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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78200650 No.78200650 [Reply] [Original]

Fighter edition

/999/ - Henya the Genius, from Vshojo

/voms/ - VOMS Project, and former members
- Hikasa Tomoshika (TMSK): https://www.youtube.com/@tomoshikahikasa
- Haneuzu Miuneru: https://www.youtube.com/@Miuneru
- Daimonji Ryugon (DMJ): https://www.youtube.com/@ryugondaimonji
- Zengaku Sanparo: https://www.youtube.com/@Sanparo_Z
- Uemine Noruju: https://www.youtube.com/@UemineNoruju
- Michimata Batoya: https://www.youtube.com/@Batoya_

- Ebosi (Formerly Jitomi Monoe): https://www.youtube.com/@ebosi
- Amano Pikamee Archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCajhBT4nMrg3DLS-bLL2RCg

>> No.78201228

Live and phonk intro time.

>> No.78201270
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Intro goes hard today

>> No.78201741

henya learned split audio.
she is a geega chad now

>> No.78201840

not sure when she changed it but the on screen celebration is 1000 bits now

>> No.78201839

Well RIP Vod watchers, no BGM for them anymore. But atleast we can now get Henya vocaroos without music in the background.

>> No.78202080

it was way too cheap before

>> No.78202235

Great that she figured it out but with how often she sings the bgm this is pretty dumb.

>> No.78202272
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>> No.78202600

henya has to deal with false copyright claims on youtube

>> No.78202981

stucking in my head is my favorite henya english

>> No.78204120

Oh wow Muse Dash mentioned. She was sponsored to play that forever ago.

>> No.78204423

>Henya realizes no one reads the pinned comment after not reading it herself.

>> No.78205144

Henya's playing Silent Hill.

>> No.78205575

>Tell me how the audio is
>People tell her it's crunchy and loud
>Doesn't look at chat for answers to her question
Henya pls...

>> No.78205934

we are playing JP silent hill with henya as translator.
what can go wrong?

>> No.78205954

Her audio in general is a mess today since she set up split audio. Notifications and TTS are way louder then usual.

>> No.78206525

memory card fixed now

>> No.78206543

>her model tracked her blowing on to the memory card
goddamn that was cute. I hope ironvertex does her next model

>> No.78206775

blowing into the card was so cute, didn't think zoomers knew that was a thing

I think iron vertex are confirmed to do the one after kevin's july model

>> No.78206829
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Good Seiso content

>> No.78208090

Never a good sign when she's motion sick this early in a game

>> No.78208534

To be fair that one camera move was designed to make you uneasy

>> No.78211211
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>> No.78211656

Seems like Henya has caught another whale

>> No.78212143

Maybe 2

>> No.78212669

suddenly a flood of gift subs out of nowhere
level 20 hype train

>> No.78212868

Where did this guy even come from. He subs like an hour ago and now drops like 4k USD on her.

>> No.78212937
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I know the japanese are ultra humble even when they haven't gone through hard shit but I really fucking hate when she puts herself down

>> No.78213245

Holy shit it keeps going

>> No.78213258

wouldn't be surprised if it's a stolen card.

>> No.78213336


>> No.78213347

Based if true

>> No.78213349

He asked in chat what her hype train record is. I guess that explains what he's trying to do.

>> No.78213441

What is her hype train record?

>> No.78213528

Level 35 with like 50% to 36

>> No.78213535

34 or 35 iirc

>> No.78213546
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A lot higher than the current one

>> No.78213782

definitely stolen or lotto winner

>> No.78213978

Crazy fucker is actually trying to beat the record by himself.
He is either an unironic oil prince or about to go into life-ruining debt.

>> No.78214248

It could be ChristofferReeses.
He resubbed today at the start of the stream and is suspiciously silent in this. Also he likes to be more under the radar.

>> No.78214252

700 now

>> No.78214403

800. Also he said "Oh no the timer is so low again" So looks like this anon was right >>78213349

>> No.78214736

Subs are also increasing in price next month, and the increase in Norway (where he's from) is fucking 40%, so maybe he's getting it out of system before the price increase

>> No.78215250

really doubt it's him, he's talked about budgeting his henya money and stuff

>> No.78215371

This guy has to be a kid using a stolen credit card.

>> No.78215460


>> No.78215590

Aw that sucks

>> No.78215625

Don't trust it, but any kind of refund he has to deal with Amazon.

>> No.78215662

>hey nyanners, just wanted to say thanks for not having ginormous breasts
>stay classy

>> No.78215680

oh nyo

>> No.78215898

There are some schizo tier shit in his logs in ironmouse's channel kek

>> No.78216010
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This dude is killing himself after this stream

>> No.78216118


Uh oh...

>> No.78216146

Based of him to give his entire bank account to Henya first, tbdesu

>> No.78216170

I gotta admit I wondered about that possibility
Impulsive actions being a common final act, and all...

>> No.78216472

I fucking hope not, and if he does, I fucking hope Henya never finds out about it.

>> No.78216474
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>she's crying of happiness

>> No.78216514

Best case scenario, he is just an attentionwhore with a lot of money since that would fit with his logs too.
But yeah it doesn't look good.

>> No.78216563

So the 35 train was when twitch was matching bits. This is crazy.

>> No.78216814
File: 330 KB, 1855x640, hype train record broken henya silent hill stream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hype train record broken

>> No.78217059

>Mamanya texts her that there is a car she wanted
I fucking can't.

>> No.78217692
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Hope mamanya gets that car

>> No.78218259
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how much did she just earn?

>> No.78218404

Around 11k after the twitch cut.

>> No.78219010
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well. mamanya can buy a used car with that

>> No.78219789


>> No.78221474

Props for actually trying. I just fucking googled it.

>> No.78221825

She actually figured it out. Holy Shit.

>> No.78222631

I love you Henry but the crackling is starting to drive me insane...

>> No.78222976

There were like 10 people saying that it's crunchy but with the rest of the chat just spamming emotes and continuing like normal she was never gonna see that.

>> No.78224502

I just ended up watching someone else, gave up on trying to tell her the audio's crackling since I don't have bits to TTS it

>> No.78226107

I thought the audio was supposed to have the crackling

>> No.78226398

No, it happened when she was at the bird puzzle. When she was searching for the english TL it suddenly started.

>> No.78227351

Even if you did, you'd get drowned out by yes-men saying it's fine.

>> No.78227820

Like the time people were saying that something is wrong with the bitrate and got told by dozen chatters "no its on your end" or "just refresh" Few minutes later Henya confirms that she turned it down and forgot to up it again.

>> No.78228943

Funnily enought that exact thing just happened. Someone said it's crackling and got told that it's normal. No it's fucking not.

>> No.78230935

this guy is the loudest eater

>> No.78234450
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>> No.78235252

DAMN that was fast

>> No.78235915


>> No.78235936

>she could have fixed the audio in an instant if someone had just told her

>> No.78236481

Glad people in chat actually told her this time instead of just spamming the ok emote.

>> No.78236706

Henya saying in JP that she wants to play Bokunatsu but instead she is playing this scary game. Forgot about that one, that was such a comfy playthrough

>> No.78237330

Henya is the first vtuber to be cuckedo by the sun

>> No.78240061

I wouldn't use that word with that much screaming.

>> No.78240311

Was she screaming that much? Only time I remember her getting fired up was during the beetle fighting minigame.

>> No.78242683

good night hentais
