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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 50 KB, 639x639, 441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78697278 No.78697278 [Reply] [Original]

>vtuber reveals face

>> No.78697314

vshojo is a mistake

>> No.78697317

maybe there is hope for vtubing

>> No.78697359

She must looks really ugly to cause this happens

>> No.78697404

Holy fucking based. Perhaps redemption is still possible for twitchfags.

>> No.78697455

Isn’t this the girl who recently had surgery? Shouldn’t have touched shut while on meds.

>> No.78697488

she's not really ugly but damn that's a lot of filters
she should have known it was a faux pas to do that

>> No.78697527

>no numbers
If they're followed by asinine pity-baiting then face reveals are objectively bad.

>> No.78697531

Good, teach them the lesson, 2d only

>> No.78697618

there are too many shrimp vtubers named ebi. this one regrettably will be fine

>> No.78697720

Can't even tell because of all the filters.

>> No.78697772


>> No.78697797

It's not even the first time she does this. Dramabaiting for attention.


>> No.78697817

Imagine if Vtubers learned there were literally thousands of languages besides Japanese they could use as a resource for naming conventions. Goddamn I hate weebs, and yes I know where I'm posting.

>> No.78697830

well wheres the photo op

>> No.78697883

kek what a retard

>> No.78697914

>that belch
She's a keeper.

>> No.78697926

is she THAT ugly

>> No.78697998

>mikeneko reveals her face
>superchat to the moon

>> No.78698000

well its working, look at this thread. 18 posts in less than 20 mins in a catalog thread

>> No.78698002
File: 86 KB, 430x519, 1688037253448263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one true Ebi and that's Ushio Ebi

>> No.78698055
File: 361 KB, 1052x526, yuriaexperience[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzpjqi8.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her burps are pathetic

>> No.78698078

no that's a different shrimp vtuber

>> No.78698142

Damn, she could do the MGM logo intro.

>> No.78698145

If she was cute I think they'd have stayed so I can only assume she's ugly and/or fat.

>> No.78698170

Based, fuck trendhopping 3dpds.

>> No.78698171

>Meanwhile literally every other successful girl who did one proving OP wrong

>> No.78698189

For a moment I was worried this was who the thread was about. I actually quite like this girl.

>> No.78698224

And not trying to ride the anime keyfabe? Please.

>> No.78698250

i have 0 respect for vtuber do face reveal.

>> No.78698322

but would this happen if the holojps did the same thing

>> No.78698484

>Copy kekson and Rushia
>Career ruined
lmao. Should've joined Hololive before pulling that stunt.

>> No.78698546


>> No.78698799

Absolutely BASED

>> No.78698867

It's kinda funny too, 'cause the Japs absolutely love European style names in return for all their animeshit.

>> No.78698917
File: 20 KB, 975x400, fags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumbasses fell for bait.
Delusional newfags think the current vtuber audience gives a shit about fleshposting. AND on Twitch? Most people there even encourage it.
Good job firing up her engagement on twitter too.

>> No.78698996 [DELETED] 
File: 368 KB, 1779x1223, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it really a face reveal when you're still hiding behind 7 filters?

>> No.78699023


>> No.78699112

Please don't post this cutie in catalogue threads. She doesn't deserve it.

>> No.78699115
File: 32 KB, 1115x363, 1718290122833780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still she will never surpass the goddess of career suicide.

>> No.78699157

Holy fucking trendhopper.

>> No.78699183

It was so nice she gave a 2nd chance to congratulate her on reaching 500k subs.

>> No.78699222

I think it was more because she made herself look like Jeff the Killer. It’s the weird dishonesty people hate for the most part

>> No.78699265

obviously. This is textbook engagement boost. You tell the simps that people are un-subbing due to whatever and a bunch of white knights come rushing in to her aid.

There was another vtuber the other day announcing she was pregnant and didn't know the father because it was a rando one night stand and then a bunch of simps were on her comment section saying they would pay for her child's care if she allowed it. And then she told them to fuck off and stop being cucks. That it was just a joke.... There is a simp epidemic folks.

>> No.78699496

I can see why people left after this. who calls it an icon?

>> No.78699556

Forgot to label her X-axis but based on the intervals it seems like that is a whole 13 people. I hope that the simps in her replies managed to recover this massive loss.

>> No.78699607

>people watch vtubers
>stop being a vtuber
>for some mysterious reason people don't watch you anymore

>> No.78699740

she looks worse than michael jackson after all his surgeries why does it have 3k+ likes.

>> No.78699877

that didn't happen though

>> No.78700338

she's fat, no wonder only the chubby chasers remain

>> No.78700346

>gacha slop vtuber

>> No.78700577

Architect bros, save your landwhale

>> No.78700762

this. start spamming her in /ag/ fatfags

>> No.78700773

You think vshojo invented face reveals or something?

>> No.78701036

You are thinking of Shrimpvt. Her surgery was successful btw.

>> No.78701089
File: 194 KB, 464x898, 1706256689787632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to get with THIS
frogbros are we ok

>> No.78701230
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>> No.78701519

I'm betting my left nut it's floc_a

>> No.78701635

so the white knight got milk, what do we lost? let them be.

>> No.78701638

Holy shit, she went from 13 followers to 0.

>> No.78702365

>face reveal
i guess she means shitty filter reveal, still 3dpd deserve the rope.

>> No.78702843

i don't know who this is but this is how it should be for all vtubers. even if it's plainly obvious who they are behind the scenes, just don't acknowledge it. i watch vtubers, i do not want to see your fucking face. based unsubscribers. hopefully this serves as a warning to everyone else. you can be a vtuber, or you can be a camwhore, but you have to pick one or the other.

>> No.78702972

She's obsessed with warframe lore and for that she has my respect.

>> No.78703099
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, ebi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has eyebrows like a mime

>> No.78703169

>never followed here
>twitter for some reason put it on my TL
I guess she did that tweet only to bait with the algorithm because it worked for me, don't even know her or follow her but twitter for some reason believe I would be interested in her right after her yap

>> No.78703591

what does this has to do with vshojo?

>> No.78703614

They haven't, but they're definitely the ones encouraging it the most given recent history.

>> No.78703665

/vt/ is full of people who don't know shit about japan. I blame Vshojo and shitters like fillian

>> No.78703898

this nigga is persona non-grata everywhere.

>> No.78704071


>> No.78704102

Why use the Chinese TikTok filters, it just makes you look ugly. These filters were made for Asian women with tiny face and eyes, they don't work on Western women.
Just use your real face instead. Or maybe don't post your face at all if you are this insecure.

>> No.78704122

they neither encourage or prohibit.
EOP spotted

>> No.78704154

Mike might be a crazy retarded menhera and a hag, but she is still hot.

>> No.78704419

i mean... If we turn off the lights and she agree to do it in the back...

>> No.78704518

she got better filters

>> No.78704572

fair enough lol

>> No.78704712

I clicked on this thread because I thought it was her
thank god
but why the fuck do they all have the same name and color palette

>> No.78704879
File: 395 KB, 2048x1536, 1718961599360988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The drop in followers wasn't from breaking immersion. It was from the conclusion that she's just another grifter. A lot of vtubers manage to have that dual existence but they did it from the START. In content creation, vtubing is a niche of a niche of a niche. It is logical that those who didn't find a spot in that competitive environment would try to rebrand in specific niches. It happened, a lot. It's only natural for vtuber fans to get defensive about it.

>> No.78705026

Too many filters. Looks like photo shopped eyes.

>> No.78705300

So I get banned when i post a /lig/er doing this shit, but mods leave this alone?
Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.78705431

Eh, most vshojo fags I've seen dislike face reveals too and the most popular vshojos are those who'd never do a face reveal (Zen, Henya, Mouse).

>> No.78705490


>> No.78705629

I've always wondered why Kson is treated as a Vtuber.

>> No.78705803

the comments are full of tourist shitting on vtuber fans, fuck this girl

>> No.78705918 [DELETED] 
File: 377 KB, 581x440, whydovtuberskeepdoingthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit always pisses me off.

>> No.78705920

>is it really a face reveal when you're still hiding behind 7 filters?
well when you put it like that, do you really ever get to know anyone beneath the flesh mask?

>> No.78706083

>vtuber stops being vtuber
>loses vtuber fans
no shit

>> No.78706188

That's unfair, no one can compete with Yuria.

>> No.78706357 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1024x674, Fgdp3jBaMAA8Abo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet no one bats an eye if a jp vtuber uses filters

>> No.78706429

before i get axed michael gato posted it on her own twitter

>> No.78706666

There's no reason to reveal your face unless you're trying to fish for validation.

>> No.78706740

What possesses western women to do this? The whole fucking point of vtubing is to not have to show your face ever, or to at least have real pictures of yourself safely out of the way in a roommate's account. Have we reached the end point of coomer design baiting people in, so now we've got to resort to 'forbidden knowledge' baiting?

>> No.78706829

are you even a person after you run your face through that much makeup and filtering?

>> No.78706853

genuinely this. literally why would you show your irl face if you're a vtuber if not for the attention? it's one thing if you have separate accounts for separate things like some content creators do, but at least keep them separate. if i want to watch a fleshgait i can go literally, LITERALLY anywhere else.

>> No.78706920

nah she's a fucking schizo and shouldn't be posting that mug ANYWHERE

>> No.78706934

>fish for validation
Well, she's a shrimp vtuber, so

>> No.78706959

rent free

>> No.78707056
File: 2.58 MB, 320x240, 1703856072641581.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78707082

>Replies in copium

>> No.78707102

looks natural to me

>> No.78707146


>> No.78707177

>Wow, I'm getting popular on Twitch
>My community is great
>We even have a Discord that supporters are in
>They like me for me, obviously
>Why else would they support me if they don't?
>What can I do to repay them?
>. . .

>> No.78707263

Who are you talking about? I really want to see it with my own eyes.

>> No.78707285

buy an ad, whore

>> No.78707503

Because they know that everyone wants to see what the girl behind the avatar looks like. EVERYONE. This place is a hugbox that pretends to represent the masses when the reality is the opposite. The most searched for thing about every single vtuber are literally always face reveals.

>> No.78707991
File: 70 KB, 595x539, retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hate normalfags

>> No.78708142

You should be happy anon, that's an easy blocklist.

>> No.78708242

Got to know her bc of PM brain rot. Very wholesome girl

>> No.78708295

Wanting to see your oshis face doesnt make you a normalfag. I would say its more of a horseshoe that dwings back around. Casualniggers want to know what they look like irl, and the MOST hyper obsessive psychos who want to stalk/rape their own oshi also want to know what they look like irl.

>> No.78708348

That's the thought process I guess. I think the tourists are what really get me. "Oh but you're beautiful!" No, but that's not even the point. She could be the most stunning girl in the world but if I wanted to watch a person I'd go watch that. I do watch some in-person content creators, hell, and I enjoy their content just fine. But if I'm watching a vtuber -- and I think this is why so many twitch e-thots (and the majority of men) fall so goddamn flat -- I want to see, and engage with the content of, a character on my screen. It's not even wanting to date or fuck them, I don't think I have any special relationship to them and frankly some of the entertainers I like would be miserable to share a house with. It's about watching a performance, watching a character. I can see a real person literally anywhere else online or by just going outside (which, contrary to popular belief, I do nearly daily because unlike these underaged fucks, I have a job.) Just make the decision to quit vtubing or make an alternate account for your irl activities, it is not that goddamn hard.

>> No.78708532

Youre 100% in the wrong place, and ironically enough, and are way too much of a normalfag to be on fucking /vt/ of all places.

>> No.78708985

I always liked vtubing because it's the great equalizer. Streamer women can't really make it to the top without looks even with great talent because all the thots are hogging the casual audiences. With vtubing everyone can be hot or cute so all of your talents and entertainment factor matters so much more. Vtubing has actually led me to discover funny women which I previously thought of as borderline impossible.

>> No.78709001

Nobody actually believes this
The problem with her face reveal isn't that she face revealed it's that she's an ugly filter-crutching bug thing and now the spell of hot anime girl is gone
If a girl RTXs and is comparably sexy to her model nobody whines about muh immersion break vtubers should be a characterino

>> No.78709138

nah, these are definitely normalfaggots who loathe the culture of vtubing and watch them ironically. these fuckers always shit on niche hobbies and their culture, but also want to be a part of it so they make it about themselves because they can't stand being left out of something

>> No.78709154

glad it bite this roastie in the cunt hard for pulling this stunt. Women like her keep trying to "have their cake and eat it too" when it comes to vtubing, not realizing the whole point of the appeal is using the anime girl avatar to attract the lonely male audience.

>> No.78709305

They hate him because he speak the truth.

>> No.78709576

>They hate him because he speak the truth.
Holy ESL

>> No.78709806

I have been watching vtubers since before /vt/ was a board, and outside of a few threads I generally don't come here because it does tend to be a cesspit. I think people don't realize that for all the tribalfaggotry we get up to, outside of vtuber spaces people see literally all of them as the same cringe moeblob worthy of scorn and derision. Most normies basically think of all vtubers as Gura. They might be aware of Ironmouse or maybe Kizuna Ai when she was still relevant. Thus all vtubers are bad, because they're all Japanese, anime is cringe, Gura is a loli and that's pRoBlEmAtIc, and they have high-pitched voices which is annoying. So of course they would support a vtuber showing their "real face". They are completely divorced from this medium and why people engage with it.

>> No.78709911

I like how the comments are blaming the people who left using the usual insults kek

>> No.78710183

unless my memory fails its an unironical tranny

>> No.78710325

kek. getting attention from tons of strangers for the character she played wasn't enough.
she needed that attention for herself, not for the character.

>> No.78710760

>want attention
>but the e-whore market is oversaturated as fuck
>vtubing is new though! (or was back when she joined)
>easier to grab an audience there
>eventually their narcissism kicks in and they have to reveal their face
>because it was the avatar receiving the attention, and not them, and they need that attention for themselves

>> No.78710872

yeah and its always just as chuuni, all those characters with stupid long super fancy names kek, i remember the familiar of zero female heroine had a super long euro name like that.

>> No.78710994

They're just posers looking to cash in on the latest trend. But would you really expect anything else?

>> No.78711066

>There was another vtuber the other day announcing she was pregnant and didn't know the father because it was a rando one night stand and then a bunch of simps were on her comment section saying they would pay for her child's care if she allowed it.
bro... I would have preferred to stay ignorant of that

>> No.78711272

>Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière
Somehow they think every yuro has a billion middle names like a catholic.

>> No.78711388

Which Vtuber would be able to get away with showing her real face and not lose fans at the same time?

>> No.78711492

>unless you're trying to fish for validation.
it's women's kryptonite. no matter how accomplished, attractive, or whatever else, they will always regularly make a clown out of themselves by trying to fish for validation.
the smarter ones don't do it in public settings though.

>> No.78711511

me because i literally do modelling irl. but i respect the vtubing medium too much to ever do fleshposting :/

>> No.78711542

potion seller, I need your strongest potions!

>> No.78711679

oooops I showed my boobes! oh no :O

>> No.78711804

Not a vtuber then.

>> No.78712091

Kson I guess?

>> No.78712192

Didn't she lose fans or did she only lose the fans on /here/?

>> No.78712226
File: 49 KB, 344x499, 1295883598370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western whores are physically impossible not to develop a complex towards their own avatar.
Their diseased brains will at some point turn against it as if it was a rival female threatening them, so they need to do face reveals to reassure themselves that it's them that the males are interested in, and not the enemy female (the avatar).

>> No.78712307

>Western whores are physically impossible
What the fuck am I even writing
I meant "It's physically impossible for western whores"

>> No.78712340

I remember asking where my Asperger's diagnosis fits in new autism three-grade spectrum and one of her mods chewed me out for using a term named after evil Nazi doctor man. What an awful community and waste of a model.

>> No.78712363

anon... her viewers... they.......

>> No.78712476

When you look at the scale of the graph she lost like 13 people (out of thousands) but she zoomed the shit out of it to make it look like she was gutted by the evil weebs

>> No.78712504

Why is her name Ebi if she's a fucking cat, also why do women have to whore themselves like this on the internet?

>> No.78712628

i laughed out loud at this anon thanks!

>> No.78712670

Well she's probably the only one that could do it I guess. I don't really follow her that closely anymore though.

>> No.78712998

Why do indie vtubers STILL refuse to accept the fact that immersion breaking and male interactions have a direct negative financial impact? Why do they continue to pretend that they can do whatever they want and still make it big and face no backlash or consequence?
I mean it's fine for them to reveal faces and collab with whoever they want, but they should be prepared to acknowledge that these actions come with a cost. You're an entertainer, and the entertainment industry is not a communist utopia where every performer gets a government mandated audience.

Compare to someone who knwos what she's doing:

>> No.78713001


>> No.78713029

>source: I made it the fuck up

>> No.78713106

You are delusional if you think Vtubing is an equalizer, the metrics for popularity are just different
Corpos will always be more popular than indies regardless of quality, and they are expected to do less in general

>> No.78713211

jesas all the filters make her look like a trans girl who doesn't pass and therefore uses 700 filters on SNS

>> No.78713352

>Why do they continue to pretend that they can do whatever they want and still make it big and face no backlash or consequence?
To me it reads like laziness.
They know that proper opsec is a massive pain and takes a lot of effort, and that they're very likely to slip up out of carelessness sooner or later, so they put their hands forward and out themselves straight away to that it has to happen "on their own terms".

It's the vtuber equivalent of "if I self-deprecatingly joke about being fat first then people can't use it against me anymore"

>> No.78713369

>I don't really follow her that closely anymore though.
I don't follow her as well but that's only because I genuinely dislike her character model (which I'm certain is based off near enough what she looks like irl).

I just thought when she revealed what she really looked like, people got turned off by her and refused to watch her anymore. But again that's probably only /here/ because they only liked her when she was in Hololive as Coco.

>> No.78713569
File: 37 KB, 500x455, FVH_PDGaQAAU5AK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vtuber does something they disagree with or just dislike
>Just silently leave to not create drama
>they must be incels sis! slay!!
>At the end of the day this won't even actually impact her views
I genuinely fucking hate hugboxes

>> No.78714129

>Still she will never surpass the goddess of career suicide.
What did she do? Can anons fill me in? I haven't followed vt news in a year and this thread's the first one I clicked on.

>> No.78714312

actually rent free

>> No.78714345

It's impossible to be as sexy as your model. Anime is sexy, 3dpd is not.

>> No.78714370

She's a properly mantained japanese woman, the problem is when you see her hands, jesus fucking christ

>> No.78716016


>> No.78716152


She has more filters and layers than her vtuber model. Women already have makeup and now they're cheating even more by using technology to make themselves more attractive.

>> No.78716287

That's bvtmfags for you.

>> No.78717183

Vtubers started in Japan, but while Japanese vtubers stem from idols (likely due to vocaloid/Miku taking over the internet) the western ones are from Twitch. Twitch as we all know is a race to the bottom, to see this in the vtuber context look no further than /lig/, multiple big names who get posted will do IRL shit on their channel, usually showing tits or trying some otehr way to fish for simps.
I think the only ones I saw before giving up on /lig/ were Filian (very much into privacy and realizes her content works better as an anime girl than a real girl) and Batatvideogames who isn't really my thing, but she hates GFE and coombait vtubers iirc, which is exactly what the main demographic of IRL vtubers are (ironically, Projekt Melody is THE big name sex vtuber, been around longer, made a huge entry by making camgirls seethe and she still hasn't shown her body).

Vtubers are retarded if they post their face. Enjoy people using you because they think you're rich, being unable to seperate you from the image they created from your streams, and having people say "Hey didn't you use to be a vtuber" years from now when their internet careers die like all the rest and they need a normal job and the first thing employers see is her face and her vtuber avatar talking about how much she enjoys being pissed on or something.

>> No.78718603

Oh boy.

>> No.78719640

Rica, Kson and Mikeneko all did face reveals and the only reason you don't see more youtube indies do that is because there are hardly any big western indies on youtube compared to twitch.

>> No.78719836
File: 177 KB, 1240x791, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was pure twitter engagement bait, she's not going to reap a single benefit from this.
She only has 28k followers on twitch and is a lower-end 3view, she only did this as a temporary ego boost.
All she did is insult her own fans and get tourists to make fun of vtuber watchers as a whole, good job cunt.

>> No.78720224

because they've accumulated so much vanity and hubris due to the white knights, orbiters, and female friends who've all provided nothing but admiration for being average throughout their lives

>> No.78720252

Oh, a hambeast

>> No.78720522
File: 240 KB, 460x498, 1694081207679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggas really think there arent well beloved /vt/ chuubas who only got big because of IRL bqsed content they did.
Pic rel is literally one of the biggest examples, blew up to popularity because of a stream based on her IRL pics.

>> No.78720677
File: 72 KB, 720x1229, 1718996273103389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78720916

Anon why the fuck did you ask a vtuber about your medical diagnosis instead of a professional. That one was on you retard. Take this (You) and talk to your doctor instead of a streamer who could care less.

>> No.78721311

the best
i love her little juice box

>> No.78721440

>why do people do things that they get constant positive reinforcement for
a mystery for the ages

>> No.78722026

Kson was a fleshtuber account long before she so much as had a koikatsu model.
Mike was a fashion vlogger if I remember right (I'll admit I could be wrong on that one)
I don't know who your whotuber Rica is but given your track record on the ones I do know I'll assume you are being retarded there too

>> No.78722170


>> No.78722368

Hope the tweetbucks are worth it

>> No.78723350

Check out Mujin videos on youtube about Nijisanji starting from Selen arc. It's a pretty good recap on why this yancht is sinking.

>> No.78724009

They get jealous over the model getting attention over their actual self

>> No.78724146

Me gusta

>> No.78724269


>> No.78724366

I think it's less that and more they hate how it feels to be seen as desirable online but not IRL. It's not just western women, I'm sure many vtubers suffer from it, but imagine being highly popular, lots of men saying your'e funny, sexy, etc and then you stop streaming, and when you walk around no one looks at you or really pays any kind of attention to you. Huge contrast, it's the female equivalent of playing a dating sim where you have a girl say she loves you, then you turn the screen off and it's your reflection in an empty room.

>> No.78727500


>> No.78733616


>> No.78733683


>> No.78734307

In the context he's talking about, it is. Most people have no clue what vtubers look like irl and even more so they don't care to know.

>> No.78734559


>> No.78735506

A vtuber who looks like an actual supermodel could do a face reveal and I would still unfollow, if I wanted to follow a 3DPD whore then I would follow a 3DPD whore. Imagine if you were watching anime then halfway through the episode it randomly goes live action, even if it was the best acting with the hottest actors it's still not what I signed up for, fuck off

>> No.78736053

twitch is a mistake

>> No.78736284

she's still the head honcho of nijiEN

>> No.78736646

I'm glad they gained a bunch of stream watching fans, and not drama chasers hoping for the next big story.

>> No.78736688

How many buckets of cum do you think shes taken by the shareholders and riku for her grand fuck ups?

>> No.78736820
File: 299 KB, 1169x2048, 1694144520549345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henya's name is based on the Spanish word "genia" which means genius.

>> No.78737464

Onigiri gets huge viewership boosts during her IRL streams.

>> No.78739274

Yea but she already has a diehard fan base.
She's kind of a bitch too, but her fans just laugh it off since they are shitty to her anyway.

>> No.78739528

she's such an idiot, how are these girls this stupid

>> No.78739574


>> No.78739702

Kson... what happened to her? She was touted as a big name before, had arguably the grandest welcome to joining Vshojo

>> No.78739832

She's doing a lot. But she does mostly JP streams, since EN fans are insufferable

>> No.78739874

Me when I lie

>> No.78740041

Do twitch viewers/vshojo fans not watch her anymore? She's just a JP streamer now with her JP circle she literally has no mindshare anymore in NA

>> No.78740379

It sounds like you mad that she's popular.
She has tons of fans everywhere, she is just smart and keeps v-shojo collabs to a minimum since they can be problematic. She's pretty much at pewdiepie level where she doesn't need more fans, club is full, go watch those v-tubers that cry about their miserable life pls and thanks!

>> No.78740515


Who? If you mean Kson, she face revealed way before joining Vshojo, If you want to blame someone, blame the likes of Bao or Onigiri.

>> No.78740624

She is basically female Quin69, always a butt of the joke for an audience. People will watch her in any form, rare case of personality carrying the stream

>> No.78740796

The only reason i like Onigiri is because she gossips so much she ends up gossiping on stream, giving away way too much.

>> No.78741374

I'm soooooo glad for her. I hope she makes a full recovery.

>> No.78741544

She is clearly very obese. But taking a picture in a pose that hides it plus filters.

>> No.78742349 [SPOILER] 
File: 762 KB, 884x750, 1703024516342329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes. All of those weeby names within VShojo like
>Melody English
>Geega completely made up. Or an enemy from Metroid if you want to laugh at coincidences
>Henya Origins in Spanish
>Matara Russian
>Ironmouse literally an early 2000's online username
>Zentreya Also completely made up
>Kson picrel lol
The only ones guilty of it in VShojo are Haruka, Kuro, Hime, and Michi. And of those 4 only Haruka is truly doing it thanks to weeb reasons. Hime's name is a joke and Kuro + Michi are both retarded.

>> No.78743404
File: 24 KB, 640x480, 1718654504509667.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she won

>> No.78744099

she pretty much doesn't have to do anything other then grab other girls tits all day, so i'd say so.

>> No.78744507
File: 58 KB, 241x300, 1712699289386487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normalfags ruined vtubing
don't show your fucking face retard
when you're acting as your vtuber persona you're
an anime waifu not a real person
fucking dumb western whores

>> No.78745243

I swear, those literal who vtubers love any chance they get to make that kinda tweet for attention.
I hate this generation.

>> No.78745733

Layna. She does an actual face reveal as in no mask bullshit. When Bao and friends do it I don't even check out clips.

>> No.78746245

> I realize my vtuber is a dumb white bitch.
> I realize most EN Vtubers are.
I hate my life.

>> No.78746372

Gura leech.

