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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78486229 No.78486229 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.78486443

>great exardia
obviously british, she's made that way too obvious
>romance empire
italian, her debut stream title says "mamma mia" and she likes pizza
german? dutch?

>> No.78486494

Frisia is the Netherlands

>> No.78486547

Man I fucking love chocolate milk from Friesland.

>> No.78486562

>Freesias are native to South Africa. Their natural growing season begins in late fall when the weather cools and the rainy season begins.

>> No.78486702
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One's from England
Ones From Scotland
Ones from Ireland
One's from Wales

>> No.78486854

>Cecilia shares the same birthday as skyrim

>> No.78486878

Why Eliza looks a lot like irys?

>> No.78486994

tfw my oshi was an IRA member

>> No.78487117

No, she's an Ulster loyalist.

>> No.78487527
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I only know one South African chuuba and her old model kinda resembles Gigi a little bit

>> No.78487633

Somebody tell me who their past lives are. Usually I can just look through iketog but that shit got shut down. Also if Justice why not all pettan?!

>> No.78487713

Cecilia is almost definitely Soya Poya

>> No.78487993
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cecilia looks like my DFC wife.

>> No.78488212

"pls spoonfeed my lazy ass"

>> No.78488307

God I want to fuck the doll so bad

>> No.78488389

If holo is actually doing a Euro gen I kneel in respect. Strange that it's only 4 people though

>> No.78488487

too hard to find talent ppl in EU

>> No.78488640

>here are your EU Holos!
>they are Twitch whores
T-Thanks Yagoo...

>> No.78488675
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>> No.78488710

don't forget
>they stream at 3am EU time
no idea why op cut out the utc times by hand.

>> No.78488743

>4AM debuts

>> No.78488750

Based beyond belief

>> No.78488792

he grabbed the screenshot from jp account

>> No.78488818

>posh british royal
>german musician
>italian artist
just full on stereotypes huh
still not sure what country Freesia is meant to be

>> No.78488834


>> No.78488943

it's just a debut. they need big number on debut. and they are here to catch a new EU market, meaning their is not much EU fanbase at the moment. debut in EU time and it will be grim af

>> No.78488990

Hololive is small-time

>> No.78489068

>US timezones
Who cares?

>> No.78489212

One of the girls are from rhodesia

>> No.78489213

yeah it's better to debut at us time so the EU market doesn't even know you exist. That's the way to capture the market, I've always known cover were marketing geniuses.

>> No.78489391

actually? or is this another "ame is british" scenario

>> No.78489457

>Italian artist
that's all the spoonfeeding I'll give you, you should be able to figure it out.

>> No.78489469

Last one is German since we already know who it is

>> No.78489485

Council debuted in EU time and they all had like 100k CCV. This is Cover being autistic

>> No.78489495

I know when I’m aiming to capture a new market the first thing I do is make sure none of them can see the single most important piece of promotion I’ll ever do
It’s important to set yourself up for success by disappointing people as much as possible from the very first second

>> No.78489574

Well... They still believe that pushing Homos will work...

>> No.78489611

cover is the type to make their talents wake up at 3 in the morning for meetings. debuts is at this time is probably because management would be all available at 12 noon in japan to help them with their debuts. it’s shitty for eurobros, and it’s shitty for central and eastern burgers because it’s late for them too.

>> No.78489706

One of them is already a confirmed whore, so who even cares

>> No.78489721

We will see from twitter activity and actual stream timeslots.

>> No.78489778

Yeah, mine

>> No.78489792
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>lipstick mark in Shiori's file
>face doodle in Nerissa's
>teacup in Biboo's
>cat in Mococo's

>> No.78489956

One is from Avalon, one is from Asguard, one is from Mordor, and one is from Antarctica

>> No.78489975

It won't be only the debuts bro at least their first month will be at NA Primetime. Then they will have built up a NA fanbase and won't be able to switch to any EU time, so they will only do sporadic EU streams which won't capture any new fans. And then cover will say "see, no market".

>> No.78490404

I am increasingly convinced that one of the schizos that constantly seethes about Europe works in holoEN management, because this is exactly what will happen and the only logical explanation is that they purposefully want to fail

>> No.78491312
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>> No.78492339

The other explanation is that for some reason they consider inconveniencing the managers completely unacceptable in the corpo culture. Doesn't matter if it steps on the talents schedule or damages their growth, it must fit into manager-sama's work day. No malevolence here, just incompetence.

>> No.78492428

>the cat is hunting the dogs
oh how the turns tabled

>> No.78492529

Michelangelo? holy shit bros michael cat is in

>> No.78492598

EU market is irrelevant compared to NA. Any of the Euros that will actually watch/donate will do so at NA time anyways whereas NA fans won't/can't engage during Euro time.

>> No.78492662

or maybe they have the data that Europeans simply don't spend enough money to justify catering to them?

>> No.78492670

"ame is briddish"

>> No.78492728

It’s a larger market than NA for both live streaming and anime/manga, and NA can easily watch euro hours streams at the weekend

>> No.78492743

Noone asked for this.

>> No.78492761

The reason for that can't possibly be no streams accessing that market right? Not like there are hundreds of twitch streamers making bank in €/£.
Oh wait, there are. Even fucking Shylily/Anny get 2-4k in Euro per stream.

>> No.78492875

They did three gens of ID and auditions for a 4th so obviously current revenue doesn’t dictate their strategy, and that’s putting aside that you’re essentially judging a continent by how much they’re willing to spend on Kiara

>> No.78492927

It is definitely not a large market than NA when it comes to vtubing or anime/manga, and the gap only gets larger if you throw in SA. Two days a week isn't going to get you an NA fanbase lmao

>> No.78492982

Who's the German one?

>> No.78493047

Söyapoya (She also plays the Violin like the new character)

>> No.78493058

2-4K in Euros as the absolute pinnacle of EU vtubers isn't great. Anny doesn't even consistently stream at EU times anyways. Idk why you Eurofags think you're such a large untapped market when zero small or large corpos find you worth investing in. It's almost like they have data on how much money there is to be made from Europeans and it isn't worth catering to that market as opposed to the Americas or SEA.

>> No.78493122
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I am noone btw

>> No.78493151

ID vtubers unironically maker more money than EU vtubers plus it's a close enough market to Japan anyways. Seeing as Kiara is the runt of Myth and Rin never made the most money in Idol despite having the largest "numbers" I think there is a lack of money to be made in the European market.

>> No.78493155

Bro most EN holos don't make even close to 2-4k in supas per stream. They have peaks but the average is like 200. lily probably makes 5-6x as much money as any of the EN holos besides Gura.

>> No.78493192


>> No.78493340

you have any sources for those Lily figures because it sounds like you're talking out of your ass. Also I know you're a retard because Gura has never been even close to the most superchatted HoloEN member

>> No.78493365

Anon the data is publicly available. They watch more streams (not limited to vtubers) and spend more on weeb stuff than any other region. Even Yagoo has said the lack of vtuber market there is solely because nobody has made a serious effort, and he is also aware that merch outvalues stream donations at least 10:1

>> No.78493481

Freesia is Switzerland and the loli is just cheese

>> No.78493689

Yeah but Gura probably makes more in the background. Lily has her GamerSupps company shares and stuff too, but I think Gura probably still earns more.

>> No.78493713

They watch more streams specifically in other languages that are not English (Spanish). Again, if investors/analytics showed that it was a huge untapped revenue stream corporations whose goal is to make profit would invest in the region. Clearly market analytics and investors disagree with the notion that the EU market is going to explode or even be relatively profitable. Kiara is one of the sole EU large corpo vtubers and she is pretty much the runt of HoloEN, where are these mythical EU viewers at?

>> No.78493773

I'll spell it out for you.
"Build it and they will come"

>> No.78493826

I'll spell it out for you, if market analytics showed they would come it would have been built three years ago.

>> No.78493845

No, they watch more streams in English. Again, the data is publicly available.
Clearly Cover do have data on this because, as I said, Yagoo literally mentioned all of this, said they “should be more popular in Europe”, and directly attributed them not being so to a lack of conveniently watchable streams.

>> No.78493852

>announcement and debuts at fucking 5am on a Sunday morning

>> No.78493942

A good number of Hololive members make more than Lily when you factor in consistent merch drops and concert revenue on top of their memberships and superchats. Plus the benefit to being in a large corp is that they take care of merch details, sponsorships, and the vast majority of the background work for you whereas Lily has to both do that work herself and also pay for it. There's a long list of indie vtubers who have had merch sales go very wrong after making a deal with the wrong company

>> No.78493943

Kiara did and she's already groomed 2 of them

>> No.78493966

You are full of bad faith anon, no one has any reason to listen to you

>> No.78493993

Yes. Now do my bidding and tell me who they are.

>> No.78494066

Impossible, he fled to Argentina a long time ago.

>> No.78494123

By far the largest EU twitch streamer, and second largest overall streamer is Ibai who only streams in Spanish.
Again, If EU fans are so desperate for vtuber content why does Kiara consistently have awful numbers despite being the only HoloEN member who streams during EU hours?

>> No.78494231

>bad faith
explain to me why a corporation would not have invested in the European market then if it truly is such an untapped goldmine? Am I to believe that every single medium and large vtubing corporation has ignored data that shows Europeans actually are dying to watch streams and throw money at them?
Or is it more reasonable that Europeans are vastly overestimating their own viewership numbers and purchasing power as usual

>> No.78494244

Putting aside that judging an entire market on the popularity of one person is retarded, Kiara doesn’t even stream during euro prime time, she starts at 3-4PM and is usually reading superchats by the time it gets to when most people watch streams

>> No.78494255

Anon... He was Austrian and reborn as Takanashi Kiara

>> No.78494343

Anon Yagoo literally said it is a viable market that they want to expand into but doing so requires consistent streams that they don’t currently have
They have done the research and it doesn’t agree with you so I’m not sure what you get out of arguing against it where they won’t read

>> No.78494505

Are you completely illiterate at corporate speak? Obviously Yagoo wouldn't outright say they are never going to hire EU talents, he says the exact same shit about Korea yet there's been no HoloKR yet has there?
If they've done the research then why is there no NijiEU, HoloEU, PhaseEU, IdolEU, etc.? All of those corporations would love to be the first to market in a brand new region filled with money to be made yet strangely none of them have invested there yet?

>> No.78494547

Well perhaps Euros should support the sole Hololive EU member if they truly wanted to show that there is both money to be made and a wide market available for Holo to invest in there.

>> No.78494578

you're asking them to support Kiara...?

>> No.78494617

huh Cecilia might be a Kraut going by her hometown
either that or its the usual "german words sound cool" nip autism

>> No.78494622

>first stream in the middle of people playing elden ring

>> No.78494627

both holo and niji ignored the US market in the beginning, even though the english speaker in the niji ID wave got the biggest numbers. Not crazy to think a jap company ignores profitable western markets.

