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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78486344 No.78486344 [Reply] [Original]

Don't blow it.

>> No.78486423

But it also depends on the girls themselves

>> No.78486580

nice, now I don’t have to watch kiara while I’m at work anymore

>> No.78486771

Wouldn't be surprised if it is too late, the EU viewership is already elsewhere

>> No.78486810


>> No.78486999


>> No.78487096

The british one just need to do a watchalong of the Euro Finals, England vs France

>> No.78487483


>> No.78487529

>4AM debuts

>> No.78487575

Watching Ibai maybe

>> No.78487683

maybe it’s just for debuts and their regular times are euro friendly

>> No.78487734

Kiara will finally have some competition. I think the only time anyone went for EU hours was Vesper to make a point until he ultimately just left.

>> No.78487805


>> No.78487831

roru rmao

>> No.78487923

Kiara's actually inclining lol

>> No.78487943

It's coming home, pal

>> No.78488052

Yeah, IDK what the fuck they are thinking. EU girls will stream at fucking 4 am and be tired and then people will wonder why yuros don't watch and content is bad.

>> No.78488076

Yeah, maybe they’re just making it impossible for the supposed target audience to watch the debuts as a joke
You may as well post the cope for when their first week of streams are right in the usual overlap block now too

>> No.78489937

We will see next week if they stream EU time. If not , then enjoy more overlap and YOU better support them. If they are EU streamers, I still have to like them to spend money. We dont need 4 more Kiaras.

>> No.78490181

Mori in her members stream basically hinted as hard as she could that the debut would not be their normal streaming time.

>> No.78490505

That just makes it even more retarded, you’re setting the wrong expectations for literally everybody

>> No.78490534

How the fuck am I supposed to spend money if I live in Russia and Visa/Mastercard don't work in my country? Open up Monero donations or something.

>> No.78490829

Sana deputed alsl at 4 am aussie time

>> No.78492297

where stream schedule

>> No.78492596

They will announce it while you’re asleep, just to make sure that even if any of it is watchable, you’re not aware of it

>> No.78494724

Explains alot really

>> No.78494840

Stop being pussies and go fix your country first.

>> No.78495080

Impossible, Putin has like 20 more years to live

>> No.78497617

Do the right thing, leave russia. No decent human being deserves to be sentenced to live there. Come to belarus. We're fucked too, but at least not as fucked as you.

>> No.78497723

I can't wait for all of them to have shit numbers so all those EU fags here who whined non-stop about having no options can finally realize that EU vtubing is a shit prospect.

>> No.78497728

Really? Seems way more fucked generally, probably can't get drafted there though. Do you have jobs?

>> No.78497786

We wanted good designs, not bottom of the barrel trash looking shit

>> No.78497799

haha I will not spend a single eurocent

>> No.78497811

The problem isnt even the 4am part but that they're debuting after the Elden Ring dlc release. I'll be too busy playing to watch them.

>> No.78497911

Is this the best wave yet?

>> No.78497931

Yes, it's kinda fucked, and everyone left(I'm leaving next year too), they're desperate for workers.
But we still have working banks and visa cards, unlike russia.

>> No.78498029

>1 is a Euro but living in Japan, streaming at fucked JST hours
>2 are proper Euros but will stream (and burn themselves out) from midnight on to get into the oversaturated EST slot
>1 is a burger or leaf and will stream in an impossible PST slot
EU will stay indie and that's a good thing.

>> No.78498078

Leaving where?

>> No.78498087

>the collab is at 6:30 am on a sunday
I don't know, it looks kinda fucking stupid

>> No.78498105

Japan, hopefully.

>> No.78498152

You forgot
>Debut while Europe is asleep, convincing casual viewers that they're another gen of unwatchable burgers and ensuring none of them will see their schedules even if they are okay
>Can't make any money because 90% of Cover's revenue is in merch and they don't ship to Europe

>> No.78498215

You learned the language? I was thinking about saving up some money and staying in countries like Serbia for now, with an intention to try to get hired in UK as a tech worker, just need a few more years of experience, they don't usually hire foreign mid levels or especially beginners.

