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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 42 KB, 711x565, justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78006366 No.78006366 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.78006545
File: 238 KB, 1440x1655, Holokeks lost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so boring when Niji gets serious

>> No.78006585
File: 113 KB, 876x919, 1CRVoO9Lz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sure does, doesn't it?

>> No.78006650

who cares about EN the branch was a mistake

>> No.78006696

EN branch is negligible. Literally.

>> No.78006711
File: 56 KB, 943x745, 1697362909042935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anycolor will crash and burn, any day now

>> No.78006813
File: 146 KB, 900x900, @Shikimirimekuto[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek
It's gone from
>Selen was negligible
>The entire EN branch is negligible.
kek. At least we have the same goal now of Nijisanji going the fuck back to Japan and never being spoken of outside of it.

>> No.78006967

Why are Hololive fans attacking Niji? It's clear that Cover's valuation gets carried by Anycolor. Niji downfall is Holo downfall, don't you realize this?

>> No.78007003
File: 173 KB, 1080x1339, Screenshot_20240613_095351_Opera GX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it like this? I dont understand
How is cover's graph line always above anycolor??
And why does it say +44% on cover and -12% for niji??

>> No.78007079

stock bros don't see any value in vtubing

>> No.78007151


>> No.78007271
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x2161, concertvskaraoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Cover will be fine because they spend money on shit that isn't stock buybacks and are able to actually fill seats internationally, unlike Nijisanji.

>> No.78007293

Supporting dookie is detrimental to Hololive
Verification not required.

>> No.78007327

holoEN is also negligible. did you think you were important just because you're bigger than the homos & ID?

>> No.78007344

>how is cover's graph always on top of niji from the beginning
What an interesting speculatiom

>> No.78007403

Doki's wrestletuber event increased the average holostar ccv by like 10-20%.
Doki succeeding brings up EVERYBODY excpet Nijisanji.

>> No.78007500

Are you saying that Dokibird is somehow a threat to all of corpo vtubing? How so?

>> No.78007588

Didn’t they just spent a couple billion yen to pump their stock?
It barely fucking moved

>> No.78007651

>let’s do another buyback, what could go wrong?

>> No.78007735

Price can only move if someone is willing to buy. What's the trade volume?

>> No.78007745

what did you think was gonna happen anon?
that they wont move on to the next cope?

>> No.78007787

the difference is that holoen succeeded in the smaller english market and brings in a significant minority of cover's income while nijien is relegated to a rounding error in nijisanji's revenue

>> No.78007827

>Selen's dramafag quarter results in a decline less than the other quarters
Dare I say... Negligible? Keep on praying that Niji decides to not sue your oshi

>> No.78007837

Holostar is the enemy of Hololive

She's the symbol of anti-corpo whether you like it or not

>> No.78007864

I'm happy with this change of events. The sooner they fuck off forever the sooner the western scene can start healing. They can take however long they want to die in Japan. That's HoloJP's problem, not ours.

>> No.78007872


>> No.78007915
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>> No.78007922
File: 164 KB, 691x402, WhereIsEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN is so negligible they merged them with all the other branches to hide how shit they did

>> No.78007925 [DELETED] 

so you EOP niggers are doing all of this console war shit just for bragging rights over who does a better job licking their dom's balls HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.78007954

This, seeing niji pump and burn their stock with almost all of their profits from this quarter in a desperate bid for more investors is true justice. Thanks for clarifying OP!

>> No.78007977

oh no it was a mistake because it gave people like Millie and Enna a bigger platform. Something they will have even if they graduate.

>> No.78008011
File: 441 KB, 1941x1064, sistersvsstars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure they are, sister.
She's gonna do the same thing to the girls.

>> No.78008053


>> No.78008132
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>> No.78008136

>Phase in top 10

>> No.78008171

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Hololive

>> No.78008169
File: 59 KB, 720x524, 1718236103008871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78008202

Cover merged Stars to Live first, then they wanted to merge just ID but then it'll be obvious that ID generates nothing, so they merged all branches instead.

>> No.78008265

I like how you pull this card but cannot explain why Niji felt the need to hide EN when they were so proud of them even one quarter prior.

>> No.78008320

You do know Doki's from hong kong, don't you?

>> No.78008388

But they didn't? They were on the report and their revenue was given. Meanwhile HoloEN's revenue was completely hidden. Must have been really embarrassing

>> No.78008420

Nah. I want them to try. There is no such thing as too many dramabuffs.

>> No.78008449

A real holo fan would say that the homos are either a mistake or irrevelant, but enemies ??
Take a (YOU) and post tits

>> No.78008483


>> No.78008513

So that overseas expansion fell through? When will they merge?

>> No.78008606

You know fully well they provided intentioned graphs marking both remaining branches in all previous cases but refused to do so here. Now, why did that happen?

>> No.78008610

HoloEN was already merged though

>> No.78008615

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_gOz10cGPA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1W88d4PosLY [Embed]

>> No.78008641

now you understand why holozhangs love her so much

>> No.78008743

> NijiEN: -54%

>> No.78008762
File: 928 KB, 1575x875, 030dfddcf640fcadc5f71303fbd0ee90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is this for nijien? I only see nijifags saying nijien is negligible and irrelevant.

>> No.78008785

I don't think you understand how that copypaste is meant to be used, bug.

>> No.78008801

You know full well if HoloEN did well, they'd get their own graph but it seems like they not only didn't get a graph but they also never had their revenue reported at all. Now why did that happen?

>> No.78008813

>literally announced a stock buyback

>> No.78008880

Guess you have no answer. Well, you already know the answer, but Vox’s faggotry has to be defended by you anyways, so here we are.

>> No.78008926

HoloEN is clearly negligible and irrelevant since they couldn't even be bothered to report on their revenue at all

>> No.78009063

Guess you have no answer. Well, you already know the answer, but Gura's faggotry has to be defended by you anyways, so here we are.

>> No.78009161
File: 689 KB, 2664x1488, ChinaDoki@KhoaPhan96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, are you serious? You really didn't know Doki or Selen was from Hong Kong?
One of her first tweets back was how happy she was that she wouldn't miss lunar new year with her dragoons, and one of her first streams back was that LNY stream. This was all extremely common knowledge as Selen. She's fluent in canto and elementary school level in mandarin.

Jesus christ, just how little do you sisters know about the girls from the branch? I thought it was just a joke that you only supported the boys but this is just sad.

>> No.78009166

Lol dramafaggots are fast

>> No.78009180

>Only 8% decrease in revenue generation
Selen was negligible indeed

>> No.78009219

>attempting to compare Vox to Gura in any way
>just “no u” ing every post now
The absolute state of the NDF.

>> No.78009240

Why specifically scrutinize EN when unlike Niji, Holo also has another branch that is Indonesia

>> No.78009262

no one fucking cares about concerts and fans its all about investors, just see hyperloop all the companies scammed over 2 billion dollars in investors with nothing to show for it.

>> No.78009275

No, I knew. Didn't expect Dokizhangs to so readily accept the CCP into their ass. You gonna beg for Winnie the Pooh to save your oshi?

>> No.78009389

>EN's revenue was hidden? Don't go after us, go after ID!
The Holozhangs are eating each other again

>> No.78009464

Starting to think this is just a Cocofag that cannot see beyond his fingertips

>> No.78009475

Literally a single branch of 5 people in Hololive have more watch hours than the entirety of Niji EN, holy shit.

>> No.78009484

>hong kong
>speaks cantonese

>> No.78009571
File: 169 KB, 1592x1778, whyisdokinearlyasbigNijiENAsAWhole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In February, Dokibird had as many watch hours as the entirety of Nijisanji EN.

>> No.78009616
File: 671 KB, 640x1088, 1712680846187196.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one cares about the vtubers, oshi the corpo instead.

>> No.78009625
File: 360 KB, 1448x2047, 1718173443312321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasted 7.5 billion yen to buy their own stocks
niji sure is desperate lol

>> No.78009646

>the monumental fuck up that was dev_is in terms of marketing is higher than nijien

>> No.78009665

The education level of the average dramafag. Amazing.

>> No.78009678

fuck off dookie shill

>> No.78009689

no shit retard? that was the month she got terminated and was the biggest FOTM since fwmc

>> No.78009792
File: 509 KB, 1442x1850, GInQZsHXMAAplFp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bragged about nijien's earning
>Now nijien's dying so they have to hide it now

>> No.78009807

U-san's intro alone was legendary

>> No.78009838

all that money that could've gone into another yacht.... thrown away on a stock buyback....

>> No.78009841


>> No.78009894

>Nijien's 30+ members gets assblasted by 5 girls who haven't even been vtubing for a year
Holy Grim

>> No.78009913

They got raided
by their own buyback

>> No.78010191
File: 135 KB, 1440x1523, 6454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78010205


>> No.78010283


>> No.78010337

>niji spent half of their coffers
>still in the negative
how does that work

>> No.78010435

Dude fuck the yacht. What's one of the biggest complaints? 3d studio queue. But what did Niji do? It spent more than TWICE what Holo spent on their 3d studio. Niji spent more than it would cost to get TWO top of the line 3d studios on a stock buyback that is going to melt away in TWO WEEKS just like when they blew 16 million on buybacks in february then tanked ever since once the pump trannysitioned to the dump

It doesn't even seem real. It reads like a cartoon about a bodysnatcher villain ruining your life's work not reality.

>> No.78010501
File: 27 KB, 731x408, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moron Riku spent 50M usd to raise stocks, proportionally raises Cover's stocks at the same rate without Yagoo spending a single cent. If only dumbass trustfund baby Tazumi spent this money for infrastructure or the employees he wouldve been better off.

>> No.78010556

They spent 84% of their quarterly net profit on this stunt iirc

>> No.78010575

corporation exists to make shareholders wealthy, retard
don't like it? start your own """benevolent" vtuber corp.

