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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78017312 No.78017312 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:












Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>78005378

>> No.78017325
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sex with my cute wife

>> No.78017333

She already talked about it and Ewiwa almost broke down

>> No.78017350
File: 642 KB, 1700x2000, 1651376185922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Rosemi with all of my heart!

>> No.78017362

I fucking hate Petra so much it's unreal.

>> No.78017396

All the more reason to watch Hunter x Hunter, it is the anti-shounen. It takes every single shounen trope and mercilessly destroys it.

>> No.78017423
File: 66 KB, 412x486, 1701355520394442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you stop forcing your fujo bullshit onto Twisty, Elira? She's said so many times she's not interested for fucks sake. Go spam Klara's dm's with your weird fetish shit but leave my ojou alone she is built for oneeloli yuri with her mommygf kurara.

>> No.78017432
File: 120 KB, 1024x1024, 157654665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you, Milord!

If you cosplay from an anime that someone recognizes and likes, and they ask for your picture, you can use that as an icebreaker since clearly, you both like the same anime! Or attending a cosplay gathering! The Niji one at a recent con was really nice!
Most of my friends have a group like that, but I also have other friends who've played the photog/cosfamous thing, but it's a dicey one.
These kinds! >>78016238
Ohhh that's a pretty good idea! I kind of do that actually with a daily journal I have at the moment, and even week I keep a list of things that interest me, or my brainrot of the day, or a song, or films I watch! That's really smart!

>> No.78017450
File: 356 KB, 1847x2048, 20350215_234800_IMG_0901 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!

>> No.78017460

Twisty said arcane is a dogshit show because a cat was kiled halfway into episode 1 and she finds people who like league but only really like arcane are annoying. She also said she either dropped or wasnt interested in jojos because its about guys and the girls look like guys

>> No.78017469
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wuca wuca!
i really love him a lot

>> No.78017478
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I love my bird wife Enna!

>> No.78017508
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Hairbun and pits love
Twisty and Vivi love

>> No.78017533
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I love Elira so much.

>> No.78017558
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luca rabu!!

>> No.78017561

she doesn't like when animes are "here's the big battle lets train for it for several episodes"
she likes playing league with elira and chats with her, cope seethe and dilate

>> No.78017571
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>> No.78017570

how come hex's stuff gets privated when this exists on youtube

>> No.78017591

If Twisty was a guy she would be the most obnoxious guy ever

>> No.78017592
File: 129 KB, 512x512, 1679522846523644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back from work~ Time to find something to do while listening to elira yap

>> No.78017608

Same. I'm just talking about pre-game stuff.
For the actual game I just react to stuff going on and whatever objects in the area might make me think of (e.g in Judgement I remember seeing an ice ball/sphere in one of the glasses of alcohol in a bar and talked about how I bought a mold for that once because Vermouth uses them in Detective Conan and I thought it was cool but they're actually a pain in the ass to freeze).
Though I do think that ideally it'd be good to have a few talking points for during gameplay when there's nothing to play off of. I struggled a lot with Limbo at points.

>> No.78017639
File: 289 KB, 390x618, 1702500028993231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

League players acting elitist always makes me laugh because the rest of the gaming world thinks they're on the same level as like Roblox players lol.

>> No.78017678

She's just like me...

>> No.78017677

why does twisty has the buns, is she chinese

>> No.78017725

If you want a guy with the most dishonest pickme opinions just watch Sonny Brisko.

>> No.78017723

Worse, league players are masochistic roblox players

>> No.78017769

Pomie hands typed this post.

>> No.78017778

Her hair is oishi

>> No.78017794

A lot of livers playing league lately... I wonder if Aster really managed to organize something

>> No.78017810
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>> No.78017812

D-D-D-DOUBLE BAIT... BAIT... Bait... bait...b-

>> No.78017833
File: 335 KB, 451x725, 1692556315877164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave me alone

>> No.78017843

Elira is being delulu again about Caitlyn being her gf.

>> No.78017871
File: 195 KB, 1012x1175, 1717938998851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna sleep. Good night Twisty good night everyone.
I want to lick Twisty's pits peroperopero

>> No.78017889

ohayo ronin!

>> No.78017902

There should be separate terms for pickme girls who want to be picked by guys, pickme guys who want to be picked by girls, and pickme guys who want to be picked by other guys. Sonny is definitely in the last category.

>> No.78017909
File: 157 KB, 1200x1200, 15454146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night spiritmate!

>> No.78017918

It wasn’t about her being a pickme at all but way to out yourself anyway

>> No.78017933
File: 45 KB, 643x656, a mimir wuca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnighty spiritmate, i hope you get to lick them in your dream

>> No.78018011

I think they should so they won't be in a hugbox of people who only think being any type of paraosical is inherently bad. I think it's healthy for them to see the good kind of parasocial too. I think they should see that very parasocial fans can be a little weird but overall it just means they care about the liver and love them very much.

>> No.78018021

sleep tight twisty

>> No.78018058

No I get what you meant, Twisty has really obnoxious opinions that she tries to force out unprompted because she has to let everyone know how strongly she feels about every topic no matter how uninformed or stupid she sounds.
I just wanted to shit on Sonny because it gets me (You)'s from Briskadets.

>> No.78018062

I thought you had some titles in mind kek
Do you get leered at often or taken pics of your cosplay without permission...

>> No.78018089

>pickme guys who want to be picked by other guys
That's called a brotuber

>> No.78018116

NijiEN for this feel?

>> No.78018125
File: 136 KB, 1024x793, FcntKJIaEAUZ9X8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true... but i think most of them get weirded out by it especially if its just my loveposting about wanting to marry them of all things.

>> No.78018146

I kind of was just thinking of one of those yurifag guys who can’t appreciate good fiction just because it has guys in it

>> No.78018186

Been rewatching VODs from late 2021/early 2022. So much soul lost over the years.....

>> No.78018193

In theory I want a pickme guy that panders to me but I already know that all pickmes are bad and I certainly will never trust a male pickme. It never turns out well and he'll just turn on his audience later.

>> No.78018202

Yeah, like Hololive fans.

>> No.78018265

twisty said berserk is overrated and guts is just emo cuckhold

>> No.78018277

vivi said soulsgame are for normalfags even enna played it

>> No.78018293


>> No.78018295
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If I had it my way, I'd probably just want to talk and play eroge and otome all day, like Unity Marriage, EF: a fairy tale of the two, Evermaiden, or Majestic Majolical! And I have, yes. It happens to lots of cosplayers unfortunately, which is why it's good to try to stay in groups. It also doesn't matter at times if you're fully clothed or not.

>> No.78018305

I was thinking of certain /a/fags but whatever floats your boat

>> No.78018312

I still remember people calling Sonny "pretentious" for his likes on his debut streams when they were basically just a massive list of every single /tv/, /a/, and /mu/ meme. It made me realize just how many tourists we have on /vt/ that have spent no time on any other 4chan board.

>> No.78018343

Maybe they'll be weirded out, but I think it's natural to feel these things towards someone who has bought you so much happiness and comfort. And they shouldn't see that as a bad thing.

>> No.78018339

The early collabs were kino

>> No.78018359

twisty is racist toward dota players

>> No.78018360
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>> No.78018385

>It never turns out well and he'll just turn on his audience later.

>> No.78018416

Why are dogs so fucking DUMB

>> No.78018457

You aint subtle in trying to incite flame wars even if you try to be civil kek

>> No.78018458


>> No.78018463

They're the same people, this shit started in the Love Live fanbase because that anime envisions a world with no men, and the mindset migrated over here. It is really a piece of shit idol anime too, there are so many others like Aikatsu or Idolmaster that blow it away.

>> No.78018473

The chinese ones? Russian ones? Brazilian ones? European ones? Australian ones? Korean ones? Brown ones?

>> No.78018490

that's true...if only they could actually differentiate the true fans vs. others. but you were just asking a hypothetical if it could happen.

>> No.78018506

I don't really care if someone I like shares the same interests as me. Listening to them talk about their own interests is more fun than just rehashing the same convos I've had about my own stuff. Wanting a partner that is just a clone of you sounds sad.