>> No.78749249
File: 296 KB, 1080x2400, 1000007139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought you retards were just memeing
but i had to check for myself 2 nights ago, ain't no way this bitch isn't view botting
>7k ccv
>follower only chat
>2 mil followers
>same 10 faggots only in chat
I'm convinced, sorry it took so long
bitch probably lying about illness too

>> No.78749798

Lol stay mad sister.
you and your oshi are never going to be as big as her, even if you were talented

>> No.78749880
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>> No.78750117

You know your male oshi has a GF right?

>> No.78750434

Well it's better than calling their characters Stacey and Karen.

>> No.78750988

I never thought about it like this. That's a pretty hilarious take on it.

>> No.78751083

They would never even speak to an ugly who gets mad on images boards for fun.

>> No.78751392

Excellent take and it's probably the the truth.

>> No.78753302

wtf you retards made it sound like she was some disgusting whale, she's a normal looking, fairly cute girl of average looking weight. Not sure what the sperg-out is for, most vtubers are dogs compared to this.

>> No.78754156

>thinking im a sister
i love this fuckin' board so much
never change retards

>> No.78759440

meh, that's an old pasta.

>> No.78761601
File: 85 KB, 428x338, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a bunch that are super hot irl but have weird, more comedic oriented, models like Kyoresu or Chibidoki. That seem to be the new meta. Of-course after showing their real face first, so people are aware they are pretty and not weird like their models.

>> No.78766122

weak willed because shes hot

>> No.78773321
File: 152 KB, 330x221, hang these western whores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78781275

3DPD is so gross

>> No.78782723

I'm starting to think vtumors was a mistake

>> No.78787751

Too lazy to quote so thank you based exposer anons, exposing these drama/pitty/ engagement whores

>> No.78788084

No Y axis

>> No.78788272
File: 2.77 MB, 724x720, 1715871467191391.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahaha anon no.

Okay even ignoring that that is a filter, even with the filter the face looks gross. Without filter it's going to be even worse.

>> No.78788432

How disgustingly fat do you need to be to burp like that. I haven't burped in like half a decade since I'm not a fatass and don't consume garbage.

>> No.78788752

But that is so counterintuitive. People want to know, so when they know they leave. It's like belle delphine doing actual porn and then falling off immediately after.

>> No.78788907

I think this is the best answer

>> No.78789089

>made a huge entry by making camgirls seethe and she still hasn't shown her body
Doesn't she post images of herself in her chaturbate chats

>> No.78789239

>the real person behind the screen
Lmao I thought the point of a vtuber was to showcase the personality, why are they talking about her face as if it is more important than the personality aspect.

>> No.78789517

Yeah it's about the platonic ideal. Your post triggered the tourists who don't get idol culture at all.

>> No.78789651

i wanted to see how my oshi looks like, and honestly its just a plus if she is beautiful, either way she will always be. then i just stop giving a damn how she looks like. she rarely shares pictures of her face anyways im still waiting for her nail pictures tho

>> No.78791028 [DELETED] 

I don't get why women jump at the chance to dox themselves and potentially open themselves up to stalkers. The net is crazy.

>> No.78791645

>literally thousands of languages besides Japanese
almost all of which are irrelevant

>> No.78792881

fuck man, no matter how many times i see these reels, I'm never ready for that reminder of how fucking fake everything has become

even if a girl is legitimately attractive I'd simply rather she never reveal it. I watch vtubers FOR the illusion, and humor no delusions about that. if a vtuber does show face, I *will* click to see, and then no matter how cute or pretty or innocent looking, I will then quietly discontinue my patronage. Just how it is.

>> No.78793360

That's a name I haven't seen in a while, I hope she's doing good, I don't have enough time to watch her anymore

>> No.78794216

Not going to lie, I feel kinda guilty about it, but after my oshi started irl posting on alt during a hiatus a while back, I did start gosling for her pretty bad. She's so fucking cute, even though she's ashamed of it.

>> No.78794302

For me they occupy the same space as an anime character in my head, like if a daydream kind of scenario pops up that I'm thinking about, if it's a fantasy/anime kind of thing, that's where vtubers are. It's a space of platonic ideals that leaves gaps for you to imagine things in a way you prefer. It's like how people always say a book is better than the adaptation, because you fill in the blanks.

Real people do not fit into that space in my head, and it's the place where I'm the least stressed. I don't want any irl stuff slipping in there, or they get rejected and go straight into the streamer trash bin in my brain.

>> No.78796009

because they judge everything that happens through a
>if I get enough attention to be momentarily happy, it was a good decision and I won, if I don't currently get enough attention, I am losing and need to do something about it
and I don't mean this from an "I need to grow my audience because this is my job and pays my bills" perspective.

>> No.78796084

kek, that is pretty much spot on my impression, too.
they just get jealous that their avatar is receiving so much attention, so they need to pull some
>btw, just as a reminder, my avatar does not exist and it is ME you watch!

>> No.78796327

they can just go to onlyfans and make 20x more money than vtubing.

>> No.78796550

just treat everything on the internet the same way you treat 4chan - a pile of lies spouted with either malicious intent, or for amusement.

>> No.78796563

She broke Kayfabe, I hope this is a lesson to other VTubers.

>> No.78797282

shut up

>> No.78797723

based hanlon denier. I like your style anon.

>> No.78798176

it’s not that, people love to shit on JP naming conventions like the long title shit they do for LNs but over here they absolutely love finding a commonly used word and trying to wedge themselves into become the standard for that word instead of taking a few hours and grinding out a relatively unique name

>> No.78798252
File: 214 KB, 463x453, 1616443025166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? ive never seen it that way, do some people really? its like drawing your own OC then getting angry because you made your OC look too good.

>> No.78798408

If this happened to me I'd fucking quit if not kill myself
How the fuck do you continue to stream after this

>> No.78798678

Her arms and hands are skinny as fuck. Some people can just burp anon

>> No.78799220
File: 253 KB, 380x427, memery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pull a Pikame
Just go under a different Vtuber Skin ala Henya. Duh.

>> No.78799306

wtf is she eating

>> No.78799385

>13 followers lost
What a drama queen

>> No.78799552

sex with 3d pig women. but only virtually

>> No.78799721

Terrifying to look at. Glad the girl I'm talking to is frequently doing video calls so I know she's naturally pretty.

>> No.78799893
File: 195 KB, 685x1070, 1709751265311540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whim was right

>> No.78800186

That is actually beyond pathetic.

>> No.78800322
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x1268, 1717972569962106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this apparently

>> No.78800618

makeup and face filters should be criminalized

>> No.78800629

Vshojo didn't start that trend newfag-chama. It was fucking domo back in 2020. He even got Rosemi to start posting her selfies back when she was an indie lmao.

>> No.78801269

Maybe she's drinking a lot of soda

>> No.78801434
File: 411 KB, 640x800, 1693054084369734.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do video calls? Isn't that weird? I get doing calls for long periods of time while you do other things, but video just seems so weird.

>> No.78801621

I've seen the faces of every girl in Hololive up to Advent. I actively seek it out and tons of information on their past life, all the """forbidden knowledge""" to put it in the same terms a FUCKING FAGGOT would use. But I don't want them to fucking show me or do that whorish "my selfie tits vs my avatar tits!" twitch thot bandwagon shit.

>> No.78801642

This is what happens when someone thinks they have some built enough of a rapport with their audience to do this without actually building that rapport. If my oshi did this I’d be fine because I like her personality and I’ve been watching her for years. If some random I clicked o because her model looked interesting did this then…you didn’t even give me a chance to…y’know….KNOW you and what your character is and what your personality is like and the shit you like and that stuff. If I wanted to jump straight to face reveals there’s plenty of regular female streamers for that. It’s basic supply and demand, not anything to do with how attractive/unattractive she is (for most people anyway).

>> No.78801691

It's LDR so it can't be helped, the only way to see each other until we finally see each other.

>> No.78801730

>Zen won't do a face reveal
I wonder why?

>> No.78801924

By the way, she completely gamed this situation.
Less than a few hours later she bragged about getting a lot of followers for that tweet, then proceeded to post more selfies.
This is why you simply ignore shit like this and give it zero attention.

>> No.78802019

it's pretty clear the "before filters" pic is the fake one

>> No.78802028

Oh yeah I hear about people doing that. I'd be paranoid of camera foreshortening and constantly showing good angles and shit like that.

>> No.78802079
File: 2.99 MB, 432x814, 1693325530829269.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78802090

She also did that for pure bait engagement farming and normalfags just dunked on vtubers fans. Hey look at the bright side she's gonna stay pretty irrelevant hardly anyone cares who she is

>> No.78802597

Is it actually impossible for bvtm subhumans to not seethe about Mouse in every thread?

>> No.78802649

Good job shilling her for free, retards.

>> No.78802808

now explain male vtubers

>> No.78802885

You can thank dramafags for that.

>> No.78802896

it's not as bad as people are making it out to be

>> No.78802932

You have to realize that most dramaniggers are malnourished thirdies.

>> No.78803029

Guys looking to monetize their youtube presence somehow, but don't want to share their face as a streamer.

>> No.78803267

I was also thinking that it was about her and i was shocked. I really like her project moon streams and i was thinking that she MUST be brighter than to do something so stupid. Glad it ain't her

>> No.78803374

You don’t have to be fat to burp

>> No.78803544

>reveals face
no longer a vtuber

>> No.78803713

Why are Koreans like this?

>> No.78804109

Is it really that hard for a woman to reveal her face on an alt account? It can even be officially linked to her main, that's not the issue. Just keep things separate.

>> No.78805286

If you used your eyes like a non-retard you’d know those are clearly chinks, not koreans

>> No.78806325

that would defeat the purpose of the face reveal.
they do it to remind you that the avatar is not real, and it's really her you are watching, so you better remember that
basically what >>78712226 said.

>> No.78806749

To spoonfeed. Selen was terminated by nijisanji because she posted a music vid she paid for out of pocket after they sandbagged her for weeks after she got written approvals from composer/animator. This termination was handled in a shitty way where they tweeted she was in the hospital and privated all her shit, until posting a weird fucking termination letter online. Selen tweeted on her Dokibird account that this was the first time she hear of her being firing and she'd been hospitalized due to a suicide attempt. Nijisanji had Ellira, Vox, and some other guy on a black screen discuss a complaint letter Selen/Doki's lawyer had sent to Niji about bullying and harrassment. Doki then tweeted that the letter was intended to be confidential between her lawyer and Niji's lawyers, so everyone is of the opinion that those three knew of it because they were the bullies mentioned in the complaint

End result is Selen went back to streaming indie as Dokibird, hit 500k subs in like a week, has been hugely active with collaboration, others have left Niji and back her side of the events. General picture of NijiEN is that Ellira is defacto in charge and if you're not in her clique you get screwed. There was a PC desktop company that specifically asked to do a sponsor collab with Selen because she's a top ranked Apex player and Niji gave the collab and the computer to someone who only plays console games.

>> No.78806980

>Nijisanji had Ellira, Vox, and some other guy on a black screen discuss a complaint letter Selen/Doki's lawyer had sent to Niji about bullying and harrassment.
Are you saying Nijisanji had these guys stream live to discuss the complaint letter?

>> No.78807549

Giri is Chinese, Rainhoe is hapa

>> No.78808652

based armchair psychoanalytics
i'm saving this for future usage

>> No.78809340
File: 3.45 MB, 1600x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Ebi no Tenshi

>> No.78809502

The rundown isn't entirely on point. This won't be comprehensive either but I'll hit the big bullet points. She uploaded the music video on Christmas which had been the confirmed release date for quite a while, then the day afterwards it got taken down, which she went on to tweet about saying that management privated the video and suggesting people reupload. This is also after her getting a lot of projects and organizing permissions fucked around with in general.

Shortly after that the Selen account tweeted she was in the hospital and went radio silent for several months until eventually Niji drop a termination letter saying she made claims of mismanagement and harassment by both talents and management, the first time both claims were cited openly and the only time talent harassment would be claimed. Then Doki afterwards tweets her reason for being in the hospital was a suicide attempt due to a long time buildup from a toxic environment of bullying and that she and her lawyer had been in talks to try and graduate amicably for some time until the termination dropped without warning.

Consequently the internet explodes and many discrepancies are found in the termination letter. Doki shortly returns to indie streaming with massive support and almost immediately puts it all behind her, but people are still largely concerned about how Niji and the talents might respond to the letter essentially throwing them under the bus. People find out in the worst way possible, at this point the black stream posted happened and you should just watch that (as well as do your reps regarding other things mentioned), but for context it was timed to directly overlap Doki's first game stream, to the point of matching a delay if I recall. The internet goes nuclear, people wonder why they would possibly go through with it, if they're being held at gunpoint despite there being an official message by Riku himself too. The "letter" that anon refers to is more of a journal of thoughts Selen had kept that the lawyers were supposed to have kept between themselves, which has people confused at how the 3 in the stream would even be aware about it, which causes a feverish chain reaction of reveals, investigation and theories. And now we're here.

>> No.78811325

he used chat gpt

>> No.78812400

I will add to this that modern western society basically prohibits giving compliments to women because it is interpreted as "sexual harassment". But all women are natural attention whores from birth so they desperately need someone to compliment their appearance and who is better to praise you than your simps?

>> No.78812508

imagine the smell

>> No.78813633

based chatgpt fucking up the post and embarrassedly fixing it immediately after

>> No.78815614
File: 38 KB, 680x628, GG5PPJ3XAAAqM3R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean people watch vtubers for their models and the characters they play online, so it shouldn't be surprising that they might not be into IRL humans if they've grown to love the online persona y'know?

Also no offense but a lot of vtubers look weird IRL anyway.

>> No.78817319


>> No.78817366

Ok, let's drop this thread, since it was just clickbaiting.

>> No.78819473

you truly have no idea how powerful filters are.

>> No.78819637

thank you for saying this. As a man, I have imaginary fights in my head all the time with intricate anime-esk story lines, and I often times have hololive girls or other vtubers play supporting roles in those scenarios

>> No.78819704

Wow, she lost 6 followers! How will she survive without vtfacetweeting about it!?

Poor girl.

>> No.78819799

cope in replies is the evidence

>> No.78820073
File: 639 KB, 637x900, 1705251338193535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are never going to be more attractive than an anime girl. Stop competing with yourself.

>> No.78820349

it was like a 15 minute pre-recorded video with just a black screen, no visuals, so when you see people referencing "the black screen video", they are referring to that.

the interesting thing is that in the video, they say that some livers addresses were leaked in the document, like millie and enna's... but that implies that they were discussed in the document... which implies they were the ones bullying her, hence why millie and enna also had a huge drop in viewership and subscribers, and why people specifically turned against those two. The reason elira was the biggest hit was A. People suspected her of running NijiEN for years, she is in literally every niji sponsorship, if NijiEN gets a sponsorship, elira is likely involved, even if she is the only EN involved. And B. The black screen video was posted on her channel

Also side note, Vox has a line in there where he says he "thoroughly examined the document" even though as other anons said, doki claims the letter was private and meant only for Niji's attorneys... and then they made a 15 minute video about this private letter, calling her selen a liar

>> No.78820619

sure, it's called being gay

>> No.78822797

Is the guy dropping 200 gifted memberships one of the guys who cheated on Icey?

>> No.78822902


>> No.78823061

man, i feel bad that i found them ugly, its like a jumpscare.

>> No.78823446

Ushio Ebi is the only Ebi I acknowledge.

>> No.78823502

Based and true!

>> No.78823776

These attention seekers don't get the concept of vtubing and any loss is well deserved.

>> No.78826007


>> No.78826250

yellowfeversisters......it's over....... nipponland isn't filled with 10/10 qt3.14 anime waifus like my based board said it was..... :(

>> No.78829780

I don't.

>> No.78829789

I unironically think irl pegor is more attractive than her model
