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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78628030 No.78628030 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>78622268

>> No.78628053
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.78628072
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>> No.78628091

No, it just means you're autistic. I enjoy tracking my earned income, merch purchases, and investment portfolio.

>> No.78628126

Excuse you, I also like Patra and Clear Rocket.

>> No.78628127


>> No.78628215

>Gura's 3d live won't raid directly into the song, it will be a future announcement
grim, fucking grim. the era where a holo can just upload a song is dead. you need giga live raid into tiktok shilling and short spam on YT too

>> No.78628227
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Pink panther

>> No.78628250
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>> No.78628270

They should do this on stream

>> No.78628277

Stop whining grandpa

>> No.78628281

I was indifferent towards phase until a portion of your fanbase started shitposting directly under Holo VODs.

>> No.78628283

To be honest the posts were right, superior chemistry is basically what farmed them fans early on. It just makes their eventual failure all the funnier because instead of building on that they decided to abandon it in favor of chinks.
By the time Council came out, EN has non-autistic chuubas who could vibe too, and NijiEN was completely malepozzed and making the male fans flee in droves or staying solely because of their oshis.

>> No.78628296

>super straight
guess we were overdue

>> No.78628310

shark waiting room looks extremely grim

>> No.78628312
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the perfect chuuba...

>> No.78628319

I stumbled upon this place around 2021 and found that this thread is where I can talk about Pekora the most, so I just come here whenever she stream to talk about here and it become a habit

>> No.78628336
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I think everyone's missing the most obvious answer.
Red is replying to literally EVERYONE.
Yes, even literal who's, artists, and any rando that she sees on her timeline.
I think she genuinely doesn't know of any baggage within the community.

>> No.78628343
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We're buying

>> No.78628344 [DELETED] 

Why do pink women love risotto so much

>> No.78628346

Bae debuted almost 3 years ago

>> No.78628358

Gura won’t leave after cashing in on merch sales again………… right bros? If she does can it only be one month instead of 3?

>> No.78628368
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Kek my fellow flips (yes I am a filthy flip) are celebrating they think the barrier will be broken soon

>> No.78628372


>> No.78628376
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Cece I appreciate you caring, but no

>> No.78628386

Biboo should've just streamed at her normal time today.

>> No.78628408

Yeah, no. She knows what she's doing.

>> No.78628411

kys beggar shitter she went digging for random unrelated homo tweets to gush over them, she wasn't replying to them tweeting at her

>> No.78628419

Is Cecilia the only one who has a chance at challenging EN first army?

>> No.78628423

Did she reply to Fuwamoco?

>> No.78628432

Has she replied to shiori yet

>> No.78628446

I'll argue the opposite, that she knows exactly what that baggage is and chooses to do it anyway.

>> No.78628455
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Italian women

>> No.78628457

30 hours later

>> No.78628458
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Thanks Mr.Jap for hiring this unpolished gem

>> No.78628487

She has to stick around long enough to overlap Justice's debut buff

>> No.78628490

she's just too stubborn to listen senpai..

>> No.78628500

no thanks, she is dead to me

>> No.78628501

she's expanding the box. everyone should be grateful someone is willing to take on the task

>> No.78628504

I hope you're right. Time will tell. I'm a cautious type but first impressions have been wrong before.

>> No.78628507

shark CCV predictions? her waiting room is only 2k right now, which isn't a good sign.

>> No.78628525

Not in EU time.

>> No.78628529
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>> No.78628536

>Red is replying to literally EVERYONE

>> No.78628540


>> No.78628542

Actually drew it by the way

>> No.78628545

I hope pink cat absolutely mogs Inigger, it's about time that boring gook gets taken down a peg.

>> No.78628557


>> No.78628570


>> No.78628597

Keep that information close to your heart when she debuts.

>> No.78628601

I honestly believe that pink if she sticks the landing has the potential to be a star, her rm was already a consistent 4 view so she must know what she's doing

>> No.78628619

I'd rather predict when that embolism from lack of sleep finally hits you

>> No.78628627

Fauna turned FST into her pure gold

>> No.78628642
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Which way, Red lady?

>> No.78628648

I want you to be correct but I don't think you are

>> No.78628671

>EN first army
so, Gura? no

>> No.78628678

This is just cope anon.
People said to signal from the start, and that's basically the first thing she did.
It's better to accept it and let that run its course and focus on the one's you like. She'll sink or swim from her own choices, then you can see where things stand later on.

>> No.78628683

>To be honest the posts were right, superior chemistry is basically what farmed them fans early on.
Buddy this is the company that collapsed because their equivalent of Mori bullied their equivalent of Mumei into near suicide then threw her under the bus live, the FUCK do you mean "superior chemistry"?

>> No.78628688

by the time Justice debuts there will be 19 holoEN channels and this one it's obviously not for me, all this doesn't know talk when she has spent months in training it's delusional at best.

>> No.78628690

She sought out Rio of all people to just randomly reply though.... I mean who even knows who Rio is, I barely even know who Rio is.

>> No.78628694


>> No.78628701
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>> No.78628706
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Why does Gura love the three purple JP cunnies and Ina but fucking hates the new purple EN?

>> No.78628714


>> No.78628718

>lower than her last 3D live
>lower than moona's showcase

>> No.78628735

She can't be a Towa and the other paths all lead to failure so what does it matter

>> No.78628742
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For me it's still Fauna and Mori

>> No.78628750

>alone in EU time zone
If there are a lot of under-serverd holofans in europe yes, otherwise no since she would have to build the audience on her own
>what about kiara
she isnt a euro prime time streamer

>> No.78628751

Idiot, she didn't "reply" to Oga, Astel and Rio. She wnet out of her way to talk to them.

>> No.78628754

their vibes are misaligned

>> No.78628801

she is more Polish

>> No.78628810

18 channels. FWMC is one

>> No.78628814

I like this girl. I have a good feeling. I already bought last night, I got in early.

>> No.78628816

Maybe she can be EU first army with a consistent 6k median!

>> No.78628825

Based. Patochan is a treasure

>> No.78628827

Because Biboo an annoying SEA shitter like Kobo. Next question

>> No.78628884

jp time and bad voice, don't know what audience will watch her since jps and sea get filtered by thick accents

>> No.78628885

kill yourself sister

>> No.78628894

nah, it's more like
>you work at a job
>you have rules that management, your direct superiors give you
>you fulfil their quotas and have a generally good time and rapport with your customers
>except one dude that keeps putting reviews about how you should be pushing your company's website more or use stock phrases to start/end conversations
>first time you just politely thank him, but he keeps doing it because he thinks it "would earn you a bonus" and "lead to a better customer experience"
>he might even be right, but you fulfil your quota and you find your earning comfortable enough that the bonus doesn't seem to be worth the extra scrutiny you'd have to add to your calls
>guy starts calling you stupid over it and that they would like to be connected to someone else
>you just report it to harassment to your manager and you get them out of their hair (if you work a good job) or management makes you bend by force (if you work a shit one)

the last bit is the difference between Hololive and Nijisanji

>> No.78628927
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>> No.78628937

I want to be grudgeposted so much but at this point, this is just coping. She knows what she's doing.

>> No.78628936

Only twa can be twa

>> No.78628948

Millennials humor vs zoomer humor.

>> No.78628965

>their equivalent of Mori
how the fuck is Elira anywhere close to Mori
she wasn't even the first debut

>> No.78628986

Would be a sign of hope if she didn't go out of her way to reply to Homos that were just posting random things. I think she knows about some of the baggage, but did the woman thing and thought "well that sounds stupid, I'm not gonna listen to some incels lul" and is now doing what she is. If this is true, she's either going to get dragged down into Hell (become an EN Ollie) or will quickly learn when she's getting less profits than the rest of her gen. This is better then what we initially thought, though, and it means that not incapable of change.

>> No.78628990

>super straight

>> No.78629013

Why not though?
She's able to balance being CGDCT in the collabs with the girls and distancing that from her "out of box" collabs.
It's a viable path.

>> No.78629020

Coz Biboo is a deadbeat

>> No.78629023

surely Shion is younger than Biboo

>> No.78629030

bro, if she doesn't know that makes it EVEN MORE likely that she will homo collab and AT BEST turns her into a Bae

>> No.78629053

Funny how long it took to reply to FuwaMoco in your delusion

>> No.78629063

I-its just bantz, bruh!

>> No.78629069

And i'll simplify your shitty job analogy
>be waitress
>boss gives you minimum wage, doesn't care about your tips as long as you serve drinks
>decide this means you dress like a giga prude, never smile at customers
>tips basically don't exist
Why the fuck would you get a waitress job then? In this context tips aren't just superchats or merch sales, they're popularity in general.

