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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78165933 No.78165933 [Reply] [Original]

She's pretty cute.

>> No.78166039

Making fun of suicide attempts your comoany is respnsible for isn't cute.

>> No.78166061

good thing her name isn't reimu endou or you might have a point. think you're in the wrong thread buddy.

>> No.78166080

I think you made a mistake. This is the catalog, not /nijien/.
Nijis aren't welcome here.

>> No.78166244

I think it's great that Twisty has pulled such a large audience of fanfiction writers

>> No.78166315
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>> No.78166338


>> No.78166411

>still astroturfing
i thought had a borderline dead containment general

>> No.78166416

she's extremely cute, and based. Just gives zero fucks. She does the Kronii narcissism schtick, but mixed with bratty cunny, it's perfect. My new oshi!

>> No.78166459

how is it astroturfing if I just like a vtuber? you can just not click on the thread instead of shitting and pissing yourself.

>> No.78167962


>> No.78167979

I've noticed something sus about her streaming habits, but I'll keep it to myself until there's one more piece of evidence to confirm my suspicion.

>> No.78168067

Why is she airing her pits

>> No.78168094

Good luck, detective anon. I hope you find out something funny.

>> No.78168110

>i'm so parasocial for my viewers uwu thank you guys chu chu chu ojisan ojisan zako zako
>joins VC with males flirt and moans for them

>> No.78168168

Sisters will say it's AI, bots, and waiting till the last day to buy tickets is the norm!

>> No.78168213

Especially when she imitates her male coworker orgasm voice

>> No.78168767
File: 139 KB, 274x253, 1702951415396032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twisty noticed that any time she collabs she gets a ton of hate from Twitter sisters. Especially when she interacts with males people take her words out of context and treat her like shit when she's just talking to coworkers based on an established dynamic. Like she keeps seeing women spreading that clip of her on Vanta's stream and calling her a terrible person. Women twisted the clip of her getting scratched by her cat into being "self-harm."

Really makes you think why they feel so threatened by her.

>> No.78168818
File: 261 KB, 780x1009, sistersvstwisty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I do find it really fucking funny that the sisters are the one harassing her and not the people /here/ like the catalog spammers love to pretend, she entirely knew what she was getting into when she joined, and she still pissed me the fuck off with her little harassment joke, so I'm absolutely not running to her defense any time soon.

>> No.78168871

/here/ is largely self-contained. the livers can avoid it if they just don't come to 4chan and block the 3 or 4 repetitive dramafag youtubers. twitter women demand attention using a platform the vtuber is contractually obligated to use to shittalk her.

>> No.78169055

I've seen so many posts about the hate she gets but this is quite literally the only proof I've ever seen of it, and none of it is mentioning her by name.

Much like Elira the way people hate her is by just not watching her.

>> No.78169099

shes talking about NSFW shit
is she actually based and the opposite of seiso?

>> No.78169154

She said Twitter's algorithm keeps forcing Twisty related content at her even though she doesn't search for it, because it thinks it's relevant to her. Also Twitter keeps recommending her gore videos when she'd rather see hentai.

She's lewd but doesn't like men. She just loves seeing attractive anime girls being ryona'd

>> No.78169272

What's this irrelevant shit got to do with:
>Making fun of suicide attempts

>> No.78169341

Suicide jokes are funny actually

>> No.78169488

>and the opposite of seiso?
Ojousama is very seiso.

>> No.78169593
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She just asked if men feel good when pooping because of their prostate

>> No.78169757

She said her favorite anime is Redo of Healer.
Yeah. Favorite anime.
Look, I totally get liking it, but favorite anime?
I don't buy it.

>> No.78169781

that came out within 5 years, no way its her favorite unless she literally never saw anime before then

>> No.78169864

holy based

>> No.78169891

nijinigger and their honeymoon phase

>> No.78169917

Don't watch her Minecraft stream from this morning where she talked more about her anime tastes.
She has genuinely awful taste. Not in the typical roastie/yume awful taste of liking MHA and generic BL slop. The kind of awful taste where it seems like she's picking shows entirely at random.
Some examples:
>She thinks Bofuri is one of the best anime ever
>She only watches shows with cute girls
>She doesn't like slice of life unless it's isekai
>She doesn't like Made in Abyss
>She hates Jojo because Araki draws all the girls to look like men
>She doesn't like action shows
>She doesn't like anything with a long and boring story
>She likes Deadman Wonderland
>She liked Psycho Pass but also didn't like Psycho Pass

>> No.78169923

Didn't you three idiots make your general so that we wouldn't have to deal with you polluting the catalog?

>> No.78170066

Ah yes, that we wouldn't want to miss out on such stellar discussion in those catalog threads.

>> No.78170268

Clearly her favorite anime is Interspecies Reviewers. She's just embarrassed to say it and went with something lighter that wasn't banned by Crunchyroll.

>> No.78170693

Twisty only watches dubbed anime, I might kill myself

>> No.78171128

Tried to watch her but it got boring real quick lol, maybe just stick to your general?

>> No.78171147

maybe she's just not for you. I find her cute. she's very sincere and open.

>> No.78171221

she sounds like she has ADHD
i work with kids and she talks exactly like one of my students who suffers from it, very quick to respond to chat even if it completely changes the conversation

>> No.78171277

Yeah she also sounds pretty heavily medicated a lot of the time. ADHD is the most likely if ADHD meds are the reason she's always mellow and sleepy.

>> No.78171846

Even her own general would rather talk about dubs vs subs than discuss her stream.

>> No.78172067
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The thing about Twisty is that, just like any 2view or small 3view, all her discussion happens in her actual chat. There's not much to talk about on 4chan when you can directly interact with the streamer and she streams 12+ hours a day.

>> No.78172273

So why did sisters doxx a 14 year old and why were they targeting Twisty in the first place?

>> No.78172307

That's what they like to do even with the ones they like

>> No.78172323

Another victim of a made up disorder used to pacify people with narcotics to keep them in a vegetable state so they continue to feel like shit indefinitely and keep buying more. Sad to see.

>> No.78172362

>says she doesn't like male collab
>shows up on Vanta's Elden Ring
>makes orgasm moans for Wilson
>talks about gay sex and fujo topics for 2 hours
there are no good nijis

>> No.78172398

She said she's trying to fit in with their audience when she joins other people's streams because she doesn't want people to hate her. It's pretty normal.

>> No.78172426

She just panders and says whatever she thinks people want to hear.
>Oh sure I totally love loli
>Yeahhh I hate male collabs lol
>oh btw I love this thing you also love
>oh btw I hate this thing you also hate
>oh yeah I love this random assortment of anime I just googled
>btw sexy gfe asmr yeah I'll do that, and earlicking too
She's the ultimate pandering tryhard who will say whatever it takes to get gachis.

>> No.78172453

Did she have to talk about Wilson's orgasm for 10 minutes? That was kind of awkward.

>> No.78172454

You just sound like a bitter femcel trying to drag her down because she's cute and you're not.

>> No.78172461

Yeah that's not a good thing and just comes off as not being genuine about anything

>> No.78172489

I don't watch Vanta or Wilson so I don't know. You watch male vtubers so I'll just take your word for it but that's just a reflection of how bad their fans are I guess.

>> No.78172520

A general would also be on the catalog.

>> No.78172530

Are you retarded?

>> No.78172546

Are you?

>> No.78172564

Doesn't it display how fake she is when she pretends she's "not like the other girls" when she is, in fact, exactly like them at the end of the day

>> No.78172598

She never said she didn't like male collabs. She said she didn't want to collab much because she's awkward and afraid of annoying her collab partner.