>> No.78018518

H-how'd you know he was one of the examples I was talking about....?
There's a lot of other boys too but he's just one

>> No.78018529

Bro forgot peruveans

>> No.78018534
File: 190 KB, 763x636, 1717218463644611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the minecraft ojou-sama. was fun hanging out with you like always and exploring around seeing some of the new stuff was fun. so was seeing you get excited about all of the animals. see you at league later ojoutsu!

>> No.78018550

It’s cool when guys genuinely like the same things as you and even when they try to get into the things you like so you have more to relate to with each other but it’s glaringly obvious when they’re just pretending to like something just to gain something from you and it’s disgusting, I’d rather just have someone who’s not completely into everything I like so that we can exchange different interests with each other more naturally

>> No.78018553

CAD vs PA wars

>> No.78018577

Sadly most women's hobby is having a boyfriend and its such a damn turn off

>> No.78018641

For me, it's the retards on /u/ who think the existence of any male character at all means the girls will be magically swayed by the power of cock into fucking him. How can you even say you're a yuri fan if you think yuri is that weak?

>> No.78018652

the streamer saying their opinions umprompted, the humanity!

>> No.78018662

flavored water is nasty finana..

>> No.78018676

really feels like you fail to score any girls but ok lol

>> No.78018715
File: 414 KB, 518x544, 1706086894622904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think nothing is more attractive to me than a woman who is passionate about her own hobbies.
Provided those hobbies aren't just consuming media and scrolling tiktok.
t. guy on a board about consuming media

>> No.78018731
File: 354 KB, 3222x2940, 1662713320906306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you, what are you doing?

>> No.78018736

If you mean in the sense that Penny Arcade is fantastic and CAD is hands down one of the worst webcomics ever made, then yes, that comparison is quite apt.

>> No.78018746

I mean a turn off to talk to them. I work in a woman dominated field and they are literally bland as fuck to talk to because they have literally fucking zero hobbies and all they can talk about is their boyfriends interests

>> No.78018765

>that anime envisions a world with no men
You've never watched Love Live. There are male characters in it.

>> No.78018793
File: 460 KB, 2191x2191, GKzuEl6bUAAGZGt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching the valo addicts play valorant! having strong feelings about my oshi

>> No.78018803

Wiwa lag

>> No.78018815
File: 309 KB, 900x742, 1679444779435650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preach brother, preach. Its why i like elira so much. She gets so animated when something she likes pops up or when she plays a game she can really get into. It just makes me smile

>> No.78018820

glad to know you deliberately make yourself dumber than animals fatty

>> No.78018839

He's the only example I can think of off the top of my head, DESU.

>> No.78018939

There's Honoka's father, whose face is never seen, and Nico has a brother who is pretty much just a girl. That's it.

>> No.78018941

AKB0048... someday will return... right?

>> No.78018947

I never really got the impression that Vox tried hard to pander to women’s tastes aside from his ASMR I feel like he’s always been sincere in what media he likes

>> No.78018958

>I work
I will assume all anons here are NEETs unless they state where they work and their actual occupation

>> No.78018987

you're the only one who would say a boy turned on his audience

>> No.78019002

>>78018839 (Me)
I forgot about the desu filter because I usually just type desu...

>> No.78019029

I clean schools. Most teachers are women and teachers are fucking retarded in general so them being extra bland on top of that makes talking to them a pain.

>> No.78019037
File: 149 KB, 720x523, Screenshot_2024-06-13-11-27-16-31_0b2fce7a16bf2b728d6ffa28c8d60efb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this true femanons??

>> No.78019073

Wiwa thats not how it works

>> No.78019089

twisty wants to play the witness

>> No.78019093


>> No.78019115

Tell me the school you’re in kiddo

>> No.78019143

>Provided those hobbies aren't just consuming media and scrolling tiktok.
Fake Pomudachi.
That's literally Pomu.

>> No.78019145

It's more like women projected their delusions onto him and the more he revealed his real personality to them they turned on him. Stuff like flirting with Reimu, getting mad at his audience for harassing Reimu, and then crawling back to them to apologize for defending Reimu basically pissed off everyone. Then he went menhera over numbers and cried over really dumb shit like being called fat on twitter and it just makes him less "romantic" and more a pathetic incel that was just blessed with a deep voice.

>> No.78019148

>d-doesn't count
Yeah, you should just stick to watching slop for literal toddlers like Aikatsu.

>> No.78019163

I hope not, I don't think I can handle wanting to molest Ike any more intensely

>> No.78019191
File: 174 KB, 900x742, 1678309793008363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surly you dont think im dumb enough to post where i work here of all places. Creepo

>> No.78019206

Dishonest nigger, consider your concession accepted.

>> No.78019231

That's not true, Pomu does have her media obsessions but she also really likes Doing Things.
Reminder that she built a balloon powered drone with a bunch of engineering nerds for her VtL cover.

>> No.78019248

glad that the underaged fatso is too autistic with his spoilers

>> No.78019251

He constantly spouts off male feminist talking points he clearly doesn't really believe.

>> No.78019356

does treating women as equals really make someone a male feminist

>> No.78019368

wiwa wiggles

>> No.78019374

You’re smart enough to do that that means anons are smart enough to not believe anything the internet says

>> No.78019377

He always tried to do both at once which is kind of how his content ended up as awkward and unsustainable as it did, flip flopping between insane lewd RP stuff and kisses for superchats and stuff but then sperging out about movies and shit every 8 seconds. Not to mention he's mentally ill in general.

>> No.78019390

Maybe next week they'll sing a nursery rhyme teaching you how to argue.

>> No.78019399
File: 1.73 MB, 220x246, PLAYBACK PLAYBACK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borderlands 3! I've been listening to Play Back a bunch today and I think the rap part isnt as good as Sonny's in Infinity. Hard to choose which song is better..

>> No.78019408

Oh you like yuri too?
That's good to know, the first time I saw cosplayers irl I tried not to stare but there were so many of them and they were so pretty and impressive...

>> No.78019476

soul eater nijien fanart would be so cool...
meister and weapon duos

>> No.78019499

Practicing bedwars and waiting for Twisty..

>> No.78019536
File: 45 KB, 702x742, IMG_6284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca love! Good morning(afternoon)!

>> No.78019566

Who nijien would get which

>> No.78019599

Better question, who would pair up and who would be the weapon of the pair

>> No.78019600
File: 159 KB, 512x512, roseWave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goo moo (aft)

>> No.78019622

He doesn't really treat women as equals though. Also I'm talking about shit like that time he psychoanalyzed the "would you still love me if I was a worm?" meme and went off about how women are made to feel insecure about their appearance or whatever.

>> No.78019639

Vox would get Reimu as his weapon

>> No.78019641

man i should get back on bedwars..

>> No.78019661

playing Doom while enjoying Vivi's zatsu

>> No.78019679

I just want to see which one my oshi would get so I can draw it

>> No.78019706

any more news regarding the nijisanji gta server? like who's participating

>> No.78019730

Wiwa clutch!

>> No.78019744

Oh yeah he's one of the stupidest people in the entire company and it's amplified by how self-important he always tries to sound. Guy always thinks people wanna hear his obnoxious reddit comments in vocalized form.

>> No.78019752
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>> No.78019763
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He is pretty sincere! Although the problem with that is that there's always going to be a struggle of being too self-aware of whether you're pushing the boundary of imposing things you like and using the privilege you have to be able to share them, or if you should be doing what you think should be the more general expectation. And that can really be a struggle that many artists go through at a time, and definitely not easy when it's in the position he's in.
I know sometimes I come across as someone who doesn't have criticism for him, but as someone in commercial media, I recognize it's kind of a rite of passage to be figuring out the sweet spot of what you think you should be doing, what you want to do, and what works best in regards to all of the factors combined.

>> No.78019765

man he would have a long ass unironic spiel about bears in the woods if he were active while that was the flavor of the week, huh

in 6.5 hours https://youtu.be/QAD2G5iQdxQ

>> No.78019824

I wanted to play it because of Twisty mentioning it.. Idk what I'm doing I just try to copy other and die..

>> No.78019840

hskw and kanae are doing the server introduction stream tonight at 8pm JST

>> No.78019871

There are definitely people out there who do pander, but it's a label that's very often used to attack people who it doesn't actually apply to, usually out of jealousy. You can't really trust other people to use it in good face because they're always trying to take others down for selfish reasons, so in the end all you can really do is decide for yourself.

>> No.78019880

Man noombers really arent biting anymore he goes back to samefag shitflinging

>> No.78019888

holy newfag

>> No.78019894

when are you gonna give that pomudachi your discord

>> No.78019949

His target is vox because he’s frustrated the kindred itt never responded to him kek

>> No.78019967
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>> No.78019976

Enna so cute

>> No.78019990
File: 316 KB, 567x531, 7875644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning lucub!

>> No.78019994

Kotochan... please come home...

>> No.78020016
File: 64 KB, 543x512, chibi wuca and wucubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning!

aster said he's a weapon and i imagine maria as his meister for some reason.

>> No.78020019

your obsession with attributing every single post you don't like to a single person is really fucking weird.

>> No.78020051

Did he say what kind of weapon he would be?

>> No.78020054

When's the last time you talked to a woman in real life, lardass?

>> No.78020055

I was here for years before it was implemented. I just got so used to saying desu that I forgot there was also a filter for it.

>> No.78020114

sure you do baka desu senpai

>> No.78020132

he wants to partake in the /soc/posting but can't stop himself from going schizo long enough for anyone to like him

>> No.78020151

i dont think so but i also got up to get a water after they talked about it. he most likely would just be a flashy looking gun

>> No.78020158
File: 1008 KB, 1920x1080, 1718253698170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it pains me that we will never get a design like this in EN...

>> No.78020187

Presumably there aren't an army of antis spamming reports.

>> No.78020190

Kek Elira

>> No.78020192
File: 76 KB, 447x598, 1709262320118944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a 5 year old girl talked to me at the dentist's office today does that count? i played blocks with her while waiting for my appointment.
if not then last week when i was plucking your mom

>> No.78020200

I think you think everyone is Ennaschizo because you don't know how to recognize schizospeak. Spend some time reading Time Cube or the label on Dr. Bronner's soap.

>> No.78020224


>> No.78020225

Id make him a star rod from kirby for funsies

>> No.78020255

oh i think i'm ovulating then..

>> No.78020260
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>> No.78020285

luca = black star
meloco = tsubaki
ike = death the kid
rosemi and maria = liz and patty

>> No.78020297

oh that would also be really cool! especially if maria wanted to dress up as a magical girl

>> No.78020315

>finally get a shota
>its an anthro

>> No.78020339
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>> No.78020348

The problem is that they can’t seem to pull off a good design like this

>> No.78020350

I don't understand why he didn't just create a patreon for his lewd content.

>> No.78020366

Under there

>> No.78020393

wait this changes everything... sasuga kuroblood she's done it again... i can't wait for nijisanji to finally commission her to draw a sex model for wave 11 so we finally get a furry liver

>> No.78020397

Is Vanta the biggest negibanana shipper

>> No.78020404
File: 241 KB, 378x416, 1708183080850015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really?! Under where??

>> No.78020410
File: 268 KB, 324x353, 1678302048729011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aster is losing it because if David-kun Elira.

>> No.78020415

i would approve this design only if they got knotted cock for furries or double cock for lizards

>> No.78020425
File: 459 KB, 1168x2048, 210baeababeb0001d1e8e0c5cbd1b776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't want to fuck aak

>> No.78020459

Im just monkey pawing that anon there, thats all

>> No.78020524
File: 346 KB, 640x891, 1718254040422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple solution, hire kuroblood
she hits it out of the park every time, lee is sex on legs

>> No.78020539

not even JP will have a design similar to this. all the "experimental" models happened in 2018

>> No.78020556

gun or scythe

>> No.78020580

Kuroblood art is so sexo

>> No.78020619

>a rainbow two coloured scythe with a light blue blade

>> No.78020628


>> No.78020647

What if they pander to furries in wave 11, they find livers who sticks to their kayfabe

>> No.78020654
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>> No.78020684
File: 274 KB, 706x1000, 1718254207759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you'd fuck aak?

>> No.78020700

I cant get it up to boys, sorry

>> No.78020716


>> No.78020767

get it with in finana

>> No.78020799
File: 402 KB, 1503x1818, 20240610_010600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double D(oom)!

>> No.78020801

i would fuck this bratty furry boy, his hunk of a dog brother, his fish dad and his tiger sister

>> No.78020827

feesh kek

>> No.78020945
File: 1.66 MB, 1984x1080, 1718254386541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they'd unironically unlock a new audience
i'd have sex with everyone in picrel, especially wei yenwu and his wife

>> No.78021028

woah theres a sunfeesh fanfic about futa elira

>> No.78021041


>> No.78021045
File: 176 KB, 1280x800, 20240613_055557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN boys and the fetish they're hesitant to bring up (1/2)

It's tame, but out of everything - mean tomboys. Luca has an urge within himself to be seen as masculine, and as an extension of this, he thinks it's a requirement for his woman to be feminine; after all, isn't his partner just another way of displaying his personality, his self? But really, deep down, when a boyish woman scowls at him, laughs at him, beats him in a game and makes fun of him, it makes something in his stomach curl. He's not sure if he'd want it in the long term, but he certainly wants it in the moment.
Everyone knows about his hair and neck fetish by now. It doesn't even phase him if it's brought up anymore, although he doesn't linger on the subject. No, what he really buries is a deep-rooted exhibitionism fetish. The idea of being sexualised against his will, shown off to masses, put in compromising situations... It's something that stews in his mind when he's alone. He longs for the day highly suggestive merchandise of himself is put out. He listens to Infinity and pretends he was forced to sing those lyrics, and pretends they'll make him sing worse.
Nothing is too embarrassing to Ike, and yet everything is, all at once. The only one he really, really fears getting into the public eye is necrophilia. Not in real life mind you, only fiction - when it's real he gets caught in an endless cycle of questioning the ethics and consent, of how the family would feel, but in fiction there's no limits. He hates that he gets warm from imagining his theoretical partner cold, of being able to manhandle them just like a doll. He knows it's something that can never, not ever, be repeated.
Vox doesn't want to acknowledge his own masochism. He feels that it undermines him and the image he's tried so hard to build, but oh, a pretty person in heels crushing down on his stomach, calling him pathetic, spitting down at him... It's catharsis, and one he can't help but indulge himself in when he has the chance.

Sonny doesn't really want to bring up any of them all too often. He begrudgingly accepts that "big brother" is out of his hands now, and unless he wants to bring further attention to it he'll simply have to play along. What he really hopes doesn't spill out of his mouth on stream someday is his desire to beat up a skimpily dressed girl until she vomits. The closest he's come is blurting out one of his dreams, but that was far too close to comfort...
For all of his thirsting, Uki is actually somewhat of a prude. His interests are aggressively vanilla, he's just vocal about them. That being said, he does have to trust his partner a lot before he'll ask him to stop shaving his pubic hair.
Alban hopes, prays, pleads to whatever gods are listening that one day his partner will bring up bellybutton fucking so he doesn't have to. He wants to put his tongue deep inside it, listen to the strange noises and feel the shivers of disgust it elicits. He wants to glaze a tummy in his cum, watching it pool inside his partner's navel like a shot of debauchery. He'll never bring this up... But he's desperate to do it.
Fulgur wears his heart on his sleeve. There aren't many things he wouldn't in at least some form admit to publicly. Incest was his last one, and he's introducing it to his fanbase... Nobody can blackmail him if he says it first.

>> No.78021163


>> No.78021165

I thought Vivi was in Japan

>> No.78021170
File: 208 KB, 1412x2048, 20240613_055855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN boys and the fetish they're hesitant to bring up (2/2)

Aster isn't hesitant to share because he's genuinely ashamed, but because he's fearful of getting called out again - various war roleplay outfits. The scenario of being an evil commander and raping a prisoner of war is something that he fantasises about frequently.
It's not so bad, but he's hesitant to share anyway. Ren wants to impregnate someone. It's not so much about the resulting pregnancy that's the kink for him, but rather being able to fill his partner again and again, telling them to get pregnant and asking them if they can feel their womb being filled... Even if they don't actually have one.
Doppio doesn't have one thing in particular he is ashamed of, but rather just wants everything considered taboo that will be offered to him. He wants to fuck armpits, he wants to spit-clean boots, he wants to tie his partner up and have them straddle him helplessly until they piss all over his cock, and vice versa... Sometimes he'll see something baffling on his for you page, and his first thought will be "that's weird", and his second will to be imagining himself in that situation and palming himself through his pants.
Hex is deeply interested in brother/sister incest. He's not particularly ashamed of this, but like Aster keeps it to himself lest he be cancelled... Again. He's sometimes deeply jealous of Sonny for getting to act out his fantasies on stream. Why can't he have a subservient little sister that carers to his every whim?
Ver enjoys the entire process of hiring and fucking a prostitute. He enjoys walking through the "bad part of town" window shopping, summing up every woman into a collection of parts for him to enjoy like cuts at a meat market. He walks up to the woman who seems to be ignoring him the most and pays for her services. He likes the feeling of power it gives him.

