucks now?
Sure apathy about problems cause them to fester and escalate down the line. I personally think this whole fuss is a nothingburger though, hence my take. Unless you think she can coerce unwilling parties into collabs or cause a paradigm shift in Hololive.

>> No.78797219

As someone who was in /a/ for far too long, it really doesnt matter, for example slam dunk, zero BL shit in there, fujos love that. To them brotherhood = man wanting to suck each other off.

>> No.78797260

As ever, the amount the Nijisisters feel threatened is directly proportionate to the shitposting that occurs here after debut

Same old routine

>> No.78797279

unless they fuck off to vshojo where they belong, having a visible containment is fine

>> No.78797285

Why is it unwatchable?

>> No.78797290

>are feminist and lgbt movements the main reason why you think the world sucks now?
Well yes, but really it's the jews that push it that made the world suck

>> No.78797315 [DELETED] 

Oh that's some tumblr art alright

>> No.78797360

I look at her and i just see Himiko

>> No.78797377

Trouble isn't just her, it's never the first one, it's the ones that come after. Weaponised nepotism hiring has fucked up so many industries and governments, even when it /hasn't/ been a part of the ideology to do so

>> No.78797410

Whatever works, it's just I never really saw the appeal of male idols but if women want that then ok... I just think it reduces their masculinity if they wanna be faggy on purpose. The pole dance one was a turn off... Yes I fucking saw that.

>> No.78797447

wtf ollie get in line it’s my turn to lick her

>> No.78797453

I said it's close. Holo and Phase are the last two bastions of CGDCT without leftist politics boiling over into the content.
I wager if we get 1 more blatant SJW homocollaber in each company then it's over. No reason to watch EN tubers anymore.

>> No.78797470

>pink one
She is gonna pull a bait and switch like Kronii, at least Liz is honest. If Pinks RM is who /vt/ think she is, she is gonna do it.

>> No.78797581

post tits

>> No.78797588

Okay but are there any real fans or just artfags who want to flex their skills.

>> No.78797616

I'm willing to give her a shot as long as she doesn't pull a goldbullet.

>> No.78797684

>I just think it reduces their masculinity if they wanna be faggy on purpose
Yes, which is why their second gen was such a failure, the only one that has any viewers is Bettel and guess what, he was the only one that was protesting during that pole dance shit. The guy is also close to Vesper and Magni say what you want about those two but at least they didnt do that shit.

>> No.78797686
File: 3.65 MB, 3840x2160, 1701639633577451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this pic from her starting soon goes hard. I liked the song too, was it some royalty free tune or something commissioned for her?

>> No.78797712

seems to be mostly twitchfags and homobeggars celebrating her intention to do male collabs and trolls pretending to be that desu.

>> No.78797840

Nepo hiring does fuck everything up, I fully agree with that. What I fail to see is how that is relevant here. Is she a nepo hire? Or do you mean to say she will get enough pull to get in nepo hires for future gens? I get the whole not wanting to integrate Hololive with stars unity thing, I don't watch them and any collabs they are part of but I don't realistically see how she'll be able to swing the pendulum and force unity, especially if it ends up hurting the bottom line

>> No.78797871

Himiko? I assume not the one from bnha.

>> No.78797932

Honkai impact 3rd

>> No.78797979

I've only ever watched Oga via FOXDEMON and even I gush over Oga.
He seems like the one good homo.

>> No.78798018
File: 371 KB, 960x660, 1697617386674430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can kinda see it kek

>> No.78798143

When is she collabing with the Stars? I'm not interested in any of her solo content, I just want to see her play video games with my guys

>> No.78798158

bros i think shes legit white girl

>> No.78798186

Bae debuted with a homo oshi retard, i swear you alarmist are the same as homobeggers "oh no she is gonna change everything", is the same shit as homobegger thinking just because Kronii and Calli collabed with homos Gura will as well. 2 years later and nothing happened, the cgdct girls are STILL cgdct.

>> No.78798211

honestly, the holo with stars thing I could barely care less about, it's the near 100% chance she's going to end up on the image vtuber sins collage that should worry everybody

>> No.78798261
File: 980 KB, 3277x4096, GQc8HeZXAAAv6ud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone drew art base on that exact picrel.