>> No.78629074
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>> No.78629081


>> No.78629090

She's too old to keep up with her zoomerisms and is intimidated by the idea that she might not know a meme when talking to her and thus fails to throw out an adequate quip leading to an awkward moment

>> No.78629093

>Biboo is a deadbeat

>> No.78629128

We're talking about pre-clique times you stupid fuck

>> No.78629138

She wasn't? Sorry I don't know shit about NijiEN, anyway I wanted to emphasize a "popular 1st gen bullies most popular 2nd gen"

>> No.78629141

I have not seen a tweet from Justice in my timeline, their engagement must be dead in the water

>> No.78629144

Grass green, other side.

>> No.78629155

good point

>> No.78629154

>Gura vs Biboo timeloop

>> No.78629161

so true sister

>> No.78629169

>she wasn't even the first debut
excuse you you're talking about the daisenpai of EN here

>> No.78629181

She's a tako, anonchama.

>> No.78629191

Or Biboo don’t know when to shut up

>> No.78629193

he wasn't getting enough engagement shitting on Gura

>> No.78629197

Because Towa is a gamer and this chick isn't going to be good at video games. There's not gonna be any professional tournament collabs or whatever. Any collab she does will be party games

>> No.78629209

>pre-clique times
no such thing lmao, I can't believe a nijisister still has the gall to run the chemistry coep

>> No.78629232

Shion is Japanese so her humor is automatically a decade behind western zoomers, putting her at the perfect timeframe to vibe with Gura

>> No.78629241

that's worse

>> No.78629244
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>> No.78629276

Wasn't she? I remember thinking that it was Pomu who was the true Daisenpai and being wrong.

>> No.78629294

I can also "simplify" an argument by turning it into a stupid parody, but it's not like adult people argue
people generally do their jobs according to/within the boundaries defined by their management
the last thing most people working a job want is customers starting to behave like they're part of management themselves
that works both ways, homobeggars incessantly telling you how to do your job to "expand the box" touch the same nerve

>> No.78629306

Guess that's why IRyS is starting 2 hrs after Gura.

>> No.78629313

bahaviors, which need no explanation.

>> No.78629334
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>Doll girl
>Pumpkin girl
>Pink panther as an anime girl
>NeRySa fusion

>> No.78629352

Lmao, the clique hadn't formed not because they didn't want to, but because they could not. Elira had been gunning to turn Niji into Hanamori 2.0 since her debut.

>> No.78629392

That's a good one.

>> No.78629409

So we know for sure that at least one will stream at JP hours and one will probably stream at EU hours, eventually
What do you guys think will be final ratio after few months?

>> No.78629434

you're assuming maliciousness when it could be incompetence

>> No.78629455
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Same Fauna…. Same. Fucking pebbles and Biboo memes actually make me cringe. Every time pebbles tryna shoe horn her into a collab I’m begging to god it doesn’t happen

>> No.78629457

>I can also "simplify" an argument by turning it into a stupid parody, but it's not like adult people argue
That's literally what you did, you came up with a shitty analogy and now you think yours is better than mine.

>> No.78629459

Clearly the other 3 know, considering they haven't replied to any of them. There's no way she doesn't know, it would be brought up at some point in conversation between them. She's doing in on purpose.

>> No.78629479

Are you retarded? In every industry the customer is king, there's not a single industry where customer feedback (by the paying customers mind you) is not a critical part of the process. It's literally business 101, hell even engineers are taught this shit

>> No.78629493

they all debuted on same day, but Pomu was first
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC6yl3CyePA for reference
Nijisanji literally lost their EN daisenpai

>> No.78629518

Liz types like an actual hag compared to everyone else who types like a millennial or a zoomer. This could be my mom on Twitter lmao. So I think comparisons to Ollie don't make much sense.
My guess is that she's probably not shedding any potential audience because unicorns and GFEfags don't want actual EN hags. They want girls with cake energy.
I have no idea how her dynamic will fit in HoloEN though. We'll see.

>> No.78629545
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Same reason why we hate biboo today since she choose to overlap Gura head on.

>> No.78629546

This will be a grim generation that will be basically holoEn but halved. This wouldn't normally be concerning, because yay cover the dead hours for EUfags, except somehow ID3 giga performing wasn't enough to guarantee them a new gen so EN4 underperforming is kind of scary.

>> No.78629548

kill yourself

>> No.78629558

>three purple JP cunnies
Who's the third?

>> No.78629566

People in chat already talking more about Cecilia than Fauna lmao. She's so done.

>> No.78629567

>Precious doll that must be protected
2/4 is bad but it’s not great

>> No.78629568

Jewdol burning down
> It feels like the house she's living in is rotting away at the frame and the bad thing is this won’t just affect her, but 18 other girls as well. The fact that their FUCKING webpage still has two terminated members listed, two who have had full redesigns in their old forms, and NO mention of their TWO newest generations should have been a red flag

>> No.78629575

Strange how that only applies to one of them

>> No.78629595

Pink is JP hours. Cece and Red will be EU hours. Idk about Gigi

>> No.78629601

yeah, sub-60k debuts seem possible at this point. their waiting rooms look dire.

>> No.78629604

kill yourself subhuman
not getting enough bites trying to shit on Gura so you shift to your usual falseflag

>> No.78629612

I think they're going to get 100k just before debut with the pre-debut surge. They're on track to get 90k in 12 hrs or so.

>> No.78629614

what are the expected numbers for EN4? Based on the sub gain, I predict 50-70k

>> No.78629621
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>no one is live
EN4 will save us

>> No.78629623

sure sister

>> No.78629645

Towa that was actually the bait I was aiming for

>> No.78629654

Wait, then why the fuck is ELIRA the one thats toted as the "Daisenpai?" Does the clique bullying really go that far back?

>> No.78629656
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oh nyo, KFPs will not watch LMAO

>> No.78629670

Biboo blew her chance. She was right there, in a game collab, with Gura. All she had to do is walk up and talk to her. What did she do? Begin shouting at Bae (who shouted back) so obnoxiously you could see Gura's l2d cringe. 20 minutes later Gura muted that collab and was outta there, she just wanted to vibe with Ame.

>> No.78629673

Oh neat, this got to 1 million
Kanata's got to 2

>> No.78629677

News flash every single Hologirl uses an IPhone to stream, you gonna stop watching streams now faggot?

>> No.78629692

What are your hopes for EN5?

>> No.78629700

>living in japan
>living in japan
>german in europe
>dunno but she streamed for EST americans before hololive
Looks like dead hours will continue whenever the doll doesnt stream

>> No.78629736

Oh no not the core KFP. 2k is probably a sawtooth graph oscillation in a Gura 3d live.

>> No.78629738

Honestly this guy says it all >>78629313
She's an unmarried british hag with all the benefits and downsides

>> No.78629747


>> No.78629753


>> No.78629763
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>> No.78629761
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I saw this and immediately thought the same thing, that this is some 35+ year old woman behind the monitor.

>> No.78629765

Ina in half an hour and Fauna in 90 you whiny bitch
I don't understand this need for streams 24/7 especially when there's no guarantee you'll even like all the new girls. I know I don't give a shit about advent enough to watch them consistently.

>> No.78629773

Gura only just put up the second frame and other HoloEN no longer have access to her schedule according to Kiara.

>> No.78629782

50-70k seems about right. advent had almost double their subs by this point and there is absolutely no hype for the debuts so far.

>> No.78629789

Apparent superior chemistry. The "apparent" was implicit.

>> No.78629800

dont worry, they dont watch kiara either, theyll catch the clips though

>> No.78629804

Gura thinking she's above cringe is the actual cringe

>> No.78629807

>EN management thought "HoloEU" meant holos with silly accents form europe

>> No.78629820

That's all I need

>> No.78629822

>pre-debut surge
Post debut is what I'm most looking forward to seeing. Advent post debut sub surge was JUICY.

>> No.78629829

Green has a chance like this. If she capitalizes on the empty slot, her numbers will look better and suggest Cover should invest more. All of them piling into dead hours would leave us with 4 3-5k streamers

>> No.78629838

and there are level to that, but at almost no point people in direct contact with the customer allow them to dictate them how to actually perform their duties (in many cases, they are trained EXPLICITLY to prevent customers from taking the reigns, especially in more specialized fields when interacting with a pushy but non-specialized customer)
feedback has proper channels, both direct (surveys and contact forms) and indirect (like statistical analysis), which goes through, is worked into procedures and then passed from managers to workers
workers are held to what their superiors and training told them, not every random dude on the call, sorry

>> No.78629841

Kiara literally implied she got scrapped cus of management approval crap on a recent 3D live . They literally don’t watch streams

>> No.78629863

Ina bailed out for today.

>> No.78629864

At what point did you realize you spend too much time in this general?