Period sex may be still somewhat taboo, and certainly unhygienic, but these two factors simply make Vezalius want it more. He wants to see his girlfriend cum around him, the force of her orgasm pushing her blood and tissue out onto his penis. Something about being in the same room as a woman and knowing she's menstruating drives him wild. If men menstruated, he'd want to do it with them too.
Yu's is simple enough - socks. He doesn't particularly care for feet, nor calves, but if you cover them with a colourful soft wool he's suddenly mesmerized. He wants to stroke them, pull on them, slip his cock between the sock and the leg and fuck the space between.
When Vanta says he wants a woman to sit on his face, he really means he wants to be suffocated. He wants his partner to crush down on his face, give him no option to sit up or free himself, to sit there until his vision goes dark and only let up when he's dizzy from oxygen deprivation. He wants his entire face to be wet to some degree.N

I have not watched enough of Claude and Ryoma yet to form an opinion of what theirs would be.

>> No.78021216

Arknights talk got me curious so here's a poll.
I added ones I remember being discussed here in the past.

>> No.78021234

Post it please thank you

>> No.78021248


>> No.78021307
File: 162 KB, 1170x954, F7G5XwQaAAAHLpL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-it's an old fic..

>> No.78021336

vivi bought a set of underwear that have the days of the week on them

>> No.78021365
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>> No.78021405
File: 356 KB, 1668x1668, FX9WxSyakAATpbE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love da Wose!

>> No.78021425
File: 83 KB, 1170x309, wiw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor wiwa. She just want to have fun and not be stressed out.

>> No.78021430

elira, rosemi, millie, ike, shu, sonny, uki, maria, aia, ver, hex, wilson, zali, vivi, klara and twisty
the rest

>> No.78021440

you show up as anons talk about elira's drock

>> No.78021442

i had those when i was in elementary school... vivi...?

>> No.78021505


>> No.78021506

i wake when i hear elira drock.....

>> No.78021520

arent meisters usually really flashy while the weapons are more laid back?

>> No.78021522
File: 192 KB, 1951x1759, 1650839360005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oshi love! i feel the same about petra lucub~
ahh i need to listen to play back, ive only listened to infinity, soon my work week will be over~
bedwars is hard ;-; minecraft is a difficult game
yay how are you liking it?

>> No.78021525

Why did I have to get gifted members for twisty?? Now my email is spammed with her messages..

>> No.78021562

hex oniloli sounds good...

>> No.78021580

I feel you, I had that happen with Millie, so annoying

>> No.78021692

What happened? Seriously.

>> No.78021708

Everyone dropped dragons ligma 2, is it that bad? I liked 1 but that was like 10 years ago

>> No.78021717

I will kill myself just for Ike

>> No.78021722

Frequent members messages are fun though. It's much better than some people who don't post anything in members for over 8 months

>> No.78021768

Damn my oshi sounds the most boring

>> No.78021769
File: 513 KB, 1000x833, 1690637136071815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vivi says this is a Redditor

>> No.78021786

ty im reading now. doesn't matter as long as i haven't read it

>> No.78021791

vivi shitting on redditors again

>> No.78021805

Watch her stream and find out!

>> No.78021827
File: 389 KB, 1393x1816, FX43jWLaQAEQerl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think that's actually his fetish.. he brought up watching a girl wrestle and dominate a guy in an anime awakened something in him.

>> No.78021831
File: 320 KB, 505x554, 16561651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello pentomo! Hope your night is going okay and Peto pape is keeping you company!

>> No.78021840

after 4 days of liquid shits, i'm happy to say i'm back to solid ones now and i'm not dead yet

>> No.78021864


>> No.78021872

People like to hate on Arcane because it brought in a bunch of people who never played LoL, and that's fair, but for me personally, I played LoL for 7 years and I cannot stand it anymore. I finally pulled myself away from it when I realized how hard they were leaning into the FOMO shit. I'm glad Arcane exists so I can enjoy the cool world and characters without having to suffer through playing LoL. I also wanna play that Ruined King game sometime, I saw a vtuber playing it once and it actually looked fun. It seems like there's starting to be a lot of options to enjoy LoL that don't require you to play the actual game.

>> No.78021886

it's super long but it's also tagged as "sibling incest" so i think the dragon sisters also go at it

>> No.78021890

What? I never received any messages for members, where do you see it

>> No.78021897

her computer died while she was playing valorant. i have no idea why people do this >>78021805 and basically encourage people to make up retarded shit

>> No.78021920

This clip is so bcute but it also somehow reminds me of myself so much even though it’s a little 10 second moment it really captures how it feels when I’m in the middle of explaining something to someone and I suddenly get overwhelmed trying to gather all of my thoughts into a concise enough sentence I just start stammering in place and speaking weirdly, anyway I wonder if Sonny (and I) has autism or if that’s just an anxiety thing

>> No.78021937

What’s up my niggas

>> No.78021939

I miss Elira things would be better if Elira was streaming right now.

>> No.78021952

Wiwaa T__T
I love her so much

>> No.78021987
File: 2.51 MB, 1748x2480, 1692247593631451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oshi love! i love him so much, hopefully our oshis are always happy

>> No.78022057

Elira is joining valo after restarting her pc. Twisty is joining too.

>> No.78022083
File: 14 KB, 96x96, idg1ZLu2Atek8gTCtYnIDw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to piss on Doppio's cock and for him to piss on me. I'm ready.

>> No.78022091

twisty is not joining aster says kek

>> No.78022093

twisty hates valorant..

>> No.78022106

Why does Asrer have 1k viewers

>> No.78022117

do i really need to watch aster or is there no other pov

>> No.78022118

I thought Twisty said she'd never play FPS games like Valorant or Apex because they're boring

>> No.78022160

Who in NijiEN would try to matchmake their friends? I mean genuinely trying to set them up together, not joking about ships on stream.

>> No.78022179

he's the only one streaming his pov and the other two arent going to start

>> No.78022180

solo, with friends she's down

>> No.78022181
File: 72 KB, 546x521, IMG_5845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am cringe
but i am free

>> No.78022249

with how many members we have we can have like a valo tourney

>> No.78022290

the femboy buff

>> No.78022296
File: 119 KB, 1378x1378, F0xGtQ6aEAAgq8v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought he tweeted uueee

>> No.78022320


>> No.78022324

Doppio, Scarle, and Shu (as long as it isn't within EN). Aia would consider it if they were both lesbians.

>> No.78022355
File: 188 KB, 1170x1120, wiw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ewiwa Love

>> No.78022357

She'll forever be a solo Minecraft streamer...

>> No.78022362


>> No.78022404

She said she'd never play Valorant and that she played Apex once with a friend then she immediately uninstalled it after. I don't think she's playing Valorant

>> No.78022405

stop ewwing i don't like valorant but i want something else other than fucking mario kart

>> No.78022425

Splatoon tournament

>> No.78022451
File: 157 KB, 350x350, 1680743351775216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another day without a sonny stream

>> No.78022462

Vivi sounds so out of it

>> No.78022468

The bomberman arc was fun

>> No.78022475

shes just chatting but not hopconning

>> No.78022504


>> No.78022508
File: 339 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_3085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU ALWAYS DO, im just talking about drawing again...

>> No.78022532
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it is ok, i am sleepy i had grilled cheese n might head to bed soon, tired nyaaa
yes i want to hug petra and fall asleep next to her, she looks so soft!

>> No.78022559

Honestly, the number of people doesn't matter. As proven by the previous tournaments, we need more competitive members.
And besides, we can't really do a Valo tournament, unless it's a round robin of... 3 teams, which isn't really that interesting.

>> No.78022560

Nijien for this feel?

