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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78549769 No.78549769 [Reply] [Original]

Someone Turn on the AC Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Mata is LIVE! And is doing a handcam stream. She's doing better! That's nice. Currently opening some Warcraft plastic of some kind. But if you'd prefer some roleplaying then Geega is LIVE! And is doing exactly that in GTA. Finally Haruka is NOT live, but she IS playing Mario Party 2 with Ari, Nagzz, and Ray. Though the only people in that group live are Nagzz and Ray so you've gotta watch a fleshy's POV to check that one out. That's it for now so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion

Previous Thread: >>78526670

>> No.78549875
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>> No.78549893
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Love my sonch wife

>> No.78549895
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Love my wolf wife

>> No.78549966
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>> No.78549979
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>> No.78550059
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>> No.78550079

what does bug sweat smell likes? what does it taste like?

>> No.78550083

oh wow another episode of Geega's crew being idiots and geting caught after which she acts like a smart ass to a cop

>> No.78550087

You dont even watch her.

>> No.78550139
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>> No.78550180

You dont understand anon. Its good for her ccv

>> No.78550211


>> No.78550385


>> No.78550393

I love Michi so much.

>> No.78550429
File: 279 KB, 480x360, beggingforin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, I wasted my time with this edit I can't let it die in the other thread

>> No.78550454
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Froot update. Did she change her Twitter avatar too? I think this one' sdifferent. Someone find an old Twitter screencap from her

>> No.78550543
File: 311 KB, 545x714, 1709498015338530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup it's new. Right after posting this I remembered a post that had a tweet of hers in it and this is a new pic. >>78428888

>> No.78550563

Prove your love by posting some Mochi's.

>> No.78550576

Vampire outfit?

>> No.78550603
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>Lies with a smile on her face
Never forgive. Never forget.

>> No.78550695

Its not a lie if she beats it in 2 days or if she'll get it to 2 m first

>> No.78550724
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>> No.78550889

>2 days
31 hrs

>> No.78550942

>Matara is 1,74
This Thread gaslit me into thinking she like 1,80 kek

>> No.78550967

Reminder Mouse said this could go on for 5+ days. It's scary how easily she lies.

>> No.78551045
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Red Froot is basically a vampire already so I doubt it. I think someone mentioned she's working on a song, so is there any notable songs someone thinks she might want to cover that'd focus on vampires.

>> No.78551056

my takeaway from browsing the catalog today: i think that genuinely anti-ing another member of the same company that your oshi is in is such strange behavior. good thing I'm a vshojofag and we don't do that here

>> No.78551093

What is this raid? it's at least got quality editing finally. But I don't really care.

>> No.78551110

yeah thats 2 days

>> No.78551121

I'm gonna be honest even if she doesn't do the collab I don't see her just playing Elden Ring for 16-18 hours for 3 days straight or more
She's probably gonna take video breaks every 5-6 hours

>> No.78551132

It would be really funny if she just canceled the collab the day of because she forgot she had another thing going on and all this whining was for nothing

>> No.78551133

mouse knights are the most mind broken people on these threads by how much they suck her off that she can't be accountable for anything

>> No.78551187

Or if she does both and the world keeps turning

>> No.78551190

no shit of course she would, she have to take medicine

>> No.78551267

Much better antipost than that wojak-lite shit

>> No.78551319

Where is the lie?

>> No.78551342

this is what I said two threads ago, she obviously forgot and I don't know why people expect otherwise because she forgets this kind of thing a ton
and this is a solution. play marathon game and pause for two hours to do a collab and then go back to marathon game. it's not fucking hard

>> No.78551361

where is the quality edit?

>> No.78551389


>> No.78551422

hope chat calls her a liar, or she's going to bring it up today to make an excuse so I hope some people call her out that she had time to do ff14 but declined it

>> No.78551477

"I do be fucking you." - Ari, to Haruka

>> No.78551478

answer me >>78551319

>> No.78551517

Not in an erotic way, sorry.

>> No.78551529

she didn't forget she declined ff14 with monke and pete this weekend

>> No.78551554

Valid criticism.

>> No.78551576

lmao mata doesn't give a shit

>> No.78551582

I'm checking out some of the bait threads and I saw this >>78523443 and had to wonder if this was somebody from /vsj+/ because it's just so flat and honest and and the attitude we have here

>> No.78551600

kek mata

>> No.78551605

Rotating one image over other then doing two poor cuts isn't something I would call quality. The brown wall is even still there between the arms.