>> No.78798335

Bae's an australian zoomer with a fashion sense, not a lefty hag - the homos were only a symptom at worst, not a root problem

>> No.78798420

Oh nice, that's high effort daaku right there.

>> No.78798480
File: 385 KB, 960x960, 1710036397510666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I would too

>> No.78798533

You're gonna have to bring me up to speed because I've completely lost the plot here. What exactly should I be worrying about?

>> No.78798605

it does sound like something that’s custom made for her loading screen. however i did notice that there weren’t any credits given in the description when everything else has one so it might be royalty free music.

>> No.78798638
File: 251 KB, 480x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The homos are breaking all the previously thought to be established lines, and she is a homosister, so there's a good chance that all the explanations for why she shouldn't bring this stuff up went in to one ear and out the next.

>> No.78798697

use of this term = tranny self-report

>> No.78798710

> I think Holostars shouldn't even need an idol identity
Holy kek just kick Yagoo and Roberu right in their teeth why don't you

>> No.78798722

her track record, worldview and the age at which they've stuck

>> No.78798740

alright since you're all in here
who do you honestly think make up the top singers in hololive now that you've heard liz?

>> No.78798818

/here/ maybe, but otherwise ehhh.... 'Incel', 'Nice Guy's, 'Supreme Gentleman', whatever works for those fuckwits, they're as bad as the sisters, being their horseshoe polar opposite

>> No.78798951

All of Hololive?
In no particular order, Risu, Kobo, Moona, Suisei, Gura, Muimei, Liz, Watame. Towa and Nerissa is not bad but their voices are just not for me.

>> No.78798963

She might be a contender for top 3 in en, and definitely a contender for top 20 across all branches, except in japanese, her japanese makes mori look like she's a naturalised idol lmao
if she fixes her fucked politics or never lets it out in/off streams, she'll do very well.

>> No.78799140

Tbf, as long as she keeps her /pol/ shit away from her hololive persona i am fine, they are entertainers not politicians, something alot of modern streamers cant seem to gasp.

>> No.78799181

It has been owari da before it even hajimaruyo.

>> No.78799201

Picking a single top singer would be hard for me, singing is more like a skill tree where various people are best at various things. Irys is awesome at being consistently accurate, Rissa has a top tier falsetto, Risu has an awesome acapella register, azki is probably the best at emotive intonation, Towa is awesome in the lower range, Mori is actually pretty good for lower range belting now, Kanata has great enunciation, Gura has a certain je-ne-sais-quoi that is very distinctive, Suisei is the definition of an all-rounder, and I could go on. Liz seems to have a wide range compared to most holos, most are either focused on a narrower part of the spectrum.

>> No.78799226

Maybe I will. Roberu would have better comedy if he didn't hold back

>> No.78799360

I honestly don't think she will have genuine fans here for some time. She's just alienated 90% of /vt/'s audience so this thread will continue to be a shitpost thread for some time.
Time will tell if she will get stream discussion here, but this thread will also have the biggest audience of schizos, so good fucking luck to anyone who genuinely likes her.

>> No.78799398

Okay let me put it this way then, I don't give a shit what any of the Holomembers' political or social leanings are, I'm here to see CGDCT and singing/dancing streams. As long as their streams don't bring up any of those things I'll keep supporting and watching them, and Hololive members are trained to not bring up any form of politics, especially so since the Taiwan yab.
Suisei, Azki, Kanata, Risu, Moona, Irys, Nerissa

>> No.78799426

> More women like her will infest EN vtubing until it's unwatchable. Hell it's already close.
If you're still whining instead of doing JP reps, it's all on you.
You had your chance back when EN auditions were first announced, and you have another chance now.

>> No.78799442

if she manages to do that she's defeated all expectations of any rational person with her track record in front of them, and I'm down $5k on the bet I made to the contrary

>> No.78799480

>this thread will also have the biggest audience of schizos
Yeah you, but don't worry, you'll get bored and go back to shitposting in the catalog before the end of the week. We'll be fine.

>> No.78799492

>Running away instead of purging the troons responsible for the mess
You're the reason the most common name in the UK is now Mohammed.

>> No.78799560
File: 109 KB, 1678x1034, 1688599826238546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems impractical, honestly

>> No.78799631


>> No.78799664

That's what I'm assuming cuz 90% of stream music used by holo comes from royalty free banks, they tend to mention it when they use something commissioned for.

>> No.78799694

an active sister joined and stated she has no intentions of being rehabilitated, yeah even with the vocal range I just don't see it working out, for her or for anybody else

>> No.78799775

on both sides - they ran from their own regions and families to force new ones to suffer the same shit

>> No.78799785

We love males here, hopefully she can be the first to have off-collabs with the boys!

>> No.78799859

why would she need a blanket when the boobflame keeps her warm

>> No.78799886

How is it whining when I aggressively want to purge them from this hobby? Whining is akin to someone sending a limp wristed supa or a comment saying something along the lines of
>I really worry for the future of the company with such a divisive hire from day 1...ect ect
Whereas I will withhold my money and get banned repeatedly for saying death to all leftists and homocollabers because they are killing western vtubing as a whole. Unless you consider the only non-whining to be physically tracking down the talents and forcing them at gunpoint to do what you want, that is the best you can do.

>> No.78799899

Not yet nijikek, you are suppose to grudgepost AFTER it happens.

>> No.78800017

It's comforting to have something on top of you while sleeping. I always sleep with at least a light cover even if it's hot.

>> No.78800082

I thought she could control her boobflame. Is that shit like charmander's tail?

>> No.78800159

Maybe it's a thing where she can make it stronger or weaker, but never extinguish it entirely?

>> No.78800228

That's crazy talk bruh on a hot night I sleep rawdog no covers or clothes even. Same goes for afternoon naps

>> No.78800318

A Holostars fan somehow made it into HoloEN.
Worst. Fucking. Hire
This is waste of a slot.

>> No.78800325
File: 1.43 MB, 1184x2105, GQcrLQia8AAY-IY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i watch her debut again, her singing style seem like she is classically trained, her enunciation down to her breathing technique seem to point to that. Is she the first in holopro to be classically trained?

>> No.78800347

I do sleep naked pretty often, but I still put some kind of sheet on top of me... I don't know, just feels nicer to be bundled into something instead of just exposed to the world?

>> No.78800530
File: 284 KB, 900x1350, 1690803972831883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I recall, most of them are self-taught and only started taking lessons after joining holo. I'd need to hear her give opera a try to tell what kind of training she got more confidently, though.

>> No.78800634

It's over.

>> No.78800654

Well I guess if you won't end up sweating it's all fine and dandy but I sweat like an animal if its hot and I have a blanket/cover and wake up sticky, shit's trash so I go without when its hot

>> No.78801037
File: 1.09 MB, 2894x4093, GQm96aIakAMBX-P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well she is musically inclined, so there is bound to be karaoke sooner rather than later.

>> No.78801280

JWU, watching the debut and haters are blown the fuck out. Fuck you for ever making me doubt. This hag is amazing.

>> No.78801338

I look forward to hearing what she can do with some coaching! and less first time streaming and singing for thousands anxiety

>> No.78801403

well now I want some sweaty Liz art

>> No.78801453

i kinda like this hag... she tried to mask the deep voice... kinda hot.

>> No.78801607

Shit's great, I was very pleasantly surprised by that singing ability. Instead I come to this thread to find spergs seething about homos and politics

>> No.78801759

/vt/ never changes.

>> No.78801794

Pretty great debut all around, show off her singing chops, but her game choices are kinda iffy. But i hope she is open to trying other games.

>> No.78801912
File: 465 KB, 2116x2500, 1695608257221094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ be like that. Debut seethe tends to be shortlived at least. Shiori's thread went through the same cycle and it became pretty nice, just gotta learn to not bite bait.

>> No.78802269

Chivalry 2

>> No.78802554

I mean Elden ring is FOTM right now and probably good for her numbers, but its getting tiresome with the amount of members streaming it. So maybe something else.

>> No.78802585

she sounds like she's fat. i know girls with exactly this voice and they're all fat and where a gross amount of make up.

>> No.78802593

to be fair, if you are gonna gush over a homo it had better be Oga. Fubuki and Risu approved chocolate goodness.

>> No.78802650

I have never laughed as hard as when I first played Chiv 2, probably the only time I've willingly used the dogshit Epic game launcher. Would love to see any Holo play it actually

>> No.78802750

Got to keep in mind perms autism so there's a limited variety to choose from. God knows I'd love to have the perms guy job, basically paid to be useless

>> No.78802776

Gura > Lizzo > Suisei > Mori > Azki

>> No.78803014

Based. Another win for architects.

>> No.78803047

The general died and the OP got made by antis
I'm probably not going to watch this girl regularly if at all but I have this thread open because I figured that the antis here are probably the same people shitting up the rest of the board
Just make sure to report obvious shitstirrers like >>78792751 and >>78794590 and those people will eventually get tired of ban evading to shitpost here

>> No.78803096

Hololive has dedicated personnel for game permissions? i always thought they had to get the perms themselves or through their managers.

If there really is a perms guy then holy shit he needs to be fired.

>> No.78803245

There is a perms guy, i dunno if its the same one now, since perms are a little better now, but the old one is really really bad.

>> No.78803452

To be fair, companies have some really weird requirements for holos for streaming games. Holos used to need to report to fromsoft about their stream time and duration so they need to book it. Nowadays holos didn't say anything about it so i guess the requirements are dropped eventually.

>> No.78803642
File: 264 KB, 600x600, 1663252222569288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only applies to impressions of you. Because you suck

>> No.78803679

Here on /vt/? Nah she won't have any real split for the first month,m or never depending how many homococks she rides this month

>> No.78803873

you can't change shit anyways, care about the things that actually matter for once, things you can affect

>> No.78804046

>Bae's a lefty australian zoomer with a fashion sense

>> No.78804608

is that really the name she chose? god, so cringe

>> No.78804724

what the fuck was Jap thinking... this is going to be a disaster

>> No.78804926
File: 33 KB, 184x104, 1597281471340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomer tourist here, it's really weird seeing a pretty popular figure from your adolescence reappear like this years later. I know this is a shitpost thread but she's a talented hag and you guys are lucky, please treat her well.
Reminds me of Nina, funnily enough. Hopefully she's treated better

>> No.78804962

I hope Rosarians try to convince her to change the tag names. What would be better tags?

>> No.78805063

actual autists itt, good luck to whoever is an actual fan

>> No.78805099
File: 90 KB, 1242x675, 1662550714201142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whereas I will withhold my money and get banned repeatedly for saying death to all leftists and homocollabers because they are killing western vtubing as a whole.
I beg for you to save this bit and read it to yourself in a couple of years. Hopefully, you will get drowned in cringe which would prove that you still have a chance at life

>> No.78805372
File: 1.29 MB, 1527x858, 1637279994418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad was she in her previous life anyway? Was she like Hitler?

>> No.78805415

she stirred the pot, her general is going to be unsuable for a while because the unitards are walking away silently.

>> No.78805475
File: 68 KB, 1200x630, martin-scorseseee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

late because of elden ring.
I didn't expect kino bros...

>> No.78806349

You were right

>> No.78806391
File: 337 KB, 2048x1448, bloodflame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn’t expect kino either, was pleasantly surprised with her debut stream. am definitely a fan now and might throw a membership her way depending on her schedule.

>> No.78806495

You have less skin than a jew.

>> No.78806620

>sing with ALL of Holo
This wording means she is going to collab with all the homosexuals. Alas, it is so over, britbrethren.

>> No.78806622

Bae debuted with 1JP homo before this became a big divisive issue. You had CGDCT holomems occasionally mentioning JP homos when prompted by a SC or something, because at that point in time they were only very distant coworkers. But it's not 2021/2022 anymore, we have years of context of why homos, and especially EN homos are just poison. In 2024 there is no excuse anymore.

>> No.78806744
File: 104 KB, 841x1024, 1697624319436567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which ethnicity has the most skin?

>> No.78806857

The one that take skin away from other

>> No.78806861

can someone eat a ban and drop pl thanks id appreciate it

>> No.78806941
File: 114 KB, 512x505, 1697622015296904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But taking skin is a sin!

>> No.78807071

roru I don't even live in the UK, my country got looted by you fucks but at least now we're reviving our old culture, however slow it may be.

>> No.78807146
File: 1.10 MB, 1779x2596, holoen audition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realize that EN has a cultural problem anon.
This was inevitable, it was simply the blessing of the gods that it took 4 generations for one of them to get in.
EN was always on a timer, which is why even the ones that got into EN are just hightailing it to Japan to network with the actually successful branch and make use of the new studio.

>> No.78807162
File: 239 KB, 878x1333, 1715723771602982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happens, in Fauna I trust.