>> No.78494670

>HoloEn has one European member
>she is one of the least popular members by virtually every single metric
seems like Europeans can't even support the one member that attempts to cater to them, let alone a whole generation

>> No.78494734

>Cecilia might be a Kraut
We're already 99% sure we know who she is, anon. Keep up.

>> No.78494736

Now you are showing that you are the one coping by pretending you can read Yagoos mind

>> No.78494751

Kiara it's 10am, go sleep a little bit more, you deserve it

>> No.78494788
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>> No.78494801

working people don't sleep at 10am.

>> No.78494822

Niji literally tried to pivot NijiIndia into NijiEN after seeing the success of Hana and also repeatedly tried to push Hana as their face of English vtubing but she continually self-sabotaged. Vtubing was extremely niche among popculture in the US before Myth debuted and made it as big as it is today, there's more than enough analytics available on EU habits now as opposed to US numbers back then.

>> No.78494871

sorry dude at work right now

>> No.78494926

You have yet to provide one actual reasonable explanation as to why these companies aren't lining up to invest in the European market if it is as profitable as you claim it to be. Once again I am asking why ZERO relevant companies have invested in a European branch at this point in time despite your claim that Europoors actually spend a lot?

>> No.78494968

Yes I know you work very hard Kiara. Just saying you deserve a little bit more beauty sleep

>> No.78495039

Again, Yagoo literally said they are doing it. More than once. It is not a coincidence that hololive reached the point where they make more money from merch and events than stream donations and they are suddenly talking about expanding to europe, a region that is known to spend a lot on merch and events but not stream donations

>> No.78495079

>Niji literally tried to pivot NijiIndia into NijiEN after seeing the success of Hana
Lol nope. They did that after Holo announced audition for EN branch, because they desperately wanted to have first JP corpo EN branch achievement.

>> No.78495117

When has he said anything tangible about them definitively expanding to Europe? He has made the same vague statements about "wanting to expand in the future" to Korea as well yet there has been zero development on a Korean branch. I think you're confusing more con appearances/merch collabs with Holo wanting to establish a branch there.

>> No.78495115

Yeah, a lot of retards like to point at merch we can't even buy because they don't offer shipping

>> No.78495119
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>> No.78495150

You know that EU prime is either around afternoon est or morning pst? Is it optimal? No but at least you could watch. Only who gets fucked are JP and SEA but I dont feel bad for them since they have holoJP.

>> No.78495163

That is the dumbest idea I have ever heard.

>> No.78495176

Either way there was a rush to be the first to establish an EN large vtubing corpo branch. Where is the rush and competition for an EU branch at?

>> No.78495190

The part where he said in an interview with a financial industry magazine that
>There are many fans of anime and manga in the EU, but Vtubers have not become popular yet. This is a time zone issue - the content is not convenient for viewing, and attracting a fanbase requires content that they can enjoy together simultaneously
And then put in their financial report forecast
>FY25 and beyond: Expand to Europe

>> No.78495212

>morning PST
>afternoon EST
you mean when 90% of people are at work?

>> No.78495279

Better than in the middle of the fucking night you spoiled child

>> No.78495325

lol, I've tried to buy Fauna's merch but it never arrived. It's ridiculous.

>> No.78495351

literally untrue you dense retard. You CAN stay up late, most people literally can't call out of work or watch streams during their workday

>> No.78495363

Oh, I remember her being posted a couple of times.

>> No.78495441

>vtubers have not become popular yet
not only is that just untrue (Shylily, Saruei, etc.) nothing in that line indicates a willingness for Cover to be the ones to expand into that market themselves
Where's the source for that statement on EU expansion exactly?

>> No.78495447

To be fair it's very hard to see how they could offer shipping to Europe when their store exclusively uses Shopify (a platform with a German CEO which has one-click EU VAT integration) and ships via DHL (a subsidiary of Deutsche Post headquartered in Germany)

>> No.78495466
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>> No.78495500

Crazy right, especially considering all the drop shipping options they have for merch like printing shirts in Spain or Latvia

>> No.78495502


>> No.78495503

I can see that you are jobless SEA if you think people can do their job with little sleep. And people watch / listen streams at work all the time.

>> No.78495540

>corpos are infallible, please rape my anus
Okay then

>> No.78495549

Hi, I'm Noone. I begged for this shit for years.

>> No.78495587

I never said it was ideal you retarded European, just that you have the option. It depends on the job but the vast majority of people who don't work easy IT jobs don't have that luxury. Pull up a stream during your workday at a financial office and see what happens LMAO

>> No.78495588

Why are you so invested into Europe being a dead timezone anyway? Seething SEApag upset that the dutch colonized your ass a hundred years ago?

>> No.78495613


>> No.78495635

Just watch it at work you retard. Are you some sort of primitive tilling the fields? Fuck you

>> No.78495643

>corps would turn down a ton of free money and a huge market
My bad for believing that the inherent profit driven machine would just abandon a goldmine for no discernible reason. Do you Europeans just get off to constantly being victims?

>> No.78495644

>No french chuuba
Is the French scene really that dead or are they own insular thing isolated from the EN and JP scenes?

>> No.78495651

? use Tenso. it has its problems sometimes and adds 20-30€ on top of merch cost but it works

only question is which metric cover uses to determine what sales go where. if they are using shipping adress then i have been boosting jp sales despite being a kraut

>> No.78495703
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>eu gen
>at those times

>> No.78495732

No I have an actual well paying salaried position that requires me to interact with clients and be actually doing shit during my workday so I can't simply pull up a vtuber on a second monitor unless I want to get fired you fucking dunce

>> No.78495780

no, I'm an American who simply hates Europeans for the love of the game

>> No.78495809

You're just a moron. Probably a NEET who has never actually worked in a corporation before and think they're these perfectly rational organization. The fact of the matter is that JP corporations are notoriously conservative and risk-adverse. They'll spend years and years twiddling their thumbs instead of doing something obvious. It is what it is.

>> No.78495838

Having to use forwarders obviously impacts how much you can/will spend. Every €30 you spend on Tenso is €30 not spent on merch, and I'm obviously not going to spend ¥3000 on a CD if I then have to pay ¥9000 getting it delivered

>> No.78495887

I would argue there's more people who can reasonably catch a few streams at work than there are people who can stay up until 5AM watching streams and then work on 2 hours of sleep without getting fired

>> No.78495902

So you are irrationally upset about euros for some reason. I'm glad we can safely dismiss your opinion then.

>> No.78495922

Cool, now explain why no non-Japanese corp has made the expansion either retard. You have no concept of even rudimentary economics if you believe that all of these corporations are simply ignoring an untapped goldmine despite market and data analytics telling them that there is money to be made there.

>> No.78495924

Having to use a proxy is a problem in the first place because some people simply don't want to go through the hassle.

>> No.78495945

I can't wait for them all to be American

>> No.78495960

nah I just think Europeans are all insufferable morons who get off on this weird victim complex yet do nothing to support any corpo vtubers who actually attempt to cater to their inferior market, thus dooming themselves

>> No.78495999

>and I'm obviously not going to spend ¥3000 on a CD if I then have to pay ¥9000 getting it delivered
skill issue. you can consolidate packages. my oshis 3rd anniversary merch is packaged together with my T4U bluray meaning i will only have to pay for one delivery

but yeah i hope they open a warehouse in europe as well so i can knock of those fees and waiting times

>> No.78496003

I mean, with holoEN a gen of Americans trying to do racist funny accents is more likely than streams happening while Europe is awake

>> No.78496005

There's more Americans who will watch than Euros so the numbers don't work that way. Kiara streams at a reasonable EU time yet sees no discernible benefit as opposed to if she streamed at NA primetime

>> No.78496014
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>> No.78496025

I watch JPs at work all the time. (Not when I actually have to work of course, but it's still far better than staying up to 5AM.)
Actually, how old are you if you don't mind me asking? If you're still in your 20s it makes sense that you think people can operate on 2 hours of sleep and be fine.

>> No.78496064

This assumes that you want to buy multiple pieces of merch within a 90 day window or whatever their holding period is before they steal your items and stick them on Yahoo Auctions, which is usually not going to be the case if you only buy merch from one or two members

>> No.78496086

Irrational hatred then since its based on the dead horse of talking points backed by nothing

>> No.78496113

There's no point in arguing with you any further. Believe what you want. You'll learn once your balls drop and you get a normal job.
(Or just read Cover's statement where Yagoo himself says that they want to expand into EU.)

>> No.78496123

Sample size of one chuuba and that one chuuba is fucking Kiara of all people. Now that's an absolutely cursed metric.

>> No.78496156

I think you can't make this assessment when they have 0 primetime streams (Kiara streams at 4PM). It's like arguing Myth shouldn't have happened because almost nobody in NA was live-watching ID or JP streams (which is actually why Cover projected EN would get low 3 digit viewership)

>> No.78496159

I'm going to laugh if after all this begging for an EU gen they'll lose to NA in superchats

>> No.78496231

>EU gen streaming at those hours
Yeah, sure.

>> No.78496235

That is expected, Europe spends more on events/merch and less on donations. There's a reason Yagoo only started talking about Europe after merch and concert revenue outpaced streams more than 10:1

>> No.78496242

Sounds like a chicken and the egg sort of situation. You seethe about europeans all the damn time, motivating them to defend themselves. Then you act surprised about it.
Anyway, I'm not watching Kiara and neither would you if she was your only option in NA. If Hololive makes a serious effort in my timezone I will watch (and donate/buy merch.) You can believe what you want in the meantime.

>> No.78496283

Doesn't really matter if it's a skill issue or not. Most people will not jump through all these hoops. That's just how the market works, no matter where. Make it easy to buy and more people will buy. It's literally that simple.

>> No.78496380

i wouldn't call them people but sure
>This assumes that you want to buy multiple pieces of merch within a 90 day
.... you for real? i don't think i had the problem you are so worried about in all of the years i was into vtubers

>> No.78496427

That's probably what you're getting so you better make sure this happens because all your yapping won't mean shit otherwise:

>> No.78496545
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Old habits die hard I guess, I still prefer how they debuted Myth and Council but I guess a several hour marathon of debuts is less appealing than three hours spread across two days.

>> No.78496624

this would mean the talents have some sort of input on their character designs, no? honestly for the better.

>> No.78496637

If that's true, the Holos have lost their minds. Debuting during Euro 24 is crazy. All Europeans are watching soccer right now

>> No.78496663

>they debut at 4am for anyone in the 1st world EU countries
What did this retard mean by this?

>> No.78496684

well excuse meeeeeee princess for having higher expectation for 4chan autists than i do for the normie plebs

>> No.78496689

Cover have used their genius marketing skills to work around this issue by debuting them when nobody is watching football, at 4AM

>> No.78496691

You know you are arguing some ass blasted SEA larping as american? Most of USA are sleeping.

>> No.78496695

There is also the slight problem of the debuts being at 5 am for most of Europe and the collab being at 6:30 am on a Sunday.

>> No.78496716

>4am bst, 5am cest debut
>8pm pacific

>> No.78496738

to be fair it's a fucking panther vs what ever small dog breeds FWMC are.

