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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78022748 No.78022748 [Reply] [Original]

I can’t imagine mine being anything but kind and caring, but like half of all E celebs turn out to be terrible people so on the other hand I wouldn’t be surprised.

For a bonus, what would they be caught doing?

>> No.78022797
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>> No.78022910

I've been watching streamers from different communities for about 12 years and I've only struck a bad one once and every time I have a bad hunch about someone they turn out to be bad. My instinct is impeccable so I know my oshi is a good person.

>> No.78022968
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>> No.78023011

jaknigger go back

>> No.78023171

Your Oshi literally admitted to baselessly accusing her once good friend for not inviting her to an event, to the point that management had to step in and force an apology.

What did she do next? Mask everything up and hop ship to another blue woman, who ended eclipsing her. Karma at it's finest.

>> No.78024036 [SPOILER] 
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Decently high. She's always struck me as someone who lacks a bit of empathy towards those she's not already close to. Easily one of the most believably autistic people I've ever seen.

>what would they be caught doing?
Probably admitting not liking her fans much.

>> No.78024168
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>What’re the odds your oshi is a bad person?
i honestly cant tell

>> No.78024268

>schizo headcanon

>> No.78024348

kys wojakposter

>> No.78024946

I used to think she was an angel, but now it's pretty obvious she actually just lies all the time.

>> No.78025069

My oshi has cut off people she was friends with for years because they turned out to be abusive manipulators

>> No.78025266

>53dog doesn't watch streams

>> No.78025568

Lucky bastard, every era of my life has a scumbag I watched avidly. Roosterteeth alone has enough to fill an entire museum wing dedicated to my years of watching shit, even Geoff who I thought got over his issues but clearly didn't, to say nothing of people like Cryaotic or more relevant people like Elira.

>> No.78025641
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100%, she's awful and that's why I love her

>> No.78025689
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the one who was once my oshi turned out to be one of the worst people I've met in a while. if I'd known I was going to be dragged into some bullshit by a crazy bitch I would have just fucked one of the ones where I live

>> No.78025731

if they are a bad person they will show their trueself soon or later, even some high IQ psycho serial murderer got caught most of the time, let alone some dumb piece of shit vtuber, look at vox, showing the world that he is a manipulative piece of shit BLAMING the victim and calling doki is harmful to him, like any sane person will punch his face in real life.

>> No.78025851
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She's unlikely to be a bad person. She's chronically aware of the feelings of everybody around her and works tirelessly to elevate them and make them feel happy and comfortable, even if it's at her own expense.

That said, if she does get caught for something, it'll likely be financial. So either bribery, tax evasion, or giving a brojob in a back alley for a few grand while saying no homo.

>> No.78026192
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Odds that that gal in HoloEN is a bad person:

40% (Down from 75%)



Objective numbers here, sorry, but that's it. Feel free to ask me why.

>> No.78026260

go on

>> No.78026366
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>40% (Down from 75%)
Why the downgrade?

Does she still consider herself the brojob vchuuba?

>> No.78026539
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She genuinely made someone cry when she said, "I wanted to try to have a relationship with you" in response to someone asking her if she lied about wanting to be with them. Even she admits this was a terrible thing to say.

She genuinely does not see a need to have a romantic relationship, and remarks how deep down she knows she's callous. Which makes me wonder if she's a asexual or a sociopath? I'm pretty sure it neither on account of her love for Gundam fan-fiction and rewatching Escaflowne and Record of Lodoss War.

>> No.78026610

I'm like 40% convinced she's a bad person but I won't admit it...

>> No.78026621
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>Why the downgrade?
Mori changed a lot in the last few years. She's so feminine now.
No ok I'm joking. It's not that, it's just that she grew accustomed to how people in Japan live, and understood that a quiet life without making waves is to be preferred to generating drama. To put it simply, she grew more cautious. That decreased the chance that she is a bad person.

>go on
Kiara works hard but she's in constant need of validation. She's forcibly hyperactive, and while like she pretends to value herself highly, she doubts about herself quite often, probably because of core low self-esteem. This mess of a personality increases the chances she's a very moody, high-maintenance, bad person.

>> No.78026968

>Does she still consider herself the brojob vchuuba?
I don't think so since she really hasn't made too many apex collabs since coming back, but she's definitely not shy about making dicksucking jokes.
..If anything she's making more mental health jokes now. She wanted to call her team with dtto and RPR TSM (Team Slightly/Severely Menhera)

>> No.78027030

I'm aromantic but still like romantic stories. I just massively differentiate between stuff that involves myself and stuff that doesn't because I know my wants and needs very well.

>> No.78027259

My old oshi turned out to be a abhorrently toxic incredibly narcissistic person in real life once i met her and thats why she is now my old oshi. My new oshi doesnt seem to check any of the major redflags that i am now much more educated about but only time can tell with these things.

>> No.78027465

Kiara 75% yeah that tracks the cos thot e girls turned vtubers always seem to be a special kind of fucking terrible in real life my old oshi was a cos thot e girl before she became a Vtuber so i learned the hard way

>> No.78027479

literally the only one you got wrong. there isn't a single bad bone in her body except mine.

>> No.78027816

>people replying unironically to wojak thread
all of you faggots need to eat a 3day

>> No.78027828

Huh, neat. You kind of type like how my oshi sounds like. I dunno how to explain it but you seem like a hag.

>> No.78028199

>Kronii 65%
idk, she's a karen but i don't think she'd be getting caught in something that isn't a nothingburger (that nothingburger is going to get it's flames fanned by kronii herself though)

>> No.78029292

Funnily enough, I'm a kronie. Kronii is kinda unstable, but she knows what she is, and she's smart enough to try minimize the damage when she does something wrong. She still has outbursts from time to time doe. Also, her intention are usually good, even if her action end up making her look bad. So in the end, 65%. If she is or comes across as a bad person, she still doesn't want to be and she actively is trying to be better. I respect her a lot for that.

>> No.78029488
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100% She might actually be the most evil vtuber, which ironically makes her very trustworthy. The trick is to listen and infer the opposite of what she's saying, so reliable her is her lying. She also mercs anyone who mildly inconveniences her career. I love her.

>> No.78029606
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>> No.78029627

Which one is it?

>> No.78032699

opinion discarded

>> No.78032758

all vtubers are bad people

>> No.78032768

>he doesn't know

>> No.78032896

Didn't even do 50/50 for Fuwamoco baka. Or at least 60/40 cuz of booba. Also, why the 20% Shiori, I feel like she is one of the nicest people in general.

>> No.78032903
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>> No.78032920

I love my oshi because SHE IS A BAD PERSON

>> No.78032996

>I feel like she is one of the nicest people in general.

>> No.78033304

NTA, but what do you know?

>> No.78033388

Let's be honest, all chuubas are bad people unless proven others. All they do is manipulate people into funding their unemployed lifestyles while gatekeeping others from doing the same. I had a friend who ended his own life over a VTuber ruining his life. All VTubers are bad.

>> No.78033435

both. in her are two wolfs. one is a crazy shizo the other is a menhera autist.

>> No.78033478

I'll be 30 in just a few weeks, so there you go.

>> No.78033570

If it's the thing that /pcg/ loves to bitch about and which will likely get you sidelined for a few days if you mention it elsewhere, yeah, I know it. Never gave a shit about it, nor do I see it as a factor in why I suspect she's far from a saint. Still like her a lot.

>> No.78033591

She regularly tells people to kill themselves. I'm pretty confidient she's fine.
>For a bonus, what would they be caught doing?
Lying about some random shit. She's a woman after all and can't make up a good lie.

>> No.78033618

i'm gonna anonymously vent about my indie oshi, I don't think she's a bad person, but she's very narcissistic and selfish and she's gotten too used to her fans bending over backwards to justify her tantrums, so she usually lashes out unprovoked when people show concern about her. at this point i just want to stop watching her, but i'm sure she would notice it because she knows me because I've been clipping content for her for a while now, and I don't want her to feel bad if I suddenly stop showing up and supporting her

>> No.78033714
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>> No.78033831

You gotta learn when to let go. It's not worth being in a toxic environment. You deserve better, broski.

>> No.78033848

>Being cautious means your chance of being a bad person is lower
Nigger there are abusers who go years if not decades undercover, being socially competent while being a horrible person is a thing
Again, not being caught doesnt mean you are not a bad person. Also you seem to lack critical info about this person in particular. Hint: she should have been in fucking vshojo instead, fits her better

>> No.78033961

I'm fairly sure I know who you're talking about, but it doesn't matter who it is. Just quit. Find someone to watch who doesn't actively make you want to vent about her. Watching vtubers is supposed to be a fun experience. Don't treat her with kids gloves and don't be a doormat for no reason. She's an adult and should be treated like one.

>> No.78034012

are you looking forward to your wizard powers?

>> No.78034060

Already got my hat ready for the occasion, brother.

>> No.78034230

neat. stay strong brother.

>> No.78036451
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0%, she's a good person

>> No.78037232

i found one a couple of years ago, she was 100% a bad person but at least her reasons were decent enough to justify it, plus i went through something similar so i was able to understand her hate, recently she respawned in another place and she seems a lot more stable, for me she is 40% bad now, i am kinda proud of her progress but she is most likely going to make a lot of fujos mad at some point kek.
a couple of weeks ago i found another one in a certain app (literally 3 view, not 3 digit, 3 view) with the same traits, from what she has told us so far she is most likely 80% bad, i am expecting that to increase to 95%, we will see.

>> No.78038281

0, she will go and defend her friends in comments on videos when people bully her friends and cry over the mean comments. So literally 0%.

>> No.78038460

Mine doesn't have kayfabe so 0%

>> No.78038504


>> No.78038841

0% shes planning a violent robot uprising with an armada of drones BUT shes not a person.
