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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78608218 No.78608218 [Reply] [Original]

Zoombies edition


Last Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjOmdryYcUw&t=7s
Current Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qMoe2Q9mRE
Upcoming Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwBvfetL_H4

>YouTube Channel:



Live: #AmanoAir
Fanart: #Artwistic
Fan Name: #Spiritmates
Meme: #7W1S7Y

>Previous: >>78541432

>> No.78608295
File: 1017 KB, 1156x1189, 1718173704126311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ojou-sama has been playing zombies again. Missed the watchalong how was it?

>> No.78608406

Twisty is gonna get cancelled. Let's fucking go!

>> No.78608485

Thank goodness, I've been waiting for the thread. Let's go ojousama!

>> No.78609474

ojou-sama's aim...

>> No.78609636

What is twisty talking about when she says wife? girlfriend? offline friend?

>> No.78609821

Either friend or her oshi maybe la+?

>> No.78609882

Probably an offline friend. If it was another niji member or vtuber she'd just say their name

>> No.78609896

online friend. i haven't heard of her before a couple streams ago though so im just assuming

>> No.78609936

lol why does she play this

>> No.78610591

She hates herself.

>> No.78611264

Very true, unfortunately.

>> No.78611652

Ended already? She hates us...

>> No.78611807

Ojou-sama ended stream, that means it's time for more ojou-sama! lmao

>> No.78612385
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, 【Ready or Not】I am ready (or not)【Twisty Amanozako _ NIJISANJI EN】 5-12 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78613645

I miss anything yet this stream was afk

>> No.78614038


>> No.78614268

I think that's a bot. You think all of Twisty's antis /here/ are "human"?

>> No.78614644

Good job outing yourself for not watching streams.

>> No.78614693

Can you actually play as a woman in this game?

>> No.78614775
File: 284 KB, 825x1026, breeding in progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my wife

>> No.78615029

It's very cute how ojou has no idea what she's doing

>> No.78615111

>"submissive and rappable"

i think twisty is a ryona type of gal...

>> No.78615709

You niggers couldn't even get her to 200 this stream and you want to have a general were 3 of you bump it? Even worse you all wish you could be the current groomer she added on discord.

>> No.78615758

now post that without crying

>> No.78616125

Ojou just swatted a streamer's room lmao

>> No.78616753

its not her usual stream time so obviously less viewers. its mid day too. kys.

>> No.78617953
File: 40 KB, 385x286, Screenshot 2024-06-20 132833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ojou-sama is ending. She said she wants to play more ready or not as tonight's main stream. probably at the 1am est timefram because she wants to sleep then watch gura's birthday live

>> No.78618329

Even more proof

>> No.78618362

Ojou loves me and we're going to watch Gura's birthday stream.

>> No.78618457

Anyone that hasn't figured it out at this point is either retarded or covering it up. Not like there's even anything bad about it, she's just literally menhera.

>> No.78618601 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 354x360, twistydrama[sound=files.catbox.moe_2F6drphm.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought /zako/ was dead

>> No.78618675

This biggest disappointment is that she likes Blaire White

>> No.78618703
File: 251 KB, 354x360, twistydrama[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6drphm.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78618844

the seal, she mentioned the wife on the twitter before she was mentioned on stream, the mcdonalds bacon bagel on twitter last night and then said it today. basically confirmed now

>> No.78619004

we're a small thread. we'll die prematurely sometimes especially when something big like a new holo gen is announced. woke up and was gonna bake at 12 but saw she was already streaming so I made it early lol

>> No.78619312

Now I'm just wondering if she knows and wants us to follow or not

>> No.78620256

I'm certain she would appreciate being obsessively stalked online. And offline too.

>> No.78620393

I have her profile open in a tab but not following. Don't wanna expose myself...

>> No.78621456

Imo it's better to track her on mobile. I just put her in a private list so it doesn't show up and just scroll. It just sucks I can't get notifs because she deletes a lot but I'm obsessed with her now so that's what I'm doing

>> No.78621612

fyi grooming session in ready or not pre chat during guras live

>> No.78621717

Thank you Twisty

>> No.78622342

What I learned from Twisty is that in Amanozako manor vtuber groom (You)

>> No.78622698

I honestly think she herself was the one that originally posted the account here, considering she shilled herself on /vt/ multiple times last year as her PL. Some anons said that wasn't even the first incarnation of her to do that.