>> No.78010599

>the entirety of nijiEN, which has been sucking chinadick the entire time, is mogged by the confusing mess that is DEV_IS, which hasn't even existed for a year

Yeah china doesnt want you losers anymore makes sense holo's stepping in where you fucked up

>> No.78010624

>Selen was negligible
>EN is negligible

>> No.78010666

The livers he doesn't care about would be better off and that doesn't matter to him

>> No.78010716

Ah yes, the great strategic wealth that went below 2,100 yes at the end of may.

>> No.78010719

fwmc & holoen are also negligible btw
you're all just fags running around wearing JP accomplishments as your own, nijiENiggers and holoENiggers.

>> No.78010734

Wow, it's almost as if most of Nijisanji EN didn't stream for months while Dokibird was riding her drama grift to the max. I wonder why you didn't show the current graphs. Or better yet, the lack of impact she had on their revenue

>> No.78010753

Buy za dip

>> No.78010820

Cover will remain under 2,000

>> No.78010828

My point has nothing to do with Holo, Niji is just objectively shit lmao. Seethe harder sister

>> No.78010841

Thanks for omitting the merch reruns and event blitz Niji did to try and bail out Q4.

>> No.78010845

>opening stock priced \3270,
>buy it back at \2864
easy win for niji

>> No.78010881

both are objectively shit. seethe harder EOPig :^)

>> No.78010926

Kurosanji spent their money on stock buy back and their stock is still in the negative

>> No.78010933
File: 81 KB, 240x240, 0fJLlgHwzOBeh9l5KEw2wWNyP5L8zSE3UnofXjWOAiEb_oFYFfVpeOEiSuAux85lKX6z3dF-=w0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? Weird. What happened that month, then? Why weren't they streaming? Do you know?

>> No.78010955

>DEV_IS mogging nijien
what the fuck how

>> No.78011003

>Riku spends 50 million to raise all vtuber stocks
How nice of him, see he's not such a bad guy after all.

>> No.78011031

>The only reason she didn't nuke EN is because they released merch and had the AR live
But they were shit and negligible? Why did anyone support them? I thought they were dead? Make it make sense

>> No.78011069

Which NijiJPs do you watch anon?

>> No.78011094

more total viewership and watch hours than 30+ ACCELERATED talents

Also, doesnt fuck up as much or cause drama as much because theyre not completely retarded

>> No.78011145

worthless stat, superchat and merch is where it's at

>> No.78011198

>mass buys its own stock back to boost the price

yeah this has never ended in failure or fines

>lets take all our free cash flow and buy stock in our own company rather than reinvest it in the company while we are bleeding millions of dollars a week

>> No.78011215

EN branch itself is negligible.
The real reason its loss would be bad is the fact the JP market is over-saturated so the potential future growth is bleak. So to keep growing as a company they need to expand into new markets... and given how IN, ID, and KR have all sunk, they kind of need EN. Otherwise stock price starts to sink due to a lack of future growth potential.

They could probably expand into CN, but they probably see that is risky due to how Hololive Coco hate basically bled out into hurting multiple unrelated streamers in the same company.

>> No.78011250

Who do you think are buying merch?
Fucking retard.

>> No.78011263
File: 20 KB, 725x416, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cover still remains positive while Niji is still negative even after spending 18M + 48M on stocks

>> No.78011289
File: 122 KB, 1024x768, 1717132499788199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is one of the big three who has a statue
Keep coping sis

>> No.78011295

CCV is worthless now? Seems to be a bragging point for nijisisters when it suits them

>> No.78011330

Just like what they did with their #1 vtubing company claim that they had to take down

>> No.78011338

sister. been seething about elon all day lmao

>> No.78011340

wait did they spend more on the stock buyback this time lmao

>> No.78011345

Cause they were in Japan living it up and recording their debuts while Selen couldn't afford two seats for the plane and was busy crying about her vanity project being delayed by a day

>> No.78011443
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, 1689345689916592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phase moving up. that's what i like.

>> No.78011448

>been seething about elon all day

>> No.78011514

>Gura is above the other 2
The stories write themselves

>> No.78011528

gura is a mascot who does nothing. she isn't even in the top 10 list of people who work to make her brand valuable. give credit where it's due

>> No.78011530

well the toxic niji audience has to go somewhere, and with people like lumi and lia phase is perfect

>> No.78011570
File: 853 KB, 1262x1975, pomuselenbow_ricegnat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she didn't have a problem buying her own ticket to Japan to keep Pomu company when Pomu got left behind and had to go on her own to Japan.
Come to think of it, wasn't Elira supposed to be Pomu's "friend?" How come she didn't come along, too?

>> No.78011588

The one that's undeniably true now that they make over 2x the amount Hololive makes? NijiGAWDS on top

>> No.78011651

You can't view likes anymore. I used to like looking through hers.

>> No.78011686
File: 118 KB, 1580x753, 1699252693656870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did Niji graph halted while Cover is continuing?

>> No.78011691

You think we care about the opportunist? Kek. They're both negligible

>> No.78011699

sister they just used over 80% of that money to buy back their own stocks.
They just lost all of that money in an instant.

>> No.78011729

nah, they deserve it. lumi is the only one that has a dubious past. lia is just guilty of upsetting unicorns.

>> No.78011818
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 1619914881700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the good guys why aren't we winning?