>> No.78498301
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Yes I'll spend my money now

>> No.78498314

what's the rrat that they will cater to EU?

>> No.78498355

>Debut while Europe is asleep
This alone is enough reason for me to skip them.
Two years ago the market was grim enough that I might have gotten up at 5 in the morning to watch them.
But nowadays /corpo/ and /lig/ provide enough chuubas that Cover can fuck off with their JST shit.

>> No.78498398

I did and I have some decent years of job experience under belt, it's possible. Even if working visa scenario doesn't work out, there's always a backup student visa scenario. I just hope nothing horrible happens before I try to more. Shit like ch*na invading taiwan and draggin japan into it or russia annexing belarus and closing borders.
Serbia seems to be a good place to move temporarily, I heard they love russia there.

>> No.78498408

EU slang and shit.
Innit. Pizza pasta Italiono!

>> No.78498544

>they love russia there
I doubt that's a good thing. Good luck to you, anon!

>> No.78498552
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>first collab at 6:30 CEST

>> No.78498558
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Their lore hometowns all reference European countries

>> No.78498563

You too, anon. Bce пoлyчитcя.

>> No.78498634

Thanks. Is there a good way to leave the country if they do end up closing the borders?

>> No.78498710

Kanna from Pixel Link comes to mind.
Globie is aimed at EU even if stream times on some can still feel a bit questionable.
Ironically Michi and Sayu feel semi-EU friendly not because they start at good times, but because they keep going long enough that one can catch them after work still for several hours.
That's just the ones that come to my mind, there probably are more.
In the end Holo having EU streamers is still a good thing, because they'll likely push for higher awarness of vtubers in EU, which will help everybody, but it's no longer "be all, end all" event.

>> No.78498783
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Meh, only if they're good and stream in my timezone. You can forget it if it's an entire generation of Kiaras or Kroniis, or they only stream in PST like everyone else.
Cover had their chance a year ago, now most europeans have accepted that they'll never see any holos and have moved on. I am interested but my expectations are at rock bottom.

>> No.78498856
File: 225 KB, 1080x1080, GN-fCqhXsAA0FRd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a European, I couldn't care less about them. There are enough EU chuubas to watch already, so why should I care about these new ones?

>> No.78498861

But why though? That seems like an insane decision.
>lets make a movie for american audiences
>put up all the billboards in china though

>> No.78498864

Lumi (both)
various german and french
completely degen PST streamers

>> No.78498895

Thank you based deadbeat. That's a relief. (Though also a very strange decision by Cover.)

>> No.78498913

>all of these 3 views

>> No.78498977

More friends for Kanana

>> No.78498997

>3 view
smartest brony

>> No.78499042

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.78499087

Kanna Yanagi, from PixelLink

>> No.78499124

Thank you, I like her design a lot. I'll give her a watch.

>> No.78499158

>european times
really would be funny if they are EU's who streams for burgers.

>> No.78499198

I mean, it would be funny, but at the same time Yagoo has said they do plan to expand to Europe, and if this isn't it and they baited everyone the reaction is going to kill any hope they have of doing it for real

>> No.78499201 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.78499225
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>Now fucking spend money
Depends. Are they gonna be unicorn friendly? Probably not, the pink has already outed herself as a whore. Red looks too unremarkable, it's just IRyS but white. I'll give a chance to green and yellow.

>> No.78499267

Kek good one

>> No.78499320

Hope not, the night shift already broke Soya's spirit once.

>> No.78499410

Twitch, big indies chuuba and vshojo

>> No.78499422

More streamers for the EST pile!

>> No.78499455
File: 210 KB, 540x460, Later_Homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please watch our corpo
>here are some talents just for you
>sure, you have enough to watch already, but they are part of OUR corpo
>they also stream in the middle of the night

>> No.78499554

maybe if england fires the retard manager named Southgate

>> No.78499727

then maybe it just the usually mandated debut stream time and their schedule will look better.

>> No.78499857

Advent are literally the only other gen to debut at this time. If their goal was getting people in Europe to watch, the times they used for Myth and Council would have been better, or like an hour before takotime. Even JP primetime would have been better if they did them on Saturday and Sunday

>> No.78499921


>> No.78499972

then no idea what cover trying to do, we'll have to see.

>> No.78500004

First month will probably have their managers supervising them like hawks, so that's going to fit the managers' JP-oriented schedule as well.

>> No.78500066

Yeah I am having a blast watching the VSMP server, it has turned 2views into 400 ccv streamers, quite magical

>> No.78500098

This would absolutely guarantee they never got a euro audience. And by "they" I don't mean this gen, I mean hololive as a whole, this is genuinely their last chance to not disappoint people and they've even baited everyone into thinking they're getting streams already for good measure

>> No.78500345

Most of Europe is at work right now, I'm in my home office for example and this is why I browse 4chin. Most people you talk to at this moment in time are SEA tribalfags.
Europeans mostly don't care about corpos. There are enough chuubas already that stream in German, French, Italian or Spanish.
Those stream when you get back from work in the evening.
I don't see the appeal of some English speakers that stream in the middle of the night and wonder why I should care just because they are part of corpo X or Y.
There's enough of those already.

>> No.78500491

There's obviously a lot corpo vtubers can do that smaller ones simply don't have the resources for, my point is the capabilities of indies and small corpos have been rapidly catching up while Cover sit on their hands. Every year the number of people still available for them to convert to hololive fans goes down and the remaining ones willing to give them a shot get more annoyed, if it turns out they accidentally baited everyone this time I think they're just done forever.

>> No.78500539

Yeah I dont see how Cover things this will make them popular in europe, at least go "all in" (kinda cringe to call it all in) and have the debuts during euro prime time (which makes it a bit retarded that they put the debuts during the first real football tournament since covid, no qatar doesnt count).
Like I dont envy them but breaking into the european market 4 years later when everyone are spread out to countless of small chuubas (and some big ones) is a tougher task and you should really spend a lot on ads and fucking cover twitch vtubers and youtubers in ads about your new EU chuubas
But hey we all now whats going to happen, they debut in the 04:00 in europe, and when they do their first streams in eu prime time they wont get the views that they expected and then they move their streaming time to american prime time

>> No.78500630

I can see this is happening

>> No.78500715

This is exactly what'll happen, or they'll stream overlapping the matches and get no views and we'll get Cover going
>I told you so

>> No.78500773

Home office tart Euro here as well. Every other European I know who's into vtubers are watching Japanese ones, because their evening/night streaming schedule fits to our early/late afternoon well enough. But it's quite rare, because vtuber culture here isn't really that big, I don't even see cosplayers on animecons or merch. I think Hololive does have a chance to explode here, but first, besides a proper schedule, they need to fucking get rid of Geekjack and allow us to order from the actual Hololive shop instead of having to use proxy shit like Tenso. Also, EU regulations are retarded, YouTube had some issues with Visa already, so it's not only about the people. I'm rooting for them regardless, but I wager they're just gonna stream in US schedule when they give up on us after a few months of trying in vain.

>> No.78500824

Holo justice justice showed up outta nowhere like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QP5agTawMM
Nobody is safe

>> No.78500953

It is pretty remarkable how well they set them up to fail if they are streaming in euro hours
Debut at 5AM while everyone is asleep and won't see their schedule, then first streams when nobody will be on youtube to catch them by coincidence because the footy is on

>> No.78501028

Only way it could work is if they hyper market where they're from with artwork in the national shirts and have them stream in like the hour gaps between matches and acknowledge that it's on and engage

>> No.78501049

Eh, i get the feeling that the overlap between the football audience and people who watch vtubers is pretty small.

>> No.78501094

>they put the debuts during the first real football tournament since covid
I didn't even think about this since my national team is a delicate topic (too many foreigners, too corrupt, too much homopropaganda), but you're totally right. The average European would rather watch Hungary vs Austria after work than Rosalinde Süßlustig in the middle of the night - even if he's neither from Hungary nor Austria.
You may browse /sp/ just for fun and you can see chuubas everywhere. All the Euro flags post small corpo or indie ones and the only Vtuber fans I know IRL are indeed fans of Holo JP. You're actually 100 % right.
I got a season ticket for my local team's ultra pen.

>> No.78501131

Anon something like 65% of the continent watches the euros

>> No.78501165

There are a lot of people that will only watch the international tournaments, even if they don't normally care about football. Pretty much every weeb I know (England) is like that

>> No.78501202

>watch footie and drink beer with the boys
>see what vtubers cover has "graciously" given us after 4 years
beer with the boys every day of the week and any vtubers I will watch is the ones that stream the pixellink minecraft server

>> No.78501244

Ok, that's on me then. I personally haven't really cared about Euro since around 20 years ago.

>> No.78501268

You must be SEA or american, almost every fucking nerd or weeb i know watches the euros and our team isnt even in it
t. sweden

>> No.78501284

The market share of our matches (Germany) is usually above 90 % of all people that watch TV during this time.
The streets are wiped empty during matches even in major cities.
Everybody watches the Euros. Everybody. This means that every local weeb also watches it obviously.

>> No.78501370

Yeah I will thank you (tho I dont think we have to have another one, let that happen naturally if it makes sense)

>> No.78501431

This is the only time of the year when we can openly be extremely racist against each other, because footy here is above all else.

>> No.78501461

Blame management.

>> No.78501814

What are you talking about Russia is the best country in EuropE, it's not getting filled with blacks and browns like they are

>> No.78501930

I mean, yeah, I do
If this is their attempt at getting into Europe they botched it pretty badly. The debuts are unwatchable and they have done nothing to reassure people that the actual streams will be better, and they're debuting while most of Europe is busy watching football
If it's not their attempt at getting into Europe, they made it look a lot like it is, and the people who took it that way are going to be mad about it, especially because they're starting from a baseline of being consistently disappointed for years already
Whichever way it goes they did a terrible job

>> No.78502236

Now I'm not intrested anymore. I found my kami oshi in my country and she is making her own corpo!

>> No.78503558
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How about ID4.

>> No.78503723

I feel like you are british.

>> No.78504519

I will continue to watch my yuro indies tyvm

>> No.78504797

Are there any yuro indies that aren't twitchtards with constant alerts, TTS, and all the usual shit?

>> No.78504905

Of course there are.

>> No.78506611

I no longer care about these whores

>> No.78506911

wont watch them or spend money if they suck, i already have Panko and Kiara

>> No.78507214

i will also not watch their debuts because they are at fucking 5am

Make fun all you want but THIS is not what EU watchers wanted and cover is fucking it up royally

>> No.78507359

>Be European
>Watch JOP vtubers instead of "Euro vtubers" because somehow they stream at very convenient times and don't suck
Really makes you wonder.

>> No.78507475

if they are yuros, all this whores have bfs

>> No.78507943

It's coming ROME

>> No.78508083

Pink and Red aren't unicorn friendly, they're whores

>> No.78509606

>they put the debuts during the first real football tournament since covid
oh shit you're right
what a blunder

>> No.78510045

Everything about this is fucking retarded. Nobody knows if they will stream in euro hours or not. If they do then debut viewers can't watch their streams and nobody who would watch their streams can watch their debuts. If they don't, after they baited everyone into thinking they would, Cover has probably annihilated the little remaining goodwill it had from euro viewers.

>> No.78510565

the Elden Ring DLC release is also happening
unironically couldn't have picked a worse time kek

>> No.78510677

This is the main issue, everyone I know will either be playing or watch their favorite chuba playing it.
