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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78596049 No.78596049 [Reply] [Original]

>cover makes eu gen with the most bland talents and designs imaginable
>so lazy that they don't even bother adding a 5th member
>it flops
>cover concludes that "europe doesn't watch vtubers" and continues to act like it doesn't exist forever

>> No.78596147

It makes sense that the EU gen of yt people is bland just like their food.

>> No.78596226

>EU gen
>night time debuts
>during the Euros
It's either no EU gen or their incompetence rivals Anycolor's

>> No.78596642

That too. It patently is supposed to be the EU gen as they're all (originally) from Europe, so it really does seem like someone wants this gen to fail

>> No.78597141

Honestly both Cover and Anycolor should stop catering to the western market.

>> No.78597834

they are all in Japan and stream at non-EU time zones.

>> No.78597895

The new gen is half dead on arrival, it's downright insulting

>> No.78597955

How did it flop? They haven't even officially debuted. Only seething unicorns are crying about nonsense.

>> No.78597999
File: 55 KB, 782x587, 1704076876739758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cover needs to the hire the ONLY good EU tuber

>> No.78598009

In your head what's the reason Fuwamoco are at the top of EN and Bae is down the bottom?

>> No.78598089

why do you retards keep calling it a eu gen?

>> No.78598096

>europe doesn't watch vtubers
Only correct part of your post.

>> No.78598150

Based but no males

>> No.78598212

cause fuwamoco gets botted to all hell?

>> No.78598232

eu gen. streams at 5 am. how fucking retarded are you?

>> No.78598303

Botted superchats?

>> No.78598332

Bae doesn't even have bad numbers, she consistently outperforms Kiara, Shiori and Nerissa who have never make collabed.
>b-but theyre boring, they suck, they dont count!!!
Moving the goalpost. It's clear a lot more goes into popularity than male collabs.

>> No.78598373

Fuwamoco is botted. And putting 5k between the two of them isn't exactly the KWABOTY own you think. Each of them bring about 2.5k each that's mori level of average numbers.

>> No.78598376

Of course but it's still a huge factor. Never forget the omegay era blunder

>> No.78598442

Fuwamoco are about to lap Bae's subs in less than a third of the time she's been in Hololive. I don't know what you're smoking if you don't think they're more successful than her in every way. SCs, viewership, subs, merch sales, you name it.

>> No.78598489

Wuffian is getting bit uppity. BAU BAU

>> No.78598551

You either take the Miko path or the Towa path. It doesn't take a genius to know which is the better way if you want success.

>> No.78598580

I dont give a fuck if they overlap subs your dogs still botted cry more Botffian.

>> No.78598625

>huge factor
Without statistically quantifying this, it's a meaningless statement.
My instinct is that Holo as a whole would do a lot worse if they were like Niji and freely mixed female and males, but that stuff like what Bae does (lots of solo content and collabs with other girls plus an occasional homocollab) makes basically no difference at all.

>> No.78598761

Have you looked at the Homos CCV lately? Nobody is interested, nobody watches, nobody cares. Hololives audience do not want male vtubers in their content I don't know how much clearer they can make it when you have the girls getting 20k CCV and the Homos struggling to get more than 300 viewers

>> No.78598778

Okay, and there are three other members of Advent who also don't male collab are not doing better in any of those categories compared to Bae.
Picking the stand-out talent in Advent and comparing them to Bae is not a straightforward statement on male collabs. FWMC are just better entertainers, they have a great gimmick, a ton of experience and a great dynamic both with each other and in collabs. If Shiori was doing better than Bae you'd actually have a point, but she's not, and you don't.

>> No.78598784

Or you're an insecure faggot

>> No.78598814

You're changing the subject. I'm not saying the homos are popular, I'm saying that an occasional homocollab doesn't significantly negatively affect channel performance for holomems.

>> No.78598843

Shiori actively debuffs herself with her choice of content. She could pretty easily beat Bae if she played games people want to watch

>> No.78598869

But unicorns will cry about it like children

>> No.78598903

But she doesn't homocollab. If that's really the most important thing she should be beating Bae already.

>> No.78598914

Dogfuckers shitting on other Hologirls, AGAIN. Truly the most mentally ill fanbase. BAU BAU

>> No.78598948

Channel performance? It does. There is an obvious correlation between the more popular members (Gura, Mumei, Fauna, FWMC) and the less popular members (Bae, Mori, Ame).

More importantly it reduces the number of dedicated fans who actually actively support you. I'm sure there's no drop off in tourists but the people who don't care about homo collabs don't buy merch or SC, and they usually don't even watch streams

>> No.78599049

Again, this is cherrypicking. Kiara, Nerissa and Shiori, who have never homocollabed, usually lose to Bae and Kronii who have. You're talking about correlations but not actually quantifying them.

>> No.78599105

Kronii used to be almost Gura tier, she's actually an excellent case study on how a channel is affected by Homocollabs. She's a shadow of her pre Tempiss self

>> No.78599123

So you keep moving the goal post. It went from male on stream issue to performance issues. Shut the fuck up and just leave

>> No.78599178

She was never Gura-tier outside of a brief debut buff. She remains one of the top-performing Promise members despite homocollabing, she's actually outperformed Fauna over the last month. I beg you, please look at the actual numbers instead of your own narratives.

>> No.78599195

Obviously content matters. Nobody is saying if you avoid Homocollabs you'll automatically be more popular than anyone who does them. But it is a big factor in whether you have a big engaged fanbase or a bunch of tourists who clock out for a lot of your content

>> No.78599200

No one likes that dumb rat

>> No.78599214

Lmao the cope and lies

>> No.78599269

Stop making excuses to defend your insecurities towards men all of you unicorns sounds like secreted fags

>> No.78599301

>a big factor
Again, unless you quantify this, it means nothing.

>> No.78599314

ur right, I agree with you but that time is long gone lots of the jp only enjoyers tried to gatekeep but it was too much we got overwhelmed

>> No.78599333

>she's actually outperformed Fauna over the last month
Blasphemous 2: 44k views
Fortnite: 57k views
Party Animals Collab: 109k views
Make Up: 83k views
Blasphemous 2: 56k views

Withering Rooms 63k views
Nintendo Switch Spoirts 70k views
Witcher 3 69k views
Withering Rooms 88k views
Minecraft 119k views
Warioware 92k views

What? Fauna is clearly doing better

>> No.78599374

I checked and her stream views are at least on par with mumei and Fauna. They all hover around 100k views per stream.
Gura will allways be an outlier and fwmc are botted constantly.

>> No.78599392

So you were just a seething homosister trying to justify yourself when you know that homo collabs are poison for any Holomem who wants to be successful. Good to know, pat yourself on the back for what a good job you did with Ollie convincing her it was a good idea, look at her now

>> No.78599412

Isn't Shiori like the most superchatted member behind Fuwamoco in their gen? She might not have the most subs, but she consistently gets like 5k ccv, and her fanbase is dedicated af.

>> No.78599501

>Gura tier
Ok, now I know for sure you're trolling. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.78599573

She is. The homosisters don't want people to know the truth that homocollabs hollow out a fanbase. Shiori isn't getting tourists to pump CCV but she's doing better than anyone in Promise

>> No.78599601

people botted fuwamoco so fags like you would post stuff like this and also so they couldn't win /#/ awards

>> No.78599626

It's not the only thing you braindead nijinigger.

>> No.78599673

Why are Unicorns the most frequent prepegators of Holo vs Holo? do you genuinely have zero shame?
Okay I get it, homobeggars BAD! but why the fuck are Unicorns dogpiling someone who hasn't debuted and is dogpiling that person for not being the type of streamer who wants to pander to them? aren't you doing the same thing that Homobeggars did to FWMC back then? why is it always numbers with unicorns? why does a girl getting a lower number make you want to shit on her? okay fine Unicorns won't watch ERB but it's her choice? and she hasn't said anything bad to you? then why the fuck do you continue to antagonize and harass her and talk shit about her and gossip about her like an Estrogen-fueled neighbourhood skank? aren't you a fucking man? don't you feel ashamed to display woman-like behavior like this? why the fuck are ruffians such a dogshit fanbase? what is her crime besides not doing the type of content you want? why does she deserve to get shit on for having lower numbers from her peers? why the fuck don't numberfags just get cancer and fucking die already? it's becoming increasingly clear it's all you numberdogs who are the problem, it's not like you will watch her, you have tons of girls who are making the type of content you want so why are you shitting and pissing yourself on this board over her 24/7?

It's your fucking metrics that make you want to compare and force conflict where none is needed isn't it?, it's all becoming increasingly clear that Numberfag Unicorns are exactly what the accuse Homobeggars of being, just the opposite side of the coin, they are fucking problem and I wish you all the worst. The best part? you cannot answer my questions in any way, shape or form that doesn't make you come across as an absolute piece of shit schizo because that's exactly what you and your ilk are. I'd love to see you try and answer them though but you can't

>> No.78599694

No I'm someone calling you. On your obvious anti hololive crusade unicorn you are a fucking cancer in the hobby what can fuwamoco do? Can they sing no? Can they dance no? Are they entertaining no even with the force teletubby with tits act. The only thing fuwamoco has under their belts that you butt hurt unicorns can brag about is them ignoring the homos that's it lmao. If that the bar standard of being a vtuber then that bar what set too fucking low. Shut the fuck up faggot and stop your fucking crying.

>> No.78599711

Sums up my thoughts really. Europe may or may not be a viable market if cover decided to try and enter it in earnest and make a splash but this feels so half hearted with the glaring mistakes if so.
I imagine higher up in cover they decided to try and expand EN into europe but the people implementing it decided, intentionally or as a 'backup plan', that it'd be safer for them if they created a 'european' branch aimed at the proven american market instead,

>> No.78599764

Umm, Fuwamoco sure as hell can sing and dance.
You know they used to be IRL idols, right?

>> No.78599778

>aren't you a fucking man?
have you seen what the average unicorn looks like? lmfao

>> No.78599842

And the Homosister shows her true form. Seething at vtubing as it's supposed to be.

>> No.78599897

Settle down there ERB, the homobeggars will give you updoots on reddit don't worry

>> No.78599908


>> No.78599990

Man I'm sure your parents are awfully proud they gave birth to a man who's entire existence revolves around participating in a made-up invisible war and acting like a gossiping lard. The world would only improve if you commited an-hero right this moment.

>> No.78600044

I just hope they don't have horrific accents.

>> No.78600059

Ok but I'm not watching the homos ever you can stop seething about it

>> No.78600091

Imagine how better the board would be if the /#/ thread got nuked, I had an aneurysm the other day when someone posted the amount of containment breakers from there that have zero shame about displaying themselves in public
>proving his point
Man, Unicorns really are all grade A shit for brains aren't they?

>> No.78600113

>the seething
>the ESL
Aww you know you could be cute if you stopped being a bitch

>> No.78600114

>Why don't you want a NijiEN style whore who drags sex pests into content? Don't you want surprise off collabs with males!
Uki destroyed the female branch of EN. Completely gutted it.

>> No.78600193

You know if you actually watched the homos streams instead of complaining here that people don't like them then they might have a chance of not being eternal 3 views. But its not about the content it's about your retarded culture war to "own da unicorns"

>> No.78600215

It's a containment for the worst dregs of society but they cannot keep themselves contained because they need attention and they need their war to be real and not something they made up in their heads.
>Comparing Holo to Niji
This will never happen and you know it, you can stop seething about things that will never happen Unicuck

>> No.78600252
File: 179 KB, 1200x1855, Paul-Gray-67832539e5-1300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already counting our chickens before they hatched to cope with our cuckduct fantasies going down the shitter, eh?

>> No.78600279

It will never happen says the homoshitter frothing at the mouth for it to happen and actively encouraging it to happen

>> No.78600295

>Continuing to prove his point by bringing up numbers as their argument for continuing to hate on things they dislike
I apologize for calling you shit for brains, you go further beyond

>> No.78600313

Tell me sister how do the bots get free money?

>> No.78600348

This is the sanest post here these faggots do behave like gossiping old ladies at the beauty salon. Notice how all of them love saying how much they love hololive but are already launching anti campaign on a branch that hasn't even debuted yet because they don't have a problem treating their male coworkers like fucking human beings. These faggots are the worst kind of schizos. And deserve the rope.

>> No.78600367

Oh please, you are the one who has been frothing since the beginning of this war you have created in your head, you continue to live a worthless life and I will continue to laugh at you because you are genuinely schizophrenic, all Unicucks are.