>> No.78011846

They used less than a fraction of what they made to buy their stocks. You are legitimately financially retarded

>> No.78011859

Gura's has that viral ability.
There's a reason why she's the only Holo with several channels over 1 million.

>> No.78011879

Lia's real crime is doing a [topic] stream, where it's 2 hours pre-zatsu, 30 minutes [topic], and 30 minutes thanking subs.

>> No.78011895

>Analysts expect a profit of ¥141.04 per share this year. A year earlier, the company earned ¥110.78 per share.

>> No.78011920
File: 59 KB, 1807x974, 1709136437412670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were never the good guys. The only reason Cover was ever """against""" china is because they didn't want to scare off the EN market while it was still in its infancy. Now that they know you fags will stick around and be loyal to them, they can go back.

>> No.78012000


>> No.78012078
File: 3.93 MB, 640x360, suchbeautifulshitstorm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these seething sister on this post, nice work anon

>> No.78012100

They told the EN they quit CN because of them because it earned them brownie points with the EN audience.
In truth they were probably sick of the year-long botting and restricted chat. Even collabs were mostly put on hold because people they played with (who didn't have a mod army and anti-botting stuff in place) would get botted instead.

>> No.78012114

Max daily increase/decrease is 500yen

>> No.78012172

how many yen did anycolour use for buyback share..???
8 bil..???

>> No.78012187

They got raped so hard they had price stops implemented which cap daily gain/losses.

>> No.78012258

>good guy
You're the chinese bugman of the West

>> No.78012304

Who actually hated China? We all play Genshin here

>> No.78012319

48M usd for the current buyback. 18M was for their previous buyback.

>> No.78012461

>play gachaslop

>> No.78012512

Invest in pretending to be a retarded nijisister, the (you)s are skyrocketing

>> No.78012549

it only became a big deal because western newfags (en holofags had been around MAX 3 months at that point) had a melty because cover didn't want to take up their RIGHTEOUS CRUSADE against china. cover wanted to keep politics out of vtubing but was forced to throw one side under the bus. so, obviously, they sided with the more profitable side.
so like everything bad in EN vtubing today, it's coco's fault.

>> No.78012564

>Make 2x the amount
>Stocks in the negatives, even after several buybacks

Nijisisters gotta retard

>> No.78012618

do you live under a rock or something?

>> No.78012631

I thought china was the winning side because they invested in nijisanji

>> No.78012781

Coco & Haato got suspended like two weeks after myth debuted but by the time they came back it was pretty fucking obvious HoloEN >>>>>>>>>>> HoloCN.

>> No.78012816

>moving the goalposts
a tale as old as time

>> No.78012844
File: 119 KB, 301x338, 1701323971691837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine telling someone in May 2023 that in a year Phase Connect would have higher average CCV than NijiEN

>> No.78012989

gura needs an entire support division to make her financially relevant since lord knows she isn't doing shit herself. she herself is a drain, or at the very least a major lost opportunity cost. cover would better spend their resources making someone more worthwhile their mascot.

>> No.78013093

what dimension are you from sis, can you tell us the secret to dimensional travel? you're clearly notfrom this planet

>> No.78013139

Holy retard.

>> No.78013274

gura would be at 10 million if she did the bare minimum.

>> No.78013342

what do you need 10 million dead subs for, she alone makes more money than nijisanji in it's entirety

>> No.78013385

>nobody cares about concerts, events, music, streams, nijien, nijijp or vtubers in general, it's all about Riku's yacht!

>> No.78013399

imagine thinking CCV or EN itself matters when Anycolor's revenue is fucking double Cover's without even a fraction of their investment per talent

>> No.78013478

Yes, welcome to corporate vtubing as an actual business instead of corpo vtubing as a charity for mentally ill women

>> No.78013500

Ah, I understand. EOPs don't give a shit about improving themselves so long as they stay the biggest fish in a smaller pond. Western work ethic for you, I guess. And that's why HoloJP has continued to thrive while HoloEN has only managed to stagnate or grow slightly (with copious support).

>> No.78013501

>Hololive is the most famous vtuber brand on earth right now.
>Check stockmarket.

>> No.78013504

what do you mean double, they spent all of it on stock buyback, they're way below cover lol

>> No.78013727

But Gura improved, she streamed this month more than the past 2 years combined

>> No.78013783

see >>78011263

>> No.78013909

What revenue? They've blown 64 million USD on stock buybacks in half a year instead of investing in 3d studios to alleviate the queue.

>> No.78014010

I'm here for the mentally ill women though, that's the whole fucking point. They are the business. Without them, there is no corporate vtubing.

>> No.78014030

several? I thought it was just the one PL.
though to be fair, Mumei's pretty close.

>> No.78014031

LMAO now Holocucks are coping and acting like they spent even a fraction of their money on stocks. Do you not know how the stock market works per chance? Do you think they make no money from it?

>> No.78014038

holy nijicope

>> No.78014128

>literally their entire profit
>a fraction
maybe a fraction of cover's profit lmao

>> No.78014184

go to bed Enna

>> No.78014220

You're an embarrassing idiot.

>> No.78014293
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>nijifags don't watch or care about their chuubas and only care about Riku's wallet
Damn, why are you retards even in this hobby? Is this whole board just a shitposting exercise for you?

>> No.78014404

nijifags and holofags are the exact same. one's an aggressive, tiny yapping dog, and the other's a slightly larger aggressive, tiny yapping dog.

>> No.78014442

Isn't one of their first wave people a fucking 2view?
Haven't they destroyed every single branch they tried to build, from Yumenographia to VTA to Niji IN, EN, KR, ID, and then EN again?
Why are you using them as an example of anyone improving?

>> No.78014453

honestly surreal to see just her name amongst the sea of JP corpos. I'm proud of her.

>> No.78014487


>> No.78014526

>but holo

>> No.78014558

I'm saying that JP is what matters. Regardless of tribal identity.

>> No.78014586
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>one side cares about the well being of the talents
>the other one curses them as soon as they leave and calls them negligible, telling them to kill themselves and harassing them on social media.

>> No.78014594

Cover wishes it had the money Nijisanji does to freely play with their stocks without losing much of anything. They made over DOUBLE the amount Cover makes. Cover can't spend million on stocks . They're in dire straits

>> No.78014651

>JP is what matters
You mean, Kuzuha is what matters. Rest of them are declining shitters.

>> No.78014672

>>>>>without losing much of anything

>> No.78014675

>the other one curses them as soon as they leave
are you SURE you're not describing holokeks? why don't we ask kson or rushia what they think...

>> No.78014676

But JP is stagnating so hard that despite having nearly triple the amount of performers, they're being watched less than HoloJP.

>> No.78014707

Remind the audience about how you feel about Rushia, Magni, Vesper and how Aloe definitely wasn't your fault

>> No.78014718

Cover doesn't need to waste money on stocks because they pay their talents lol

>> No.78014755

Sana and Vesper died so HoloEn could Lazarus

>> No.78014770

Nijisisters only wqtch their boys and spend thr rest of their time shit posting here. Keep in mind obly the most greasy hambeasts of sisters flood thr boards here and men wanting to be a real woman Pinocchio style.

>> No.78014795

it's an entirely different league.

>> No.78014803
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We did. She said Nijisanji hates her and prevents her from joining events in Japan.

>> No.78014831

yes it's a called a business for a reason.

>> No.78014837

Rushia went completely menhera, homofaggots aren't human and aloe was bullied by nijiniggers, next?

>> No.78014863

The 16 million actual dollars Niji blew on the byback in feb to pump the stock caused a dump that has persisted ever since. It's fucking gonezo retard

>> No.78014880


>> No.78014882

>making money and immediately spending it means you didn't actually make the money at all

ok retard

>> No.78014938

Vesper was great
>Retard staffer can't do his one job
>Gets torn a new asshole

>> No.78014953

the money vanished into thin air, buying stock does jack shit

>> No.78014956

Just the typical holocope as per usual. Was it Nijisanji that started the unicorn apocalypse in Holo too?

>> No.78014975
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You literally have an entire containment thread for jerking off over Hololive's numbers

>> No.78015006

go back sucking chang's half inch dick holo peasant.

>> No.78015008

I realize you might not be the most financially literate poster in this thread, so let me try to set the record straight for you. Both Holo and Niji earned comparable gross revenue for 2024 Q4; however, because Holo actually pays its talents and has hired a staff large enough to support said talents, these deductions resulted in reducing its net revenue to roughly half that of Niji's. Niji then proceeded to blow its own net revenue for Q4 on yet another stock buyback, to artificially prop up its stagnant stock price. While this decision will certainly please Niji's investors, I'd be extremely pissed if I was Niji liver and wasn't seeing a cent of that revenue, either in the form of increased income or additional support. Long story short, Holo is just as profitable as Niji, and it's an actual functional, forward-thinking business that isn't living quarter to quarter like Niji. I hope this was enlightening, and have a blessed day.

>> No.78015025

a containment thread and like 4 subreddits

>> No.78015037

>containment thread
board*, this one

>> No.78015042

This is just your usual investor pump and dump on a dying company.
They did the same shit to gamestop

>> No.78015060

That's not even the amount of revenue NijiEN makes. That's way less than they made. Cover doesn't have NijiEN money now? Tragic

>> No.78015107

based and true

>> No.78015116

>they can hire even more 10yo kids for the executives

goddamn ToT

>> No.78015132

why are EN holofags so desperate to steal JP valor anyway? you're closer to the homos than actual holos on average.

>> No.78015145

imagine seeing all your buyfagging for the last 3 months going to some tanaka stock vulture's stock flipping instead of your oshi lmao.

>> No.78015174

oh yeah what happened to nijisanji hiring minors

>> No.78015225

That's your mistake
Assuming a Nijisister is even a little bit financially literate
I mean why else would they constantly be shouting "holoseethe" when Hololive and cover are doing just fine

>> No.78015255

>If you excuse the fact that cover spend significantly more, they're equally profitable

>> No.78015261

The only non-holos are the homos, and all the other riff raff from warrens beneath even them.

