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78119778 No.78119778 [Reply] [Original]

What is the ideal vtuber chest size?

I want the perfect pair of tits

>> No.78119871
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None at all

>> No.78119891

I wanna yoink that fang out with a pair of pilers

>> No.78119899

G cup

>> No.78120135
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Large, like Chloe or Selen-size but hidden behind a large shirt or baggy clothes. This way artists can interpret it however they want and everybody wins.

>> No.78120342

Chloe has the perfect tits so you already answered your question.

>> No.78120364
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these right here

>> No.78120376
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it depends on your preference but if you like big boobs youll probably like production kawaiis vtubers reinas very cute

>> No.78120405

Anywhere from AAA to LLL.

>> No.78120447

A handful

>> No.78121008

I want a cutting board

>> No.78121181

Flat is justice

>> No.78121245
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>> No.78121847
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These are decent based on what other threads say.

>> No.78123459

B cup like matsuri. Small but not that small

>> No.78123692

Either honka donka badonkas or completely flat, I won’t accept half measures

>> No.78123841
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for me it’s Koyoris

>> No.78124073
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Big enough to crush my head like a grape.

>> No.78124659
File: 65 KB, 530x738, Hina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Packing size

>> No.78124925
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Chloe's above average but they're still great. I prefer a bit smaller personally, closer to Roboco's.

>> No.78125035

there isnt a perfect size
small titties best
big titties best

>> No.78125067

cop out answer. go big or go home

>> No.78125458

Thread should have ended right here.

>> No.78125575

5x size of head minimum.

>> No.78126046 [SPOILER] 
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As large as possible

>> No.78126481

Stinky whale gets a pass though

>> No.78127151

Chloe has nice tits but 148cm/4'10" is too short for such a rack, I can't call them the ideal. She's shorter than Kobo and Ayame, even.

>> No.78127245
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I like ojou's size
They're cute and just large enough to get a handful to cup

>> No.78127480

Shortstacks are the best tho.

>> No.78127621

Shortstacks should have broader proportions, like Anya (when she had big tits) or Aqua. Chloe's built like a 165cm or so woman.

>> No.78128293
File: 689 KB, 2508x3544, __sakamata_chloe_hololive_drawn_by_pomesaurus__1a51148fb0909f608ad826ece793f95a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah ur wrong

>> No.78132415

Faunas tits

>> No.78132646
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>> No.78132704

I don't want to think about shortstacks right now or I'll burst.

>> No.78138769
File: 305 KB, 2022x1431, 02c15ea24f42a33d071109d864617d14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K cup

>> No.78140488

It's perfectly flat

>> No.78142098
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>> No.78143452

Shapeshifter Like Sana

>> No.78143532

Any and all.

>> No.78143550

i see the orca, i sniff the orca

>> No.78144650

thank you based ichika poster

>> No.78145353
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>> No.78145508

i dont like them completely huge and i dont like them nonexistent. anything in between is great

>> No.78145827

Sora size

>> No.78150223
File: 2.11 MB, 720x404, 1718417393414.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dona sized.

>> No.78151443
File: 3.96 MB, 1920x1080, 1699078049842481.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the greatest set of tits in vtubing history.

>> No.78151614
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>Koyori catches you with your hand in her boobs

wat do?

>> No.78151746


>> No.78151878

Chest Size depends on what they're going for. Mommy character? G cup.
Little Sister type? A-b cup.

>> No.78152123
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>> No.78157164

Big ol saggers

>> No.78157306
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>> No.78157342


>> No.78157705
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Chest size is flexible as long as their tanned
captcha, n0jap

>> No.78160414
File: 1.14 MB, 2625x4096, 1686451936669533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the sag, Chloe's tits look delicious because the sag makes them look real and not like some grafted on bricks just to look bigger. I'm a DFC chad but Chloe's tits live rent free in my head.

>> No.78162988
File: 259 KB, 480x1044, Fauna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Large, but not so much that they are difficult to handle.

>> No.78163080
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Noel sized

>> No.78163099

>Green Lamy
>Pink Lamy

>> No.78163184

Only ever either ridiculous head+ sized jugs, or flat as fuck. No in-betweens.

>> No.78163240

You mean medium

>> No.78163582
File: 59 KB, 401x816, perfection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfect portions are very simple:
what ever her head size is used it for her breasts, waist and ass cheeks

>> No.78165927
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>> No.78168516
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>> No.78168788
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Most SOVL tits in vtuber history