>> No.78022595 [DELETED] 
File: 1.33 MB, 2560x1440, 1703697111305236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the doom is good, the vivi is good
life is good

>> No.78022614

Twisty has a meeting though. Maybe they canceled it I think she said maybe it would be not sure

>> No.78022667
File: 492 KB, 1561x2241, GJw6hVeW4AAOIof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because i miss him!! i am his needy girlfriend who whines when he's gone for 12 hours
she does look soft! you should have dreams about sleeping next to her tonight

>> No.78022692

she was in vivi chat

>> No.78022701

I think she's just gonna groom her fanbase to go back with her to her PL in fall or something

>> No.78022713
File: 305 KB, 1080x1383, Petits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78022715
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Wiwa love

>> No.78022731
File: 60 KB, 300x300, IMG_0766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at whos the baby now

>> No.78022739

elira sounds high

>> No.78022741

disclaimer for the gullible and retarded, this samefag is making shit up again

>> No.78022775

Slutty pingu

>> No.78022805

Why is Petra always making my cock hard ththese days ^_^###

>> No.78022827
File: 1.54 MB, 2560x1440, 1703333903106265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oopsy tee hee

the doom is good, the vivi is good
life is good

>> No.78022840
File: 5 KB, 200x200, GEThVWHXEAAFIlO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have always been the baby! you always give in when i start to be mopey about missing him

>> No.78022858

Thank you for your service o7

>> No.78022938
File: 143 KB, 1206x1085, 20240613_035454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to fuck Doppio.

>> No.78022948

We need more sluts in EN aaaaaaa

>> No.78022949

vivi is secretly australian


>> No.78022999

I'm late sorry its so long

Doppio would be a huge axe with a long purple ribbon at the bottom like a tail. Main characters

Fulgur is a shadow weapon arsenal. Main being a pistol but I also see a tank rifel and Sonny posing like Yuko. Main cast

Koto as a flashy samurai sword that has an aoe beam attack that makes up for Ver's lack of aim. He drops her sometimes, main cast.

Strongest scythe. I think Shu would be doing a lot of magic himself on top of Vox being really strong. Black blood modifier of course. Shu turms evil in season 3 and Vox dies trying to protect him

>Victoria-Kunai and Claude
I like the idea of Kunai and Claude being Vivi's mitch matched sword and sheild already. Quick blade and a shield thats good for healing and defence. Vivi being so skilled means she can used both no problem but Kunai screams when she's being swung around. Joins in season 2

>Vanta-Wilson and Zali
Nunchucks. Vanta is a really fast brawler so he works best in close combat with his bros. Rivals from day one

>Millie-Enna and Reimu
Heaven and hell twinbalds. Millie gets cursed using Reimu too much. Joins after main villain dies and turns normal. Enna whines a lot in battle saying she wants to go home

That pole weapon thing with a blade on the end. Wind based so they can fly or some shit. Both are teachers

Bazooka/Hammer. Joke charater duo that instantly fuck up on quests.

Schythe. Main villans. Twisty is an anceint evil god and Klara betrays the cast when she gets enough info.

>> No.78023018

The sex exam incident really change Petra huh

>> No.78023021

It'd be really funny if she was just randomly flipping through other liver's streams while in the meeting lol

>> No.78023020
File: 124 KB, 253x369, 151616561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh grilled cheese sounds so good! I might make some tomorrow! I hope you get some good rest!!!
No but I think he's a cutie and a sweet bro!! Who also let me sperg about Utena when I forgot my words kek

>> No.78023025

>Kunai screams when she's being swung around

>> No.78023047
File: 708 KB, 1385x880, 48ef5a24dd807c177dbff72341610c31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a Reimu shaped hole in my Reimu shaped heart... I need her little laugh, I need her compulsive assertiveness, I need her contagious and vibrant demeanor and her beautiful accent that I love so much

>> No.78023057
File: 508 KB, 1892x1803, IMG_0499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not this time though! i let out all my tears and "i miss luca"s yesterday heh

>> No.78023094
File: 557 KB, 1414x2152, 20240610_010238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shall fuck him now. It's mandatory.

>> No.78023101
File: 757 KB, 1200x1200, Fjdj2LSaMAAqZgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love oyobros duo

>> No.78023136
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>> No.78023144
File: 78 KB, 300x300, lucaclown..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not a crybaby today but i was a crybaby yesterday

>> No.78023145

>Enna whines a lot in battle saying she wants to go home

>> No.78023151

>aster is the most popular nijien now

>> No.78023157
File: 1.80 MB, 1600x1600, 1702641740731236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would if i could

>> No.78023156

yes and i want doppiods to watch me

>> No.78023211


>> No.78023238

Always was

>> No.78023297
File: 54 KB, 1024x963, FqsG1wRacAAXBHK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i care about you guys so much

>> No.78023300
File: 13 KB, 246x238, IMG_5676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the past is in the past
I am a new person.

>> No.78023316

>Koto as a flashy samurai sword that has an aoe beam attack that makes up for Ver's lack of aim. He drops her sometimes, main cast.

>> No.78023348

this is incredibly sovlful i want to write a fanfic about all of them

>> No.78023349
File: 74 KB, 184x207, 1670396813446441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reason to walk on my way
Gotta keep it sound cause I’ll stay
Let it go with the flow?
Listen up, get a will, open up
Let them hear what you say

>> No.78023358

Oh Derem is streaming

>> No.78023375

would she bark at penis or hiss

>> No.78023380
File: 27 KB, 544x403, FbE6eGyaMAQy5EH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you on sunday when you're about to cry because you miss him again

>> No.78023381

Oh shit for real?

>> No.78023399

has vivi apologized yet?

>> No.78023436
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, 1700847460277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the past is in the past
>I am a new person.
My work here is done... I'm happy and proud of you

>> No.78023453

yeah me

>> No.78023462

who gave that kiss

>> No.78023483
File: 43 KB, 370x320, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goo goo gaa gaa

>> No.78023489

no and she doesn't have to, there is nothing wrong with calling runescape ugly

>> No.78023493


>> No.78023513

is this the peep who told me to stop being a crybaby and not to kill myself when i miss luca

>> No.78023520
File: 329 KB, 1589x1284, IMG_5503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was briefly confused who are the weapon and meister for shuvox because any combination actually works

>> No.78023549
File: 78 KB, 300x300, IMG_3419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78023548

Based vivi

>> No.78023553
File: 173 KB, 1080x1080, GP5JatcaAAQXNqG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78023572

do not fall for the doppio sex psyop it is not worth it that is a man

>> No.78023579

Thank god I can still see Ike's likes or I would miss out on gems like this https://twitter.com/GurepyonArt/status/1801019630661644658

>> No.78023601
File: 366 KB, 1525x2048, FWq3QCtXwAILUbq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78023609

but his deep voice... i'm not even gay wtf

>> No.78023614

okay *now* the arrangement is awkward, and AX should probably do something about it

>> No.78023635
File: 330 KB, 1917x1080, 1700838402137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right. You're not a burden to anyone... Remember?

>> No.78023661

it's actively the 2 brands pushing for that spot

>> No.78023669
File: 245 KB, 336x484, 321654564.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My browser cracked opening it the first time and now I understand

>> No.78023672

But I'm straight?

>> No.78023692

now look what's happened there's two of us thinking about having sex with a full ass man fuck sake

>> No.78023711

no i still am, you were replying to a different lucub but i remember.

>> No.78023753

Rosemi’s gta play through has been nothing but kino I wish she would gtarp

>> No.78023760

Ehhh eto... So many of you need therapy..
Did you have fun with elden ring?

>> No.78023804

You want her to combust into nothingness?

>> No.78023808
File: 782 KB, 2392x1500, 20240613_041632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fall for the Doppio sex psyop! It's being run by ME!

>> No.78023815

Meeting up with Sonny and noticing he has a boner the entire time we’re out and making subtle little nods to it to work him up even more

>> No.78023823

rude! she's just a crybaby, i'm the real mental patient.
i did, 8 hours of just watching him mald on and off!

>> No.78023849

but i want to have sex with dropscythes...

>> No.78023897

what the hell is a "subtle nod" to a boner, this makes it sound like you're going to put a reference to his dick in a game as an easter egg

>> No.78023926

i would not subtly nod to his boner i would grab it in a public place where he would be making more of a scene trying to get me to stop like on a packed train where his hand is occupied holding the top rail and my hand is on his boner

>> No.78023936


>> No.78023955

I mean egging him on like slightly rubbing my hand against his groin but pretending it was an accident

>> No.78023986

this made me miss sonny dv posting

>> No.78023990

there is nothing subtle about touching someone's penis

>> No.78023993
File: 288 KB, 1778x2048, FuP3Oo-XwAAE-GF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wose wape

>> No.78023998
File: 978 KB, 2560x2560, 1691920006243461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you deal being parasocial with vtubers? I always try to keep a healthy distance but I feel a weird obsession with Twisty and it's bothering me a lot, I usually don't have dreams but she's been appearing on them too frequently, probably because she streams for long hours and keeps me company while I do other stuff but I can't stop myself

>> No.78024007
File: 984 KB, 2554x3150, GOdN5rwWUAAYgpB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna be very funny as fuck because Doki and Hyte are gonna dab on niji in the face with a celebration

>> No.78024012

nooo why would you tell people how you can still see likes, hes going to ruin it

>> No.78024017

That’s too much I don’t want to sexually assault him I just want to edge him to the point he’s on the verge of losing control

>> No.78024021

i'm so very parasocial to twisty it's unreal

>> No.78024042


>> No.78024047

Parasocial or gachikoi?
If it's gachikoi then you just suffer because it's impossible to fall out of love with someone but if it's parasocial just don't watch them live.

>> No.78024048
File: 27 KB, 488x469, 1675183459781637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78024084

twisty makes it hard to not be parasocial because just one stream and you'll interact with her more than you did with other livers for like months

>> No.78024101

ryobro's awake and talking about sweating in zomboid

>> No.78024147

Nah just close the stream when you are close to that

>> No.78024148
File: 53 KB, 1024x576, 1714885845114168m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's difficult to keep track of all of you to be honest but I'm glad you had fun!
Is Luca going to play the DLC? Its fucking massive. You'll get lots of streamsfrom him if so. And hey listen to me use that happiness wisely and take a little step every day to do something around the house. Prove to yourself you're not a burden. If you're a slob do some cleaning. Organize your closet... Wash your bathtub and toilet, clean the kitchen. These little things if done diligently and with disciple can and will lead you to enriching yourself in self worth and sparking some happiness in your life.

>> No.78024166

yeah twisty makes me hard too

>> No.78024194 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 300x300, 1708638542070100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78024221

give in and become loyal spiritmates. twisty will make you happy. only twisty

>> No.78024240

*sips you* now what

>> No.78024242

you don't need to remind me... i already belong to twisty

>> No.78024244

Parasocial like I want to get to know her everything, I can relate to a lot of things she said. I don't think I can ever be gachikoi with someone I haven't met physically

>> No.78024266

I am fully convinced that having sex with Ike one time would be enough to cure all my mental disorders

>> No.78024278
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, 1649472772063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is! he plans on playing it and streaming it when it comes out and he has the time.
but what if i think im a burden to my oshi? ill become less of a burden for my family and self but what if im an annoying fan to my oshi, hm?

>> No.78024319

People should really stop responding to that one shitflinging "spiritmate"

>> No.78024335

I used to be a gachikoi and got very upset with my oshi many times but I would take a step back and realize I was turning into an anti; because I'm a very proud person I told myself I wouldn't be like that. I ended up turning my affection to real life people as a way to cope and now I just see my oshi as a vtuber. Her streams are my priority, I no longer obsess about crafting a timeline of her whereabouts or behaving like a schizo.

>> No.78024339

Who is this guy that just pronounced rendition as "re endition"

>> No.78024342

Sonny would try to justify his DV as it not being that bad by trying to make “art” out of it like carving little pictures into your skin with his teeth and kicking you in the stomach just enough that it barely bruises

>> No.78024366

I get easily parasocial because I'm lonely. I don't think it's a bad thing. You just have to not be a schizo. I've been around in the vtuber community long enough where I've learned how to do that. I really like Twisty, I like her streams I enjoy hanging out with her, and she makes me feel a type of way. This is probably the closest I've come to having an oshi in a very long time.

>> No.78024407

Every time I get angry at something my oshi says because I disagree with it, I remember the stupid fucking takes I've had in the past that I later changed my mind on and I calm down. There's always time for people to change.

>> No.78024414

Thanks I kinda miss writing dumb shit like this but I'm really slow
Thinking about TTT made me go back and add a little more to each one of them so its more than just which weapons. I'd see Vivi come in after the first arc and challenge Krisis and even though she loses Vanta get pumped and starts training hard so he can fight them again because they got too close to winning.
I was thinking Vox as the weapon but yeah both fit.

>> No.78024476
File: 137 KB, 1170x954, hyper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do they mean by this?

>> No.78024511

he would hit you in places that are easy to cover up and he cant deny the sick thrill of entering your dark room after he exploded on you in a fit of anger and watching you tense up, not knowing if he's going to hurt you again or wordlessly apologize by kissing your arm where his grip marks from earlier are still raw

>> No.78024518


>> No.78024519

>the stupid fucking takes I've had in the past

>> No.78024520
File: 203 KB, 364x381, akuthinku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a really unique of making you feel comfortable with her, like she wants to be in your company but without demanding much from you, and vice versa of you to her. And it's nice, so I can understand that!

>> No.78024527
File: 2.73 MB, 1536x1536, 1700604879941870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huff huff
Something smells and it's not crime...
Masaka! Could it be....
Is there a cute girl in this thread?
Is it you?

>> No.78024573

No its you

>> No.78024580

ugh i dont feel good..

>> No.78024584

i think your nose is just stuffy from the australian winter

>> No.78024585

do you not know what show means

>> No.78024611

stinky pomie

>> No.78024617

true I feel thats a very good way to describe it

>> No.78024619

There was once a time when I avoided Hunter x Hunter because I thought it was just a generic shonen, but after some pushing I finally got around to watching it and found out it was one of the greatest anime ever made. Though, it helped when I found out it's by the guy that made Yu Yu Hakusho, since I really liked that, but even that didn't prepare me for the sheer greatness I was about to witness.

>> No.78024623

Doppio is so hot

>> No.78024627
File: 54 KB, 574x457, 1647623717956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78024657

If you don't obsess ovee every single little thing your oshi does you should not call yourself a fan

>> No.78024668

anon.. how is this one of your stupid fucking take

>> No.78024679
File: 128 KB, 800x800, 1688136324924225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mowed the lawn today so im gonna treat myself to a 12 pieces of fried chicken!

>> No.78024678
File: 173 KB, 1119x1440, 1681305293829657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dear Watson you've done it!
It appears that although you see but do not observe that seeing is believing! You're right! I'M the cute girl! Kyaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

>> No.78024680


>> No.78024684

today I ate a corndog and a chocolate peanut butter protein with water, how about you?

>> No.78024685

Good ol' Koto Torahime

>> No.78024729

Just don't be an annoyance 5head it's not like zI don't knowthe nuclear codes to piss off my oshi either but I don't go there because, obviously!
How about try going a week in which your only exposure to Luca is watching streams/VODs. Simply an idle watcher. What habits can you recognize as negative? Write them down. Sit outside in the yard or in a park and reflect on every single one of them. Why have you become the way you have? Why are these things you do annoying to your oshi? Are there better behaviors you could adopt?

If you're actively negatively affecting someone it's best to halt control yourself.

>> No.78024733

yeah i didn't expect HxH to be as good as it is too
did you watch the 1999 version? if not you should because that was even more mind blowing especially the YorkNew arc

>> No.78024739

Jokes on you, I have always wanted to fuck Doppio though lately my fantasies have been more caretake-y than sexual

>> No.78024742

hi twisty

>> No.78024758

>Doki and Hyte are gonna dab on niji in the face with a celebration
EN is gonna be too busy with their concert to even care. Also yeah, no anyway if this is not a coincidence.

>> No.78024764
File: 327 KB, 720x747, Screenshot_2024-06-13-14-07-13-04_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twisty MC again

>> No.78024773

i'm not twisty, i ate one with potato bits and cheese inside

>> No.78024816

pomie you wouldn't be a 1view if you put the same effort into content creation as you do into /soc/posting

>> No.78024818

elira and kotoka going to rape vox with their drock and gorilrock

>> No.78024821

Do Denauth not have day jobs?

