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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78691815 No.78691815 [Reply] [Original]

>no one acknowledged the homos
>meanwhile EN4's so called leader

>> No.78691844

She’s a lost cause.

>> No.78691859
File: 315 KB, 1080x1080, What-is-The-Bargaining-Stage-of-Grief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forced unity
Unicorns on suicide watch

>> No.78691903

Assigned leaders usually don't end up as actual leaders post debut. She'll just be a pariah if the others don't follow suit.

>> No.78691998
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We want the kekould audience.

If /trash/ has taught me anything it's that there is a thriving community of people in need of a woman financially dominating them, while enforcing no cum rules, and keking them with other men.

And by golly they deserve it.

>> No.78692034

Not really. In fact, I'm happy she got it out of the way this early. Went on the blocklist everywhere she could and the only thing I'll see of her is when she collabs with my oshi, which looking at things, doesn't seem so likely, so it's fine with me.

>> No.78692139
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We're going global now. Time to reach out to the mainstream audience by offering unicorn blood as sacrifice.

>> No.78692181

>Assigned leaders:
Ame: too much of a sperglord to lead and interact with people
Bae: most of her genmates are too lazy to listen to her
Shiori: even bigger sperglord than ame
The only EN member that can get the others off their ass to do ANYTHING is Kiara. And I won't be surprised if that doesn't change.

>> No.78692203

Really, i don't mind though, since i stopped to check the new gen, for me it's enough with Gura, Mumei and Fauna lol

>> No.78692212

It's unironically fine when holo does it

>> No.78692248

Glad to see my blocklist is up-to-date since I have none of these interactions on my feed !

>> No.78692249

Advent is good as well anon give them a try

>> No.78692260

Honestly this desu, better to do this pre-debut than about a year in

>> No.78692270

It's only the antis making a big deal out of it. Real holofans are alright with it

>> No.78692280

Cover unfortunately fell for the "we love hags" meme and hired an actual fat fujoshi for Hololive. A blight in the gen. Hopefully she'll go away if we ostracize her enough, like Sana.

>> No.78692283

Guess who's the runt of the whole gen

>> No.78692307

But I do love hags, just not ones that help beggars.

>> No.78692333

Sounds like she's gonna be the next Bae in terms of not giving a shit. She seems to focus on music. Good on her.

>> No.78692376

You do not love hags. You love sucessful women self-aware of their age who use their experience and the fact you can't see them online to pretend well.

This is an actual hag, a leftover woman. A 34yo Ollie.

>> No.78692403

Could also end up as another Ollie.

>> No.78692436

So amazing in concerts and worth buying a ticket for? I'm down for that too.

>> No.78692457

Honestly it all depends on her voice and how her contents will be.

>> No.78692488

bae is also her gen`s so called leader
that doesnt mean much

>> No.78692593

I feel like she's gonna be the one who will yab first or will be the Kiara type that will have a complaint with everything

>> No.78692705

EN3 was a special case. Everyone in there was good and fresh but EN4 does not have ny hype at all or oversaturated already

>> No.78692765

She wants the homoshit tranny viewers to watch her clips fine by me since I dont to waste time because the gen is dead on arrival for me

>> No.78692951

your latest wave already got lapped sisters, time to leave >>>/jp/

>> No.78692973

Meh. A number of Holofans are worried but not nearly to the extent that antis are making out right now. It's only going to become a real issue is if she starts "owning the chuds" and acting like Enna after launch.

>> No.78693031

It is kind of strange when nobody, literally nobody, cares about these StarsEN homos in HoloEN so who told Elizabath she should be itneracting with them this much?

>> No.78693054

She's probably from SEA or something.

>> No.78693125

>REAL x do y
>look inside
>women trying to shame men into doing their bidding
Every single time.

>> No.78693148

Do not worry the 600 retards who watch homos will support her by liking her tweets.

>> No.78693157

>Gura, Mumei and Fauna
This is starting to sound like a parody. Do you have no original thought in your head?