>> No.78551641

Another Pomu and Nina one kek

>> No.78551658

Could also be /lig/. I'm sure the green one is getting the same lol

>> No.78551660

why does that mean she didn't forget about the jurard collab? also ff14 with those two would be at least six hours, holo collabs are short

>> No.78551721

people believe mouse is able to beat elden ring

>> No.78551766

it's likely someone from /lig/, they may be too close to RTX shit and completely disorganized, but their heart is in the right place.

>> No.78551770

mouse sticking to shit is impossible for her

>> No.78551775
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>> No.78551800

She is definitely is able to.

>> No.78551817

nope lol but if she's following a guide then maybe
But I think she'll probably just get to the north territory and that's it

>> No.78551820

>i’m not leaving elden ring until 2 mil or i beat it

>> No.78551824

Mouse spergs are the most mind broken people on these threads by how much they sperg about her

>> No.78551839

i'll save it and use it anon. thanks for your hard work.

>> No.78551854

will find out if she talks about today with an excuse

>> No.78551891

do you have a clip of her saying that

>> No.78551902

5th thread in less than a day where whiners are complaining about this collab kek. And they honest think they aren't shitting up the thread

>> No.78551914

Its like 30-40 hours to beat for regular people
Mouse will probably take at least 60, unless she really locks in

>> No.78551928

what spergs? all I'm seeing is people calling out for her BS and people defending her

>> No.78551948

It's more than a sperg text post I didn't call it the Mona Lisa

>> No.78551973

look in the mirror

>> No.78551983

Like clockwork kek

>> No.78551984

Red Froot is a Nekomancer

>> No.78551985

that doesn't answer my question. on top of that, whether she forgot or not it's not a good idea to cancel a collab with a holo for something other than illness because it's not a good look for future collab permissions

>> No.78552034

I'm gonna be honest she shouldn't have made it an Elden Ring thing
Just say I'm not ending stream till 2 Mil

>> No.78552053

IF she actually sticks to it and uses summons she can do it. Elden ring is easy

>> No.78552108

like clock work defenders kek

>> No.78552117

>complains she can't keep schedules because she gets sick often
>complains how she can't do this and that because she has no free time
>makes promises of content every stream
>proceeds to do none of the promised content and instead collab with friends who all somehow are able to do their own content themselves and collab without issues even though they stream easily half the amount she does
>only ever does what she promises when everyone is too busy and even then somehow finds a way to weasel out of it most days
>proceeds to stream 15+ hrs and gaming for even longer offline most days
>still says she doesn't have time to do anything because she's "too busy"
>proceeds to blame chat when she gets called out on her obvious bullshit and when she can't come up with anymore excuses says she's just going to do whatever she wants because girl boss or something

am i missing anything?

>> No.78552171

kek this is like the 4th or 5th thread today whining about this. At least try being honest

>> No.78552186

a brain

>> No.78552218

i dont remember posting this but yes, i do with all my soul.

>> No.78552226
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>> No.78552257

mouse should be first in line

>> No.78552271

Yes. A functioning brain

>> No.78552278
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>> No.78552304

yeah you are clearly missing the pinned thread.
hope you'll disappear again when the debut happens.

>> No.78552315

mom stop playing with your boobs.

>> No.78552360

There's not some big mystery here. It's hard to get collabs with Holo, they all have to be approved in advanced, delivered by fax and stamped with the imperial seal. It was either planned in advance or this was the only time they'd agree to, she'll make it work out.

>> No.78552366

mouse lives rent free in the heads of numbermonkeys/spergs so much they randomly mention her in threads that have nothing to do with her kek

>> No.78552395

You forgot being in such a rush to schedule collabs that she often double books, tries to make both work and then when that inevitably fails has to make excuses to drop out early instead of just explaining and moving things to another day like a functional adult.

>> No.78552453

mouse can never be wrong or do wrong is all I'm reading from these knights, they are worse than any sperg in the catalog being so fucking brain washed

>> No.78552456

I really hope so because multiple full days of ER is something that might actually make me not want to watch. I hate game marathons.