>> No.78172624

A general is so the catalog won't clogged with 8 Twisty threads

>> No.78172632

The entire thread was shilling the fuck out of her so I turned on the collab. It was exactly how every one of those collabs is
>a bunch of gay sex talk
>all the girls trying to get in Vanta's pants
>lol sex, lol orgasm, lol sex sex, degeneracy and sex, and gay sex and moaning orgasm and sex and....
that's all those collabs every time. Who wants to watch that shit? And twisty is completely fake btw, she'll say whatever you want to hear to get money

>> No.78172678

I really have no idea what you're trying to imply. When she's with her chat she shows her true self, a shy ADHD autistic kid. When she's in collabs she tries to fit what the collab participants want from her because it's her job to be a bratty ojou character that taunts and bullies people. That's just vtubing 101. It's not a complicated subject, if you don't like how she behaves on Vanta's streams just don't watch Vanta's streams.
I swear this happens with every single woman in NijiEN the moment they do collabs. Sisters did the same shit with Nina any time she taunted the boys they got insanely mad and harassed her. Then they did it with Reimu and Kotoka and Vivi and now Twisty. If you can't handle someone making fun of your oshi just stop watching collabs fucking dumb fujo.

>> No.78172708

She's gotten a lot of hate and has really bad numbers so she's just desperately trying to get people to like her by agreeing with everyone even if it becomes contradictory. The hate definitely keeps her up at night.

>> No.78172713

But apparently the other day she said she only wants to collab with Klara and she also said she doesn't care about NijiEN. I don't know how true either of these actually are considering most things that are quoted about her are all over the place

>> No.78172715

how many Twisty threads do you see right now?

>> No.78172717

I gave her a try a couple times and honestly regardless of the other stuff I found her just boring. I guess if you're into cunny maybe you're buying what she's selling.

>> No.78172756

>she shows her true self, a shy ADHD autistic kid
She's no kid, she's pandering to you and trying to be a pedo GFE bait.
>if you don't like how she behaves on Vanta's streams just don't watch Vanta's streams.
Coping because your oshi just did a bunch of sex talk with Vanta? "Oh it's ok because I just didn't watch it" lmao ok

>> No.78172770

Don't just ignore the fact that before there was a general there was at least 4 on the catalog and I'm not talking about right now it was before there was a general at all

>> No.78172798

>your oshi just did a bunch of sex talk with Vanta
dude nobody here watches the males, just post a clip or something im not gonna go back to look through a vod

>> No.78172807

so you're saying 4 people wanted to talk about Twisty enough to make threads about her and somehow this is a problem why?
do we really have such a demand for catalog threads that we need to curate who is allowed to make threads about which vtubers? seems incredibly childish.

>> No.78172810

Schizo? Are the Twisty threads in the thread with us right now?

>> No.78172817

None of this would've happened if she had just stopped using that ugly Minecraft texture pack and that's a fact.

>> No.78172875

I'm glad she's at least feeling the pressure of being a female vtuber in NijiEN, twitter sisters absolutely hate her

>> No.78172882

"I'm shilling this girl all over the catalog, but I totally didn't watch that collab she just did 3 minutes before she started her stream"
Oh believe me clips will be passed around

>> No.78172903
File: 104 KB, 384x364, 1707122934166738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtuber debuts
>schizo immediately comes up with the most deranged rrats possible that "vtuber" is having sex with "male coworker" and all her fans are cuckolds
>vtuber's fans just think the schizo is weird for obsessing over cuckoldry and forcing his fantasies onto others
>schizo keeps repeating it and spamming clips of their single interaction completely oblivious that no one feels cucked except him
do you masturbate to these fantasies or what's your end game here? it's just kinda weird how much you care about a male vtuber's stream.

>> No.78172918

Please explain to me why you think generals exist then?

>> No.78172932

It proved she's a fucking liar, because she said she wasn't going to be another Nijiwhore, and she literally is one

>> No.78172947

because people want a hugbox they can self-quarantine into to circlejerk over their love of their oshi without criticism. stop encouraging generals.

