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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 239 KB, 598x713, Screenshot 2024-06-15 at 07-30-40 星川サラ🌟Sara Hoshikawa on X 🌈- 告知 -🌈 / 6_15(土) 19 00~ にじさんじGTAサーバー開催✨ \ ★主催:星川サラ&叶先輩 Supported by STGR #にじGTA 🔴サーバー[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78163562 No.78163562 [Reply] [Original]

What, did they get kicked out of VCR or something?
It's starting in like 3 hours apparently

>> No.78164019

holozhang deflection thread

>> No.78164409

most likely, after all there is doki and other ex niji that will join vcr stuff, so niji are fucked

>> No.78164433

>joining VCR
Genuine question: do you know what VCR is?

>> No.78164506

Can't wait for civil war amongst Nijifans

>> No.78164522

Eh? Will they? I can't see Doki joining a japanese roleplay thing. Tournaments, sure, but not roleplay in a language she doesn't know.
And I have no idea what notChihiro's gonna be doing. I'm guessing that's the one, right?

>> No.78164524

Nijisister, you're still a zhang till this day so who are you calling zhangs rumao.

>> No.78164833


>> No.78164874

holy retard

>> No.78164932

That's not how that works, dumbass. No such thing as "holoseethe"

>> No.78165130
File: 1.92 MB, 1234x1909, 13be38199ad5388c84c4d0fdddaa33b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Supported by STGR
Realistically, it's because too many Nijis wanted to play GTAO, but there's too many of them for any 1 server.
But you can just ignore that and say it's because kson got invited a few days ago, and management is forcing them to avoid her.

>> No.78165394

All of you are assuming it's because VCR picked someone over Nijis, but I feel it has more to do with normie streamers at VCR not wanting to associate with Nijis over JP yabs that happened since the last VCR, like one of them openly talking about buying likes on a national radio, or the soju energy drink fiasco that got so bad Japanese government tweeted about it.

>> No.78165445
File: 79 KB, 1024x516, 1718378805292108m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Zhangs kneel to Westerners

>> No.78165989

That's also not really it as nijijp always has yabs, and CR is still collabing with nijisanji members to this day. Hell I'm pretty sure Arisaka was in that SF6 lobby the other day?
I think it's just Sutogura supported because they just don't want that many nijis. To be frank, if it weren't for Kanae joining the server would've been way better. Did you see how legitimately mad people got about him quitting ALLIN? Dude was getting like 40k viewers just because of the "drama". And he didn't even do anything bad, it's just that people are way too hardcore about that shit, even Leon Daihyou gets flak for random bullshit sometimes.

>> No.78166022

Wait, KSON got in?
Fucking KEK
Why does Niji hate her so much, anyways? Is it just china?

>> No.78166024


>> No.78166037

This isn't true because Deron is choosing to play STGR instead of NijiGTA plus Niji still plays with CR. Where are you guys getting these fanfics from, are you newfags?

>> No.78166552

holo doesn't need seethe for anything sis
they are literally winning

>> No.78166744

>Kson on in
That explains it

>> No.78167308

based kson and doki

>> No.78167695

It's not RP

>> No.78168087

And Kanae's still going to be dualtabbing them both I imagine. I really wish EOP's wouldn't speak on topics they know nothing about.

>> No.78168299

Every thign is happening because of kson and doki

>> No.78168352

the fuck is a dualtab.

>> No.78168801

Anon, nijis are still in the sutogura server. Most of them are pretty huge members of it. I know the companies black as hell but unless all of them are actively pulled out after this event it's got nothing to do with kson, and frankly I don't see Hoshikawa or Kanae or Nippleman especially dropping it for good. Ebio's pretty much the only one who has recently so Kson isn't even a remote part of it. Hell even Hayun joined a couple weeks ago apparently.
Dualtabbing was the wrong word since I was thinking in the process of being a viewer and not a streamer. Double dipping would be a better example, like how half of the people in VCRGTA ended up moving to sutogura for a few weeks or even permanently stayed like pretty much the entirety of the ALLIN gang. Mondo, Rain, Beni if you wanna count her being the longest lasting of the post-VCRGTA refugees, Chii-chan (RIP), Mother-san, Kawase, formerly Selly and Ebio and also obviously Kanae, the list goes on and on.
NijiGTA doesn't mean that they'll never return to Sutogura, only EOPs think this. If you're curious about how many nijis are still a part of it as of the past 2 weeks when Kson first joined, you can just check either their wiki or Sutogura's.

>> No.78168918

Retard doesn't even know what is vcr means

>> No.78169006

>>78168801 (me)
Also forgot to say I don't even know where Doki came into this conversation. The only EN a part of any GTA stuff was Meloco and Kotoka, neither of which moved to Sutogura to my knowledge. It's a Japanese server through and through, there's only a handful of foreigners in it like that one clerk whose name I'm blanking on that's fluent and RPR who is... not, but passable enough and I don't think has even touched the server in months now. It's a streamer server through and through.

>> No.78169223

real reason? kson plays alot on the server

>> No.78169350

Pretty much this

>> No.78169554

??? what why does kson being in mean entire niji has to leave the server? theyre not hololive or the chinese

>> No.78169606

One time in february, one time in april and last week. How is her existence even filtering nijisanji? She actually talked with a few of them.

>> No.78169610

???? Hoshikawa and kson interacted once at the server nothing bad happened for months

>> No.78169676

Kson is blacklisted by Niji. She said so herself.

>> No.78169735

>Intentionally chose to adress the "pretend you're baiting" part
Nijis will try to start fights even from imaginary problems.

>> No.78169758

It is truly baffling just how retarded this board is.

>> No.78170003

I get the appeal of seeing vtubers who've never even heard of each other before forming temporary friendships before fucking back to their 3 view streams but what is Niji going to bring to the table... oh

>> No.78170024

so then why has niji members continued to play on the server for months after she joined?

>> No.78170390

>did they get kicked out of VCR
There isn't even a VCR server active you drooling retard.

>> No.78170505

the managment is too incompete so they don't notice.

>> No.78170596

>the managment is too incompete

>> No.78170653

ITT: Holofags and numbermonkeys being salty because Holos don't have their own server

>> No.78170860
File: 609 KB, 2242x4095, 20240614_172511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish /vt/ was right for once and Niji really did get kicked out of stgr, because of kson or whatever the fuck. Because that server's content is garbage and yet it's all my oshi does and is known for these days.
>inb4 but he gets good noombers on twitch!
Yeah, he gets giga tourists who only care about the character he's RPing or the "drama", at the cost of alienating more and more of his existing audience. His numbers on anything that's not stgr have noticeably gone down. If any of your oshis had stgr as their main content for months you'd kill yourselves.
I don't know why I'm posting this.

>> No.78171059

She's not my oshi by any means, but I do enjoy a Hoshikawa stream from time to time but I haven't watched her in ages because of the GTA brainrot she's fallen into. I'm hoping Toru doesn't go too deep in this shit... At least Hayama won't forsake me.

>> No.78171146

The same management who allowed elira to stream and read document intended for their lawyer.
The same management who consistently send NDA agreement to a wrong artist name twice and end up with no NDA.
The same management who send a cease and desist to luca mod despite her NDA already expired months before.

>> No.78171149

Doi literally rt quotes hskw's announcement tweet, you are obviously know nothing about JP streamer sphere.

>> No.78171219

I suggest you read what I quoted again carefully and maybe you will realise what I'm actually pointing out there.

>> No.78171279

Kanae oshis have it rough...

>> No.78171354

i really cbf about your drama shit. What I want to know is who is running the server and what type of GTA RP server its going to be. I doubt they got the guys from VCR to run it.