>> No.78496776

Anime conventions is a litmus test. PDT has Anime Expo which is the largest anime convention. Simple market research beside the widely available SC numbers.

>> No.78496830

>english fanbase established in NA time
>reveal the EU gen
>introduce them in NA time to let NA people know this thing exists
>hopefully, some of NA people will be interested enough to check them during EU time, where they will be streaming regularly and growing their own EU fanbase

>> No.78496845

>streaming at 4am

>> No.78496853

People decided it was a euro gen solely based on the teaser having "innit" in the title, despite all evidence to the contrary. The debut times were already obvious because Advent had a watchalong scheduled
There are now people arguing that actually they'll stream at watchable times, it's just the debuts that are at awful times, even though that would mean nobody who would watch the streams can watch the debuts and vice versa, which is obviously retarded

>> No.78496897

Delusional LMAO
if it was Euro gen they would 100% be debuting during Euro hours

>> No.78496932

>Reveal the """EU gen""" and lead everyone to believe they will be unwatchable
>Debut them at a time their target audience cannot watch, ensuring casual viewers miss their debut and do not see their schedule
>Schedule their regular streams when people who can watch the debut cannot watch, ensuring debut viewers are also disappointed
I don't know anon this plan seems flawed

>> No.78496934

You're lucky I'm not a grudgeposter.

>> No.78496936

the excuses are coming already I see

>> No.78496942

If this was true then the collab would've been at EU times.

>> No.78497002

I found one of Council's PLs through a Nyanners raid years ago. HoloEN has always been twitch whores.

>> No.78497008

Mori said I shouldn't worry about that. I'll trust my oshi over some fags on /vt/.

>> No.78497019

EU target audience is NA, just like ID target audience is NA. If you dont like it buy more merch until you force them to target you.

>> No.78497028

We hebben een serieus probleem

>> No.78497055

Anon, if their actual streams are at good times for euros it would only make the debuts more retarded because everyone is now assuming they won't be and casual viewers aren't going to stay up until 6AM to find out otherwise

>> No.78497073

Does NA surpass EU superchats for JP members? I'm guessing they do.

>> No.78497097

I'm not arguing it's not retarded, it absolutely is. But I trust the plan.

>> No.78497133

Prior to holoEN's debuts USD was a million miles behind NT$, so this is not a good way to judge anything, it's heavily influenced by general availability of streams

>> No.78497242

Well that's why I'm asking for JP which is not prime time for either NA or EU.

>> No.78497246

considering the fact that even Shylily makes more money from her NA viewers than her EU viewers I'd have to assume so

>> No.78497262

Kiara has started her streams when every euro is at work for 3 years
why the fuck should we support her (not even factoring in that it is fucking kiara)

>> No.78497316

We say Zimbabwe now?

>> No.78497331

>English-speaking EU countries
>Bilingual city people from other EU countries
Smaller demographic but with higher spending power
Regardless, it's a smarter choice to cater to new different time slots rather than have everyone fight for the same viewers

>> No.78497357

Anon, it's fucking Kiara, come on.

>> No.78497450

They were about the same back in 2019 and early 2020 according to the one pre-EN report Cover ever put out. Obviously EN being introduced and primarily marketing to NA massively shifted things.
I still think superchats are a bad metric for a variety of reasons though. They're less than 1/5 of Cover's revenue and shrinking, currency does not actually tell you what country someone is in (people routinely VPN to get cheaper superchats), and different regions and even different fanbases have radically different spending patterns (e.g. Watamates spend everything on membership gifts where you can't see the currency)

>> No.78497462

Frenchies are too proud to use english.
They usually interact directly with JPs without the anglo language, cutting the middleman out.
Which sucks when they get ignored by the wider weeb world.

>> No.78497649

>no slavs
i sleep

>> No.78497689

Are merch sales by region publicly disclosed by Cover? SCs are easily scrapable and verifiable so I trust those numbers.

>> No.78497703
File: 96 KB, 640x619, 1693772709306863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really fucking weird to see amerisharts seething at Hololive venturing into Europe. Come on, it's corporation. They want to grow. Japanese market is full, ID was decent test ground for expansion into US. US market has three gens worth of chuubas, it's definitely one of top earners, important market sure. It only makes sense when you got easy pickings out there, low hanging fruit - now you gonna climb the ladder and pick up these apples up there. More expensive investment, trickier - but it will still bring revenue, bigger than the investment. It's not just supachats and streams at key timeslots - sure that's also important. But Hololive seems to aim to export idol/vtuber culture abroad and sell it, through concerts and merch as well. It's bigger project, because Hololive is big corpo at this point. There will be time when we will see HololiveES - and you will still be acting like surprised seething retards?

>> No.78497718

>He wants a holomem who plays nothing but CS and Dota while drinking on stream

>> No.78497729

Next year, for sure.

>> No.78497733

They only break down merch sales into JP/NA/Other, and they sort of share the same problem as VPN'd superchats: they don't ship to most of the world, so people will order using proxies, which show up in Cover's report as domestic Japanese sales

>> No.78497740

>be EU
>get the single lamest gen in the history of Hololive

Even the Homostar sisters are eating better than EU fans

>> No.78497754
File: 1.12 MB, 2048x2048, 1712923369962513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will NOT give you money for nothing like a beggar outside of the local Lidl, but I WILL buy merch if it's good.

>> No.78497775

Least obvious beggar.

>> No.78497790

every one of them is a whore

>> No.78497795

I doubt that geekjack shares those with Cover. But pretty sure official shop has shared them.

>> No.78497800

Least obvious SEAdog

>> No.78497852

dutch vtuber whaat?

>> No.78497867

There's no money to be made in a HoloES branch, Cover should stop pussyfooting and give the Taiwanese their own girls.

>> No.78497877


>> No.78497890
File: 110 KB, 750x1150, 1718790427871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, exactly.
Oh, and HoMM3 too.

>> No.78497892

Roca Rourin
Nina Saotome

>> No.78497925

Don't underestimate how passionate Spanish speakers can be
A Spanish stream of DBZ Kakarot would bring in NUMBERS

>> No.78497929

You believe its americans and not the other region that is seething? Hint, its 8pm in that place right now

>> No.78497957

I can name at least 5 of the top of my head:
Nina Saotome
Project Whiskey
Roca Rourin
Tomoe Carmine

>> No.78497978

Worthless numbers

>> No.78498051

in what way is this trash EU?

>> No.78498063
File: 35 KB, 711x630, 1691270732281963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are officially the only countries that buy merch. If you bought merch from anywhere else in the world, sorry, you actually bought it in Japan for reporting purposes

>> No.78498096

Pekora's final Kakarot stream peaked at 160k, and those were mostly Japanese viewers. Now add nerds from LatAm on top of that.

>> No.78498109
File: 585 KB, 1008x620, 1694655176020377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, there's whole ID branch with three gens out there, of course you can earn money on third world countries. Sure it's even less apetizing market but if there's money, you can bet you will see Hololive growing into there as well. Eventually. ID had the advantage of soaking in JP idol culture a lot and being exposed to this sort of thing; while ES will have to be built almost from zero. Still a lot of potential customers.

It's business, there's no competition, Hololive can come in and monopolize everything. You gotta look at things from bigger perspective. And read reports for investors. There's no surprises here.

>> No.78498136

Stop being angry just because you are brown

>> No.78498184

If Pokemon still won't officially deliver to the EU likely because of bureaucratric barriers, then I doubt Cover will ever bother overcoming that hurdle.
Expect them to start shipping the UK though.

>> No.78498232


>> No.78498247

Pokemon's problem is they established their European merch operation in the UK, and, well, yeah. A better example might be Good Smile, who always shipped to Europe and just opened a warehouse to ship directly from within the EU

>> No.78498340

>"EU" chuubas
>it's the same ol' countries again
where the fuck is my bosnia and herzegovina or polish chuuba

>> No.78498342
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>> No.78498361

>pencil in Fuwawa's
someone didn't make it to debut

>> No.78498362

Freesia is frisia which is the Netherlands btw

>> No.78498395

Anon, Rhodesia... It...

>> No.78498476
File: 175 KB, 700x1172, GPZGXR-a4AA4aOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One's from Wales
I wonder what she would think of Watame

>> No.78498506

The cheese is gouda which sounds more like gh-OW-DA which a guttural gh.

>> No.78498543

My favourite holoEN merch moment was Kiara's limited birthday merch selling out in 5 seconds on geekjack while remaining in stock for over an hour on the official shop, because they thought it would be a good idea to allocate 90% of the stock of their one euro member's merch to a store where nobody in Europe could buy it

>> No.78498592

What are you talking about? It starts 5am for anyone in Paris/Amsterdam/Berlin time. Stop posing.

>> No.78498647
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>> No.78498651

How is that not EU time? It's 5am-6am, I'm on my second coffee by then. Are you guys really so lazy you sleep in until noon?

>> No.78498701

Cats are usually more aggressive than dogs in domesticated contexts.

>> No.78498708

Yes? The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.78498779

weekends i usually sleep until 7-8 am but i will be making an exception for them

>> No.78498873

I get up early, I go for a walk while it's still quiet outside. I get ready, then I take the early train before rush hours. The debut is in the morning and somehow that's not EU time? Tell that to people that get up in the morning in the EU.

>> No.78498890

Welp, time to dig up my installer again and draw dicks in the map editor

>> No.78499031

Can't wait for her to interact with HoloID girls. Indonesian view of the Dutch is pretty funny. It's either white worship or unironic xenophobia.

>> No.78499248

On a sunday? Yeah it's fucking early

>> No.78499321

Xenophobia is a funny way to describe a one-sided cultural blood feud due to genocide and colonization. The Dutch don't realize because it was the first multinational corporation that did it all, and they gave them sovereignty over the area and the right to maintain war ships.
>Your Honours know by experience that trade in Asia must be driven and maintained under the protection and favour of Your Honours' own weapons, and that the weapons must be paid for by the profits from the trade; so that we cannot carry on trade without war nor war without trade.

>> No.78499407
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>> No.78499454

damn, a well adjusted individual in this board?

>> No.78499469

>Debut and streaming time to filter seanegroes

>> No.78499478

The funny part is more of the fact there is still some retard that think being under them is still better than being free. Bunch of buckbroken HWD-craving bitchs.

>> No.78499497

Wooo 5am stream, we're winning so hard eubros!

>> No.78499503

I’m not from Wales but I assume she’d feel the same way I do about the sheep.

>> No.78499539

>well adjusted
>waking up unnaturally early so you can enjoy a tiny sliver of peace before you and everyone else can go get chained to a desk in your wage cage whilst elites live fat off your work

>> No.78499653
File: 553 KB, 1080x866, 1718793157519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indonesian view of the Dutch is pretty funny.
you don't say

>> No.78499696

>only 4
>isekai themed instead of actual european
>announced during burger hours
thanks but i think i'll spend some quality time with my indies for now

>> No.78499700

Some anon said she moved to Norway. (Based if true)
I still think it's Mint

>> No.78499741

>debut at 5am
Does Cover really

>> No.78499761

Wow, so when are you starting your revolution?