>> No.78807169

Liz cute
Good singer

>hates tea

>> No.78807390

For EN she's good, but I need to hear more.
But I don't think she's better than Irys in Karaoke and I don't think she's better than Nerissa in recorded songs (Love Me is an absolute slam dunk of a cover, maybe the strongest musical debut for any Holo).

>> No.78807685

Has she released a schedule?
I know she was cut off early last night but I'm curious when she'll actually be streaming

>> No.78807693


>> No.78808251

I wonder what JP fans are thinking, I pretty sure they like her a lot

>> No.78808743

I miss the good old days of Coco and Rushia where a fair chunk of EN fans didn't even know the stars existed, and those of us that did didn't have them shoved in our faces constantly.

>> No.78808827

It's hard to not love that amazing voice and singing.

>> No.78808889

The UK is fantasy island with knights and kings and heros.
Dont you know the very real and historically accurate King Arthur is from there?
Just like My Fate Anime!

>> No.78808950

Was just watching her debut and immediately alt+f4 when this came on screen. It's crazy how some of these women are so bent on self-sabotage.

>> No.78808986

they dont, they are hoping for a green one tho

>> No.78808992

I'm not convinced Elizabeth knows anything about vtuber and otaku culture.

>> No.78809059

Dont need to, now shes in she can change it from the inside to better the cause

>> No.78809096

I thought this place is a legit fan thread
Its just another catalog shit thread

>> No.78809151

I mean... give the antis some time to tire themselves
Fockin wankers

>> No.78809246

to have a fan thread you need fans

>> No.78809412
File: 73 KB, 1024x576, 1718988431213320m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I alone in thinking her cover wasn't very good? I keep seeing praises for it but it seemed very disappointing when I listened to it. I struggled to get through it would be the best way I can describe it.

Second question: Did she do something on debut to start something? I have seen the shitposting but I didn't catch the stream to know what's going on.
I am basically asking for a QRD.

>> No.78809476

Cover seemed fine to me. Her mini karaoke songs on the debut stream were better though.
She had some parts where she made mistakes, but the parts were she did well were quite good, so if we give her the reasonable excuse of nerves, she's got potential there.

>> No.78809487

She wants to put her penis (feminine) in our pure untouched boys

>> No.78809518

She had drawings of the some of the stars and mentioned wanting to perform with all of holopro, not just hololive. Truly yurusanai.

>> No.78809553

its ollie but 10x worse, don't bother

>> No.78809570

Liz is really good, but she can't sing japanese properly and should just stick to english singing.

>> No.78809578

Having the Hunter of Advent be a homosister is pretty kino, true.

>> No.78809607

Considering she plays team-based shooters? Lets get a Helldivers 2 once the collab ban lifts !

>> No.78809657

I don't know it just wasn't whatever the auditory version of palatable was for me. I constantly felt like I was "waiting for the good part" then it ended.

>> No.78809665

I like it, nice

>> No.78809669

How new are you? They're never getting perms for that.

>> No.78809757

I think calling her a nepo hire is a real stretch, saw enough in that debut to conclude she has the chops for this job. Ofc they tend to change and come in to their own with time, so its subject to change.

>> No.78809770
File: 110 KB, 484x399, 1714268475768856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of this? Do you think it is an accurate depiction of you?

>> No.78809783

Oh is she like Trans or something?

>> No.78809782

Why does nipponese company Sony hate Nippon?

>> No.78809818

You have to be 18 to use this site.

>> No.78809837

ill watch homos once they have a proper shota. and the red guy isn't on

>> No.78809945

Biboo didn't consult us either.

>> No.78810009

I don't care for homos, all they do is fujobait with each other. I don't think they're entertaining so I don't watch them, and I don't care if one of the girls collars with them or not. They're just kinda there.

>> No.78810064
File: 309 KB, 1076x1390, 1689663680657246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78810069

>FPS kid
Perfect Dark is the only answer. Especially if she does it before the patch releases and the NSO+ version is still totally fucked to play, that'd be funny.

>> No.78810080

So is that soda she was shilling any good? Melon flavor was it? Had me tempted

>> No.78810136

Same place I am in, not something I watch. But I really cba to seethe over / hate on them either. They are just there.

