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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78389586 No.78389586 [Reply] [Original]

KWABmao even

>> No.78389624

this bitch think ppl outside of their echo chamber will give her pity point KEK

>> No.78389626

She streamed Hi-Fi Rush today

>> No.78389891
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It'd be unironically so funny when she finally killed herself

>> No.78389968

>Remade a thread that was made days ago
So how did Cover suck China’s dick this time for you to make a deflection thread?

>> No.78390120

sister, you suck at this, stop embarassing yourself.

>> No.78390124

Babu, what are you doing?

>> No.78390235

You tell them, nijichink.

>> No.78390346

>sisters complaining about thread spam

>> No.78390543
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I'm calling it. NijiEN doesn't allow any graduations at this time, but when that restriction is finally lifted, she'll be the first to go. And her graduation will be the most lavish and grandiose affair in Nijisanji history... which will not exceed past 8k CCV.

>> No.78390628

You faggots went from
>Graduations every week
>Graduations every month
>Graduations when everything blows over
to now
>Graduations when the imaginary restriction I made up is lifted
Two more weeks sister.

>> No.78390632

Welcome to /vt/ sister.

>> No.78390707
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>> No.78390746

Are you so retarded you don't realise "sister" refers to your fanbase being mostly mentally ill women? Using it on other fanbases doesn't work, because it's like calling a white guy a nigger. Nice try though.

>> No.78390804

>Are you so retarded
Sisters are that retarded anon
For a short while they unironically believed that Mori was actually Korean and that the American Mori was a paid fake actor

>> No.78390874
File: 1.98 MB, 190x190, 7F3E9163-8A60-4352-98CD-ECC5C7B3B394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...come again?

>> No.78390888

Their graduations last 8 hours or more so they can still get a lot of money out of it.

>> No.78390920

Meant to say Taiwanese instead of Korean but yeah they thought that the real Mori was taiwanese and that the notmori was just someone cover paid to larp as mori in order to "get some clout"

>> No.78390975
File: 11 KB, 245x206, Wheeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg my sides

>> No.78391063

A nijiniggers suffering is a moral good

>> No.78391075


>> No.78391651

Loser stays losing. Keep it that way, cystard.

>> No.78391659

The absolute audacity of a sister whining about thread spam. Who was it that shat up the board with Doki and Sayu bait threads for months again? Kill yourself ASAP.

>> No.78391692

Thanks! Unliked

>> No.78391708

I need proof on this so I can laugh harder

>> No.78391730

Holy ESL-chama

>> No.78391836

Hard to think of a better phrase on the spot that encapsulates the essence of 4chan better than this one

>> No.78391914

Schadenfreude is already a thing anon.

>> No.78391967

... But why? What is the rationale for this theory?

>> No.78391989

That's not what schadenfreude means...?

>> No.78392274

You'd think people who made a doxx site their home would know better, especially when Mori's pl is one of the easiest ones to know.

>> No.78392444

Nijiniggers dont need logic to shit on chubas, they just pull shit out of their ass and spread it, hoping some guilible bastards buying it

>> No.78392462

Why did you like it in the first place?

>> No.78395264

Don't behave like a woman if you don't want to get called one. Simple as.

>> No.78399825

lmaoooooo enjoy your mcd's job

>> No.78400231
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In my opinion it wasnt a form of mental health issue

>> No.78402210


>> No.78405837


>> No.78405964

Fuck you

>> No.78406090
File: 109 KB, 1738x1582, GQKPNksX0AEXlWd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume this is what she's butthurt about.

>> No.78407473


>> No.78407567

I hate nijiniggers so much its unreal

>> No.78407658

Nah she'd be better off suffering every day knowing her ever decreasing revenue is her fault. Then maybe just maybe she'll grow and change as a person. Unlikely as it is.

>> No.78407745

Wow so many triggered people

>> No.78407779
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>> No.78407853
File: 3 KB, 251x38, dokiflip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Elira!

>> No.78407955

wait what happen D:
