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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78044879 No.78044879 [Reply] [Original]

>hired to be dark goth chick with extreme sex appeal
>has the girliest pink bedroom in EN like a 12 year old
>flower streams
>obsessed with fashion
>likes perfume and makeup
>loves mall shopping with girlfriends
>autistically organized and surprisingly hygienic

>> No.78044925

it's called a gap and it's super cute

>> No.78044967

And she's perfect

>> No.78045009

She is a reverse Haachama and it doesn't work.

>> No.78045024

she knows absolutely nothing about makeup.

>> No.78045085

My cum is her makeup.

>> No.78045088

I can tell you haven't met a lot of goth girls.

>> No.78045169

I just wish that someone at the company would say
>Hey, maybe we should design the model to suit the streamer instead of just assigning them at random.

>> No.78045171

Can't see the issue here, it's perfect

>> No.78045175
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>OP is unfamiliar with Perky Goth trope

>> No.78045351

i'm pretty sure they take it all into account
i cant really think of any holo that doesnt have a design that suits them perfectly

>> No.78045438

shiorin cute

>> No.78045503

>>flower streams
>>obsessed with fashion
>>likes perfume and makeup
>>loves mall shopping with girlfriends
>>autistically organized and surprisingly hygienic
all of those things are goth

>> No.78045781

Believe it or not, there was a time long, long ago when being a goth actually meant something beyond wearing a costume.
Not much more, admittedly, but it was something, and it was important.

>> No.78045782

holy fking tourist, 1st time i see a creatire think advent avatar does not fit them.

>> No.78045870

Perky Goth girls have been a thing in culture since a black and white Wendsday Addams cried about a story where a mean ol' knight killed an innoocent dragon

>> No.78045897

Holos after Holox have all said that they get a say in their design. It’s not random

>> No.78046074
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i see no flaw in there

>> No.78046268

ok boomer. that shit died ages ago.

>> No.78046406

Ain’t she perfect? I love her lots!

>> No.78047078
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I like the Shiori we got, but I won't lie and say I wasn't disappointed that she isn't the psychotic yabai yandere with BPD and nymphomania like I envisioned from the teasers.

>> No.78047386

>expecting the goth girl to not be girly

>> No.78047719

Literally perfect.

>> No.78047769
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>psychotic yabai yandere with BPD and nymphomania
Watch streams, this describes her pretty accurately

>> No.78047797

>and nymphomania
that's the only thing you needed to say, i'm in

>> No.78047881


>> No.78047891

I've watched a good amount and Shiori is hardly any of those things. She's close to being the biggest normie in Advent.

>> No.78047900

Gap Moe is glorious.
Like I Think the strongest we got in Hololive is Botan and it's amazing.

>> No.78047916

Shigga her first stream was examining worm penises. She's constantly horny

>> No.78047926

pretty sure there's still goths in yurop

>> No.78047970


>> No.78048063

you've not watched a single stream

>> No.78048080
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Idk, I think she played it up early but it wasn't really her jam. I can't watch literally every vod but I don't get the vibe from her that she's horny and not just weird. If I'm wrong I'm wrong, I'd prefer it be both.

>> No.78048154

She plays coy but she is constantly gooning

>> No.78048245

Yes, that's wonderful, one red flag though: she likes ntr.

>> No.78048299

>it doesn't work

>> No.78048302

2mw sister

>> No.78048390

>she likes ntr
>doesn't specify which way
>wants to watch you fuck her genmates while they tease her

>> No.78048491

If they hired her to be a dark goth chick then why did they pick a foreigner who's second language is English? It's pretty clear goth has no cultural relevance for her or most people that grow up in Asia.

>> No.78048537

>autistically organized and surprisingly hygienic
Bro, she doesn't brush her teeth regularly, doesn't shower regularly, has live insects in her food storage, and mold in her fridge.

>> No.78048591

thats still cringe

>> No.78048611

Yeah, but besides that you have to admit she's pretty hygienic.

>> No.78048656

Not everyone wants to have sex through a hole in the sheet with the lights of, Ben.

>> No.78048666

>ignoring basic needs because they don't interest her while spending an inordinate amount of attention on the things that do
I mean, that does sound pretty autistic.

>> No.78048675

Gooning 24/7 is the most normie thing ever in the current year.
>she likes dick jokes, she's so quirky guise!

>> No.78048719
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kronii will help

>> No.78048840

She's just one of those girls who likes lolita fashion

>> No.78048856

Even then most goths actually enjoyed non-goth things once they grew out of their 2edgy gotta-prove-the-darkness-of-my-soul-at-all-times baby goth phase.

>> No.78048894

I wish I could stuff Shiori full of sweets and ice cream with all the toppings she wants until she's absolutely full of sugar and fat.

>> No.78048903

>Goth girl with super pink girly room

God IMAGINE the sex

>> No.78048908

>she's an autistic clusterfuck and a slob so it still fits
Autistic yes, but organized or hygienic not really. I guess one out of three ain't bad.

>> No.78048956

She is organized when it comes to keeping schedules though.

>> No.78049180

>Bro, she doesn't brush her teeth regularly, doesn't shower regularly, has live insects in her food storage, and mold in her fridge.
i can fix that just by living with her

>> No.78049219

She brushes her teeth with my cum all the time

>> No.78049223

Why is there a Shiori thread every single day

>> No.78049423

Over half of these are untrue.
>doesn’t shower regularly
She showers daily. At least she says she does
>has live insects in her food storage.
That was when she came back from vacation and left food out.
>mold in her fridge
Okay she might have mold in her fridge

>> No.78049540
File: 125 KB, 850x1172, __shiori_novella_shiori_novella_and_yorick_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_mikuneki__sample-1d9b98f8666a5bf4b3630141cf5ab62e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She showers daily.
Disappointing. Weekly at most, and no shaving.

>> No.78049601

Dunno especially since a bunch of posters were in her thread constantly insisting nobody liked her over and over again for hours

>> No.78049636

>That was when she came back from vacation and left food out.
No, she had worms in a packaged mochi that had been lying in her pantry for at least half a year before that. She also didn't want to throw out a bottle of expired milk for two weeks because "it's going to be a garbage disposal day soon anyway." She also had a pack of strawberries rot and explode in her fridge. And there is a lot of mold in her fridge. Like, a lot.

>> No.78049670

Sounds cute

>> No.78049675

She's in Hololive so she can't really talk about a lot of the darker things she's interested in

>> No.78049706

Eh, that's pretty normal. Everyone has something from a few years ago in their fridge.

>> No.78050112

All this thread tells me is that zoomers have no fucking idea about anything.
Literally every goth girl I knew, WHEN I was still a young guy, thought pink is the most bestest color in the world because ehe~ so opposite and quirky to their black clothes

>> No.78050191

Man, you gotta be coping hard. It's stuff that all happened pretty early on and set the tone for her streams in the first two months after her debut.

>> No.78050216

>OP never met a real woman in his life.
That explains this outburst

>> No.78050280

That's jut her being quirky. A little mold never hurt anyone, it's all part of her kayfabe, for the fans.

>> No.78050325

They went to Cradle of Filth concerts in pink dresses ?

>> No.78050335

NTA, but showering part never happened. She showers daily because she likes the feeling of hot water. I don't remember the teeth brushing ever being mentioned one way or another.

>> No.78050370

I bet she has smelly pits

>> No.78050371

OPs aren't real

>> No.78050409

I'm not sure what you think you're raging about. It's pretty obvious that the person portraying Shiori Novella is not goth or interested in goth stuff in the slightest, and probably has no real cultural exposure to goths.

>> No.78050477

NTA, but it's called pastel goth and yes, they did.

>> No.78050491

I recall hearing it before so it's probably true. Either way, she's the most unhygienic HoloEN by a long shot. In past threads when it was brought up anons were saying that makes them love her even more. Now it seems anons are just memory holing most of it.

>> No.78050508

No they rather collected a stash of pink garbage at home. And pink accessories weren't too uncommon either, like a fuzzy pink phone"sock"(?!)