>> No.78810203

Cs 1.6 stream will be kino

>> No.78810254

based, cute pic. I love holostars now

>> No.78810281


>> No.78810295

How do we force this whore into graduating?

>> No.78810335

at least Shiori is finally free

>> No.78810671

Man, this is some time capsule shit. Wild looking back on it.

>> No.78810777
File: 195 KB, 850x1202, __elizabeth_rose_bloodflame_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_mephisto_angraecum__sample-6fc17280d6553f763fbe80d82a046ef9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stayed up last night through sickness to watch debuts
>ended up liking boobflame woman's singing voice and impressions a lot before I passed out
>wake up
>complete apathetic reactions
>general devolves into civil war
I just want to support Liz's cute idol dream guys what happened.

>> No.78810842

and it will only get worse for each gen going forward. Compounded if some of the old guard graduates.

>> No.78810853

Fuck you, that's what happened.

>> No.78810917

more luck next time

>> No.78810941

>Idol dream
She isn't interested in that. She only wants homocock

>> No.78810942

You are reading sister-shit, they always prowl threads looking to sow division anon, its nothing new. It has only been 1 debut stream, hard to spin much off what we have so far.

>> No.78810980

She was pretty clear about what we should expect though. Not even Ollie was this blatant.

>> No.78811040

Ogey, cool story bro

>> No.78811123

I am guessing the one that eats lots of carbs and bloats to ham-beast size?

>> No.78811338

I want to watch her play No One Lives Forever

>> No.78811420

you absolute degenelates

>> No.78811432

How can you be a Brit if you hate tea? That's like their national identity or something. They'd inject it directly in their veins if they could.

>> No.78811514

I'm honestly more aghast that she doesn't like tea. I was genuinely looking forward to her talking about it and having a chill talk about her favourite blends.

>> No.78811603

Every tribe has their contrarians I suppose, do not like tea either

>> No.78811725

Homocollaber confirmed.
Praying for graduation.

>> No.78811784

That is not bad

>> No.78811797

She doesn't have an idol dream, she wants cock from e celebs.

>> No.78811812

Yeah same.

>> No.78811831

next time you should make the general before an anti does
also posts like this >>78810295 are definitely bannable and people should be making sure they get banned

>> No.78812026

Actually, I appreciate it when anti's waste their time giving visibility to the thing they ''hate'', love utilizing useful idiots. Nothing like using their obsession to help bump threads. But that's just me~

>> No.78812221
File: 279 KB, 1448x2048, 1648236439529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also posts like this are definitely bannable and people should be making sure they get banned

>> No.78812298

Baldur's Gate 3 so she can impersonate the narrator
judging from the yabs the tone of the game seems very much her style anyway

>> No.78812333

Silent City

>> No.78812367

Do some people really do not know the concept of not interacting at all with stuff you do not like ? inb4 someone acts as if they were fighting a war for idol culture

>> No.78812413

I mean to be fair, it is pretty bitter if you aren't raised on it, everyone's got different tastes. People are into all the wacky ways you can do coffee now, but I think it's the nastiest, most bitter shit ever.

>> No.78812604

I love her too

>> No.78812759

So what's her PL

>> No.78812808

Don't listen to what insane people are saying, you'll keep your own sanity in check.

>> No.78812910

>Advent watched their kouhai commit career sudoku live onstream and were absolutely speechless
Striving for unity was a mistake

>> No.78812914

Elizabeth is fine, but she's ultra normalfag tier. Not my kind of vtuber.
Gigi is the fun one and a based degen gamer from the looks of it. I wish she was EU timezone. Those times are pretty much 23:00 for most of EU.

>> No.78813120

>To them brotherhood = man wanting to suck each other off.
Women are incapable of real friendship, so they misconstrue brotherhood and honour as a desire to suck cock.
Consider: Frodo and Sam.
Women completely miss the point.

>> No.78813122

Don't worry... she'll uhh, she's going to be so feminized soon.

>> No.78813204

And it won't be long before the [[[eternal anglo}} returns to bring upon you the blessings of the jew: trannyism, unrestrained pedohomo and all the benefits and privileges of giving your money to africans

>> No.78813242

>can only have doggy because she will burn you if facing towards you

>> No.78813287

very cute

>> No.78813289

>Gigi is the fun one and a based degen gamer
Her debut made me sleep from boring
Also fake loli voice

>> No.78813301

Will you continue with this line when she brings up the homos, unbidden, during a holo collab making the girls that don't want anything to do with that shit uncomfortable?
Will you continue to spew this semen from your asshole when she likes some INSERT CURRENT POLITICAL THING PUSHED BY THE MSM on twitter or directly engages with the type of trash that tried to cancel Astel and the nijihomos over buying mcdonalds or starbucks?

