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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 409 KB, 794x717, image_2024-06-16_201027639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78294028 No.78294028 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for members of Prima Project (formerly Prism Project) + Sony's VEE and NHOTBOT sister branches

▼ News
>Non got new merch!

▼ Schedule

▼ Latest Merch Available
>Non Merch
>Yura Merch
>Shiki Merch
>Mako Merch
>Nia Merch
>Ami Merch
>Pina Merch
>Free Emma R18 doujin
>VEE official merch site

▼ Talents
>Shiki Miyoshino

▼ Play the Prism games!

▼ Sonyverse Sister Branches

▼ Prism Friends
kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/
PhaseConnect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
corpo >>>/vt//corpo/
Idol >>>/vt//jidf/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie >>>/vt//vrex/
Pixel >>>/vt//pxl/

▼ Skeb guide

▼Previous Thread >>78061579

>> No.78294108
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>▼ Talents

>> No.78294163


>> No.78294228

red guy

>> No.78294463
File: 95 KB, 818x772, GN3eJXkaYAAK5Z-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78294504

I always wonder if I could just call some friends, turn on our pentium 200 mmx machines, connect the 56k modems and stream. I bet it would be more stable than prism collabs.

>> No.78294673


>> No.78294692


>> No.78294842

what's meno's talent

>> No.78295396
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Trying her best despite her limitations.

>> No.78295957
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>> No.78296308

Me too

>> No.78296678
File: 558 KB, 3344x3036, Shiki hole JAV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make out with Shiki's butthole

>> No.78297154

Sara sex

>> No.78297660

Nia is for RAPE

>> No.78298936
File: 279 KB, 1254x1771, stylish Yozuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yozuri love <3

>> No.78298999

Yozuri sex

>> No.78299490

yeah, mine

>> No.78300372

sara surviving while everyone else dies...

>> No.78300429


>> No.78300439

Perfect metaphor for post-PRISM

>> No.78300975

>only now I notice you can use the prism schedule page as a holodex to watch all povs

>> No.78301369
File: 170 KB, 769x1200, Fuck the Jannies - I love this hag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78301435


>> No.78302347

Actual whore

>> No.78306096

Being Cute

>> No.78306239

Being my mother

>> No.78307222

Just pretend she's Yoki

>> No.78309752

goodnight ppg

>> No.78310119

I'm tired peepeegee

>> No.78310868

shark live

>> No.78312095

Grim, not all her twitch audience followed her to youtube, not all youtube audience followed her back to twitch, now shes streaming to Jun numbers

>> No.78312540

for a random guerilla in the middle of the night?
She could be doing worse

>> No.78312937

Out of all the girls, I bet Mako has the loudest queefs after sex

>> No.78313494

I think I can’t stop my feelings for the fat bitch Iku.

>> No.78314969

Mako thinks youre all freaks

>> No.78315362

I need Mako to match my freak then

>> No.78315423

Gotta wonder how much they’re getting paid to be on AniLive. I do like Shiki’s streams on there tho.

>> No.78315716

Literally has a mental disability.

>> No.78315803

Is anilive ios only? if so theres no way it will be successful

>> No.78317306

Is she actually fat? I thought it was just her tits?

>> No.78317700

After hearing describe girls and pretty and turns out they arent pretty, i wouldnt trust their descriptions at all. That said, she doesnt look fat in her handcams and her voice doesnt sound fat

>> No.78317709

Her fingers and wrist are pretty chonky

>> No.78317867

They are definitely not. She looks normal

>> No.78317911

ya people here are too used to looking at small asian girl hands. hands normally have a little heft to them

>> No.78317938

Maybe anon is a Mr Bones enjoyer

>> No.78318411

after checking it is ios only, wake teh fuck up cap, no one uses ios amymore

>> No.78318626

You must be blind if you don't think those hands are fat

>> No.78318950

Not everything needs to look like a pencil anonchama

>> No.78320034


>> No.78320955

Mako paused memberships?

>> No.78321110

I want to run my fingers through Naki’s hair and give her head scritches…

>> No.78321158
File: 308 KB, 387x523, 20240616_131940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forbidden relationships with married women.

>> No.78321312

I am the ami schizo she will pay

>> No.78321754

So sony didnt shut it down?

>> No.78323188

Don't let the thread die, Nanamona is streaming in two hours

>> No.78324202

I'm interested

>> No.78324474

And nothing of value was lost

Pretty sure there hasn't even been a membership stream in like 4 months

>> No.78325774

the no streams

>> No.78326771
File: 337 KB, 2000x3000, Posting hags will save the thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78327322

this married woman is a sexual

>> No.78327380
File: 33 KB, 897x285, virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78328257

Thanks, anons and Emma schizo.

>> No.78330329
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>> No.78330396

I will never forget how kawaii girls described Neena/Bazeelle looking as, then when she later on would post pictures and turns out she's a slampig on a good day, I'll never again trust women's descriptions.

>> No.78330452

I want this anilive shit to end

>> No.78332141
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>> No.78334939
File: 417 KB, 475x703, chibimeno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78337348
File: 298 KB, 782x564, 1710119037843789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78338572

Anilive will save Prima

>> No.78338646
File: 326 KB, 705x665, emma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78338684 [DELETED] 

shiki's southern D cups will save Prima

>> No.78339353

ive seen recent neena pics, she lost weight, so who knows maybe she looked skinnier back then, idk what kawaii girls since i dont watch them but id say 6-7/10 on good day aka dont trust women aesthetic values

>> No.78339415
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys i need help
i want to buy some Itsuki merch but the VEE store sucks ass, it was easier when VERSEn was on BOOTH and i could use Buyee

>> No.78339434

Also why the fuck does it say he/they on shikis stream, its obvious her friend is a girl, she not only sounds like one, she talks like one, unlike Nen who at least tries to talk like a guy despite sounding like a girl

>> No.78339678

Because Shikis friend is a pre-op tranny probably

>> No.78339797

>Keychains acrylic
Oh no, they're going to close down VEE and let the girls be indies as they did with Prism Project with the shitty keychain merch

>> No.78340123

Buyee has a service that lets you put in a URL and item information. It's worth a shot.

>> No.78340131

You're forgetting shiki used to be they/them before she got refeminized by getting a bunch of male thirst via vtubing.

>> No.78340186

There have been murmurs that sony is going to start selling their niji stock soon, of these rrats are true, this one might too

>> No.78340248

Turns out male receiving male attention makes one realize that one is a woman

>> No.78340317

thanks i will try it later

>> No.78340352
File: 164 KB, 309x311, 1701269983461199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male receiving male attention makes one realize that one is a woman
>male receiving male attention

>> No.78340419

>was a tranny
>was super depressed
Imagine my shock

>> No.78341632

>No member stream in months

>> No.78341710

Member streams are held in her private discord channel for top whales

>> No.78341764

Does anyone really care about member content

>> No.78341904

Ami's DMs are worth the money

>> No.78341967

Wasn't that Nia's thing?

>> No.78342214

No Nia was streaming on her private account, not a discord

>> No.78342607

does she show her penis and if so, where do i sign up

>> No.78343184

I find it hilarious of how often gals get turbo feminized in vtubing. They'll start off as that weirdo, mentally ill, bordering dyke, until they get so much male attention hammered into them that they'll start crying on stream about how they aren't a mother yet.

>> No.78343539
File: 1.64 MB, 221x244, 1670902307496617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i missed nanamona

>> No.78344143

She said she won't be streaming next week

>> No.78344290

>Not paywalling content is somehow a bad thing

>> No.78344363

unless is for "unarchived" type of streams, those lost any value for every streamer once they added gifting membership to youtube

>> No.78344466
File: 32 KB, 500x442, 1709420772544208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78344947

The irony of a tranny saying someone cant handle real women. You couldnt handle being born a woman lolmao

>> No.78345087

Saying that here instead of chat is pretty womanly

>> No.78345133

The fuck you waffling about?

>> No.78345175

I dont want Shikis fag mods to ban me
The tranny on with Shiki said that on the topic of hags

>> No.78345373

Oh okay I tougth you were talking about one of our girls srlys

>> No.78346791

diaper cat

>> No.78348633

Shiki does seem to care

>> No.78350022

She cares too much in general

>> No.78350212

But not about (You)

>> No.78350270

Okay? I only watch Sara.

>> No.78350804

None of the Prima girls got invited to the second round of the PixelLink Minecraft server either...

>> No.78351090

Which Prima girls like minecraft enough to feel miffed about that

>> No.78351477


>> No.78351713

Meno and Prism dont like block game, none of the previous cross corpo server people were invited besides pippa (?) and thats a good thing maybe she actually brought people that might play

>> No.78351742

Kanna said they plan to invite more people but realistically I can imagine only Non and Pina to like minecraft enough to want to join

>> No.78351881

Non and Pina like Minecraft a lot from what I remember, and many of the others just played it casually. Even if they're not particularly hardcore about Minecraft I think they'd still join if they were invited to such a big gathering.

>> No.78354048

The reason Prima didn't get invited is because there's a male in it and thus all the girls are contaminated by association

>> No.78354230

globie girls are in the server, a corpo with multiple males

>> No.78354236

Sounds like a load of horseshit since they also invited Globie chuuba.

>> No.78354472

Damn, my rrat got taken down already...

>> No.78354708

They also have indies so that one is also unusable. Seems it all boils down to being friendly with pixel girls. And I'm not sure if anyone from prism collabed with pixel before

>> No.78354821

Pixel literally collabed with prism including Jun himself

>> No.78354911

Okay my bad pixel doesnt do male collabs, that was vreverie* But pixel did collab with prism once and Raki is one of Shikis friend group

>> No.78355233

The simpler answer is that they're not on good terms

>> No.78355258

Oh yeah. I completely forgot about that. Only reason I know about Pixel is because of Shiki raiding us into Raki's debut. And now that I think about it, some prism girls might have been in big collabs with pixel.

>> No.78355418

The prima girls are bitter that the pixel girls absorbed half their fanbases when the males got announced

>> No.78355733

pixel was not relevant until long after males were announced, nice try. their booth at offkai expo was deserted, no one knew the girls, and only raki consistently broke 70 views

>> No.78355806

not it mention, it looks like most of pixels fans are actually former kawaii and phase fans. prisms numbers have hardly dropped except for shikis

>> No.78355966

The simple answer is that prima has formed a clique and every other corpo and indie is jealous they aren't apart of it.

>> No.78356015

>muh males again
You thinks about dicks more than the average whore does.

>> No.78356198

Prima is a clique within a clique that was Prism

>> No.78357144

Prima is already tearing itself apart at the seams. It's all over...

>> No.78357857

Anilive will save us all

>> No.78359570

Nia's got some creeps

>> No.78360600

>prisms numbers have hardly dropped
baffling post

>> No.78362285

>Just one second...
>MaiKyua's content is intended for certain audiences
>It may contain: Drugs, Intoxication, or Excessive Tobacco Use, Significant Profanity or Vulgarity, Sexual Themes, Violent and Graphic Depictions
>This content may not be appropriate for you to watch.
>Manage the types of content that you see in your content preference settings.
nia raids are getting wild

>> No.78363324

numbers have hardly dropped from when pixels started taking off* happy now? by the time pixel was actually getting popular prism was long gone,

>> No.78364108

Which of girls is seething that they're not in this collab?

>> No.78364321


>> No.78365206

Rita's sex vacation...

>> No.78366578

ofc the person rita raided is another girl trying to be a guy, just like nen. i dont get it, why would you want the demerits of a guy while having the demerits of having a weaker female body?

>> No.78367114

>Why do mentally ill people do mentally ill things
Truly a mistery

>> No.78368974

Since when was Pixel considered popular?

>> No.78370488
File: 79 KB, 788x1024, 1717915338553964m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on my dog girlfriend fiance wife?

>> No.78371204

pregnant shark

>> No.78371530

Watch out, Shiki is angry

>> No.78371798

Is this gonna be the whole stream? Daddy rp?

>> No.78371835


>> No.78376221

I get angry too when I notice those "please a membership gift!" faggots.

>> No.78378145
File: 11 KB, 300x114, wtfiseventhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78378648

So when do the girls upgrade from struggling 2 views to struggling 3 views? Its sad that no one seems to be growing in any meaningful ways

>> No.78379115

Their disbanding buff already ran out, if they didn't get ex-Tsunderia numbers by now then it's too late

>> No.78379297

since maybe february this year they started gaining speed, valentines day won a lot of people over

>> No.78379495

I think more than half of them have given up on growing and are just trying to stay relevant to their current audience.

>> No.78380101

Many of then are either not dedicated to streaming enough ans hardly stream or they simply are not the type of streamer to pull in viewers. Streaming isnt only exposure, its also skill, and many of the prima girls are simply not interesting streamers. Aoi is just a normie that can sing and not stream that well, you can get that in other corpos. Iku is similar to Aoi her only skill is zatsudan with people that already like her. Meno doesnt stream and is too weird sounding to understand, all 3 dont really stream. Rita is decent at reading chat but shes to plain and liberal go appeal to vtuber fans, luto has potential but her humour is expired by now, shes not funny or edgy to the kids, just old and washed up (kind of like gura), Shiki was never a good streamer and she plats debuff games, pina hardly streams, Yura plays debuff time slot and doesnt have an identity as a streamer, it doesnt feel like a tightknit community, Nia is terrible at gaming while interacting with chat, Non has an annoying voice but she actually has decent stream ideas, she just needs a better schedule, shes already doing okay, Sara is doing okay too but she has so many retards in chat she has to tardwrangle, shes definetly going back to work soon after suffering them, Naki had a lot of potential and was good for people familiar with otaku culture, she wasnt a fake or ironic weeb and had great sense of humour, Ami has too many things going on to focus on streaming, i think shes okay with current situation though, Kou idk what shes cooking, Nana hardly streams and does so at debuff boura, same with emma. both are decently interesting and okay streamers though. Mako is very hit or miss, she can go hours being boring but then be interesting in bursts.
tldr my analysis on why prism girls dont have good numbers

>> No.78380728

You just described every vtuber anon.

>> No.78381305

Nah, there are a lot of vtubers that cam actually put up interesting conversations while gaming. They are also just generally interesting people and keep engaged with the chat naturally. You can really tell girls like Aoi, Iku, Meno, Shiki, Nia, especially do not have it in them. Some streamers great at it are Airi, TenmA, Pippa from pc, Kanna and Raki from pixel, Alias and Yae from v4mirai, even fukin vallure girls stony and shibi can do it well. The only girls its natural for in Prism are Yura and Naki with Non and Sara runner ups

>> No.78381859

No one cares, Fox

>> No.78382098

It’s all subjective anon. The Valure girls are fucking boring. Tenma and Pippa are great here and there but not the best and the rest are literal whos.

>> No.78383222

I want all the prima agents to be popular, they're all great streamers. But in the end I just want to marry Non.

>> No.78383268

Prepare for an extended hiatus

>> No.78384100

Naki is never coming back

>> No.78384557


>> No.78384884

They are all my wife, even Jun

>> No.78385279

You keep your harlot hands away from my son, he can do better.

>> No.78385322

>he can do better.
He's a vtuber

>> No.78385409

I've lost hope

>> No.78386857
File: 81 KB, 254x440, 1703815499976103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night peepeegee

>> No.78386886

Don't listen to Sara's lies. Jinn is actually a female snake

>> No.78388807
File: 45 KB, 133x135, forg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78389766

This image is too big. Make it smaller.

>> No.78390397
File: 947 B, 33x33, freg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78390950


>> No.78391293

I love Prima...

>> No.78391537

They have been watch streams please

>> No.78392221

Just now?

>> No.78393298

I have failed you Shiki

>> No.78394002

Stop asking for gifted membership!

>> No.78396284
File: 819 KB, 1605x2152, Shiki Morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning PPG!

>> No.78397885
File: 1.68 MB, 3432x4320, SuccuShark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mako's fingers in my ass

>> No.78399312
File: 740 KB, 2608x1470, The blue whores will never fail you anons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78399829
File: 301 KB, 625x720, 1692465968051652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78399837

I miss blue Yura...

>> No.78400411

She should apologize for turning purple

>> No.78401424

Why are you here lamy?

>> No.78404424
File: 1.75 MB, 1861x2575, F4768VDb0AAcYsU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78404535

Is this the Shiki and sometimes other girls general

>> No.78404863


>> No.78405908

Oh, Tunamayo stream:

>> No.78408409

Nia’s diapers.

>> No.78408627

Be normal.

>> No.78408641

Nia doesn't wear diapers stop falseflagging

>> No.78409872

HoloEN4 announced, expect to reach page 10 every 5 minutes

>> No.78411748
File: 117 KB, 1100x1100, This thread may die but I love this hag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78412444

Four more HoloEN girls mean four more generals on the catalog to contend with...

>> No.78413620

It was a pleasure knowing you retards. See ya in corpo

>> No.78413773


>> No.78416300

>backwards P

>> No.78416509

I'm gonna zooooooooorrrrrrrrrrd

>> No.78419750


>> No.78419820

I think it might actually, unironically be over this time

>> No.78420906

Nia's dirty crapped briefs.

>> No.78421098

Naki is in Holo4

>> No.78421356

Naki… remember me

>> No.78422318
File: 391 KB, 2048x2048, FudEFEmaQAAg6OJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternate theory

>> No.78423646
File: 83 KB, 900x900, And coming in with a steel chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78425350

Should we just let it die?

>> No.78425794

Aoi karaoke soon. If anilive anon is around there's that too

>> No.78428418

i was gonna reply with another text wall but i got a fever, i am so dizzy. good streamers will rise to the top, subpar ones will sink to the bottom, exposure can only so so much

>> No.78428607

anilive being ios only is such a dumb idea. android has 70% of share wordlwide, even in the US android is 40%

>> No.78428660

where will i put my "i miss nanamona" posts

>> No.78428868

It was stupid for it to be an exclusively phone app in the first place. Why the hell would you gatekeep PC viewers? Even some of the Nexas girls are streaming on Youtube now.

>> No.78429482

There's still /wool/

>> No.78429838
File: 318 KB, 648x670, 1713219397350330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78431768

Do you think she'd ride it like a true cowgirl?

>> No.78433260

Knowing how autistic and accident prone she is if you let her ride on top your dick would slip out and get snapped

>> No.78434359
File: 646 KB, 800x1000, __tokimori_aoi_prism_project_drawn_by_oldweek__f8694450f3ce18f8c5a9310a1da579cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you link it?

>> No.78435362

it worked

>> No.78436470
File: 144 KB, 850x1357, Luto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife Luto!

>> No.78438862
File: 365 KB, 594x743, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in an hour

>> No.78439046


>> No.78439307

Besides Shiki has anyone returned to anilive?

>> No.78439883

pina did a walk stream a few days after her debut, rita did a ninty direct react earlier today. that's all i'm aware of.

>> No.78441988
File: 966 KB, 2508x3541, F0McwzmWYAE0iu9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78443091
File: 42 KB, 1230x1378, friend that is a girl but NOT girlfriend but we still hang out every weekend and text constantly and cry on eachothers shoulders during romance movies and sometimes pass out on the couch together but like platonically.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78443495

>but like platonically
you need to stop coping bro

>> No.78446438

H-how does autism factor into that?

>> No.78446615

>hes never fucked an autistic chick
Youre missing out on that awkward gorilla grip pussy

>> No.78446681

Thanks Danilo
holy shit the app completely destroys her rigging
but it's okay because aoi cute

>> No.78446826

Yeah, her mouth isn't that responsive. And her eyes aren't that twinkly.

>> No.78447023

[Good news]
Aoi loves US portion sizes
[Bad news]
...because they feed her for the next several days

>> No.78447163

I meant more the fact that her entire body seems to tilt and shake randomly and doesn't seem to have any joints in it.

>> No.78448956


>> No.78449607

>Iku's photo in her alts
Which one is it?

>> No.78451921

>Sara was a Medic

>> No.78454451


>> No.78457011
File: 762 KB, 4096x2205, milk the ESL hag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78458688

I fucking love you Emma. FUCK!

>> No.78459054

Remember anons, lusting over a married woman is not healthy

>> No.78460302

not a married woman

>> No.78461037

with enough time i can make him one

>> No.78463262
File: 20 KB, 215x75, fUub5MsGYAI268W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78463591

... Who did it

>> No.78463966

I did.

>> No.78464968


>> No.78466727

Is it her?

>> No.78467367

Which one?

>> No.78467485


>> No.78470315

The orange brat?

>> No.78472940

I wasn't aware Shee had a sexy cyber armor outfit.

>> No.78473059

oof. Speedboard once again

>> No.78474247

pls stop accelerating, we cant keep up!

>> No.78475753

Orange one is the only that their pl probably isn't identified besides the british one, but doubt it is Kou just judging from her alt tweets earlier

>> No.78478869
File: 168 KB, 1293x1832, FEGzjGHVgAQpXDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78480946

Luto in australian school uniform

>> No.78481003

Luto without the uniform

>> No.78482271

Luto in an australian hospital giving birth

>> No.78484481

Luto birthing an australian hospital

>> No.78486576


>> No.78487548

Just Luto?

>> No.78487863

is my wife

>> No.78488251

is my onahole

>> No.78489480

is my lover

>> No.78489682

Needs to finish the Emergence narration

>> No.78490165
File: 289 KB, 1536x2048, 1693185268400691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night peepeegee

>> No.78491656

Page 10 Project

>> No.78491723
File: 1.13 MB, 4096x2658, 1701564982066318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78494081

Eepy hours

>> No.78494859
File: 84 KB, 1024x716, 1716311636441525m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78496059


>> No.78496772

Love her.

>> No.78498080

I like this.

>> No.78500383

Kou love

>> No.78500407
File: 1.43 MB, 2550x3600, 20240618_142237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78501722

Maou reads your lines

Linon's growth continues to be crazy
