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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78679084 No.78679084 [Reply] [Original]

On A Date edition

Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


▼ Talents ==========================
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】

【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】

【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】

【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】

【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】

【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】

【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】

【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】

▼kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami

Previous Thread: >>78632267

>> No.78679136

first for Auri

>> No.78679153

more like hawaii

>> No.78679181
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>> No.78679227

why would she do this

>> No.78679263

its what men crave

>> No.78679278

She's a degenerate fujo

>> No.78679302

there's a method to her madness

>> No.78679304

If more people were like Charzu, this world would be a better place. Minus the tranny supporting thing because they should be killed.

>> No.78679315

kawaii art archive MEGA

>> No.78679342
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>> No.78679380

She is one of those "HAHAHA SEX FUNNY!"
One of the most basic bitches ever astroturfed /here/ by Shee's and her own fans, so she doesn't lose relevance.
I find it hilarious that someone can potentially shill Auri here and she could get donos that would go to a kawaii girl otherwise.

>> No.78679384

never meet your heros anon, you probably would not like charzu in person.

>> No.78679441
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Elden Ring:




Nano has a twitter space up

Lethe reviewing [fanbase name]'s waifus and husbandos

In the morning:
Lua kawaii lore deep dive

Kohaku JP zatsu

>> No.78679460

>t. just stop oil protestor

>> No.78679473

Just from seeing the few dms she has shared behind the scenes, it must be bothersome.
Like bitch can you drop the kayfabe and talk to me like a normal person

>> No.78679479


>> No.78679490

Sheecho playing Elden Ring
Nene also playing Elden Ring
Hiyori also also playing Elden Ring
Koha also also also playing Elden Ring...

>> No.78679531
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>> No.78679534

You now remember "No one is going to pander to you!" posts by Ephemira discord faggots when we were just suggesting types of games that they should play.
These people came into the corpo already hating on the existing kawaii fanbase.

>> No.78679580

I was referring to her being a pureblood redditor, but yeah that kayfabe 24/7 shit is annoying too

>> No.78679655
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>> No.78679696

For the benefit of tourists since we're getting some especially from the minecraft server, only Lethe had a significant PL fanbase who were pointed in our direction and they really just don't care about us in particular.

>> No.78679745
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>> No.78680037

ISLA CHAMA PLEASE COVER AO NO SUMIKA YOU WOULD ABSOLUTELY KILL IT!!! (I asked this a few months ago because I think your voice would be perfect for it)


>> No.78680460

Huge portion of Lethe's PL don't really keep up with her anymore as well because she stream exclusively in English (turbo ESL) now

>> No.78680520
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kayak is a mistakek

>> No.78680646

ephemira was a mistake but pixel link server saved them

>> No.78680660

When Koha said she wanted to grind to catch up she really meant it

>> No.78680675

What happens with kawaii numbers when we sometimes have consistent 100+ ccv without girls raiding each other and then like tonight, Shee is around 50-60 ccv and Hiyori too after 30 mins of streaming.
I noticed some other vtubers have a significant drop in numbers. Is this some youtube faggotry or what?

>> No.78680742

I personally only dislike male interactions. I think Meimi is adorable and Hiyo is giga talented. Lethe turned out to be fucking hilarious and Tomochi is probably my favorite kawaii after Charzu now. Didn't watch much Nano and Koha so I can't comment on them.

>> No.78680743
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>> No.78680753

nobody wants to watch vtubers play elden ring, theyre all watching their favorite male flesh gamer streamer play it

>> No.78680781

Gura was streaming, everyone had low numbers today

>> No.78680831

No raids, at all. This is the true baseline for most of them.

>> No.78680875

>This is the true baseline for most of them.
ER is buffgame right now

>> No.78680922

Playing launch day won't get you CCV because of this. Most people go watch their preferred actual gamer streamer.
After a bit of time, you can jump on the FOTM to get all the people who already watched it completed and want to see more playthroughs or backseat

>> No.78680928

meimi is for peen and maaxter
hiyo is for troons and longboard

>> No.78680934

How is that the true baseline when Charzu and Reina have more than that "baseline"? People here always posted how no one watches Reina and whenever I check up on her she is sitting around comfy 80-90 ccv sometimes more.

>> No.78680980

no one HERE watches Reina

>> No.78680995

Reina (Redemption Arc) is kino.

>> No.78681029

thanks for reminding me to put maaxter in my filter list heh spamming imbecile that cannot stop cuckposting every day

>> No.78681047

I still don't know what you're seeing anon. Refresh the page?

>> No.78681072

not really, people who care about the dlc are either playing it, watching some big streamer or avoiding ER streams to not get spoiled

>> No.78681081

I watch Reina sometimes depending on what she streams. Reina is a good girl. PVRE soul of a person. You need to be a heartless piece of shit to hate Reina.

>> No.78681107

Too much game overlap (ER) today and it's a week day

>> No.78681139

no one watches reina /here/, you can ask your ephemira pl discord friends to watch here instead

>> No.78681172

She is a really sweet girl, I just don't like her content and she's too much of a normalfag for my taste. I don't think anyone actually hates or dislikes her

>> No.78681200

I watch reina 3d streams theyre kino

>> No.78681227

not your trannybox, hug

>> No.78681420

We used to hate Reina because she was a cocksmoking faggot with male collabs but that was long ago, now we just forget she exists because of her inconsistent streaming.

>> No.78681467


>> No.78681516

Not including newfags like you of course

>> No.78681576

I like her ever since she fix her audio enough so her stream is watchable. Sometimes, I just want to see a normie but cute girl

>> No.78681609

of course ephemira newfags don't count

>> No.78681625

we newfags love reina so you keep seething

>> No.78681639

Anyone on 4chan that goes >we is a dirty redditor faggot or a discord tranny. No one here is your personal army. Neck yourself.

>> No.78681701

fuck off

>> No.78681723

c'mon, leave some buzzwords for the rest of us

>> No.78681794

Ren Zotto loves Reina

>> No.78681864

which ephemira astroturfing discord friend is this?

>> No.78681902

when do you sleep? are you unironically retarded? how come you dedicate that much time to this place?

>> No.78681961

4 of them are playing elden ring but ZERO of them are doing the DLC like retards.

>> No.78681963

you had your melty already, calm down lil bro

>> No.78681987

it's actually because of the minecraft server

>> No.78682019

>PL discord astroturfers
>PixelLink interns
>dramatrannies and tourists
>insert schizo rrat because it isnt just bittervet posting now
You guys ever think that kawaii and by extension, this general, is finally getting new blood because we're actually doing shit in the outside community now?

>> No.78682079

>is finally getting new blood
yeah, tourists who hate everything kawaii stands for

>> No.78682129

threadshitter learned some new buzzwords and is spamming his retarded schizo narratives in every thread

>> No.78682145

tourist here
couldn't give less of a shit about elden ring but wanted to let you know nene has a great ass
be sure to feed her lots so it gets bigger

>> No.78682171

only from other small corpo shitters, no one outside of the small corpo world cares about this minecraft arc

>> No.78682250 [DELETED] 

hi tourist do you want some nene ass dox?

>> No.78682262

Small corpo world is a giant pool of fans that we can still tap into.
Your mindset can't be holo-tier attention or nothing at all.

>> No.78682278
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>> No.78682335

nah i'm not a nigger, thanks. what kind of weirdo wants 3d non-anime asses anyway?

>> No.78682364

It's been proven time and time again that huge collabs are actually bad for the numbers because people don't want to watch their oshi interacting with chuubas they don't care about, it alienates the audience. Chuubas enjoy them, not the viewers.
So I doubt any fan is actually shilling this minecraft arc, knowing how almost every single one of these girls are on /vt/ (/corpo/ is like 90% chuuba femanons), I wouldn't be surprised if those posts were all other vtubers

>> No.78682436
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>> No.78682441
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I like huge collabs as long as I still get enough solo streams to satisfy my autism

>> No.78682522

is that why holoen does those big minecraft collabs? because they're so terrible right?

>> No.78682636

>giant pool of fans
No, there is a lot of overlap and it's always the same fags in all chats. It's not a small audience like what each singular corpo gets but it's literally a bubble, once this minecraft things leaves the fotm window any growth that came from it will vanish as people go back just watching their small corpo vtuber of choice.

>> No.78682637

Yeah, HoloEN audience is retarded and likes shitty content
You can go back to watching them if you like big minecraft collabs, don't ruin the small corpo scene with that shit

>> No.78682658

y minecraft collab seethe

>> No.78682692
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so true

>> No.78682702

hololive dynamics and small corpo dynamics are completely different retardchama

>> No.78682811

Those numbers won't last

>> No.78682828

then why were you talking about nene ass, the one irl thing she likes to brag about?

>> No.78682902

>doxnig post about nene ass
>"I'm not a doxnig!"
dumb fag

>> No.78683010
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you're overthinking this in a really gay way. i saw nene's butt. i thought nene's butt looked great. i gave nene's butt a compliment.
i take it this place has a pretty bad seanig infestation or something?

>> No.78683110

damage control by the usual nene ass doxnig ritualposter, kill yourself

>> No.78683125
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Of course not. That's the point of playing FOTM games early, doing shorts streams, or participating in large events like VSMP and karaoke relays.
You get inflated CCV, and every time you do that, you pull a portion into your regular fanbase.

You can be like Charzu and just do your standard content which your fans love but...

>> No.78683129

most of the posters here are seething antis, ignore it
Nene does have a nice ass

>> No.78683159

Lethe has been live for 20 min btw
and she's not playing ER

>> No.78683196

most of the posts here a ephemira astroturfing sisters

>> No.78683206

>defending lolis

>> No.78683211

and she's talking about loli right now

>> No.78683227

This, everyone should do shitty unwatchable content because it's good for the numbers
Why would anyone want quality content, are you an anti?

>> No.78683259

If it was shitty unwatchable content than how is it good for the numbers? Isn't that an oxymoron?

>> No.78683331

Because the majority of vtuber watchers are braindead kids
Might as well do skibidi toilet or spiderman elsa videos because they're good for numbers

>> No.78683378

events in /corpo/ aren't that good because of the overlap and overall small audience, it's nice content and all but at best you get 5 fags from another 2view shitter. And you maybe lose 5fags to a different 2view shitter.

>> No.78683397

If you're labeling it all as slop that's on you.
Shee still follows the same growth idea, she just uses daily endurance streams and Nintendo games. Indie horror games can be buff content too.

>> No.78683515
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This is why Nene doesn't trust anyone and has trouble socializing

>> No.78683582

no one likes a whore, she had to find out one way or the other

>> No.78683592
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good hire passing through

>> No.78683617

but i like both whores and not-whores

>> No.78683702

cute troon, is she passing through on a longboard?

>> No.78683863

why are people from southeast asia always so miserable and angry anyway

>> No.78683887

Terrible living conditions

>> No.78683899

did that paypig kid with a dead mom ever show up again?

>> No.78683922

south american here, not an excuse

>> No.78683937

Yes, he was gifting members throughout the pregame zatsu

>> No.78683989

it's gotta be more than that.

>> No.78683990

based kid, hiyo will be his new mommy (male)

>> No.78684043

ESL overload https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4lXKUQKcfM

>> No.78684090

>he doesn't know

>> No.78684099

they have access to high speed internet and basic necessities, it could be much worse.

>> No.78684149 [SPOILER] 
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The ideal man according to bonaparty

>> No.78684185


>> No.78684319

she wants the horse BBC

>> No.78684350

she wants to be drawn with a horse BBC*

>> No.78684389

in her bonapussy

>> No.78684392

>it's nice content and all but
Improving the content is bad how?

>> No.78684470

maybe Nene should stop being a petty bitch

>> No.78684482

nah, probably not. futa self-insertion is an extremely small niche.

>> No.78684522

ephemira discord astroturfer too retarded to understand, unfortunate

>> No.78684551

>it's nice content
is it though

>> No.78684574

she wants to get stretched by horse tyrones, sorry bucko

>> No.78684701

you're implying your cock isn't big enough to satisfy her? weird thing to say anon

>> No.78684996

lethe has to take a break to masturbate after a few reviews

>> No.78684997
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>> No.78685099

she is a sizequeen, only the biggest hoop king quadruped will satisfy her

>> No.78685283

Nene raided into her waiting room

>> No.78685433

that's a pretty gay mind you have anon

>> No.78685876

So you are basically a sissy faggot cuckposting on 4chan all day? Ok, noted.
/v/ and /vg/ is full of your types. Dunno what happened to newer generations but most dudes on 4chan are just turbo sissies.

>> No.78685903

NTR become mainstream

>> No.78686138

>Dunno what happened to newer generations but most dudes on 4chan are just turbo sissies.
it's because the new generation of 4chan posters are all Asians and Latinx

>> No.78686334
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>> No.78686781
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I love agency vtuber (virtual YouTuber) Ms. Lua Asuka of Production kawaii Generation 2 (novamore)


Latest covers:



>> No.78686815
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>> No.78687051

yeah we Ike (eveland) to watch

>> No.78687198
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All women should be ESL, even the EFL ones. English classes should be separated by sex so girls can be taught an alternative form of English to make them more attractive (you know, kinda like "We have purposely trained him wrong as a joke" except instead of a joke it's for GFE and sex). This is my vision.

>> No.78687727

Lethe really enjoys herself this stream

>> No.78688205


>> No.78688642
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and just like that

>> No.78689041

Ephemira HATES her!

>> No.78689697
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Lethe please block his mongoloid faggot ape. This is the guy that called for Isla's doxxing. Noel De Jesus retard.
The nerve of this tranny to show up in kawaii chats again...shameless cock smoker.

>> No.78689701 [DELETED] 


>> No.78689744

I want to jerk it to Shee but I feel guilty because she still tries to be feminine and nice even after her past mistakes, usually women become bitter after such acts so Shee is a rare case. I dont want to be seen as being on the same level as the college guys she was with when she was young and dumb.

Guess I'll crank my hog to charzu again

>> No.78689743

Lethe is a dox enjoyer, she likes him

>> No.78689884

Samefag no lifer btw

>> No.78689976

uh oh melty

>> No.78690019

>Uh oh he forgot to post from his other device where he actually capitalizes first letters in a sentence
Just kill yourself you terminally online retard. Your life is garbage. Do you understand how fucked you are? Do you realized how finished you are? kek

>> No.78690118

Uh Oh Melty

>> No.78690134

How did your life get to this point? I would consider suicide if I ended up perma online on a vtuber board of all places. Just do it. End your misery.
The fact that you are trying to make it seem like you are at least 3 different people is absolutely hilarious. Retard talks to himself in a small vtuber general all day LMAO.

>> No.78690173

Yeah it's over for you buddy. It's never gonna get better you do realize that right? Get to it chop chop lets go. The noose is waiting.

>> No.78690203
File: 298 KB, 705x473, 1690626195293352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, my Baby Boy Chinchin

>> No.78690227

lil bro...

>> No.78690251

Uh oh lil bro mad

>> No.78690268

Just hang yourself retard. You have no life. This what you're doing is not a life. You are beyond obsessed with who gives a shit Z-list virtual youtuber "celebs". Just fucking kill yourself.

>> No.78690292

shut the fuck up megiddo heh

>> No.78690304

>Uh oh look at me I post from my PC and my phone!
Just do it. Just kill yourself. Donate your healthy organs to someone that needs them and just rope.

>> No.78690309

Good morning, I'm going to enjoy my day today for Meimi!

>> No.78690351

meimi is melting down in /pkg/ already, tell maxter to come and pick her up

>> No.78690362

>Every post is my imaginary discord friend
Mindbroken imbecile. In how many discords are you in you subhuman trash? I know that you made your entire life about vtubing but cmon admit it. You are in kawaii's discord, in Eiens discord, where else?

>> No.78690390

chill out kekjay

>> No.78690397

which ephemira pl friend are you?