>> No.78552463

aren't holostars super lax about their stuff in comparison tho?

>> No.78552470


>> No.78552515

Mata playing with herself and you faggots discussing some retarded shit

>> No.78552565

yes because not even their own org cares they exist but mouse seems to think people want to watch those collabs

>> No.78552588
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>> No.78552602

I see no reason to believe that's true. I actually believe Mouse's rant on this topic was probably about Jurard, not some hypothetical collab with Fuwamoco or something.

>> No.78552634

it's more of a can she keep the decision she made since it "stressing her out" last three streams she's mentioned it

>> No.78552664
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>> No.78552705

Her rant on the topic was specifically referring to her struggles getting collabs with people like mori and kiara etc and was well before jurard

>> No.78552752

why would you post this knowing how many bait threads she's already gotten

>> No.78552802

Fuck off threadshitter

>> No.78552821

Jurard debuted in Nov 2023. Maybe we're thinking of different rants.

>> No.78552823

I don't want her to

>> No.78552831

is she her?

>> No.78552836

She also specifically said after the first Mori collab things were significantly easier to schedule. She was planning to collab with most of the Holostar members since their debut the only thing stopping her being their temporary collab ban after debut.

>> No.78552839
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enjoy the moment you fucking parasocial retard

>> No.78552858

I don't browse lig but I'll give you a (You) for your efforts.

>> No.78552873

this is a safe space for her, we know and love her
catalog can't take that away

>> No.78552912

because this is /vsj+/ and we don't care about what parasocial retards think.

>> No.78552926

yeah raora is actually zen

>> No.78552967

you know what? True I'm sad yunii graduated but if this is what she wants I hope she overcomes the haters and lives a successful career

>> No.78552972

Which rant are you referring to then? Because she def has talked about the difficulties of collabing with holo before since there were lots of hurdles to get over from corporate and some holo fans were being vocally against it as well

>> No.78552973

trying too hard to fit in champ

>> No.78552997

Yeah I was really looking forward to the marathon until she decided to make it an elden ring marathon.

>> No.78553099

That was about the first collab but after that it got easier.

>> No.78553101

I don't remember the exact date but it was around Jan of this year.

>> No.78553107

gtatoleraters, why is Geega in jail for 2 minutes

>> No.78553125

I wasn't looking forward to the marathon until she decided to make it an elden ring marathon

>> No.78553131

Going at conventions I'll have to admit KFPs are the most normally looking fellas I've encountered there. All chill and Jolly. Science team too actually.

>> No.78553133

i love when anons confirm everything i said was true because their only response is to say fuck off. funny how even mouse's white knights can't deny her shitty habits.

>> No.78553138

meh elden ring can be fun and it’s at least interesting enough to watch that it’s probably one of the best games she could have chosen to marathon

>> No.78553222
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you're the one chimping out for no reason. you're glowing.

>> No.78553233

I find it funny we have whiners complaining about elden ring and whiners complaining that she scheduled a few hours of something other than elden ring kek

>> No.78553234

>but she pwomithed
>vawid cwitithithm
>white knights
>she'th a wiar

>> No.78553325

i love when anons confirm everything i said was true because their only response is to say fuck off. funny how even mouse spergs can't deny their shitty tactics

>> No.78553335

This, but unironically. I have a lisp.

>> No.78553348

>vawid cwitithithm
stop speaking welsh

>> No.78553378
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New rrat. She's doing something with Zen. The debut is Friday and is vampire themed.

>> No.78553388

Phasmo is dogshit, Phasmo collab in the middle of a marathon event is dogshit, but those piles of dogshit pale in comparison to your pile of desperate threadshitting.

>> No.78553397

same. to me this feels like an ideal gig for her, she can still do loads of art streams but now her income isn't tied to her art output so she can have fun and not worry about it as much

>> No.78553405

Almost like all they want to is is whine and sperg

>> No.78553419

I hate white knights but Mouse doing a few other things in between the marathon is not going to hurt it if anything it will make it better.

>> No.78553440

its not just that crap game, it’s a crap game in a crap collab

>> No.78553442

Will she collab with the Zenner?

>> No.78553445

yunii doesn't deserve all the hate she's getting, it makes me sad

>> No.78553481

you're right, she deserves more

>> No.78553485

uh oh threadshitter melty

>> No.78553517
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These are snoozefest but I can't say shit since it's for a good cause. I'll do my part and piece out.

>> No.78553540

i love when spergs confirm they can't win the argument because they stop engaging and start grandstanding. funny how mousespergs can't deny their shitty arguments

>> No.78553546

I'm sure it will be fun for the first 8 or so hours after that I will need a break from it. Variety is always better.

>> No.78553640
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>> No.78553698

mouseknights raped my goldfish

>> No.78553703

Anon, she's on track to earn a silver play button before she even debuts. "All the hate" is confined to this board.

>> No.78553761

MV is my bet now

>> No.78553764

she's getting hate?

>> No.78553792

Why did Mata just claim she doesn't know who Vinny Vinesauce is?

>> No.78553817

geega with glasses is ugly

>> No.78553825

Good cuz I watched the last two and had a blast.

>> No.78553898

this one doesn't have bubi so it's already much better

>> No.78553940

yes, to the point of deleting old posts on twitter

>> No.78553998
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>> No.78554081
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>> No.78554097

>Michi has to grind and Giri has to beg her chat to get her her silver fridge magnet
>blue dorito gives it to you before you even do anything
the power of branding
Holo is the Apple of vtubing

>> No.78554100
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Has Vei answered the question

>> No.78554152

I wonder if the Jurard collab is the surprise stream Mouse mentioned was happening sometime soon but she wasn't sure when? Or maybe it's the thing that is apparently happening with QT?

>> No.78554176

soap cat going for the throat

>> No.78554253
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>> No.78554256
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>> No.78554261
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>> No.78554264

No that's her first CB stream.

>> No.78554270
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>> No.78554304

QT, if you're talking about the stream she mentioned near the start of stream after QT raided her.

>> No.78554359
File: 322 KB, 699x699, 1710023637996704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going for a ride with this one ese

>> No.78554368

Who? I only know Michi

>> No.78554391

sup holow

>> No.78554487

sup pen

>> No.78554513

Hime... Fwoot...

>> No.78554540

There are multiple Pink Cats. They are all good.

>> No.78554560

>tickets are free
Fuck yeah, that's a win.
>Mel and Geega
An odd combo but I bet it'll be really fun.
>Hime is doing her first M&G

>> No.78554580


>> No.78554590

>piece out

>> No.78554641
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>> No.78554661

Oh wow, a Holo that gets a play button before they even debut?? That's never happened before.

>> No.78554665
File: 528 KB, 1236x697, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will there be an announcement like two years ago?

>> No.78554751

Hime is there. Froot isn't
I'm worried but idk

>> No.78554792


>> No.78554800

no lol

>> No.78554802


>> No.78554822

>you know how when your 45
no mata
how would I know this?

>> No.78554831

Probably not but I can hope

>> No.78554851

they are just mentally ill, doxxing strangers just because they might be their next holo member

>> No.78554867

There will be an announcement for an announcement

>> No.78554876

we get Hime but no Froot
> Monkey_paw.jpeg

>> No.78554877

they do fuck

>> No.78554901

Oh lol. I just counted them all and assumed she was one of the two missing.

>> No.78554906

New member when?

>> No.78554909

oh fuck you panini

>> No.78554959

Froot is /out/
The brainworms and hate got to her, so she's leaving to distance her antis from the others

>> No.78554960

eldenring ruined but I'm excited for the jurard collab so monke gets cucked, while mouse chose to play with jurard instead of doing ff14 with monke and pete is funny

>> No.78554965

thank goodness vshojo doesn't have any mentally ill fans

>> No.78554980

? henya and katie also call her mochi

>> No.78554985

not on that scale
7/5 during/after geega and haruka's thing
small letter drop
bigger teasers start 7/8
reveal between 7/12-7/14

>> No.78554989
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>> No.78555021

It's about goddamn time.

>> No.78555031

we have our own schizo but we don't measure our girls period dates.

>> No.78555053

you leave mikey out of this

>> No.78555059

Kuro isn't there either maybe it's a brit thing

>> No.78555062
File: 205 KB, 551x493, chibi.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just the brits being brits.

>> No.78555084
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>> No.78555104

henya's a retard who thinks she might mispronounce the japanese word for road

>> No.78555123

If you actually paid attention Connor said he couldn't do this weekend anyway

>> No.78555144

sure thing ant

>> No.78555157

>he doesn't keep track of when his oshi is at peak fertility

>> No.78555188

>but we don't measure our girls period dates.

