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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 202 KB, 702x716, thegwuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78472592 No.78472592 [Reply] [Original]

>malds at soundalert and tts spam

>> No.78472723

Flipological Nightmare Edition

>Who is Filian?
White haired kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive doomerzoomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Filan & MariMari_EN Watch ONE Championship Fight Night 21
Wrestletuber Day 2

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:06 - 24:00 UTC

>Recent Stream
YLYL - If I laugh, I eat the world's smelliest fruit https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2174655642


>Previous Thread

>> No.78472871
File: 141 KB, 194x194, poggywoggy[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ft03ewr.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78472894

must make filian hentai

>> No.78473014

make some then smacka

>> No.78473024

should have just let the thread die

>> No.78473184

dravidians not welcome in this neighbourhood

>> No.78473304

drawfags don't want to accept my request I want to fucking neck myself

>> No.78473607
File: 49 KB, 204x186, filiBruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is your request tho

>> No.78474248

what's your request

>> No.78474734


>> No.78474937
File: 565 KB, 1280x720, fillyPogchamps.mp4[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0p6f9i.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78474987

if he responds, I will consider the snacker's request, but I cannot guarantee anything

>> No.78475726

sorry, i really don't want anything specific, i just want there to be more porn
filian fits almost everything so i'm sure almost everything fits into her

>> No.78476106

I think the most I've done with Fily is just lewds/vagina exposing, I dunno about the actual porn part
maybe I'll give it a go sometime when I get through my "queue"

>> No.78476107


>> No.78476137

im not an artist but they need something concrete to start with when you are making a request (most of the time at least)

>> No.78476372

that’s not the last thread
the last thread was

>> No.78476597

bruh i just had just woken up and it archived the moment i tried to search for /flip/. the timing lmao

>> No.78476870

Cooking streams are fun but somehow I want to instinctively feel bad for the person not cooking who is hundreds of miles away because they don't get to try the yummy food, or vomit because it's a vile abomination of man's creation idk
Anyway, hype

>> No.78478434


>> No.78479219

usually it's better to have an idea than say "just make something"
might get something different than expected

>> No.78479316

I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt

>> No.78479353

but why?

>> No.78479391


>> No.78479426

firm and soft

>> No.78479873


>> No.78479934

Timmy's first week on /vt/

>> No.78480726


>> No.78482110 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.71 MB, 1079x1382, Screenshot_20240618-220901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad sketch but maybe

>> No.78483130

Cute OP image

>> No.78483370
File: 74 KB, 1920x1080, Wayfarer Filiana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After watching Filian play ER, I went back and made a challenge run character after Filian that's No Deaths, Incantations and Cipher Pata Only. It's not bad so far but a lot of things can one-shot you in the middle of a slow ass cast so I've had to restart a few times.

>> No.78483469
File: 314 KB, 1817x2523, 1701721214974561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78483631

glass cannoning?

>> No.78483658
File: 852 KB, 2600x3100, 1712533673295153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78483868

Not really. If you kill the Night Cavalry and Greyoll in Dragonbarrow with a Golden Fowl Foot that's about 100K runes so then you can pump Faith to 30, Vigor to 20 (then get the Soreseal nearby) you're pretty OP for the early game. Catch Flame is also really strong and spammy but only using that would be as boring as an INT build just shooting 3 types of blue lasers.

>> No.78484137

ah I see

>> No.78485308

is the karaoke anon around

>> No.78485926
File: 3.82 MB, 712x712, filiSing[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fe7dilc.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78485975


>> No.78486200

so cute

>> No.78486567

>If I laugh, I eat the world's smelliest fruit
If I cringe, I eat out the world's smelliest girl

>> No.78487337

when's next stream?

>> No.78487437

Now, get in go go go go

>> No.78487471

15 hours

>> No.78487522

usual time tomorrow

>> No.78487594

Did anyone buy the dm filian fansly bait, the one on coomer is a blurred pic which I assume is the bit but I’m unsure,

>> No.78488099

someone mentioned it a thread or two ago but i don't think they (or anyone else) has bought it here

>> No.78489830

she said she's streaming Thursday not Friday, right? does anyone remember why

>> No.78492150

Saw a Tweet saying "why do men get horny when you yell at them" and weaponized brainrot led me to think of /flip/ when Filian yells or gets angry

>> No.78492304

Is filian lowkey a succubus?

>> No.78492381

It's when DLC comes out. I think it's like an hour or two after Filian starts streaming so she wants to play it as soon as possible. No better moment to join the hype and get a lot of viewers.

>> No.78492515

Mommy issues? Maybe? Idk. Our monkey brains are confusing.

>> No.78492566
File: 3.70 MB, 1152x648, filiSubliminal[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcwr404.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78492627

desktopian and chill elden ring vibes, heaven

>> No.78492687

Incorrect. It would suggest she is trying to hide it. We are all under her charm.

>> No.78492920

this is true, it's like she's biting our ears and whispering sweet nothings while tightly holding you by the waist so you're always aware that you can't get away

>> No.78492935

Agreed. I love that too. Just whole bunch of Filian being cute, a bit chill and cool, that's a rare side of Filian we don't get to see often and I enjoy it a lot

>> No.78493069

Man, that would be nice. Just you and her and her whispers of brainrot.

>> No.78493130

this would be the ideal asmr stream, not a bunch of sexual provocations, just her being her but quiet and occasionally weirdly sweet in a way that sends a tingle down your neck

>> No.78493288
File: 2.18 MB, 724x1024, fil.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78493421

process videos are always cool. also love the sports croptop

>> No.78493437

Yeah, a bit unrelated, but I feel like she has a tendency to do certain things she knows she might not be too good at in an "ironic" way. Any time she did "asmr" she did so in a joking manner.

>> No.78493550

finally another drawsnacker, together we will be unstopptable

>> No.78493584

Pretty cool. When you watch something like this you feel like this might not be that hard and once you sit down and try you question what kind of otherwordly abomination you have just made.

>> No.78493693

it's her confidence issues, that's the cope of "aha i suck at this but i'm doing it, right?" and not wanting to actually commit to the act
even if it sucks, you can't fine tune something bad into something good by half-assing it, you have to put your soul into it in some way
she needs that push of confidence

>> No.78493817

Yeah, she does lack self confidence a lot. This is a bit why I sometimes worry if chat making fun of her, even in a non malicious way, doesn't get to her. Like hearing 10 000 joke about being flat in the last hour or smth

>> No.78493929


>> No.78494131

i worry too. it's fun to be teasing and all, but there is a line every person has between thinking it's funny and just feeling bad about it

>> No.78494391

What is bro saying dudeee?

>> No.78494479

she is saying that you need to submit and let her take all your cum (but she said it to me and nobody else)

>> No.78494558

it came to him in a dream, unlike filian

>> No.78494632

Yeah. It's one thing if I make a joke about how I look like a troll or some shit and it's the other if 6 thousand people do it for a few hours.

>> No.78494711
File: 438 KB, 870x881, filiCuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78494838

i hope she's confident in taking a stand for herself when she needs to, at least

>> No.78495237

Does Filian have her PC turned on 24/7 or something? Her discord account is never offline.

>> No.78495408

it's a twomad bit

but in reality i don't expect her to be the kind to turn her pc off ngl

>> No.78496383
File: 167 KB, 386x387, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to sleep
>you fricks let the previous thread die
>not even proper linking in the bake
And for some reason, somehow none of you realized that >>78435795 actually posted a dm on June 15th >>78183619 only to get "accidentally" messaged 2 days after. Who ratted?
Jesus /flip/ were you all in the sticky or something? Or did the $200 dollar chatbot option really managed to slide the discussion?
It's like I'm the only schizo /here/

>> No.78496699
File: 61 KB, 900x900, filiHuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i baked this thread and completely missed last thread because i went to eep. i woke up, saw no new thread linked in the 2nd one back, nor an active thread so i baked. i have no clue what anons last thread were doing but they nuked it somehow after only like 100 posts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.78497012

I feel like we are being monitored as well, weird coincidences like this or Filian finally changing her twitter background just make it hard to not feel a little schizo. Not that it matters, it is public so ofc anyone can look into us being cringe. My only question is whether it's a Filian's personal cuck for monitoring /here/ or is she herself looking at this garbage lmao.

>> No.78497118

When will Fil take us on comfy irl sperg adventures? It is the thing I'm looking forward to the most, even if it's like 3 years away. I hope she knows that there is an audience for her just being her instead of playing the character she does on her streams. It's a bit hard to watch sometimes, and it takes a lot of energy to be in portrayal for hours at a time.

>> No.78497307

one can only hope

>> No.78497330

I just saw the beggining of the chatbot sperging and just skipped and skimmed through most of the posts, i didn't notice that, i fell off

>> No.78497458

Lately there is too much sperg posting. Gotta get back to dumb shit like posting random fetish shit you wanna do with Filian.

>> No.78497513

Fil could use this model a bit more often, I miss it.

>> No.78497543

Check those double dubs.
I'm not mad at you anon, even less so if this is one of the first things you did when you woke up. There is a link to the previous thread so the chain is not broken. You're good in my book, but those who let the previous thread die with only 100 or so posts and especially those who missed the "coincidence", yeah... they've disappointed me.
>Filian finally changing her twitter background
I completely missed this, fuck. Were anons discussing that she should change it or questioned why was it still the image from iirc colab she did? If it was during a stream(which I can't view live sadge) I just skip past those posts.
REGARDLESS, I'm more inclined to believe that it's someone close to Fil that monitors these threads either constantly or from time to time, rather than Filian herself. She strikes me as a workaholic who's always networking, writing stream ideas or doing background work on vtubers.
>i didn't notice that, i fell off
You and me both, apparently

>> No.78497933

>Check those double dubs.
do i get to be kidnapped and/or raped yet?

>> No.78498056

The filimods, they are watching, little spies for the furry queen, but i know your game mods, you can't see what i post if i use invisible ink on my post
How about that hahahahahahahahahahaha


>> No.78498065

filian show us your hip bones

>> No.78498139
File: 278 KB, 660x843, filiMashallah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wallahi you are insane see a doctor

>> No.78498153

Only applies to trips I'm afraid and even if you get trips the ritual poster needs to make a post first.
Be professional anon, next thing you'll claim is that quads and more actually count 'cuz trips are part of em.
Jesus fucking Christ anon... don't say that

>> No.78498170

The twitter thing went more or less like this if I remember correctly:
People were talking about sponsorships and someone asked, with a screenshot of her twitter, do others here think it affects how many sponsors she gets. Next stream her twitter background is already normal. Funny part is that it was also the stream where intel started hitting her up in twitch chat so it was a bit of a kek imo.

>> No.78498292
File: 451 KB, 1244x742, filiJoker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78498449

Seethe more mod, i know your race doesn't posses the gene to see the invisible ink, i have been told by the lights , bet you are shaking those tiny sculpted hands in fright and also

and that's all.

>> No.78498539
File: 861 KB, 977x1206, 1718470672574831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!! /flip/schizochads are too much for my paygrade!!!!

>> No.78498557
File: 756 KB, 2896x4096, filianisfart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stolen from twitter.

>> No.78498635

>when you see it
Guess I'll look in the recent archives. Hope it wasn't in an ER stream, won't watch em until after I finish the game myself.

>> No.78499046

another one sniffled out, go back to your pastures with your wretched kind

>> No.78499303 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 729x823, Screenshot_46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

godspeed anons

>> No.78499625
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, smacke[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0rhmhl.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i need to lick the bush and spray my sprays on the bush

>> No.78500003

I want to sniff and rub all of Filian's fur

>> No.78500342

After a few days of not showering, it's matted like a dog's fur and smells strongly of her odor

>> No.78500465

Filian uploaded her first video in bilibili

>> No.78500566

this is gonna turn out very good

>> No.78500582

My nostrils will be obliterated. Awesome

>> No.78500733

You can clean her with your tongue

>> No.78500850

that's just the usual female brainworms

>> No.78501451

gnight snackers, I'm gonna fast forward to the stream today

>> No.78501584
File: 196 KB, 463x869, filiEep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78502079

Bush and small chest is a fire combo, I am enlightened

>> No.78502189

some people here actually don't know the invisible trick


>> No.78502614

the real invisibility trick is hiding my fingers in a hole

>> No.78502840 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.29 MB, 512x384, 1513131143734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78503042

me and my wife (pre-medication)

>> No.78504042

Welcome on the right side of history, brother.

>> No.78505765
File: 2.60 MB, 1142x670, pit licker [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fe379rw.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78506027

Still better than her room right now.

>> No.78506401
File: 382 KB, 526x527, filiGuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not saying much

>> No.78506483

She sweats so easily. What always gets me about this clip is that she licked her armpit on 2 separate occasions.

>> No.78508737
File: 1.23 MB, 960x540, fillySilly[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Faw5vtl.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back from a 3 day vacation and ready to post cute filian pictures again

>> No.78509481

fily random noises my beloved

>> No.78509658
File: 2.39 MB, 706x662, filiTism[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8be2e0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78510375

With every webm like that I get more impatient for the stream. I need gremlin noises.

>> No.78510813
File: 2.30 MB, 700x500, filiSpazout[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqreurh.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78510932

>Filian has been watching a lot of Marimari underscore EN lately
>they're meeting up in person in irl soon
>get on really well with each other
is it just my autism or do they seem like more than just frens?

>> No.78510940

Me irl frfr

>> No.78511068

just roommates

>> No.78511144

Marimari underscore ee N is fun to be around. Plus both Filian and Mari are heavy into fitness so they have more in common than just memes.

>> No.78511188

Autism. At most they are very good friends. I'd sooner expect Filian to go after Layna. Filian is probably the least gay baiting streamer in vtubing and she doesn't seem like gay/bi in denial.

>> No.78513482
File: 851 KB, 386x380, Scatman_Filian[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fifd52w.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78514629

Pure pleasure to listen to

>> No.78514750
File: 948 KB, 452x600, filiSpaz3[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6qz2zt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78515051

Very loud. Cute. I hear those screams every other night
I am in EU time zone you dirty minded bastards.

>> No.78515199

i hear those screams every other night. i am in filian's timezone

>> No.78515538

That was me

>> No.78515733

>>78515538 (me)
i wrote this post

>> No.78517011
File: 236 KB, 624x617, catian[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F59au6n.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78517982

Something something marimari bf rrat

>> No.78518644

Marimari is a fish, the other smells like fish. They might be destined for each other.

>> No.78519890
File: 2.29 MB, 1728x1080, late night pcg[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fptil6i.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>villain makes a cameo appearance

>> No.78520402

talentless grifter whore lol

>> No.78520707
File: 1.02 MB, 2560x1600, 634275423415431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 second delay
>fake reaction to a simp giving her money
I hate twitch so much it's unreal. I wish she'd drop that dead platform and move to youtube. Works for holos

>> No.78520801
File: 2.06 MB, 1152x648, fili1Liner2[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fh3aphy.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78520873

twitch is for e-whores. she’s in the right spot

>> No.78521148

Both platforms have problems. Filian wouldn't be able to stream freely on youtube because she would run afoul of the copyright gestapo every single stream.

>> No.78521182

can a schizo explain the pit vipers. What do they mean? Am it a dog whistle of some kind?

>> No.78521244

they look sick nasty

>> No.78521267
File: 76 KB, 400x400, 1702694513246451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't they just look cool? Why does everything have to be a psyop?

>> No.78521364
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, 7656543673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I'm bored and lonely. Vtuber drama is the only thing that keeps me going

>> No.78521415


>> No.78521449
File: 2.80 MB, 466x622, filiZenyatta[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fh920di.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go join a religion and get some hobbies

>> No.78522230 [DELETED] 

OTK’s cumrag

>> No.78522355
File: 3.95 MB, 720x720, fillytitanium[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fy2ib4f.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78522648

who’s cumrag isn’t she dude, kek. “public cumrag” is basically the vtuber job description

>> No.78522937

i really need to touch filian's bush and braid it for her while she plays elden ring

>> No.78523346

this. we LOVE semen drenched whores here. if you don’t like it, frick off back to weenie hut junior

>> No.78525466


>> No.78525662

I heard this slut sucked half vrc’s rancid cocks before she became a chuuba

>> No.78525869

you heard correctly now fuck off

>> No.78526579

yeah, mine

>> No.78526713


>> No.78527215
File: 2.18 MB, 650x540, Fwop[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0cl20r.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dutiful maid will be streaming in approximately 3 hours and 44 minutes.

>> No.78527245

why does OTK’s sentient cock sleeve have a general?

>> No.78527651

because she makes my cock hard, how many times do we have to tell (you) rajesh

>> No.78527778

so you guys are unironically just enjoying sitting in the cuckchair all day. okay. fair enough I guess, most won’t even own up to it

>> No.78527822


>> No.78528236
File: 69 KB, 806x437, chatbot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want me to reply to "her" with this?

>> No.78528458

Why not, the worst that can happen is "her" blocking you, if that's even an option on fansly. Idk

>> No.78528709
File: 3.34 MB, 1080x1080, filiDesktopDance2[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fghhy2g.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78528816

When I read "her" I thought you referred to a jeet but judging by the file name I have my doubts. How was I supposed to know that on fansly a chatbot built on her likeness would message you first?
What kind of chat starts with the bot calling you the s-slur?

>> No.78529176

I want to eat carbonara, it's been a while since I had it and Layna is going to make something Italian so now that's stuck in my head.

>> No.78529508

I thought she was making lasagna.

>> No.78530066

Lasagna, garlic bread and crème brûlée

>> No.78530446

Yeah, I just said she is making something Italian, not carbonara. Carbonara is just me thing

>> No.78530635 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.17 MB, 1080x1217, filianBush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new filiBush

>> No.78530650
File: 174 KB, 4168x2380, WhiteWoman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filian stream today, yes?

>> No.78530718

woah momma

>> No.78531272

Yes, soon.

>> No.78532756

>they think filian is managing the fansly account

>> No.78532817

no one unironically believes that, she’s a high enough tier e-whore to have Indians do it for her now

>> No.78533192

>Oops I sent you the photo saar-nacker

>> No.78533786
File: 187 KB, 356x455, 1667839756183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snackers, I love Olivia Monroe. Collab when? Shit, invite all of 3AM I don't care.

>> No.78534190

Request bobs and vegana back from her as compensation

>> No.78534250

saar redeem the gerfrend tier saaar

>> No.78535022
File: 130 KB, 160x160, 1717557694866260.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multistreams on bilibili
>twitch chat baits her into bringing up taiwan
>banned on her first stream

>> No.78535085

So zased

>> No.78535288
File: 139 KB, 1454x777, 1710287178788938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need an Olivia sockpuppet play with filian running around the stage barking at literally me.

>> No.78535344

Just getting banned? Little one, little one... She will be harassed for years to come when it comes to chinks.

>> No.78535389
File: 3.01 MB, 410x670, 1717932779186651.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two (2) hours until fillyOnline

>> No.78535687

On twitter? Couldn't we technically reply winnie the poh, taiwan and the such back as replies?

>> No.78535852
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>> No.78535890


>> No.78536298

How uninformed! Chinks will spam her twitch, youtube, discord, twitter, fansly and any other social website she has a presence on. With unending insults. Every stream, her chat will be filled with "whore of a thousand fathers", "you are western pig", "flathead screwdriver", "farmer's daughter" and many more nonsensical comments. What's even worse, they'll go after mythic as well as Filian. Fallout from a fuck up on bilibili might be hilariously catastrophic.

>> No.78536723

All bark and no bite. From what I've understood, the only thing they really achieved with the Coco and Haachama incident was getting their own talents kicked from Hololive.

>> No.78536863

Poor chinks gonna catch brainrot.
On an actual serious note, for as funny as it would be on a corpo-level, I'd hate to see my oshi harassed because cunts can't take a joke...

>> No.78537134

She probably won't suffer much financially. However, there is mental health to be concerned about, you know. Endless harassment chips away at you slowly. Filian having a nervous break on stream isn't something we wish to see?

>> No.78537435

I believe that the lowliest vtuber fans have gone so long without (or have never had) real friendship and have become so fixated on their romantic loneliness that they've become estranged from friendship and no longer recognize it. This is part of why they assume that any mutual affection between vtubers is romantic (the other parts are the usual autism, retardation, yuri/troonification brainrot, etc.).

>> No.78537783


>> No.78538003


>> No.78538303

NTA but a meme one for clippers? Sure.
An actual one? No. Absolutely not. Jesus Christ no.
I managed to watch a vod from her alt where she said she felt bad about a fent floyd joke that people took the wrong way (I think, on twitter?). Even with a language barrier and a broken english it might get to her eventually. Monetization for down bad people aside, I do believe she's a good person at heart , only a socio/psycho-path could just laugh it off completely, so us basically.

>> No.78538338
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>playing red light green light with your catgf Filian

>> No.78538556
File: 1.06 MB, 1728x976, filiGirlfriend[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frpbpk4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78538705

first time she turns to the camera and moves her eyes to top left at the last second before turning away is so fucking creepy ngl bros

>> No.78538795

That's her making sure that her face is still in frame.

>> No.78539387

I remember her saying that she cryes often offscreen

>> No.78539607
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>she cryes often offscreen

>> No.78539613

Don't even bring that topic back up. Under no circumstances do you look like a good person if you do that to others.
Filian is an entertaining individual and let's leave it at that.

>> No.78539704
File: 1.51 MB, 686x486, filiCrawl1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One (1!) hour until fillyOnline

>> No.78539761

>monetization for down bad people aside
I don’t know, I’m basically a filian monetization anti, I will be completely honest, but I’ve thought about it more and I think I find it understandable. She doesn’t really seem to have marketable skills outside entertaining, who knows how long the vtubing thing is going to last, and I don’t think she’s actually that rich given the amount of mental illness she deals with. I don’t love it but I can understand the mentality behind trying to secure the bag, especially when you know you are leaving money on the table by not doing it. And maybe she even has good reasons like paying for a family members college or healthcare or something. But anyways this will be my last comment on the topic because I want posting in this thread to be fun.

>> No.78540054

sometimes she wants to cry before stream starts out of nervousness, according to her

>> No.78540156

Piss her pants? Shit and cum maybe?

>> No.78540203
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>> No.78540208

no these both happen during, re:laxative streams

>> No.78540211

I remember her being worried that she couldn't do desktop streams because she thought people would find her boring.

>> No.78540327

I've heard it said that ending your livestream is a big moment of relief for most streamers. I imagine everyone gets a bit nervous before starting the stream.

>> No.78540334

god she's so cute and sweet bros

>> No.78540342

Shut up Filian. Start streaming early already!

>> No.78540365
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now she's stuck playing the clown for 12-year-old twichtards. What a sad fate desu

>> No.78540408

And you know what, maybe there’s some truth to that. She gets live on camera and degrades herself for hours for other people’s entertainment every week. I can’t blame her for wanting to be paid well for it.

>> No.78540421

I like desktopian. Her 3D is cool and cute, but it wouldn't impact my watch time if she spent a few weeks without doing 3D at all.

>> No.78540431

I think she's getting more confident, especially with how ridiculously expressive desktop filian is, that and it's really fun to watch her play games and explain every single thing she's doing.

>> No.78540509

That sounds kinda funny tbhdesu just envision them as the seething basedjak

>> No.78540550

I don't care myself. Hell I'd rather these dudes just pay a hooker $200 if they want speak to a woman that badly, or a female therapist(not for an actual diagnosis but to get used to talking with a woman in a controlled environment). But these dudes either would've been in some onlyfans dms or another gfe chubaa so I doubt Filian not having her monetization would change these dudes lives. To any anon who somehow gets into a position like Filian, have a good 2-3 year plan to secure your financial future, then you can do pretty much whatever without fear.
Also I think my last sentence might've been placed poorly. I was referring that only people like us could laugh the continued harassment from the chinks completely off. But let's just leave it at that I'm sure she's gonna be smart about how she does her simu-streams

>> No.78540583

>autocorrects to basedjak
4chan you fucking faggots

>> No.78540647

now try “s o y”

>> No.78540664
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>> No.78541121

Filian is awesome and deserves to be happy. filyLove. She might put up a brave front, but she is quite emotional and tends to worry. Saying all of it here might be a bit like screaming into the void, but I guess I just want to leave anything nice about her.

>> No.78541301

>do a funny dance
>show a funny face
>have simps pay you 200 bucks

>> No.78541426

>Filian is awesome and deserves to be happy

except replace Filian with Marimari underscore EN

>> No.78541582
File: 2.18 MB, 1280x720, SHUT THE FUCK UP[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fggdaq6.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MaryMary wouldn't want FillyBilly to be unhappy.

>> No.78541611


>> No.78541620

I'm about to say something controversial here, but honestly Marimari was one of my least favourite collab partners Filian had. Not that I dislike her or anything... I just find her meh.

>> No.78541679

That recent collab between them was atrocious and not really representative of the quality of a marimari_en solo stream.

>> No.78541780

mari is mid
watched her recent roblox stream where she surprise didnt even play roblox and just fucked around

>> No.78541800

filian is a real human bean with flaws and virtues who deserves to be happy

>> No.78541814

I have seen 2 most recent ones. I do agree Marimari was carrying the last one, still I just don't have any feelings about her.

>> No.78541832

their first collab was infinitely better than the recent one

>> No.78541855

Marimari underscore EN is fucking hilarious. Genuinely kill yourself

>> No.78541890

ur mid too

>> No.78541893
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filian stream in 30!

>> No.78541938

I can totally picture them as bff’s in my head and I’m sure they have amazing off screen chemistry, it just doesn’t really come together when they collab for whatever reason. At least you can blame it on them being forced off the og stream idea for the second collab

>> No.78542331

and who forced them off the collab idea??
that fish cunt did
L collab partner

>> No.78542333

I mean, they could literally just go to miku.gg and create their own filian or follow some guides from the chatbot general and have their own customizable virtual fillygf for free.
Hell it might even turn out better than whatever the fuck the fansly implementation is.
And to top it all out i wouldn't be surprised if they, the whales and mega simps, after they have that for free, would still just whale to her later anyways in donations.

>> No.78542582

No the original idea was supposed to be an mma stream or something and then they lost the sponsor and yolo’d on ghost debunking

>> No.78542617

Bros, I just realised I follow 3 white haired fox girls. Also, while waiting for Filian, I just started watching a 4th one. I might have a slight preference.

>> No.78542620

>it's Mari's fault for the sponsor deciding Filian and other sponsored streamers got too many views compared to them

>> No.78542667

I follow all of the girl failures myself.

>> No.78542712

He probably thought the stream was always supposed to be ghost debunking and it wasn’t some half baked hail merry idea they came up with on the fly 48 hours beforehand

>> No.78542798

share your collection?

>> No.78542827

Filian, Tenma, Fubuki, ...?

>> No.78542837

if one of them is kirche then your a fag

>> No.78542844
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>> No.78542868

You people need to figure out how to get filian to post hole.

>> No.78542974
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I see you are also a man of the culture.

>> No.78542999

hi MariMari

>> No.78543027

Tenma and two in local language so no use for you all unfortunately.

>> No.78543082

Filian has made it very clear she likes kirsche if you pay any attention whatsoever to what she says when kirsche does her (nearly) daily raid

>> No.78543230

you talk like a fag and ur shits all retarded

>> No.78543262

Maybe I'm a little nitpicky, but it doesn't seem like they're that close. Why do I think that? Filian still doesn't pronounce Kirsche's name correctly.

>> No.78543294

Sorry, I forgot that you have to talk in pidgin in order to be comprehensible /here/

>> No.78543382

I wouldn’t go as far as to say close, she’s just had 50 times to ignore kirsche and she never has, and filian is obviously aware of the associated drama seeing as she does not live under a rock and all

>> No.78543435

>pronouncing things correctly
I mean

>> No.78543439

get a load of this guy still giving me (you)'s

>> No.78543455

why do you hate her?

>> No.78543641

kirsche is a /pol/tuber with the most cringe fanbase I have ever personally witnessed in my ~4 years of being a vtuber fan

>> No.78543654

Filian's pronunciation for various words doesn't stand out to me as being below average. Her made up language and noises aside, she seems to have a strong grasp on verbal English.

>> No.78543701

i dont hate anybody
bruv we re all here to have fun releasing stress built up over how long
vtubers dont come here so who cares
i dont know your face nor you do mine

>> No.78543773
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Five (5!!) minutes left, fillyOnline soon!

>> No.78543785

The dumb and new ones come here to ego search and then inevitably realize it’s a bad idea

>> No.78543897

or whore out like that green bitch lmao

>> No.78543985

Some of them get tricked here too

>> No.78544007

You leave Fauna out of this.

>> No.78544109

English? Yes. Kirsche is not an English word, however. I guess I was a bit too unspecific. I meant it when it comes to foreign.

>> No.78544130

I love filian (not in a weird or parasocial way)
here’s to another stream

>> No.78544212

get your filian

>> No.78544230


>> No.78544257

filian added blue maid dress dance to intro screen

>> No.78544483

A long "e" is not a foreign sound in English. If Kirsche's name was Saoirse I would understand mispronouncing it until you hear how it's pronounced, but Filian has heard Kirsche's name pronounced correctly multiple times. Like I said I'm nitpicking as it's not a big deal, but mispronouncing someone's name over the course of months is typically not something you would do if you were close to someone. That was my only point.

>> No.78544519
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>> No.78544531

filian bubblegum pink confirmed

>> No.78544557

You know what else is pink

>> No.78544649

I like it when Filian is live :)

>> No.78544651

I guess it might come down to a fact whether anyone has ever corrected her. Squ did so on their first stream and now Filian pronounces it as she should (with occasional slips)

>> No.78544820

She's soo getting banned from BiliBili.

>> No.78544899
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Damn, why is Filian so horny today?

>> No.78544923
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>> No.78544941

she's /here/ obviously

>> No.78545039

Did something happen? Why so many antis?

>> No.78545211

you mean like itt or in chat

>> No.78545339

Guys is the stream time for tomorrow wrong or am I confused? Thought the DLC didn't come out until 9pm PST but Discord and Twitch say 2pm marathon.

>> No.78545345

Nice to see her climbing back up to 8k subs, when she took that week off she dropped to like 6k

>> No.78545354

Our wife is so dumb. She really wanted to get those 900k live lmao. That's what I love about her.

>> No.78545424

PC gets it early. 9 PM PST console, 3 PM PC.

>> No.78545452

god she's so adorable

>> No.78545483

Imagine if you were talking to Filian irl and she got really excited about something and started spitting in your face.

>> No.78545565

shed blush and say sorry and try to wipe it off for you and remember that for the rest of her life

>> No.78545658

Funny idea, however, you seem to forget she is like weist height at most for most ppl here.

>> No.78545704

I wanna taste Filian's flavor

>> No.78545822

Jesus she really is horny today lmao

>> No.78545825

She plans to snort some gg powder for no reason. How is she even alive man

>> No.78545913

collabing with layna does that

>> No.78545952

Filian has no vagina, only a butt~

>> No.78545964

She was definitely that kid on the playground who would snort pixie sticks.

>> No.78545999

u right, u right

>> No.78546064

>it feels so smooth
Unlike you, our furry kemonomutt

>> No.78546077

i remember doing that too

>> No.78546205

That colour is pretty disgusting ngl

>> No.78546268

it just reminds me of grape soda

>> No.78546379

Exactly, that's the bad part.

>> No.78546433

filian is going to get addicted and next YLYL jackpot will be snorting cocaine live on stream

>> No.78546455

bro she listens to rap
shes a wigger

>> No.78546535

She doesn't know how to do drugs. Cute. Also new webm incoming

>> No.78546615

she will never beat the drug alligations

>> No.78546757

Cocaine is a shit tier drug that i always do whenever it gets offered to me anyways

>> No.78546828

Snackers I think I'm chuuba'd out... Might have to come back in a few days.

>> No.78546955

Have a good break, mate.

>> No.78547052

filian is super overstimulating in large doses, I don’t blame you. Take it easy

>> No.78547073
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>> No.78547320

Imagine if Lil Fil got a blue shark hoodie kek

>> No.78547360

filian skipping the 12 y/o edits sadge

>> No.78547413

Did she just almost correct racer to racist then correct it back kek

>> No.78547445

you're flipping out?

>> No.78547506

That's brainrot for you

>> No.78547520

china training going suckessfull

>> No.78547614

oh frick I just noticed she's got 900K followers on Twitch.

>> No.78547634

WAIT... Is she interacting more with discord AFTER someone talked about how she barely does anything there? Not again for fucks sake. I don't wanna be schizo

>> No.78547725

happened times before even before flip or lig

>> No.78547742

wasn't that comment more that she doesn't talk in there at all aside from the rare 4 messages every couple of days?

>> No.78547837

there were like, one or two legit containment breaking incidents and now you guys will try to connect the dots between literally anything

>> No.78547857

Name at least 1 stream within recent 100(hundred) streams where she went to her discord.
Yeah. The odds of this is fucking annoying.

>> No.78547858

Yeah, that is why I am saying I am schizo. It's just ever so slightely related. My brain looks for things that are not there too often.

>> No.78547868

see, she cares about the discord. we should all go back now, whos with me?

>> No.78547911

Sometimes Filian says things that sound exactly like something my 10 year old nephew would say. I wonder if they watch the same tiktoks...

>> No.78547935

I heard you have to suck Andrew tate’s penis to post in there, count me out

>> No.78548000
File: 417 KB, 517x728, Screenshot 2024-06-19 165411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you post this full sized image here instead?

>> No.78548015

sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

>> No.78548077
File: 2.91 MB, 854x480, fillyMental[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Faz4ly0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it may not happend in the last few monts it did happen beforetho

>> No.78548101

extremely ironic

>> No.78548155


>> No.78548200


>> No.78548207

also why would she care about the 5 people /here/ when her dc exists, i think she does read in it (sometimes)

>> No.78548256

her dc is legit children and this is where potential paypigs would hang out

>> No.78548367

terminilay online dc fags are just as potentials pay piggable, but still fair

>> No.78548457
File: 2.79 MB, 1920x1080, fil_at_beach2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filian's cute butt in a swimsuit.

>> No.78548477

little sister telling her adventures to big sister

>> No.78548492

In one of /flip/‘s earliest threads there was literally this guy talking about how he’s acquaintances with a billionaire and I don’t even think he was larping

>> No.78548497

smacker beach*

>> No.78548500

I just read a Twitter post saying she's filipino. Is this true (I don't watch her but she always seemed fun)?

>> No.78548554

she's a filipino boy called frank

>> No.78548573

yeah im also aquaitend with bill gates

>> No.78548585

My money's on Irish.

>> No.78548614

it's a meme, Neuro called her Filipino boy instead of Filian

>> No.78548628

By the way, this is what Filian's extremely autistic brain keeps on loop and why she says it even when it's not contextually appropriate.

>> No.78548662


>> No.78548786

emphasis on “potential”

>> No.78548792

can the newfags explain to me what exactly made them feel welcome here and why they feel so emboldened to post.

>> No.78548820

Layna and Filian are so nice together.

>> No.78548838

I wasn't paying attention, why did Layna just shout
>Filian I need your body

>> No.78548892

live sex celebration

>> No.78548899

i like fillian

>> No.78548904

or we seriously going to gatekeep a general for a fictional catgirl on a mongolian cave painting forum

>> No.78548930

kek she did it again

>> No.78548976

shut up rekson you retard

>> No.78549006

I'm interested in her. Do you think I'd enjoy watching her if my oshi is Gura

>> No.78549085

Do you really think it's better to gatekeep and have grand total of 3 people posting here?

>> No.78549104

I follow Filian because she's the only vtuber whose kitchen is as ugly as mine.

>> No.78549165

all of which hate each other omegalul

>> No.78549166

but dont you miss discord and twitter? think of all the likeminded people and the upvotes

unironically yes

>> No.78549321

gayna gayzar

>> No.78549336

all of her ylyl streams and most of the non elden rung streams she checks the "filian check this out" channel in her discord

>> No.78549544

mommy issue smackers having a field day as little sister yells at big sister

>> No.78549553

>account created in 2019

>> No.78549581

tech illiterate hag

>> No.78549580

They do this for a living. Professionals, truly.

>> No.78549658

When the discord was becoming a crypto pyramid scheme, barely no one opposed to people from the discord coming here because the thread was slow and dying, so they felt welcome
source: I made the first /flip/ thread.

>> No.78549708


>> No.78549726

no filidance...

>> No.78549738

Why is she wearing a mask?

>> No.78549766

Our Filian is an imposter

>> No.78549789

the thread almost died like 50 billion times during that time period, people would literally sage it on page 10 with images of tumbleweeds and complain about being cold and dying

>> No.78549812

nerve gas

>> No.78549832

filianore is a dark souls npc, npc
then act the part. you people dont realize how faggy you are. too retarded to read archives or do your reps. embarrassing, really.

>> No.78549869

Filian is so lucky to have so many loving parents.

>> No.78549955

what happend? the dc died for me after realisign the people dont care about her

>> No.78550006

Filian is so clean that you guys have to resort to some really schizo shit to pretend like there's any substantial drama going on with her
>b-but muh fansly bot
Nigga everyone knows. Paying for that is a skill issue.

>> No.78550107

no one’s acting like her career is over, it’s just objectively grifty and feels ominous

>> No.78550110

She finally had to give up on anyone taking her up on the "you're Heisenberg" bit and tell Layna to say it, baka.

>> No.78550116

Just enjoy the stream guys, no drama.

>> No.78550150

wrong site

>> No.78550162

Layna is actually really cute, especially now that she's out of her weight gain depression arc.

>> No.78550168

>the vibes are totes off maaaan
damn you should go after Wendigoon next

>> No.78550177


What a fucking hag.

>> No.78550209

Not with those tattoos
Or that nose, but that one's a bit mean.

>> No.78550243

>bro it’s not a problem that filian’s inner circle is literally tatelets

>> No.78550289

layna is hot and cute and kind and cute and funny and cute and

>> No.78550395

any bakers? any bakers?

>> No.78550427

what are the newfag posts that are triggering you exactly?

>> No.78550477

kek you're literally doing the "she's scum because of the company she keeps" bit just like that mustached redditor with the fringe jacket
every single vtuber is friends with someone cringe or fucked up and no one cares

>> No.78550479

Look at me. You are the baker now!

>> No.78550488

it’s the same guy who shits his pants every time someone complains about how sketchy her discord has become. genuinely starting to think it’s one of her mods or something

>> No.78550500

filian and Layna are so good together
I have to go though
hope the stream is good

>> No.78550549

Tbf they get triggered at anyone they feel is a newfag.

>> No.78550573

im on ma fone... i cant bake...

>> No.78550647

wallahi it is over

>> No.78550749
File: 2.00 MB, 571x595, 1000015682.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78550883

fili&layna dance... we are saved...

>> No.78550885

You can really feel they are good friends. Their dynamic is just so wholesome.

>> No.78550918

this is Filian on caffeine, imagine if she took amphetamine

>> No.78550976

I'll bake a bread

>> No.78550986

and so, this is how /flip/ dies
in the middle of screaming and shitting their pants.

>> No.78551017

She is really in a horny mood today.

>> No.78551098

my hero

>> No.78551174

wallahi we are so back

>> No.78551185

fresh bread

>> No.78551196

i kneel

>> No.78551226

she's been browsing the flipper lewds

>> No.78551246

Her filters on caffeine die a little. Nice