>> No.78693160

You'll find out on debut.
If she joined just to get close to a stars member, like Bae to Roberu, or Ame to Shien, then that's simply all there is to it.

>> No.78693289

Waiting for someone to tell me it doesn't mean anything, despite having two perfect examples of girls responding to homos, then debuting and not speaking to homos for a little bit before running off to the whore house called VCR.
Talking about Ririka and Ao btw.

>> No.78693295

she's just another Bae/Ollie
nice of her to make it clear from the get go, so people bothered by it (me included) simply won't watch

and "gen leaders" are always utter bullshit, everyone does whatever they want and slippery slopes aren't real

>> No.78693452

There are perfect examples of girls that respond or follow homos on Twitter, the literal one place that doesn't matter, and have never collabed with a male on stream. Such as Kiara, Fauna, Shiori. These girls have NEVER had a male collab.
You retards are jumping the gun based on the one place that doesn't matter, or you're all nijiniggers since twitter matters so much.

>> No.78693721
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Even if they do, it doesn't matter when it's just nobodies from /vt/ crying about it.

>> No.78693798

And you wonder why you're not normal...

>> No.78694060

Have you seen how ERB has been interacting with them so frequently and making the repeat and deliberate decision to call them senpai?

This behaviour is not at all like the others. This declaration of intent could not be clearer.

The only uncertainty is how hard she'll lean into it: she'll be worse than Bae but maybe not by much, but she has the potential to be Ollie/Kobo on steroids.

>> No.78694083

Christ she's an actual fucking retard

>> No.78694182

Some of you are in desperate need of touching grass.

>> No.78694239

Which site do you think you're posting on retard, kys rancid tuna cunt

>> No.78694333
File: 42 KB, 396x264, NGTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<- THIS is forced unity

>> No.78694345

Man are incels easy to piss off lmfao.

Tell me, how do you feel about the fact that all your precious "oshis" likely get railed daily and that it will never ever be you?

>> No.78694373

women coming to this site are so weird

>> No.78694388

i don't see the other 3 doing this. how is this forced?

>> No.78694434

NTA and TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUE the ones form outside this board keep thinking about how we want to rail our oshis and it's like the ultimate

>> No.78694475

>He doesn't know

>> No.78694473

>Reddit spacing
Go back.

>> No.78694517


>> No.78694522

Keep telling yourself that, chud.

>> No.78694616

slaaayyy the incels queen! Unity chads we won.

>> No.78694668

Man I can't believe the cuckjisanji sisters successfully infiltrated HoloEN luckily I only watch Gura lol

>> No.78694781

She is hardly some riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. If any of you faggots had the faintest inkling of recall of her past she is just a unity advocate. One anon said it best that she is going for a matriarchal role like Nina Kosaka had.

>> No.78694810
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>> No.78694837

Pagpag is getting cold sister

>> No.78694856

nijification is just a conspiracy btw

>> No.78694885

For some reason yagoo in his boundless wisdom still believes copying niji is the way to success

>> No.78694897


>> No.78694958

there's no unity between homos and hololive and she's forcing it, seems right to me

>> No.78694984

BASED chumCHADS cant stop winning.

>> No.78695062

she's not my gf so i don't care what's behind the scenes
acts like a whore in public, gets treated like a whore

>> No.78695071

>only responded to one that gave her a "get well soon"
>Follows some, has never responded AFAIK
>said thank you to one that replied to her because he appreciated her music
>goes out of her way to respond to a bunch of them, responding to tweets that don't mention her or are about her in any way

>> No.78695113

>forced unity
Its more likely voluntary unity

>> No.78695124

Not like this though she's going out of her way to be a homo whore from the get go seemingly with no regards for her own popularity but also her genmates which makes it all the more likely that she's the activist type of sorts and will try to push some weird agendas.

>> No.78695206

she's not going to do jack shit lmao, she's going to get put in her place like shiori

>> No.78695256

Shiori didn't do anything retard.

>> No.78695324

We hate unity shit though

>> No.78695370


>> No.78695371

She is speedrunning carreer failure, just ignore her.

>> No.78695432

>using chud as an insult in current year

>> No.78695505

There is no reason to think she ever wanted to

>> No.78695596

>respect my collab choices
>thank you flayon~

>> No.78695605

Holofags are the most brain-rotten on this board.

>> No.78695636

>never said that
>singular two word interaction
2mw retard

>> No.78695661

micropenis-having incel chud here
she really owned me this time

>> No.78695676

If she wanted unity I am afraid she chose the wrong company

>> No.78695749

cope and seethe lmao

>> No.78695816

>gets btfo
>only response is cope
Two more weeks

>> No.78696085

ok buddy

>> No.78696152

Funnily enough Ruze the guy in your screenshot said it best. When he came to hololive he wanted to be a disruptive force and change the companies idol culture. But when he met Axel and Altare he realized that idol culture isn't what he thought it was and instead gave up being disruptive and decided to work at being an idol.
I think a lot of new hires come in at first with that goal, to destroy idol culture. Then when they actually engage with idol culture and being an idol instead of twitter opinions on idol culture they like it. I think given time she'll be the same. It's just another Calli style personality that needs correcting.

>> No.78696239

>check her replies tab
>almost ALL of it is replies to Holostars and Holostars related post from literal whos

>> No.78696313

No amount of feminizing can make me watch mori, and it won't work for this slut either

>> No.78696365

she's magnitudes worse than every single one who came before her

>> No.78696490

So you watch nothing most of the time. Explains how you have so much time on your hands for Catalog posting.

>> No.78696559

> he realized that idol culture isn't what he thought it was
Many such cases!

>> No.78696619

"unity" involving homos isn't real and I refuse to let beggars take the term from me

>> No.78696657

It's really retarded that
>what do you think of idol culture
Isn't an interview question and if it is it isn't one that gets your application thrown directly in the trash. Also when is ollie getting corrected deadbrap?

>> No.78696726

Unity was always a terrible idea used to cover holos that were behaving shittily towards their fans.

>> No.78696770

>worse than Bae
>reddit spacing
Roberu will never touch your fatass sister.

>> No.78696813
File: 212 KB, 1080x1391, GQhW2T1bkAAOkhD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the collabs are comming soon

>> No.78696858

She's going to be the Ollie of EN. Hey at least she made her intentions clear from the start instead of kicking her goslings in the nuts after 2 years like Ame did.

>> No.78696871

two more weeks, sis

>> No.78696874

If I had a few billion dollars I'd do a hostile takeover of Cover and fire every last one of these retards that won't stay in their lane

>> No.78696918

Frankly I'm more annoyed that she talks like a retard

>> No.78696968


>> No.78696974

>talks like a retard
she is a homosister

>> No.78696992

basic white woman, please understand

>> No.78697029

I'm not convinced she's white. She smells like a colonial to me.

>> No.78697041

I agree. I think initially she will have significant trouble because she'll collab with guys. But just like kronii eventually she will realize that people don't want to watch her interact with males and soon she'll end up the runt, watch others hit their million sub goals and change her attitude.
Ultimately being a hololive talent your goal is to make your fans happy. If you can't do that then you're just going to struggle. Even the Holostars understand this.

>> No.78697066

Whats the issue? Unicons told me that as long as the girls made their intentions clear from the start they will leave her alone and just not watch her, she is making her intentions clear PRE debut, so whats with all the anti posting?

>> No.78697075

Still seething I see

>> No.78697140

you are in catalog. you tell me.

>> No.78697200

Did Oga reply to her?

>> No.78697223

I'm not going to anti her or anything but it is weird to spend the entire pre-debut period constantly tweeting at the most obnoxious stars members
Not only do I not care about them, it invites the hololive anti retards who attached themselves to the stars as shitposting material

>> No.78697327

It's called a "board", and that's how you're supposed to use the four chans instead of squatting a "single" thread for all eternity.

>> No.78697424

Another one of these ?

>> No.78697430

it's in the making, with the new gen being more homo friendly there will be mix gender collabs and you can only cope and seethe

>> No.78697491

>that's how you're supposed to use the four chans
Decent bait

>> No.78697620

>le general circlejerk good
>rest of le board bad
the absolute state of nu4chan

>> No.78697703

It's just catalogue shitstirrers stirring shit. Just read the thread, some of the actual unicorns already said they don't care.

>> No.78697812

Why would I? None of the girls I watch would ever join one. They've made their stances pretty clear, either explicitly or implicitly. You can have your fun watching the girls that do, but I can assure you I already do not care about them.

>> No.78697847

I'm still gonna watch her debut, leave a like in the video, and stay subscribed to her. She is still hololive so she'll get some support from me. However, I don't think I'll be watching her much beyond that specially if she keeps this up. Kinda like with Bae I'll watch her if she collabs with the other girls and sometimes for a bit if another girl raids into her

>> No.78697945

this is fine, it's just an happy birthday (that gura might not even see if she has the homo on mute)
Liz tweets ARE NOT fine

>> No.78698348

This might come off as a surprise, but I'd rather not have the newcomer shitting on the pool the people I actually like/watch swim in.

>> No.78698446

KEK You will also watch all her clips right homosis

>> No.78698617

clips? I guess I'll watch a few here and there, but not necessarily on purpose. Again, just like with Bae I won't actively watch, just minimal support since not like I hate her just hate homos

>> No.78698901

Nijification is not real btw

>> No.78698971

That was always a lie to make their position seem more reasonable. And no, it's clearly not all just shitposters.

>> No.78699283

>replying to twitter is the same as a dick haver crashing at an all girls offcollab

>> No.78699599

Biboo and surprisingly Shiori are good. Shiori is that kookie girl next door you'd like to bang.

>> No.78699762

Don't mention my Ame. She has been forgiven.

>> No.78699781

let it go novelites, you're not convincing anyone

>> No.78699820

It's only one person...

>> No.78700090

What she's doing is not even remotely the same.

>> No.78700180

I don't look at Holotwitter much so I'll see how things turn out on stream, but for now I followed all of them except for her, she seems a bit obnoxious anyway. My gut feeling is that I'll mostly only end up caring about Green.

>> No.78700655

she debuts first. they always start with the weaker one.

>> No.78700825

This feels like Regloss electric boogaloo. At least Elizabeth is filtering her audience early on, but she better is at least a suisei-tier singer to make up for it.

>> No.78700944

Imagine being such a pathetic waste of oxygen that the mere idea thar a streamer interacts with a male sends you into a 4chan tantrum.

>> No.78700971

Kiara and Calli said she has a really good voice, but girls give out fake compliments all the time so i wouldnt put much stock in it.

>> No.78701136

The issue is homobeggars are now starting to attack entire Justice. They're never satisfied with just one.

>> No.78701216

I’m just not watching any of their gen, sucks for them but maybe they’ll weed out this whore into an early graduation.

>> No.78701241

>try to get rich off of pathetic wastes of oxygen
>get mad when they act like pathetic wastes of oxygen

>> No.78701276

She's filtering people while also giving beggars more ammo to bug the other girls about homo collabs

>> No.78701307

How the hell are they make Gura male collab? They can't even make her stream consistently. If anything, if they try to force her to do anything she'll just do what she always does and not stream.

>> No.78701352

I'm hesitant but I'm still willing to give the rest a chance at least. This one lives outside of the box as far as I'm concerned though. She's blocked on literally every platform I use.

>> No.78701377


>> No.78701479

They won't stop until it's like Jersey Shore but with anime characters instead

>> No.78701574

What the fuck is a kookie

>> No.78701576
File: 466 KB, 680x671, 1713438009370842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe they’ll weed out this whore into an early graduation.
Nice larp sister

>> No.78701656

There's absolutely no way. She's way too savvy and tuned-in to do that, and just the idea would probably make her anxious anyway.

>> No.78701935


>> No.78701985

It's funny how you falseflaggers always keep misusing that image outside of /#/.

>> No.78701997

Only 100 replies after 4 hours? It seems like everyone moved on when they realized she just En Ollie

>> No.78702017

not a nijinigger but fuck right off with that shit, /vt/ is a containment board for a reason, and all of you loud assholes can stay right here. remember that tribalfagging only exists within the subculture: outside of this space every vtuber fan is equally obnoxious to normies regardless of who they watch. i still remember /jp/ before this, and no one there appreciated having to bump a thread every 20 minutes just to keep it from getting bumped off the board by the constant autistic vtuber sperging. /jp/ is one of the sleepiest boards full of people aging towards the retirement home and this place is infested with seasonal zoomers and moves like /vp/ during leak season. put on your get-along sweater and stay in your fucking container, the lot of you.

>> No.78702027

>Shit ton of homotranny garbage before even debuting
Wtf is this if I'd want to watch cuck shit I would be a subhuman trannysanji fan, is Cover retarded?

>> No.78702039

Same. Even pink. Her deleting those posts tells me there's a possible chance for redemption.

>> No.78702068

Death to Holostars!

>> No.78702253

Don't have to imagine for you sister, knowing if your kind didn't exist not much would change for the homos but vtubing would be a better place every where else.

>> No.78702351

Youh made me check...
Well, it is kinda on the nose isn't it?

>> No.78702474

There's a difference between responding to the homos and lusting after them under their every single tweet

>> No.78702525

If she is who people think she is, it's going to be worse than you could ever imagine

>> No.78702565

Wish her the best. At least there won't be any surprises

>> No.78702570

Yeah I'm definitely giving green a watch (but not when football matches are on) and might try out pink and yellow if other anons have good opinion of them. Red is dead to me and I hope she doesn't interact with my oshis.

>> No.78702721 [DELETED] 

I'm not into blacked chuubas

>> No.78702881

I feel like Nerissa is the leader of Advent. Makes sense, she learned from Kiara.

>> No.78702898

Why the fuck is it always the red one that does this shit

>> No.78702965

should we start calling the red one female jutard?

>> No.78703020

Nerissa wants to be the leader. The same way Kiara is controlling with Myth.

>> No.78703304

Well, I'll just not watch her then.

>> No.78703365

You know

The way you write this

And the way you worded it

Doesn't make it any less obvious

>> No.78703440

She’s not indonesian

>> No.78703473

Yeah and there's also actual unicorns breaking containment in Red's xitter replies.

>> No.78703571

100% chance they'll turn out to be falseflagging Phasefags a few days later. It's always like this.

>> No.78703978

Absolutely dropped before the first stream.
Shocking. I have NEVER not given a holo a chance before...

>> No.78703994

Red is a color of unrestrained willpower and rebelliousness

>> No.78704236

Checked some of their profiles. It's mostly shitstirrers with no holo stuff (# monkeys who don't watch streams), holofans, holofans with liking jp pics (# who are fans of main branch numbers) and some indie/phasephags or like that retard ernoul who os eternally seething over homos (just like some brainlets in #). All in all, majority are shitstirring numbermonkeys, as always

>> No.78704512

>we don't care if if they interact with males we simply won't watch
>Already shitting on her pre debut

>> No.78704611

Nah, its Ernoul and the usual containment breakers.

>> No.78704790

Twitter interactions are enough for you to be making conspiracy theories anon?

>> No.78704859

>forced fun
>forced yuri
>forced unity
What's next? Forced breathing?

>> No.78704967

How does this translates to her not interacting with holostars?

>> No.78705044

/#/ is down the stairs to the left anon

>> No.78705475

The fuck this Ruze even try to do beyond being a fucking niche

>> No.78709722


>> No.78710390

This argument doesn't make sense for two reasons. Men or women, we're all geeks. We like our waifus and husbandos, people are attracted to their. That is why the argument against parasocialism from the side of some ladies is weird, because they do much the same thing men do, fangasm for their favorites, get jealous for their favorites, the whole nine. Its like some people not getting that this has been a thing in the entertainment industry since young boys sent love letters to their favorite female artist and girls threw their panties onstage to theirs. It kinda just baffles me how silly the conversations around it are. If these people weren't having fans attracted to them, they'd never have the dosh they get. Thats just simple facts. Trying to imply one side is morally superior to the other, at least in the case of how they view the talents, is just faulty from the start and honest conversation should just be had by all.

>> No.78712697

Wild to watch everyone pretend like the past 3 years haven't been constant nonstop railing against male collabs just to pull a "REAL Holofans don't actually care" over the last week.

>> No.78713302


>> No.78714199

I wonder how her genmates feel. It would be one thing if they were all like this but if that is not how they are and if they wish to be more like Advent she is sabotaging their careers. I won't watch any of the debuts. I don't want to be constantly reminded of her existence through collabs events etc.

>> No.78715547

>When he came to hololive he wanted to be a disruptive force and change the companies idol culture
why is every american like this, fellas can never just have the initial intention of integrating peacefully

>> No.78715929

This is why nerd should've gotten in instead. She doesn't watch Homos so we would have an ally guaranteed.
The best we can hope for now is that her dog dies and her back hurts like Sana.

>> No.78716913

She is a slag thus she chase the dick.

>> No.78717875

she's in for a rude awakening if she tries to push homo unity in Hololive

>> No.78717931

This people keep saying bae but she is way more like ollie. HoloEN hasn’t been in this much danger since 2022

>> No.78718041

It’s management

>> No.78718315

>She has been forgiven
Where's her apology and naked dogeza?

>> No.78718435

Yagoo has always been inept at actually running the vtubing side of the company, gen3 became the golden goose solely due to their own decisions. He continues to try to push the homos despite them being abject failures in comparison to both Holos and Niji males.

>> No.78718655

no suicide watches until she drags her gen mates, Advent, and the rest of Hololive en into her homostar circle jerk.

>> No.78718689

it's annoying drama baiting. All of the other homos know not to mention a Holo if they don't acknowledge that the Stars exist it's just this one and the other flip that break the norms

>> No.78719072

Ollie is doing so well and is super well liked so she has a bright future ahead of her!

>> No.78719237

it's the whole calling them Senpai and treating them like they're part of the branch that is bad. The last thing we need is a HoloEN talent trying to push Niji-tier unity

>> No.78719526

I'm convinced now, that Yagoo is forcing the unity, he loves holostars, so he made the first hololive gen dedicated to collabing with them. the signs are there

>> No.78719717

I'm sure that will go over great with the girls who have never shown a single bit of interest in the homos

>> No.78720096

I didn't see anything about her being a unity advocate though? If its even that person

>> No.78721080

It didn't work out with regloss, so they're probly testing if it'll work in EN

>> No.78721245

Not even exaggerating too

>> No.78721760

Sorry, your post doesn’t align with the agenda. Please delete it.

>> No.78721833
File: 34 KB, 720x715, 83DF26C5-0BFF-4360-B5E9-0385DFF3CCBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78724674

>forced unity
that's cope

>> No.78724957

>if she does a Homo collab it will probably be the usual suspects
>Oh no its Mori and Bae maybe Kronii

>> No.78725120

you are comparing like 1-2 responses over several years to this girl literally clinging to every homos' every fucking random stupid shit tweet and commenting on it even if there is nothing to say. no EN has ever been like this, possibly no holo in the company history actually (I dunno if Ollie was like this at some point but I think even she didn't just go waiting for any homo to say anything to respond to just to repetitively showcase she's there talking to them).

>> No.78725284

>No one else from her gen really acknowledges stars, just her
>"Must be forced unity, mandated by Yagoo, they got told to do this or management is controlling their accounts"
Holy cope.
