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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 36 KB, 664x408, 1690439170487352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78297066 No.78297066 [Reply] [Original]

>best year of my life btw

>> No.78297157

retard, you can have a great year and a shitty day, they're not mutually exclusive.

>> No.78297170

Wasn't Enna the one who said that?

>> No.78297302

Do you honestly think she is having a great year?

>> No.78297440


>> No.78297535
File: 25 KB, 443x256, best year of her life lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAIT WHAT HAPPENED D: that's so weird, I think any passive aggressive bitch have never encountered anything like this before ToT did you received a confirmation/OK sign to manesan before getting hit with karma?

It was Enna who said
>best year of my life

>> No.78297545

That was Enna but good on you for leaking.

>> No.78297714


>> No.78298069

chat is this real

>> No.78298207
File: 204 KB, 800x450, 434586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaving is always an option

>> No.78298208

sure, I have no reason to doubt it. If your job is kinda suck it doesnt mean you can't be having a great time, your job =/= your life.

>> No.78298835

Kek millie definitely knew what she was doing to selen

>> No.78298892

Please Anon, please give me the entire post, i want to read and understand her suffering, i want to point at the screen and laugh at her misery until i shit myself, it would make my week. Pretty please

Unless is not interesting, i'm glad she feels bad.

>> No.78299238

In my opinion that's not a form of bad day.
But seriously, between this and Elira saying she's in a bad mental space they may have been told they're either getting merged or that they won't be supported anymore.

>> No.78299517

Her dog is sick and prospects are not looking good. Pretty much summarizes her not having a good time post.

>> No.78299705

Wait, Enna's dying?

>> No.78300046

Hope mane san approbes of this kind of behaviour

>> No.78300106

Guess it's time for her to eat it

>> No.78300350

Thanks Anon, that's great actually, hope she dies instead of the dog.

>> No.78300355

Pretty sure Enna's a bird, not a dog.

>> No.78300416

She's a bitch tho?

>> No.78300528

Kiara says Enna's a great humanitarian

>> No.78300646

Kotoka really shouldn't have eaten pagpag

>> No.78300648

Full post doko?

>> No.78300683


Does that means she's doing human trafficking?

>> No.78300983


>> No.78301019

>a huge narcissist says her narcissist friend is good

>> No.78301154

I enjoy Kiara but I in no way trust her judgement about people (or social issues)

>> No.78301241

Kiara can be very sarcastic, you know?

>> No.78301306

You'd think she would take the hint all the other controversial streamers or youtubers do, and become detached from her job emotionally while keeping her IRL seperate and happy.

>> No.78301376
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>> No.78302865

I feel livid at the sight of nijinigger pain.

>> No.78302956

Well? Don't keep us hanging OP, hit View Post and share the contents.

>> No.78303003

you guys really like harassing anime microcelebrities huh

>> No.78303024

That sucks. I'm not a fan of her right now after the whole... everything, but pets dying always sucks.

>> No.78303042

In my opinion it's not a form of harassment

>> No.78303146

Posting a screenshot of a membership post email is not harassment.

>> No.78303322

Pretending that that's all people are doing is lying.

>> No.78303603

>you guys really like harassing anime microcelebrities huh

More like an nanocelebrity

>> No.78303633

NTA but in general I'm not a fan of kicking people when they're down when it involves pets or family members. Like if they fuck up themselves, sure, like her OH NO WHAT HAPPENED bs blowing up in her face, but it sucked when my dogs died a few years back.

>> No.78303806


>> No.78303878


>> No.78303883
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In my opinion it wasnt a form of harassment

>> No.78303974

>mfw Enna didn't notice the Austrian-tier sarcasm and Kiara just let her believe it was a compliment.

>> No.78304320

"Stop harassing her, my dog die just like her is going to, stoooop being mean!!!!"

You know who also almost die because of her Anon? her coworkers.

>> No.78304622

Millie barely missed the Dog Festival in Yunli Guangxi China and now her dog will get it, huh?

>> No.78304639
File: 147 KB, 1642x1491, 1710650490659036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that, but at the same time it still leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. It just feels like a really low blow when there's plenty of other shit to work with instead.
I don't want anyone to actually kill themselves. I just want them to get hurt enough to get Riku to fuck off forever, and hopefully give the organs enough grounding to actually stop being shitty people.

>> No.78304949

Sorry, there are no low blows against scumbags. They wouldn't flinch for a fucking second do to this unto you if they were in your place and were given the chance, as they showed quite clearly with their stupid antics.
That being said, I also don't want them to kill themselves. But I want them gone for good.

>> No.78304966

if she's coming /here/ while she's in a mentally compromised state that's on her. can't take the heat? don't come into the kitchen.
or start the fire in the first place as was the case with millie enna and elira.

>> No.78305058

Does it really make you guys feel big and strong when you hide behind your computer screen to harass a girl who is upset because her dog is dying of cancer? The fuck is wrong with you "people"
Absolutely abhorrent, pathetic behavior. I know the people here just love to be trolls but this is just really really disgusting behavior. Insane anyone can act like this and think they are in any way in the right.

>> No.78305197

lol Millie couldn't hide behind a jumbotron

>> No.78305324

I’m just laughing at shitposts. It’s not like I’m throwing hate on twitter or doxxing anyone like the sisters love tomdo.

>> No.78305347

If you didn't come here to read about yourself in the first place you would have no reason to be distressed by the "harassment", Millie.

>> No.78305473


>> No.78305575

If Elira kills herself I'll stop making fun of her clique buddies

>> No.78305659

It won't be over till you get put in the meat grinder you bitch

>> No.78305737

>upset because her dog is dying of cancer?
The same people made Sana graduate because they are the good guys.

>> No.78305905

Yeah Millie i know this is you. Try to take the moral highground in 4chan if you want, but even the most degenerate disgusting subhuman on 4chan is a better person than you, don't forget that, kill yourself.

>> No.78306018

Enna sounds like a smoking toad

>> No.78306095

alright which dick/pussy did she have to suck to get in the clique?

>> No.78306177

She was part of the clique before Vtubers were even a thing

>> No.78306286

>public entertainers talk positively of each others

>> No.78306408

Hello Finana

>> No.78306526

Bitch deserves it and more for everything she did to Doki

>> No.78306645

Oh no no the clique found their new target. Doesn't feel great now that she's on the other side of the table eh?

>> No.78306661

Since no one is defending for you, you had to do it yourself. How does Karma feel, mane san?

>> No.78307146

I've lost three dogs to cancer
Still: fuck your dog and fuck you, Millie

>> No.78307318

i'm readying my superchat to Gura then

>> No.78307415

More like a great humiliation.

>> No.78307478

Feel bad for the dog. She's a bitch though and deserves all the suffering.

>> No.78307520
File: 41 KB, 400x336, 90472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fun when the boot's on the other foot is it millie or nova?
Yet if you had the chance to do everything to selen a second time knowing how horrible it is to be harassed you;d do it again. Because you're both sociopathic monsters despite your whining about being harassed and bullied.

So in summation fuck you both and enjoy your shitty day that you could've avoided by just ignoring this place's existence like anybody with a functioning brain does.

>> No.78307544

What happened?
Did she accidentally sit on the dog?

>> No.78307664

kek Kiara is such a fucking chad
But I guess asking that these girls know a single thing about Kiara's personality is too much

>> No.78307700


>> No.78307728

wait, i thought elira was nova

>> No.78307799

Her dog stepped on a bee..

>> No.78307834


>> No.78307952


>> No.78308063

Go fuck yourself, millie. Elira is bad but there is something so nauseating about you I can't put it into words. I hope Elira apologises in future but for you? I hope you disappear into nothingness for a long long time before doing a flip so we don't have to pretend to care.

>> No.78308084

Where's the full post?

>> No.78308100

In my opinion shitposting on a taiwanese basket weaving forum isn't a form of harassment

>> No.78308147

She is, I'm just covering my bases.
Millie has used ai to rewrite her esl into grammatically decent english in the past but elira/nova is the one I've seen come to her defense online in the past and coupled with the lack of clear esl it means it's either not millie or she hid behind an ai.
In either case regardless of which of the two I'm replying to my words remain the same.

>> No.78308181

It never was harassment lmao. They have no obligation to read any garbage shitted in this site.

>> No.78308260

Reminder that last time Millie's membership content leaked on 4chan, she responded directly to it in a member's post afterwards.
So Hi Millie!

>> No.78308320

>Gets so euphoric after learning of Selen's termination she posts that, plus a dumb hee hee ha ha voice clip on twitter

Karma always comes around one way or another.

>> No.78308631

Hope the dog gets well by some miracle.

>> No.78308682

I thought millie was Canadian.

>> No.78308850

Being Canadian means nothing since Canada is filled with pajeets and seaniggers.

>> No.78308859

Fuck Enna but I hope her dog recovers.

>> No.78308910
File: 229 KB, 500x498, 1701665043421908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you anon. I don't really see the point in making fun of someone for losing their dog. All because...she collabs with males and works for a black company? It's so petty.
I get that some people dislike her for her online activities like harassing Selen, but that doesn't really justify laughing at the death of an animal. The dog didn't harass anyone.

I get that /vt/ is just a containment board for the most schizophrenic drama-obsessed pieces of shit on the planet but this has nothing to do with drama. It's just basic empathy.

>> No.78309074

That's because it broke containment and reached the normiesphere, if this does people will just feel bad for her dog

>> No.78309181

She really is a piece of shit. Kinda fucked up dueling isn't legal in modern society.

>> No.78309228

>or that they won't be supported anymore.
They were being supported?

>> No.78309356


>> No.78309369

No one is laughing at the dog, they're laughing because it's Millie's dog. There's a distinction there.

>> No.78309546

Who the fuck cares about right or wrong? In the end, winners write the history. Isn't that what you try to do with the black stream?

>> No.78309684

Not really. As a fan of Doki I can't fathom being glad someone's dog is dying. She loves her dog more than anything in the world. You can laugh at Millie shooting herself in the foot repeatedly over the years without resorting to this kinda shit.
It just doesn't seem like a good look for the "morally righteous" side we purport to be on to laugh at someone losing their pet to cancer.