>> No.78629867

This. Fucking stuck-up, princess syndrome cunt

>> No.78629868

>A numberfag

>> No.78629897

A Brazilian and American streaming at JP hours
Euro streaming at US hours
Japanese streaming at Euro hours
A live cam attached to a dolphin with chat being feed to it's brain via neuralink

>> No.78629902

nice coverup, but no. I no idiot

>> No.78629907

Ina probably got told to cancel for the concert kayfabe

>> No.78629916

>inb4 Red is the true mommy of HoloEN

>> No.78629919
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>> No.78629921

>That emoji spam
Definitely someone who shares Minions memes on Facebook.

>> No.78629924

When I closed the tab because people were being too retarded, got bored and then opened it again

>> No.78629930

Like others have pointed out, this cope would have some legs were it not for the fact that she went out of her way to tweet at some homos, and took a whole day to respond to FWMC.

>> No.78629943

>my dear
Holy fucking shit we are dealing with a granny here. Not even the like of Mio can compare

>> No.78629952

When there were only 30 minutes left to my meeting, whereas last time I looked I had 4 hours.

>> No.78629959

Literally this, pebbles can cope all they want but what you mentioned literally happened. Literally start a shout competition with bae that no one else could talk in VC until everyone slowly started muting including Gura. If the room is too loud then Ame won’t talk and then Gura is out of there

>> No.78629961

God damn dude what the hell is this gen

>> No.78629972

Poach Kanna Yanagi from PixelLink
That is my only wish, I want her to get rich and become a full time streamer

>> No.78629980
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god just PLEASE let liz be good. Raora and Cecilia look good but I really fuck with elizabeth's sexy knight design for some reason.

>> No.78629983

pretty sure Kiara was referencing some HoloID appearance
Gura invited Kronii over Kiara even during the year they "reconnected"

>> No.78629991

pretty fitting for a new gen announced on a random mori stream when your target audience wasn't even watching though, the whole thing seems baffling to me

>> No.78629994
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>Advent post debut sub surge was JUICY.

>> No.78630011

Wait since when? And why? Do you have a timestamp handy?

>> No.78630026

Kys pebble

>> No.78630036

You missed the lead
>The Jew owner hasn't posted on their official discord in over a month.

>> No.78630076

>/#/: Why don't Cover just hot drop new gen like HoloX again???
>Monkey paw'ed

>> No.78630077

sisters ...

>> No.78630082
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>> No.78630085

I Kneel

>> No.78630091

Kill yourself subhuman. Stop larping as a chumbud while you go up and down the thread shitting on Gura and other ENs.

>> No.78630100

It was in her minecraft stream. She asked chat what time Gura starts her 3D live because of that. I'll see if I can find it quick but it was a really long stream.

>> No.78630108

when i leave a tab open and it archives while i'm gone but i can't be bothered to backread and instead go straight to latest thread

>> No.78630115

She doesn't know
If someone doesn't do it before I get home I'll do it. It was a public stream .

>> No.78630137

You dumbfuck we've been over this a billion times the statistics don't lie. Have one last (You)

>> No.78630139

Same desu

>> No.78630147
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>> No.78630153

I remember retards saying that Biboo and Shiori would overtake Nerissa in subs post-debut
>obligatory kneel

>> No.78630158

She mentioned 2 of them. One of the 3D lives got canceled completely and on the other one who ever it was didn’t submit paperwork in time. I’m more inclined to believe OD got canceled and Gura forgot the paperwork.

>> No.78630166

Cringe is cringe. But being a loudmouth is beyond cringe, especially if there are other people present. Gen Z brainrot

>> No.78630181

The internal problems weren’t as big and obvious at the time by virtue of most of the clique not having joined the company yet.

>> No.78630182

Every member being from Shondo clique

>> No.78630184
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this is a much more palatable approach than ame's "hip auntie" style of trying to pick up the zoomer lingo

>> No.78630199

>until everyone started slowly muting
Why do sisters insist on making shit up as if we don't watch streams?

>> No.78630208

why do i feel that the mix in the chorus from lui's cover sounds bad?

>> No.78630212

Towa's position is pretty unique, but more importantly she isn't asking about Jurard's womb on twitter. The new girl already failed the most basic requirement of non cancerous male interactions which is to be professional. Towa manages to act more professional while playing games with some of her best friends whom she's known since before she joined Hololive than this retarded whore after one day of pre debut tweeting at homos.

>> No.78630216

>I think they're going to get 100k just before debut with the pre-debut surge.
I still think Justice subs are being throttled, their subs are too close and consistant. No fluctuations this entire time

>> No.78630215

Explain La+, who Gura has barely even interacted with since that tea party thing that Mori did like two years ago and is also a zoomer.

>> No.78630229

What does she mean no access to schedule? Gura have a fucking schedule? Why is that public in the first place? Why did management suddenly block the rest of the branch from it?

>> No.78630230

>nooo don't mildly describe a mistake you're a sister
fuck outta here, pebble. it's not like I just posted some manifesto against biboo, you can't take the SLIGHTEST observation about something that wasn't, as your zoomer ass would say, "clean"?

>> No.78630232
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Yeah, FLOPcil didn't do as well as expected

>> No.78630235

When I literally kept losing sleep posting here. I would get in bed at 9PM and check my emails/twitter/mangadex/4chan. Then i would click on this thread for any happenings and before I knew it I looked at the clock and it was 2AM.

>> No.78630243
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>> No.78630246

People say she sings very well. Does Cover think people who like music will watch homo or what? They also promoted RegLoss as a music-oriented branch, turn out they just homoshill

>> No.78630256

No more until this mess gets fixed first.

>> No.78630268

ame's hagification is progressing...

>> No.78630274

Biboo and Shiori aren't begging for subs and spamming shorts with the sub counter on the stream

>> No.78630288

so true sister

>> No.78630289

I don't know if this is better or worse than what Nerissa does with her zoomerisms.

>> No.78630290

Shes numberfagging.... is she our girl after all?

>> No.78630298

Does she have anything to balance out the homocollabs? Unlike Filian, who's a goofball entertainer, or Suisei and Mori, who are known for their overwhelming talent or work ethic. And she isnt into kayfabe It seems like she's just a streamer with an avatar that appeals to beggars and casuals.

What’s her schtick? Just being Brit? Does she at least like footbal like, Lira?

>> No.78630314

That's retarded on the part of management. Maybe they're trying to get people to overlap though and grow the box via strain by getting rid of the early warning.

>> No.78630327

Does anyone really have to "explain" why japanese zoomers are not the same on the cringe scale for an american who doesn't speak japanese? She knows LA+ from clips and translations at best.
And does anyone really have to explain why Biboo, someone without a fucking 3d model yet, isn't in Gura's 3d live?

>> No.78630334

>your zoomer ass
You are an underage itoddler

>> No.78630342

she's a world class artist and voice actor

>> No.78630357

No fucking shot. I am predicting 75-85k debuts. 50k debuts would mean HoloEN is fucking dead.

>> No.78630361

Maybe they should...... if it works, it works.

>> No.78630376

maybe youtube changed the sub cull system? more akin to ccv verification instead of VOD, someone is checking if the niji wave is being culled?

>> No.78630382

I laughed. this is kino cringe of someone trying to join the kids.

>> No.78630396

if she was she wouldn't need to apply to hololive

>> No.78630400

I wish. I would take the cringe in exchange for youth again.

>> No.78630422

>Lost to Kuzuha GTA
This fucking killed the hype for me

>> No.78630432

oh yeah, the paperwork fuckup is definitely something Gura could pull

>> No.78630440

You not being underage just makes your behavior even more embarrassing

>> No.78630447

All the girls have internal schedules newfagchama, why wouldn't it be known between the talents, it's important info for coordination.

>> No.78630452

oh god, I hope we dont end up with a Nina

>> No.78630457
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>I still think Justice subs are being throttled, their subs are too close and consistant
Cull theory and invisible barriers. We KNOW that some pathetic intern loves to cull holos. Just goes to show how much of an unstoppable force hololive has become.

>> No.78630464

That OP of that conversation didn't say anything about the live.

>> No.78630479


>> No.78630497

I am talking about Gura specifically retard

>> No.78630504

vertical stream is shit for gaming

>> No.78630509

You do know that they are debuting at 00:00 AM for EST? and 05:00 AM for europe? The only ones that will watch is the californians and the japs

>> No.78630522

SEA hours were unbearable to have any discussion without monkey level shitflinging, it's either I wake up early or sleep pretty late. The curse of being an indog whose oshi is Fauna.

>> No.78630528

I'm sure you have a timestamp to share with the class sister

>> No.78630534

where does the goth gf go?

>> No.78630545

Why would Gura be an exception?

>> No.78630547
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>> No.78630555

She pulled way ahead long before she ever attempted a shorts stream or even learned how to put her sub counter on screen.

>> No.78630580

Maybe you should wait until the debuts to find out? I don't have high hopes for her but posts like this are dumb.

>> No.78630592

I'm more curious on whether we'll ever get a JP7 and whether Kizuna Ai will be in it

>> No.78630595
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>> No.78630597

Cuz apparently some don't use the shared calendar

>> No.78630601

She wants a UMG contract like mori

>> No.78630600

there's no way thats real

>> No.78630602

The suspected red RM sounds kind of like Nerissa's sister when singing. Buff or debuff?

>> No.78630611

Nerissa is gaining subs but her fanbase isn't growing, if anything more people get annoyed with shorts streams and leave.

>> No.78630617

Would it kill you fags to not reply to bait or at least make funpost replies instead?

>> No.78630635
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>> No.78630638

we have to stay up in case mumei streams

>> No.78630647

>she's a world class artist
Anon was only referring to Liz not the panther

>> No.78630657

dex staff pulling a fun one kek

>> No.78630675 [DELETED] 

While you idiots circlejerk about hating ERB you're missing the bigger problem and it's that Raora is literally fucking dating someone in the industry outside of Holo. It would be like if WolfyChu got in Council. Merry is gonna have a bunch of inside info on Holo and potentially a lot worse.

>> No.78630678

20:00 PT, 23:00 ET, 04:00 BST

>> No.78630683

artist as in singer, anon

>> No.78630701


>> No.78630699

Shut the fuck up pebble and go back to watching your boring rock.

>> No.78630704

I really do feel like it's going to be a Nina type, with all the pros and cons.

>> No.78630705

I am betting that singing is her main pull, so it should be her buff

>> No.78630713

shut up before I pee on you.

>> No.78630717

again, if she was as "world class" as claimed, they would already have signed her

>> No.78630729

thats like 100% of the world according to cover

>> No.78630734
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Sub trickle down effect

>> No.78630742

That changes nothing because shitposters have been doing the orcschizo special and replying to themselves 30 times except this time we have no meidos to give a shit.

>> No.78630740

>Anon haven't even know which Justice is which yet
That grim huh

>> No.78630745


>> No.78630751

Like 80% of europe is in CEST

>> No.78630765

Constant complaints that EN needs an hag like mio receives one still complating wtf do you want.

>> No.78630775
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>> No.78630780

nvm, I'll pee on this sister instead.

>> No.78630790

>an hag

>> No.78630794

only gaming stream so yeah she's losing vs music.

>> No.78630799

Ummmm pardon me but wtf is Gigi doing? ERB basically overshadow everyone else

>> No.78630805
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this is nothing like Mio

>> No.78630809
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>> No.78630813

Hope Elizabeth can monetize that happiness roru

>> No.78630820

Fauna needs to graduate already.

>> No.78630821


>> No.78630826

not the english speaking part though

>> No.78630825

At least funposting about biboo slapping gura in front of yagoo is entertaining to read, arguing with the retard is not

>> No.78630833

Buff if she has range and knows how to use it well. Debuff after enough time if she doesn't have good range as people become less impressed with her voice. Like how Towa's voice has felt less extraordinary as time has gone on.

>> No.78630836

yeah, me

>> No.78630843
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>un-cutting board's your biboo

>> No.78630857

fuck red, she gathering the antis.

>> No.78630875

Pretty sure Gura would bring that up in the chat after the live if something like that really happened. If she doesn't then it probably didn't happen.

>> No.78630874

There was some faggot that was shit posting constantly about 2 MORE WEEKS TILL BIBOO PASSES NERISSA
That retard is probably still here. I hope he realizes how much of a faggot he is.

>> No.78630890

She's following the dinofag playbook of farming homobegger pitty points

>> No.78630907
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>> No.78630908

>5 seconds of silence
>5 years of seethe
I'm impressed. Imagine if they knew Nerissa was unliking that one homo art.

>> No.78630912

reminder that it's supposed to be the summer of advent. I just can't understand regloss and justice strategy

>> No.78630916

I meant the type of voice. That sort of voice is pretty rare in Holo, maybe even nonexistent.

>> No.78630921

This one is a Lui not a Mio

>> No.78630934

retard, we have many cases like these before. And in simple term :
>Talent provide contents as they wish
>Viewer like : will pay (SC, merch, member...)
>Viewer don't like : just leave

>> No.78630940

If you think that Hololive should target the brits then you are delusional, they are the least weeb of all the euros

>> No.78630955

Forget about that, just the number of guests alone should make that scenario unlikely.

>> No.78630958

>red is a hag
>probably doesn't know much about streaming
predictions on the scuffed debut

>> No.78630975

It begins

>> No.78630986
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Why won't you admit true reason why you hate her?

>> No.78630992

mindbroken by 15 seconds of silence

>> No.78630994

That was a fucking travesty. That peak would have been fucking huge.

>> No.78631000

“Le hag” only works on cute girls like Koyori, not obese 50 year old non binary “support the cause” britbongs

>> No.78631005

hope she cries due to fucking up her first karaoke just like nerissa, i love women crying

>> No.78631018

yeah but the actual weebs (frogs) hate anyone that doesn't speak their language

>> No.78631060
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>> No.78631061

Pre uncull too. Probably would have been beaten Lui's if it was done today.

>> No.78631065

If i ever find you im going to cum on your face

>> No.78631068

slowchama >>78564646

>> No.78631088

Is there any large only french speaking vtubers btw

>> No.78631105

Millennials are in their 40s now

>> No.78631108

How did Gura incline so much? She used to get 12k, now she gets 20k+

>> No.78631114

I fucking hate this fanbase

>> No.78631132

Voice doesn't mean shit if she can't interact with the holobox in a meaningful way or be interesting. Azki's rise is her getting inducted into holo proper alongside her skills as a streamer.

>> No.78631136

found this too navigating, cute, good thing not everyone forgot about her

>> No.78631138

I barfed

>> No.78631142
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>Entire gen got cursed with homobeggar before debut
Oof that's rough

>> No.78631157

An EN girl with an initial fanbase consisting of Holo antis. Bravo.

>> No.78631171

mountain top posting my beloved

>> No.78631178
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>> No.78631183

Because, despite rampant shitposting, overlapping the new debuts actually hurt Gura's numbers.

>> No.78631193

Literally incapable of any kind of different behavior, its like its the only thing they know how to do

>> No.78631195

the homos are so in

>> No.78631217
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I like orange

>> No.78631224

That was always gonna to happen.
Homobeggars are fucking cancer after all

>> No.78631238

You mean the new debuts overlapped Gura.

>> No.78631250

What is the % chance that ERB will reply to this?

>> No.78631254


>> No.78631282

that was gonna happen regardless of Liz

>> No.78631281
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>> No.78631288

But we like FUWAMOCO?

>> No.78631308

Nijisanji is right fucking there, dude. Just watch them if you want muh forced malexfemale pairing.

>> No.78631309

I gagged.

>> No.78631317

I don't think you understood my post at all, but I'm also not too invested in this argument so it is what it is

>> No.78631319

I fucking doubt she would want to make enemies with her own generation before debut even happens.

>> No.78631353

0, it's not fan art its just some shitty meme

>> No.78631351

I don't like Abyssgard and Abyssgard.

>> No.78631377

Idk dude if she can think that far ahead she wouldn't reply happily to the homos

>> No.78631383

Yeah, subhumans tried really hard with the FWMC x clown and his brother angle.

>> No.78631405

Yeah lost in all the shitposting about Justice is that people are going to forget about the Summer of Advent. I hope Advent isn't overshadowed, but maybe tourists can funnel into Advent like how Advent tourists funneled into the rest of EN after their debut

>> No.78631424

Don't jinx it anon.

>> No.78631435

This will be the Yonkisei of EN isn't it? (Factual, irrefutable)

>> No.78631442
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>> No.78631456

She also loves purple Okayu.

>> No.78631463

it's EN5 after all

>> No.78631504


>> No.78631510

The thing is, is that replying to the homos only really affects her (in her mind, it obviously weighs down the whole generation in the minds of consumers, but she's not smart enough to think of that). She should already know the stances on the rest of her gen, so doing something as asinine as replying to something like this that implicates the whole lot of them is too retarded to do, even for her.

>> No.78631521

Actually it's EN6

>> No.78631535

I mean honeymoon funneled nicely into promise 3D showcases and that was pre-cull partial lift, so we might see something similar with Justice and Advent.

>> No.78631543

FUWAMOCO barely get treated like hags outside of hag sex posting
For good reason because they act like little girls and a bunch

>> No.78631545

>basically yonkisei without coco
doomed then

>> No.78631574

We will NEVER know how high this got and it fucking pisses me off

>> No.78631578

I'm still mad that this dogshit website was down during most of that first rock n rawr party

>> No.78631584
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it's not the same since they have each other

>> No.78631592

Spain beat Italy, expect Roara to rage on twitter

>> No.78631600

actually its en8

>> No.78631609

>they even fired coco already in this gen

>> No.78631634
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>> No.78631642

I feel like Cover does this a lot and it's always weird to me. It's like each gen is in it's own world management wise and they don't communicate. Who's bright idea was it to have a whole summer event planned around advent and then debut a brand new gen right at the beginning

>> No.78631645

You know unicorns will complain daily about Ollie, Mori blah blah...on an anonymous imageboard.
but only homobeggars have the chutzpa to openly talk in public, under their accounts, about how much they hate unicorn friendly girls

>> No.78631649
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>> No.78631653

Is that Moona?

>> No.78631656

Cecilia = Kanata
Raora = Watame
Gigi = Luna
Elizabeth = Towa

>> No.78631664

Biboo is unironically just a squeaky zoomer and recycles memes every stream. She’s cute but thats about it.

>> No.78631695

Perfect for the hololive audience

>> No.78631709

>Elizabeth = Towa
no...that means she'll be the best....

>> No.78631713

I can kinda understand why Gura and Biboo aren't super tight. Gura is extremely anti-cringe and hates RP.

>> No.78631715


>> No.78631717

There's only 3 months of summer and everyone want a piece of the pie

>> No.78631735

It'd be a girl that'd end up bridging NA and EU like Coco did with JP and NA. If we were supposed to get 5, and that one was the girl that dropped out, things are already completely fucked.

>> No.78631736

>Only goal was an own goal
Holy semen slurper

>> No.78631759

>sisters hate FWMC and Biboo in particular
Why is that? Is it literally just because of how cute they are? Does it make them self-conscious or something?

>> No.78631765
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>Heroes of the flops jp wave

>> No.78631767

>because of Fuwamoco

>> No.78631773

If she drags her genmates down I'm becoming a fucking anti

>> No.78631784
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>> No.78631789
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Actually, I'm the reason they aren't super tight anymore

>> No.78631793


Did you guys get your votes in for green yet?

>> No.78631795

how are bandage and friends doing right now? they hit 200k yet?

>> No.78631798

Jwu Fauna making another Dark Souls joke

>> No.78631802

You are mistaken talents for a fucking office job. I will give you a more precise analogy:
>A cook (talent in this case) make a food for customer
>Owner (management) decide what food to cook and sell it to customer
In case the customers (viewers) like the food, they will keep coming back. But if it's bad, people won't come back anymore. Small portion of people will confront the cook and complain but most won't.
Most of the time the feedback comes when the restaurant realize the decrease of customers

>> No.78631804


>> No.78631805

They tried really hard especially after Advent went completely against their principle.

>> No.78631813

>Raora = Watame
this fits a lot actually
btw my oshi is Elizabeth, Ollie and the red homo please don't do anything to them watamage

>> No.78631815
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>> No.78631816

its funny, the only streams they watched. I can tell you more about the homos than their "fans"

>> No.78631828
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decent debuts Board speed

>> No.78631836

Remember to tune into Gura's live for free Towa

>> No.78631839

Biboo can’t RP, that’s why she’s cringe

>> No.78631854

Biboo is a little sister, Gura just wants onee-sans

>> No.78631868

mental illness

>> No.78631880
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Cecilia already taking over Fauna's chat lol

>> No.78631885
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>> No.78631913
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>342 p/m
hololive BOARD. hololive THREAD.

>> No.78631914

A Gura x Bijou collab would be trash on par with IRyS x Kobo. Some holo just don't have that chemistry with each other.

>> No.78631923
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Diamond dogs too strong

>> No.78631924

>77.4 at that size

>> No.78631945

wonder which saplings will unironically jump

>> No.78631958

>girls can only be funny in company of a male
It's really funny how these people are the actual misogynists

>> No.78631963

What am I supposed to be looking at here?

>> No.78631978

So it’s sexist but the implication that the girls aren’t capable of being funny without da boiz isn’t?

>> No.78631988

Fifth Justice member when?

>> No.78631989


>> No.78632013

Literally this, they seem similar but have nothing in common. Kobo actually has a Music career and Irys doesn’t lol

>> No.78632014

I will forever laugh at how continue to prop those two fags as if they were the greatest thing ever but won't follow them post graduation. They don't care about the fags, they only want to "own the incels".

>> No.78632023

yeah, the excuse is that "they cannot be their true self" basically implying that they will always need a man

>> No.78632026

There are always retards like this every single debut.

>> No.78632027

They are taking turns. First was Shiori, then Nerissa, then Fuwamoco, and now Biboo. Just so happens that Gura is active around this time, Biboo was not really targeted back then.

>> No.78632029

Homobeggars aside, you guys have to admit it was kinda shitty to go completely silent during the Holostars section at HoloExpo. Even fucking Gura didn't do that when presented with homos.

>> No.78632034

Looks like the shark's waiting is gaining around 400 per hour. We're probably looking at a 4k waiting room when she begins. That's not good.

>> No.78632039

I fucking hate these retards that can't read a room and make oshihen jokes.

>> No.78632045
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>342 posts per minute
>three times faster than /v/ /pol/ /vg/ and /sp/ COMBINED

>> No.78632049


>> No.78632050

we hate this faggot here

>> No.78632058
File: 113 KB, 640x619, 1615401191334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only replied to homos and a select number of holos
>ignored fwmc and shiori for an entire day
>when people started making a fuss about it, finally caved in
>then started doing a mass reply spree so people can give her benefit of doubt
Yea buddy I'm not buying it

>> No.78632072

I doubt it's going to be that many since if Ceci is actually German then she's going to be a stark contrast to Fauna.
SJtree is one of the biggest sapling clippers

>> No.78632073


>> No.78632093

A lot of vtuber fans are oblivious autists. He thinks he is being witty.

>> No.78632097

Huh? What part of this has anything to do with Cecilia?

>> No.78632100

>the shark

>> No.78632115
File: 33 KB, 1475x108, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ the retard actually cut the superchat. He is saying he can't call her any derivative of green lady like he always does because there's now another green lady.

>> No.78632118

fauna is going to puddle if she sees saplings oshihen for some reason

>> No.78632138

So that comment is basically implying that there have only ever been 4 or so truly funny streams and nothing will ever come close to them.

>> No.78632139
File: 71 KB, 240x240, 1682633650883310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78632140

Fuck off, sister.

>> No.78632145

your reframing doesn't really change anything about my argument, so at the core we agree the feedback relationship is most important for the management
by confronting the cook directly will get you an annoyed cook that will spit in your plate for next visit in most cases, because for all the "customer is king" statements, his king is the restaurant owner and he decides if what he did was according to their expectations and demands
customer is primary for profitability but like, tertiary when it comes to decision making

>> No.78632161
File: 322 KB, 750x668, IMG_6800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a flip
Yuck holy shit

>> No.78632164

get over yourself

>> No.78632178

>SJtree is one of the biggest sapling clippers
never seen him on my homepage or algo ever

>> No.78632200

Cover should pay me to have to watch T*wa..

>> No.78632207
File: 297 KB, 850x1511, polkawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78632206

Ok? This must be missing context since I don't see any mention of doll girl.

>> No.78632216

I know nothing of this guy other than that he makes Fauna clips. Is he retarded?

>> No.78632225

I voted for gigi because i felt bad she might end up last but i see that hasnt happened so mission accomplished we did it

>> No.78632226

It keeps being said but it's bizarre how we're living in an ass backwards world here, with 4ch being the feminists and the xitter and leddit fags being misogynists

>> No.78632235


>> No.78632238

Reminder to always take a moment and think before getting mad at some random image with no context

>> No.78632244

That country should be fucking nuked.

>> No.78632254

>Kamioshis: 9

>> No.78632255
File: 4 KB, 496x443, 1694942515111378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking Gigi an ex-/v4m/ girl
In your fucking dreams, buddy
>b-but she can always switc-

>> No.78632262

You're telling me that a dramanig would cut context to push their shitty bait posts? I can't believe it

>> No.78632263

>/#/ faster than /b/

>> No.78632289

Oshihen jokes are literally the worst

>> No.78632292

keeps their chat clean, as the beggars seethe in their corner.

>> No.78632299

See >>78632115
He cut it maliciously

>> No.78632298
File: 129 KB, 316x458, we're back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is going to be ok bros, because Holofan will always be there for the girls. The number will be a-ok, there's nothing to be afraid of, right? This ain't Nijisanji

>> No.78632302

how do these kind of people exist

>> No.78632308


>> No.78632311

it is lol, >>78632115
dramafaggots are gonna dramafaggot, i suppose

>> No.78632310

Is this going to be Gura's first 1 view stream?

>> No.78632317
File: 557 KB, 708x876, 1691082895963559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78632320

Holos who supported Drake over Kendrick:

>> No.78632329

>nine ""kamioshis""
Fucking whore

>> No.78632341

Yeah, all me. I'm the last chumbud

>> No.78632359

Oh that's a kindred, a kindred in my 4chan number thread

>> No.78632361

You didn't even post the whole thing

>> No.78632365

kys dramanigger.

