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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 803 KB, 2300x3212, 1689858054547952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78150633 No.78150633 [Reply] [Original]

Fujo Solar Dragon
Ero Sakana Feesh
Metal Gear Fairy
Freaky Ghost Maid
Forever Home

>Elira Pendora
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EliraPendora | https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@elirapendora
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOIeSUTOTkF9Hs7q3SGcO-Ow
3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdln23Ph6A8

>Finana Ryugu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu | https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@finanaryugu
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOu-J8uIXuLZh16gG-cT1naw
3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Bvpss_Xx9M

>Mint Fantome
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MintFantome
Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/mintfantome.bsky.social
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@mintfantome
M&M Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@MMSummerSpecial

>Pomu Rainpuff (Graduated)
>Twitter (private): https://twitter.com/PomuRainpuff
>Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@pomurainpuff
>Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL79zk-NEQFk79tLTtgS9LFOIRzAixwFBF
>3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpuEQozRzJ4
>Voicepacks, Wallpapers, etc: https://mega.nz/folder/GplglSzK#AbvhirWWfpYrihQb5aDK3w


▶LazuLight Music!

▶LazuLight in 3D!

◀ Previous Thread: >>78038725

>> No.78150741

Thank you so much

>> No.78151259

So 1.21 just came out yesterday. It might be a bit before I get the server up and running. I plan on definitely doing some MMO plugins including leveled mobs and stuff like that.

I'll also be sharing the server to our friends at /mint/. I might be doing a whitelist since I don't have full time to moderate, I'll still allow for cracked clients but yeah!

>> No.78151550
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>> No.78152154
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I watched Pomu til 2024. That's when I knew her, and that's when I loved her. I'll never forget her, but she forgot me a long, long time ago.

>> No.78152453
File: 1.15 MB, 900x1210, 118124781_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to move on to something bigger and better

>> No.78152758

Her boobs are certainly bigger

>> No.78152911

Why does the silly dick rocket picture hurt so bad?

>> No.78152951

As I told /mint/ my artist for the mint futa anal rape will be $300. I did not request an alt because it was $75 extra. I hope you understand!

>> No.78153182

Because it was cute. It was silly and it was a reminder of better times.
I'm happy she went indie because it broke the illusion I once had of Niji

>> No.78154480
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>> No.78154940

Anon doesn't know that mint and me do it in our van every Sunday

>> No.78155040

Man I loved Eurotrip

>> No.78155192

Same it is one of the stupidest fuckin movies I've ever watched

>> No.78158207
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>> No.78159171

>enter /lazu/
>it's all Mint
Just pull the plug already

>> No.78159548

>enter anon
You're welcome

>> No.78160570

I took wanna fuck finana

>> No.78161157

Do you think Elira would ever be interested in touhou

>> No.78161605
File: 60 KB, 735x725, GPzWTUqbAAEKXc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78161656

Imagine the wakipai if Elira wore Reimu's outfit

>> No.78162158
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>> No.78162358


>> No.78163781
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>> No.78164617

good to know finana was spending time with the valogard before joining vanta stream

>> No.78164867

Poom guy

>> No.78165330

This will be my first time watching Mint in quite a while

>> No.78166950

Her schedule has been difficult to follow lately with all the conventions and stuff she's invited to

>> No.78167391

Hopefully now that Offkai and that (wasted) Japan trip are past, she'll put out regular schedules again.

>> No.78167941
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>> No.78168037

Probably for a while, but she's also planning on going back to Japan at the end of the month and she's also planning on doing a convention in Texas here soon. There's a good chance that we're not going to see a whole ton of mint this summer. We'll see her plenty I'm sure but she's also trying to live life that she could never live previously. And until she gets tired of the constant traveling and guest appearances, it's unlikely that she'll slow down before they slow down.

>> No.78168260

She really overbooked herself and is feeling the consequences of one thing going wrong and then creating a domino effect where everything else gets affected from rescheduling a second big trip. Most of us Wisps wouldn't mind if she took her time and slowed down, since she has all the time in the world. Then again, she wouldn't be herself if she didn't overwork herself like this.

>> No.78168301

I just want the rpg playthroughs

>> No.78168302

Something she said during Bloons gave me the impression that she isn't going back to Japan at the end of the month. I can't remember what though, and maybe I misinterpreted, guess we'll see.
I think the only upcoming event she's going to is the Virtual Vacation concert, which'll probably just be a 3-day affair (fly in, do concert, fly out), since she said she doesn't plan on going to AX. Vexpo and AnimeFest are more than likely going to be remote.

>> No.78168383

I remember her saying something but I also kind of remember her being kind of wishy washy about whether or not she was really wanting to go back.
And keep in mind that Even if she's not attending in person, she's going to be there remotely and doing things like probably q&as and concerts and other stuff. She's unlikely to stream during the days that she's going to have those conventions.

>> No.78168589

>She's unlikely to stream during the days that she's going to have those conventions.
Maybe if it's only 1-2 days. I can't see her not streaming for 4 days due to AnimeFest, if she's just gonna be sitting at home anyway.

>> No.78169348

Yeah probably

>> No.78170348
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>> No.78171527

>Going to Japan at the end of the month
>Lazulight will also be there

>> No.78171745

>Claude and Finana leave the stream at the same time

>> No.78172910
File: 2.52 MB, 2025x2880, 8eb394fd5a65af75d925d34c62a35f29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand holding with Wiwa

>> No.78174253
File: 39 KB, 623x153, loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This appeared on my feed, just report it if you can.

>> No.78174370

Let it be, doki has made a statement about it and the original creator has deleted it. Dramafags are gonna dramafag.

>> No.78174421

The fact that this was so over the line even Doki had to butt in, would not make this or any future coverage look good.
But it's a sad state of affair when people don't intrinsically understand there's a line to be crossed.

>> No.78174751
File: 158 KB, 735x544, FHj1l_CXEAcks8Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78174949

i'm listening to elira's asmr again... i wish she'd do more...

>> No.78174977

oh yeah i listened to that again a few weeks ago, its nice to go back to...

>> No.78175006

yes I also wish she'd do one where she kills herself on stream and we can hear her dying gasp.

>> No.78175127
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>> No.78175401
File: 163 KB, 900x742, FAUa5qJVUAED_Os.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78175475
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>> No.78176515
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>> No.78176987

She was so funny during it

>> No.78177776

I want to go to the Antarctic too.

>> No.78177777
File: 49 KB, 597x800, dca3fbe35c28b1f79587475cefd5b69e87b76c3e2ae4fa451fe80f0fe72168eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feesh love!

>> No.78178816
File: 193 KB, 1390x1684, FJBz6YMWQAAnya9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice 7s

>> No.78179787


>> No.78181038
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>> No.78181603


>> No.78181879


>> No.78182761
File: 137 KB, 895x978, f2e462f5957b3244697521853e331591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Pikl, took me some time to get used to him, but I love this little shoulder monster.

>> No.78182966

I like pikl, its not the most conventionally cute pet but its kind of got cat energy.

>> No.78183042


>> No.78183273

Mint delayed to tomorrow

>> No.78183403

I lost count, do we get Wiwa tonight or is it completely blank?

>> No.78183509

she is scheduled to stream p3r tonight but waiting to hear from her still for now

>> No.78183874

pikl stop astroturfing you bald ugly bastard

>> No.78184349


>> No.78184636

I hope she gets better but ngl this works better for me

>> No.78184952
File: 219 KB, 800x1200, 71SoKdzDoBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't lie, I want a cowboy themed Maid Mint outfit. And she should be able to point the revolvers at us!

>> No.78185041
File: 363 KB, 1200x675, 20240615_092202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint schedule

>> No.78186053


>> No.78186083


>> No.78186531

First Lazulight member birthday without one of them, though we already had the 3rd anniversary before. It won't be the same but at least Feesh has a long stream planned.

>> No.78186756

This schedule is from 2020 anon

>> No.78187577
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>> No.78187694

I never said I was smart

>> No.78188607
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I'm craving chicken fried steak

>> No.78188949
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sounds good, making burger

>> No.78189951

No Wiwers tonight/today.

>> No.78190056
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>> No.78190196

That sucks this weekend had a great schedule and it's all gone to shit.

>> No.78190209

I doubt cleaning it will help, Wiwa is in denial about the state of her dead box.

>> No.78190957
File: 93 KB, 640x1024, 1711898668867254m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damnit, well I kinda hope eva is rescheduled then too because I'm gonna be moving

>> No.78191640 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 720x542, 0gjypvouhtpb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN for this feel?

>> No.78191758
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, plagues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad the situation is what it is, because there are some golden jokes you can't make now.

>Apartment gets flooded
>Extra sucky period
>PC dies
Feels like God is sending Wiwa the plagues.
Wiwa, if you did something wrong apologize, before we get to pestilence.

We could have had some fun with this if...you know...it wasn't as it be.

>> No.78191922
File: 691 KB, 562x735, 1696313607249930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chimps pretending to be christian again

>> No.78192510

Fuck you, five months ago it'd have been funny.

>> No.78192673

I miss Pomu

>> No.78192815
File: 36 KB, 726x631, 1709817736450421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

home... i miss home....

>> No.78192824

Yeah... I just want it all to just go away for everyone. Bring 2022 back.

>> No.78192862


>> No.78193177

>pre Ethyria 2021

>> No.78193264

Shitposting aside ethyria weren't bad just misplaced. In an ideal world Nina would have ended up in vshojo without being in Niji first because she was so very miscast being the only non singer in a wave of singers and being about 10 years older than everyone else in her wave.

>> No.78193308

Nope, outside of Nina the rest of Ethyria was garbage right from the start. The fall of NijiEN started with them, simple as.

>> No.78193610
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>when you give a monkey a banana

>> No.78194928
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>> No.78195106

I like it when we have this type of teasing art. Elira got a lot of it because of her boobs but I don’t think Finana had a lot.

>> No.78196284

Feesh birthday girl soon.

>> No.78197232
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true that

>> No.78198396
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>> No.78198985

That's because everyone but Finana agrees she should be flat

>> No.78199490
File: 568 KB, 1523x2048, __finana_ryugu_and_ryuguard_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_kano3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree, I think feesh should have tetas

>> No.78199842

Except she isn't flat she's always been medium. A lot of her fans agree she has boobs

>> No.78199981



>> No.78200326
File: 972 KB, 1500x1061, E_24TiUVgAYHplI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can literally see she has boobs on her original outfit sheet

>> No.78200458
File: 173 KB, 991x1500, FKUsVnVakAEIhth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And her second outfit also shows boobs, I can't tell if they're the same size or slightly bigger but it's obvious they're there.
Only her third outfit got a big upgrade.

>> No.78201204
File: 769 KB, 582x1226, FEESH TETAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they've only continued to get bigger

>> No.78201211

Feesh body lewd

>> No.78201360

you can't trick me. She's flat. Flat feesh, Pomu medium, Elira large

>> No.78202375

Honestly both Pomu and Feesh are medium, I always disliked that people drew Pomu as flat when she is a little bigger than Finana, and the difference got worse thanks to the buff of her third outfit but everyone ignored Pomu also got buffed in her y third outfit.
I am glad people are drawing mint as the perfect medium she is, with the rare big/flat boobs fanart

>> No.78202441

Finana didn’t go to Antarctica the lazy fish fictional art

>> No.78202594

I keep massaging her everyday that's why.

>> No.78202741

This the same image that has loli Elira in it. Need more.

>> No.78204132
File: 46 KB, 500x500, artworks-j9PC3fuWIFQ3vC6Q-e8TFmw-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, Mint isn't streaming.
>Guess it's time to take a break!
I hope they never change.

>> No.78204773

She went in spirit

>> No.78206067

is there a place for elira x finana stuff, do they have a hashtag or any active support

>> No.78206279

Dragonfeesh, sunfeesh, sheeshfeesh

>> No.78207401
File: 2.35 MB, 2568x3140, FuK7PxsX0Ac9GCt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing R18 I could find from twitter :(

>> No.78208856
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>> No.78210159
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>> No.78211116

I have a small unfinished comic about the peeing in a pool if you want

>> No.78211290

The 4 pages that were posted before? I can wait for the final thing, I was just curious if there was old stuff with them

>> No.78211586

Unfortunately no. There's the lazulight squirt pic

>> No.78213558


>> No.78213576

We're dying....

>> No.78214595

miosss elira

>> No.78214771


Feesh Valorant in about 45 minutes from now

>> No.78214909
File: 39 KB, 764x430, E6t4XcUWUAAzI17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finana-chan... you're supposed to retweet Aia's outfit reveal first...

>> No.78215273

please no pc crash elira

>> No.78216174
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>> No.78216302


>> No.78217273

Remember that time lazulight had the conversation about what panties give them cameltoe

>> No.78217877
File: 54 KB, 880x268, 1693133598788678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead hours are over
it's valorant

>> No.78218302

What stream was that? Asking for me.

>> No.78218382

I can't remember I think it was one of their last collabs together

>> No.78218718

A reasonable response.

>> No.78218849

the butt fangs and thigh squish and prominent pussy

>> No.78219017

Found it.
Starts around 1:05:00 ish

>> No.78219496

Valorant with Wiwa!
Valorant with Fish!

>> No.78219634

I didn't think I was going to get to hear Elira's voice today but now I get to hear Elira's voice today so I am happy.

>> No.78219705

And we get a LazuLight collab! Before Claude and Uki come at least.

>> No.78219728
File: 1.41 MB, 2896x4096, 1718016848434955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78219814

Yeah, I heard Doki announce it too. Wonder what spooky game they've decided on.

>> No.78219901

I hope they do phasmo VR again and just stand at the door for 45 mins fighting to get in

>> No.78220008

I unironically want Phasmo

>> No.78220012

Ehhhhhhh honestly I kinda hope not.
Phas is such a shit game

>> No.78220114
File: 53 KB, 250x250, GK-_xejWgAAaI-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wiwa sounds so happy, upbeat and energetic!

>> No.78220267

Play CS2 you dumb bitches

>> No.78220333

The game's dead, not even Valve cares

>> No.78220532

Finana crying and screaming in the autotune was funny.

>> No.78220537

I don't care about the games. I want to see both of them piss themselves on stream

>> No.78221024

They are old and new maps confuse them.

>> No.78221160

This is a lot less sexy than I thought it'd be desu

>> No.78221735

But it's not very scary.....

>> No.78221839

For you maybe. Did you even watch that collab stream?

>> No.78221854

They're having fun.

>> No.78222253

And winning clutch victories!

>> No.78223184

peak content

>> No.78223233 [SPOILER] 
File: 286 KB, 585x565, 1698039533257693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice to hear them giggling about dumb shit

>> No.78224146

Cute girls, doing cute valo.

>> No.78224159
File: 51 KB, 578x543, 1691931607029386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're easily amused

>> No.78225442

Yeah I was part of the superchat wave that sent $200 to get Selen to play it

>> No.78225975
File: 494 KB, 569x693, 1651123241305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're having fun
>I'm having fun
This is good

>> No.78226898

Oh thank god

>> No.78227378

Did they stop the autotune?

>> No.78229706
File: 3.82 MB, 212x238, elijam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did Finana just say she is about to COOM?

>> No.78229841

Finana's whiny scream is so good

>> No.78232762

She's always edging

>> No.78235515

Minto short!

>> No.78235536
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>> No.78236874
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>> No.78237022


>> No.78237891

It also looks like Elira's mama is doing the character illustration, or at least the silhouette looks like that...

>> No.78238183

If that's the case, I wonder how management's gonna respond. I wouldn't put it past them to cut ties with her.

>> No.78238192

Finally Kamame sensei has chosen her side. Good!

>> No.78238197

3 hours in and cgdct is still uninterrupted

>> No.78238272

Wonder how that'd work
Would Wiwa get a redesign or something?

>> No.78238357
File: 2.85 MB, 480x708, 1690691976956539.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78238552

Hmm. I remember Elira's mama didn't say anything bad about her after the black stream so I don't think there will be any tribalfagging here. At least I hope there won't be.

>> No.78238708

>chipmunk voice on
>absolutely disgusting burp
>"my room smells like my dinner"
>"it smells like pasta. i want more now"
the mind of a fish

>> No.78238999

I love her

>> No.78239870

I know it's gonna sound like monkeyism but if Elira graduated and got an outfit from her current mama too I'd really be happy

>> No.78241246

Based on past behaviour I doubt it. The only time I can think of an artist getting fired from being allowed to do more work on the vtubers they designed in Nijisanji was Gibara/Warabeda/Alice's artist and they got fired for because they broke their NDA. They have never had a problem with artists doing work for other vtuber groups or indies so far.

>> No.78241452

Are they any artists who designed multiple Niji livers, but one of the livers got terminated (not graduated), and then the artist was hired to design that terminated liver's indie model?

>> No.78241674

No idea. But if there is they didn't get fired for it. Like I said I think there is only one examplel of that ever happening and it was for a serious breach of contract, leaking information.

>> No.78241912

This outfit has been in the works for months
Eliras mama literally designed artwork for Elira just a month ago

It's a lot more of a pain for these corporations to get artists for them because these artists are put under strict NDAs and are put under contracts for multiple outfits, a company isn't going to blacklist someone they've already formed a contract with just because they choose to work with someone who was formerly contracted by said company

>> No.78242133

Kamame wouldn't be fired since she isn't an employee, nor did she break any any contracts, Anycolor just wouldn't work with her anymore because she did something they don't like.
I wouldn't expect any sort of public response from Anycolor, and hell it may be over a year until we know if they stopped working with her, because they might have her finish work on Elira's next outfit, before dropping working with her.
Obviously Kamame has no issue working with both Anycolor and Doki, but Anycolor might not see it the same way. And they might not even know that Kamame has been working on Doki's next outfit. Hell, WE don't even know if it's her work, we're just guessing here.

>> No.78242509 [SPOILER] 
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>last update literally less than a month ago
>"Anycolor might ban her from work because she's been working with an indie for literal months, just ignore everything and it totally makes sense "

>> No.78242562

Seems like a load of farfetched worry over nothing nonsense to me to be honest.

>> No.78242623

Every Lazulight collab has been Valorant after Pomu left.

>> No.78242667

You're assuming Anycolor knows Kamame has been working with Doki on a model. Kamame has no reason to tell Anycolor the other commissions she's been working on, so how would Anycolor know of something like this?

>> No.78242699

You're assuming they would give a fuck. When literally nothing in the past indicates they do.

>> No.78242747

Not true.

>> No.78242824

>When literally nothing in the past indicates they do.
Do you have a comparable example to this situation to prove this?

>> No.78242869
File: 428 KB, 612x569, 1643499158956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira practicing her dances.

>> No.78242962

Eva watchalong tomorrow and probably Hi-Fi Rush on Monday, seems like she is thinking about joining the NijiJP GTA RP server but she is worried about it killing her computer and she is shy about joining and worried about breaking rules accidentally too.

>> No.78243174
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I had fun with that collab just listening to them goofing around.

>> No.78243180

Rp servers are unironically some of the most autistic shit

>> No.78243259

I'd put it at a low percentage chance of happening unless someone else in EN drags her into it with them. Otherwise she will almost certainly be too shy about interacting with the JPs alone.

>> No.78243359

I unironically hope it doesn't happen

>> No.78243473

I miss Elira.

I don't really care about GTA RP but I do think it would be fun to see her interacting with some JP members in a spontaneous fashion rather than like in some sponsored stream or someshit like that.

>> No.78243595

Either Meloco or Reimu go with her, or both! It'd be nice to have more senpai interactions, or hanging out with the KRs.

>> No.78243656

Just earlier Reimu said she most likely isn't joining

>> No.78243758

anon manifested the collab

>> No.78244065

Don't get me wrong. I like when she interacts with JPs but on the same hand I can't speak Japanese so I prefer English collabs

>> No.78244371

>Hell, WE don't even know if it's her work, we're just guessing here.
the oversized feet with angular footwear, the hands in the same position and style, the very leggy figure, not to mention the head-feather and all the other "pointy" details like hair and tattered sleeves? come on. if it's not kamamesi-mama it's somebody trying their damndest to copy their style.
>interacting with some JP members in a spontaneous fashion
i wish but she's too self-conscious for that. hell, i'd say she interacts with JP senpai more often in an "artificial" setting precisely because of that.

>> No.78244577

One of the last things I expected to come out of a day where neither Finana or Elira were going to stream was a Finana and Elira collab.

>> No.78245795

mint stop playing tetrio zen and go to bed

>> No.78246242

good girl

>> No.78246335
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>> No.78246464

did she actually accept a friend invite or is her status just still public?

>> No.78246517

nta but you can view her profile on Tetrio's website
She only got to Zen level 3 on stream, profile shows level 6, ergo she played some Zen mode.

>> No.78246855

you don't accept friend requests in tetrio, you just "favorite" people basically and they get a notif when you do so they know (and block you if they want to)
but also yes her status is (was?) public so i saw "1 online" in my friends list

>> No.78246908
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Minto schedule, with Outer Wilds DLC!

>> No.78247551

>Tokyo Jungle
LET'S GOOO!!!!!!!!

>> No.78247596

What's that

>> No.78247815

Oh man, if she thought the anglerfish were scary...

>> No.78248000

OW is the real horror game on the schedule

>> No.78248109

Well things will get annoying for Finana’s birthday.

>> No.78249699
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>> No.78250440

Surprised she remembered that recommendation. She did say she already owned it before, so I suppose perms were the problem if she's just picking it up now.

>> No.78250687

What, the DLC? No, she was planning to play it with Elira but ran out of time

>> No.78251896

The little ghosts are so cute!

>> No.78252006

Fact: Finana is always fondling her boobs while streaming.

>> No.78252179

I think a lot of girls do that, I've heard it's a nice stim/fidget.

>> No.78252443


>> No.78253650
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Fact I am always fondling finanas boobs while she's streaming

>> No.78254216

I do not have sufficient data to dispute this claim.

>> No.78254460

Exactly. She and mint and Elira are all my wives

>> No.78254533

I think someone asked earlier but Meloco said someone else in EN may join the gta server, i doubt it'll be elira or finana though

>> No.78254577

Elira is the clique leader, of course she'll join.

>> No.78254590

Only problem with that is Meloco never streams during en hours

>> No.78254631


>> No.78255348

Klara has such a nice voice.

>> No.78255694

Finana would never join any interesting group collab that isn’t Valorant. She’s rather do that off stream with the Valoguard.

>> No.78256245
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>> No.78256355

ESL tsundere anon is the funniest

>> No.78256451

It's most likely Aia

>> No.78256481

Remember the nipple check?

>> No.78257079

Finana! You don't understand! Autotune was the hottest shit! But I'm thinking about the Monsuno opening instead. Then Elira comes in with fucking Black-Eyed Peas.

>> No.78258152

I could see that

>> No.78258198
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>> No.78258549
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>> No.78258767
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noooooo not my baseless narrative aieeeeee

>> No.78258775

nunlira pendora...

>> No.78258831

becoming christian really nerfed her chest...

>> No.78259407

Goddamn, I love Kamame's art. Those sharp edges are sexy.

>> No.78259597

Depending, she's been pretty good for me at least when I used to wake up at like 5am for work she'd stream during that time or like around these early morning hours.

>> No.78259628

Autotune improves low-energy Valorant speak ten-fold.

>> No.78259864

pikl is really cute in that rain coat

>> No.78260430


>> No.78261584


>> No.78261617

It's good to see Elira and Finana having so much fun together specially on a crappy week for them. Lazulight going strong.

>> No.78262549

This does nothing to disprove it.

>> No.78262677

True. This is a final goodbye to Elira and a hope that she would eventually repent for what she did. The symbolism is apparent.

>> No.78262898


>> No.78262971
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>> No.78263501
File: 58 KB, 760x584, Kamame X Selen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not necessarily is this the end of Kamamesi working with nijisanji and Elira, it's clear that she intends on supporting Elira for as long as she is in nijisanji, that being said it's also clear that Kamame appreciates Doki too after all she voiced her support for Selen when she was missing so, it's a win for everyone...



>> No.78265374
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>> No.78265416

Cope. Kamame wishes Elira well but that's about it.

>> No.78265836

pikl sure is one ugly faggot no matter what he wears

>> No.78265859

You could direct all of this typing towards writing a book ya know. You could make it as an author.

>> No.78265886

Do not reply to the monkey, he does not even follow Kamame's twitter. He'd know better if he did.

>> No.78266104

It's genuinely funny to me
>"Clearly Elira will have to find a different mama and this will be the end of her mama working with Niji"

>> No.78266269

It's extra funny that Kamame posted that Wiwa art a few hours after they tried flinging shit

>> No.78266464

Are you purposely being retarded? Kamame liking both Elira and Doki has no bearing on what Anycolor might decide to do once they find out about it.

>> No.78266770

Find out about what? A freelance artist doing work they were paid for? Dude stop projecting, it's not even AnyColor who pays for the new outfits anyway why would they give a fuck

>> No.78267091

>it's not even AnyColor who pays for the new outfits anyway
Yes it is? How new are you? Or are you a JPfaggot who doesn't know how outfits work in EN? This was explained by both Mysta and Selen in the past. For EN, outfits are earned via tickets that the livers receive based on their performance (and sometimes randomly).

>> No.78267419
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Gonna grasp for some more straws, monkey? Gonna have a nice juice box?

>> No.78267816
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>> No.78267866

Wiwa woke up

>> No.78267976

Shame. Looks like my attempts to murder her in her sleep have failed. I will hire a better assassin next time.

>> No.78268410
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>> No.78268464
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>> No.78268677


>> No.78268862

>Mysta and Selen
Yes because their word means a lot, also explains you haven't listened to other people talk about this stuff.

But keep going with your narrative buddy. You should write a fic sometime. Make it a smut.

>> No.78269057

Link timestamps of other EN livers saying that they have to pay to commission outfits.

>> No.78269250


>> No.78269823
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>> No.78270436


>> No.78270976
File: 11 KB, 760x128, Kamaniki Peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, there is this:


She posted this on the statement Doki made after the video mocking Elira blew up, if you don't know Kamaniki is a Xenoblade artist that blocked Elira after Selen got terminated, her posting this seems to imply that Doki and Elira's beef is over or least that's my interpretation, anyone can take this however they like tho.

>> No.78271079

A random artist would not be privy to such information. Cope famelirakek.

>> No.78271272

Anon, that's some insane cope.

>> No.78271367

Just to expand. Kamaniki has zero behind the scene information about anything, that faggot just inserts himself whenever he can.

>> No.78271622
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Ok whatever you say...

>> No.78271773
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>>>>>xenoblade artist
million pity yourself immediately

>> No.78271817

You guys are weird today. Anynon watch Dungeon Meshi? Mint was talking about it and I was tempted to start it. She hasn't started yet either but chat really seemed to like it

>> No.78272234

>Dungeon Meshi
Nah, heard conflicting stuff about it.

>> No.78272293

The fandom looks like shit but the story sounds interesting

>> No.78272791

Manga is fantastic, anime is fine but it skips over a lot of the more fun/interesting details that really make the manga stick out so much

>> No.78272805
File: 2.42 MB, 2600x3080, FNjdmX6WQAE4bZj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to grab the last two Evangelion movies to watch in a couple of hours.

That show seems popular among people I watch I think most of them have talked about it. Never watched it though,

>> No.78273232

Do you need any assistance anon

>> No.78274103

can that shit about the art from anonymous ryugal stop, it's fucking obvious who the fuck it is so just have her post them or is iron that desperate for finana's attention

>> No.78274611
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>> No.78275723
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>> No.78276005


>> No.78276638

>Mint and Wiwa start at the same time
Now all we need is for Fish to jump in

>> No.78277104
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Not Finana reminding me to wish my dad a happy father's day.
I need to get my shit together.

>> No.78277157

Ended up reading all of it while waiting for episodes, both are great

>> No.78277825
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>> No.78278647

mint is on the verge of throwing up so 10 minute delay

>> No.78278808

wiwa starto

>> No.78278914


>> No.78279160

Minto Raibu

>> No.78279411
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>> No.78279634

I got her pregnant

>> No.78279700

Elira your meds, take them.

>> No.78279743

Elira explaining what happened

>> No.78279778


>> No.78279808

so finaurnaur is spending time with the valoguard today; i won't expect a lot of streams for next week then

>> No.78279917


>> No.78279939

nyanya nyanya

>> No.78280087

I'm glad Elira likes Asuka I was always for Asuka.

>> No.78280164

It took me until like late or EoE to be a full on Asuka lover, she really is great

>> No.78280317

I haven't watched Enna in awhile.

>> No.78280507

Misato is kind of Morag-ish in that outfit.

>> No.78280549

that's like two goatse streams in a row

>> No.78280632

mint are you into anal gape or something

>> No.78280870


>> No.78281348

All the ships just floating

>> No.78281644

>Wiwa blessing my ears

>> No.78281984


>> No.78282009

nobody likes shinji...

>> No.78282104

He really doesn't get told shit

>> No.78282404

For a moment Minto and Wiwa were perfectly sinked.

>> No.78282503

>Why is he blushing?!?!

>> No.78282620

God I wish I was a shota and Elira was my big sister

>> No.78282628
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>> No.78282650

They fell into a hole?

>> No.78282699

Elira's freaking it

>> No.78282770

Anyone going to make a new thread

>> No.78282938

Next thread