>> No.78050522

Shhh dont ruin the psudo ojisan wannabe's larp

>> No.78050541

>source: 4chan
I see.

>> No.78050560

Then who made this thread?

>> No.78050572

A faggot.

>> No.78050585

i'd like her if she had lips

>> No.78050602

>Hired to be a Goth
> Isn't a South Park goth
OMG why can't she be the only goth i know?!?!

>> No.78050617

Obvious from what?

>> No.78050642

Based on what she was saying and doing during her streams. Am I going to go through everything she ever said or posted to prove it to anons now just so they can ignore it or still deny it? No, so believe it never happened. Others will remember it did.

>> No.78050646
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/vt/ the number one source of credible information.

>> No.78050689

From the fact that she only moved to a western country when she went to college, and has no goth interests.

>> No.78050723

I'll remember you as a spiritual troon who believes in whatever makes sense in his addled head.


>> No.78050830

I dm'd Shiori and she confirmed it

>> No.78050865

And that's because you're coping. You'll never convince me stuff I saw happen never happened, but you'll never truly believe shit you just made up to help you cope.

>> No.78050875

She moved to a western country when she was in elementary school. She can't shut the fuck up about cannibalism and edgy games, those are hardly goth specific but you will be hard pressed to find literally anyone who is into goth music nowadays and I doubt that anybody cares.

>> No.78050928

Burger I presume? You are fucking retarded and wrong too.

>> No.78051007

I saw your mother getting fucked in the ass by a bunch of niggers last night. Cope.

>> No.78051200

>it’s all that happened early on
I mean yeah? I’ve been watching her since debut. She even said in her debut that she showers regularly. The mold stuff started with a loaf of bread kek. >>78050865
NTA but you’re the one coping here. You claim you’ve seen it happen yet you source “anon” for your claims.

>> No.78051754

Ok, so it's a different subclass of goth then

>> No.78051870

Gura is an unironic autistic lolibaba IRL

>> No.78052146

She can't go full Ebolachan tier dark like her RM

>> No.78052556

Don't know what this shit about goths is about, she clearey a much more dorky archetype, the hexmaniac

>> No.78052582

Ina is the only mismatch in Myth since she's actually taller than Mori irl
The stories about her "idol disguise" in Japan is 10x more hilarious because she's a literal tower there

>> No.78052673

She can brush her teeth with my dick

>> No.78052705

>dark goth chick
>has the girliest pink bedroom in EN like a 12 year old
Yeah checks out

>> No.78052708

Floss too.

>> No.78053182


>> No.78053184

Ina's giant futa cock isn't THAT big

>> No.78053658

I still could swear I'm from a universe where she was a big oneesan and for like a week before I really noticed her.

>> No.78053972

>he thinks goth chicks don't love flowers and perfume

>> No.78054290
File: 192 KB, 1414x2000, __nerissa_ravencroft_shiori_novella_and_nerissa_ravencroft_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_redi_rasec_asdjh__bf77e2f538e123572e9845a84ae0193c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Shiori a back door girl with that big fat dumptruck?

>> No.78054350

It's like those pictures of Goth chicks in all black and big boots but their socks are actually pink and girly

>> No.78054916


>> No.78054984

From my memory I can recall:
Something being filled with ants she was going to use for her tea party stream
Moldy cheese for her burger stream
Moldy bread
The infamous moldy cuke

>> No.78055337

>has the girliest pink bedroom in EN like a 12 year old
do grown ass women really?

>> No.78055520

Yes the only way to stop it is marriage

>> No.78055609

Yep. Because then she'll have someone else's money to spend on the latest decorating ideas she saw on Instagram. You'll be the one installing all the new furniture, by the way.

>> No.78055688

holox did too, no way the phd one that kiies yelling randomly got the pink koyote

>> No.78055781

why contain it

>> No.78055808

I think you are mistaking goths for punk chicks, alot of them are absolute narcissists that will spend half a year in the bathroom before any concert or party.

>> No.78055925

this bait thread is so boring. fag just throw out dumb shit then silent as if some Novelites make bait thread to hear ppl praise shiori.

>> No.78056116

Why are the "hottest" takes on this board always coupled with the worst English?

>> No.78056254

What thread? Anon, did you forget to take your meds again?

>> No.78056435

how is that narcisstic

>> No.78056524

praise her!

>> No.78056748

Anon, overly caring about your looks and feeling insecure when something is off in that department is the most common tell for narcissistic disorders.
And they are very common in the alternative scenes since they draw attention whores and snowflakes with being not like the others in the first place

>> No.78057030

The actual disorder has to do with behavior towards others. Obsession with looks can run from normal, to unhealthy, to an actual mental condition, without having anything to do with npd.

>> No.78057226

One word: Kronii.

>> No.78057243

Shiori had a lot of input on her design, you just need to have done your reps to get it

>> No.78057741


>> No.78058336

>goth girls are actually normies trying to be edgy for attention seeking
You welcome, anon.

>> No.78058352

Yeah, based on her interactions with others in 3D and assuming the others are generally average JP woman height, you can estimate her height to be around 5'10'' to 6'. She is basically a giant in Japan when she goes lmao. A-chan also mentioned that Ina is very tall, JPs don't seem to have as many hang-ups about describing their IRL looks as EN for some reason.

>> No.78058400
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>> No.78058585

Botan isnt quite gap moe, shes just a cute girl who happens to have superpowers. She is indestructible and can lift buildings but that's just a thing she can do, it isnt a part of her personality.

>> No.78058770

>korean woman
>5'10'' to 6'
wouldn't that make her top percentile in height by kr standards?

>> No.78058771

>She also didn't want to throw out a bottle of expired milk for two weeks because "it's going to be a garbage disposal day soon anyway."
If food is expired in a closed container in your fridge, you want to keep it there until garbage day. The worst thing you can do with expired foods is put them in a wet, hot garbage can filled with new food sources for half a week so that the mold can live and spread and start releasing spores throughout the room.

>> No.78060120
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Shiori is cute and entertaining, and every one of her antis deserves the rope.

>> No.78060209

Wasted model

>> No.78060340

She would be top percentile basically everywhere as a woman.

>> No.78060792

Shiori is perfect.

>> No.78062661

Mentally ill women are moe.

>> No.78062927

EN Towa

>> No.78063005

Or worse have a maggot infestation

>> No.78063740

those were the posers who kept up kayfabe around you, sweetie

>> No.78064034

Ina's real height is the same as a certain much hated character that was revealed but never debuted

>> No.78064089
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Sweet granny Shiori is fine too, but I would have loved to see someone like Mercy Modiste in HoloEN.

>> No.78065029

Mercy is basically Shiori with no vtubing experience
Their personalities and mental illnesses are pretty similiar, but Mercy has tons of dead air while Shiori has literally no dead air.

>> No.78065712

could someone answer how fat is shiori's ass

>> No.78066196
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Fat enough to take a good plapping.

>> No.78066408

If you say you saw something and say it then it's not coping. If you say someone is something when you can't possibly know, then it's obviously coping. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
You can say you disbelieve them or don't trust their memory, but if you make stuff up on the spot then you're showing how insecure you are. Before you try to defend against that, nobody believes you are spying on all anons and know their secrets. Everybody believes streamers have said too much heinous shit for anyone to keep track of.

>> No.78066493

Good God

>> No.78066611

She has confirmed it's bigger than biboo's, but that's not saying much

>> No.78066807

I assume Biboo is like a twig the way she eats and is described but she could have a relatively big butt from sitting on her ass playing videogames all day.

>> No.78066854


BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPsnnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....BBBBBBRRRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPFFFFFFOh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....BBBBBBRRRRRRRRPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….

>> No.78067057

Drains exist. Also we have garbage disposals in our American kitchen sinks to dispose of organic foods.

>> No.78070082

Good post

>> No.78070190


>> No.78071491

Nene comes pretty close too, I think. Cutest dopiest girl you've ever seen, but she keeps beetles and goes out into the forest to find more.