>> No.78015284

My oshi already got paid and has enough to eat expensive sushi in Japan whenever she wants. Holofags seething is merely a bonus

>> No.78015343

Aloe was harassed into quitting by nijinigs who held a grudge because she shat on their precious corpo on her rm account before even becoming a holo, how is it my fault? Rushia, Magni and Vesper are retarded menheras who burned their own careers, and even then I don't really hold any malice towards them.
At least you had some sense leaving Coco, Sana and Mel out of this, because they are beloved even in death.

>> No.78015349

yeah, since Niji just spent even more than that on fucking stocks instead of actual assets for the company to use like Holo did. KWAB

>> No.78015360

This time around they spent 84% of their gross earnings before expenses and taxes on this retarded buyback instead of reinvesting in the talents

>> No.78015371

Don't know, why don't you ask Hololive and Haachama?

>> No.78015468

>Have an awful 3d studio queue problem
>Spend enough for Three 3d studios on a shitty buyback pump and dump

Haachama's sick tastes qualified her for emancipation and a restraining order.

>> No.78015471

you're the riff-raff too, retard. just a slightly higher warren.

>> No.78015528

I'm glad my small corpo isn't on this to be noticed by number monkeys. Carry on with your weird horse race or whatever.

>> No.78015541

Rewriting history. Shion & Sora were also underage.

>> No.78015555

Drink your meds sister

>> No.78015593

Have some respect for the druncles that cleared the way for you

>> No.78015612
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>if you excuse the fact the riku wiped his ass with all of niji's money, they're more profitable
Why do sisturds have third world education?

>> No.78015632

I really don’t understand why you ever leave /jp/, kensama.

>> No.78015638
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Yeah, numbers of viewers, numbers of subs, numbers of merch sold, etc. The metrics of chuuba's success, because holoGODS love their oshis and want them to be successful. Even Cover's finances are discussed from the angle of how it will benefit the talents.

>> No.78015648

I'd rather ask about Yumenographia to be honest.

>> No.78015656

They should support her more then since even now Gura generates more money than everyone else. Imagine Gura with mere 10% of Mori's music output, 10Mil subs easy.

>> No.78015662


>> No.78015675

>Ignores Aloe literally saying it was her audience calling her phone to harass her and that they doxxed her ex
>Pretends everyone who goes against Hololive are massive menheras despite Magni already being a successful YouTuber even before Holo
>Pretends that Holofags like Kson and didn't immediately get to shitting on her for joining Vshoujo to be a whore
>Pretends that Mel and Sana ever got any kind of support from Holofags outside Hololive

>> No.78015703
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It's gone from
>Selen was negligible
>The entire EN branch is negligible.
^ This
It seems alot of Nijiniggers are mistaken, our target has always been Niji EN management, nobody gives a fuck about their JP branch.

>> No.78015716

They're literal underage kids more often than not.

>> No.78015738

>nijisanji has around 160 livers
>hololive has around 85 talents
>nijikuro still needs to pay everyone working for them cents and buy back their own stock to put on a profit mask
>hololive talents have their own personal manager and live in luxury
>somehow the peasant sisters believe they are winning

>> No.78015756

Wasn't that Anycolor's underage sex trafficking ring they made under the guise of a "virtual host club?"

>> No.78015761
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>> No.78015764

I like watching the beetles fight. See: >>78015703

>> No.78015801

Roll back those threads saying the Selen Shock is hitting JP and that Selen would cause the death of Nijisanji. Didn't even cause the death of NijiEN

>> No.78015822

Why do you hate capitalism? Why should Haachama be forced to do hard labor in the lawson mart mines instead of streaming? Are you a Lawson mark stockholder you sick fucker!! Are you a store manager? Is that it!

>> No.78015891


>> No.78015961
File: 19 KB, 890x150, nijisanji harrassment campaign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are nijisanji so toxic?

>> No.78016025

We're still in the pump. They literally hit the price limiter. The question is if they can scam retards to keep swapping bags through mid-july to make it through the investor meeting intact or if it'll be like last time in february and collapse shortly wasting 48 million actual physical dollars for nothing.

>> No.78016125

Woe there sister, didn't know you can't even read correctly. What race are you so I can properly distinguish my slur against you.

>> No.78016290

Cool made up percentage, bro. They spent way less than the revenue NijiEN made in the stocks.

>> No.78016300

>material gain
justice never existed

>> No.78016426
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What baffles me the most is the fact that Riku and Anykara refuse to invest in infrastructure revolution. Instead, they choose to pour their money into the stock exchange market. I mean, why not do both?

>> No.78016481

>Didn't even cause the death of NijiEN
Read the Q4 Report again retard, their EN revenue without all the event they've been pumping nonstop cant even reach their Q3.
Without including the event (Which their never did before selen shock) EN revenue down by -21% compare to Q3.
And it still going, Niji EN has no future. Go back to JP and never pull your shits in western market ever again, nobody want your shit corpo here

>> No.78016548

Are you a pagpag enjoyer?
Don't you fucking lie to me faggot.

>> No.78016674

pagpags and ENs are inseparable.

>> No.78016693

>Excludes concerts
But what happened? I thought they were shit and made no money? Why are you excluding them now? Now they made the Selen Shock negligible?

>> No.78016724

>Anycolor (400 employees) makes double the revenues of Cover (600 employees)
Funny how /vt/ pretends that Cover is the top dog.

>> No.78016773

a real holo fan would say nihao bing chilling actually

>> No.78016835

Money > life
Nijinigger logic

>> No.78016867

They cant keep pumping event to pad their EN number forever while their whole EN branch keep declining.
Watch closely to their next Q1 report, you'll see what im talking about

>> No.78016875

They grossed 8.9 billion yen and blew 7.5 billion yen on the buyback. That's 84%

>> No.78016905


>> No.78016951

1 D...
5 D
Here's the hint bozos. If Niji settles at 3k these threads will die. While you are under it the poor international performance is not negligible at all.

>> No.78016992


>> No.78017013

It's weirder cause if they invested their events, merch, and streams wouldn't suck so they could actually sell out

>> No.78017021

>Double revenue
Nijinigger math

>> No.78017084

See that revenue? Now take $48 million out of it which they just set on fire for a pump and dump stock buyback.

>> No.78017634

Cover looks like a little brother to anycolor lol. Now Holofags are pandering to fucking chinks. Rare niggersanji W.

>> No.78017693

Ok but it's actually fucking crazy how just Peko, Miko, Aqua, Koyo, and Subaru add up to more than every single small corpo and indie combined. They're streaming monsters.

>> No.78017768

I’m sorry there’s no cure for Down syndrome, anon.

>> No.78018024
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sister, they used 7.5bn of their 8.7bn net profit to buy those stocks. That's at most 86% of their net profit on 2024.

>> No.78018033

Do the math. How much is 26 million and how much is 7.5 billion in USD?

>> No.78018073

>corporations exist to make shareholders money

>> No.78018133

Keep coping nigger. Your holowhores will bing chilling soon.

>> No.78018182

NijiEN didn't do as well as expected

>> No.78018352
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>> No.78018439

NTA but 7.5 billion yen is around 48 million usd.
Out of 8.7bn profit, or 55 million.
It's more than 80% of that profit used JUST to inflate the stock numbers rather than reinvestment into the actual company. Added onto the 18 million usd they spent in the last buyback.

>> No.78018586

Not to mention we all saw what happened to the stock value shortly after the buyback in february too. They just set that money on fire.

>> No.78018841

Which is a fraction of the money JP made. Holocucks wish Yagoo had this money

>> No.78018986

...Sister? Are you unable to read? That's the combined profits from all branches. 7.5b is roughly what the JP branch earned in its entirety. They just took every single yen that the JP branch earned that quarter to hide EN's failures and burned it.

>> No.78019039

Investment into what? Liver only need a PC and Phone wwwwwwww
Vtuber industry is the most profitable business

>> No.78019041

Are you a teenager?

>> No.78019048

>Cover spends profit to improve/create assets
>Anykara chucks money into the void and lawyers

>> No.78019288

Do not project your brainrot onto me, gachanigger.

>> No.78019483

>158 livers
>430 employees: 22 business admin, 88 studio and appdevs, 73 artists/modelers, 258 managers & sales
>Venue costs
>Travel costs
>Settlement payments '
>Currency exchange loss
>Commission expenses
>Ass ton of non-operating expenses
>Over 3.5 billion yen in income tax
>Deferred income tax (lmao)
>Nearly 3 billion in merch, staff, and misc expenses

>> No.78019626

>"Nijisanji will fail as a business"
>Nijisanji has an excellent quarter
>"ackshually business doesn't matter lol"

>> No.78019642

It’s all made so much easier on the wallet when you simply refuse to pay the organs.

>> No.78019704

>>>>>an excellent quarter

>> No.78019743

Oh you mean the 32bn¥ revenue that got cut to 8.7bn¥ after deductibles like expenses and taxes? That 302bn¥?
Damn. That's a lot of munnies. I sure hope that 32bn¥ is Anykara's net profit not gross revenue. You know. The number that's left after all expenses and taxes are deducted.

>> No.78019750

>make insane profit
>use profit to boost shareholder's stocks and make the company a more enticing investment

I see nothing wrong with this

>> No.78019810

Yes, I said Nijisanji and not NijiEN
They're not selling Nijisanji stocks, they're selling Anycolor stock and Nijisanji JP as a whole is doing excellently

>> No.78019857

>an excellent quarter
No, they just didn't have a disastrous quarter. They still missed their projections and are forced to do stock buyback to keep the price afloat.

>> No.78019868

Too bad that EN dragged them down to being under their target, right?

>> No.78019932

>Everyone and their mother bitches about the wait time for the 3d studios
>Concert was a laughing stock as a result of poor investment
>Set it on fire instead

Can you even read or are you underage and retarded?

