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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, videoframe_14167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78299856 No.78299856 [Reply] [Original]

why is she so fascinated with buttholes?

>> No.78299959

Why aren’t you?

>> No.78299986

Kiara taught her good

>> No.78300069

because its the only part of her body we havent seen yet

>> No.78300548

Pomu Assfuck

>> No.78300573

that's where you're wrong

>> No.78301492

people with anal obsessions are neurotic degenerates
if you see someone who's fixated on buttholes or watches anal porn, guaranteed that person's a maladapted weirdo

>> No.78301874
File: 233 KB, 448x640, you're a homo [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F63ws42.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you such a homo?

>> No.78302149

so what your saying is that this just proves she is my kamioshi

>> No.78302238

If you know you know

>> No.78302343

She likes it when the beef shinkansen makes an express trip to brown town

>> No.78302587

She's majored in prostate orgasms.

>> No.78302813

butthole lover projection

>> No.78303497


>> No.78303902
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they're funny

>> No.78303914
File: 3.98 MB, 1920x1080, roboco ass.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right. I love buttholes of all flavours.

>> No.78303982
File: 165 KB, 1200x1200, @HikamioHikami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon she's a vtuber.
Mental illness is virtually a requirement.

>> No.78304253

According to ghost expert Randy Stair, ghost girls have a vagina but no butthole

>> No.78304538

Are the little ghosts part of her like Youmu's? If I fuck one can she cum from it too?

>> No.78304861
File: 129 KB, 490x278, GLzRGDqXsAEKwoV(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No the little ghosts are her fans, the wisps.

>> No.78307853
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Anal fetish, which is good.

>> No.78308822 [DELETED] 
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>> No.78309036
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>cuck has cuck images saved on his device

>> No.78309068

Freudian hands typed this.

>> No.78309143

Has she ever even mentioned Luca since she came back as Minto?

>> No.78309214


>> No.78309570

Nor Millie, Enna, Finana, Elira and sadly not even Rosemi.

>> No.78309740
File: 1.14 MB, 3464x3464, tyz1n5tnzyw91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Troy Barnes of Vtubing. Guess who Abed is.

>> No.78312424

didnt pomu commision a bunch of buttstuff lewds? looks like thats her thing.

>> No.78312569

>not even Rosemi
He doesn't know...

>> No.78312674

She can't wait for me to ravage that butthole

>> No.78312715


>> No.78312733

You sound like a faggot so no

>> No.78312779
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>> No.78312853

Weirdos make the best vtubers.

>> No.78313684

They'll rage at you but you're right. Also likely closeted scat fetishists.

>> No.78313999

When you eat riku butthole for years like mint and doki did is hard to stop talking about ass. They have ptsd and still learning to cope as the victim of riku illicit deeds.

>> No.78314196

Luka's fault

>> No.78314725

Case in point.

>> No.78314756

Years of being fucked over by men has given her a fascination with pegging and getting revenge.

>> No.78314855

its mostly about hierarchy and domination

>> No.78314911

Do Nijiwhores really

>> No.78315291


>> No.78315514

Too poor to afford Photoshop?

>> No.78315634

their phone can't run photoshop mobile

>> No.78317034

Wait, your implying Doki is autistic?

>> No.78320049

kys schizo

>> No.78320191

>4channer thinks he's not maladapted
O self-awareness, where art thou?

>> No.78321189
File: 431 KB, 900x1200, 93118339_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robutt my favorite flavour

>> No.78321238

>not even Rosemi
about that...

>> No.78321513

Sorry, I'd forgotten Rosemi had killed her cat

>> No.78321622

Would you date her if she only wanted anal sex?

>> No.78321724
File: 262 KB, 655x619, IMG_7126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78321741

because it's fucking gay

>> No.78321745


>> No.78321868

I expect people who save this on their phone to be the same who whine about Twitter digging up some 15 year old stories.
The only other possibility is that they literally are those people on Twitter.

>> No.78323576

I want to eat her butthole

>> No.78323657

get in line

>> No.78323759

>dark side of the moon
>inner rim
>bottomless pit
This shit goes deep. It has to do with the psychology of the unknown and the male's need to stick their dick in strange.

>> No.78324323


>> No.78324971

Wait are there actual Pomu nudes out there

>> No.78325005

I recommend you don't, for good reasons

>> No.78325033

Yes but it's CP.
Apparently like 15 years ago she was an idiot who posted them to /b/ or /cgl/ or something and the /cgl/ girls found it and started spreading them around when pomu got big.
It's CP though so it's definitely not something you want on your hard drive.

>> No.78325278

Wait, 15 years ago? How old is she?

>> No.78325401

muh moles
hey guys did you hear about muh moles
muh moles on muh butt
remember to include muh butt moles in fanart

>> No.78325406

She's a hag, anon. She was on 4chan longer than nearly everyone on this board, mostly on /a/ and /cgl/ from what I've heard.

>> No.78325548

She hasnt spoken about them since her ref sheet came out

>> No.78326084

>mostly on /a/
Holy fuck, I could have said to Pomu that her tastes were shit.

>> No.78326328

>/a/ AND /cgl/
she's beyond saving

>> No.78326514

>and /cgl/
fucking tumblrfags

>> No.78327253
File: 50 KB, 259x417, 1718561493075878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And your oshi has shown her boobs and pussy to 4chan on top of Luca.
pomies have a cucklevel that is staggering

>> No.78328083

she is that one anon that delivers. based in my book.

>> No.78328759

>Be named Mint
>something inserted to eliminate foul odors, usually orally
>there is a hole that stinks
>you yearn to cleanse the smell and answer your calling as a mint
No wonder she yearns for the BUTTHOLE.

>> No.78328928

She did not mention Rosemi, it was Matara.

>> No.78328940
File: 167 KB, 850x850, sample_a0b9655e3a7ed60245d9b45424df040e (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever smelled a girl's sweaty asshole? It's one of the most unique stimulations you can experience. It's so stuffy and a little sweet but mainly has a stank that hits different. And yes even a faint trace of fart/poo.

>> No.78329017

Deepest lore, I'll give it an ass/hole.

>> No.78329061

Stop lying to poor impressionable anons.

>> No.78329070
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>> No.78329123

Rosemi did not invent "pluck" in place of "fuck"

>> No.78329192
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>> No.78329244
File: 58 KB, 335x335, Screenshot 2023-07-16 195208_cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Do you retards think Rosemi invented words like pluck and creepazoid?

>> No.78330342 [DELETED] 

I'm not a j-ew, simple as.

>> No.78330438

Rosemi unironically invented the English language. That's why it's so similar to French.

>> No.78330931

You're worse than a jew, you're a zhang

>> No.78331663

I'm not but thanks for proving my point from a few days ago.

>> No.78331753

And a nice ching chong ping pong ding dong ling long to you too :)

>> No.78331856

try again in a European language. except for yiddish I'd rather sudoku

>> No.78331878


built for anal

>> No.78331935

rosecuck being retarded as usual

>> No.78331942

And a nice kurwa spierdalaj to you too :)

>> No.78332327


>> No.78333337

normal people use that word but her? i also assumed it was from her influence since ive never seen mint use it until rosemi started saying it similar to when she put freaking it in her stream title once

>> No.78334239

I wonder how hard it would be to convince her to try anal

>> No.78336946

I'm sad her short trend of Kisaki cosplay with anal beads poking through the quipao hasn't transferred to her current persona.

>> No.78336982

what what
ghost butt

>> No.78337161

Sigmund Freud told that anal obsession is from early childhood from not being ignored by parents

>> No.78338959

cute. save her.

>> No.78339296

We must commission more.

>> No.78339328
File: 66 KB, 849x669, 1717013978990133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is consistently funny seeing people complain about others liking anal. Maybe if you lifted some more weights and had an ounce of testosterone in your system, you'd appreciate girl buttholes some more.

>> No.78340607

she's german maybe

>> No.78340694

Jews did not invent anal porn, babyboy.
Chinese are not at the center of anti-anal campaigns either. It's almost as if there's a western religion or two that forbids it... hmmm

>> No.78342861

Supposedly those were commissioned by herself at first so I agree, it would be nice to return the favor by doing so.

>> No.78343238

Can someone please post them?

>> No.78343293

excuse me, what?

>> No.78343610
File: 125 KB, 776x1762, dba854eab7ae567f621f53b76b692b8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78343683

It was really a brief moment during her last moments as Pomu.

Basically there was a strange surge in fanart with her being drawn cosplaying as Kisaki from Blue Archive, in some of these arts, you could notice the tail end of an anal bead coming out of her ass and either being exposed or covered by the dress. Nobody understood the reason and thought it was some random Pomudachi burning money along the way until it was "revealed" she was the one doing it (though not explicitly).