>> No.78622855

Why does she keep tweeting while streaming then

>> No.78622949


>> No.78623976
File: 440 KB, 744x854, 1718736047076313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she stream naked or does she dress up cutely for strem

>> No.78623987

Idk it's weird but if you watch the first COD stream she is literally looking at Twitter while playing when her hands are off the game. She said she "just saw sex right now" and described the loli image and retweeted it a couple hours later

>> No.78624164

probably naked since she streams naked and likes wearing as few clothes as possible when at home iirc

>> No.78625012

My favourite part of her stream was when she was so busy habitually scrolling tweets she got mauled to shit by a zombie and she panic sprayed and missed every shot because she was still trying to multitask looking at her phone.
Love you Twisty. Never change.

>> No.78626208

twisty can't go 2 seconds without doing something on her phone the second she stands up to do something she starts sending shorts or just chatting i don't see why it's a wild claim that she's looking at cunny while streaming

>> No.78628134

arent girls cutest when theyre menhera

>> No.78628214
File: 52 KB, 749x810, zaitani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78628447

Your not wrong I just thought it weird to do while playing and not on break

>> No.78628896

Do you think she frequents here or /nijiEN/ more?

>> No.78629311

Because it isn't actually her since she literally couldn't have tweeted while also playing COD at the same time. Anyone who looking at her stream knew she was actively playing the game while her supposed PL was tweeting. The account is either a larper, an anti or just some rando this board decided to hyper focus on because they're obsessed with trying to dox Twisty

>> No.78630525


>> No.78632448


>> No.78632519

what are you guua doing in the meantime until her next stream

>> No.78633011

I don't think she frequents. Just occasionally stops by

>> No.78633413


>> No.78633586

How are you faggots still holding on to this rrat when she was in the middle of playing COD with no breaks at all when the Twitter cunt was tweeting? Why wouldn't she have retweeted it when she saw it instead of waiting two fucking hours after she finished streaming? Did you not hear how tired she was and how she was going to fucking sleep right after she ended?

>> No.78634162

Then explain how she's looking through Twitter with no breaks as well? Clearly she was on Twitter to see the image in the first place

>> No.78635467

She was taking a break to look at the new Nijiwave. She went on a five minute fangirl session over Lunlun before talking about the loli art and she very clearly was paused so it was a break. Her tooth falling out doesn't even match since it happened way before the Twitter LARPer said it did plus Twisty said there was no blood while Twitter LARPer said there was blood everywhere

>> No.78637245

It was cute how she fangirled over the mascot character

>> No.78638998
File: 214 KB, 343x500, 1716702173115582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u guys gonna watch the gura bday stream with her?

>> No.78639162

Aia is drawing Twisty and talking about her.

>> No.78640328

Aia started shitting on the antis too

>> No.78641174

No, idgaf about Gura

>> No.78641217

Well too bad. Twisty does

>> No.78641982

I'll have to miss the prechat with her RPing as Gura for us
I love you Twisty but I require sleep

>> No.78642040

I will probably watch the live but won't be able to see prechat too much, I tend to hyperfocus on one thing at a time

>> No.78643856
File: 90 KB, 1024x1024, GPraID1agAAnDla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rest well spiritmate

>> No.78645364


>> No.78648272
File: 48 KB, 238x168, 1718210423545522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78650043

ojou is in the ready or not waiting room prob ready to watch the live

>> No.78655866
File: 419 KB, 599x412, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ojou's oshi is so cute.

>> No.78658041

give her money so she can get gura merch

>> No.78660551

It's so cute of Twisty to fawn over Laplus, she's so adorable for that

>> No.78660615
File: 1 KB, 192x49, 粛聖!! ロリ神レクイエム☆.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78660934
File: 3.33 MB, 1920x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shot in the heart

>> No.78662060

me too...

>> No.78665064

qrd on tonight's game?

