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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.22 MB, 1530x1485, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78266073 No.78266073 [Reply] [Original]

Wait a second.....

>> No.78267073

Gotta leech off nijisanji and ride the drama as long as possible.

>> No.78267105

It's really not that similar.
Literally the only thing that even remotely looks similar is the claw.

>> No.78267316

I have a feeling that I won't like the new outfit. Her original is already perfect.

>> No.78267499

Hope she keeps the smirk.

>> No.78267571

Considering how opinions on the board range from “I hate her current model” to “Her original is perfect”, I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next week.

>> No.78267675

i mean what they gonna do about it? fire her? LMAO

>> No.78267678

99% of you fags are post-Selen though, none of you cared for her OG model. You're going to like her new one.

>> No.78267698

>lets just move on
>doesn't move on, keeps fan name, keeps other stuff, keeps drama, "inspired" model

>> No.78267747

the silhouette looks weird. why is it distorted?

>> No.78267774

there is nothing left to leech from they are all dead

>> No.78267819

The teaser had a wonky perspective in the video

>> No.78267934

... You do realize that her OG model is Doki right?

>> No.78267966

There's nothing wrong with keeping what is literally hers, though.
>Its ok when others do it

>> No.78268061

>what is literally hers
Anycolor owns Selen.

>> No.78268117

The silhouette looks nothing like Selen though...?
Am I missing something?

>> No.78268166

It's not even a claw she's obviously wearing gloves. The hand position is the only thing that's the same. Everything else is typical vtuber fare

>> No.78268240

Literally the only similar thing is the hand positioning

>> No.78268251

I kinda wonder if her hair is still gonna be blonde.

>> No.78268281

Legally yes but Selen effectively died when she graduated. The person inside makes the character.
For all intents and purposes Selen is Doki, and she owns the character.

>> No.78268339

This is just like mikecat.

>> No.78268375

the whole fucking point is that she's putting the past behind her and she's a new person after niji and the current model is old as fucking shit
you think she could just magically have a new model after getting fired out of nowhere
you're fucking blind

>> No.78268888

>Owns Selen
>Doesn't own the fans
>Doesn't own what she (the person) decided upon
Remember, Doki did try to move away from a lot related to her Selen PL, but the usual meme community couldn't think of anything interesting so she "took back" what she used for 3 years.

>> No.78269121
File: 306 KB, 2048x2048, GPzfZY7aEAAkHuJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying she wasn't stringing us along that it wasn't her plan to reuse Dragoons all along

>> No.78269158

Literally only the hand is similar. But glad for her that the new model is ready. Now retards who keep asking about can stop sending Super chats going "new model when?".
Think the current theory is it's her artist is her the one who drew Selen originally which is why we still don't officially know who it is since they wanted to remain anonymous still after the reveal

>> No.78269249

>current theory
I assume you are using theory in the scientific sense because we are way beyond layman's "theory" here.

>> No.78269312

It is objectively not perfect

>> No.78269444

Dragoons are literally knights with guns, so it sort of makes sense to upgrade bark knights to (bark) dragoons

>> No.78269867

needs the update mint got for it's l2d though

>> No.78270022 [DELETED] 

lets be honest here she loves it when her fans shit on niji shes just trying to wash her hands and maintain good PR
she even shits on them herself with the upcoming expo being right beside them with a bigger better booth and celebrating her birthday

>> No.78270094 [DELETED] 

that was a vshojo rigger that matara paid for I dont think doki is friends with kevin

>> No.78270186

i know, but she still needs something similar for her L2D. Doesn't need to be kevin, surely doki knows some talented she can hire to update her l2d to be on modern par

>> No.78270190

Doki's yaoi hand.

>> No.78270250

Just her giant yaoi hand

>> No.78270329

she probably paid the artist to finish whatever her last selen outfit was and repaint it to dokibird colors

>> No.78270338

It's going to be another Lulu/Unou moment and I'm ok with this.

>> No.78270344
File: 458 KB, 654x545, 1704867584133535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says she wants to leave her niji identity behind
>copies entire design she had in niji
RUMAO grifting lying whore

>> No.78270554

Seethe more tranny nijinigger

>> No.78270581

I am from the future:
>New skinsuit was released.
>Some people absolutely adored it.
>Others were chill about it, whatever.
>The remainder threw a temper tantrum and demanded that Dokibird go back to her old model or else they would unsub.
>Nobody unsubbed.
>People forgot about the fuss a three days later.
>People then forgot about the old skinsuit.
This is as much as the time police will let me tell you.

>> No.78270682

Seethe more tranny dokinigger

>> No.78270754

Okay, but it's not moving on lmao.

>> No.78270799

I respect honesty and have a distaste for dishonest PR double speak.

>> No.78270911

>she even shits on them herself with the upcoming expo being right beside them with a bigger better booth and celebrating her birthday
That was almost certainly Hyte's idea

>> No.78271106

and that is like her Kamamesigogo123 signature style, the V4mirai child she has also has a hand prop like that

>> No.78271144

Oh no, imagine the seethe if it's actually the same illustrator. I doubt it, but it'd be hilarious.

>> No.78271183

I differ, I didn't like it at all but I just got used to seeing it. I was really waiting for her to get a new design.

>> No.78271204

If she is truly above petty drama and revenge, I admire her for being a better person than me.
If she is using the subtleties of communication to both have her cake and eat it to, I admire her for being just like me.

>> No.78271246 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 700x700, Nijinigger Crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok tranny nijinigger you don't have to use words that can hurt your own feelings, i know you are seething by me calling you out you don't need to burn yourself further

>> No.78271259

one of the fan options was nesticles, no wonder she chose dragoons in the end

>> No.78271294

>cowboy boots
what the fuck is this shit?

>> No.78271311

Doubters never prosper.

>> No.78271312
File: 247 KB, 498x372, 1714098223938581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using wojaks unironically
KEK I win

>> No.78271352

it is obviously the same illustrator, her style is too obvious

>> No.78271381

For when they prosper, none call them doubters.

>> No.78271386

A cowboy theme. Bounty hunter actually.She said she wanted a model that suited her personality better.

>> No.78271408

if you watched streams you would know she already updated her l2d

>> No.78271435

Are those clown hands edited? They're so ugly.

>> No.78271490
File: 242 KB, 1012x2308, 78e2a6b0acf6353b3d441bfa362a92f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this design is sex

>> No.78271619

It's forced perspective, dummy.

>> No.78271745

>m-muh forced perspective
It doesn't stop the design looking like complete shit
Doki doesn't fit the cowboy avatar

>> No.78271769
File: 124 KB, 512x512, Doki Smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tranny nijiniggers never win anything, hence the eternal seething from faggots like you

>> No.78271880

>Now retards who keep asking about can stop sending Super chats going "new model when?"
That's like a joke now so some retards might spam "New chibi when?" or something like that

>> No.78271898

Those legs, though. Is she an Admiral from One Piece?

>> No.78271920 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 710x780, 1712455140409173.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tranny dokiniggers never win anything, hence the eternal seething from faggots like you

>> No.78272006


>> No.78272084
File: 411 KB, 729x541, 5qs2nt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78272110

kek not even trying to argue anything than regurgitate whatever i say, pag pag is bad for you, lay it off a little bit tranny nijinigger

>> No.78272200

kek not even trying to argue anything than regurgitate whatever i say, pag pag is bad for you, lay it off a little bit tranny dokinigger

>> No.78272206

She really doesn't

>> No.78272292

I thank her for this everyday because it was very much discord mongrels pushing that shit name

>> No.78272318
File: 77 KB, 1024x796, Nijinigger Law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.t nijiniggers

>> No.78272334

and I still see those retards leaving comments about it on twitter

>> No.78272397
File: 1.11 MB, 200x192, 1712063993910841.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78272411 [DELETED] 

I wouldnt mind a blonde doki selen hybrid and she can always use her og doki model if ever

>> No.78272424

what left to leach off? the "nijifan" now all hate her. new fan don't know about niji. what logic is this?

>> No.78272477
File: 496 KB, 1749x1157, Look at this retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78272486

Sisters think Niji owns the artists like slaves clearly

>> No.78272497

There's your problem. Best to ignore everything except your oshi and lewd artists, or not use it at all.

>> No.78272516

we are not in court. nobody care about legality

>> No.78272763

Nah she ain't keeping the same fan name and same look right? she has moved on right?

>> No.78272779

I swear Nijiniggers spend more time hatewatching Doki for something to get upset about than they do their own Organs.

>> No.78273104

She's moved on in the sense that she asks her fans to put vengeance aside and take the high road. Be grateful sister. I know of at least one ex-Niji who said that Anycolor still hasn't faced enough consequences.

>> No.78273173 [DELETED] 


>> No.78273437

The fact that Doki is one of the only Ex-Niji's to not call for blood against Niji/tell stories during zatsus about how horrible Niji is, and sisters STILL hate her is mind boggling

>> No.78273612

It's because it's mostly pomudachis. Doki is livin her best life now but it's mainly the pomudachis bugging Mint even on her irl account about the past still. Then you have Sayu randomly bringing the shit up, Quinn is living his best life even if it's trash and so on. It's only Mint being hounded subtly.

>> No.78273724
File: 69 KB, 1018x491, 1718426893838863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Enna is a seething cunt who can't stand that she was and is being mogged by the laughing archosaur. That's right, it's a direct chain-of-command via Nyfcord as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.78273769

Bruh, how do you think IP infringement cases end up in court in the first place?
Anycolor owns the IP rights to the Selen Tatsuki character's name and likeness, regardless of Doki's successes and achievements while in the company. We won't know how much of Selen's design will be in Doki's new skinsuit until she debuts is, but one thing which is guaranteed is that it will be different enough to keep the lawyers happy - in other words, her outfit will be less "Selen Tatsuki in a cowgirl outfit" and more "Legally Distinct Purple Dragon in a cowgirl outfit"

>> No.78273892

>Legally Distinct Yellow Bird in a cowgirl outfit

>> No.78273922

Nice try deflecting sister but no one is falling for your bullshit

>> No.78273990

>No proof otherwise
Case closed.
>Enna outta nowhere

>> No.78274020

Mint hasn't talked about niji even once. Quinn has talked shit about niji since debut stream. It's obvious you're a sister trying to start shit. Also funny how you completely avoid mentioning Kuro who also has been talking shit about niji every couple of streams. Do a favor to this world and kill yourself.

>> No.78274177

They hate her, because more than any other ex-Niji, she not only stood up for herself, but won. February was THE inflection point in the story of Anycolor's decline in the west. In failing to destroy Dokibird, NijiEN destroyed itself. And they know it.

>> No.78274192
File: 249 KB, 888x888, 1696597265282138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brings up doxx shit
Nijinyfco sisters are among us

>> No.78274415

can't you read what i write? nobody care about legality. we say own not in legal definition. it's in a sense that hugh jackman own wolverine or Ryan Reynolds own deadpool.

>> No.78274541

>Mint hasn't talked about niji even once
Not true. She mentioned how the gifts she received from fans were never given to her

>> No.78274633

>Mint hasn't talked about niji even once
???? She always talks about it and her traveling paypigs since 1.0 Mint and Pomu days always nudge her to comment on stuff. Or do you think she's talking about her OL life every single time she brings up heaven?

>> No.78274659

>the gifts she received from fans were never given to her
What the fuck is wrong with kurosanji!? This shit borders on straight up cartoon villainy.

>> No.78274723
File: 21 KB, 666x666, 1713919116941485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely you have proof of that right nijitranny?

>> No.78274943
File: 2.71 MB, 2048x1151, 1662321496116939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no giant breasts
It's over

>> No.78275261

Difficult to tell with the silhouette, there could be.

>> No.78275282
File: 324 KB, 904x836, 1717226216459955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nijifags already seething in the QRTs

>> No.78275398

Are they? Why are they even watching her streams/monitoring her twitter? Lmao

>> No.78275753

idk, probably the same reason dokitards are the first to comment on every niji announcement

>> No.78275804


>> No.78275829

I miss the tail

>> No.78275943


>> No.78276169

So sad dramafags then? Fair enough.

>> No.78276597

I dunno but I found one that literally has her face doxx as their profile pic. All their tweets are unhinged psycho vendetta shit about Doki.

>> No.78276898

I'm looking forward to the futa art of Doki and Mint.

>> No.78277328

Just looking through that account (I presume it's the one you're talking about) some of their first interactions with Doki are in Mandarin. What a surprise.

>> No.78277428

It's not even a face doxx, it's a self-post, like vtuber vs irl.

>> No.78277511

I'm happy that Selen's mama is back, but I'll miss the twintails...

Also, the nijiseethe in this thread is just delicious.

>> No.78277614

And then there's the newest child https://twitter.com/kamamesigogo123/status/1796842757962793109

>> No.78277664

Selens design? yeah
The name dragoons? no
The dance and music for her intro? no
Hosting gaming tournaments? no

spoonfeed me on what a "yaoi hand" is anon

>> No.78277729

The vallure ceo kept her fan name. Rieflings to reeflings (she's a cuttlefish now)

>> No.78277848

>Yaoi hands
It's a popular trope in yaoi manga that the males hands are hugely proportioned

>> No.78277904

Here's Selen's mama (and possibly Doki's new mama) asking the same question, with some answers.

>> No.78278238

Her falsely accusing the company and it's members of harassing her to suicide after blackmailing them more than makes up for it

>> No.78278317

I hope it resembles Nova's model more than Daiya's.

>> No.78278690

Elira.... It's time to let go, you lost

>> No.78278690,1 [INTERNAL] 

so do dragoons in here that hate watch her when she was selen

>> No.78278835

It's the same mama I thought?

>> No.78278909

Red Selen....

>> No.78278948

I mean it looks similar but we'll just have to find out on the 22nd.

>> No.78278960

Elira... That was by your own admission.

>> No.78279098
File: 593 KB, 796x712, doki[sound=files.catbox.moe%2f9ho2mb.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delusions of a sister

>> No.78279138

Can't make everyone happy. I've seen just as many people asking when she was finally going to upgrade.
I think she should have at least kept the twin tails, though. Maybe she'll have alternate hair styles.

>> No.78279249
File: 3.87 MB, 4000x2250, nighttimeselen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If her history of commissions for wallpapers, her MV, and her selen costumes is anything to go off of, her tastes are extremely good and no matter how it ends up looking, it WILL be appealing to the dragoons. She was freaking out for months about getting a design to appeal to them, and I can guarantee that it will be wonderful.
That said, cowboy is still a weird fucking choice for her and I wish she had a lizard tail or inhuman body parts. I would've expected her to go space marine or something techy or military themed instead. Thenagain, imagine the porn involving lassos. or horses

>> No.78279285

In no form, shape or way but okay, you do you

>> No.78279370
File: 1.23 MB, 668x762, lies on the internet[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fn8af7f.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78279418

Kamame is also Elira's mama.
If they are Doki's new mama, I would expect Niji EN to suddenly notice a "problem" with Elira's L2D model and require her to stream in 3D only until the problem is "fixed," and I would also expect the "fix" to be a new base model by a different artist (possibly under the guise of a new outfit, followed by all of her old outfits being quietly ported to her new base model)

Obviously that "problem" rrat I just pulled out of my ass is not too likely to happen. But the odds of it happening are not zero, and not a single person would be the least bit surprised if it does happen.

>> No.78279532

It might not be Kamame. Ethier way I'm hyped about it.

>> No.78279549

Dookieshits entire personality is "waaa niji bad!!!" Don't get me wrong, niji IS absolute dogshit, but the fact that she can't seem to get away from them dooms her to irrelevancy.

>> No.78279587

So true sister

>> No.78279616

It probably won't happen, but imagine if they forced Elira to commission a new outfit out of her own pocket because of that.

>> No.78279763

They don't look similar at all, anyone saying the hands look similar... they're fucking hands, would you prefer it be a damn stump?

>> No.78279858

>Nijisanji b-bad! D-do I fit in yet?
No, sister, you don't.

>> No.78280097

It's not just the hand, it's the general outline, the hair and the default pose. All of them are very similar to Kamame's other daughters. It's not just a rrat amongst anons either, some of the biggest Doki (and formerly Selen) fan artists are speculating on twitter thst it's Kamame.

>> No.78280148
File: 1.62 MB, 1439x1864, 1718573204857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cope

>> No.78280281

Nta, and Kamame clearly love all of their daughters, but I think the anon was suggesting Niji would be the one with the issue - not Kamame.

>> No.78280363

Except they're the most Niji posters here. They think that because Doki is former Niji that it's like it never happened. They think they're not still the same quality of dog shit.

>> No.78280376
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, [sound=files.catbox.moe_2Fu6mb56.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78280390

Why has a problem with an artist who mainly draws elira over someone else now?

>> No.78280485
File: 2.01 MB, 1280x720, shut the fuck up[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fceiqc8.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78280749

>who mainly draws elira
First of all that's not really true, Kamame draws most of the daughters fairly frequently - more so the newest two most recently. And as for your question like I say I'm not the anon you originally replied to and I doubt Niji would actually cause a fuss but they have been shown to be pretty petty before.

>> No.78280958
File: 492 KB, 604x857, kama mama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T.A., and indeed. I was suggesting exactly that, because Niji are indeed that petty. Picrel.
Look at the lighting! Nearly identical to the livers' silver play button pics!
Did they actually send Kamame merch of Petra and Rosemi? Or just a photo of their merch, along with an implied "tweet this pic or else" threat?

>> No.78281076

Trying too hard and not even funny

>> No.78281181

True, it's probably not Kamame

>> No.78281235

What a fucking slap in the face.

>> No.78281324
File: 383 KB, 400x300, 42e23303-8463-43aa-92c1-73669d6ce730_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mrw grudgeposting this next Saturday

>> No.78281437

No need to. I'm happy either way. I'm just saying it might not be Kamame but if it is cool.

>> No.78281572

Kamamesigogo was the artist for the merch, this is why they sent this to him.

>> No.78281775
File: 291 KB, 1280x720, 1711682472759453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah, but that's also the art from the generic obsydia artwork she did for them, which originally did include Selen. I'm too lazy to find the originals, but it's the same art they used for the AR live

>> No.78281920

Yes, I'm sure that's the only reason why Niji sent Selen's mama photos of merch of Selen's wavemates from an event Selen was Stalin'd out of.

Did they also send Elira's mama photos of Elira merch from that same event? Because Elira's mama is also Selen's mama, and Niji is clearly capable of sending photos of AR Live merch to Kamame.

>> No.78282480

I didn't realize they reused the artwork from the AR live. Holy mother of cheap and lazy.

>> No.78282751

No. They only sent obsydia. No elira. It's clearly a japanese threat.

>> No.78282805

If you think that's bad, you should see the 40 dollar(before japanese shipping costs) t-shirts they sold of just default portraits.

>> No.78282846

i like the dokibird design. why would she completely change it after all the branding she already has with it, not to mention merch
utterly dumb business idea

>> No.78282923
File: 198 KB, 512x512, 1705546713032378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waoh cowboys are so cool

>> No.78282948

Honestly, this is a smart thing for her to do. Her current model is associated with will all the drama via people using her likeness to shit on Niji and that's bad optics, bad for branding, and bad for business. Her rebranding with a new model sort of distances herself from all that by having a new look and theme. But she can still capitalize on her old model via merch and the like while having a new look disassociated with all that. In other words, she can have her cake and eat it too. Pretty smart if you ask me.

>> No.78282970




>> No.78283142
File: 1.07 MB, 151x233, 1000010207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably gonna be called a sister for this, but Doki's model is really damn bad. Both art and rigging wise. It's excusable though since she had it made 4 years ago when rigging/art was very primitive.

Hope she got someone good for the upgrade.

>> No.78283264

I miss it badly... It's one of the best in the industry for cooming...

>> No.78283401

Didn't she already have it touched up though? And yeah it's rigged like shit but so was Selen.

>> No.78283405

Nah, that's fair criticism.

>> No.78283517


Yeah, even if she didn't go for a full redesign it needed an update, and she recognized that pretty clearly too. The update made it bearable enough but even dragoons have been itching bad for it.

>> No.78283641

What's wrong, Nijisisters?
Anycolor couldn't tardwrangle an artist and you're upset?

>> No.78283757

The rigger of the new model is cillia, that IMHO is one of the best around right now.

>> No.78283805
File: 142 KB, 850x1113, Ame-Cowgal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cowgals

>> No.78283836

Only slightly, because she already planned on getting a new model so she didn't want to spend too much trying to improve the current one.

>> No.78283874

shit taste.
cilia's not even in the top 10.

>> No.78283932


>> No.78283986

Cillia has done some amazing work; just look up Limes and Snuffy for examples if you want to. Their models are great.

>> No.78284043

This but Sayu

>> No.78284061

I mean, dunking on Niji still gets the dramafag channels a ton of views so it might be that.

>> No.78284110

No thanks

>> No.78285994

Who is the right supposed to be?

>> No.78286222


>> No.78287708
File: 15 KB, 585x213, 1700962649235649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vox sisters won't be happy

>> No.78287776


>> No.78288185
File: 209 KB, 1493x1528, __selen_tatsuki_pomu_rainpuff_selen_tatsuki_and_pomu_rainpuff_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_ricegnat__01aa5bacb13e9cddf07d8e2630296bf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear if Mint gets an outfit of a similar theme I'll ship them harder than ever before.

>> No.78288455
File: 69 KB, 587x587, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, also nijisisters still melting on xitter about doki

>> No.78289114

I'm glad someone's calling them out on their attempts to portray themselves as a virtuous and innocent fanbase.

>> No.78289229


>> No.78290761

yeah, sisters suck

>> No.78290851

they have no self awarness

>> No.78292000

>"Oh no...some random artist made a clip of doki shitting on Elira and Vox...Doki and her fans are bullies!"
MF trying to memory hole blackscreen is still up at this very moment
GTFO with your virtue signaling NIJIKEKS no one buying it
You deserves all the karma that come back and bite your ass for all the shit you and your oshi been done for years

>> No.78292450

You can already tell it's got fucking cowboy boots so thematically is not gonna look anything like Selen's weird quasi-futurstic look with a half-apron thing on it (which was and still is weird).

There is also this thing character designers basically all do where you have a default standing pose designed to show the front/back of the arms to get more info into the same image. Standing with a wide open hand has nothing at all to do with being a Selen thing whatsoever.

>> No.78294363

Imagine seething this hard. By the time anyone touches you, your eggs will have dried and evaporated so there is solace in knowing you will be the last of your kind.

>> No.78294651

That is quite possibly the nicest thing you could say to a sister, given how they're usually rapebabies knowing their bloodline ends with them must be a load off their minds.

>> No.78294795

>he doesn't know about The Gibara Incident
Niji loves to unperson artists who even slightly step on their toes.

>> No.78296846