>> No.78171364

Couldn't agree more. It's a cancer to basically everyone who isn't willing to invest every waking hour on one specific streamer, I wish this rrat that they're getting booted/pulling out because of kson was true if only for the fact it meant that we'd never see another non-VCR GTA stream again, but sadly anyone whose in the know also knows for a fact that it's just a dumb EOP rrat and that most of these people will either go right back to it orm if they're newbies, migrate over just like post-VCR. The best case scenario is that a dozen people only play on STGR for a couple of weeks and the fact that THAT'S the best case scenario fucking sucks.

>> No.78171373

Yea my bad i skim that as incompetent.

>> No.78171419

as a hologod i genuinely cant find anything to seethe about. probably because only watch fauna and kanade

>> No.78171524

I hope everyone can have a fun time with the Niji server but I'm kind of worried it may lead to more stgr victims. I don't understand why so many of them are so stubborn to play on that server when it's such filtering content with a completely different audience from their regular one.
It's been a hard time.. At some point I used to think it'd end soon but it just seems endless nowadays.

>> No.78171646

Only Job RP, no character RP.
It is STGR sponsored, so they are the same except no VCR staff. Shobosuke has listed his company, named GANMA so it's easier now to collaborate with other corp.

>> No.78171804

Didn't Kson already play STGR server at least once already? It was a few months ago.

>> No.78172133

sounds troublesome.. character RP allowed all streamers to break down barriers a bit when it comes to their rep / size as a streamer. They are all in it for creating content and this helped steer events along a proper path instead of being hijacked by whichever streamer has the biggest dick at the time. The greater number of NijiJPs are very cool though, but character RP was a natural limiter.

>> No.78172293

STGR management is going to help with running this niji GTA server just like how they helped run VCR's server a few months ago.

>> No.78172337

>Niji still plays with CR
not for long sister

>> No.78172393

>theyre not hololive or the chinese
retard never know that niji kneeling to china all this time KEK

>> No.78172397

Yes, yes. I'm sure the JP esports org is going to stop interacting with NijiJP because some chink tried to kill herself.

>> No.78172438

>board full of nijifag and nijisisters who desperate deflecting and defending their beloved black company
geez i wonder why the board retarded?

>> No.78172518

good for holo really, imagine having GTA server where it will be garbage GTA stream like niji

>> No.78172554

yes, i mean thats what happened before with apex and will happen in the future, whether you like it or not

>> No.78172576

Do you?
You know that Arupi is basically a VCR regular at this point alongside dtto right?

>> No.78172630

dtto speaks Japanese and rpr is just a fat leech that the Nips keep around because of Apex autism.

>> No.78172686

Right, just like Doki.
Also Arupi speaks japanese better than the likes of Sonny despite only living there recently.

>> No.78172870

The last CR Cup had Nijis in it though? Like do you even know what you are talking about?

>> No.78173286

kson has been there for like 3 months

>> No.78173320

You actually expect Pozzconnect fags to do the slightest bit of research?

>> No.78173345

if rpr is leech then what is niji?

>> No.78174608

Literally nobody in Japan cares about doki.

>> No.78174705

The fact that this has constantly been the first reply means the obsessed chinksisters must REALLY have their panties in a twist this time kek

>> No.78175141

what the fuck even goes on in STGR, it doesn't feel like actual rp since everyone is just running around with guns and supercars and nobody really plays a character too different from themselves

>> No.78175265

One of Holo"s first army GTA doesn't need a whole ass server and a lot of literal who playing to be kino. Just one elite and a gun and it will be peak GTA content.

>> No.78175292

the shareholders do KEK KEK KEK

>> No.78175385

You are a Zhang too so you holobronies and nijisisters are now related. Even if b2 begged yagoo it doesn't change the fact he aligned himself with the biggest Chinese communist propaganda machine. You what else b2 is used in china for? To indoctrinate children by teaching them those ccp values and anti American propaganda. But i know a lot of you holoburgers love being zhangs now. So get used to reciting your ccp pledge every morning while burning an America flag or wiping your ass with it.