>> No.78600432

If you love homo content so much, watch the streams. But you won't like every other homobeggar because you're not interested in the content you're interested in the culture war. The numbers are just indicative of how disingenuous you and your ilk are, are the homos bad because they get low numbers? No they're bad because people like you who claim to love that shit refuse to even watch them and just attempt to use them as bludgeons to damage the content other people enjoy

>> No.78600450

And you would sound less of a retard if you could at least try and refute me but because you can't you already accepted I accept your concession.

>> No.78600479
File: 282 KB, 545x629, Gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based as fuck

>> No.78600500

Watch the homos streams sister. Just watch them. If 1/100th of the people here who seethe about unicorns actually watched streams they wouldn't be in the shitter. It's fucking sad to see so many people who complain that unicorns aren't the majority then say they don't even bother to watch clips and show their support by liking the homos tweets, great job that's exactly the kind of fans Hololive needs

>> No.78600547

You claim to be better yet you are antagonizing someone who has done nothing to hurt you and you plan to celebrate her low numbers when she has done nothing except not make the exact type of content you want her to make when you have several choices to pick from, you are a literal hypocritical clown lmfao

>> No.78600625

Dragging NijiEN style shit into HoloEN is harmful to the culture of the branch. Unless she stays in the cuck corner and NEVER collabs then she's fucking EN up

>> No.78600687

Once again, it's numbers with you isn't it? ignore the fact that your outrage is based on completely made up mental illness that stems from here
Listen here you worthless son of a whore. Your mother should've taken the pill when fucking random hobos before concieving you, otherwise you wouldn't have been so schizophrenic that the only thing on your mind 24/7 is thinking about using numbers and how you can use them to create more hate and shit on other people, niggas like you should fucking die.

>> No.78600690

If any euros liked Holo vtubers, they wouldn\t like the euro branch because its completely different from hololive and more akin to nijisanji. Bizarre through and through. I hope it fails and they quit so I dont have to suffer them in any collabs with the real branch.

>> No.78600724

let me tell you secret. in eu almost all jp streams are at good time specially Watame also ID has that but bit of better time like Kaelas evening streams are good for 12h

>> No.78600748


>> No.78600794

I think the troonicorn and the homotroon in this thread arguing right now should kiss and make up.

>> No.78600805

>b-but she beats kiara, shiori and nerissa!
You lack critical information about all three apparently

>> No.78600816

>Once again, it's numbers with you isn't it?
Watch streams. You want to prove that you're not a minority right? You want to show that unicorns aren't right and that people like homo content right? Well it starts with actually watching fucking streams instead of posting about how much you hate the unicorns. All bark no balls, "Unicorns are wrong" they say for the thousandth time while a homocollaber becomes an irrelevant minnow

>> No.78600849
File: 332 KB, 1210x1100, unicorns in droves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are Unicorns the most frequent prepegators of Holo vs Holo? do you genuinely have zero shame?

>> No.78600851

my rrat is that they had a 5th member, but she either quit or was fired.

>> No.78600925
File: 157 KB, 1080x720, Holozhang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicorns are like zhangs yagoo is bending backwards to. Why is anyone surprised.

>> No.78600932

>Shiori replies to a homo out of courtesy
>Gets cuck porn drawn of her with him
>Homobeggars wonder why Holomem about them like the plague
The lack of self awareness is baffling

>> No.78600965

>debut new gen
>nijisister, homolover, "i'm not loli!', wallflower
>debut on California hours
They are trying to steal Nijisanji's audience outright.

>> No.78600980

No I realize I am in the minority, I realize the homos will always have small fanbases, I realize that Homocollabers lose some numbers for not pandering to Unicorns and I am saying that you subhumans, every single one of you deserve to be gassed for thinking you have to right to shit on someone for having le lower numbers, what has ERB done to you? nothing but you will compare her to her peers and shit on her for doing... nothing? oh, except for the fact that she didn't care to pander to you so you are gonna celebrate when she gets slightly lower numbers than her peers and compare her to them
Unicorns are the most pathetic and hateful creatures alive.

>> No.78601049

>she panders to people you hate, so you'll really cheer when she flops?
Yes. This is normal human behavior, and you wouldn't be acting like this if the shoe was on the other foot. Stop fooling yourself with this fake moral outrage

>> No.78601052

>Bae doesn't even have bad numbers, she consistently outperforms Kiara, Shiori and Nerissa
Brat... Bae cannot reach 3k without a raid while the others can, with the exception of debuff-games. Their songs perform better, more views overal. Bae is the runt of EN and you'll have to accept that

>> No.78601106

She's not some naive innocent newcomer, she knew and knows exactly the landscape

>> No.78601130

>normal human behavior
Yeah man, the reasons for why you hate them sure are normal, Unicorn culture sure is normal

>> No.78601179

Europe really doesn't watch vtubers THOUGH

>> No.78601184

The fact they bring people like you here is reason enough. Where do you think you are?

>> No.78601194

Whats that supposed to mean? She knew that she'd get cuck fiction written about her if she replied to a tweet? Have you considered that more Holos would be willing to interact with the Stars if they knew interactions like that weren't going to be weaponized against their core fans?

>> No.78601197

>EU gen
>debut time: 4am, 5am in EU time

>> No.78601212

Even the /#/ thread doesn't believe this, you go say this shit there with a straight face and they will laugh at you while providing data that proves otherwise, go ask them for last month's data right now, I dare you

>> No.78601214

No vtuber culture is "normal" go watch fleshies

>> No.78601238

Advent was a failure. All of them should be 5 views by unicvorns logic by now they can't barely break 8k even with fwmc botting.

>> No.78601309

>all of them should be 5 views by unicvorns logic
The sister lied as naturally as she breathed

>> No.78601367

If advent was a failure then what do you call nijisanjis newest wave that dropped to 300 viewers 1 day after debut?

>> No.78601425

But you are ones saying homofree means more numbers. They all should be in gura terrorists by your very own retarded logic

>> No.78601442

reminder that cover didn't mentioned anything about expanding into Europe during investor's meeting. It would be good news for them
It will be another western USA overlapping slop

>> No.78601456

Not male collabing doesn't guarantee success, but doing it will probably serve to torpedo you.It's potentially recoverable long-term if you can pander to enough women and gays, which is probably what Western investors want and why they keep pushing it anyway

>> No.78601463

Failures I don't watch Nijisanji. But rent free lmao

>> No.78601502
File: 478 KB, 1280x284, CEBAB8AC-7F31-4846-BB27-0D8F3ECFD374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes sisters, cook that unichud! Milord will reward us in Nirvana with 77 rape asmrs!

>> No.78601518

Not even women want homo collabs, have you seen what the Kindred did when their BF ASMR was interrupted?

>> No.78601521

I was just making a comparison between the #1 vtubing corpo and the #2 vtubing corpo. I just want a definition of what you think the word failure means here

>> No.78601551

Jp at 12-early afternoon is NEET eu timezone, not very lucrative.
Then NO ONE stream at EU evening prime time, as you said we maybe get watame/luna reading superchats at 9, sometimes the random kiara/kaela stream, but is usually NOTHING until 1am biboo.

Then you look at this italian cat girl PL and she always streamed at fucking 8AM italian timezone cuz she lives in jp.


>> No.78601625
File: 702 KB, 1416x712, 6878568D-BB6D-4FC6-A523-875275816312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to see what the average homobeggar looks like?

>> No.78601652

I don't know who they are but there is some faction of normalfags that vaguely spout Coco memes and are often fat asians that like the Nijisanjer type stuff

>> No.78601718

Kek you got a lot of people to respond, good bait.

>> No.78601806


>> No.78601956

Those are Hololive fans holokek, are you misfiring on your own again?

>> No.78602012

>Phoneposting mentally ill brown monkey
Nothing can get worse than this creature
>Instantly thinks about Vox and his cock
Unicucks will never beat the allegations

>> No.78602089
File: 1.34 MB, 2102x3991, 6AB35B0F-E7C4-4097-879F-000F348533FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes, sister! Why the xenophobia and racism! I thought tempusanjisisters and homobeggars celebrated pride month and Juneteenth!
The tempusanjisister reveals xher true colors.

>> No.78602093

No offense but the fact that Unicorns are always keeping tabs on redditors and discords and save screencaps like this has always creeped me out.

>> No.78602165

Jesus fucking Christ, imagine being a man and giving birth to this creature and living with the knowledge that it's out there roaming and continuing your bloodline.

>> No.78602251

>typing like a women on her period
>making homo edits
This is exactly the type of behavior I expect from Uniclowns

>> No.78603736

Now that Niji is done, you want to kill Hololive too.
And the retards are all for it.

>> No.78605103

how in the world did a thread about the EU audience devolve into unicorn fighting? It's not even in the same vein of discussion.

>> No.78605109


>> No.78605256

>EU audience
>4am streams
Do you get a kick out of pretending to be retarded?

>> No.78605299

Because ERB heavily panders to the Homo audience, and beggars using her to shit on Unicorns.

>> No.78605603

Homofree does mean more numbers. That's clear to all. However, you lack critical info, which the unicornchads don't. There's a reason everyone dropped Shiori like a fucking rock, expecting her to collab with her twitch e-celeb clique.

>> No.78605666


>> No.78605720

So why is she not inclining if she's proven to be safe?

>> No.78605854

Nijisisters are desperate for any chance to shit on unicorns even though they're actually worse than worst misrepresentation of unicorn ever.

>> No.78605871

The entire board is overrun with dramafags who care only about sticking it to unicorns/homobegggars. These subhumans will drag any discussion into their shitflinging as soon as they see a keyword or a related image.

>> No.78605967

Because the implication is the gen is shit since two of their members replied to the homos on xitter.

>> No.78606016

Because what has been done once cannot be undone.
And what's ERB is doing is far worse than Shiori has done.
There is no coming back for her but hey, she supported the cause, that's all that matters.

>> No.78606104

You have ERB to thank for this.

>> No.78606112

Sure Nijisis, you are not the problem, Nijijanny certified. Now rope.

>> No.78606140

>he is still insisting that Shiori will collab with holostars
>he is still insisting he is not a schizo
2 more weeks right? Or is it months now, years?

>> No.78606216

>proven to be safe
This might be a surprise to you, sister, but men never forget a woman past. What done is done and can never be undone, only retarded cucks marry prostitutes.

>> No.78606280

Anon they aren't Nijisanji. There is a reason they are labeled as Hololive English.

>> No.78606309

>he is still insisting that Shiori will collab with holostars
>he is still insisting he is not a schizo
And where did I do that?
My point was that even the notion that she might do a collab with them damaged her brand forever.
And it has.
Take your meds schizo!

>> No.78606359

>it happened in my head
>I am not a schizo

>> No.78606393

Holding a grudge for months because of something that only ever existed in your imagination is 100% woman behavior. You have no ground to call yourself a man.

>> No.78606440

t. smartest sister

>> No.78606488

>damaged her brand forever
Among falseflagging phasekeks who don't watch Hololive and the most schizo 0.0001% of actual fanbase, sure. Otherwise not really.

>> No.78606514

third worlders when food doesn't make you shit yourself on the street

>> No.78606533

americhama... you know... you know that europe has many different cultures with different cuisines, right? "yt people" there aren't like the formless blobs you have at home, you know?

>> No.78606547

It was not the Homocollabs themselves which laid her low, but her handling of the matter.

>> No.78606553
File: 1.56 MB, 1200x706, JusticeKV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will agree that the character designs look like something you'd see in an anime clickbait ad. Nothing about this really screams "justice" thematically.

>> No.78606568

>only ever existed in your imagination
Anon, I'm not talking abut her declaration, although that WAS her shooting herself in the foot. I'm talking about her PL. Also
>you're not a man if X
Is, certainly, woman behavior, sister.

>> No.78606613

>nijisister retardation derails the thread into straight up anti hololive thread

>> No.78606631
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Most anti-holo unicornposting is done by antis and shitposters. I hope so, at least.

>> No.78606654

She has. Stop coping!

>> No.78606851

Have you considered that the reason she's a runt is because a lot of her content is indulging in weird fanfic and not the contents of your schizo ramblings?

>> No.78607057

She's been a runt from the get go, before she even had a consistent fanbase. Cope.

>> No.78607101

Now that's funny.
I actually think her content is good, and that's not the reason why she's a runt.
I think she really fucked up her debut, and that turned people off.
First impressions have a really big impact, and she messed it up.

>> No.78607301

And Bae actively debuffs herself with her choice in timeslot.
Not to mention that council got shafted on debut by youtube and the ramifications last forever because of how growth is done by youtube.