>> No.78632370

FUWAMOCO hate Kevin tho

>> No.78632382

It's really not looking good man

>> No.78632384

all the whites in EN

>> No.78632391
File: 2.87 MB, 1708x1019, 119819016_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will take the banana

>> No.78632408

Genuine question. Why is it always flips? And i mean always. Its always those people.

>> No.78632410
File: 15 KB, 1370x49, Screenshot 2024-06-20 220811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd you cut off half the message?

>> No.78632415

still shit joke, should have added green witch or green princess

>> No.78632423
File: 113 KB, 895x1200, 1690687666022628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New hololive members on the horizon? We're so back and we're so winning.

>> No.78632425

Yes...in your imagination

>> No.78632426

While you're waiting for Fauna, another holo is live.

>> No.78632427
File: 3.48 MB, 1100x1650, 105919801_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78632442

Speaking of which, how are the /v4m/ fags taking it? I feel bad for them but the decision was a no brainer

>> No.78632466

why his bio reads like K'Sante pasta?

>> No.78632471
File: 96 KB, 900x900, Gigi 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow, it's always flips. I just don't get it.

>> No.78632472

Do you want too?
He isn't as consistent I think, btw his outro is a banger someone should make a soundpost of it

>> No.78632480

microcorp drama lets gooo

>> No.78632492
File: 42 KB, 598x396, kamioshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Multiple Kamioshis
Hey, I've seen this before.

>> No.78632512

>pagpag inventor
Why do you think

>> No.78632553

Just wait till they invent new term that means just one favorite, put multiple people in it, then invent new term that means just one favorite, put multiple people in it, then invent new term...

>> No.78632554

Fucking retard kys

>> No.78632560

>9 (NINE) "Kamioshis"
>15???? (faggot cannot even do oshimarks correctly) oshis
>homo banner
>luxiemshit in pinned (yes i did go look at the faggots page to check)

>> No.78632576


>> No.78632577
File: 292 KB, 558x547, 1703020843864521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78632607


>> No.78632620
File: 570 KB, 1061x1217, 1690696932026460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78632619

>close to start time
>only 2500 waiting

>> No.78632626

i don't need to read anymore

>> No.78632648

this is disgusting even for shitpost

>> No.78632682
File: 1.03 MB, 2400x1080, Vortigern opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78632700

There literally is a term for it which is being a DD daredemo daisuki. These terms are from idol fags which makes their behavior weirder

>> No.78632712

skill issue

>> No.78632715

>we didn't give them contracts so we didn't TECHNICALLY hire minors
holy fucking shit

>> No.78632757

non non anon, idol culture iz ebil

>> No.78632759


>> No.78632764

Sorry but I don't listen to FUCKING ELVES

>> No.78632780


>> No.78632788

But they don't like everyone they just like the 15 people they like

>> No.78632790

200 iq, next albert einstein

>> No.78632799

They know, there is no seethe, falseflagging dramafags ignored, business as usual.

Only talk there is about /v4m/ and a couple of the globie girls, thats it. They don't talk about Holo there.

>> No.78632802

Ultimately cover's position is talents decide what contents they want to make, even if it destroying their carrer. I understand that and if they provide the content I don't want, I will just leave.
Why should I care if the talents themselves the one who want to follow the direction of management?

>> No.78632812

Drake supporters:
Kendrick supporters:

>> No.78632837

>We didn't have them sign contracts so "technically" we didn't hire minors

>> No.78632846

Why would you watch a watch-along of a debut instead of the debut itself?

>> No.78632848
File: 295 KB, 456x315, 1620179287351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78632857

what drives the urge to doompost?

>> No.78632874


>> No.78632890

>Fauna losing fans to the superior euro green woman
I doubt she even cares honestly. That's how little she cares about her own career.

>> No.78632901
File: 380 KB, 539x841, Screenshot 2024-06-20 161533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78632910

>If we had minors do labor for us it's okay because we didn't actually have them under contract in the first place anyways
I don't know about SEA law but I can only imagine that this makes it worse, not better

>> No.78632913

My Daikamioshis are ...

>> No.78632924

Only the Canadians

>> No.78632929

>watch both
>only counted on one of the streams

>> No.78632940

reactslop addicted brains, streamer has to repackage and convey the emotion to feel for me

>> No.78632966

>no breastfeeding

>> No.78632973

I'm not a /v4m/fag but I do watch them sometimes, and isn't it a good thing that their recruitment team is good enough to get a holo?

>> No.78632976

the endorphins that you get when saying
>We are so back

>> No.78632981

Holy shit that reminds me of when micomet + Fubuki and Okakoro doing ReGLOSS watchalongs.

>> No.78632986
File: 2.17 MB, 2688x1536, 1718012924874675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78632989


>> No.78632993

Fucking SEA!

>> No.78632997

Pattern recognition. It's pretty high up in the IQ skilltree

>> No.78633002

I don't think you should breastfeed your pet

>> No.78633014

>Fauna supports the guy grooming children
I don't believe that

>> No.78633022
File: 115 KB, 463x453, 1660394567078588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job dumb red women, this is the fanbase you triggered and now you dragged your whole gen into the frying pan

>> No.78633024

But you're counted on the one you have as an active tab
So again, why you would choose Bae and A-chan over just watching the debut

>> No.78633081

a fucking gen-z pagpag
absolute subhuman yikes

>> No.78633085

Never heard of them which apparently is for the best.

>> No.78633097

I dunno, just offered an explanation on how a watchalong stream gets numbers.

>> No.78633110

Thing is everyone knew v4m was going the holo-lite route so it's not like this really changes their perception. The corpo that was already trying to hire holo-like girls hired a holo girl.

>> No.78633114

Breastmilk is not Vegan.

>> No.78633120

Finally, real minecraft

>> No.78633127
File: 173 KB, 337x482, 1693239464634094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new gen honeymoon period
Debut buff connoisseur gods status?

>> No.78633147

So Fauna has a free 3-hour slot with 15k possible?

>> No.78633148

*webm of a mantis eating a nipple*

>> No.78633159
File: 1.12 MB, 1600x724, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon thinks pattern recognition is a high-IQ skill
It's actually completely fucked and defective as a skill equip, devs fucked up

>> No.78633177


>> No.78633184

>samefaging your green txt
don't change faunaschizo

>> No.78633192

It's like shounen powercreep

>> No.78633198

>It's over
Kfp bros the overlaps will kill us...

>> No.78633205

I am dooming already
t. euro

>> No.78633207

>So Fauna has a free 3-hour slot
2 hours because of Ohapol
> with 15k possible
With her numbers lately? Doubtful. 10k tops.

>> No.78633220
File: 375 KB, 797x750, 1675716130888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78633222


>> No.78633236

no one tells you to care, you (or other anon with similar issues with seeing the reasoning for homo interactions) inquired on why would people aim to cut off unicorn either early or late, when it's not that hard to placate them
the simplest answer is that the main/only people want to placate at their job are their direct superiors and that's about it and any customer either vocally or visibly demanding something that goes beyond that can be considered an annoyance that not worth the bonus profits
this applies even more for a high demand, low distribution job like a Holo talent, which is why a ton of doctors or high level lawyers tend to be atrocious in direct customer contact, they simply do not have to bother most of the time

>> No.78633240
File: 961 KB, 1280x720, soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tells you to not buy merch
>Doesn't mind fans going to other holos
>Stops streaming if she gets big numbers
>Has room so messy she has to stream kneeling on bed and over a keyboard despite cleaning it multiple times
Why is Sora like this

>> No.78633247


>> No.78633248

post it

>> No.78633254

Pekora would have 10k+ waiting by now

>> No.78633278

Since the board is relatively calm for now. I can't say about actual collabs but do you think she's going to pop on the homoflips chats on the 1st week or so?

>> No.78633279
File: 552 KB, 735x892, gigi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning is 2pm PDT, but she says sleep schedule is getting worse. Her being American is looking more and more true.

>> No.78633285

>ShinDaiKamiOshi Xrd
>Re: ShinDaiKamiOshi Xrd
>Re: ShinDaiKamiOshi Xrd EXE
>Re: ShinDaiKamiOshi Xrd EXE Final
>Re: ShinDaiKamiOshi Xrd EXE Final v2
>Re: ShinDaiKamiOshi Xrd EXE Final v2 Revenge

>> No.78633284

it is if they consent

>> No.78633297
File: 642 KB, 900x900, 1689548218632771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe in the redirects and funnels

>> No.78633320

Soda what the fuck is going on in your room

>> No.78633329
File: 295 KB, 1037x1021, 1688507210639979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78633350

Im going all in bros, i am buying all the Doomcoins

>> No.78633356

Yeah but this means they're getting holo quality talent applying (and getting hired)

>> No.78633363

I hope not, but I don't believe what I'm hoping for.