>> No.78690416

No life imbecile kill yourself. Hang yourself you human piece of trash. You quite literally have no life. I bet you live off of benefits or some shit like that. Pathetic sad sack of shit. How fat are you btw?

>> No.78690460

this aint a good look pixel intern, how is this going to get us to watch vsmp

>> No.78690467

cripple meltdown kek

>> No.78690490

Dude just kill yourself. Seriously just end it. Your life is garbage.

>> No.78690539

>He says cripple meltdown
>Never leaves the house
I honestly think that you are either a crip like kekjay.
I'm out. Keep shitting up this thread for the next 20 hours until you pass out from exhausting. You sad sack of human shit.

>> No.78690544

lil bro so mad

>> No.78690545
File: 48 KB, 720x397, the thread rn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 retards flinging shit at each other this late at night

>> No.78690623

it's not night in the third world.

>> No.78690629

it's just one samefag, /ourguy/ meltyanon

>> No.78690708

it's the usual eurocuck waking up and melting down >>78690309, you should know him by now

>> No.78690725

Your entire life is /vt/.Think about that. And also consider suicide every day. It is never going to get better for you. Your only way out is death.

>> No.78690737

Sometimes I join in for a bit before I go to bed because it's fun

>> No.78690765

lil bro get new material

>> No.78690776
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Not even close. You quote a random guy. I was shitting on you all this time.

>> No.78690818

>Spends all of his days on /vt/ cuckposting, namedropping discord shitters and calls girls whores
>Tells someone to get new material
Delusional retard. Just end it bro. Jump off a bridge or something. You should not be alive right now.

>> No.78690836

I thought you were out

>> No.78690873

lil bro go back to bed

>> No.78690896

Hang yourself

>> No.78690957

Imagine getting to a point in your life when you shit up a small vtuber general all day every day, and unironically think like "No, no, I'm not crazy, YOU are all crazy!"
Absolutely delusional sad hikkineet faggot probably living on welfare. Just fucking blow your brains out retard.

>> No.78691009

ok meimi, go back to sleep

>> No.78691020

Ok I'm def. out now, but please consider suicide your life is garbage.
>hueh Luke the cuck hueh bbc unit hueh pl discord astroturf nene whore hueh
Subhuman imbecile.

>> No.78691053

good night meimi

>> No.78691077

hueh Luke the cuck hueh bbc unit hueh pl discord astroturf nene whore hueh

>> No.78692566 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 633x574, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kawaii friend ebi fleshed out

>> No.78692606

wrong one

>> No.78692825


but not our Ebi

>> No.78693354

How do you even think the ritual coomer poster is the same as the other two? You need mental help lady

>> No.78693656

Why do women who join in the vtuber space always decide to show their IRL face?

>> No.78693861

>Who's canonically the STRONGEST?
Alright I will be asleep when Lua streams so I will answer this here.
Tier 1 (would take an army to stop)
Nene and Reina are the two strongest in kawaii.
Reina is a princess of Hell and Nene graduated at the top of her class in angel school.
I would likely say that Reina is stronger in terms of pure "power level" but Nene would beat her due to element advantage, assuming Reina's "heavenly Demon" trait doesn't nullify that weakness.
Tier 2
The second tier is made up of people that would fit into a typical battle shonen or RPG.
Ran, Meimi, Lethe, Nami, Yuno, Kaya, and maybe Nano.
Ran, Kaya and Lethe are trained fighters, Nami and Meimi are magic users, Yuno is half Oni which is comparable to a demon but she is a half breed so she is lower.
Nano is interesting she is the only sci-fi coded character so it all depends on her tools and technology.
Tier 3
The third tier is for people that (on paper) would win 10/10 fights against a regular human.
Charzu- dhampir power should give her a 1 hit kill,
Tomoe - half ghost power should be able to do something
Tier 4
The fourth tier is regular human or very close to a regular human.
Shee, Isla, Kohaku ( her power is over dreams and useless in a normal fight), Lua, Hiyori. - animal girls are hard to rank, but it seems like the animal is only 10-5% so the difference is minor.

>> No.78694189

ask nano and kohaks heh

>> No.78694694

(You) will never be able to satisfy their need for male attention, even massive vtubers do face reveals because women live for the dopamine hit
twitch also spelled the beginning decline of vtubers and keyfabe

>> No.78695214

They just want validation.

>> No.78695708
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>> No.78696739

Charzus power is nagging you to death

>> No.78697323
File: 51 KB, 482x330, 424238689324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This lonlidood retard will probably eat a ban. I am predicting it now. He will have a melty in the future for sure.

>> No.78697804

>ARS terrorist
>dutch andrew
what did she do to get that shit chat?

>> No.78697900

looks like meimi's collab with bestie didn't go as well as I expected. I thought she would gain more tcg subs from it and make it her new niche and eventually collab with rosemi

>> No.78698028
File: 248 KB, 1280x720, 1713069102223387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ms. asuka :DDD

>> No.78698226

Yeah, sure. If you did, you wouldn't feel the need to say it.
Just curious, what did you expect in term of subs after that single collab? Just wanna see how delusional armchair managers are.

>> No.78698288

oh you're the melty anon. nah I'm out I'm not going to waste my time with you. pick someone else retard.

>> No.78698526

Heh subhuman imbecile. Kill yourself.

>> No.78698606
File: 275 KB, 340x440, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short hair Lua oneesan looks 5 years younger

>> No.78698700

uh oh melty?

>> No.78698706
File: 263 KB, 329x422, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lua fat tits
Hiyori should use her fat tits toggle too

>> No.78698838
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>> No.78699146

New Lua outfit in August. It is already done but too many kawaii related events are in the summer so it is pushed back.

>> No.78699213

Shee mention

>> No.78699251

Yep tranny. What did you think that you wont be recognized you terminally online ape?
>Slow thread/board
>Hmmmm what to do, I can't talk to anyone
>I know, let me bring in other offtopic vtuber drama into the thread>>78692566 ,<span class="deadlink">>>78692566</span>
>hmmmm I'm still bored, what should I do? I know, I'll reset my IP and pretend that I'm a new guy that "just woke up" so I can shit on Meimi not getting subs from the collab
Just fucking kill yourself already you subhuman tranny. Your life is pure garbage and 90% of yout time revolves around /vt/. Kill yourself.
Do you understand how shit your life is? Do you understand what a mentally ill subhuman you are? Hang yourself right now you waste of skin.

>> No.78699318

I legit did jwu though I'm not your threadshitter crush my guy.

>> No.78699433

I thought you were out

>> No.78699456

Miss Asuka is talking about Star Rail. I love this stream already.

>> No.78699494
File: 566 KB, 722x451, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charzu is up first.

>> No.78699501

this thread already had your melty, wait for next thread

>> No.78699521

>4 hours ago
Is that like 5 minutes to you, you terminally online imbecile retard?
You are ALWAYS here! Always. Your life is /vt/. Kill yourself. Please for the love of god kill yourself you human trash.

>> No.78699532

Jwu and about to blow a fat load to Lua's enlarged breasts.

>> No.78699566

boring melty

>> No.78699656

>Guy that replies with the same cuck stuff every time someone brings up Meimi, Nano, Hiyori, Nene, etc. says that someone is having boring posts
You really are a delusional cocksucker. I bet that in your mind everyone finds your posts hilarious. Meanwhile most people that come here filtered you out. You are unironically talking to yourself with me shitting on your retarded ass in between.

>> No.78699757

uh oh?

>> No.78699885

Reina does not have a good narrator voice.

>> No.78699897

Reina has a fat latina ass though.

>> No.78700058

she doesn't have a good voice

>> No.78700724


>> No.78700746

Nene is a good narrator and great VA

>> No.78700862


>> No.78701353

Lua and Hiyori are not the most marriable women in kawaii. Lua still my top 1 followed by Hiyo. Both amazing women.

>> No.78701395

Shee did not know how to record audio. What the fuck is this?

>> No.78701451

Shee's an idol

>> No.78701503


>> No.78701586

lol incel melty

>> No.78701654
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>> No.78701677

look at those tits
I want her to breastfeed me like a baby

>> No.78701719

uh oh melty

>> No.78701786

>are not the most marriable women
I wanted to say NOW not NOT. What the fudge...

>> No.78701849

freudian slip... if yuno yuno

>> No.78701879
File: 205 KB, 886x734, ESLs out[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzq53of.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78701983

cute troon
cute mogged bitch

>> No.78702276

isla, kohaku, lethe and tomoe out?

>> No.78702924

bitch you're chinese

>> No.78703950

which one

>> No.78704328

if yuno yuno

>> No.78705098

Too thin to be nami.

>> No.78705580

Is it trolling if someone tells someone else to kill themselves, hang themselves, consider suicide, calls them a subhuman, an imbecile, tells them to jump off a bridge or tells them their life will never get better? Asking for a friend. Also does it make any difference if they do it so much that it makes up 50% of the posts in a single thread?

>> No.78705652
File: 109 KB, 324x316, 1716437091993182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop noticing things heh

>> No.78705728

Tomoe vsmp kino in 2 hours lil fella
be patient

>> No.78706047
File: 19 KB, 176x176, businessyuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pillow is streaming VSMP

>> No.78706202

@ me when she blows up more of the traitors builds

>> No.78706333

Take it to/svmp/ unless she's a POV to watch kawaii girls through

>> No.78706463

bad rei is kawaii friend

>> No.78707151

>raided into a group male collab from globie

>> No.78707445

there is auri tho

>> No.78708741

auri love

>> No.78708910

for globie males heh

>> No.78709573
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>> No.78711101
File: 1.96 MB, 640x360, yunogivesyouagoldstar[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmrls2v.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78711338
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>> No.78711382

That sounds like a threadshitter

>> No.78711515

we love meltyanon here, bucko

>> No.78711663
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>> No.78711976

>A half vampire
>Team sunny

>> No.78712923

what did she mean by this

>> No.78713113

she's owning le 4chan haters

>> No.78713168

being pathetic for clout

>> No.78713372

Cuntzu against cancer

>> No.78713651
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>> No.78713759
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>> No.78714215

>bigger tits than Nene

>> No.78714546

My wife Tomoe is live in about 25 minutes

>> No.78714552
File: 50 KB, 816x312, Lethe Bonapuchi 🪷🍳 レッテ•ボナプチ 【kawaii】 (@lethe_kawaii).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78714636
File: 279 KB, 1152x2048, 20240619_034622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While Tomoe and Hiyori are better singer, I think I listen to this cover the most out of all Ephemira covers so far. It really stood out by letting Nano's personality and unique style shine in the song.
I'm also excited for Tomoe's cover of Cheerleader tmr though. I think I will really like it

>> No.78715027

thanks daddy

>> No.78715255

Tomoe is my beautiful dutch wife with cute pink nipples

>> No.78715867

>Gmuh gen 1 never getting involved in anything rrat aieeeeee

>> No.78715913
File: 53 KB, 300x300, 1718497566199836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is a very talented girl

>> No.78716029

They are told last minute that they are involved in events by management.

>> No.78716385


>> No.78717587

fat grifter cucking nyanocucks with no streams>>78716029

>> No.78717621

Shut the fuck up Meggido heh

>> No.78717837

shut the fuck up cuckiddo heh

>> No.78717892

589 in the inferior duck's chat btw

>> No.78717943

who else is a duck retard

>> No.78717962
File: 278 KB, 2048x1174, GQneYlFXIAAMOuV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She finally has a proper skin.

>> No.78718025

people get paid to make minecraft skins?

>> No.78718061

they should add boobs to minecraft

>> No.78718065

Yes its a thing.

>> No.78718221

Kohaku is a cuter duck than your duck

>> No.78718664

>It's like a viking raid
Ah, kanna's Nordic ancestry desire kicking in. Pillage and rape will be legalized in the server soon

>> No.78718935

>people get paid to make things others want

>> No.78719191

If you're not raping and pillaging you're falling behind

>> No.78719279
File: 1.13 MB, 1235x635, minecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing Minecraft survival with so many people must be fun

>> No.78719436

589 is having too much fun like she's on a field trip

>> No.78719588

she won't miss those aster hopcons

>> No.78719621
File: 83 KB, 329x335, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kohaku is too low on this list. She's basically some sort of demon too though her lore is still a mystery

>> No.78719643

This is just one company. There's a lot of money to be made being a Minecraft creator. My friend was making $45 an hour to create a virtual MC world for some European fine arts academy.
Of course... you have to be good.

>> No.78719775

a demon for aster hopcons

>> No.78720236 [DELETED] 

kawaii friend Matt Walsh is streaming

>> No.78720390

women are alright in my book

>> No.78720481

women makes me weak

>> No.78720559

I'd love to witness first hand what having sex with tomoe is like. I don't know what to expect tbqh but I know she will be cute.

>> No.78720594

but are they whores?

>> No.78720640

Estella's laugh is driving me insane

>> No.78720656
File: 179 KB, 948x862, 1702134543452341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf a cuckgeist??

>> No.78720659

Apologize to Nene.

>> No.78720744

I love it
She's also pretty fun and disgusting

>> No.78720767

All the girls got raped and murdered by pillagers

>> No.78720830

Hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk
Hyaa hyaa hyaa hyaa

>> No.78720879

they have some true literal whos now in the server

>> No.78720998


>> No.78721021

They should get Auri into the server then

>> No.78721153

some of the latest addition have been 1view indies, at least it was small corpos before

>> No.78721162
File: 1.04 MB, 720x720, NamiAggressiveBlinking.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's horny

>> No.78721222

Auri will give all the girls multiple STDs and their grandpas will die

>> No.78721276

Nami has never been horny in her life

>> No.78721281

we're all watching kohaku and tomoe on vsmp cuh

>> No.78721303

KEKEDrojis heh

>> No.78721332

The prettiest Hanamizuki is streaming

>> No.78721334

Would be kino. Auri is fun to hang out with.

>> No.78721369

can this mistake graduate already?

>> No.78721377

Why did she put Lethe so high? She's an assassin but peak human at best. I saw her justification that Nene only has healing powers supposedly but that's not canon .

>> No.78721447

lethe is a fellow BBC enjoyer

>> No.78721531

we like Kaya now anon.

>> No.78721542

Considering the swordsman and ninja are up there too, she puts more important on combat training than being a different species
Magic is being super underrated

>> No.78721597

bad larp we hate kaya here bucko

>> No.78721633

get with the times, we love Kaya since yesterday.

>> No.78721651

Ran's sword is magic at least.

>> No.78721697

nah kaya is a mistake she should join babu

>> No.78721733

without Kaya's contributions there is no kawaii, kneel bitch.

>> No.78721766

which hanamizuki pl discord astroturfer are you?

>> No.78721772
File: 24 KB, 483x32, culprit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78721836

none of them. I am a new fan that got into kawaii thanks to hmz. Looks like hmz was not a failed gen after all bucko

>> No.78721846

he is yiman

>> No.78721907

ok yiman when is your podcast with kaya dropping?

>> No.78721924

Ran OP next?

>> No.78721946

What do they do in these events?

>> No.78721972

yes we like to watch

>> No.78722008

Lethe loves that white aussie cock don't lie anon

>> No.78722031

There's plenty of cuck porn out there for you, why do you want Kaya specifically to cuck you that much? you're obsessed.

>> No.78722050

>majority of the thread is NPCs talking in circles
>possibly one guy responding to himself
I saw a mudcrab the other day. Dreadful creatures. Goodbye.

>> No.78722054

they get stretched by tyrones on stream

>> No.78722058

Stream and the donation goes to the charity I guess

>> No.78722093

see you in an hour

>> No.78722122

i livepost in /vsmp/ and let you guys do the usual here

>> No.78722133

wait, is yiman podcast with kaya cuck porn?

>> No.78722136

I hope there's a wheel and one of the options is voice requests.

>> No.78722398
File: 42 KB, 500x500, sadge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last /pkg/ thread

>> No.78722426


>> No.78722939

Gonna blow a load to charzu