>> No.78665300

realistic swat team simulator type game. she streamed it for a little earlier was pretty funny

>> No.78665451

Hey Chumbud here
I think your oshi is cute

>> No.78665529 [DELETED] 

Another hetfag *sigh*

>> No.78665745

thank you mate I missed that stream so another one I need to catch up to

>> No.78665772

thanks chumbie, your oshi is cute and based

>> No.78666229

Okay big (no drama) rrat here. Twisty deliberately chose to play this game after saying she wasn't going to play it because she realised that pretending to not understand any of the complexities of the game and just wanting to shoot things would make for a great bit.
She's right too.

>> No.78667329 [DELETED] 

Wilson can you not sound grossed out

>> No.78667521

you too

>> No.78670672


>> No.78672954

im falling asleep again ojou-sama...

>> No.78676090

Stream in 36 minutes. Pre-chat grooming starting earlier than that.
Watch ojou fail to get what the hell is going on in Ready or Not, ragequit after a few hours, and shoot zombies for the rest of the stream.

>> No.78678001

twisty live

>> No.78678134
File: 28 KB, 400x215, Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 22-52-57 【Ready or Not】I found out that I am in fact not ready!【Twisty Amanozako NIJISANJI EN】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78679152
File: 703 KB, 562x670, ghost ojou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78679457

Twisty remade the vocals for her cover

>> No.78679760

I'm curious, are you guys all from /nijiEN/? I don't think holocorns and jewcorps are willing to watch a male collaber

>> No.78679966

Rosemi and Twisty are the only Niji members I watch. I don't watch male collabs but I also don't care that they happen.

>> No.78680351

Twisty is the only niji I watch, and I don't watch any collabs anyways, so Twisty being almost entirely solo on her channel is great for me.

>> No.78680423

>i wanna loli-sized
>i wanna be a succubus

>> No.78680776

What was the indie vtuber she was talking about? I couldn't make out the name she said.

>> No.78680795

She wants to be a loli but hates children. Curious

>> No.78680885
File: 676 KB, 2893x4092, hiyoqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78680970

because they're stealing her job dummy! she should be the one getting belly punched!

>> No.78681076

This is more common than you think.
Thanks anon.

>> No.78681203

Lolis are cute and their brattyness is calculated to get enjoyment out of their targets, children are annoying little shitheads who need constant supervision or they'll break everything and hurt themselves.

>> No.78681321

No. I watch Twisty because I can recognise some actual effort from the part of the vtuber. She's clearly thought through the content she wants to present, and actually puts in the effort to present that without any extra bullshit.
Well, it's either that or NijiEN found a literal bratty menhera child.
She's pretty green, but she's improving very quickly, to the point where I'd rate her about the same level as Lulu in terms of professional skill at being an entertainer.

>> No.78681405

i used to post in /nijien/ before the graduations and terminations started, then i moved to /jidf/ and i've been there since the e-sekai debuts. sometimes i watch rosemi, but i really don't want to go to /nijien/ in its current state

>> No.78681664

I watch whatever I like whenever I want, holo, idol, pixel, kawaii, vallure, a bunch of indies and now Twisty
As for threads I only visited nijien once, never again that thread is... lacking a better word, inorganic

>> No.78681718

>She's pretty green, but she's improving very quickly
Her entertainment factor has been going up noticeably. The early Minecraft streams were good for comfy background noise but she's also becoming noticeably more witty. The Sims stream was kino. Though the way she talked about it after the fact I feel like she got a small bonk from management for some of the things she said during it. Unfortunate if true, because I think she's at her best when she doesn't hold back and turns the filter off like that.

>> No.78681919

Jesu Christ, how do you feel about idol these days? I myself used to watch Juna and fuyo but... well...

>> No.78682089

This brat keeps my dick erect. She's too good for Kurosanji. Cute, funny, witty, and hardworking.

>> No.78682617

I like Twisty
but her tastes are painfully entry level and generic, especially her taste in loli art
I hope she can delve deeper into more talented artists

>> No.78682763

I don't do retarded thread tribalism so I have no problem admitting I also post in NijiEN. I like more members than just Twisty

>> No.78683142

I hope they are all female.

>> No.78683988

i think Twisty is just getting more comfortable with streaming in general so she's find out how much of her humor she can get away with

>> No.78684704

Why would she even get bonked for preggobaiting? I liked that stream, hopefully they don't nerf her for it

>> No.78684797

I used to watch Enna and visit /nijiEN/ regularly before she started to change when Iluna debuted. Now I watch Twisty because of how different she is from other nijis and curious to see how her taste really puts twitter sisters 'open-mindedness' to the test

>> No.78684820

In yestedays CoD stream she talked about how her manager watched the vod for the Sims stream, then she went on to say how she probably shouldn't be going "plap plap plap" and stuff. Implies to me they told her to hold back on stuff like that.

>> No.78685041

feels like you're reading too much into it when she could have just gotten embarrassed that her manager saw her act that way

>> No.78685188

I mean I hope you're right, but I also wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.78685924

Its a good thing her manager didnt hear her talking about how she wants to watch hentai with us

>> No.78685926

Ojou is an alpha, an apex predator who eats civilians for breakfast.

>> No.78686131
File: 1.21 MB, 640x704, 1717427296375231.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think holocorns and jewcorps are willing to watch a male collaber
I just love cunny. It's just that easy
I also watch Gura, Shion, Laplus, Kobo, Mya, Ririmu...etc
Laplus, Kobo & nijis are male collabers but I don't care

>> No.78686669

all me

>> No.78686709

The pent up femcel coping was kinda cute.

>> No.78686940

I stopped myself from typing whore in chat

>> No.78686940,1 [INTERNAL] 

Pls Twisty… I can excuse the vaping, self-harm, the menhera but not Blaire White

>> No.78687426

you can type whore here instead

>> No.78687538

She didn't get bonked by management for the sims stream, she was just embarrassed by her manager and future collab partner seeing her roleplay as a whorish single mother

>> No.78687604

Twisty is /our/ slutty succubus ojou

>> No.78687827

She was just emulating her own mother, it's so sad.

>> No.78687849

She shouldn't be embarrassed by her creation of peak content

>> No.78689196

Twisty is live again with more cod https://www.youtube.com/live/vk6LaaOBJ94

>> No.78689766


>> No.78691219

I think I only posted in /nijien/ once when i wanted to double check some info and catalog wasn't helpful. That thread disgusts me usually. Can't go 30 posts without seeing something unsightly that simply wouldn't occur anywhere else.
I'm not exactly a unicorn but probably closer to that status than most people on /vt/. I do get annoyed at homos trying to interact with my holo oshis etc. and dislike most of vtuber males. Male collabs are fine if they don't affect rest of streamer's content and they don't, they're actually off Twisty's channel. No, obligatory Denauth collabs don't count, they never did. That's just a stupid overreaction by SEAfags trying to participate in culture war but not understanding terms they use.

>> No.78691481

That's 80% of /a/ 15 years ago.

>> No.78692935

Is Twisty's internet running across a pair of tin cans connected by a string? Second time today her stream DC'd

>> No.78692968

I have no problem with the the weekly collabs and I like how close Denauth are but they are not obligatory. They decided they wanted to do it themselves because they went to Japan together before debut and hung out a ton which made them become very tight knit. No one is forcing them to hang out they actually like being in each others company and wanted to make collabs a weekly thing

>> No.78692970

She definitely lives in the middle of butt fuck nowhere

>> No.78693024

man i just got here and her stream died

>> No.78693516

To be fair it's only natural that wavemates would collab with each other. Anyway no factual unicorn (JP definition) would have an issue with those.

>> No.78693535

I guess she went to sleep after all

>> No.78693584

That would explain her weird school. It was probably the only decent one in the area.

>> No.78693667

I can tell just from her attitude that she definitely is white and grew up in a town instead of a city

>> No.78694760

Did anyone else notice today that rather than throwing breadcrumbs she basically tossed the entire loaf?

>> No.78694801

i had an idea btw succubus girl wrapping her cute heart shaped tail around your pp and aaaaaaa

>> No.78695083

>Least obvious Twitter LARPer
It's already been disconfirmed it's her unless she has three arms and was able to post on Twitter while playing COD at the same time. You can stop shilling your twitter now

>> No.78695207

We have actual COD schizo now.

>> No.78695246

>was able to post on Twitter while playing COD at the same time
Yeah, it'd be pretty crazy if she could do that.
Only the most super skilled and sexy vtuber could pull off posting on twitter while playing CoD.

>> No.78695524

Why do you keep insisting some Twitter random with no clout whatsoever is Twisty when she literally couldn't be the person on it? Someone who only started being active on Twitter in the past month too? It's really strange when it's already been proven wrong with shit like the tooth post and the COD stream

>> No.78695585

>Twisty General try not to bring up random fuck on Twitter every thread challenge: IMPOSSIBLE!

>> No.78695804

Jwu had to miss the streams to catch up on some sleep, how were they?

>> No.78695858
File: 144 KB, 825x716, 1708596664548006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choosing sleep over twisty
you don't deserve to know

>> No.78695872

She was seething at her first tactical shooting because she was bad. Then she took a one hour nap and played COD Zombies and seethed until her internet that's held up by two twigs died

>> No.78695963

>proven wrong with shit like the tooth post
>he doesn't know

>> No.78696051

And that's a good thing.

>> No.78696142

Twisty said she had a tooth that was about to fall out. She says it fell out like a week ago and that there was no blood. Twitter LARPer says it fell out two days after and that there was blood everywhere. Nothing said there is something Twisty hasn't said before or is something only she'd have. This account suddenly became way more active the second it's posted about in this board. It's the most obvious shit in the world

>> No.78696214

Are you gonna shit up the thread until forever, CoD schizo? It's okay to be retarded, just stop bothering other people with your crap. Everybody already heard your opinions and they don't agree.

>> No.78696277

It was already confirmed beyond all doubt it's her when she uploaded a clip with Lulu. There's no point in further conversation.

>> No.78696322

>Continues talking about the same Twitter faggot on loop every thread
Don't know why you keep on bringing up her alleged PL every thread and continuing trying to convince people it's her. Do you usually go around trying to convince people you doxxed your oshi or are you just a falseflagging faggot? There is no opinion, it factually can't be her

>> No.78696387
File: 140 KB, 1100x831, 20240621_081555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sowwy... I have stuff I couldn't oversleep today and Ojou has been draining me dry with these marathons...a man needs to rest sometimes

>> No.78696444

Okay, you're just a confirmed thread shitter trying to destroy this comfy place with your retarded bickering. All you do is attack people who are having fun talking about Twisty. Pathetic anti. You won't get any reply from me anymore.

>> No.78696456

CoD is a super serious hardcore game okay? How dare you insult it by suggesting that a mere vtuber could tweet while playing such a profoundly engaging game

>> No.78696547

Or the Twitter cuck just saved one of Lulu's vids

>> No.78696593

>Talking about Twisty
>Discussion always turns into dox
What do you call this mental illness if not falseflagging?

>> No.78696654

I just woke up and she's done streming :(
I'm glad she had fun with goomba's concert though

>> No.78696662

Kek. It's hard to believe someone actually thinks that but we have living proof right in this thread. Dude must be underage.

>> No.78696848

So do you not actually watch streams or did you not realize she was actually playing the entire time the Twitter fag was spamming retweets and posts? Not just walking around in a circle, actively playing. Why are you ignoring the tooth horseshit? Why do you faggots keep on trying to dox her? At least catalog fags are upfront about their retardation.

>> No.78696921

Holy shit you're insufferable and low IQ. Kill yourself already or fuck off to /NijiEN/

>> No.78696953

Fuck off back to the catalog if the only thing you're gonna is obsess over looking for Twisty's PL, doxxfag

>> No.78696997

Both of you fuck off and go enjoy the art Twisty just retweeted

>> No.78697076

>Barely any live posting
>Barely any actual discussion about Twisty or the stream
>Just constantly stalking someone's Twitter and saying "IT'S TWISTY, IT'S CONFIRMED TWISTY LMFAO TWISTY'S PL"

Jesus fuck, this thread is cancer.

>> No.78697338

Oh shit, finally some good fucking food.

>> No.78697769
File: 1.99 MB, 2537x4096, GQlkmAZaQAASb1m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78698018

I saw this, really nice art

>> No.78698086

I'm glad she's getting some good stuff. Her design is great.

>> No.78698192

why won't anyone draw twisty naked?

>> No.78698283

There was one anon that did, check a thread or two back.

>> No.78698290

I will draw it after I'm done with the new holo(s) and idolEN on my backlog.

>> No.78698469

My ojou sama can't be this cool!