>> No.78309848

Millie is incapable of feeling love

>> No.78309918

As someone who only uses Doki to shit on Nijisanji and hasn't watched a single second of her pre or post Niji, I don't give a fuck what you think.

>> No.78309955

>As a fan of Doki
Watching a streamer or another one doesn't give you moral superioriy
>the "morally righteous" side
You mean catalog posters?

>> No.78310002

/vt/ isn't the "morally righteous" side no matter how much it seems like it. It's just the culture /here/ to shit on people.

>> No.78310017

I don't need to hide my disdain for Millie online.

>> No.78310101

Holy based

>> No.78310123


>> No.78310159


>> No.78310216


>> No.78310327

>"As a fan of Doki..."

You can't even make a whole sentence without lying, Millie.

>> No.78310432
File: 435 KB, 600x660, 1694611416641928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think any doki fan would be happy about a dog dying. She'd be disgusted.

>> No.78310600

Don't think any decent human being would mock a co-worker's suicide, yet here we are

>> No.78310643

Millie never did that, at least get your rrats straight. She's the one who mocked her song getting privated, not her suicide. That was Reimu.

>> No.78310724

That was Reimu.

>> No.78310886

yuh huh

>> No.78310907

Where did i said "I love seeing dogs die"? I'm calling you a liar doesn't mean i like to see dogs die.
You really love to twist my words, can't really expect much from a demon like you, Millie

>> No.78310924

nah uh

>> No.78310956

>I'm calling you a liar
based on what exactly?

>> No.78310971
File: 2.58 MB, 2112x1296, 20240522_111127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh she sure did.

>> No.78311031

You are a good person and a good Dragoon, unfortunately catalog monkeys will shit on anything as long as it can be used to tangentially hurt someone they dislike, as you can see in >>78305058

>> No.78311039

you know if everyone hated you enough to bully you out maybe you were the problem

>> No.78311050

I love this meme in every universe.

>> No.78311157


>> No.78311169

you are right, that must be why she has universal support from fans, indies, corpos, sponsors, and other niji graduates
because she is the problem, right

>> No.78311175
File: 328 KB, 251x251, Doki-bird-mating-dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that means Nijisanji is the problem since there's far more people bullying them than were bullying Selen.

>> No.78311183
File: 130 KB, 960x1614, 1715120247562386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down pagpag, you are barking up the wrong tree.

>> No.78311218

Also catalog posts about anyone considered in the clique tend to get used to farm for (You)s or samefagged by Ennaschizo, sometimes both

>> No.78311457

True, you opened my eyes, arguing with retards it's pointless

>> No.78311460

I feel bad for the dog, not for Millie. She could be a great or terrible owner but far before that, she's a horrid person who is directly responsible for intentionally pushing someone beyond their breaking point. I can only hope the poor boy has a peaceful passing and I can only hope every single day of Millie's life is miserable. Only when she reaches hers she'll realize her sins and maybe I'll forgive her. Not like my forgiveness matters though.

>> No.78311473

We are still waiting for the lawsuit sister. Also hi Nijijanny.

>> No.78311493

another day another thread of holoniggas letting nijiniggas live in their heads rent free despite winning the war over 2 years ago

>> No.78311578

you and what army

>> No.78311587

The war's not over until the merge

>> No.78311728

kys phasekek

>> No.78312011

Was this from before she hooked up with Diego?

>> No.78312308

Rent free

>> No.78312673

It's funny to me how some people think /vt/ is supposed to be the morally upright side here when in reality, this board is just full of the most abhorrent subhumans in the site. Hell, if doki made an oopsie, these faggots would turn the script around and say that her attempt should have succeeded or something. Get out of here while you still can, newfriends

>> No.78312731

Roll yourself into the ocean, cunt.

>> No.78312752

you wish, I just tell phasekek to kill themselves everytime I see one trying to stir shit outside of their containment thread. Also kys.

>> No.78312859
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>> No.78313240

Is it her actual dog or is it Elira-style "Oh no my dog is sick :(" 'dog'

>> No.78313402

hi finana

>> No.78313606
File: 188 KB, 508x554, MlEU6Hkn0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister? Have you even seen the rest of 4chan? /vt/ is the most normie board on the entire website.
Regardless, /vt/ IS the "morally upright" side here in terms of Millie, as well as the rest of Nijisanji, being a piece of shit. I don't agree with kicking someone for a sick pet, but that doesn't mean Millie suddenly gets a free pass for every fucking thing that happened prior. It's not like the sisters gave Zaion any kind of reprieve when her cat died. Hell, they started harassing her even worse around then. And they were harassing her DIRECTLY, not seething quietly on a Bolivian birdwatching website.

>> No.78313927

Majority of /vt/ hangs out in their generals you retard. Don't generalise the rest of the board because of some catalogfaggots.

>> No.78314112

It probably crawled under there for warmth.

>> No.78314143

Anon acting like they hate Millie but they have membership.
>inb4 they say it’s gifted even though you need to be watching a stream to get gifted

>> No.78314186


>> No.78314243

>he says in the catalog thread

>> No.78314287
File: 273 KB, 478x253, 1688481208424113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need to do is walk away

>> No.78314312

>considers this bad harassment
You haven't even experienced life yet you sheltered motherfucker if you think this is "abhorrent behavior".

>> No.78314425


>> No.78314570

We all have our vices.

>> No.78314953

Good job, retards, you (or sisters posting as you) have given normies ammunition to completely disregard you as heartless/subhuman in the future. If this was an intentional move, I applaud you for your cunning, sisters

>> No.78315017

>your job =/= your life
It does when you work for kurosanji

>> No.78315038

Millie, fuck off already.

>> No.78315220

they're on a moral crusade but they've still got pretend to be heckin edgy

>> No.78315517

Sisters have long established themselves to be subhuman way before this

>> No.78315630

Holy fuck who gives a shit, this board is NOT a place for moral measure, go back to where you came turist nigger.

>> No.78315707

shut the fuck up you stupid faggot. that cunt never tried to kill herself. women do not do that. they bait for sympathy and cattle like you fall in line. holy fuck are you ever stupid. imagine thinking it is legitimate when she goes to twitter for sympathy holy fuck half or more of this board is retarded.

>> No.78315844


>> No.78315915

KEK, the only good thing that come from niji is this meme

>> No.78315989

say that again without crying sister

>> No.78316084 [DELETED] 
File: 606 KB, 1920x1080, caw[sound=files.catbox.moe_2F6jhrgp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. They're much more likely to turn to murderof crows

>> No.78316143

Here's the thing, normies don't really know that. Not everyone has the context of them and their doxxsite outside of dramawatchers. Not everyone actually knows how (or cares enough) to find the archived post and read through the thread beyond the obviously inflammatory "lol sucks to be you" posts that would no doubt be turned into a compilation. No one cares enough about 4chan to redeem it in the minds of others from being used as the hate central of the Internet.
That's why these posts would be enough to demonize us to the rest of the world that ultimately doesn't care.

At this point I could only hope that Doki will be alright. Screw Millie and the rest of the douche troupe at NijiEN, I think their little slice of paradise will fall apart by itself without my contribution and definitely without me posting "dog died lets goooo".

>> No.78316167 [DELETED] 
File: 593 KB, 796x712, dokibirb[sound=files.catbox.moe_2F9ho2mb.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. They're much more likely to turn to murder of crows

>> No.78316265
File: 353 KB, 320x320, Doki-Crow-Nodding.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. They're much more likely to turn to murder of crows

>> No.78316576

Based pagsis

>> No.78316699
File: 618 KB, 1280x720, WUB-A-DUB-A-DUB IS THAT TRUE[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fowrqts.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stock price is down. Get more subs.

>> No.78316710

>you need to be watching a stream to get gifted
As a small corpo only I can tell you this is flat out false, they will regularly go over he viewer cap in gifted and it will start picking picking people at random who have opened at stream for even a second in the past month, eg: immediately closing after a raid

>> No.78316774

>le 4chan is... le bullying me?

>> No.78316923

>fake faggoons defending the clique now
what an ultra cuck fanbase

>> No.78316939

>to completely disregard you as heartless/subhuman in the future
first week in here?

>> No.78316940

You mean Klara?

>> No.78317312
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>> No.78317373

Enna said that, not Millie.

>> No.78317970

They do it because they're brown.

>> No.78318140

Considering Selen/Dokibird's alleged altheticism and superhuman hand-eye coordination doesn't that mean she would have a significant advantage in a duel?

>> No.78318246
File: 312 KB, 866x487, 1718503891713253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure if that were allowed, the shota in starsEN would be actually killing people.
Seriously, what the fuck that shit is hard and takes so much arm strength.

>> No.78318269

Oh no not my doooog waaaahhh!!!

>> No.78318281


>> No.78318377

Crack me up every time

>> No.78318378

By Doki's own admission, her strength isn't in pinpoint accuracy but in tracking. It's why she dislikes Valorant and prefers games like Apex where her tracking could be best utilized. She could very easily whiff her first bullet in a classic shootout.

That said, her sports experience makes her significantly more athletic than anons would like to suggest with all the fat jokes and memes about her.

>> No.78318429

Yeah. Even if she spent years sitting on her ass due to vtubing, muscle memory is a thing. If you were athletic in the past, then you can regain most of that strength very fast if you restart training.

>> No.78318821

I will never wish ill will upon an animal as it has no concept of pur kind of social and societal structures, but you have to understand that nijisanji painted a huge target on their own back for dramafags and seashitters to throw rotten tomatoes at. At this point it's nobodies actual fans, it's just the usual dramashitters and by happenstance some level of normies are jumping in not even understanding the shitstorm they are perpetuating. This is the bed that Nijisanji EN has made, and unfortunately they are going to have to lay in it.

>> No.78318886

Duel's aren't decided by strength, it's reflex. Unless anon meant a sword fight duel rather than a quickdraw in which case... that's still the truth. Unless that guy's got the Bushido perk you jab him with a sword and he'll crumple like a piece of paper, or knowing Selen she'd end up kiting him up some stairs and kicking a barrel down at him.

>> No.78318916

I was more going for him or selen vs the sisters/anons. I don't know why on earth either would want to duel.

>> No.78318941

I'll knock you into a coma, milllie

>> No.78319046

she's so naive she even defended that infamous blacklisted grift-clipper that kept making her look bad because "i'm sure he doesn't mean it"

>> No.78319139
File: 185 KB, 850x1167, sample_44e01cc34813092c907a769d65a30f29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any proof her dog has been sick before or is this like when Ame's roommate spent 2 weeks visiting a male twitch streamer while ''Bubba was sick ;--;''?

>> No.78319301

A few days of crying isn't bad. This isn't bad.

>> No.78319395

Oh I thought you just were pushing a theoretical fight between the two of them for fun. If it's one of them versus a mass amount of people (or "people" if we're including your average sister) then I'd say just numbers alone would be the only factor that matters. The best either could do is use some kind of suicidal explosion, but that's not really dueling equipment.

If it was a siege rather than a metaphorical TABS fight on some plains then maybe Selen/the homo would win eventually, as most anons here are dumb as rocks and wouldn't know how to make or use a ladder and resort to using their bodies as battering rams against the gates, which would in term led to some getting trampled and only making a pseudo-wall of flesh and meat against the castle walls, demoralizing a majority of the siegers at best and causing a mass desertion at worst. Presuming they have no real supply chain, as the average person here doesn't talk to anyone in any sort of distribution above the level of a store clerk, disruption wouldn't really be an issue and Selen/the homo would win just due to the fact that they'd have a castles worth of supplies for just a single person to work with, and when the siegers numbers whittle themselves down they could just throw rocks down from the walls. And even if by some miracle the gate was breached, being a single person means escape is easy so long as that's not the only way out. Hell in this scenario one or the other might have already fled into the night months ago to another country and escape the metaphorical question alltogether. Can you tell I have autism?

>> No.78319532


>> No.78320035

Can a normal 9-5 worker take a month off their job because their dog died?

>> No.78320232

>take a month off their job because their dog died?
you can take the rest of your lifetime off if you want

>> No.78320895

When mine died I got a week off, though half of it was leftover PTO my boss gave me the rest. But also vtubing, especially for kurosanji, does not even come close to a 9-5 because unlike me they don't get a salary.

>> No.78321020

>All the replies are other livers

>> No.78321069

WAIT WHAT HAPPENED D: that's so weird, I think you will be happy this year after bully your coworker to suicide, ask mane san about it

>> No.78321098

>Does it really make you guys feel big and strong when you hide behind your computer screen to harass a girl
you mean what elira,ike and vox did with the blackscreen video

>> No.78321103

Millie just get off the internet, honestly

>> No.78321127

There’s the /vt/ charm

>> No.78321164

You think they hid behind a computer screen when doing that? Elira literally met with Selen in person.

>> No.78321205


>> No.78321233

You didn't know? Happened about a year ago.

>> No.78321328

oh, I thought that anon was somehow implying that selen was across the table when they were recording that stream or something.

>> No.78321364

I was gonna say if you work commission you can take all the time-off you want but then I remembered first year Niji organs have weekly minimum hours quotas.

>> No.78321383

>You think they hid behind a computer screen when doing that?
yes, idk how you ask that question, they are all dead if they did that in real life or atleast got punched by ppl
>elira met with selen in person
you mean mumei? because its mumei who met with selen

>> No.78321438

Holy shit 3 dogs, didn't you learn the first 2 times? Are you fucking cursed or something?

>> No.78321503

her karmic debt is so big it's affecting the people and animals around her

>> No.78321551

she bullied her supposed friend into making multiple attempts on her own life. yeah, i have no empathy for a disgusting fucking sociopath. boo fucking hoo. i feel bad for the dog, i feel nothing for her. she's scum

>> No.78322259

It's not about being anti nijisanji.
It's not about being anti bullying.
It's not about being a dramafag either.

This is clearly anti philipino discrimination.

>> No.78322293

lmao are you retarded or just a hyper active imagination?

>> No.78322563

>anti pignoy actual garbage eater
who doesnt?

>> No.78323273

>This is clearly anti philipino discrimination.

>> No.78323600

In my opinion, it was not a form of harassment.

>> No.78323687

Maybe she would be getting more sympathy here if she hadn’t bullied one of her coworkers into trying to kill herself. Actions have consequences.

>> No.78324240

>Actions have consequences
Most women have trouble understanding this

>> No.78324376

And why is acting exactly like them is good, actually?

>> No.78324473

When my dog died (and I loved that girl so much) I went to school the next day. I have no idea what's happening with multiple vtubers where they take weeks off over dead dogs.
It sucks, but it's how life goes.

>> No.78324589

>t. self hating pignoy

>> No.78324631

fun things are fun
dont blame me

>> No.78325121

oh, you mean like the action of being an annoying, insufferable twat, to the point that most of your coworkers dont like you? those kind of actions? that would lead to the consequence of those coworkers teasing you?

>> No.78325177

hi millie

>> No.78325596

When you are a streamer, your job is absolutely your life. This goes for anyone indie, holo, niji, etc.

>> No.78325781
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>> No.78325824

i dont know how people like you go into 4chan just so you can get hurt like this

>> No.78325967
File: 196 KB, 720x1021, SelenApologies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you talking about teasing?
The harassment in question is related to her 15,000 USD projects being rugpulled on the release day, her events and tournaments constantly being sabotaged, and being forced to run damage control for the company every single time they fuck up.
Don't tell me you took "workplace bullying" as saying mean names and not the fact that they made it impossible for her to perform her fucking job, right? Are you actually retarded?

>> No.78326066

>self hating
sure pignoy pagpag eeater sea monkey

>> No.78326132

In the business we call that an excuse.

>> No.78326151

Protip: These people suck at reading comprehension and actually more retarded than pajeets.

>> No.78326275

>forced to reply and samefag
kek, struck a nerve huh

>> No.78326430

I pagpaged you mum last night.

>> No.78326472

>sea hours suddenly a bunch of triggered pignoy
ah make sense

>> No.78326513

>pignoy pagpag eater mad at ppl calling them out for eating garbage
holy fuckng sad that you got offended for that

>> No.78326589

She is one fiesty woman, I tell ya that much.

>> No.78326746


>> No.78326769


>> No.78326895


>> No.78327150

Right before the Selen debacle began Elira posted on Twitter something along the lines of "my family member is sick right now".

>> No.78327340

>impossible for her to perform her fucking job
that job is a team effort no wonder she wanted to burn everything and go independent it is impossible for Doki to work in a group. She soured her relationship with most people in Nijisanji over her 3 years there enough for them to treat her as that one problem child that needs to be wrangled now and then to remind her that they are all in this together as part of a branch called NijisanjiEN.

>> No.78327460


>> No.78327467
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>treat her as that one problem child that needs to be wrangled now and then to remind her that they are all in this together as part of a branch called NijisanjiEN
Wow sister, you hit the nail on the head.

>> No.78327685

can someone pinpoint in time where people started hating millie?

>> No.78327694

Preaching the wrong crowd, sister. If you see fellow Filipinos joining the harassment campaign against their own Badjao vtuber, you should know Millie's public enemy here. Go back to your hole. It's not like the "people" here do this because we feel big.

>> No.78327862

long ago but she get more hate after the selen "OH NO D: what happen" .

>> No.78328080

anons hated her from the very start. But the true hate rightfully began after the secret group chat and her downward spiral into being an all smiles bitch and a corpo cock sucker.

>> No.78328103

When she was indie people already hated her on leeching from HoloID.

>> No.78328222

Dramafags will shitpost about selen getting bullied (they have never watched selen) and then proceed to bully niji chuubas as hard as they can.
And I'm assuming you couldn't see the veiled sarcasm here because you are esl.

I don't even give a shit about nijisanji, but the blatant shitstiring from people who don't watch streams or speak native English in the catalog has got to stop

>> No.78328232

oh I forgot about that part and her being friends with Moona. I even remember people wanting her to get nepohired into HoloID. What a nuke sized bullet Holo dodged.

>> No.78328277 [DELETED] 

Pretending that you're not a faggot is lying.

>> No.78328278

shouldn't the narcissist be Enna? That description suits her more.

>> No.78328331

Keep crying Nijinigger.

>> No.78328421

What the fuck are you gonna do to make it stop? Piss and shit yourself like a faggot?
>I don't give a shit about Nijisanji
You definitely do seeing how much you're bending over backwards trying to defend them. Try seething less and watching your organ more, they desperately need the views.

>> No.78328425


>> No.78328520

Dumb nigger normies have known 4chan is a cesspit for almost 2 decades now.

>> No.78329013

Actual dog. Millie, despite being a retard, is at least honest even if it makes her look stupid. Elira on the other hand....

>> No.78329483

You're no different than the nijisisters

>> No.78329540

WAIT WHAT HAPPENED D: that's so weird, I think any passive aggressive bitch have never encountered anything like this before ToT did you received a confirmation/OK sign to manesan before having your dog die?

>> No.78329834

I thought it was when she admitted she'd never date another flip and only goes for BWC. THEN the tweet made the rest of the world aware of what a bitch she actually is

>> No.78329902

Oh no, it's the consequences of my own actions!
Get fucked, sister. No, actually, I hope you remain a femcel forever

>> No.78329948

They already realized that with the shikanoko animation, that's why the phasefags are doubling down now. Their only retort is crying out "s-s-sister!" or naming random nijis. Next they'll say Doki is a "sister" because she told these vermin to fuck off lol

>> No.78330101

too bad sister, like doki said she only going to say that once, so the next one after this doki wont say anything KEK

>> No.78330302


>> No.78331367

Enna isn't a narcissist she's a sociopath. And calculating enough to stay out of the line of fire

>> No.78331550

Secret GC stream

>> No.78331608

Pretty sure it was the group chat. Additionally the damage control she did afterwards where she tried to shift the blame to her co-conspirators ("I'm not responsible for what they type"), a tweet she cowardly deleted.

I remember a time where people (I'm guessing pinoys) would constantly defend her with the typical "she's just le dumb girl following bad people, it's just enna's influence" etc. like she had no agency of her own. I think that cope died with GC chat or at the very least with her snakey blame-shifting afterwards where it became undeniable that she very much is a complete bitch and subhuman on her own.

>> No.78331866

>morally righteous on 4chan
My brother in Christ i think you have taken a wrong turn somewhere ask your nearest pepe on how to an hero and do a flip

>> No.78332244

I honestly think the GC stream was the absolute point of no return for NijiEN. There was no way of saving things after that point.

>> No.78332828
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>Elira is a good girl, it's just bad influence from Enna
>Millie is a good girl, it's just bad influence from Enna
How about you faggots give Enna the benefit of the doubt for once?

>> No.78333071

All three of them are dogshit people.

>> No.78333724

Not Enna, she's chinese.

>> No.78333786

>the worst of the three
I mean, yeah

>> No.78334159

kneel to enna you peasants

>> No.78334240

This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.78334671

yes Yugo's soft termination into Zaion's termination and the following slander into SGC was the point of no return. All in a span of months. It started to pile up after that like the lid was blown off and all the shitty things Livers were doing was spilling out.

>> No.78336001

I'm not gonna sugarcoat it guys, watching you retards get manipulated by women is pretty funny.

>> No.78337078

There's really 4 points where I think people(here) turned on Millie.
1.) When Nina talked about feeling left out her wave. Although a majority of people blamed Enna for that and pictured Millie as the retarded friend just following Enna.
2.) The stream where they made fun of this place and how people act. Millie did it to "own" the people here, but quickly realize how retarded it was and unironically one of the reasons for the downfall of NijiEN.
3.) Millie talked on how she didn't like how Nijisanji was viewed as a black company and how her experience there was great. Which was terrible timing because Selen's (Doki) explosion happened like a week later.
4.) Shifting the blame to Selen (Doki) rather than Nijisanji when her cover got taken down.

>> No.78337181

the needy streamer overload collab with enna and millie soured me on both of them. it's been pretty clear how gross they are as people, i think people just chose to ignore it or they pointed it out and were called schizos and antis or something

>> No.78337650
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>> No.78337731

fix your "crab mentality" first, Millie!

>> No.78337751

>Lied about being in a relationship, ever - 2022
>Lied about not engaging with male co-workers or indies - 2022
>Basically hopped onto Fulgur's Dick from the get go when Lux debuted
>4chan groupchat stream shitting on co-workers
>Fake caring for Selen's situation
Take your pick.

>> No.78337786

Who's "we" faggot? you and your twelve genders? I want niggersanji to burn and thats all I care about.

>> No.78337841


>> No.78337847

didn't she do a charity stream then decided to keep the money instead?

>> No.78337891

>3.) Millie talked on how she didn't like how Nijisanji was viewed as a black company and how her experience there was great. Which was terrible timing because Selen's (Doki) explosion happened like a week later.
weren't those events months apart?
>4.) Shifting the blame to Selen (Doki) rather than Nijisanji when her cover got taken down.
but she was right, Selen didn't wait for the final approval before uploading the video

>> No.78338349

there was never going to be a final approval. I know this may be hard for you to grasp but it would have stayed in limbo forever.

>> No.78338495

Anyone happy that a pet is dying is evil

>> No.78338541

>an actual bitch
giving benefit of the doubt? how the fuck are you survive "real world" being like this?

>> No.78338595

Secret gc shit was probably a big one. She fucked it up, got suspended, and there was a sort of implication from the luxiem guys that the disciplinary issue nuked the original live. 'Covid'. There were definitely less people cheering for the fact that she ruined something for them, and more who just regarded it as her being a stupid and inconsiderate coworker who fucks things up for others.

Then Wait what happened D: took the cake for awful shit, it was a clear and distinct taunt.

>> No.78338631

>but she was right, Selen didn't wait for the final approval before uploading the video
no shit sherlock they did it on purpose, the excuses is "former liver" yet others are fine using former livers literally soon after that maria release mv with a fuckng pomu.

>> No.78338653

The fact that other people in NijiEN are able to upload endless covers each month should tell you things can and will be approved. The video was ready on a christmas weekend, of course the final approval was not going to be ready instantly, all she had to do was wait a day. If Selen wanted the video to be ready and uploaded by christmas she should've prepared better.

>> No.78338685

>Absolutely abhorrent, pathetic behavior
why you explaining yourself sister?

>> No.78338875

I can't believe we're still on this months later. They never said the video was taken down or not approved because of Nina and that other fag. Before uploading the video, staff needs to look at what's being uploaded one final time to ensure everything they have been told is in the video, is actually in the video. Selen skipped this part and made the video public before staff did this, it's why the video was made private soon after.
And the reason Selen said she didn't know when the video was going to be made public again is because she was a baby throwing a tantrum and of course she was going to be reprimanded for not doing what she was supposed to do, wait.

>> No.78338899

>Nijisister is stuck in a time loop

>> No.78338952

No one cares Niji intern, this thread is about Millie's karmic reciprocation.

>> No.78339009


>> No.78339103

no it was never going to be approved because of changes and perms required just like covers Reimu had to upload in her PL. Now shut the fuck up.

>> No.78339107

She was working on this for months and didn't bother to do one final check? Truly a woman moment.

>> No.78339225
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What's it feel like stuck making these arguments months later and convincing no one? Having your new gen struggle to get 400 live viewers while the vets lose subs every week?
Let me hear your voice nijicuck

>> No.78339657


Fuck you Millie, ho-ren-so mo mukha mo!

>> No.78339699 [SPOILER] 
File: 606 KB, 1920x1080, caw[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6jhrgp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter anymore, retardchama. Doki's been gone for months now and since then, she's pulled off far bigger and better events and projects alone than the entirety of Nijisanji EN in the same time frame.
They truly needed her far more than she needed them.

>> No.78339905

She received a confirmation/ok sign from mane-san to be depressed.

>> No.78341125

Nah, people /here/ liked nijisanji almost solely because of Pomu and Selen. Pomu graduated, Selen got the worst termination in history of contacts (which is older than humanity).
Millie retarded stream was just retarded and weird. I didnt really care.
Nina was the first hint
first and foremost people knew right away who the bully group was because it takes 1/3 of a braincell to figure out when you think about it.

>> No.78341258

Fulgur isn't from Luxiem anon
She send the video to management and they replied almost 2 days after and they tried to make Selen pay for everything yet again.

>> No.78341471

>people knew right away who the bully group was
>Selen spends years talking about how management fucked her over
>Retards decide it's Ethyria
>Rrat themselves into believing Ethyria is management to fit the narrative
I wonder if the fuckups at Niji will be able to sell this shit to Riku too

>> No.78341511

Anon probably meant Vox since she jumped on him then Fulgur later on.
>Nah, people /here/ liked nijisanji almost solely because of Pomu and Selen
Most liked Niji before En, anon.

>> No.78341825

The first time I ever sided with a male was when I heard Mysta went "dude I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about" to effectively "holy shit what the hell are these retarded women doing, I want nothing to do with this". It simply cannot be understated just how stupid that stream was.

>> No.78341913

No anon definitely meant Fulgur, him and Millie were obsessed with eachother for like 4-5 months. I don't remember Millie ever getting so close to Vox she was practically riding his dick like she did with Mister Covid.

>> No.78341511,1 [INTERNAL] 

corny ampota

>> No.78342150

And something happened with Fulgur and Millie to stop hanging with each other.

>> No.78342150,1 [INTERNAL] 

not even knowing the gender of the dog shows how much of a retard you are to not know the whole context holy shit kek

>> No.78342258

I mean it's pretty obvious exactly what happened if you paid attention. They broke up.

>> No.78342258,1 [INTERNAL] 

you must be retarded enough to not know twitter exists and the whole shit of 4chan leaking her membership reached there

>> No.78342258,2 [INTERNAL] 

inhumane piece of shit hope your fourth dog dies KEK

>> No.78342258,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.78342258,4 [INTERNAL] 

that's just you holy shit i hope you get killed by the chinese first when ph does go to war kek

>> No.78342258,5 [INTERNAL] 

that's just you holy shit i hope you get killed by the chinese first when ph does go to war kek

>> No.78342622

this never happened btw

>> No.78342666 [DELETED] 

Go back to your doxx site faggot...Oh wait...

>> No.78342666,1 [INTERNAL] 

alright gooners it's okay to admit your selendookitard is impatient and does her own shit in corpo when that's not how it should work okay okay

>> No.78343402

potaragis naging kahihiyan ng sanlibutan na tayo

>> No.78343752

Maybe give Millie a break. Losing your dog is hard.

>> No.78344352

I want more details on this, what'd they do to piss you off too much, as someone who didn't really watch niji I was pretty meh on all of them until that "HOW DID THAT HAPPEN D:" post but even now Enna seems like the mean girl who's always around with the group but never actually says anything.

>> No.78344944

Are you kidding me? This is the best day of her life, she'll be getting a free meal from it.

>> No.78345376

I like Kiara because shes a real autist, not a meme pretend one. She genuinely annoys people around her. She reminds me of the smiling friends war criminal bit with this.

>> No.78345581

fucking what now?

>> No.78345722

How long is she going to drag put this dog pity bait. Please euthanize it, it's clearly suffered long enough. Not watching her streams either way.

>> No.78345813

The 4chan parody stream that let Enna shit all over Pomu's 3D stream, then that stupid bitch's first reaction was to try and defend the stream as satirical. She never learned, and never will.

>> No.78345933

>Most liked Niji before En, anon.
In the west, most people didn't even know about Niji outside of Hana's brief Doom stint. There's a reason the NijiJP threads both here and on /jp/ are ghost towns.

>> No.78346309

>She send the video to management and they replied almost 2 days after
Yes, management can be a little slow when they are busy working on fucking NIJIFES (the biggest Niji event of the year) at the same time. Doesn't mean it's OK for Selen to bypass the same process every liver has to follow.
>and they tried to make Selen pay for everything yet again.
Not in order to release it no. Selen opted to have management send money to artists in advance of her usual paychecks, instead of her just paying for it herself and getting her complete paychecks normally. If she knows how bad management is, she shouldn't have had management handle payments in the first place.