>> No.78019975
File: 462 KB, 1110x888, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkhnbf6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excellent quarter

>> No.78020261
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>> No.78020284

>EN has declined for 5 straight quarters
>For fifteen months, EN has declined
>Spend 84% of its earnings on a stock buyback that is going to disappear once the dump begins. Just like when they did the last buyback in february
>Instead of investing in the livers and the events
>(you)r supas, membies and merch literally just went to some fat stock vulture instead of your oshi

>> No.78020441

>if they can’t replicate their success outside of their top talents in JP
Oh, so something that’ll never happen now.

>> No.78020544


>> No.78020902

I assume it is % of starting price anon, when they went public.
This means if you had shares at day 1 you lost 12.01% on monetary value on nijisanji stock by holding until now and you gained 44.48% in same comparison by having day 1 shares on cover.

>> No.78020912
File: 710 KB, 1461x904, Screenshot 2024-06-13 101422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye hololive .
i started watching hololive when asacoco became popular. then when kaichou was forced to graduate i felt miserable. But i believed in fubuki's words and believed hololive would improve and learn from that.
i still remember vividly watame crying after kaichous graduation. and i'm not willing to risk it to see history repeat again. so goodbye hololive we had a good run and i don't think i'm in any position to tell you guys to change your decision but as a hardcore fan all i could do is leave ya guys without causing any drama or badmouthing your talents.
if you wanna call me an anti see the attached screenshot before you do that

>> No.78021001

It missed their insane projection by like three percent. People are still buying. Cope more. Holy fuck, none of you know a single thing about stocks.

>> No.78021060

Not a soul cares.

>> No.78021095

This isn't an airport. You don't have to announce your departure you dumb larper.

>> No.78021116

>insane projection
The Mother of All Copes

>> No.78021230

>Formerly 1/5th of your company is dying
>Spent nearly an entire quarter of revenue on a stock buyback instead of reinvesting in the talents
>After disastrous concerts and cancellations
>Despite longstanding facility shortage and understaffing issues.
Go ahead and take out the 7.5b they just wasted.

>> No.78021970

Why would they care? Sisters don't want to support their oshis. They don't even have oshis. They want to support the brand.
If you want to hit them where it hurts point out how the lean business model and refusal to reinvest means that the merch quality is already complete shit these days and is only going to decline further while prices go up.

>> No.78022124


>> No.78022156

It is the feature of Tokyo Stock Exchange translated to "price limit range", where it clamps the movement up and down within a region based around the closing of last day, the range of the clamped value is based on a tiered list of their value.
The near tiers are: Under 1500円 (300円 range), under 2000円 (400円 range), current under 3000円 (500円 range) and next is under 5000円 (700 円 range).

>> No.78022220

It's peak comedy that the pump is slowed because things got literally so bad they got capped in the lower tiers.

>> No.78022786

Would make sense in a mature market but vtubing is still young and always changing. Riku is gonna fall further behind the more he refuses to invest in the quality of his product.

>> No.78022988
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Sister, if Niji was a well-run company with the numbers to match, they'd be jerking off to those as well.

>> No.78023038
File: 23 KB, 836x175, Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 02-28-29 00.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dump in march 14 also hit floor brakes, i think they wanted to get ahead of the curve no matter the price, because at under 1600 share price they risk being delisted from prime market.

The most significant thing though which nobody is talking about is that they have a very high value to play house and control the stock for 3 months or enough time for next quarter report, keeping it afloat the unlisting value/avoiding everybody dumping, they will also ensure they control it long enough until the last possible day to do it again (they did this on last buyback, by last week they used their last chance to pump it up to their given limits), i think by then they will do it again.

>> No.78023821
File: 37 KB, 945x633, 1648633978547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anycolor spent 7.5 billion yen on stock buyback
>Sisters are proud of it

>> No.78024000

Sisters've displayed a profound lack of comprehension of what even happened

>> No.78024754
File: 152 KB, 1250x253, AnotherBuyback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will only cost Anycolor $48 million USD to buy back 4 million stocks.
Too bad their livers won't see any of that. They truly are slaves to the investors.

>> No.78024991

Harem Slave outfit Vox when?
>You can just ask to leave

>> No.78025397

Why are Hoshiyomis shitting on Niji? Suisei is chummy with Nijis

>> No.78025433

Oh yeah? Then where's Suisei and Ange's Magnet cover?

>> No.78025508

>muh investors enticing stock numbers
I wonder how the jp livers feel that because of their irrelevant branch, they got less investment and instead went on to prop the investor bait numbers

>> No.78025620

I imagine they feel like prostitutes. All the violation of their gaped holes was wasted pleasing investors.

>> No.78025780

Yes, enough to beat covers 3d studio twice over. True retard tactics

>> No.78025959

>ac could have had 2 cover studios by now
It's really funny how the sisters feel smug about this emergency injections when they arent even investors in the first place

>> No.78026081

Don't forget the 16m they blew in feb. They could have had four cover studios.
When you look at the absolute state of the concerts it's a painful phallus to snachoke on.

>> No.78026090

>Stock was created for a company could borrow other people money without any loan interest.
>Riku is spending company profit to buy back his own company stock.
What a GENIUS.

>> No.78026254

You don't understand, it's about asserting dominance over the 429 other employees.