>> No.78175502

>what the fuck even goes on in STGR
Clout chasing, a ton of talking and a lot of made up drama.
The RP is literally just an excuse/defense to do things that wouldn't be allowed in normal circumstances, and it gets abused by smaller streamers starving for attention.

>> No.78175503

No they don't

>> No.78176053

still negligible, landwhale sis?

>> No.78176090

Looking at the Q4 report Selen was completely neglible.

>> No.78176128

yeah, just cost a small 8 million share buyback RUMAO
the sister cope is so funny, you think you can deny reality while the yacht sinks in front of you

>> No.78176182

None of that happened because of your fat chink.

>> No.78176264

i thought you were the fat chink?
also, yes it did. it all happened directly after doki MOGGED nijiCN

>> No.78176452

Your slut is the fat chink. It's honestly extremely ironic that "holo fans" like you used to shit on Selen for being a fat chink but now that's she's "anti-niji" that's not allowed anymore.

>> No.78176511

You aren't Japaneae.

>> No.78176566

My two cents? Nijisanji wanted total control over everything again and told their streamers to relocated to a Niji-controlled server.

>> No.78176623

is this the one with Gojo's VA?

>> No.78176773

and its working for them.
huge numbers, all in house.

>> No.78176923
File: 35 KB, 334x417, 20240126_123551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a hologod
the face of of a hologod everyone.

>> No.78176931

bugsis, this self reporting must sting. it's already established that the only people left supporting niji are fujo chinkwhales
doki won btw, nijiCN is getting merged and no amount of your lard encrusted tears will stop it

>> No.78177041

KFP are more Niji than holo. They only support orange whore and her niji orbiters desperate for clout

>> No.78177090

The only one self reporting here is you

>> No.78177122

Oh sorry wrong board. The /vt/ one is even worse lmao

>> No.78177240

what does this have to do with the fujo nijiwhales being fat chinks? you seem to have a limited grasp on english AND logic - confirmed winnie the pooh roach

>> No.78177499

How does niji fujos being fat change the fact that you as a "hololive fan" hated selen for being a fat chink?

>> No.78177517

>are more niji than holo
>but are still in holo and even more "niji-like" talents keep getting in, see nerissa
mental gymnastics

>> No.78177580

and nerissa is kiara's biggest fan.
thanks for agreeing with me i guess?

>> No.78177654

>niji fujos being fat
Ah, you finally admitted it. Now maybe you can lose some weight.
Bronies don't give enough of a shit about 2 views to shit on them, that's you and your sisters speciality. Hiding being bronyfag pictures and falseflagging isn't exactly new to you, stop being disingenuous bugsis.

>> No.78177708

>Bronies don't give enough of a shit about 2 views to shit on them
/#/ ignored.....

>> No.78177760

I know, you tend to ignore the /#/ on your scales when you weigh yourself. No wonder they scare you so much.

>> No.78177873

how about the numbers in the Q4 negligible report? wanna talk about those instead KEK KEK KEK

>> No.78177902

aren't you tired

>> No.78177938

holy projection
they practically reached their predictions

>> No.78178029

so they didn't reach their predictions?
doki costing the yacht fund 8 million KEKAROO

>> No.78178156

Stop moving the goalpost. Your fat chink is neglible.

>> No.78178234

Your fat chink didn't cost them a cent. The drop from Q3 to Q4 was practicelly nothing.

>> No.78178237

you moved the goalpost first bringing holocucks in out of nowhere you autistic fat chink, you did that to escape the fact doki absolutely shit on nijiCN for Q4.
doki wins btw

>> No.78178277


>> No.78178316

Nah you moved the goalpost right here >>78176264 and you're STILL going on about doki not being fat chink because your whore of a sister is also a fat chink.

>> No.78178362

>brain damaged fat chink lover cannot argue and gets hung up on typos
Embarrassing display. There's truly no lower form of "argument".

>> No.78178444

typo? e and a aren't even close chinksis.
or are they close on whatever weird bug keyboard you use rumao

>> No.78178490

worse, they are burning money again like before

>> No.78178544

Keep pushing, fat chink lover. You're only making yourself look even dumber by not being able to address the fact that your fat chink had literally no impact on the financial situation of the company.