>> No.78499808

really what? show euros the final middle finger to make us understand to fuck off eternally? i think we got the message

>> No.78499823


Don't need to be a commie to understand you are unironically be exploited and the current level of work humans on average do now would be seen as fucking insane not less than 200 years ago

>> No.78499842

Good for you if you live in eastern europe but for most its still 3-5am. I am still amazed of peoples lack of timezone knowledge.

>> No.78499868

You need to be 18+ to post here ESL-kun.

>> No.78499919

>France, Belgium, The Netherlands, and Germany are eastern European
>I am still amazed of peoples lack of timezone knowledge.
You don't say.

>> No.78499928

I'm 28 and EOP you retard.

>> No.78499966

Everything East of Iceland is Eastern Europe.

>> No.78499981

>amazed of peoples lack
>of peoples
Of course. You have to learn about Europe from the SEA anon. Tell us how it really is and how everybody else is wrong.

>> No.78500019

Then why are you typing like you don't know what you're saying?

>> No.78500021

Can't wait for them to get dumpster numbers because EU doesn't actually care about anime much, let alone vtubers, a niche inside the anime community in the west.
Then all the EUfags will run around coping about how it's totally the talents fault that there's no interest from EU.

>> No.78500069

That just where official shop ships and nothing to do with who buys it. And why would geekjack report anything to Cover?

>> No.78500082

Iceland is only technically related to Europe through politics and trade.

>> No.78500126

It forever lives on

>> No.78500154

>People calling pink is a whore

>> No.78500162

Da Vinky!?

>> No.78500168

In what way? Nothing I said was grammatically incorrect.

>> No.78500172

pink cat bad

>> No.78500176

Doesnt goodsmile have partnershops too. At least my country does

>> No.78500196

Anime does fine in the EU. France in particular is one of the biggest consumers of anime, and French animation studios are long-time collaborators of Japanese studios.

>> No.78500206

It's always the pink one huh

>> No.78500257

French animators get contracted to do difficult scenes in anime which is pretty fun, you would think that japan would need help with tedious things so their animators could work on the difficult things but it is the other way around

>> No.78500265

>Red Nerissa
>Loli Bae
>Discount Luna
>Less sexy and more pink Okayu

>> No.78500272

It's too late kek

>> No.78500280

Well, Council is the worst EN gen after all. Why do you think so many were happy about Advent being less thotty?

>> No.78500296

she is finishing up a summer podcast, she be the shocker in consert

>> No.78500306

>Nothing I said was grammatically incorrect.
You said this. I didn't hold you to this standard.
>Don't need to be a commie to understand you are unironically be exploited and the current level of work humans on average do now would be seen as fucking insane not less than 200 years ago
No punctuation and using the grammatically incorrect form of words.

>> No.78500340

Considering they offload tedious works to Korean, what the hell are they working then? Just the storyboard?

>> No.78500382

Anon what is your opinion on this new gen?

>> No.78500384

Almost, but it's
>Pink Nerissa who can draw

>> No.78500394

But when he said there was nothing grammatically incorrect he meant to say "I have a perfect English."

>> No.78500414

Thats funny coming from actual SEA. If you are from EU, why are you not working?

>> No.78500497

pink is the new orange

>> No.78500551

Are you saying kiara is bad?

>> No.78500569

I WILL mess up my sleep schedule for the debut of the Brit mommy

>> No.78500600

I don't really have much of an opinion. I think they're exactly the same kind of vtubers that most fanboys said would never pass a Hololive audition. I'm expecting anons to conveniently forget that, and make excuses so they can claim they're so much better than indies.

>> No.78500611

spend 14 hours at work looking busy i suppose

>> No.78500655
File: 139 KB, 293x409, 1709138148003294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck are these names? It looks like the shareholders just gave them a list of 50 random 'cool' nouns to smash together.

>> No.78500697

no but /vt/ is

>> No.78500720

The part people always leave out is that hololive has a months-long pre-debut training period including not just "idol stuff" (singing/voice training/etc) but things like PR and crisis management, they've talked about this before. So, it literally does change how people will act on stream when they get hired there

>> No.78500846

>No punctuation and using the grammatically incorrect form of words.
My English is native, not perfect you autist.

>> No.78500848

Because I'm working from home. You're the actual SEA that has no basic understanding of EU timezones. You can open up their channels and it will say the earliest ones start at 5am for most of the rich and modern western European countries. Everyone also knows the adjustments you make from and to the UK. If you're not in the EU then you're more likely to make a mistake trying to calculate it in your head.

>> No.78500896

Damn, 60 year old hag in Hololive?

>> No.78500925

Thanks, I'm chuckling while reading this

>> No.78500960

No, not in any meaningful way. If you need to be trained to be a reasonable employee then any good interview process is going to filter you out. The training would amount to procedures and coaching, but taking that as an insurmountable bar for quality is a stretch.

>> No.78500976

We got negro chuuba now?

>> No.78501008

never learn japanese and see what 90% of chuubas are named after

>> No.78501021
File: 393 KB, 298x430, That's dumb but okay[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0p2tju.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Romance Empire
Kinda weird JRPG stuffs but ogey
I will have my Raozuri though

>> No.78501031

My English is native, but you said it was perfect. Stop blaming others for your self-rape.

>> No.78501082

I literally did not say it perfect. You're a fucking schizo, meds.

