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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7805448 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best aesthetic for male VTubers? People love to bring up "fujos" but what do they like in particular?

>> No.7805461

They just like two men interacting

>> No.7805473

boy with braids for sideburns

>> No.7805475

Try looking at joseimuke mobile games for inspiration.
Think of Genshin Impact males as an example of the type of men fujoshi like. They want pretty men.

>> No.7805585
File: 44 KB, 441x380, 898E175E-4281-4B1A-B263-7B1830926AC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fujoshi is a meme buzzword on this website that people use to describe all female otaku, but fujoshi are a very specific group of women who are interested specifically in fictional male/male relationships. They don't care if it's "official" or not, so any friendship between males is enough to set off their imaginations, as long as they aren't butt-ugly.
The majority of male vtubers have a majority male audience, so the female audience's importance when it comes to a male vtuber's popularity is vastly overestimated anyway. But they gachikoi like any lonely people do, so it's not like they should be ignored wholly either.
Basically just be entertaining and attractive and an audience will come to you.

>> No.7806324

Look at Ensemble Stars and Twisted Wonderland for examples

>> No.7809615
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This. Kenmochi actively discourages and shits on fujoshi yet the amount of lewds he gets with Gaku is up there with the top of male vtubing and pic related ships them too.
You only need to exist near a male while also being entertaining to get fujos. Nothing even close to what women do when yuribaiting. You'd be hard-pressed to ever find two straight guys baiting the same way two straight women would. To bait a fujo is to merely acknowledge your male friend in a strictly platonic way. The point is to create a fantasy with little tidbits. Compliment his headshots. Remember his favorite food. Chat about the time your bro made you laugh. There's a balance that only the most heterosexual and confident males can strike, because if you actually are gay and flirting, the magic is lost. The fantasy is dashed, and there's nothing for the fujo mind to work with. No scenarios to fantasize and draw the sexual conclusion to on the 3rd circle of a locked Twitter if they're actually fucking.
The design doesn't have to be anything special or overdone either. Just attractive. Apps like Ensemble Stars, or Idolish7, males in Granblue, Genshin, or FGO, or shounen anime that women like are a good place to start as a total beginner.
Just know you may be selling your soul if you actually go down this path. To (Me).

>> No.7809674

You won't pull the fujo audience unless you can do what kittymcpancakes does. look up his stream. if you dont have the voice and personality, it doesnt matter what you do youll never pull a female audience

>> No.7810122

Why would I want to be like a literal who?

>> No.7810144


>> No.7810181

People talk females and males, but andro cunts will take over eventually. Screencap this.

>> No.7811141

>look him up
>angry ex allegations
Why is the West like this?

>> No.7811166

>Kira (rip)
>that pink beyblade guy. (rip too)

>> No.7811170

What if you tried to appeal to shotacons?

>> No.7811190

Precisely. The takeover is upon us.

>> No.7811384

Like anons commented already Fujo has lost any meaning it ever had here a long time ago. If you are entertaining and aren't allergic to your l2d looking nice you will draw that audience. You can still even go the "unique snowflake monster" path but make it a monster boy.
"Bait" is just interesting interactions that you have with your friends and for the most parts any fujo audience you get will keep their shit on twitter and places like here and out of your tags and chat, men hardly ever do the heavy pandering that you would think they do when you see the posts on this board.
Dont be afraid to be called cute either,you dont even need to play it up, if you have something you have a passion for and can show it it'll be "cute", slightly embarrassing childhood story that you can throw in a free chat?, its cute, etc.

>> No.7811819

I just want a cute shota vtuber that's not a tranny

>> No.7813537

>actually are gay and flirting, the magic is lost
Wait so fujo doesn't like BL?

>> No.7816434

This post is too reasonable and logical for this board.

>> No.7818082


>> No.7820835

Fujos love BL and draw metric tons of it when it comes to bait they aren't supposed to get together. The point is to provide a canvas for fantasy. To turn two guys who are just friends, into something more by applying favorite tropes, fetishes, etc

>> No.7820999

They do, but you have to understand that not every fujo likes the same pairings and the like, so if two vtuber males were to officially get together - that would actually be a disappointment for the people that like other couples involving the liver, other tropes... so in the end, baiting or simply not confirming anything is the most practical approach when appealing to the fujoshi audience.

>> No.7825291