>> No.78699427

Cute and cool! And funny

>> No.78701152

Minecraft , its funny how we went a full week of it and now this will be the first one this week

>> No.78702455

no I don't think she's white. she said when she got back from japan or something some karen in the airport asked if she can even speak english. you're not saying that to a white person

>> No.78703075

anybody else think she mumbles too much?
i like when shes a bit louder during CoD but most of the minecraft streams were too low energy for my taste

>> No.78703902

Yes, I agree with you because objectively you are correct in that by mumbling she cannot be understood, and I recognise that's bad for viewer engagement.
No, I disagree. Because her mumbling to the point of it being incomprehensible at times is pure kino cunny.
My tastes I recognise are utterly bizarre, but I view the entire vtuber viewership experience the same way art gallery crowds view those deranged performance art pieces they hold then set on fire or whatever. I celebrate whenever someone sacrifices functionality or mass appeal for the the sake of minmaxxing theming past the point of common sense.

>> No.78704161

youre right she can mumble a lot but it usually happens when shes really tired or shes been streaming a lot. usually its fine and there are streams like the first ready or not stream she's very high energy, I like how chill she is so i dont really mind either way

>> No.78704273

meant to reply to the post above my bad

>> No.78704372

Didn't know that ojou has a separate general on here.
Speaking of, I remember that she wanted to play COD zombies with viewers earlier today. That was the last thing I heard before I dozed off. Did that ever happen or was I just imagining things?

>> No.78705103

It definitely got mentioned as something she was going to do. It also definitely did not happen. I can't remember the exact sequence of events that led to this, but I remember it making sense enough that nobody cared.

>> No.78705251

If she's from Florida, she could be tanned. We know for a fact she's tiny. Easy to imagine they mistaken her for an Asian.

>> No.78705385

I love ojou's voice
I don't mind ojou's mumbling
I hate it when streamers scream
if I have to choose, I vastly prefer mumbling

>> No.78706537

She didn't know how to do coop without people trying to ruin it and chat pointed out that cod has a lot of hackers

>> No.78706866

She does autistically screech sometimes

>> No.78709083

she lob seals

>> No.78709554

How does she think they're cute when they are just the dogs of the sea?

>> No.78711031
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>> No.78711623

Because he is seal-kun

>> No.78711833

>Twisty saying "hai hai hai" while removing my organs one by one

>> No.78715586
File: 1.35 MB, 2505x3183, mywife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78718150

Hopefully ojou-sama is having a better day than I have

>> No.78719787
File: 820 KB, 1536x2048, GQQ3atVbcAAhzW_.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78721503

i miss ojou

>> No.78721529

Did she say anything about joining Finana's birthday stream?

>> No.78722895

i dont think so? But i was sleeping a lot so maybe

>> No.78724241

With any luck. She wont appear

>> No.78725086

What do you mean? They probably have the biggest brat energy in the branch imo

>> No.78727583

Its a good thing ojou is asleep right now or she'd disown you

>> No.78728433

I'm her dad, she can't disown me

>> No.78729665

Please disown me ojou, it will make the brat correction afterwards even hotter.

>> No.78732584

>ojou on 50 minutes
huh was it always this early thought itd be at 9 not 7

>> No.78733071

The duality of spiritmates

>> No.78735337

Ojous awake

>> No.78736585
File: 20 KB, 378x134, Screenshot 2024-06-21 190926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78736619
File: 18 KB, 392x179, Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 17-11-49 【Minecraft】What are we doing┊Survival Let's Play #10【Twisty Amanozako NIJISANJI EN】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wi-fi dead

>> No.78736677
File: 22 KB, 383x146, Screenshot 2024-06-21 191015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78736755

I'm router

>> No.78737032

She'll be in the totsu!

>> No.78737489

ojou is on.

>> No.78738340
File: 27 KB, 868x130, Screenshot 2024-06-21 193214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ojou sounded nervous at first but she obviously likes talking to finana

>> No.78739096

this is really wholesome man...

>> No.78739356

Who was in the right, Twisty or Vanta?

>> No.78740235

ojou-sama is always right. was funny how tramautized vanta was though

>> No.78740284


>> No.78742083

Twisty because Vanta should just learn to be as specific as possible around Twisty

>> No.78742673

ojou sama heading off for now to get some food will try to be back later for karaoke. she seemed nervous at first but seemed to warm up and have a good time with everyone

>> No.78744972

She's perfect

>> No.78747370

twisty's hump

>> No.78748980

humping Twisty

>> No.78750155


>> No.78752508

Do not hump ojou you disgusting pig
rail her

>> No.78753270

Ryoma: "Hey, I got toilet paper"
Twisty: "Nice, you can use that when you pee ypourself"

I love her too much

>> No.78756833

twisty's genmates are chill people

>> No.78764056

Why is the ghost of Vox's 4.0 attacking ojou?

>> No.78776151 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1080, TwBvfetL_H4 02-01-28 【School Labyrinth】Kid for a day _D @KlaraCharmwood @RyomaBarrenwort【Twisty Amanozako _ NIJISANJI EN】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78778165

I get it's a new princess outfit, but why are there two of her?

>> No.78780979
File: 1 KB, 250x45, hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twisty will be back when as soon as the night gets cooler

>> No.78782483

Im having a really bad day so I hope you’re right

>> No.78784271

Twisty melting in the heat like some sort of snowjou

>> No.78785410

Hey that's a cute angle :)

>> No.78786391
File: 23 KB, 380x223, Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 23-00-00 【Call of Duty Black Ops III】level 30 god【Twisty Amanozako NIJISANJI EN】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Ops

>> No.78787424
File: 410 KB, 552x474, pngtuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78787843

But I wanna nap loooonger why why why-
Yes princess.

>> No.78788099


>> No.78789549

where is the porn?

>> No.78789890

Ahhhh Ojou's bride voice pack is so cute.

>> No.78790054

I would prefer if she lower down the game volume so I can hear her mumbles

>> No.78791927

She's doing a lot better at zombies than in the streams from the other night, the swat training must have helped a lot.

>> No.78792155

Seriously go to the fucking dentist you (respectfully) stupid fuck.
If you've got anxiety of either the scawy dentist or the far more common bill anxiety variety, just tell the fucking dentist about that and they should accommodate that or recommend you to someone who can.
Ask your dentist questions like "what is the least pricey way to make my mouth no longer scream in pain? I don't care how it looks I just want it to not literally kill me."
The trouble with teeth is that preventative care is fucking annoying and a money sink, but it's relatively cheap upkeep.
The more you leave your teeth to decay and rot? The more expensive it gets to fix that shit.
But anon, what if I just never fix it and suffer the consequences? Have fun with perpetual migraines from tooth ache, gum infections, no fucking teeth, etc.
Gee I wonder why you can't sleep Twisty, maybe it's because your entire face is screaming at you to fix your fucking teeth every waking moment.

>> No.78793766

Didn't she say she went to the dentist and they gave her a filling?

>> No.78794494

I think she was talking about the tooth before she broke it again.

>> No.78794653

Late to the stream, did she mention why she's pngtubing right now?

>> No.78795111

it's too dark in her room for her tracking to work

>> No.78795558

I thought she was talking about some earlier visit to the dentist and she hadn't been to one since she pulled that tooth out (which really never shoud've gotten to that point but w/e that'd require time travel no use worrying over it).
If I'm just retarded and wrong and she's actually taking care of her teeth now then that's a relief. Good job ojou if true.

>> No.78798473

Spiritmates are weapons confirmed
I assault her cunny

>> No.78800953

Nothing stopping you Ojou

>> No.78803796

I know she said she hates this question but, who would you want to see Twisty collab with?

>> No.78804789

Nobody at the moment. She's still improving her skills during solo streams at the moment. I'd want to see her get fully comfortable with solo content creation before she starts doing advanced shit like collabs.

>> No.78804795


>> No.78805211

The JP lolis
Unfortunately none of them know english

>> No.78805370

This, but on the same condition as this anon >>78804789
Once she gets more comfortable I feel like this collab could be legendary, but she needs to be more comfortable expressing herself.

>> No.78806609


>> No.78806720

I don't know her at all other than cunny acceptance. Is she fucked up as Twisty?

>> No.78806957

She has schizophrenia and not the meme kind.

>> No.78807587

She used to cut her wrists, abusive father, BPD from acting like a vtuber pushes her schizophrenia to the max, clinically diagnosed for schizophrenia and has the papers to prove it, as far as I know she hasn't been cutting herself for a while but she has panic attacks when she is forced to talk to people

>> No.78808161

I wish NijiEN saw the potential in marketing the now black marked individuals as heel vtubers. I know it's a total culture shock for fujos and weebs but there is such missed content potential we'll never see simply because it's a terrible business decision.
A collab between heel-turned smug bitch "I'm better than you, peasant" vox and an upskilled Twisty would be pretty great. Just full on tormenting her the entire time and throwing in "what you don't appreciate my hospitality?" "You should be thanking for the opportunity to reach my audience" etc whenever she bites back or cries.
It'd be some of the most peak content rage bait to ever grace planet earth.

>> No.78808738

maririn and sonny

>> No.78809520

I went to sleep ans missed 3 twisty streams

>> No.78810312

>I went to sleep
classic mistake

>> No.78810577

No sleep. Only Twisty

>> No.78811146

Ojou sama woke up early to watch lunluns debut lol

>> No.78811606

I already gave up trying to keep up so que sera sera
I would expect no less from her, she is going crazy on Twitter lol

>> No.78812905

what are you guys gonna do til she streams? prob gonna watch her second ready or not vod

>> No.78813041

Fap to her lewd art and go sleep

>> No.78813233

if i have time, i want to watch her debut 2.0 and her first zatsu
there are a lot of streams i missed from her first week

>> No.78813765

I got Ready or Not just for Twisty I hope we get to play it with her

>> No.78814034

lmao even

>> No.78814182

Why not playing games with members is not a foreign concept

>> No.78815112


>> No.78815175

I dont think I can forgive you for this

>> No.78815255

I will listen as I watch the euros, want to hear her fangirl over lunlun

>> No.78815261

You know damn well this is a thinly disguised zatsudan and she will probably be cooming about the new Nijisanji onahole the whole time

>> No.78815472

W-what lewd art?

>> No.78815944

Fuck sleep I guess

>> No.78816095
File: 39 KB, 374x256, Screenshot 2024-06-22 095331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78816168

I love my toxic little sister succubus wife

>> No.78816199

Some legendary malds incoming I guess.

>> No.78816244 [DELETED] 
File: 227 KB, 2020x1517, Twisty ToT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78816374

not beating the "nijisanji isnt full of toxic bullies" allegations when they cant even ignore randoms in videogames but feel the need to type the n word. Looks like Niji keeps picking up human trash because they are the only ones willing to work for the 2%

>> No.78816409


>> No.78816780

Her hair reminds me of ice-cream

>> No.78817122


>> No.78817183
File: 98 KB, 650x650, TheRealFan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78817883

ojou mald is cute. her voice when it gets super high is funny too

>> No.78818326

She's streaming again? I wanna punch her.

>> No.78820346

Ojou is relaxing even when shes getting mad at league

>> No.78820390

Anon she didnt get banned from ranked while playing unranked

>> No.78820484

She got banned for being bad at the game lmao, not for being toxic. "inting" = "intentional death"

>> No.78821399

>isnt africa the biggest country in the world

>> No.78821473

She's a little special.

>> No.78823467

ojou is gonna be really eepy for the later streams

>> No.78823473

Agreed. Though I didn't really enjoy the seething at direction Riot is taking League. Not because she's wrong or anything, but because idk the vibes are just different on that particular topic for some reason.

>> No.78825776
File: 843 KB, 585x1266, 1717997155572264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78828135
File: 356 KB, 1404x2048, GQnAsbSboAAlvXx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im very cute you know

>> No.78830290

Its my day off and I just got up, how was the stream?

>> No.78830547

cute was mostly just zatsuing, ojou talking about how much she hate league while playing league

>> No.78833890
File: 446 KB, 578x666, 1719013694593639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78835773

What are you guys doin

>> No.78836448

thinking about Ojousama while going about my day

>> No.78838611
File: 238 KB, 2048x2048, GQRf4m3aIAAVmzG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78840521
File: 637 KB, 1920x2160, __twisty_amanozako_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_mugimugigo__ad80be1a3f7d5bf3da29a848c36be1da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78841235

what the heck is her timezone
sometimes she streams in the mornings and sometimes its 3 streams in a row around midnight

>> No.78841679

She has nothing else to do besides stream and she gets lonely when she isn't streaming

>> No.78843644

new bread