>> No.78555198

Post the Vei pee race spreadsheet

>> No.78555237

monke was excited to watch E.R to only watch himself get cucked on Sunday night by wish Markaplier

>> No.78555251

Kinda funny how Vei only went into one meet and greet and only because of Silver, I remember her cringing at first in her offline chat and then came happy after it

>> No.78555255

wash yourself momo

>> No.78555267

I'm more worried about Karui. I can't even remember the last time she was in a collab, let alone a convention.

>> No.78555269
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>> No.78555287

stop going on the catalog nigga

>> No.78555292

>in japan there are no garbage cans
Not beating the third world country allegations.

>> No.78555313

She's too irony poisoned

>> No.78555337

I like Froot
I'm just putting evil out into the world

>> No.78555346

the who squad

>> No.78555372

Mousespergs tongue my anus (I have IBS)

>> No.78555392

lol no
someone post the video

>> No.78555429

Man, Matara sounds a bit different, being sick really makes your voice go low

>> No.78555447

Mint is the only one i want here

>> No.78555491

All joining Hololive

>> No.78555526

My dick couldn't handle U-san being /in/ and becoming a regular collab partner
Their voice is pure gold

>> No.78555569


>> No.78555571

why track it when they announce that they're ovulating on twitter?

>> No.78555601

Top left, top right, and bottom left make sense, even if long shots. Why would bottom right even be a consideration?

>> No.78555607

They/thussy got me actin' unwise

>> No.78555631

all wrong
we're getting s/in/der

>> No.78555691

Her too

>> No.78555724

we're buying Mythic

>> No.78555738

So when are they gonna quit baiting it out and just give Ari her invitation?

>> No.78555749

The last one was incredible. The only thing I don't like about this one is that Michi's not in it.

>> No.78555751
File: 526 KB, 2048x1536, 1718741863303680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

announcing doki and mint at the same time would be wild ngl

>> No.78555784


>> No.78555802

Is there even any member of Vshojo who's close to Grimmi?

>> No.78555809
File: 53 KB, 403x163, 1718448078466101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Bricky's fugi

>> No.78555825

They were great especially the 2nd one.

>> No.78555846
File: 85 KB, 479x498, Bedge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78555852
File: 87 KB, 750x920, flat,750x1000,075,f.u3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just heard 3 explosions pretty close to me (I live in western Russia)
If anything happens, tell Zen that she was my oshi

>> No.78555919
File: 240 KB, 896x896, 1695454863169380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay strong, comrade

>> No.78555922

Geega is the closest

>> No.78555930

>not including Limes

>> No.78555985
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, 1713895194573915.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78555991

Grimmi wants to be close to mouse. Does that count?

>> No.78555994

not really close with any vshojos, seems to prefer being an indie anyway
best candidate I hope she joins soon
I like them but they're more of a singer than streamer
I would rather choose someone that's already friendly with the girls not just bc she's an ex-corpo
no more gfes thanks

>> No.78556001
File: 86 KB, 300x300, f0fdf77000ff1017-profile_image-300x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78556027

Mata is grooming him
In three months, he'll debut as VShojo's newest member with a brick model

>> No.78556051


>> No.78556061

I thought he was older than Mata... he's quite young...

>> No.78556083

This is the most likely

>> No.78556097

o7 anon. I shall tell Zen you think she's a smelly toaster.

>> No.78556108

slava ukraini

>> No.78556156

RuAnon please don't die before gooning to Zen's new outfit

>> No.78556183

þussy, even

>> No.78556198
File: 376 KB, 821x583, 1710477937731983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strength to you anon

>> No.78556224

We know we're in the platinum era for talent but what era had the best +'s

>> No.78556255

Stay safe bro

>> No.78556288
File: 99 KB, 278x299, jaune smolder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geega, Sinder, Shylily, Filian, Fraiki, Lumituber, Juniper, Snuffy, Vexoria, Tricky, Neuro, Batat, Mirai Akari, Yuzu, Vienna, Bao, Numi, Lucypyre, Arielle, Froggy, Heavenlyfather, Katie, Meicha, Mona Highping, Sushidog, Pikamee, Tomoshika, Shondo, Milky, Grimmi, Gundo Mirei, Mika, Nina, Pomu, Selen, Rosemi, Yozora Mel, Kiryu Coco, Rushia, Sana, Laplus, Voldemort, Kiara, Gura, Bae, Nerissa, Kronii, Joe Biden, Aethel + Nyanners, and Ruby Rose

All /in/
I probably forgot a few.
No I will not take my meds. No they would not rather kill themselves.

>> No.78556287
File: 82 KB, 320x272, mouse_phone_happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wishing you safety, gl anon

>> No.78556319

Obviously pre JP expansion. I don't how anyone can think otherwise.

>> No.78556329
File: 545 KB, 3531x1635, 1687578603297713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the current era

>> No.78556429
File: 787 KB, 1525x1896, 1711925099215504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how close Geega is to Grimmi

>> No.78556431

The only /in/ I want is Heavenly, none of the other liggers are worth a letter. And maybe some more ex-Nijis too.

>> No.78556495

I genuinely think it's this one but only because all the best past pluses are already members now

>> No.78556517
File: 112 KB, 473x563, 1419797477267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standing cunnilingus

>> No.78556526

I want Heavenly in me.

>> No.78556539

Hmmm true but I'm a Snuffy fag so may be biased.

>> No.78556553

I smile every time

>> No.78556557

why is geega so sex?

>> No.78556558
File: 10 KB, 348x348, png-clipart-video-games-twitch-tv-emote-playerunknown-s-battlegrounds-streaming-media-monkas-thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fifth and sixth. The car alarms go off and the windows shake

>> No.78556566


>> No.78556571

I love sushi so much let her in gunrun

>> No.78556582
File: 756 KB, 863x850, 1711925286148555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78556614

I don't like Grimmi. She's a fujo.

>> No.78556626

Arielle and sushi supremacy

>> No.78556646

I dunno what it is about these ones but I just check out almost immediately

The Arcadum sessions, well, you know
But I was able to stay engaged back then

>> No.78556654

Thirst trap

>> No.78556656
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>> No.78556657
File: 74 KB, 522x526, 1710287825584404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in line

>> No.78556673

Grimmi Gear 5

>> No.78556700

I instantly tab out whenever the current +s join any collab. Take that how you will.

>> No.78556730

I will now watch grimmi

>> No.78556805

Reminder that noted + and professional black man HeavenlyFather possesses only one ball

>> No.78556827

the unattainable makes it more erotic

>> No.78556859

Should've moved to Sakhalin when the Ukraine shit started, anon. Don't worry, Mata will soon appear in your house and eat your tail for dinner.

>> No.78556901

for me it lacks immersion

>> No.78556941

Fuck off Emma

>> No.78556976

no bomb shelters?

>> No.78557024
File: 252 KB, 396x487, 1703762513128081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like "fuck me, Emmy"

>> No.78557045

Be honest why do you want doki other than the fact that she's an ex-niji? Don't get me wrong I'm sure she's a nice girl but she's barely acquaintances with the vshojo girls and seems to prefer hanging out with holostars

>> No.78557118

No apex addicts.

>> No.78557150

as long as you don't work at an oil refinery or airport you're probably fine

>> No.78557151

What are you talking about? Money for bomb shelters was spent on villas and yachts

>> No.78557158

Quiet roastie

>> No.78557220

I want her because she's active and organizes shit. we have too many lazylords right now.

>> No.78557240
File: 253 KB, 1400x1080, 1717928654669784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will roast your ass so you can't walk normally anymore

>> No.78557256

>Mata will soon appear in your house and eat your tail
It would be an honor

>> No.78557293

I don't like big events to be h

>> No.78557356

his testiculars got torted

>> No.78557379
File: 281 KB, 809x793, 1715827015521565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're in Voronezh or Kursk region then yeah, you are getting bombed by Ukrainians right now. Take care, duck and cover and don't die.

>> No.78557464
File: 1.67 MB, 848x1199, 1702528301620744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78557483
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, 1712791622919665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok but what about his penis size
cut or not cut
This is very important.

>> No.78557499

>duck and cover and don’t die
Just like Tarkov

>> No.78557509

Btw at the beginning of the year, a drone exploded at an oil refinery 10 km away from me. My father, my sister and her husband worked there.

>> No.78557512

She would join then do play game, yap, or react. I expected medium effort, organized, non-game streams from every member that joined since Kson. We get maybe a few of those at first then it is nothing after that.

>> No.78557528
File: 833 KB, 1168x1170, 1717197526268558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino, gl out there

>> No.78557612
File: 898 KB, 1360x1302, 1674629035350580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the current +'s but I miss my main man

>> No.78557689

This fucking moving is lowering my stonks in Aethel
I hope it ends soon

>> No.78557728
File: 669 KB, 1240x1748, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78557760

she seems like a workaholic and most importantly she has goals and plans she wants to reach.

>> No.78557763

Movers came yesterday so it should just be a matter of unpacking and setting up the next couple of days

>> No.78557781

this, she's only close with mint and even if they both joined it could create another leavers situation if they're only friends with each other and no one else, I prefer unityfags for this reason

>> No.78557830

I miss that game but it's neet only really, not due to the grind but because it's the opposite of relaxing after a day's work
Also I can't watch my heckin vtubers with it

>> No.78557841

Did he say what state they are moving to?

>> No.78557883

He's had a rough few months, hope he can get back to streaming more soon

>> No.78558073

god i wish i was that momo

>> No.78558080

They aren’t moving from LA, he did mentioned that it was more so a house (since he will now have a garage) so I guess they moved to the suburbs

>> No.78558102

I have a sneaking suspicion this guy's into futa

>> No.78558111

Hypercock futa Henya but her hypercock is so elongate that it protrudes and curves forward, upward, backward, downward, and forward again into a wheel-like shape and she uses it to roll around like a penile monowheel by propelling herself forward by kicking her legs and shooting spurts of coom on command dayo

>> No.78558220

Yup, they always do.

>> No.78558228

They said they were moving somewhere cheaper in LA so they can save more for a house later

>> No.78558246

I love Grimmi now

>> No.78558315
File: 2.08 MB, 132x128, 1718842092001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mommy keeps me from thinking about hot gay sex

>> No.78558328

hmm interesting at least they didn't jump the shark and go to Texas

>> No.78558399

You guys helped me realize fujos aren't all that bad, they just realize men are superior

>> No.78558490

Texas hates weed

>> No.78558632

Fuck now what?
I guess just Pausechamp and see if Mouse goes live today(btw I think she'll take the day off) or wait 4 hours for Michi

>> No.78558659

hot gay sex while Mommy watches and encourages you

>> No.78558685
File: 47 KB, 160x160, 1201305906344902656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior at having gay sex!

>> No.78558709

Besides you know weed
They hate the hot weathers, mainly Nyan

>> No.78558745

I disagree. Whilst I can respect the concept of Henya having a cartoonishly big penis, I am more a fan of the idea of her possessing a cock the size of which is limited by human constraints.

>> No.78558777

And every other way imaginable

>> No.78558787

Im watching mint
Pretty fun stream

>> No.78558794

I switched to Mint

>> No.78558810

Would joining vshojo fix aethel?

>> No.78558822
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>> No.78558844
File: 357 KB, 588x645, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what were you sperging about for 5 threads now ?

>> No.78558862

The only things keeping Aethel from not joining OTK kek

>> No.78558868

Nyan would beat him up

>> No.78558921


>> No.78558946
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>> No.78558953
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>> No.78559000

this guy is funny.

>> No.78559063

Only if they banned him from streaming irl and made music streams 2x a week mandatory

>> No.78559083

This guy gives me old Mouse and Connor vibes

>> No.78559095

literally the best outcome from this shit
everyone sperging about this deserves a three day, janny won't do it but you should follow through out of shame

>> No.78559119
File: 228 KB, 800x600, 1708134810479777.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78559131

Back when Geega was cute

>> No.78559147

nah best outcome is the collab never happens

>> No.78559166

>Mouse promising she'll play the two games she promised to play for the last couple days where she ended up doing the react marathon she said she'd do today
>Already told Saiiren she would play FFXIV with her today
Yep, she's going to cancel and then take tomorrow off too to prepare for the marathon stream she already scheduled a collab in the middle of.

>> No.78559203

When you're ready to become a real one, you won't even need a subject anymore. It'll just flow from your unconsious mind to your fingers and into the thread.

>> No.78559211

spergs btfo'd and mouseGODs win once again, you love to see it

>> No.78559232
File: 2.59 MB, 3508x2480, 1690026225824004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78559241

this is a lie I went to check vod on the last collab it was supposed to be this week 3rd week of june why she lying

>> No.78559298

aethel and henry streams go hard

>> No.78559311

yes anon you have certainly seen all communications they've had towards each other, it's all public

>> No.78559315
File: 1.42 MB, 498x498, peepo-cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the fact that she became a number fag

>> No.78559339


>> No.78559373

they were unironically talking about living near vegas

>> No.78559382

Geega created a police officer character so she can see the other side of things and have something to play when most of her crew is gone. I know a lot of people were getting worried that she's been doing less gta lately, but now that she's finishing up her recipe science she won't have that long down time where she mostly plays off stream.

>> No.78559401

Would kill a man to experience Geega's grapefruit technique

>> No.78559409

she played yesterday with saiiren on ff14, she might do a actual short stream today again

>> No.78559415
File: 76 KB, 598x518, 1708814778302373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouse going hard on all the holostars now that the collab ban is lifted

>> No.78559417

you have the other half?

>> No.78559458
File: 2.19 MB, 3508x2480, 1713207794319618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78559473
File: 593 KB, 657x657, 1691868578153620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop making me sad

>> No.78559475

mouse and dogshit collabs, name a better duo

>> No.78559476

React was great.
She's going to reopen the submissions today so I hope she does stream. it will also be nice to get some stuff other than ER before the marathon

>> No.78559506

you know what that's fair mouse forgets more things than normal healthy people than like jurard

>> No.78559528

Geega first reaction to meeting Zen was so cute

>> No.78559575
File: 851 KB, 877x584, 5152637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try

>> No.78559576
File: 449 KB, 639x778, 1713093404771620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know a lot of people were getting worried that she's been doing less gta lately

>> No.78559585
File: 28 KB, 112x112, Cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78559643

mouse loves male approval it feeds her ego

>> No.78559647
File: 149 KB, 288x256, 93487337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know a lot of people were getting worried that she's been doing less gta lately
Are these people in the room with us right now?

>> No.78559681

why did she become this ironic magnet ??? she seemed full of life here

>> No.78559702


>> No.78559714

>police officer
nice, that should accelerate the burnout.

>> No.78559855

How can we save geega?

>> No.78559872

GEEGA is the cutest
Still is, I don’t care what anyone says

>> No.78559894

Wtf... what happened...

>> No.78559906

ddos nopixel, permanently.

>> No.78559921
File: 15 KB, 502x86, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day saved

>> No.78559961

Sure, Ant.

>> No.78560086

24/7 impregnation teams

>> No.78560102


>> No.78560157
File: 744 KB, 2734x4088, FsmPYS2acAANRcD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ironmouse is sexy

>> No.78560270

Honestly this is the first in a good while she properly interacted with a new wave of male vtubers and it's still not that much compared to sometime ago, she used to collab with them the moment their collab ban was lifted. I don't know if she got more cautious because of so much drama or just too busy

>> No.78560272
File: 1.49 MB, 777x1200, 1709760139688939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78560278

Geega should play DaD with moonmoon

>> No.78560290
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x720, TwoKindsOfChatters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78560357

Get her permanently banned from nopixel

>> No.78560363

geega should do videos explaining her gta character's story to help onboard new viewers

>> No.78560415

send her lewd kaito and kuro pics to make her remember who she really is

>> No.78560447

Goddamn we really are being spoiled with so much mouse and bubi art, i'm loving it

>> No.78560504

While getting the new OP pic I saw there was a new post in Haruka's not-often-used-enough lewd tag. So here's some Moose for anyone interested. https://twitter.com/Veridrws/status/1803490646298083793

Anyway new thread

>> No.78560517

geega should make femdom jois

>> No.78560567

if there was a way to catch up on the game i'd watch. knowing she's such a prominent character makes me wish i had watched from the beginning but i didnt think she'd stick to it as much as she did.

>> No.78560621

Yeah I've been posting them slowly over the day so I wasn't just spamming them but we got a whole bunch in the last day or so.

>> No.78560712

Yeah, If anything it will be vegas

>> No.78560724

that drink is sprite right?