>> No.78607342

Yeah, because people didn't like her that much, not because of what you're claiming.
This is true but it's more because of her voice and personality rather than yabs that only schizos on /vt/ care about. Most of that shit doesn't even register to regular fans.

>> No.78607957

>Most of that shit doesn't even register to regular fans.
But that's just not true.
Almost all homocollaber get lower numbers on almost every measurable metric.
To restate my point Shiori did a disservice to herself by alluding that she would do something that she actually had no intention to do.
That was enough to turn people off/against her.
Why she did that I have no clue, but it was a major fuck up.
And ERB is doing the same thing, but it's even worse.

>> No.78608114

I honestly don't think Europe is a viable market either. I'm honestly surprised their trying it

>> No.78608484

Why? It's a new audience. How many girls can they share between Americans?

>> No.78609181

Then why does she get mogged by actual homocollabers like Bae and Kronii? Also Bae announced her intentions at debut, explicitly, so it wasn't "first impressions". Shiori is a runt because of her content, personality and voice, not because she upset schizos.

>> No.78609257

nice melty

>> No.78609290

They hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.78609370

>Yeah, because people didn't like her that much
Everyone fucking loved her until she opened her retarded mouth and made everyone worried. Then we looked for her PL and oh boy

>> No.78609432

Any yuro with cash speaks english. Any yuro who speaks english and watches chuubas is already aware of hololive. There's no "new" market.

>> No.78609555

There's always place for cute foreign accents.

>> No.78609676

You can't save her sister, just like you couldn't save the homos.
But if you take your meds now then you might be able to save yourself.

>> No.78609809

NTA but you need to take your own advice before you tell anyone else to take their meds

>> No.78609963

Does this mean that you've already taken yours?

>> No.78610763

it's not even EU and if it was, it'd come at the single worst possible timing for EU due to Euros happening rn

>> No.78610830

Very feminine of you. You might become my most watched anon on this board.

>> No.78611167

I shit on them because I hate the homos for even being a part of HoloPro. The company would be better trimming that absolute waste of a branch and using that money to provide more 3D opportunities and support for the actually successful branch.

>> No.78613494

It's clear you based your impressions entirely on the /vt/ catalog. People had a lot of complaints about her that had nothing to do with any of that stuff.

>> No.78613557

So you're a clown. I heard enough kill yourself

>> No.78613688

kys beggar faggot

>> No.78614760

I remember her reply to Flayon and the first comment directly underneath it was a picture with her smiling face kicked in, black and blue and bleeding with the caption "I'm sorry, I learned my lesson, I won't do it again". I don't even need to tell you the fucking implication do I?

But no, the cuck porn is somehow worse.

>> No.78614967

If people had so many complaints about her that had nothing to do with what I just told you, that means I WASNT influenced by the catalog you utter retard. Otherwise I would be saying the same shit as them

>> No.78615250

You are misunderstanding. I'm saying your complaints were confined to the catalog, the other ones weren't.

>> No.78615314

I feel bad for Shiori, mostly because she had to work for Eilene who's a psychopath and now has threats levied against her by hololive fans. She's one of the few vtubers who I could see developing PTSD from being a vtuber.

>> No.78615441

>Why are Unicorns the most frequent prepegators of Holo vs Holo?
Who the fuck gets to say whether someone is a hololive talent?
They failed on many different occasions, they obviously aren't the arbiters of whether someone is a holo.

So it's the fans then.
We determine whether the content of their character and the content of their stream is Hololive content.
If it's not up to par, you turn into Ollie, you turn into Iofi, you turn into Sana, you turn into Aloe.

No amount of your intellectualizing peoples opinions will change anything, the fans have a vision of what makes a hololive talent, which Hololive themselves tried to cultivate, and if you don't meet that bare minimum of expectations, don't expect sympathy.

You are asking us to give you our time and attention.
You are asking us to give you a chance.
Stopping being a little bitch about people's expectations, either live up to them or you get out.

>> No.78615597

eh she's a big girl anon who has made a long history of big girl mistakes, no need to sugar coat things for an adult

>> No.78615658

Anon, if you post the wrong kind of opinion on 4chan your thread is spammed with gore and cp, grow up

>> No.78615810

>4chan is full of schizos, therefore it's fine to publicly anti holo girls in nasty ways
You should unironically kill yourself.

>> No.78615842
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>You turn into Ollie
Damn, what an awful horrible fate.

>> No.78615902

Anti Idol Holos deserve to be antid.

>> No.78616007

totally mindbroken

>> No.78616084
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Some of her streams are below 1k.

>> No.78616368

I'm saying you personally need to grow up, god you are such a whiny fuck, no wonder you watch vtubers

>> No.78616464

anon she broke down crying when kiara told her she'd be devastated if she graduated, she's obviously talked about it behind the scenes

>> No.78616490

Just remember that you and people like you did this to ERB. >>78616084
I hope that she served your culture war well.

>> No.78616615

nobody is going to watch your homos you filthy beggar

>> No.78617281

Only we Americans can make fun of Euros, you worthless fuck

>> No.78618627
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>> No.78619301

Holy based, this will be reposted ironically till the death of the board.

>> No.78620005
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>no you're a schizo, says a schizo

>> No.78620014

You've never watched ollie didn't you eh sis?

>> No.78620602

Bae collabed with males

>> No.78623145

Sour grapes

>> No.78623185

where's the delicious apple in this retelling?

>> No.78623606

Which is kinda disappointing, mainly because not only does Gura know Kronii fairly well but has the best fgo artist to do her model as well. But I guess nothing is a sure thing these days.

>> No.78624272

>also so they couldn't win /#/ awards
Nta, but
>This nigger thinks that shithole's tally is some sort of "award"
Fucking kek
Either a newfag or you need meds
It's a fun way to past time with horse

>> No.78624589

My oshi receives monetary rewards from moot for her big big #s

>> No.78626101

Clearly a woman, it's baffling how easy it is to spot

>> No.78626218

What? The red one is a literal swordsman.

>> No.78626329

Lmao pippa played that Ai game and had >3k live viewers even though she's got 1/3 the subscribers.
All the homobeggars do is subscribe to show a fake wave of support and then leave them like a used whore

>> No.78626953

Death to Holo v Holo faggots

>> No.78627542

I'm not reading all that.

>> No.78628759


>> No.78629880

>Holosharts already prepping their cope

>> No.78633104
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FPBP all the other replies are seething.

>> No.78634601


>> No.78635042

Damn bro you sound kinda pathetic ngl

>> No.78635306

fippy bippy

>> No.78635546

Swordsmanship has no inherent link to the concept of justice or judgement or even punishment. It just means she can stab people.

>> No.78635718

Because another retard posted that they're yuros and of course it must be true because no one would ever lie on the internet.

>> No.78638079

It isn't an EU gen.

>> No.78639753
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>Swordsmanship has no inherent link to the concept of justice or judgement or even punishment
Go be autistic somewhere else you retarded baboon.

>> No.78640016

>Doesn't know what inherent or swordsmanship mean
Go be ESL somewhere else you retarded baboon.

>> No.78641840

colonised “people” don’t get to talk so stop typing retard

>> No.78642657

KEK me hiciste reir

>> No.78644165

>>so lazy that they don't even bother adding a 5th member
>>it flops
Try giving them a chance first
>>cover concludes that "europe doesn't watch vtubers" and continues to act like it doesn't exist forever
Well at least you got your EU gen. Assuming those gens ever get made EN5 and EN6 will be back to NA/AUS/JP(ESL). Godspeed EUfags

>> No.78645575

Europe has almost no presence on the Internet. Everyone has like, "That Serbian friend," or, "That Finnish friend," and that's it.

>> No.78645934

Based, death to all unitroons
You aren't a fan either, you never will be a fan because you harass the talents
Only you and a subset of loud mentally ill unicorns because HoloJP has already laid the foundation
>the fan have a vision of what makes a hololive talent
There's no vision, it's all something you made up in your schizophrenia, go help your mother in her brothel fatherless cuck

>> No.78646503

Just admit you're wrong, autismo. Swordsmanship and justice have been linked together since European judicial duels were a thing and were further melded in the connective subconscious by the Georgian-- and later Edwardian and Victorian-- idealization of the chivalric ideals. You personally may be as ignorant of Western culture as you are the subtleties of the language but happily you are just a singular, tiny sack of shit and not a cultural bellwether.