>> No.78813408
File: 57 KB, 300x300, 1696576671023684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did not happen with Kiara, did not happen with Kronii, did not happen with Shiori.
You need to chill, you bitch ass nigga cuck, sheeeeeeeeit

>> No.78813453

If Calli and Kronii fell in line, why wouldn't she?

>> No.78813480

None of those girls went out the gate swinging with this shit and had a past so saturated in it
Says the
>i only watch the homocollabs!

>> No.78813514


>> No.78813620

>Will you
Stop being paranoid incel

>> No.78813627
File: 903 KB, 1200x675, hogan-619-386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cuck boys need to start exercising

>> No.78813648

The fact she picked every homocollaber friendly holo (and nerissa) for her scrapbook and did her
>hate bullies
>ALL holos
thing does make me think she might be an activist but on the other hand - give it a little while, 2 weeks of streams before the ban is up to actually get an idea of what she is like in regular streams. If she is as bad as you seem to think she is it will be obvious in that timeframe no need to go full schizo quite yet.

>> No.78813697

How do the British start their coding projects? git innit

>> No.78813781

Is this the "i will make up realities in my head to be angry at instead of leaving the general of this vtuber i do not like" thread

>> No.78813889

Wonder what the reaction is going to be if 1 of the other 2 also shows her intent to male collab.

>> No.78813907


>> No.78813978


>> No.78813983

It's a theater voice

>> No.78814021

One less mentally ill faggot

>> No.78814095

I see Raora possibly but Gigi and Ceci most certainly will not.
GG and CC are definitely taking the same stance as each other.

>> No.78814176

Yeh. Hololive is just old school cable, honestly. Tune into whatever channel you want at the time and it's there.

>> No.78814183

Seen several comments saying she's the voice of a mlp character, any truth to that? Leaning towards no since there's no threads over on that board.

>> No.78814189

Each to his own. I think she's gonna have fun gaming streams.

>> No.78814373

Is this the power of the Monado?

>> No.78814609

>Current fucking year posting
You are a sjw fag

>> No.78814648

I think Sisters are just working overtime to throw shit at the wall until something sticks, if you scroll up we have both conspiracies of Jews and cultural warfare mixed in. They are not sending their best.

>> No.78814662

she was a pegasister and did fan song covers and comic dubs

>> No.78814704

this too

>> No.78814798

Lots of shitposting for a couple of days then it will fizzle out. Nobody truly cares like they did when Ame and Kronii started doing it, they were established and had fans that actually felt blindsided and holoEN actually looked like it was changing. Nobody is invested in these girls yet and myth, council and advent are firmly cgdct nowadays.
>hololive civil war
posting is hopefully never coming back

>> No.78815264

She's old, old people have bigger egos

>> No.78815519

Yeah, I don't care about the nonsense but while her singing was pretty good her basic as fuck taste is going to be incredibly boring. I'll just check out her covers whenever I remember.

>> No.78815645

hi im new here
why did she keep singing in japanese when she cant even properly pronounce japanese and she is not in hololive japan?

just sing in english

>> No.78815647

It depends, learning to keep your ego in check is a sign of maturity after all. Lots of youngsters think they are hot shit

>> No.78816196

Call and Kronii never really cared for the homos too much. They just liked Vesper and Magni. After they left (probably on bad terms) they got cured. Liz however seems to be an actual sister and the EN Ollie, who still hasn't fallen in line.

>> No.78816465

English song perms are a bitch, they have to sing in Japanese if they want to keep the VOD up. English songs are for unarchived karaoke.

>> No.78816580

just make an original song then like mori had for her debut

>> No.78817114

Just missing ayylmaos and it'd be like being on /x/ again.
Seen this comment a few times too, some saying she did the voice for Octavia as well.

>> No.78818632
File: 132 KB, 463x453, 1712980885587821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ERBalists have to compete with the Holostars for the rights to her last egg

literally the Dark Souls of hagtubers, godspeed Rosepetals