>> No.78501092

Can't wait for them to get dumpster numbers because their debuts are at 4-5AM EU time, their mobile game looking designs are unappealing as fuck and no clue if the personalities behind those really shitty looking designs can pull through with such a debuff.
This isn't an attempt to get into the EU market, it's an attempt to never enter it again by setting these people up for failure.

>> No.78501171

>muh Euro chuubas
>they speak nothing but English

>> No.78501190

There you go being pedantic and getting angry because you can't worm out of this. You said:
>Nothing I said was grammatically incorrect.
And when I pointed out that by your own claim it was shit, you started getting defensive. I'm sorry you're crying, but at 28 don't you think you should stop wearing diapers and learn to grow the fuck up and take things in stride?

>> No.78501212
File: 11 KB, 250x218, 1691960381554313.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will they collab with the GOAT EU vtuber fren-kun?

>> No.78501246

>wah EUs won't be able to speak English like our SEA and immigrant US EN chuubas
>wah EU will speak NOTHING but English

>> No.78501321

also they will fucking overlap the euros if whenever they stream, what a fucking dumpster fire

>> No.78501358

Gigi x Fren temu trash episode.

>> No.78501367

I like the green girl already, nd she's a doll.

>> No.78501386

>It's 5am-6am, I'm on my second coffee by then
Bruv, you work shifts in some factory or what?

>> No.78501405

The worst possible attempt, this is so stupid and painful. I really have no clue who signed off to have this dumpster fire happen.

>> No.78501428

Then why do keep defending the 5am is good EU time? Because its absolutely not. Just because it works for you, does not mean its good.

>> No.78501458
File: 63 KB, 600x600, 1715263153272029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cecilia reminds me of Alias

>> No.78501523

There are several green ghosts.

>> No.78501528

It's OK, their actual streams will be at primetime. Where nobody will be casually browsing youtube for two weeks because they'll be overlapped by Euro 2024 matches.

>> No.78501557

God if they have heavy accents completely with all the ESL quirks I will anti Cover over this shit.

>> No.78501652

the pink one will have a pretty disgusting voice with a bad accent unless cover sent her to vocal school

>> No.78501664

The pasta and kraut accents are SUPER thick, but the frog speaks normal. Bong hasnt been found yet

>> No.78501687

Doll will have a pretty cute german accent.

>> No.78501700

it starts at 4/5/6 am not 3am. Pure UTC isnt what you use in summer here. Europe will be UTC+1/2/3

>> No.78501770

How hard would it be to hire a few people to be in the hololive office at irregular hours? I can understand the business culture not wanting to move any people there as its essentially a demotion but why not just hire a some people?

>> No.78501837

>4-5am debut
the fuck are you on retard?

>> No.78501913

What is a "good" time? Maybe it would be better if it was 10pm but that would be early for their main branch, and off-peak for US. If they have it at 2pm it's good for their main branch but too early for US. 5-6am is early for EU but wind down from peak US and not too early for their main branch.
Besides, talking about it being good is moving goalposts. It was claimed that morning in the EU is ABSOLUTELY NOT a time when anybody in the EU could be awake and was not EU hours. That's a ludicrous claim, it's literally morning. The sun even rises at 4am during this time of year.

>> No.78502001

Most weebs are not awake at 5 in the morning.

>> No.78502051

Your sense of time zones is so terrible you should apply for a position at Cover right away.

>> No.78502056

To be fair most people I know on autism welfare don't get up at any regular times.

>> No.78502060

>debut times to maximize viewers are the only time they're gonna stream, ever

>> No.78502068

I would like you to imagine a scenario where holoEN all debuted at 5AM PST during the superbowl and think if that would maybe affect their popularity and reception in NA
That is essentially what Cover are doing here if this was supposed to be their "euro gen"

>> No.78502073

Smartest burger

>> No.78502075

You know, like they do for the EN and JP debuts

>> No.78502113

>debut to an overwhelmingly american and japanese audience
>the youtube algorithm sees this and will only recommend their streams to americans and japs

>> No.78502172

Presumably the viewers you would want to maximize attention from are the ones you would be streaming to long term, since their goal is to attract and retain a loyal fanbase, not get on top of a numberfag chart

>> No.78502307

Holy boobers

>> No.78502589

It kind of isn't though. The world cup gets more attention, like people honking and setting off fireworks, Euro Cup is less impressive, and the tournament is just starting. So they will debut on the same days as Georgie v Czechia, Turkey v Portugal, Belgium v Romania, Switzerland v Germany, and Scotland v Hungary. Besides all matches are in the evenings. Does Cover need to shut down every two years for a month? Then there's the Olympics, and can't forget the Winter Olympics too.
Somehow everyone is a weeb and can't manage getting up in the mornings but they're also football hooligans that need to watch every match. This is a scenario you've constructed by ignoring reality.
Probably because I'm not a burger.

>> No.78502712

Advent streamed debuts pretty much the same time.

>> No.78502900

I don't think they need to avoid it entirely, but I do think it will have a significant impact on casual viewership, and Cover have done nothing to make people believe this new gen will be any more watchable than the rest of EN so nobody's going to be looking for their streams if they are there

>> No.78502957

4am is night for most people anon

>> No.78503048
File: 3.30 MB, 2953x2717, 1718797948115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sun even rises at 4am during this time of year.
Anon, I know that in your Burgerstani mind we're all mediaeval peasants who wake up with the chickens in order work on our lords' fields till dusk, but in reality we all work our 9to5s the same as you.

>> No.78503105

europeans only tip for outstanding service in restaurants. We're generally not mega simps like the elevens or tip so much we tip our grocery stores like burgers

>> No.78503330

And they're not EU friendly streamers arent they retard