>> No.78024828
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>> No.78024851

Do you want to do some gay sex

>> No.78024852
File: 994 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_5197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78024855

>only watching streams/VODs
i have done that before...but i didn't do anything different than just not chat as often because i was annoyed with something he said or i've disliked the stream because he pissed me off. but that's all, i don't send him hate because that's a lot of energy i don't have to do.

>> No.78024866

twisty is parasocial...

>> No.78024888

ryoma has real life stuff he alludes to and klara must be doing some art job, twisty is her mommy's pet she has no bedtime and can eat all the snacks she wants

>> No.78024893

probably not, twisty is a neet, ryoma is literally rich and klara seems well adjusted but doesn't have a job

>> No.78024925
File: 217 KB, 1182x1626, 1700787139333336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

June is the coldest time of the year Bud.
It was -2 at 5AM this morning.
Probably a lot colder earlier I just didn't check.
8 degrees right now. It's way too cold...

>> No.78024937

This but unironically

>> No.78024957

do you guys have snow??? also do the animals die or are they used to the weather

>> No.78024965
File: 469 KB, 832x764, pomu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice staff nijikeks

>> No.78024974

Rosemi-samaaa ToT

>> No.78024975

>twisty opens the thread
>anons are talking about how they're becoming parasocial with her
>set up another stream
what did she mean by this?

>> No.78025008

peto laughing at how pathetic ver is

>> No.78025012

she's always watching

>> No.78025032

she admits that she gets lonely when she ends stream, textbook parasocial also her cute messages in membership is very sweet

>> No.78025043

Twisty you're obviously looking at the thread can you ban the dramafaggot in your chat

>> No.78025049

I want to peg ver

>> No.78025051
File: 381 KB, 634x783, 1702994563020021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you need a break after all. Get something going in your life first because as it is you're cramming yourself into watching your oshi even though you're starting to dislikehim more and more. That's a sign to get your life together.
Don't give up!

>> No.78025054

To be fair that's her nickname with most people, it would be about as weird as if Vanta showed up and they announced him as Vanta instead of Vantacrow

>> No.78025059


>> No.78025064

she's 10 she can't have a job yet

>> No.78025068

The fact that Twisty streamed more than Scarle is scaring me. She’s now the most parasocial in nijien.

>> No.78025098
File: 67 KB, 1500x1210, IMG_7440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gnite anons!!
happy and warm... i love him

>> No.78025101


>> No.78025106

How do you feel know EN is moving on without Pomu? That they're getting to experience the big stage without her?

>> No.78025116

ver is pretty funny

>> No.78025121
File: 33 KB, 696x570, 1661049711154539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuueee i don't hate him right now, i just miss him! it was an example of something i did in the past!!

>> No.78025142

i hope she doesn't fuck up her voice like scarle though

>> No.78025144

Hi whats your recently liked stream this week

>> No.78025146

It's almost like they don't actually watch her or know anything about her.

>> No.78025147
File: 364 KB, 574x591, 516546546456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking a script writing break and I'm just trying to put an Ayumi Hamasaki song to each liver...
Good night lucub!

>> No.78025156

in prechat or someone that's been around? the prechat seems fine

>> No.78025170
File: 58 KB, 654x602, a mimir wuca 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnighty! you drew yume art didnt you

>> No.78025198

No I want her to ban that faggot that spammed the threads for like hours here with his shitty anti stuff

>> No.78025201

another one down

>> No.78025232

uhhh yeah just ban anonymous got it

>> No.78025235

oh boy

>> No.78025243
File: 1.05 MB, 2894x3462, F5Uro8ra4AAIEXZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Maybe at the snowy mountains.
I've seen snow once and it lasted maybe 5 minutes.
Idk I don't think about awful shit like that.
As in gay because I just said I'm the cute girl and you're a girl too or gay man gay?

>> No.78025262

is this the one with the legendary hajiki blog?

>> No.78025264
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>> No.78025275

Get fucked antis.

>> No.78025281

Wilson's Dark Souls stream was fun.

>> No.78025290

Good night!

>> No.78025292

from the looks of it yeah

>> No.78025294

/vt/ next

>> No.78025311
File: 1.01 MB, 1006x1080, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i figured it out when you said you were drawing, you're silly

>> No.78025319

good, i hate those fucking matome blogs that always spam their garbage on twitter i hope they get rid of all of them

>> No.78025339

i can't stalk myanon's likes anymore... sadge

>> No.78025348


>> No.78025369

you should both kill yourselves

>> No.78025372
File: 179 KB, 480x580, Pomuslim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EN is moving on without Pomu
>still sing dcl

>> No.78025379


>> No.78025388

I'm kind of concerned one of the schizophrenic nutcases Doki allows to fester in her fanbase unchallenged will do something stupid to stick it to Njisanji and make both her and her fanbase look awful in front of the rest of the vtuber community.

>> No.78025406

I wish someone stalked me

>> No.78025417

thats a good thing isnt it?

>> No.78025418

Anon is sad about it too...

>> No.78025421

and the worst thing is people will think it's based instead of actively grifting

>> No.78025428

It's Elira and Finana's song now. Sorry I have to break it to you.

>> No.78025434

bye bye ewiwa

>> No.78025438

post your twitter then

>> No.78025442

i remember the last time i looked at it they were depressed because all they talked about were the same 3 issues they have with him, being a richfag, boring, and 4 heavenly kangz drama

>> No.78025457

kotoka's birthday is totoko retards

>> No.78025458

I'm looking for a short animation of that bitch song from Enna. I just remember they were in a club and there was a laser show. Anyone got a link for that? Been looking for that for close to an hour now

>> No.78025471

But likes are gone

>> No.78025472

even hoshikawa has more of a claim on it than pomu

>> No.78025474

Because youre a cute girl right? Come here then

>> No.78025486

They're struggling without her. It's really noticeable how there's no unity in EN anymore. No one even did anything to welcome Denauth like she usually did for new waves.

>> No.78025490


>> No.78025503

>will do
They already have though.
The Tazumi cosplays and harassing artists
One fanartist (I think it was lunanoctarts?) even got punched at a con and cried about it on twitter.

>> No.78025510

fucking pyschos man just like how False and that Khyo faggot were annoyed how there wasn't any nijien drama

>> No.78025513

I really hope someone will bring a knife or some shit and gets arrested

>> No.78025515

i can stalk you irl

>> No.78025520
File: 231 KB, 585x564, Tiredpomu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78025527

what a very natural influx of posts

>> No.78025540

But I don't go outside

>> No.78025557

what continent are you on

>> No.78025559

you are mentally ill

>> No.78025573

are you inviting me to go inside your house?

>> No.78025575 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 416x403, Rosemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dcl is ryushen's song etard

>> No.78025586

those two fags are the same as JP schizos, only difference is you cannot escape them in the comments of the girls youtube or twitter, see how even hajiki doesn't get dozens of qrts asking for his head any time he tweets

>> No.78025592

Literally same time as yesterday

>> No.78025591


>> No.78025595 [SPOILER] 
File: 730 KB, 1414x2000, 20240610_044449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough of that. Look at this!

>> No.78025611
File: 1.51 MB, 2480x3508, 2928381_mealgin_elira-pendora-and-morgana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*pulls out my secret drock and impregnates you*

>> No.78025639

I'm not gay but h-holy..

>> No.78025649


>> No.78025653

i need schizo cock NEOWWWWW

>> No.78025666


>> No.78025670


>> No.78025674

Anycolor successfully killing anti sites

>> No.78025678

Actually insane how you can samefag here without any reprocussions

>> No.78025681

Too buff

>> No.78025703

you've successfully mitigated my desire to fuck doppio by making him too masculine, thanks

>> No.78025712

did rebecca come back?

>> No.78025715

The best care scenario is dumb fuck coward taking a pic of themselves flipping off the Niji booth. Hoping that no one gets actively harassed there.

>> No.78025755

you are mentally ill

>> No.78025756

lazulight without Pomu is basically just Elira and Finana constantly going on double valorant dates with shu and claude

They're in a fallen state and it's honestly sad to see how much Elira's appeal depended on her relationship with Pomu.

>> No.78025768

I already miss Elira.

>> No.78025769
File: 190 KB, 416x403, Rosemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dcl is ryushen's song retard

>> No.78025774


>> No.78025802

It's not insane, it's called freedom of speech. Do you want everyone to log in with Google or something just so I can be held accountable for calling Ike a fag who has gay sex with Vox?

>> No.78025818

Ok Vox

>> No.78025825
File: 29 KB, 828x89, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily pomudyke update

>> No.78025845

livers you would knot? livers you want knotting you?

>> No.78025852

I'm not ready yet...

>> No.78025871

why would a lesbian like bts? unless she is a fake lesbian

>> No.78025883

Do you think they can get the redditfags next?

>> No.78025903
File: 35 KB, 680x680, GP3OO4da0AAGGrU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he hasn't retweeted the merch release... i can't see his likes either... the world is so dark and lonely now...

>> No.78025906


>> No.78025909


>> No.78025927

This has already been explained a million times itt

>> No.78025934


>> No.78025943
File: 126 KB, 320x320, 1689305777834980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am so well fed
time to wait for twisty to put me to sleep

>> No.78025946

It's Seffyna's song now. Sorry I have to break it to you.

>> No.78025961
File: 2.42 MB, 2560x1440, 1675088610997635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but it's like a cat.
It has barbs on it so I can't pull out until I'm finished.

>> No.78025974 [SPOILER] 
File: 325 KB, 1170x1463, 1713328014225667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen an image the hurt you deep inside?

>> No.78025976
File: 201 KB, 2000x1335, WOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otsu Vivi! Wow I didnt think I missed her as much as I did but man her cute voice really healed me.

>> No.78025978

>for an all-boys group

>> No.78025988

This made me realize I depend too much on twitter likes and now that it’s gone the site is literally unusable now… god this sucks

>> No.78026000

theres always so many fucking bots under official niji tweets

>> No.78026014
File: 446 KB, 215x320, 1689737745604788224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78026018

time to hopcon tiktok

>> No.78026023

actually it's written by hoshikawa

>> No.78026026

I don't get this meme

>> No.78026059

it's just a filter to put over your art so it looks like a netflix show

>> No.78026075

I kind of am kind of concerned about this because I have friends also working around the other booths, and it's not like AX can't last minute move booths around. It happened the year the booth I was working at needed a different kind of space than what they gave us.

>> No.78026087

That goddamn shithole shouldn't even exist. It's an outlet to product some of the worst shit about the EN livers. How has it not be taken down for breaking site's rules, I will never understand.

>> No.78026091

i wish she didn't ignore NijiEN...

>> No.78026095

his last like was doppio's reply to him from 10 hours ago

>> No.78026097

>claims to have moved on from Niji
>still perpetually /here/

>> No.78026107

lazulight ignored her cover too... only reimu and seffyna replied

>> No.78026110

i just learned that 3150 can mean saikou, i'm literally a nihonjin now

>> No.78026113
File: 200 KB, 1003x1038, GEDS1YjWsAAGzGP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'll get pregnagtent

>> No.78026160

Fatty is too parasocial with /nijien/

>> No.78026193
File: 47 KB, 369x314, Screenshot 2024-06-13 023541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78026194


>> No.78026204
File: 14 KB, 385x205, 1717768146659001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78026207

he's stuck in recording dungeon now

>> No.78026224


>> No.78026236

just like irl

>> No.78026261

still hands the best vtuber original
hoshikawa created a classic

>> No.78026309

the last time she interacted with en member, she raped him infront of his fans.....

>> No.78026315

She didn't actually write it or anything... she just came up with the concept/lore

>> No.78026358

concept is important, so it's still her idea

>> No.78026380

Wose cunny TTwTT

>> No.78026398

Honestly it's kind of funny in a meta sort of way because they basically show their complete ignorance of absolutely everything they hate on a constant basis

>> No.78026401

remember when hoshikawa did this to pomu?

>> No.78026450

i don't think i can believe any of pomu's "stories" anymore

>> No.78026505

same unfortunately

>> No.78026514

I miss Yugo;_;

>> No.78026534

I miss Mysta ;_;

>> No.78026538

None of the jp senpai they met there remembered pomu.

>> No.78026561

elon sucks
i wish there's a better clone site already so everyone can just migrate there all at once
but the cute animal tweets... the silly memes... i can't install anything not approved by admin on my work computer it's over
personally i think he's busy dancing

>> No.78026565

Need something to keep me awake for 3 hours who's streaming?

>> No.78026580

twisty about to start

>> No.78026581


>> No.78026597

time to burn elon's house down

>> No.78026608
File: 314 KB, 1170x1170, HSKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoshikawa posted a photo of her signed Shikishi and talked about her time with EN members including Pomu on stream.
Please kill yourself.

>> No.78026618

Selen hate.

>> No.78026626

twisty but she's too laid back to keep you awake and will probably make you fall asleep faster

>> No.78026671
File: 316 KB, 1946x1946, FYH0oTWakAA4_ZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye bye aster, thank you for the hopcon

>> No.78026670

Who’s Pomu?

>> No.78026687

Maybe stop biting bait or samefag

>> No.78026692

pomu can't speak jp

>> No.78026699 [SPOILER] 
File: 957 KB, 1800x2697, WR8Eks2GwGRfKTQZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Twisty should get an outfit like this

>> No.78026727
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>> No.78026733
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>> No.78026747


>> No.78026753
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Good night! Chu chu! <3 Happy dreams with Luca!

>> No.78026763

you're sleeping early for once! good night and rest well

>> No.78026796

Remember when Pomu said she oshis Mito? Whatever happened to that.

>> No.78026799

lucub is sleeping, let's play games and have fun together

>> No.78026812
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im getting sad so i sleep

>> No.78026821
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so i bought a pack of corn dogs because twisty only had good things to say about them, it was like a pack of 8 so i decided to air fry 3 because i thought that would be a good number but I didn't realize how fucking filling they can be with potato coating, cheese and the sausage inside...

>> No.78026826


>> No.78026836

i dont like twisty's loading bgm

>> No.78026856
File: 22 KB, 609x484, gotta-love-their-interactions-lmao-v0-3au2mlj9x86d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78026860

give me one then wtf

>> No.78026872

yaeah luxiem 3D ifuudoudou soon

>> No.78026876

oh the korean ones? they are so yummy
i got one that's coated in honey butter

>> No.78026902

gn sleep tight

>> No.78026911

twisty would kick fuuchan's dog

>> No.78026922
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>Nijisanji thriving
>Ex-Nijis are happy and having lesbian sex
>This board is still seething and shitting their pants

>> No.78026947

pomudachi your oshi...

>> No.78026950

Just fridge that plucker, I always underestimate eating 2 and struggle to finish

>> No.78026952
File: 1.35 MB, 2445x1956, IMG_1186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet on you sleeping after 5am

>> No.78026978

I'm so hungry

>> No.78026980

where are you? i still have one since I could only finish two

Yeah!!!! that sounds good i want it...

but the crisp ueeee maybe i'll just give it to my dog

>> No.78026986

gn chu
its midnight.. do you want me to be menhera itt or sleep picky

>> No.78026989
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Milgur is back

>> No.78027002

sayu x quinn offpako soon

>> No.78027017

I want my oshi to be in that…

>> No.78027026

we love menheras here

>> No.78027043

yo final challenge
let the bait go unreplied

>> No.78027052

post dog

>> No.78027068

Is it not the diarrhea song?

>> No.78027077

listening to seffy's dcl led me to her running into the night cover from 3 years ago, and i really like the instrumental

>> No.78027081

No you don't understand, my tribe MUST prevail and yours MUST crumble, I must make sure of it, we can't BOTH be happy, this is a hobby for miserables!

>> No.78027082

I bet luca will start his guerilla unarchived karaoke after all of lucubs went to sleep

>> No.78027087


>> No.78027119

hell yea jigsaw you the goat

>> No.78027127


>> No.78027132
File: 1.23 MB, 1150x1500, zandi_desu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No my oshi is still here I just want him to sing Ifuudoudou

>> No.78027135


>> No.78027179

but sonny is not a slut...

>> No.78027191
File: 661 KB, 799x763, 1633145551253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

praise my cute dog

>> No.78027193

Who the fuck

>> No.78027195

idk jigsaw I'm kinda iffy on that

>> No.78027198
File: 72 KB, 294x273, 1692054913555631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a kiss!