>> No.78633364

b-but why

>> No.78633373

Expect dinofag in her livechat and attention fagging

>> No.78633375

I don't know and I don't care I'm just looking at the other three and not wasting my headspace on things that would make me mad

>> No.78633406

12.5k standard
15k if game is good

>> No.78633429
File: 95 KB, 463x453, 1713736225610737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78633433

holofags worst nightmare has come true, this is going to escalate if she stays the same after debut, you can bet on their beggars discord server spamming these shit everywhere

>> No.78633432

gonna be a 9.9k

>> No.78633437

>/lig/ is faster in the middle of the day
>hire /lig/gers who stream in Euro time
Dimitri you son of a bitch you did it again

>> No.78633442

Yes, it is. It also makes v4mirai record look fairly spotless and clean since their two graduations were poaches from larger corpos.

>> No.78633456
File: 2.90 MB, 252x261, 1617699701146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait is this the primary reason why nijiniggers hate us so much

>> No.78633465
File: 101 KB, 734x440, 1693231095794355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78633481
File: 1.96 MB, 1254x1981, NEKOCAT510_20240620-140042_1803790077916778726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78633491

I'm just gonna say that if the Gigi and Raora predictions are correct this gen is gonna be the harshest voice quality EN has ever had to deal with, not ID levels or anything but like, anyone who has had trouble with other ENs is not gonna be able to deal with these girls

>> No.78633496
File: 406 KB, 771x874, 1688862529482021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78633542
File: 3.05 MB, 1500x1849, 1688798317216340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully this means she can do more collabs too

>> No.78633545

kek this is me with mori. I’ve learned to accept it.

>> No.78633550

Honestly, would becoming a holo feeder corp be that bad? Assuming you don't have the resources to compete, wouldn't the next best thing be being known as the place future holos come out of? 100% would attract viewers trying to get friendly with the girls before their big break. This is pure fiction, but I feel like signing a contract with cover saying they can pick their pick after a few years for a kickback would be beneficial. VTA-lite for holos. Could also destroy a comfy atmosphere and get real ugly though with girls clawing each other for the chance at making it to holo, so the idea stays very fictional.

>> No.78633561

Some kinks deserve to be shamed. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.78633582
File: 932 KB, 2006x978, 1693288122335808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78633584

The SEAmonkies will learn English kicking and screaming if they have to

>> No.78633597

which is why, if justice is a eu gen, it is retarded to debut when no one in eu can watch ergo justice is for the PST time zone

>> No.78633596

Doesn't Pink sound like Saruei?

>> No.78633598
File: 779 KB, 720x900, 1715591620368283.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78633619

I wonder if they got compensation. They invest a lot into their talents, and I doubt Cover want to have bad relations with Brave.

>> No.78633645 [DELETED] 
File: 260 KB, 485x839, Screenshot 2024-06-20 162207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking bootlickers. She won't even give them the time of day and they all come crawling to lick her feet like she's a god or something. I can't wait for this shit to end.

>> No.78633666
File: 979 KB, 1080x1306, 1693316569622072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78633695
File: 257 KB, 1836x2038, 1698513748166297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78633717

I've never heard Saruei before
Point is, STRONG accent for Pink and just, not a voice I'd call a "Vtuber Voice" for Yellow if that makes sense. Not like, a bad accent, just a voice that I heard and went "oh well I guess huh" at more than "oh that's so cute!" or anything.
You'll see I guess, although Pink may be just because her mic quality was... just fucking horrific, honestly

>> No.78633722
File: 3.20 MB, 720x1280, AZKi zako[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fp0rhri.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is AZKi like this

>> No.78633724

> EN First army
That's Gura. If you mean 2nd Army. As a Euro? Lol

>> No.78633727

why are they replying to the official account instead of gura's?

>> No.78633725 [DELETED] 
File: 619 KB, 823x493, d36914c51ff36db5e07e736a13fa01f3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since no one was able to give real confirmation this looks definitive to me

>> No.78633754

at least some of the staff is confirmed happy (art sensei tweeted and then deleted that she was happy the day gigi was revealed) for Gigi so they seem to have good relations

>> No.78633762

>Nerissa thumbnails

>> No.78633763

everytime i see this dude i get embarrassed

>> No.78633767

The horse sounds fine to me. Is this an ESL complaint or something?

>> No.78633770

they should reply to her tweet instead. she's probably preoccupied with management right now anyway

>> No.78633813
File: 1.26 MB, 600x10000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres your twitter numbers

>> No.78633824
File: 3.68 MB, 2775x2186, 1614629511398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura thinks cringe is a good thing, it shows progress in your life.

>> No.78633825

Nice pfp retard.

>> No.78633830

Just say that Pink does not have a voice for radio thus its kinda weird that she would be picked for something where voice as a large part of your popularity

>> No.78633835

She wonderful and this makes my dick hard

>> No.78633836

Depends on if you consider Connecticut to be ESL territory I guess
Like I said in the other response, not a crazy accent, just, not a voice I'd consider easily pleasant to the ear

>> No.78633849

that's numbers alright

>> No.78633864

The doll is too cute…

>> No.78633896

she sounds like selen and people here have always shat on her fat girl voice. it's easy to understand but not "cute"

>> No.78633901

>feel bad for them but the decision was a no brainer
All of /v4m/ are no brainers. I watch a a lot of small corpos and there isnt any other small agency in which I ld feel confident vouching for
all the talent

>> No.78633925

why does nijisanji gotta bot and fake everything

>> No.78633946
File: 356 KB, 657x555, 1693523633052678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78633951

paki xisters!?

>> No.78633952

>the twitter intern was one of our shitposters all along
I believe it

>> No.78633969

What language is that bot's name in

>> No.78633987

>v4mirai becomes a feeder corpo
well there are worse fates in life

>> No.78633988

This has to be a falseflagger pretending to be the twitter intern right?

>> No.78634010

I really thought Phase was going that way with Euphoria before they let Flayon into their garden

>> No.78634042
File: 1.34 MB, 1148x644, 1718252926305337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78634044

why are only the white women who have the death ball edit?

>> No.78634046
File: 208 KB, 400x850, Screenshot 2024-06-20 163200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78634055

Fauna's going to lose her fans so easily.

>> No.78634087
File: 1.01 MB, 1368x760, 1693652751752264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78634086

You sound like a woman

>> No.78634093

People have trouble with the current ENs?? Accents are just something people will have to deal with when hiring euros.

>> No.78634092


>> No.78634105


>> No.78634127

> EU
It was a given anon

>> No.78634132

Anon, vtuber is all about fanbase/community. It's more complex than your high level 'job' which doesn't need to culture community that supported you.
See >>78630975 as example, even if I don't watch the red girl, somehow people in the other side will drag my oshi into their agenda which I don't want.

>> No.78634143

Cecilia-sama! Save us from the GRIM!

>> No.78634154
File: 282 KB, 1328x1771, GQgaxxfbQAE7mOI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that AZKi is a giant bully that abused her position of authority over the poor Aqua!

>> No.78634158

>all these baby reactions
That's how you know these newfags haven't seen the surprise dolphin porn

>> No.78634168

Men humor >>>>> women humor

>> No.78634188


>> No.78634206

> 4 years of seethe
I can give you one night of pleasure sis to make I stop. Come to daddy

>> No.78634209

Looks like Polka finally found the ad option for her morning streams. I think this is the first graph I've seen without adbreaks.

>> No.78634212

Hope she streams last in the EU window to overlap Fauna.

>> No.78634216
File: 2.40 MB, 2671x3185, 1701151347816636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already love her

>> No.78634232

Link? Can she move like a doll?

>> No.78634235

She has more interactions with Shiori than with Red one

>> No.78634242

I'm even more in love.

>> No.78634253
File: 104 KB, 274x291, 131318481841734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, that little maid had it coming!

>> No.78634279

Twitter intern works jp hrs, that time stamp is US. I feel like Conan-kun right now.

>> No.78634292

Faunas thumbnail is making me horny

>> No.78634300

this made me remember those pics of goblinarys and ina

>> No.78634301
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grim bros

>> No.78634308

i've seen people say that fwmc's baby talk was hard to understand

>> No.78634316

She is from shondos group, she knows how to behave
its a bit fun that shondo "has" two green women inside of holoen

>> No.78634315

Not if they're half as dedicated as you lmao

>> No.78634328

>they only want to "own the incels"
Based they deserve nothing

>> No.78634329

It's not always the accent. Mumei is apparently hard to understand for some

>> No.78634339
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She retweeted this...

>> No.78634354

her latest slot is FST-4, perfect time for raid or funnel!

>> No.78634356


>> No.78634396


>> No.78634400

fucking cute german nerd!

>> No.78634406

I can hear it but I like her voice more than Selen and she doesn't laugh after every sentence.

>> No.78634411

there is a diamond in this pile of shit, I know it in my heart bros...
(and in my cock)

>> No.78634409


>> No.78634423

Cute....shame she's in EU times. Probbably. I've always wanted an instrument playing Holo

>> No.78634438
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>> No.78634435

i can fix her

>> No.78634442

this style made me remember bit of that futa artist

>> No.78634449

I'm not a fan, drink bleach.

>> No.78634452

>This is worth crippling a career over.

>> No.78634455

They keep sucking off those collab when all of it was the fucking same
>3 being loud
>Kronii barely existing
>haha vesfag job
>hoho kroniiwins
literally all of it
the therapy stream was 90% Kronii while the grey retard was screaming in his shit mic

>> No.78634453

Can we finally stop pretending the shark is popular after she fails to hit 100k today?

>> No.78634454

is she /meat/?

>> No.78634458

I can fix her, literally

>> No.78634459
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[Sad News] Modular automata is becoming a meme

>> No.78634460

It would feel weird if the doll wasn't demented

>> No.78634476


>> No.78634486

ceci>ina>fauna>gura, holy shit my dick

>> No.78634490

Hey gura plays the ukulele

>> No.78634514

The shining light

>> No.78634515

>watches all her streams
>sees all her tweets
>analyzes all her actions
>thinks of her constantly
>not a fan

>> No.78634520

God I hope she's german in her fetishes, though I'm told she's not

>> No.78634535


>> No.78634563

What are the fucking chances. And she didn't go schizo this time. Progress!

>> No.78634567

Very unlikely unless she's been preparing a better voice like Kronii

>> No.78634573

Is this the most unbothered holoen has been for a new debut? I feel like everyone was streaming more coming down to advent debut

>> No.78634570

has she already cosplayed as 2B?

>> No.78634579
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>> No.78634588

Finally we can divide EN fanbases as Myth + Promise and Advent + Justice

>> No.78634598
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>> No.78634603


>> No.78634621

anon? nanashi

>> No.78634623

>And she didn't go schizo this time.
She did, but around the graduation.

>> No.78634627

So you can have her to yourself? Not a chance SuperSapling

>> No.78634639

Maybe she's trying to groom him from the inside

>> No.78634649
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>the future liz wants

>> No.78634647

Homobeggars are bad on public accounts and worse when anonymous. They're attacking all the homocollabing girls as well.

>> No.78634651 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.78634669

>not even 100 dollars in 5 streams
That's beyond grim.

>> No.78634676

I get it, I just wanted to make a fat fuck joke

>> No.78634679
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>> No.78634689


>> No.78634696

HATE Justice
LOVE Promise
LOVE Advent

>> No.78634703

I love Gura but I meant a real instrument

>> No.78634710 [DELETED] 

Risotto won

>> No.78634722


>> No.78634737

just you watch, red will save them.

>> No.78634763
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>> No.78634782

I think their humor would align with each other in a german and super autistic way.

>> No.78634790
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>> No.78634798

ERB into Kiara into Raora into Cecilia into Ina into Gura into Mumei into IRyS... kino...

>> No.78634811


>> No.78634833
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She's going to be forced into a 12h collab...

>> No.78634837

Fuwawa with this face paint is the cutest thing imaginable.

>> No.78634847


>> No.78634849

They should have given her bigger tits

>> No.78634862
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>> No.78634870

That's like, 9 months worth of pagpag.

>> No.78634869

it always makes me laugh

>> No.78634875
File: 416 KB, 548x836, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly astonished that you faggots are ignoring the BIGGEST RED FLAG EVER.
How would a
> British
> Unmarried
> Hag
even have HEARD of the JP Homos?
Does this little tidbit not worry you?
She has a fucking JP homosister as a manager.

>> No.78634876

this is the second time she's numberfagged today.
being the homo interacter and the numberfag of your group is... a combo.

>> No.78634880

>Kaela Biboo Green Woman threesome streams
Sounds kino to me, boys

>> No.78634904

Why is IRyS, Shiori and Biboo overlapping Gura?

>> No.78634908
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>> No.78634921

real? damn

>> No.78634922

Found the new member of the Grindstone + Fauna and Bae group.

>> No.78634950

They hate her.

>> No.78634966

>holos are only funny when with holostars
Homofags are fucking crazy. Still obsessed with the few streams they watched years ago. Mentally ill holoantis.

>> No.78634972
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She's so innocent. I love her already.

>> No.78634977

Already showing more love to Shiori than ERB. And she's supposed to be her personal handler.

>> No.78634979
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>> No.78634981

Dunno about the other 2 but biboo said on stream she'd wait to play the DLC because she wanted to watch Gura's concert, and no one cares about overlapping the chatting

>> No.78634983

Her birthday chat, yes. Her live starts like an hour before Biboo and Irys's streams tho

>> No.78634988

why is there blood drops to the side?

>> No.78634989

too late

>> No.78635006
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>> No.78635015

>She has a fucking JP homosister as a manager.
anon the only thing your post tells us is that her manager is japanese

>> No.78635038

oh god, and I was complaining about Nerrisa, sorry

>> No.78635050

Kaela prowling on possible overlap to not get slaughtered by the honeymoon, that's our cynical blacksmith from Indonesia.

>> No.78635073

I bet she's not used to this kind of fame.

>> No.78635074

I made fun of Nerissa for numberfagging with game shorts instead of just doing karaoke, but this is another dimension of stupid

>> No.78635077

I follow two and 50% of them watch holostars

>> No.78635079

Roara's accent is pretty thick i have to say
Gigi doesn't have much of an accent at all (i wouldn't even peg her as a euro in fact) but her voice isn't very moe. I'm wondering if she'll try a new voice since she's more of a hebe now.

>> No.78635089

makes Kiara look like a saint

>> No.78635092

Okay this is actually evidence toward the
>she literally just doesn't know better

>> No.78635094

She replied to a Rio tweet not mentioning her at all that was him doing a “now likes are gone nobody will know” and an Off post that was him advertising the concert the homos just did this is cope.

>> No.78635098

>AZKi has a Sora plushie in her room

>> No.78635112
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>> No.78635117

I'm sorry, but watching Ririka put on the su counter and watch it drop was fucking funny as hell.

>> No.78635134

overlap isn't real

>> No.78635135

just got back from work, did she reply to fuwamoco and shiori?

>> No.78635144

Did it take you this long to figure out

>> No.78635156
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>> No.78635161

Why did she go schizo about Fauna anyway?
I thought she never wanted to go corpo.

>> No.78635160

time zones exist

>> No.78635163
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>> No.78635169

No, she was /here/ watching the backlash

>> No.78635181

99% her manger is a sister fucking with her which will explain her weird behavior.

>> No.78635200

Oh god. This is gonna be grim.

>> No.78635220

On the slim chance that she's interacting with the homos because she's COMPLETELY unaware of the effect talking to homos has on your numbers, someone should tell her

>> No.78635232
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>> No.78635248

The Tempus 3D showcase has 80k views right now btw

>> No.78635254
File: 253 KB, 1778x1000, 20240619_100844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it turns out that she's just Bae but retarded do we forgive her?

>> No.78635263

But this could become the funniest thing ever

>> No.78635278
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slow the fuck down

>> No.78635282

Holostars JP? You sure?

>> No.78635316

I still don't know what management was doing at that time to drop the ball so badly.

>> No.78635317

But Mori has some of the strongest superchats in EN so this is a stupid metaphor.

>> No.78635318

Talking to homos doesn't affect numbers
Collabing with them does. She will be fine if she never collabs with them.

>> No.78635326

I'll tune in for collabs and karaoke, but that's about it for me.

>> No.78635327

anon that was Fauna 3D showcase

>> No.78635330

She knows. That’s why she’s keeping her distance from her genmates. She’s celebrating her numbers to make sure viewers know they will be important.

>> No.78635338

She'll think they are antis or haters. She needs a sit down with mori of all people if her main focus is going to be music

>> No.78635356

About 28+ hours late but yes.

>> No.78635357

If she reforms and doesn't just double down

>> No.78635407

>red homocollaber
>pink twitchcollaber
>green wants to integrate into the box
>yellow will most likely integrate into the box
kinda grim, 50% are lost causes

>> No.78635412

That's just Bae

>> No.78635415

Rightfully so. It's a beautiful piece.

>> No.78635417

What if she just responds to homo posts but never collabs with them?

>> No.78635421

I have such high hopes for this one, and I know I shouldn't because there's always a way things can go terribly wrong

>> No.78635428

kek no okay you’re right she watches EN

>> No.78635436
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>gura..heres a gift for you~

>> No.78635437
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She's the only one numberfagging this much...

>> No.78635456

You don't understand, there are LEGIONS of homobeggars. LEGIONS. She will be the Gura Killer if she just homocollabs endlessly!

>> No.78635470

that's a better ratio than most JP gens

>> No.78635488

Believe in shondo's home for broken girls recruitment center
