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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78122484 No.78122484 [Reply] [Original]

>both claimed to be victims of bullying
>both betrayed their former coworkers
>both scammed their respective communities
>both love China

>> No.78122614

What has gotten sisters so riled up?

>> No.78122641


>> No.78122658
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>> No.78122674

no sis

>> No.78122696

She should join Holostars, if I'm being honest

>> No.78122701


>> No.78122706

Terrible Q4 EN numbers, Elira having bad mental health, and various things like this.

>> No.78122778

Holozhangs and their unicorns have made it clear many times that they don't want doki or mint in hololive. Because they're insecure of male collabs

>> No.78122828

>Initially wanted to go after Riku
>Suddenly only wants to go after EN only
>Has to cope with only accounting for negligible 8% decrease
>Not even being close to the biggest revenue decrease in the company

I feel bad for dramafags

>> No.78122914
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>> No.78122947
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It looks pretty bad to be desu

>> No.78122984

*to me

>> No.78122991

God, please no. She's fine where she is.

>> No.78123005

What's up with all the Dokibird bait threads all of the sudden?

>> No.78123069

>-24% YoY for EN
>Even Riku wants to forget about EN
>Elira on sucide watch
>The rest of the livers are 3views
>Meanwhile Doki is winning and will have a party with HYTE in front of the Niji stand kek

>> No.78123080


>> No.78123174

>Goal post shifts from the "Selen shock" quarter to the entire year
It's okay to lose, buddy. Now you can focus your time onto something more worthwhile

>> No.78123271

>constant decrease in revenue is a good thing actually
If you say so, sis

>> No.78123293

"Only" an 8% decrease, due to massive event spam

>> No.78123310


>> No.78123355

Neck yourself, sister.

>> No.78123433

i mean everything that happened like for more than a year?

>> No.78123488

This blew up so now sisters are having a melty and shitting their diapers as usual

>> No.78123571

>It's okay to lose, buddy
thats right sister, we lose so hard to dramafag, what do we do know nijiEN is dead?

>> No.78123622

Holozhang doing everything to distract everyone from the fact they're affiliated themselves with the ccp.

>> No.78123684
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She unironically helps them more by not being an employee. If she grows and develops/grows the overall vtuber community, hololive benefits too and they don't have to pay her.

>> No.78123710


>> No.78123723

>perm bullshit returns
>has to give up the freedom of organizing her own events
>forced to collab with autism owl
>not allowed to collab with whoever she wants anymore


>> No.78123803

Will b2 whoring themselves out actually pull them out of the hole they're in?

>> No.78123831

I thought those events were shit and unprofitable? Now they somehow raise a dead branch from the grave? Interesting

>> No.78123886

>forced to collab with autism owl
What's wrong with this?

>> No.78123910

>Now they somehow raise a dead branch from the grave
LOL the nijicope, they are still dead HAHAHAH the event spam only lessened the impact of an already shit result

>> No.78123991

Well, no, they still had a decrease

>> No.78124008

>new nijicope strategy unlocked: admitting your failed flopbranch is dead
Holy fuck I am le owned

>> No.78124150

If you remove the event spam you can see there was indeed a "Selen Shock". Also, events cost a lot of money which isn't shown, so the actual loss may be even worse.

>> No.78124359

>forced to do cringe af wedding LARPs and pay out the ass for mandatory dance classes
>obligatory awkward yuribaits
>must shill packs of fifty-cent chinese plastic shit to mark 3/8 anniversaries and phases of the moon and whatever other dumb excuses the marketing guys came up with while shitfaced on shitty soju
>can't show hands (haram)
>can't express controversial opinions
>can't imply there's even mild disagreement with other Holos
>can't say anything negative or even neutral about The Glorious Cover Corporation in any way
>can't mention Taiwan
>Cover gives zero fucks whatsoever about their talents and punish mistakes as if there was actual malicious intent

Anon, she just escaped one cartoonishly evil corporation and seems much happier. Why would she want to join another?

>> No.78124479

Sister, they didn't raise anything. They shoved out as much slop as they possibly could and it STILL was a significant loss. You'd better hope they have a paid 3D concert or a "virtual rhapsody" every month from now until forever.

>> No.78124511

>Actually the Selen shock is real if you start removing money from their revenue! The AR live definitely cost a lot of money! I have no evidence of how much it cost but it definitely was a lot and put them at a loss!
Over 25 million dollars of generated revenue btw. Looks like NijiEN on it's own is a millionaire company. So much for that Selen shock

>> No.78124528

But holozhangs don't think cover is a villian corp like niji is. Despite all the evidence proving them wrong.

>> No.78124549

Show profit, then.

>> No.78124569

after the new wave flopped they are merging EN with JP like they did with ID and getting rid of nijiEN to hide the spiraling downward growth. Again.

>> No.78124613

>Now they somehow raise a dead branch from the grave?
They didn't raise anything. It was a loss. Do you understand addition and subtraction?

>> No.78124787

Joining Hololive would unironically gimp her potential at this point.

>> No.78124806

Jesus fucking Christ, what is this document in bottom right?

>> No.78124862

Cover won't hire her, she's now considered a brand risk. No, I'm not a sister.

>> No.78124933

If I make 500 dollars a day and then I find another job where I make 400 dollars a day, does that mean I lost more money than I'm gaining?

>> No.78124946

I was ojisan #3 in the credits.

>> No.78124948

Yes, you are. Shut the fuck up

>> No.78125084

>millionaire company
>Down from billion
You know that's less zeros , right?

>> No.78125136

Anon if you have a huge event selling tickets for $100 a piece and still have a drop from the previous quarter that's a bad sign
Especially since all the costs for that event were last year before it got canned. They didn't redo it they just cut the parts with selen out

>> No.78125148

They also spent 80% in buy backs so they lost money there too

>> No.78125250

No. Stop saying stupid things. Dokibird could not even pass the audition process, she should apply to Nijisanji if she wants to join a corpo more suited to her.

>> No.78125354

Still mindblowing how dramafags never mention China when talking about NijiEN. It's like they all first heard of it in February.

>> No.78125364

But if you hyper focus on just that little segment it seems relevant.

>> No.78125391

This is almost certainly true. Even if "brand risk" isn't the right word they're not going to hire someone hard terminated from Niji for insubordination. I also see no reason to believe she desires to go back to nip corpo rules simply to get bigger numbers and do idolshit when she's constantly having opportunities drop into her lap.

>> No.78125473

Then you spend 600 dollars in buybacks because you're about to earn 200 next month if you continue like this.

>> No.78125480

This is the equivalent of saying I lost money because I invested in stocks

>> No.78125849


>> No.78125970
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>> No.78126072

Even if she wasn't a brand risk, she doesn't have any talent that Cover is interested in. People can cope and say the other holos aren't talented, but the truth is that they all have a few talents besides ranting while they play games. That was always the difference between Holo and Niji hiring strategies.
Doki's biggest talent that distinguishes her to most people is just the fact that she used to be in NijiEN. Otherwise you can probably find a million indies that have more to offer than her.

>> No.78126609
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>> No.78126814
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>Doki's biggest talent that distinguishes her to most people is just the fact that she used to be in NijiEN.
Her biggest talent that distinguishes her to most people is the fact that she can make friends and connections with nearly anybody and everybody within seconds of meeting them.
This, combined with her ability to organize successful events with large amounts of people would make her a talent any company would kill for.
The main thing holding her back from Hololive is the fact that she just... doesn't want to go there and has no real experience or interest in singing.
Cope, sister. She's going up, and she's boosting Hololive with her.

>> No.78127182

Shoveling dirt onto the corpse doesn't mean it isn't six feet under just because the grave's only 4 feet deep now.

If you mean the "Measures to rebuild NijiEN": https://finance.logmi.jp/articles/379796
Their response started with "In our plan for this fiscal year, we are planning to focus more on the growth of NijiSanji domestically".

....they then go on to describe their plan for NijiEN: creating content that entices viewers, such as 3Ds and tournament planning.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that sounds like they're going to get someone else to do what Selen did for them. Good luck next Selen, hopefully you'll fare better!

>> No.78127242
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Lmao this is fucking rich coming from you considering you called anyone who wasn't in hololive who acknowledged the girls on Twitter leeches and called the homos grifters too but now hololive is technically leeching from doki popularity admittedly by your own words and now leeching is okay. Goddamn you faggots live up to your name of being the biggest DICK SUCKERS on this board.

>> No.78127257

Would be funny if she joined and /vt/ started shitting on her again for being a homocollaber

>> No.78127288


>> No.78127355


>> No.78127439

people should not talk about going to Hololive as if it's fucking mcdonald's and you can just walk in and get the job if you feel like. she gets in if she's fucking invited, that's what. it's entirely up to Jap and co.

>> No.78127466

>sister is so fucking mentally ill that they cannot comprehend the concept of a mutually beneficial relationship.

>> No.78127515

>If I start removing money from their revenue that they got from fans, we won!

>> No.78127544

>the truth is that they all have a few talents besides ranting while they play games
What are Biboo and Shiori's talents?

>> No.78127645

wtf are you talking about sister lmao, take your meds before seething

>> No.78127683

If you're doki and you're making 2000 dollars per stream would you A. Stay indie pay yt cut and after taxes keep 1,400 or join hololive pay yt yagoo and the irs and keep about 600 dollars of that 2,000 dollars you just made. Not mentioning how you're also sponsored up the ass have a steady fanbase work at your own pace and not have to deal with corpo perms or jp corporate autism. Option A seems like the most lucrative venture to me.

>> No.78127755

>getting passively boosted is TOTALLY the same as being a pathetic grifting parasite tweeting at celebs you don't know, okay??
Imagine being so flawless these are the level of mental gymnastics you have to perform to argue they're "the same" as your worthless dregs. Hololive is truly on another level.

>> No.78127787

No, I never want her to be in a corpo again. Ever.

>> No.78127860

Sisters are still trying to downplay Niji practically crashing and burning in the quarterly report. So they've basically flooded the board with Doki hate because they blame her, personally, for it and not the wrist-slapping retards in charge of the EN branch .

>> No.78127875

Oh now is a beneficial relationship you faggots and your mental gymnastics. If only you faggots actually worked out at a gym instead of excercizing your fat fingers on your computer keyboard you'd be getting laid instead of crying about men on streams all the fucking time like the cheap butt pirates that a lot of you are exposing yourselves to be.

>> No.78127911

No sane corpo ever would want to hire someone who blackmailed her employers because they wouldn't wipe her ass for her then smeared then online

>> No.78127993

Holozhangs are trying to deflect from the other branches doing so shit, management started whoring them out to the Chinese

>> No.78128058
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Holozhang seethe you love to see it *chef kiss*

>> No.78128089

Anycolor Q4 report said EN was worthless, followed up by Riku saying he was dropping support for EN.

>> No.78128132

Of course there's one faggot saying we need to drop the Niji hate when nobody has come forward on anything. Not who targeted Doki, not whose idea the Black Stream was, and on who leaked a legal document. Nor has there been formal apologies, the barest minimum.

>> No.78128184

Riku basically admitting they gave up on NijiEN to investors

>> No.78128386

No, that's not a real talent. It's because she's known because she used to be in NijiEN. She didn't do any of that stuff before she got into NijiEN. That's how simple it is.
A lot more than Dokibird. Biboo can zatsu, created her own mod to show her creativity, and has created songs and various things that have made Advent more popular. Shiori has a lot of skill, did a lot of video production, has an education and wanted to do microscopy streams. It's just that Shiori got more lazy once she got in, but her talents were more than enough to convince them to hire her.

>> No.78128390

>No argument
Concession accepted + bitchslapped across the room

>> No.78128395

sisters living in delusion LMAO

>> No.78128618

The fag who keep moving goal post everytime wrote this
He says as he also live in the delusion where believe a nation housing about 2 billion people all bent the knee to fagoo.

>> No.78128698

Imagine that your only notable talent and defining feature is that you were once employed by a company that made you want to kill yourself.

>> No.78128779

>still no argument
Oof looks like you're still getting buckbroken by me, keep giving me free wins please little bitch.

>> No.78128845
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To be fair, even the dragoons think it's tasteless. You'll find a lot of distaste for it in /haha/.
I prefer this version.
Doki's growing and healing just fine without needing to worry about Niji anymore. They shouldn't even be acknowledged at this point and should just go back to rotting in irrelevance.
Also it's so, so much funnier that they're seething this hard about somebody who absolutely refuses to acknowledge they exist.

>> No.78128880

It could be worse than that imagine shitting on the Chinese for 3 years then putting their cock in your mouth at yagoo command like most holozhang are doing now.

>> No.78129020

>Constantly collab whores with every ex niji possible

>> No.78129315
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Buck broken by who? This is what the average holozhang like you looks like trust me nobody is losing sleep over anything you're saying you fat rolly polly bitch tits asshole. Calm down before you agitate yourself and die of a cardiac arrest fatty.

>> No.78129539

>y-yes master, I have no argument! I concede again! y-y-you're fat!!
Good little defeated bitch, seethe some more for me. I command you.

>> No.78129608

If them pumping money in their stocks to make the number go higher = more profits back don't you think everyone would do this infinite money glitch? It doesn't work that way. They are losing money to make the number look bigger to entice more investors. But if they don't bite the bait, then they lost money.

>> No.78129760

But just imagine being Chinese and paying taxes to China. How does that really make you feel?

>> No.78129780


>> No.78129784

>Ex nijis who had been wronged or caused grievances by niji.

>> No.78129831

uh oh, melty alert

>> No.78129879

Stop fucking outing yourself, it's embarrassing.

>> No.78129886

Yes, that is how the stock market works. And that is usually the strategy to make a lot of money in the stock market. Meaning it's a smart investment

>> No.78129939

If it didn't make sense to you before, the reason Doki celebrated Chinese New Year is that she's a citizen of China, living as an expat in Canada.

>> No.78129954
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Crying this hard because he can't admit that he is now a Zhang. Okay Zhang I'm sure Xi will unban the Winnie the pooh in china for you so that they can look as based as yagoo is for sucking Xi dick.

>> No.78130068

I'm not chinese. Like you Zhang. I don't hold no affiliation to the ccp like you.

>> No.78130083

>does exactly as ordered
Good little obedient slave. Hey remember how I absolutely destroyed you in an argument so hard you shat your diapers and had a meltdown? KWAB.

>> No.78130414

the Sayu bait threads stopped working.

>> No.78130537
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>they bending their knee to an indie that shit talk xi but not to yagoo
Sister are retarded as their organ doing black stream to shit on suicide survivor.

>> No.78130583

It must be dead hours huh

>> No.78130582

>2000 CCV
No, she shouldn't join Hololive. She would be a burden.

>> No.78130592
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She is a naturalized Canadian citizen born in Hong Kong.

>> No.78130637

Roru roru roru

>> No.78130784

The fuck this has to do with hololive aligning themselves with the Chinese ccp you think this absolve them from that? Stop deflecting you weak bitch.

>> No.78130843

OH NO NO NO sister, how do we cope.

>> No.78130895

>coming up with ideas and organizing events with a large amount of people and they end up successful isn't a talent
It is a talent, you actually need these skills to get a higher paying job than your average wagey
You dismiss it but Doki's biggest talent is something 99% of vtubers lack: foresight.

>> No.78130911

Oi, you fucking twat, Pomu graduated. You don't get to use her for shitposting

>> No.78131052

Ignoring the OP's intent to troll, there are a couple reasons why Dokibird should not join Hololive:
1. Dokibird does not mesh so well with the "Traditional" hololive model of a girl who sings and dances and participates in concerts. Doki can't sing, can't dance, and would much rather headshot you on Apex Legends than do an ASMR.
2. Dokibird is a massive unityfag. One of her explicit goals with events like Wrestletuber is to bring the EN scene, and the best position to do this from is as a large indie, at least in my opinion. Besides, Hololive can be a little... insular.
3. Dokibird wants to be able to collab with males whenever the hell she wants to. Although her dragoons are perfectly fine with this, other fanbases are not, and permanently linking up with a place where male collabs are frowned upon is going to lead to cultural friction.

>> No.78131167

The only thing you destroyed was what was left of whatever integrity you had left holozhang. Remember that. You are now owned by the ccp nothing you say will change that until fagoo pulls out of that dumpster fire :) but since Japan economy is on the shitter and yagoo needs more money get used to calling the Chinese your masters you sycophantic retard.

>> No.78131180

>t. Im too retarded to use my brain
I've accepted your concession.

>> No.78131244

Notice the pattern. Whenever there's a lot of one threads being spammed about one tuber, other threads that usually pop up about one girl or another(Fauna and Sayu being two good examples) completely cease to exist. They don't even get posted and fall off the board. There is just nobody posting them at all.

>> No.78131315

Ywnbj Zhang. But you can be chinese! By the bless of your new chinese overlords.

>> No.78131357

Ccp who? You mean the ccp who kowtow to this indie.

>> No.78131410

>party with HYTE in front of the Niji stand
I sincerely hope they hire a few phat-assed Dokibird cosplayers to twerk belligerently in Nijisanji's general direction.

>> No.78131429

Zhangs don't ever win anything sorry loser learn English and stop using words you don't know the meaning of.

>> No.78131526

Yes the same ccp who hololive also aligned themselves with that ccp. You fags are willing to talk about everyone else except when it comes to your very own hypocrisy and irony.

>> No.78131557

>zhang zhang zhang zhang
Sounds like you're unironically seething that bilibili told Riku to fuck off and sold their shares of anykuro stocks

>> No.78131739

>bili bili told riku to fuck off
>elira enna vox all still streaming there
Making even more shit aren't you. Aren't you faggots tired of manufacturing lies?

>> No.78132061

>pretending to oshi the livers and not the stocks
Fuck off with your lies.

>> No.78132862

I accept your concession holozhang. Remember to recite your ccp pledge every morning while burning an American flag.

>> No.78133271

Bilibili sold all their Anycolor stocks, it literally happened and it was the reason the stock price plummeted in February, you're not accepting any kind of concession, you mongoloid

>> No.78133497

uh oh sister, your estrogen is showing

>> No.78134901

No, she and Mint should lead us in an all-out war against holochinks, like shining beacons of western vtubing.

>> No.78135489

no, all corpos bad

>> No.78135512

No. We don’t want this BPD bitch.

>> No.78138527

Post tits

>> No.78142599
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>14 matches for "sister"

>> No.78143025
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>Doesn't even have a vtuber reaction

>> No.78143136

their oshi riku basically said fuck nijien idgaf

>> No.78143169

Aww did I hurt your feelings when I called out capitulation back in March. Don't worry. I'm sure some white woman will give you the time of day, Zhang.

>> No.78143257
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kys Nijinig

>> No.78143281

>he thinks 276k views on X is "blew up" in 2024

>> No.78143373

As much as that would be fucking funny, Hell the fuck no. Doki being indie is enough for the destruction of nijiniggers. Niji can't even compare to a fucking slutty vtuber corpo nowadays

>> No.78143658

>Goal posting a shit post
You sisters really are pathetic. Are your feefees hurt? Why don't you ask miload what happened to his beard and hat

>> No.78146516

What the fuck is with the fags complaining about harassment? It's just her dancing and no one's even tagged. And who the fuck cares what snakes at niji think? They're public figures and can be criticized. Gonna cry about goslingfags edits too?
>This isn't what Doki would want!
It's fucking funny. That's all you fucking crybabies.

>> No.78148542

>she is skilled because she can send a dm
Yeah, I guess you're right in the same sense that wiping your ass is a skill and you need it to avoid infections. I'm not really sure where you get the rest of your cope from though.

>> No.78149162

She already has so much staff (including multiple lawyers) that she's basically a vtuber agency unto herself. And she's booked solid for at least the next six months, so she couldn't join Hololive or any other agency right now even if she wanted to (unless she joins Vshojo or Phase, and Gunrun or Fishman let her keep those other promotional contracts)

Plus, being indie has certain advantages for her over being in an agency. Things like "not needing to go through middlemen to get perms to play games" and "not needing to give the agency a predetermined percentage of her gross or net revenue" and especially "full ownership of the Dokibird IP"

>> No.78151547

>"I won"

>> No.78152060


>> No.78152223

It is for NijiEN in 2024

>> No.78152411

>not needing to go through middlemen to get perms to play games"

That's more a function of Nijisanji and Hololive being Japanese companies than an "agency" thing. Japan's copyright laws are draconian, and "fair use" doesn't exist in a meaningful context there.

>> No.78156871

Okay, now look at the rest of the company.

>> No.78157157

You say this, and yet she's the only one who's been able to pull it off.
Hell, Elira, Millie, and Enna have had far more access to merch, sponsorships, and events than Selen ever had. Yet despite all of those advantages, they never rose to the same level on any metric?

>> No.78159564

I can literally smell the indie circlejerking in this post

>> No.78160782
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Enna was pretty close for a while

>> No.78161179

I wonder what happened during those months. I don't remember those months very well.

>> No.78161239

They went to Japan for a long time

>> No.78161293

oh was that the japan arc with the woo girls? That makes sense.

>> No.78161369

What is that gay shit about Hitler, he never thought the German people failed him, he was proud of them fighting until the last man until the end.

We really gotta stop badmouthing Hitler.>>78122947

>> No.78161408

Its MillLe

>> No.78163318

>That drop
I assume that's when Kyo debuted and they started fucking.

>> No.78163754

nta, but I literally don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.78163897

This is so fucking funny she was a success and they hated her because of it.

>> No.78164060

Unironically that drop happened right after their handholding bedroom offcollab
Enna lost a ton of members and started complaining that she lost a bunch of emote slots

>> No.78168007

For something that doesn't tag the people involved? From an account with only 6k followers? Yeah that's 100% blowing up

>> No.78168139
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>> No.78168878

Nobody wants that. Doki is doing great on her own. Hololive Management isn't as awful in many respects compared to Niji but they can be pretty damn slow and incompetent. Even for Kiara to get a dance short, for the pokemon trending thing, took her too long despite JPs already doing it.
Also Doki never showed any real interest in performing 3D idol stuff on stage. I feel like Mint would probably be a better fit for Holo but I doubt she needs them, she's already getting a concert in LA.

>> No.78172097

fuck no, we have enough menheras and with less drama

>> No.78172175

NijiEN's revenue went down despite all the events in the last quarter.
Face it sister, the branch is cooked.

>> No.78174347


I would like to once again remind the laughably predictable Nijisisters that your black company was sucking chink dick in a market that Hololive had no stake in for 4 years and they still dropped your organs so they could go beg Hololive for scraps.