>> No.78178588

I'm calling you a fat chink because it's clearly made you mad enough to keep seething about it. It also doesn't change the fact Doki mogged an entire branch by herself and NijiCN absolutely dragged the whole of niji down in Q4.
Keep deflecting and moving the goalposts though KEKAROO

>> No.78178660
File: 180 KB, 1024x869, 1718419297477990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no impact
Here I go posting proof again, time for your fat roachsis ass to scurry off to miloads blowjob ASMR in shame

>> No.78178677

But you're the one who's mad.
You keep talking about who's a fat chink just because I called your whore a fat chink first RUMAO RORU RORU

>> No.78178714

this kills the nijivermin

>> No.78178745

buy an ad

>> No.78178760

Why are you posting a falsified chart? The Q3 to Q4 drop was the smallest of them all. It wasn't even a 100.

>> No.78178792

Prove it. Don't scurry away now you obese chinkwhale.

>> No.78178844

>the vshojofag reveals itself

>> No.78178858

this is what they say is negligible? a fucking 50% reduction in CCV in a year?

>> No.78178869

Why would I post the niji report at you when you're going to call the numbers fake?

>> No.78178898

So, you admit they're not falsified as you don't want to embarrass yourself further. Grim concession, roachsis.

>> No.78178924

The number on your little image is falsified. It even says "event spam removed". Why act like the number isn't edited when your image makes it obvious that it is?

>> No.78179012

Either post proof it's fake or take the DOKICOCK up your negligible ass. You lost, and you know it. DOKI WINS

>> No.78179064

Your image literally says "event spam removed". Are you illiterate and cannot actually read text?

>> No.78179134

This Pozzconnect faggot will say some shit like
>You're not proving that my image that says they manipulated the numbers isn't fake therefore Phase wins
Or something like that

>> No.78179136

>still no proof
How does the dokicock feel? Negligible? KEKAROO

>> No.78179160

this won't work out, they don't have enough nijisanji members to fill up the city. A good number of them aren't heavy streamers to begin with, and you can't expect them to be dedicated Sutogura streamers. The main one only functions as well as it does with 700 registered characters.
the niji one will be a ghost town after a month

>> No.78179202

it's a bot. they never get tired.

>> No.78179213

It's a 10ish day event anon, plenty of people are on it right now. You can check

>> No.78179214

Removing something, and admitting it is removed, doesn't make the rest of the numbers fake like you claimed.
Take the L, roachcunt. You lost, Doki won.

>> No.78179320

The proof is right there in the image. How many times do I need to say this?

The number that's being discussed is fake, you fucking retard. Your fat chink is negligible.

>> No.78179411

Prove it then. You talk so much about fake numbers, but keep trying to dodge the issue. Until you do, the numbers are real.
You don't like the fact that the numbers prove Doki single-handedly destroyed your bug corpo, and I'm not going to stop rubbing it in your face because you clearly need a reality check.

>> No.78179494

>How many times do I need to say this?
once would do you fat chink kek
just provide evidence, it isn't hard. your only excuse is the ironic "I DONT WANT TO GIVE PROOF BECAUSE YOU'LL CALL IT FAKE" RORU RORU

>> No.78179526
File: 3.93 MB, 1280x720, 1718414012425287.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78179577

The proof is in the image. How many more times do I need to say this?
>your bug corpo
Since when is nijishit mine? All I ever did was mock your ugly fat chink whore and your cringy campaign that you've been running for half a year.
Niji is going down but you and your fat chink are not the reason for it. You have had NO EFFECT. You are NEGLIGIBLE.

If once was enough you would have stopped spamming this retarded question but you're still at it. The image itself is evidence enough. Why is it saying "event spam removed" if the numbers are not altered?

>> No.78179622

>no proof
that means...drum roll....
and the sister had to admit it

>> No.78179694

The proof is in the image. You claimed once should be enough but clearly you're too stupid to understand written words.

>> No.78179728

I explained why that isn't proof. Stop evading. We both know you haven't got any evidence the numbers are falsified, so you dancing around in such a humiliating fashion must be too embarrassing even for a fat bug cunt like you.
I guess we can both agree that Doki mogged NijiCN, then. Thanks for playing, it was actually really amusing making a genuine, in the flesh sister seethe this hard.

>> No.78179768

>no proof

>> No.78179864


>> No.78179878
File: 39 KB, 380x495, UmwCrRX81G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image itself admits that it's altering the numbers, moron.
Here's the original numbers. Now you're going to claim that these numbers are fake just like I predicted initially. Your fat chink and your autism campaign have been negligible.

The proof is in the image. Your fat chink had zero effect.

>> No.78179967


>> No.78180005

Why are you moving the goalpost again? The SELEN SHOCK (Q3 to Q4) was literally nothing and you had to post an image with fake numbers to make it look bigger.

>> No.78180042

You do know that your image shows that NijiEN lost approx 25%-30% revenue this year, right?
They even had to attach it to JP to try and obfuscate that.
Thanks for finally going for the final humiliation ritual and proving the numbers were correct though. That must sting.

>> No.78180090
File: 1.80 MB, 1522x1607, 1718458930867509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually posted proof that doki destroyed nijiCN

>> No.78180137

Your fat chink hasn't destroyed anything other than all the furniture she crushes under her weight.

>> No.78180167


>> No.78180169

Keep fighting for Palestine and Ukraine, love to see your hatred for injustice and bad governments in the world, soldier!

>> No.78180257


>> No.78180259

That's the sound of fat chink doki walking to the fridge.

>> No.78180300

>waiting for

>> No.78180318


>> No.78180354

Your fat chink didn't win anything. Le ebin SELEN SHOCK never came. Your autistic reddit campaign has been an abject failure.

>> No.78180452

and yet here you are, overweight, alone, and miload isnt even doing rape ASMR for you any more
meanwhile doki is happy, thriving, and caused your entire brach to melt down
contemplate that for a moment while i KEKAROOOO at your obese ass seething

>> No.78180498

What's the drama with Kanae?

>> No.78180520

Why do you keep posting these detailed fantasies about nijisanji fans?
"My" branch is melting down on it's own. Your fat chink didn't do ANYTHING and your leddit campaign was nothing but a massive cringy LARP session.

>> No.78180545

except she did, and you posted proof
bug sisters eyes too squinty to read graphs rumao

>> No.78180641

She didn't do shit and I posted proof that she had literally no effect. Niji EN's decline was the SMALLEST during LE HECKING SELEN SHOCK OR EPICEST PROPORTIONS.

>> No.78180742

you posted her destroying nijichangji
thanks for providing evidence, try reading graphs chinksama KEKAROOOOO

>> No.78180829

Nah I posted her doing absolutely nothing. I proved that you need to alter numbers to make it look like she did something.

>> No.78180971

>events already pre-sold before doki mogged the branch, so meaningless to compare
>once removed for reasons above, it shows the DEVASTATING effect doki had on destroying the entire branch
>this fat landwhale is pretending this is "fake"
Holy shit, lose weight, it's constricting the flow of blood to your brain you utter mess.

>> No.78181067

>if I artificially reduce the numbers by an imaginary amount doki is DOMINATING
Concession accepted. Your fat chink is negligible.

>> No.78181069

>kson got in so the solution is to ban anyone from playing it
It all makes sense now
The nijizhang and his eternal seethe

>> No.78181124

so you admit doki did destroy nijiCN by 20% in a quarter?
bugchama...you've been dancing for my amusement for a while but hearing you admit that and knowing you're literally shitting your pants in rage gave me a semi, ngl

>> No.78181179
File: 653 KB, 1982x1903, 1698681706156906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't really call it drama, a lot of his fans are just unhappy with how much his content/streams changed. To sum it up, stgr is a gta server that's 100% RP and full of literal nobodies, plus people play for up to 12 hours a day so it's almost impossible to keep up.The environment is also way different than what vtuber fans are used to, so all in all there's a lot of people unhappy with this server becoming his 'main' content as of lately.
It's been going on for months and nowadays when he streams anything else (especially solo streams), he gets way less viewers than he did in the past. Meanwhile the tourists who watch stgr only care for the overall story or his RP character, so they won't show up to any other of his streams, much less buy merch. Just a shitty situation at the moment.

>> No.78181184

That didn't happen. Your fat chink had no effect on the branch.

>> No.78181254

bugsisters, our response?

>> No.78181265

No one cares about your misguided politics.

>> No.78181297

True, negligible effect.

>> No.78181308

Don't post the graph again, this fat chink has been seething on cooldown for over an hour after I posted it kek

>> No.78181317

>still referencing the fake numbers after sperging out and getting BTFOd
You must be a falseflagger at this point. Even your fat chink wants to disassociate from you.

>> No.78181409

>fake numbers
is calling them fake the only way you can cope with a single girl mogging your entire shitbag corpo?
how fucking G R I M

>> No.78181480

I'm not calling them fake, I proved them to be fake. You begged for me to post the real numbers and you're already back to ignoring them in favor of the falsified numbers just as I prodicted.

>> No.78181598

Fat female sausage fingers wrote this post

>> No.78181607


>> No.78181644

>biting the bait again
You really are a clown. Go on and jerk off to your favorite fat chink.

>> No.78181711

opinion discarded

>> No.78181766

Concession accepted, clown.

>> No.78181810

you lost at birth

>> No.78182125

Sisters lets hear the damage report
On a scale of 1 to "I invested all my inheritance money" how fucked are you?

>> No.78182158

I really must have struck a nerve seeing how you lost all of your obnoxious moron energy instantly

>> No.78182280

i stopped trying when i realised you were a bug, there's no point arguing with subhuman

>> No.78182382

You have been calling me a bug for 3 hours. Why are you lying again? Dumbass clown wants to slink away from this thread as a "winner"

>> No.78182401


>> No.78182446

Keep jacking off to your fat chink, clown boy. Your reddit campaign is NEGLIGIBLE.

>> No.78182481


>> No.78182541

Your fat chink lost. You spent over half a year of your life LARPing as a revolutionary who's going to take down the evil corpo and you have literally NO EFFECT at all

>> No.78182546

the fact i made you this upset has made for a really fun day, thanks for losing so spectacularly.
i'll leave with the fact ive planted the dokicock so far in your brain you're going to be seeing me for the next 4 weeks every time you close your eyes.

>> No.78182574

>no effect

>> No.78182604


>> No.78182619

You came into this thread quoting fake numbers and got utterly BTFOd.

None of those things happened in Q4. Your fat chink whore lost.

>> No.78182678

Thanks, I needed one more round of you seething before I left with the win. I was edging for a while.
Laters, loser. Keep seeing at Doki destroying your dead branch, I'm sure it helps you cope at least

>> No.78182749 [DELETED] 

The Q4 results that showed that your fat chink whore had the LEAST IMPACT out of all the things that have happened to niji over the past 12 months.

Your fat chink whore has done nothing but lose in your epic reddit campaign. She lost so badly that she is now telling you to fuck off.

>> No.78182808


>> No.78182811

Is there even another VCR event going on right now / going on soon?

>> No.78182916

Your fat chink whore had no impact. You are unironically celebrating the tiniest period of decline RUMAO RORU RORU KEKAROOOOOOLOOOOOOOOOOOL

>> No.78182946

jap nijifags hate hskw for some reason its why salome got into some drama by interacting with her a few months back and lost some subs

>> No.78182969

Hoshikawa is a lot like Doki now that I think about it.

>> No.78182973

you just said she had the least impact, meaning she at least had some impact
why are you contracting yourself now?

>> No.78183045

There's no contradiction. Your fat chink whore effectively actually boosted nijiEN seeing how the decline from Q3 to Q4 was less than all the past periods.

>> No.78183053

uh oh melty

>> No.78183105


>> No.78183133

Most of Niji's remaining fanbase, especially Niji EN, are Chinese females and Filipinas. It's one of the reasons why they get so buttmad about Hololive and Kson and have tried to create a narrative of Hololive "bowing" to China.

>> No.78183154

Why are you moving the goalposts again? LE SELEN SHOCK OF EBIN PROPORTIONS was supposed to destroy nijiEN but it had literally no effect at all.

>> No.78183192

>actually mindbroken
concession accepted RUMAO
doki wins btw, you even admitted she had an impact

>> No.78183254

Your fat chink whore lost and had no impact as I have proven several times by now. You had to fake Q4 numbers to make it look like there was an actual drop in Q4 when there really wasn't one.

>> No.78183281

Nobody knows who Doki is. She's some random western slut. Not even NijiJP know who Doki is or care about her, you, or any of your feelings. For you it was a big industry-wide event, for them it was a blip of noise about some foreign nonsense again.

>> No.78183313

>says she proves something
>actually admits, in her own words, that doki has an impact

>> No.78183376

Why are you fantasizing about having conversation with a woman? Are you that lonely? Your fat chink whore lost.

>> No.78183441

>doesn't defend the fact Doki had an impact
OOOF, twice in a row you've admitted she DESTROYED nijiCN
GRIM, and now she's moving the goalposts

>> No.78184225

So basically all he does is RP and has forsaken his actual fans?
When you say his normal viewers have left him, does that mean they really left because he seems to just really want to RP? I'm surprised Niji is not talking to him about it considering he's one of their golden boys.
Also what's this STGR server? When you say literal nobodies, meaning if VCR GTA had a lot of popular streamers, STGR has like, 10 viewer streamers or something?

>> No.78184503

Your fat chink whore is only capable of destroying chairs KEKAROOOOOOOOO
She had literally no effect on nijiCN RUMAO RORU RORU

>> No.78185597
File: 17 KB, 220x275, tired.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijisanji does literally anything at all

>> No.78186256

Your company doesn't have enough members to have its own GTA server? Too bad. At least RUST doesn't need that many members. Hope you open that again soon.

>> No.78186318

While RPR is doing his JP reps (I noticed his improvement during VCR Rust), I doubt that he is still as fluent as compared to JP hafus like Sonny Brisko or Shu Yamino

>> No.78189664

who mindbroke you? You type like a child

>> No.78189831

Gonna a melty about some words fagoon? KEKAROOOOOO RUMAO RORU RORU

>> No.78190349

This reeks of projection, sister

>> No.78190519

holy shit, an actual retard in the wild

>> No.78190695

Is Hololive e-girls whores now being Holokeks Holozhangs cum eating cuckold BBC hololive simps. > Kwab. Go back to >>>/trash/ hololive is a blacked company. So black Kurolive.>>78190519
Look a sea brown and ESL phaesejanny monkeys.

>> No.78190757

Good based and redpilled fellow NijiGods always win baybeeee.

>> No.78190837 [DELETED] 

>ESL SEAbrown
Look in the mirror before posting next time

>> No.78191269

So I'm an actual retard but this guy isn't?

>> No.78191954

Not a seanigger or spics retarded cucks. You act like children.

>> No.78192129
File: 636 KB, 1671x2395, GBS6ZpWXUAAC19g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanae is in Sutogura right now, by the way.

/vt/ told me they'd all abandon it because of the kson ban, what happened?

>> No.78193555

you samefagging is pretty obvious, you type the exact same - like an autistic SEAmonkey

>> No.78194096

>Hoshikawa is a lot like Doki now that I think about it.
nah hoshikawa has it worse since she is always getting stalked by angry nijifags

>> No.78194416

Nijiseethe deflection comment.

>> No.78197917

Strange question, do you really like that obese gypsy?