At least that's how I remember it.

>> No.78343935

Didn’t she comission art of herself with buttplugs?

>> No.78344100
File: 197 KB, 1448x2048, 59f719949b0adb8909bfb5c08ac98e3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78344212

lmfao, what? that's amazing. I swear, I never paid attention to pomu but the more I learn the more I wish I had.

>> No.78344295

Anal fixation, a common fetish among women

>> No.78345129

holy based

>> No.78346283


>> No.78346384

Damn it. Now I have an urge to fuck her in the ass

>> No.78346460

She's openly talked about her porn preferences on stream. She's not exactly crass or foul mouthed, but she is still an honest to goodness pervert

>> No.78346830

Her German pronounciation is very bad and she has a very heavy English accent. She's obviously not German.

>> No.78347400


>> No.78347577

I like giantess anal vore.

>> No.78348181

I wouldn't say it's terribly common. I saw a peer reviewed survey of fetishes in women and anal sex was second to last, only ahead of being pissed on. Most women at best tolerate men's desire for anal, real anal queens like Pomu and Nyanners are rare.

>> No.78348281

I thought watersports is common

>> No.78348390

Ok but what about catholic girls

>> No.78348412
File: 223 KB, 1080x1080, BPD+or+Autism_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More or less.

>> No.78348419

Sure compared to truly niche fetishes, I think it was like 15% admitting some level of desire. But way less than normal stuff or even shit like choking.

>> No.78349996

The link between ass cancer and putting things in your ass is really, really strong. Same with throat cancer and sucking dick.

>> No.78350116

Both of those things probably have a lot to do with fags being hypersexual degenerate petri dishes and the link between HPV and cancer.

>> No.78350157

thats a risk im willing to let mint take

>> No.78351125

Sounds like a myth/misinterpretation of statistics. Penises are not dirty and don't cause cancer by touch.

>> No.78351440

Analfags not beating the scat fetishist allegations.

>> No.78351530

Let me guess, you're a faggot who doesn't like hearing that their lifestyle choices have consequences.

>> No.78352464

No, I think the link between homosexuality and STIs is undeniable. But "sucking dick will give you cancer" sounds like some dumb myth that trad larpers pass around.

>> No.78352780

Bro just get an hpv vaccine

>> No.78353527

femcel spotted. hey baby whats up, wanna try it in the pooper today? I bought some lube.

>> No.78354738

2 more. Hey girls wanna make it a foursome? Let me stick it in your butt.

>> No.78355940

stop! my rimming fantasies...unf

>> No.78362586


>> No.78363499

Have you ever looked at buttholes? They're kind of amazing.

>> No.78363656

It's just a funny image, anon, for fuck's sake, curb your autismo

>> No.78364056

her salad tossing HAS to be next lvl

>> No.78364115

i wish i could look at mint's butthole

>> No.78364135

Not so much IRL but I can see the appeal when artists don't draw them as lazy asterisks on fanart. Then again I guess it depends on the artist and how much do they restrain themselves due to the stupid censorship.

>> No.78364489

I've watched enough hentai to know that buttholes don't count as lewd till you stick something in them.

>> No.78364669

as always, just let a conversation go on and anal fetishists will inevitably end up saying something really gross, completely lacking in awareness, or downright sociopathic, like clockwork
and it's a funny thing common to all fetishist weirdos that they'll cope by bringing up some made up bs about testosterone, like clockwork

>> No.78364811

*pees on you*

>> No.78365068

How to spot the guy who jacks off in the dark, wearing gloves and a condom with a bottle of disinfectant nearby.

>> No.78365127

Not so much IRL? How can you not get lost in sexy wrinkles?

>> No.78365621

Point me to the overwhelming amount of pussy cancer and I'll consider your stance.

>> No.78366011
File: 2.23 MB, 2013x2033, 1694116098254359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she loves futa cock

>> No.78366911
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>> No.78368302

What about rimjobs?

>> No.78369237

Idk man when I watch porn of girl getting pooper sex she moans like when she gets in the vag and that gets me going. And it looks nice like vag sex too.

>> No.78370509

Oh yeah, that counts. Basically any butthole touching does, but buttholes alone are fine. It's funny watching a cute pucker turn mosaic at the moment of contact.
