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78574278 No.78574278 [Reply] [Original]

>hololive has its own buttfucking MMO
How does Nijisanji cope with this? And not just Riku, but it's fans and talents? hololive is killdozering them in literally - LITERALLY - everything.

>> No.78574690

>Buttfucking MMO
Hololive H-scene?!?!?!?!?

>> No.78574707

>How does Nijisanji cope with this
Uhhh... They don't actually.

>> No.78574736

Sora would go for that. She's a kinky bitch.

>> No.78574747

since when is it some kind of competition? mcdonalds is more popular than other fast food places, it doesnt matter to burger king as long as they're still profitable and some people like their food better. tribalfags should get the rope

>> No.78574930

Numbers are everything, and hololive has more.

>> No.78574955

What's cooler? A shitty game or a fucking yacht?

>> No.78574961

"MMO" is so loose these days. a lobby game with 4 person coop is an MMO to you retards.

>> No.78574995

koikatsu btfo

>> No.78575031

He needs money to maintain that yacht, something that is increasingly in short supply for him.

>> No.78575214

burger king isn't directly trying to kill my favorite fry cook's career, and burger king's fans aren't harassing her and trying to find her home so that they can mail her pipe bombs.

So yes, I have a vested interest in this hypothetical "burger king" crumbling to dust so they stop being a pain in my oshi's ass.

>> No.78575471

no holofag would be bragging about holoearth, it looks like shit even after all these years
you can literally open up the stream irys/bae are doing right now, how is this multiple years in the making?

>> No.78575604

Oh my god I hope it doesn't end up sucking like Gundam Metaverse. It would be a colossal waste of resources.

>> No.78575884

god I wish someone would just succeed and end that cunt already, so we could stop having to hear about it. this place is a shithole thanks to her and her zealous lunatic fans stinking up every goddamn thread, no matter how unrelated it is

>> No.78575901

You can shit on it all you like, but it's still a leap forward in branding, something hololive's competitors are incapable of doing.

>> No.78576190

>p-please stop reminding everyone that the company is circling the drain because of our own actions!
Fuck off. If your oshi company behaved more like Hololive to begin with, they wouldn't be in this situation.

>> No.78576417

how long are you faggots going to cry about it? for all eternity? shut the fuck up and move on already, like your retard oshi told you to. Or, as more likely, you dont even care about Doki and you're just a shitflinging chimp that likes to stir the pot for your own amusement?

>> No.78576516

>how long are you faggots going to cry about it? for all eternity?
Until Niji fucking dies.
How many times do we have to repeat ourselves?
Total. Niji. Death.

>> No.78577271

HoloEarth is a huge amount of money that Cover has spent to develop an MMO while it wasn't until 2024 that Myth started getting their 2.0 model updates. The Live2D 3.0 update has been a train wreck for Hololive because they were spending their money on other things. At least for HoloEN fans the money they spent to develop another MMO with microtransactions has been a horrible trade off since it mostly harmed the EN branch.

>> No.78577377

She really has forced her way out of "seiso princess" recently, hasn't she?

>> No.78577435
File: 482 KB, 952x582, pingpong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, COVER is trying to re-enter the industry that they initially tried to become and failed horribly. Their future games will be judged as harshly as any other games regardless of their competition in the VTubing industry. And making an MMO while your only portfolio was a mediocre VR Ping Pong game does not spark confidence.

>> No.78577557

They have enough good will to make the already heavily paying fan base pay more. That's what being a respected company can do for you.

>> No.78577621

This game looks like a unity asset fuck-fest with a genshin impact loadout.....for the Wii-U

>> No.78577740

>Scam poorly made MMO game with artificially limited items
The fucking fan games are better

>> No.78577824

Yes and then this will become Star Citizen 2.0

>> No.78577825

It’s literally still in beta

>> No.78577909

Nobody but vtubers fans in japan is going play this trash calm down

>> No.78577947

>burger king isn't directly trying to kill my favorite fry cook's career
Corporate might not be because they're detached from operations but you can bet your assnthe manager is.
>burger king's fans aren't harassing her and trying to find her home
Honestly depends on the location more than some label.

>> No.78578003

How successful was Star Citizen?

>> No.78578104

Counterpoint - the MMO is shit and whoever thought it was a good idea should cut off their pinky.

>> No.78578134

From what I hear it still makes a ludicrous amount of money despite doing fuck all on progress towards release.

>> No.78578189

In terms of playerbase? Fuck knows, probably less players than half of Starfield's concurrent players
In terms of gobbling up investor's money? They're $700.000.000 in the development cost

>> No.78579779

She's becoming a bit more needy as the years go by but that also means that when she feels comfortable, her shyness melts and we see what she sometimes wants. Really hot.

>> No.78579950

Can't they try to at least make an improved version of that pingpong game to determine their capability before creating an mmo. That's a big leap

>> No.78580014

>buttfucking MMO
That’s every MMO. Trickster Online ojisans, WW@?!

>> No.78580415
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*a clone of ARK and Genshin with concerts from Fortnite tacked on

>> No.78580511

to be fair, if they start doing concerts like PSO2 did theirs, it could be pretty kino.

>> No.78580640

We actually hate this.motherfucking project.
2billion and counting hole in the ground the girl's money is being burnt to.
I just wish they'd blet this shit die.

>> No.78581384

hey, now. cover also maintain their own live2D app that lags four years behind vtube studio.

>> No.78581486
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He knows what he's doing, TRUST, he made Nintendo a powerhouse

>> No.78581775

Eat a fifteen pound pillow case full of semi-erect penises.

>> No.78582134

Sora is the kind of character that makes you question if shes a pure priestess or a succubus in disguised.

>> No.78582149
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This, but I never watched Selen and I'm not a dragoon, although they are my comrades in arms.

For me, it's vengeance for Mano Aloe. There can never be peace and forgiveness after what they did.

>> No.78582173

>What if we made a hololive themed skin pack for Palworld
>and downgraded the graphics by about 10 years?

>> No.78582289

She's neither. She's normal. Like every human ever she wants to get her legs put up and probably does, but isn't so horny that she can't function.

>> No.78582619


>> No.78584714

As an unironic vtuber lorefag who reads all the manga and has been playing this game since the first day, I'm looking forward to seeing how it continues to develop. I eagerly look forward to collecting yubis for Korone. I just hope there's at least some semblance of a plot. The more story there is the better.

>> No.78586679
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>> No.78586766

that was the most forced stream for their game i've ever seen

>> No.78586789

eh, we'll see. Hopefully cover gets a chance to rise a bit more before AC drags them back down.
The sooner they rip off the bandaid and gut them forever, the better.

>> No.78586944

idk why you numberfag think stock price have any affect to Cover.

>> No.78586958

That means it's already too late for any meaningful changes to take place.

>> No.78587032

but enough about Palworld

>> No.78587156

Because otherwise I have no fucking clue what the point of this debut timing is. It's right in the middle of so many events that it just feels unnatural and forced. The whole thing was shadowdropped at the end of a random ass biboo mori collab.

>> No.78587193

marș înapoi la muncă

>> No.78587308

Because if they missed this window the next available window is all the way in September

>> No.78587455

now all i say is just rrat but i really think they want to start capture EU market now so in 2025 they will complete the globalize. just like the best time to stream is now, with hololive brand, the more time they stream the better. maybe delay it 6 month to 1 yr will make their debut more insane but their audience in the mean time is just stagnate. also i remember yagoo recently say to expand to EU market, they need ppl to stream in that time first.

>> No.78587493

I can think of several better times for it, though.
Like after Advent's anniversary. After their 3D, after the breaking dimensions concert in august, during/after holosummer...

But right now they're in the middle of all of Advent's annual celebrations and their 3D shit, Gura's birthday, Advent's little summer thing they have going on...
It just feels like something got moved a month or two early when this was clearly meant to be Advent's Shill Period.

>> No.78587715

They want to debut it this quarter for financial reasons, and like I said if they miss this month they'll have to wajt all the way until September after breaking dimensions
Also advent debuted in the middle of holosummer last year, this isn't new

>> No.78587935

even if this debut is a disaster, as long as they are good, it will be fine in the long run. should have worry about the quality of this gen instead of the timing.

>> No.78588490

palworld has concerts now?

>> No.78588931
File: 14 KB, 314x282, 1718867795989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowadays "alpha" and "beta" are used more as marketing terms than technical ones. We even have shit like "pre-alpha" now, which makes no goddamn sense for the software dev side. It is only useful for PR and marketing bullshit.
>Oh you can't criticize our product just yet, it's still in pre-pre-pre-alpha early access!

>> No.78589030

that's not fair, i think holoearth looks better than palworld purely because of artstyle. Palworld looks like Unreal Engine asset mashup #20000000000 and is carried entirely on the concept of "what if pokemon but you had guns" despite it basically just being Ark

>> No.78589172

this is your brain on rrats overdose

>> No.78590147

>When aloe herself said it was way more of her own fandom seething about her over-the-top sex chats about her boyfriend, than niji fans salty about her crass remark
This reminds me of the HOLO-caust shit, wherein everyone thought it was Niji sounding the horn against Holo, but it was Subaru's manager going full retard and a general overreaction from Cover to AVOID being copyright struck.....then Capcom announces a partnership with Niji a week or so later

You don't need to fabricate bullshit to be mad at Niji, they already do so much shit out in the open to be mad over

>> No.78590854

is that not a typo of concepts

>> No.78591972
File: 249 KB, 417x496, 1718872206146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow anon you're such a jokester

>> No.78592154

I think this was 1 of the big points they talked abot.