>> No.78172987

"I deliberately entered a thread and now I'm mad?"

>> No.78173000

>mad people entered one of the 1000 threads you're spamming of this person

>> No.78173020

Who are you quoting?

>> No.78173028

You know being a niji means she'll absolutely have to collab with males right? This no-males standard that you have in your mind is absolutely impossible to achieve for a female niji, it's only achievable for holos or something

>> No.78173083

>1000 threads
I asked you how many threads do you see about Twisty in the catalog. Like, two? During dead hours when no one is using this board except SEA monkeys? Why are you so butthurt over her existence?

>> No.78173173

Anon she isn't "reluctantly collabing with males" she talked about gay sex and orgasms so much that she made Vanta uncomfortable actually, and Wilson almost left the stream because she was imitating the noises he makes when he orgasms and talking about his penis

>> No.78173327

Which stream is this?

>> No.78173352

You watch a lot of males for someone that supposedly hates males.

>> No.78173373

>>78173327 (me)
Nevermind, found it.

>> No.78173375

Vanta's recent ER stream

>> No.78173393

Vanta's Dark Souls stream where he did an open VC and Twisty and Klara joined it. Then Twisty left to do her own stream.

>> No.78173426

She auditioned to be reimu though.

>> No.78173459

You can tell when an rrat is made by women because they'll watch something and project thir own reality onto it, while men will only grab shit that actually exists in the real world.

>> No.78173502

Timestamp for the moaning in Vanta's stream?

>> No.78173615

I'm watching the vod now and she's making everything so awkward lmao. I can literally feel the guys internally begging her to tone it down.

>> No.78173628

okok fine I'll find it geez

>> No.78173771
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Vanta sisters absolutely hated every single second of it

>> No.78173797
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>> No.78173822

It explains a lot about the hate she's receiving.
>cunny vtuber that panders to lolicons
>i'm supposed to believe /vt/ hates her and it's not femcels falseflagging
lol sure ok

>> No.78174121

I really don't get why Niji choose a weird mesugaki even without the selen drama.
They hope to wide their audience to otaku pandering? They are a company famous for hate traditional weeb shit like Moe, CGDCT, homo relationships, anti idol culture etc and that was their selling point to woman, cucks and troons.
Maybe subvert the "Mesugaki loli" trend?
A loli requiem cover, but with lyrics actually denouncing lolicons?
Zaako brat who fucks ikemen for the cuck audience?
I don't get it, niji audience are nerd woman and twitterfreaks and they totally hate her, even if she try to be a "good" lolituber.
She is dead on arrive just for enter niji, even without the drama

>> No.78174169
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>They are a company famous for hate traditional weeb shit like Moe, CGDCT, homo relationships, anti idol culture etc and that was their selling point to woman, cucks and troons.
you're such a fucking retard it hurts. Niji has some of the best lolis in the industry.

>> No.78174188

Still not sure how she thought trying to grift off of GFE+cunny would be a good idea in fucking Nijisanji of all places

Just be another generic cocksleeve Luxiem-leech and Riku bootlicker and you'd be more successful, loser

>> No.78174269

NijiEN hires females based on how good of an accessory they can be to the males. They probably thought that a bratty younger sister type would be a good addition. But the girl they picked ended up being socially inept and unable to read the room so it's been backfiring.

>> No.78174282

>”And I saw a list of things I supposedly did that I’m guilty of”
Lmfao sisters already putting her in the book of grudges

>> No.78174376

The problem is that she's kind of a nasty person so /vt/ doesn't want her either. She would have a lot more saviorfags if people actually felt she was someone worth defending.

>> No.78174406

>The problem is that she's kind of a nasty person
She's only nasty in the unkempt loli NEET sense. She doesn't bathe and lives off candy and corndogs but that's about it.

>> No.78174434

anon, it was a /vt/ greentext pissed off that she went to aster's stream in the middle of her ASMR

>> No.78174454

Post it

>> No.78174467

First Sonny fans and now Vanta fans is she on track to most hated?

>> No.78174703


Klara wants Vanta to hold her hand. Twisty teases Vanta that she can touch Klara's boobs but Vanta can't. Klara keeps repeating she wants to hold Vanta's hand.
Twisty says that Vanta wants her stepmother. (2:28:50) Twisty says that Vanta was on her knees for her begging her. Vanta and Wilson are weirded out, and start begging for someone else to join the call.
Twisty keeps repeating that Vanta is her big brother.
Klara wants to buy Vanta's body pillow. Repeats several time
Twisty says she'll buy Vanta's body pillow, and then force him to sign it. Really weird, like she's trying to be "femdom" but with Vanta?
Twisty googled a lewd mousepad of Finana and is posting it in the discord. "tee hee don't look you are boys" and they look anyway
Twisty looks up gay porn of the boys, and Vanta threatens to kick them off the stream. (2:40:40) Twisty is looking at naked art of Vanta but says it's not as dirty as she was expecting.
Twisty reads fanfiction of the males
Finana says Wilson likes to climax or something, and Twisty imitates Wilson cumming.
Wilson almost leaves the stream.
Twisty asks if Vanta is into milfs, things get awkward when Finana starts talking about actual incest.
3:00:33, 3:01:35
Twisty keeps repeating she wants to go on a lobster date with everyone.

She was also on the stream before this time but I didn't watch that part, by Vanta's reactions she was saying some crazy stuff there too.

>> No.78174815

Who is this stuff actually supposed to appeal to?

>> No.78174860


>> No.78174884

Actually Finana talks about incest a little bit before that like, 5 mins before

>> No.78174902

lol imagine wasting your time to spoonfeed retards on the internet (thanks btw)

>> No.78174916

Oh I just realized, she's not talking about incest, she's talking about people dating their friend's moms, not their own moms

>> No.78175038

Grimmi actually gets to be Twisty
You have penisrot and your dick falls off if you have an erection for longer than 10 minutes

>> No.78175058

Yeah, good design. Too bad she's niji trash.

>> No.78175086

You can pretty much just watch right from the moment she shows up. It turns awkward so fast that Vanta starts asking management to do something about her. Too many things to timestamp cause almost every moment it feels like those dudes are dying on the inside.

>> No.78175302

This is what anons mean when they mean when they say Vshojo-tier

>> No.78175575

damn even the whorpo chuubas have more class than her

>> No.78176124

Waiting for the next bait thread so you can share your findings, anon

>> No.78176382

The sister moralfaggotry is oozing out of every word you typed there. I swear there's a fucking sentence template or something you "people" use because this looks shockingly similar to some of the shit that was said about Doki in March.

>> No.78176401
File: 91 KB, 1024x819, 1718147899466503m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this... the legendary female sexpest?

>> No.78176473

I mean NijiEN
NijiJP is like another company with different audience

>> No.78176584

well shows you they totally gave up on the male audience at this point I wouldn't even call it sister pandering though they're literally pandering to themselves

>> No.78176611

She's completely ruining the entire stream every moment she's allowed to speak. This is amazing. This austistc zoomer girl is doing more to sabotage NijiEN than anything retards on /vt/ could come up with.
Why are people acting like it's a bad thing that she's making the boys' streams objectively terrible every moment she's on them?

>> No.78176647

I get it like a NijiEN Kobo.
That said she only works with ID fanbase, because they don't mind homo interaction.
That will not work with EN unicorns (not interested) and jealous psycho sisters (harrass her for being too close to their gayboys)

>> No.78176682

Honestly I think I believe her when she says she doesn't like doing collabs. This is just an ingenious strategy to get herself permabanned from collabing.

>> No.78176919

>He actually thinks Vanta ever actually means he'll ban people when he threatens to
>Thinks Twisty saying that she's an ojou sama is her trying to be "femdom"
How much of a blatant dramafag do you have to be?

>> No.78177137
File: 283 KB, 850x1258, sample_1c4af444d620515e2f0a9b182bf73970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another day of twisty not being able to even reach 500 viewers
>Another day of her biggest groomers trying to convince people on here to watch her
How much of a cuck do you have to be to fail grooming then beg for other men to come over?

>> No.78177385

get a life, twistyschizo

>> No.78177458

It's hot how eager Twisty is to flirt with men. The loli model has made everyone too pussy to join in tho

>> No.78177950

Klara's so fucking cute but Twisty's autism makes her talk over her reeeeee

>> No.78177986

This is why I dropped Twisty for Immy

>> No.78178784

Damm he sounds pissed af lol

>> No.78179499

No, her saying that she's going to force him to do things, and go on his knees, and stuff like that, is clear femdom stuff.

>> No.78179730

Remember back when they posted the last round of auditions, people here were joking about applying just to sabotage the company even further?
I think Twisty actually did it.

>> No.78179795

I think this gen was from the one before that

>> No.78180341
File: 327 KB, 542x578, IMG_3115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m gonna be frank, this wave are completely blameless, they didn’t joined the company after what happened with Selen. The process takes months, at the latest they could have applied is probably December. This whole “they knew what they were coming into” is just another excuse folks use in an attempt to either not feel sympathy for the latest group or an excuse to lump them with the bad eggs.
As for the clip that is being spread around of her making fun of Doki is also bullshit, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that’s twisty form of “comedy” is it tasteless? maybe, but that’s just how she is. She’s an incest, ryona/guro, loli loving girl, of course she’s gonna be freaky. Legit just watch her streams and it will become obvious how this girl is not that bright and has many issued coming from her own personal life, using any of this to anti majes you no better than the ones bullying other coworkers

>> No.78180485

Autistic level receipts are the best content found on 4chan. Go back, nijishill.

>> No.78180494

>the girls are the actual sexpests.

>> No.78180580

I feel like the only women who actually want to join Niji EN post black screen are actual sisters who want to sexpest the males.

>> No.78180591

Grimmi left right when the Selen thing happened
Twisty had to have joined after Selen Shock

>> No.78180656

>she is innocent because she must have joined before what happened to Selen
>admits the joke was at Selen's expense
>makes excuses for her tasteless joke anyway
What did you seek to accomplish here?

>> No.78180797

>admits the joke was at Selen's expense
When did I ever say that? I am not excusing her joke, just putting into context how that’s her brand and had nothing to do with Doki
Who’s Grimmi?

>> No.78180839

The chuuba who was originally going to be Twisty before she bailed after the Selen thing came out.

>> No.78180904

at this point, nijisanji's audition pool is filled with sexpests

>> No.78180911

If it had nothing to do with Doki why was the stream privated the moment it ended up /here/ ?

>> No.78180945

There is no concrete evidence of this by the way, least of all Grimmi's own testimony which doesn't count for some reason. Dramanigs need drama I guess.

>> No.78181045

I dunno. I think she's just being an annoying brat.
There's a pretty big rift between how lolis in media behave, and how actual real life children behave. Twisty is either a literal child, or simply behaves like one.
This is the behaviour of a snot nosed brat who found something lewd and thinks it's funny to grief adults with it. And not in the super sexualised mesugaki way, but in the actual super inconvenient and tiresome to deal with child way.
Problem is it's throwing everyone because they're trying to treat her like an adult, and accidentally creating peak awkward content in the process.
If they want to salvage their stream they should just ignore everything she says when she starts trolling and say "I think it's past your bedtime ojousama" or "if you keep this up there'll be no candy later on"
She'll hiss and cry, but at least they changed the subject quickly.

>> No.78181281

The only corpo that Grimmi has banned in her chat is NijiEN
You'd have to be retarded to not be able to guess which corpo she bailed on.

>> No.78181576

If Twisty is too slutty for you, I recommend giving Immy a try
She is doing a feet stream soon:
