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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77950877 No.77950877 [Reply] [Original]

This is what they were hiding from you.

>> No.77950942


>> No.77950964

>4 3Ds
>AR Live
>VR Singapore
>still made 24% less YoY
Merge incoming, NIjikeks. EN is dying.

>> No.77950973

What happened in 2023 Q3? Some big event?

>> No.77950981

kobo bing chilling deflection thread

>> No.77951007
File: 182 KB, 1924x989, 1718172776900849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna............ I'm gonna MERGE

>> No.77951041

Luxiem 1st anniversary at the height of their popularity

>> No.77951044

Looks fake.

>> No.77951073

And sadly investors actually fell for it because the +47% distracted them from the fact that Niji only works domestically and their oversea plan is falling apart

Plus the fact that they pump their own stock by doing the buyback so the stock price will probably rise despite the shortselling

>> No.77951090


>> No.77951117

You can also just see it here. The pink bar.

>> No.77951172

yeah, once EN is truly dead and merged and they have no more excuses when their old guard and bigger earners are slowly departing, thats when they will realize they fucked up.

>> No.77951213
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They should've kept the separate graphs
It looked much funnier

>> No.77951253

I thought it's illegal to hide things from investors

>> No.77951289

technically they showed it to investors here >>77951007
they were just really creative in how they presented it so a lot of them didn't noticed EN being down 24%

>> No.77951291

they technically arent hiding it as its on the chart, they are just presenting things in a different way so that the people who dont do their due diligence get scammed

>> No.77951300

They aren't >>77951007
They just merged the graphs together lmfao

>> No.77951395
File: 39 KB, 1207x905, Breakdown seperate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was made so you can do just that!

>> No.77951432

There's no way the investors are going to just gloss over this in the Q&A right? Right??

>> No.77951455

Is this the Kobo deflection thread?

>> No.77951489
File: 114 KB, 1440x315, 1718172684096820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what this was supposed to be NijiEN is doomed and going to be merged and whatever but they still made 30 million dollars and 7 million last quarter? Seems like it will be fine to me.

There is no hiding the full numbers are right there in the document for anyone to see (pic real). Its funny to see people making a big deal out of this when Cover has literally never shown the numbers for EN as separate thing. If anyone is hiding numbers for their EN branch it's them.

>> No.77951498
File: 186 KB, 753x936, IMG_2608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people actually so retarded that they are unable to decipher a merged chart? Like they even put the numbers in it and everything.

I know they merged them to try to hide the decline, but come on…

>> No.77951518

Damn their main branch is carrying

>> No.77951537

They're not hiding anything. Don't misunderstand me as a Nijinigger, but there was no way in hell the chart was gonna look bad. By that I mean LOOK bad, they can't shoot themselves in the foot yet again by being upfront in a financial report. The data presentation is where their control shines through, and that's how it was always going to go. Any company would do the same.

Because the actual numerical report was at the back, it's not considered hiding or lying.

>> No.77951539

EN is a literal dying branch lol
I expect them to fold soon

>> No.77951570

>1165 -> 1074
Uuuuh is this just me or is this, dare I say it, negligible?

>> No.77951598

They made 40M last year. Investors are going to ask why did they make less than that this year.

>> No.77951608

They could just separate the chart and boast about the 69% increase

But the negative 40% EN in Q3 is what triggered the shortsell so I guess they learned the lesson and is willing to underestimate NijiJP growth to save EN face

>> No.77951648

Their revenue is in freefall, and their operating costs keep going up. They probably won't last much longer
>b-but Cover

>> No.77951650

Quarters are compared YoY to account for seasonality.

>> No.77951731

Everyone's fussing about the revenue, but I think they're missing something even more important: The profit. The report gives nothing about the actual costs by branch, so for all we know EN could be in the red even *before* the harm caused by -20% revenue.

>> No.77951790

lol even the chart in OP doesn't look like that.

>> No.77951821

It seems fine because you're not thinking like an investor, who makes money on growth. If a company is making less money this year than they were last year, their investors have lost money. It doesn't matter if the company made more money than most people see in their lifetimes, all that matters is that they need to make more money than last amount of money they made so the investors get paid.

The difference between cover and any color is that cover has always handled things this way, while suddenly anycolor is switching it up. Unprompted of course, not like they'd have any reason to think their old way was not suitable anymore.

>> No.77951894

Even during Q1 and Q2 when Selen was active, there was still an 8% decline between quarters.

>> No.77951897

If you think Anycolor is spending 30 million dollars a year on NijiEN I think you're delusional.

>> No.77951951

Anon, they lost at least 10 million dollars compared to last year and that's before factoring the operation cost for so many events that they did in Q4.
Mind you they did 0 events for the entirety of 2023.

>> No.77951953

The company isn't making less money this year than last year? Profit is up to 12,000 million yen from 9,000. Anycolor is doing better than ever.

>> No.77951994

If that's what you call missing the already revised projection, then sure sister.

>> No.77952047

ngl I want that number to be even lower. This is salvageable assuming they didn't cook the books and I hate that. Considering they're doing another stock buyback and hid the numbers, I hope AnyColor fades into complete irrelevancy in the future. But it'll probably be propped up by lolcow audiences, good riddance. I hope mass misinformation ruins you

>> No.77952063

>A-Anycolor is doing better than ever
So sisters literally don't care about EN anymore?

>> No.77952100

That's their secret, they never did.

>> No.77952107

>All the 3Ds
>All the merch drops
>Lowest performance ever
HOLY KEK no wonder they changed the graph.

>> No.77952121

Anon, drama can't keep them propped up forever, especially since their numbers have been doing nothing but declining.

>> No.77952134

It only seems better if you don;t know where to look.
In reality this is even worse than Q3

>> No.77952147

Honestly im kinda underwhelmed, it doesn’t look great but everyone has been hyping Q4 up as some kind of apocalyptic event for months

>> No.77952182

First day on the internet?

>> No.77952192

What the fuck are you talking about there's no projection? Anycolor net profits for the end of the financial year this year are 8,725 million yen up from 6,698 million yen last year and double that of Cover this year who had net profits of 4,137 million yen. Anycolor is by far the most successful vtuber business and it's not even close.

>> No.77952197

>blowing shit out of proportion
say it aint so

>> No.77952201

>that much commerce lost
What was the point of spamming Elira merch again?

>> No.77952235
File: 166 KB, 1133x1404, 1710193906962272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The report gives nothing about the actual costs by branch, so for all we know EN could be in the red even *before* the harm caused by -20% revenue.
Stop searching for the truth, anons

>> No.77952239

To get Elira more merch

>> No.77952262

what was cover's yoy again

>> No.77952327

"Covid made vtubers more popular in previous years." (Omitting what years exactly while still being a true statement.)

>> No.77952334

>en down 20%

>> No.77952351

They missed 3% from their revised projection.
Can you even read the graph?

>> No.77952356

Because they fired one of the best earners and the Chinese lockdown ended.


>> No.77952385

Their operating costs went as high as the price of two stacked chairs, a laptop and a single earphone. Anycolor isn't known for paying premium for organizational purposes.

>> No.77952414

If you are an investor combing over this data, then EN begins to look like a dying branch that is still responsible for a large portion of the expenses. It becomes a question of if it's worth it to sustain EN if they continue to only reduce costs and growth for the company elsewhere.

Think of it like the WNBA. The WNBA is fully sustained by the NBA and operates at a loss. It is mostly kept alive for social reasons and to be supportive of "muh wammanz," but in terms of operating costs, it's a loss and generates no revenue.

That's NijiEN. It is well on it's way to be an expense that isn't worth sustaining. In just one quarter, their sales and viewership are down 20%, and this appears to be a trend rather than a one-time drop. The question becomes: how long are investors willing to wait for EN to stabilize or recover, how many investors were here specifically with the hopes of seeing overseas growth, and when does it become financially wise to simply axe EN entirely while focusing their support on NijiJP instead? How much could they achieve in growth for NijiJP if they didn't have to babysit NijiEN?

>> No.77952446

Now do Cover's, faggot

>> No.77952463

>Release 3Ds and events
>Still drop

>> No.77952489

Last month?

>> No.77952491

They are hiding it in plain sight. Scummy but not illegal.

>> No.77952518

Why not? Cover doesn't even have the guts to publish individual branch revenue and Anycolor would probably be better off if they did the same.

>> No.77952528

That's completely irrelevant lol? It changes absolutely nothing about what I said. Anycolor is making more money than ever before and doing better than they ever have done in the past. They're doing the best they've ever done financially.

>> No.77952548

I WAS RIGHT! They are hiding nijiSEA as cover does with the homos! Branches performance? Naaaah, just put them all together so you can't see how little they apport. Branch merge soon!

>> No.77952628

Most retarded illiterate sister

>> No.77952629

Cover almost double their oversea profit on the last report lmfao

>> No.77952638

The WNBA is a breeding program for future NBA players

>> No.77952688

What the fuck do you mean completely irrelevant?
They revised their revenue projection for Q4 in back in Q3 and they still missed the target.
3% may not sound much but it's in billion of yen when you factor Anycolor entire revenue.
Compared to their immediate competitor which surpass their projection and you can see how bad this would look.

>> No.77952703

The EN branch should be close to even or losing money this year. -20% YoY IN ADDITION to all the expenses on 3D, travelling, and concerts, unsold merch, lost brand deals (hyte), etc.

>> No.77952713

They're not, but opportunity cost is still a discussion worth having. It is clear that NijiEN:

>Does not bring in nearly as much as NijiJP
>Is on a strong downward trend and has been for over a year now

The main purpose of holding onto NijiEN is that it's effectively their international market. It's an attempt to expand the company overseas and grow abroad. But seeing as how NijiEN grew past it's baby stages and despite this, it is now shrinking rapidly instead of growing, it becomes a question of how long it is actually worth it to invest that money into a wildly inefficient and sickly NijiEN instead of, alternatively, simply saving on expenses by axing NijiEN and then using that money to support NijiJP.

Infact, this may already be our explanation for why production quality of NijiEN seems so shit: they're ALREADY refusing to invest a dime into it, and all their profit probably goes directly to JP. What we may be witnessing is that Nijisanji currently still feels it's financially wise to keep NijiEN around for increased profit and that it's still efficient to have them instead of axing them, but that they're NOT worth investing in, thus every dime NijiEN makes is sent over to help grow NijiJP. Once NijiEN outlives it's usefulness, that's precisely when it'll get axed.

NijiEN's lifespan is very likely on a timer. It needs to at the very least stabilize and stop bleeding viewers, because if it fails to do so, it becomes financially wise to axe them.

>> No.77952736

And how's Hololive English's revenue going?

>> No.77952748

iirc cover stock still dropped despite their amazing growth, can't wait to see niji

>> No.77952812

On the uptick

>> No.77952814

It's important to factor in their IPO price anon.
Cover's may have been in decline but they're still up 300-350 yen from their IPO.
Anycolor is down 1800 yen from their IPO.

>> No.77952816

I don't understand all this mumbo jumbo. Is it joever for en branch or not?

>> No.77952869

Did you all missed the news that Niji is going to buy back up to 4 MIL shares, until August this year?

>> No.77952870

Up 30% YoY iirc

>> No.77952883

It's not gonna be a sudden collapse (yet), but things continue to trend downwards for them even though they're spending more and more money trying to keep them afloat

>> No.77952890

The fact that Anycolor were 3% short of their revenue projections is completely irrelevant to the fact that they're doing better than they ever have before. That's just an undeniable fact. Anycolors revenue for this year is greater than it's ever been for any past year and their profit is too. They're doing the best they've ever done. The fact they're a few percentage short of where they were aiming for isn't changing that. They're still making double the profit they're nearest competitor is.

>> No.77952896

holy shit, can't wait for the next market open lmao

>> No.77952898

Show where HoloEN was shown on Cover's financial report

>> No.77952912

Nah they grew to 2k yen but then dropped soon after like a pump and dump scheme

Niji may re-experience the -700 yen fall, but I have a feeling their stock buyback will prevent it

>> No.77952918

Let me put it this way, Q4 is even more disastrous for nijiEN compared to Q3 even though at a glance they "only" lost 21% YoY compred to -40% YoY in Q3.

>> No.77952924

realistically? nothing can be known before Riku make announcement
can be used to make prediction

>> No.77952932


>> No.77952940

how many times are they allowed to buy back stock

>> No.77952963

How the fuck is missing their target is them doing better than ever before sister?

>> No.77952997
File: 598 KB, 616x868, Elira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have like one manager per wave and only give fractional talent compensation on merch sales (2%). If Niji is good at any one thing, notoriously so, it's running everything as cheaply as possible to make a healthy profit.

>> No.77953009

Virtually infinite.
As long as they have enough money to do so

>> No.77953023

Something something 2 more weeks

>> No.77953026
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>> No.77953045

but surely this reflects poorly on them from the eyes of investors

>> No.77953054
File: 409 KB, 583x427, 162631198279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like making these sweeping statements in regards to Anycolor's overall growth is very disingenuous when no one on this board, or in this thread about EN specifically, gives a fuck about JP.

>> No.77953063

>healthy profit
>always cutting corners, even for their biggest events
that's not healthy

>> No.77953086

anycolor stock won't drop because they are doing a buyback and that will shoot it up again
pay attention
they've done this tactic before

>> No.77953089


>> No.77953092

Imagine the face of Riku when he has to sell one of his yacht to save his company's stock everytime EN fucked up

>> No.77953106

They had to pay for all those concerts, anon

>> No.77953107

That Q4 is even with special 1-time events. It's a going into a sharper slide.

>> No.77953127

Not necessarily.
Investors LOVE buybacks, even the rumour of it could pump the stock price.

>> No.77953163

>Proceeds to parade around Hololive's repost despite them completely hiding the revenue EN made

>> No.77953195


>> No.77953227 [DELETED] 

Seethe holokek

>> No.77953236
File: 191 KB, 1840x937, 1712938006714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The red bar is most important, because that's where the talents get most of their income.
This latest report hides it from us, but we know it's probably in the 200's at least

>> No.77953303

Oh I'm seething so hard right now sister

>> No.77953315

>Thinks members don't get paid to perform, do ads or sell merch
Holokeks, not like this

>> No.77953320

>Nijisisters can't understand why -50% stock price is bad
>Nijisisters won't understand why -40% YoY revenue is bad

What do we call this mental illness?

>> No.77953348
File: 106 KB, 341x249, 1709044230120122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 quarters with a result of 0 for events
>suddenly spam events as an emergency money shower
>NijiEN revenue still going down

>> No.77953362

>VR Singapore
That probably hit them pretty hard with all those empty seats, venues there aint cheap.

>> No.77953373

>Holokeks can't show where HoloEN is in Cover's financial report
What do we call this mental illness?

>> No.77953393

Man its a good thing that nijisanji doesn't pay their talents or this chart would be way worse.

>> No.77953405

The cows are doing fine and producing lots of milk. But for some reason the chickens we heavily invested in aren't laying eggs while they keep eating their food.

What do /vt/

>> No.77953434
File: 20 KB, 1111x120, 1718178006856561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap their "livestreaming" income actually fell to 231.
Consider that in the days before Luxiem, the "livestreaming" income was 147....with only 10 people.
That means the livestreaming income per vtuber is like 1/2 what it was, even in the early days.

>> No.77953558

>their income was almost cut in half

>> No.77953643

>bleeding everything, subs etc
tell that to your boss in your company and they will shit on you, if you have a job that is.

>> No.77953684 [DELETED] 

pls spare the RETARDED NIJISISTERS, dont bully them like that LMAO

>> No.77953767 [DELETED] 

clueless nijisisters LMAO

>> No.77954106 [DELETED] 

Poor nijisister, your whataboutism doesn't work because everyone knows it's a fact that HoloEN makes more than KurosanjiEN. Please let us know when you get the rope.

>> No.77954148

proof next thread?

>> No.77954221

Everybody understands its bad. But how bad? This will be debated to kingdom with all the copes, rrats and predictions. Personally me thinks the EN branch was always headed for the fall. Selen drama just pushed them off the edge. Now there's no coming back.

>> No.77954261

Denauth is part of the new fiscal year, right?

>> No.77954317
File: 164 KB, 691x402, WhereIsEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows? They hid their revenue, kek

>> No.77954430

Jesus the EN branch is literally dead weight on a thriving JP branch

>> No.77954499

Sorry that Cover considers all branches equally instead of leaving the English branch out to rot like Niji

>> No.77954557

look, a holocopeter

>> No.77954620

What will your cope be when your branch gets cut?

>> No.77954846

>holobronies now embracing the holopro term
you gotta love it

>> No.77954995
File: 69 KB, 1220x664, 1718176234067496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironic of you to say that considering Niji is literally kept afloat by fujo lusting after manwhores

>> No.77955159

Life support. As long as they can pull something from the soon-to-be corpse, they will. If they can‘t, it‘s lights out.

>> No.77955335

It‘s on page 18, 231M for EN. All three metrics fell by 20-25% compared to the last quarter.

>> No.77955432

Woah, events went from 0 to 158. That means events are up by + infinity %, so the average percent growth across all substats is actually + infinity %.
Why are people doomposting this infinite growth branch?

>> No.77955492

This image will do the rounds in /vt/ and this time it’s not even some doxshit, thanks Niji for insulting your shitters for our amusement.

>> No.77955545

Yep, they debuted later…but seeing their nimbers I would not expect a rise.
Kurosanji response seems to be accellerate even more however, so expect more and more ESL talents.
100 2shitters make a 5view after all.

>> No.77955865

That’s why they combined the graphs.

>> No.77955877
File: 212 KB, 410x395, 1707220937042457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when they used to hire a new wave every other week
That shit was so funny

>> No.77956161

one thing for sure is there are always RED SC every stream

>> No.77956240

>Gura's IPass collab made more in revenue than vox akuma's total career supachats
I don't know you tell me nijikek ;)

>> No.77956270

They would had to underline a -22% loss after all the merch spam they did.
As isuall all Niji is good to do is to hide their head in the sand.

>> No.77956292

Cover does the exact same thing but never show any of the branches separately like niji is doing here.

>> No.77956312

Sister, are you dumb?

>> No.77956440

>An obvious baitpost made to mock actual retarded sister coping
anon i...

>> No.77956521

Actually cover DID show a difference in foreign and domestic revenue, And the overseas branches made up about 40% of cover's overall earnings for Q4 2024, It doesn't take a genius to figure out that cover MEETING and EXCEEDING their expectations while anycolor stagnates and fails to meet either is a bad sign for anycolor, The ONLY reason they aren't gonna crash tomorrow is the MEGA stock buyback they are cooking up, 3x bigger than the one just before the Selen Shock, So you better hope and pray no more big YABS happen cause that is even more money being poured down the drain

>> No.77956589

>Cover considers all branches equally
How? EN is getting the most concerts, JP is getting most 3D streams, holostars are most likely not going to have another concert ever again and ID might as well not exist kek

>> No.77956628

>Actually cover DID show a difference in foreign and domestic revenue
That wasn't revenue per branch, dumbass. If someone from the US buys JP merch that counts as "foreign revenue".

>> No.77956641

ID got the BilliBilli re-premier, retard

>> No.77956663

No they didn't when all of hololive is going back to bilibili.

>> No.77956671

Is that why they had to merge the two EN branches and ID ? Because they're actually not hiding them and doing really good? Okay, pal

>> No.77956752

EN fans buying JP merch must be a very foreign concept to you nijinigger.. considering nobody outside of japan and SEA gives one iota of a fuck about JP organs.. mostly cause niji themselves killed all the translation clip channels.. that's why the ChroNoiR concert at AX is actually selling FEWER tickets than the fucking EN girls are at the moment.. If it was a holoJP concert alongside Breaking Dimensions that shit would sell out in a flash cause... people actually give a fuck about holoJP

>> No.77956796

...so they had 47% increase of revenue YoY?

Is this supposed to be bad?

>> No.77956816

It doesn't take a genius to figure out ID and Homostars are footnotes while the big money comes from myth/promise/advent, They do it to not hurt ID/Homofags feelings but the overall message of "Foreign branches are absurdly profitable" still rings true, Unlike nijiEN which is indisputably a netloss for anycolor now

>> No.77956828

JP not EN

>> No.77956831

Seethe harder. Cover hides EN, ID and holostars revenue.

>> No.77956841

Not JP, the whole company. Sounds like their stock is due to a nice big pump tomorrow.

>> No.77956871

Anycolor as a whole did, But if you break it down, NijiJP had an increase of 67% and NijiEN had a DECREASE of 24%, It unironically makes nijiJP's performance look WORSE than if they kept them separated, But they had to somewhat cover up how badly they performed in the wake of the Selen Shock, If you are a fan of NijiJP (And if you are /here/ you probably fucking aren't), This report was indeed a nothingburger as the sisters claim... BUT if your oshi is in nijiEN....WHOOPS well good luck!

>> No.77956893

Kek, they didn't even show how much the overseas braches made while NijiEN still rakes in 25 million dollars and Vox is still among the most superchatted members. Keep on coping about that net loss while half of HoloEN doesn't stream

>> No.77956916

It is gonna be pumped but only because they are dumping 40 MILLION DOLLARS into a stock buyback nearly 3x bigger than the one they did in January, In terms of overall forecasts they failed to meet projections and nijiEN is completely and utterly dead in the water

>> No.77956998

/#/ faggot breaking containment

>> No.77957004

>Rakes in 25 million dollars
25 million in revenue... not profit.. you are forgetting operating costs and expenses inbred chama, NijiEN is a net LOSS for the company, And if you wanna talk about half of a branch not streaming.. you certainly are barking up the wrong tree
>Vox is still among the most superchatted members
And his entire lifetime total in superchats was beaten by gura's singular Taiwan collab, care to tell me how much vox has made the past 6 months compared to...literally anyone?

>> No.77957007

Axe NijiEN already they're dead weight.

>> No.77957027

you cannot hide things that never shown

>> No.77957095

>NijiEN is a net LOSS for the company
Let's see you prove it.

>> No.77957114

Just shut down nijisanji en

>> No.77957149

>He thinks the company spends anywhere near over 25 million dollars yearly on EN

>> No.77957157 [DELETED] 

Seamonkey nigger did you.. NOT read the graph?

>> No.77957198

>gura's singular Taiwan collab
What a shame that her and her whole branch were so embarrassing that they had to be mixed in with JP to hide the numbers

>> No.77957223

The graph doesn't show that they're losing money, retard.

>> No.77957243

where the fuck are you retards getting 25 million dollars from?, They only made 6.8 million in revenue for Q4. Can NONE of you read??

>> No.77957263

Yeah nijien didn't do as well as expected

>> No.77957310

You know what's embarrassing nijinigger?, The company you can't stock dickriding with your fetid infected seanigger jakarta cunt, 3views at best, No supas, No memberships, No sponsors, No fans, the laughing stock of western vtubing, Meanwhile gura did like 15 streams this month and ALL of them were over 20k CCV, something literally NONE of your organs can even come close to even with special events and 3d lives

>> No.77957345

>-24% YoY
You lost invalid, Rope yourself now it will never get better for you or your company

>> No.77957409

That's not them losing money, you fucking moron.

>> No.77957597

>Can't read the word "yearly"

>> No.77957634

NijiEN is still making money, so axing them doesn't make sense (if by "axing" you mean firing everyone). The thing is, they are obviously a dead branch, they have negative growth and not even spamming so many events and concerts was enough to stop the decline.

The numbers will keep going down unless Anycolor makes a MASSIVE investment on the branch, and there are not signs that they are going to go down that road, so the second best option is cutting down costs to maximize the profit.

Does this mean that the branch is going to be merged? Maybe, maybe not. The operational costs must be low as fuck, so I'm pretty sure that keeping the branch alive is actually quite cheap. My guess is that they are just going to stop making concerts and keep doing what they have been doing until now (nothing), until some of the remaining big organs leave and having a separate branch stops making sense

>> No.77957655

I accept your concession. You shouldn't speak so poorly about SEA, it's Holo's main audience

>> No.77957661

I guess NijiEN didn't do as well as expected.

>> No.77957677

Maybe they could save money by having some talent be managers for others?

>> No.77957713
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>> No.77957740

JP investors, JP company. When the JP branch does so well they completely make up for EN sinking it does not matter

>> No.77957742
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what now

>> No.77957800

Well for one, Gura's sushiro collab earned more than the entirety of Vox's career.

>> No.77957821

>Reads oversea sales and thinks that's revenue for HoloEN
Why are Holokiddies retarded and financially illiterate?

>> No.77957860

Really? If it was so great, why didn't they show that in their revenue graph and hid it instead?

>> No.77957862

NijiEN is such a big waste of resources lmao

>> No.77957877
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NijiEN status?

>> No.77957937

>N-NijiJ-JPs will save us
This just sad...

>> No.77958031
File: 31 KB, 460x1150, gura-sushiro-collab-numbers-update-v0-2ryqmq24g6rc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did more than a graph. They broke down the whole ass thing.

>> No.77958069

Did JP revenue really go up 69% (nice) QoQ? What went wrong in JP in Q4 last year? Did they deliberately sandbag it to produce this merged graph because they knew EN was going down the tubes?
And why the fuck are Japanese Niji male talents popular with rich Chinese fujos?

>> No.77958106

It was so amazing, they had to mask the total revenue of EN and merged it with all the branches, KEKAROO

>> No.77958132
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NIJISEETHE, also kys

>> No.77958166
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Sister, I have some sales data from 2022 during Vox's peak too...

>> No.77958171

How even? Not a single one has ever jumped over not even their best players.
Not only that, but they directly hurt future nba players by competing for court time, pogram resources, coaches, etc. through title IX bullshit.

>> No.77958196

Holy shit, if you remove that one-off Event portion for a more comparable amount, we are going down to 916 for Q4.

Livestreaming revenue is down 23.76% from previous Quarter, down 34.75% from last year's Q4.

Commerce revenue is down 19.71% from previous Quarter, down 35.7% from last year's Q4.

Promotion revenue is down 24.07% from previous Quarter, down 15.17% from last year's Q4.

>> No.77958202

Anon, they meant breeding literally.

>> No.77958329

>5 consecutive quarters of decline, even with this pump

>> No.77958356

Events went up because Nijisanji poured millions worth of investment into the branch and started shitting out events for them. We don't even know if those events turned a net profit. Last quarter for example Anycolor complained the high cost of events actually turned a near-loss for them

>> No.77958391

Where can i find the trading view of market sentiment before it opens?
I remember i have seen it on previous report, there's a lot red in graph, and the market is still not open

>> No.77958429

>best year of my life guys.

>> No.77958732

Marine collabs with nijis.

>> No.77958811

It's NijiEN the ones that shit where they eat. NijiJPs are (mostly) okay.

>> No.77958855

Niji JP are not ok though.

>> No.77958867

Exactly. Too bad dooki, you truly were negligible.

>> No.77958890
File: 34 KB, 640x358, another-nijisanji-q4-report-meme-sisiphus-edition-v0-5ku5gn42m36d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP has a 47% increase.
EN is literally making Anycolor lose money.
The Selen Shock happened.
They just pumped out merch after merch and events to turn the quarter from "HOLY SHIT WE ARE SO FUCKED" to "WE ARE STILL FUCKED BUT SLIGHTLY LESS".

>> No.77958920

I've been peddling rrats since December and yeah the report is very underwhelming. Not to say that o Niji can recover from this. They actually can't but it looks like as some other anons predicted they will take 2 years to properly die off.
Reminder to the sisters that the Black label stigma sticks. You are capped with the amount of people who will approach your current Livers and it will only get harder in the future.
This also means the JP to EN branch competitors will have room to start tearing Niji apart.

>> No.77958960

I love how they'd have been fine if Elira didn't go full retard then their inability to go two weeks without yabbing.

>> No.77958973

New to this? Disney does this all the time. It's not lying. It's just presented from "a certain perspective"so it doesn't look as a bad as it could be interpreted.

>> No.77959017

No. They were going down regardless. Black screen just pushed them to the point of no return.

>> No.77959022

Contrary to the graph the fact a new player called ANYCOLOR purchased a sizable amount of shares to boost it means the branch was at a huge loss but got lifted up for the report via Revenue.

>> No.77959053

Elira and Vox.
I would even say mainly Vox cause Elira you could write off as stupid or misguided but not
"There is no favoritism"
"In my opinion it was not a form of harassment"
"You can leave at anytime"
That shit did the most damage cause everyone realized its a load of BS.

>> No.77959143

Yeah Vox went off script for sure and exposed plenty of things which was great. I do feel like he fucked up his return to BiliBili as well resulting in them bailing out of Niji.

>> No.77959214

So how does this Q4 result compare to projections?

>> No.77959359

They didn't hide it. But they made sure to change the perspective to make it look good.

Only those that actually dissect it will understand what they did. Problem is, everyone in the internet that's interested in these stuff because of what has happened knows it's bullshit and so now those investors that are lazy and think it's actually good, will see that it really isn't.

>> No.77959444

What Nijis plan should be going forward:
-Stop promoting established talents like Shu all the time and put spotlight on the new talents so they can grow.
Talents like Shu can still be in merch but if you dont promote new talents or leave them to dry like Vivi and Kunai, of course they wont make profits.
-Create events on smaller scale instead of overextending on big halls that cost more but people not buying tickets to fill the seats
-Stop the ban on screenshots for events. Its free promotion
-Report makes clear JP carries EN and whether people like it or not, more EN and JP collabs are needed.
-Stop the shovel content. Star Rail and DbD can only carry you so far. Get someone who is actually creative to do new content.
-Put a fire under ENs ass cause clearly something is going wrong. Time for that iron fist of not tolerating any stupid shit cause no matter how much money a Luca or Vox or Shu beings in, its clearly not working.

>> No.77959579

Can't wait to watch them do the exact opposite desu

>> No.77959603

Also, drop the prices. Tickets and meet greets being more expensive doesnt automatically mean more profits. Make them cheaper so more viewers find them affordable.

>> No.77959606


>> No.77959607

They try. Literally no one looks at the twitter shorts trying to push them with clips.
If you don't put your hardest hitters on merch you have dead stock rotting on the shelf and decimating your profits. They should have went with a pre-order model but >jap black company

They knew it was going to be bad and tried to damage control. Didn't work.\
They repeatedly sabotaged Selen for trying to promote the branch with JP collabs.

You can't fix EN

>> No.77959766
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And with Shu:
From what I read, April to even now, Shu is cramped into everything. Every weekly reels, solo shoutouts, collabs, merch.
He is a talent who established himself, he doesnt need that. Give talents like Vivi and Kunai the spotlight for a week or two.
Or even better yet, create a cycle. A week or 2 for every wave so everyone gets some time to stand out.
Not this:
Click to meow shit they do with random talents like this.
Do a rotation.
Start with TTT cause Vivi and Kunai need it with how Niji is doing nothing with them.

>> No.77959828

They've been trying. They still couldn't get Maria out there despite how hard she works.

>> No.77959886

HoloEN and HoloID is also on a decline considering Yagoo was too afraid to report on their revenue to the shareholders at all. Time to axe all branches and return to China and Japan, holozhangs

>> No.77959911


>> No.77959919

No, they havent. You and I can read their entire twitter history to see they just do random shit.
The only thing thats consistent is how Shu is in everything as of late and nobody knows why.

>> No.77959991

Look I too wish they could give her a real vince mcmahon boost but this is Niji we're talking about. You can't ask more than they can give and they can't give much.

>> No.77960075

So, q4 had 300 Million yen less in revenue from streaming, so.. 2 million dollars in losses.

>> No.77960161

Nijisanji EN doesn't care about developing talents. They're all about generating as much short term value from tried and true talents as much as possible. Why would they care about development when they're hemorrhaging money

>> No.77960183

It's too late now. Many of the livers are also considered tainted.

>> No.77960265

NTA, but I noticed Kunai hasn't streamed in a month. Anons have said she's doing worse in Niji than she did as an indie. I wonder if she's trying to pull a Bonnie and wait out her contract, or force them to kick her out.

>> No.77960329

Anon, the problem here is that what you are suggesting would require making an actual investment on more organs. Vivi and Kunai failed to grab the fans' attention when they debuted, so they can't move merch and Nijisanji knows that. On to the next wave. Sooner or later they will get a new Luxiem.

>> No.77960349

She's been in some Vivi streams I think if that counts.

>> No.77960364

She probably got another job

>> No.77960389

Niji janny woke up. Bodies are hitting the floor.

>> No.77960396

lmao thinking niji cares about talent, the one selling merch will get more and debut more, which is exactly what they are doing till now, they never change because they never cares, now they are desperate because of EN keep going downhill.

>> No.77960415


>> No.77960469

I'm already expecting the merge to happen before the selen shock, it just moved it faster

>> No.77960580

they dont need to hide when ppl can see it clearly, meanwhile niji literally merged it, niji EN what? they dont exist LMAO

>> No.77960615

>Thinks members don't get paid to perform
they dont,thats why they quit or got driven to suicide KEK

>> No.77960666

>Why are nijisisters retarded and financially illiterate?
ftfy sister

>> No.77960752

>EN merged with JP in order to hide their number
not so negligible huh sisters

>> No.77960808

Their number is not hidden. Where the fuck do you think the OP numbers came from?

>> No.77960898

I mean you might as well tell that to EVERY business but they won't listen.

>> No.77960940
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>She doesn't understand what a financial projection is or why it is important

>> No.77960963

>and nobody knows why.
He’s the only yab-free Luxiem kek

>> No.77960986

Is that why I keep seeing people buy it despite everything? It's simply cheaper now?

>> No.77961012

Shu's only crime is being an Elira simp

>> No.77961030

Speaking of revenue, why are Asians so obsessed with buying merch anyway?

>> No.77961038

Projections mean literally nothing since companies are obviously never going to tell the truth about things being bad.
>Oops looks like our projections were wrong again, thanks for the money though :)

>> No.77961135

considering the amount of money some of the livers make, this is probably true

>> No.77961200

when you're out to make money, morals take a back seat. google used to have as part of their motto "don't be evil." that got dropped and now they're out to rake in every dollar possible.

>> No.77961703

>why women should never get into business or stock trading

>> No.77962270

If the EN branch made around 250MM yen more every quarter, AnyColor would have more or less made their projected revenue.

>> No.77962486

They did not hide it, they kust made it such a footnote that thry hope the retarded cryptobro gen sees the + and thinks thing have gone good. They have even “hidden” the fact they misssed their minimum target of growh, promising a 300% growth in 3 years, which is absurd considering they can’t seems to be able go get out of Japan and that market is saturated.

>> No.77962503

what happened in q3 that give such a BIG rise?
as is not only JP, EN too just sky rocket
apart from that JP is just way too unstable.
En is stable with low decline, the SAME as last year even
as q1-q4 2023 lows at -300
and q1-q4 2024 lows at -300 too
seem to be just the regular streamer problem of retention

>> No.77962534

My anon in retard they have promised to spend 90% of their revenue in buyback.
They are literally burning Q4 into the stock furnace, I hope they die in a fire but even I would buy and prepare to dump as soon as it slows down, it’s basically assured profit.

>> No.77962570

>it’s basically assured profit
If that was the case it would be priced in by people in the know long before you even had chance.

>> No.77962604

>Literally missing the profit margin
>Burned all of it in stocks so no investment
>Doing great
Are yoy that same 14 year old posting that -40 + -22 is a positive number? Just asking because it sounds like female retard is indeed Niji’s main fans.

>> No.77962648

And you think it has not? Goldman sacks still has shares and so does Riku. If he drops from CEO he can avoid the angry investors and the dump hit, and sell his shares for a couple of billions.

>> No.77962748

I want you guys to pay really special attention to the segment for live streaming. Cover Corp is pretty much the same. Both companies have completely plateaued in regards to what they can squeeze out of talents directly.
What this also means is that if profit was the only reason, they shouldn't bother managing them and making them stream as much. It also mutes alot of the stream-centered drama to nothing burgers. Alternatively, the real job of the streamer is to build the brand and promote all the other stuff.
I want you guys to really let that sink in. It's probably going to be the same for smaller corpos as well, which is why they debuts their 2views and 3views that make no money in supas/memberships without a sweat.

>> No.77962759

Dumping masses of shares in one go does not net you the current price multiplied by your number of shares you numpty. What happens is you cause the price to crash and you wind up with almost nothing.

>> No.77962782

Are membership numbers even public other than gifted?

>> No.77962859

I still have no clue how they're supposed to make 16+48 million USD in fucking profit after taxes just to break even. The only thing that would make any sense would be trying to get bought out by snoy but after destroying their reputation permanently that's not a valid route so it's just... ???

>> No.77962890

>VR Singapore
I live in this country and I didn't even hear of this lmao

>> No.77963012

>longpost to try to sell views don’t count
Ignored. Another moron who thinks consimers grow on trees. Who is gonna buy merch, rando normies who spawn at convos? Why are you retarded, Videogames CEO tried to apply the same logic and the entire market crashed into indies.

>> No.77963110

You call it a plateau I call it "stable business".

>> No.77963423

Did the EN events really "exceed expectations"? How low were their expectations?

>> No.77963508
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>> No.77963510

I don't even give a fuck about the drama, most vtubers are just so fucking BORING. Like no, I do not want to listen to you yapping for three fucking hours, do something funny or cool.

>> No.77963741

linear decline my beloved

>> No.77963759

Paygods I fucking kneel.

>> No.77963814

If you actually listened you'd have heard them tell you that their numbers take a hit when they do
They cared enough to get brainworms from it

>> No.77964570

Note how they are only getting the +69% yoy by comparing a peak quarter with a bottom quarter. The actual increase from peak to peak for JP is almost nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if they're fudging numbers to put revenue into the earlier quarter to have a better YoY.

>> No.77964698

You watch streamers for... curated short form content? like 10-20 minute yt videos? fucking retard.

>> No.77964722

sister got BTFO LMAO

>> No.77964896

I'm gonna be honest.
That's a lot smaller of a drop than I expected from Q3 to Q4.

>> No.77964916

The only reason people are buying merch is because they sell the brand of their personality. And the way they advertise their personality is mostly by streaming.

>> No.77964938

Doesn't matter. The buyback ensures more stability and freedom for Anycolor in the home market to the point that it retakes it away from Cover.

>> No.77964992


>> No.77965101

>The buyback ensures more stability and freedom for Anycolor in the home market to the point that it retakes it away from Cover
my fucking sides LMAO

>> No.77965401

You cope but he's right. Bilibili is what was holding Anycolor back. They'll hold Cover back too and the butterfly effect is already well underway with all Holos being down their normal CCV today.

>> No.77965403
File: 87 KB, 2361x479, Screenshot 2024-06-12 083115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually false. We can argue about the growth rate and streaming's share of total revenue decreasing, but Cover Corp is still seeing growth in that category while AnyColor is seeing a decline. It does mean that AnyColor has reached its current maximum potential of just debuting more vtubers and needs to either rethink their strategy or go all in on other sources of revenue.

>> No.77965450

despite how many times they change the definition of a recession, we're definitely in one currently

>> No.77965537

Kurosanji's problem is that they don't get that investing into talent is like investing into stock. Sometimes, it can really fail to pay off, sometimes you shoot to the moon. Instead they expect the talent to work their asses off while they take all profits. Sure, that'll work short term. Now we're seeing the long term consequences of that.

>> No.77965983

>Hmm you keep failing to hit projections and you're income keeps declining. I think I'll invest elsewhere
They can only pull the wool over so many eyes for so long

>> No.77966047

What if it's just a wednesday in the middle of the work day during a recession and people are busy?

>> No.77966075

>They'll hold Cover back too and the butterfly effect is already well underway with all Holos being down their normal CCV today
dont forget to take the meds sister, your delusion is going crazy LMAO

>> No.77966609

To own the chuds and h8rzz and "prove" that Nijisanji was right to fire Selen.

>> No.77966896

Debut more organs = negative growth????????

>> No.77966969
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And this is what hololive what hiding from you. I suppose everyone have their secrets.

>> No.77967035

it's really funny finally seeing all the deflection and seething from nijiniggers

>> No.77967789

Someone needs to teach riku the concept of diminishing returns

>> No.77967844

Is not deflection or are you going to pretend it never happened for your own convenience?

>> No.77967884

>all of hololive is going back to bilibili.
You are a supreme retard

>> No.77968066

Prove that they're not going back.

>> No.77968091

>prove a negative

>> No.77968156

What are you gonna do? Sue them? Keep in mind that they spent 70mil on lawyers, how much are you willing to spend?

>> No.77968186

This is not a religious debate, retard.
Sora already went back and the rest will follow. All of their channels are already uploading their songs.

>> No.77968297

i feel bad that you are so used to black company kurosanji that you dont know what is like a company that treat their talent equal

>> No.77968338

How are all branches being treated equally when holostars don't get concerts?

>> No.77968376

>That's not them losing money
then who? some tooth fairy? LMAO

>> No.77968428

you should be worry now nijinigger, now holo back to CN holo will beat niji even in CN AGAIN LMAO

>> No.77968446

They are not losing money.

>> No.77968488

>holostars don't get concerts
atleast do your reps, just some research, but its too much for sisters

>> No.77968557

You're the one that needs to do your reaps. They literally said they are not going to get another concert anytime soon and this was their SECOND concert ever.

>> No.77968562

ill thank you nijinigger for the comedy you give here, because its hillarious how you nigger can be so clueless when ppl explain everything already KEK

>> No.77968609

Your claim is that they are in the red but you can't prove that they are.

>> No.77968632

but they never get any concert tho? amirite? cover never treat them equally, like holo got 3D, but stars dont get one, holo got promoted, but stars never promoted on social media, oh wait...

>> No.77968648

And you should learn basic English holozhang.

>> No.77968682

keep going nijinigger KEK who cares about reading and actually pay attention LMAO

>> No.77968689

Both sides are fucking retarded. Yes NijiEN is dead. But NijiJP is doing great and Riku is still one of the youngest billionaires on earth.

This whole thing is like two monkeys throwing shit at each other. The only real winner is Doki.

>> No.77968716

Getting 3 concerts in the time hololive has got over 10 is equal treatment?

>> No.77968732

>unicorn seethe.
Did one of them fuck your oshi without your consent? Who was it this time Altare? Flayon? The ghosts of vesper and magni?

>> No.77968766

So you admit to being an illiterate imbecile? Cool.

>> No.77968902

2-3 concert would be equal treatment. Because the males aren't the breadwinner in hololive. The women are therefore women get more concerts because more concerts for them equals more $$$$$. Investing into giving the guys more concert is counter productive. How many of you are going to pay the them? You people don't even tune into the boys streams. So why should higher executives care when the fanbase themselves barely cares about holostars? Money and resources don't come infinitely.

>> No.77969064

That's not equal treatment. That's acting like niji.

>> No.77969407

That's called equal treatment cry more all you want. You bring the money you get more opportunities simple as. When all of you start tuning into holostars and actually contribute to the boys channels then we can talk about giving them more concerts. Do you know why males and female concert in hololive are held together on the same venue? Because if hololive did what niji does by holding separate days. Their male concerts would look no different than niji concerts. The venues would be empty. You're giving holostars too much credit. Nobody outside of bettel is bringing money.

>> No.77969545

Then niji also treats everyone equally. What's the point of this argument again?

>> No.77969966

Why are you interjecting niji on this? I'm talking about equal treatment debacle you're shitting your pants about. And I'm going tell you again. When you women turn into the boys and support them the same way male fans support the girls then you can talk about concerts. 3 concerts for the wnba of the vtubing industry is more than just fair. It could've been limited to just one huge event. Buy boys merch and watch their streams if you want equal opportunities for them

>> No.77970248

Why are you acting like niji is not part of this conversation, retard? It all started from these posts
>Sorry that Cover considers all branches equally instead of leaving the English branch out to rot like Niji
>i feel bad that you are so used to black company kurosanji that you dont know what is like a company that treat their talent equal
Hilariously enough I know that you will disagree with these posts.

>> No.77970347
File: 5 KB, 278x85, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what was cover's yoy again
+65%, up by 6.6% from their forecast

>> No.77970728

THAT is the real killer imo. Situation of organs is GRIM.

>> No.77970797

I don't give a shit about Nijisanji. How hard is that for you to understand? I'm giving my opinion and has nothing to do with your corporate wars. But more with how the world actually works you bring money you get showered with more opportunities. How the fuck does that has to relate to your festering autisic cripple wars?

>> No.77970864

Don't jump into a converstation you do not understand. Cover does not treat their talents equally. End of story.

>> No.77970885

and that's with extra runs of merch and voice packs and 3D debuts (pretty sure those aren't counted as events)

>> No.77971415

Excluding events, that's a cool 33.3% decline from the previous Q4. Yikes.

>> No.77972612


>> No.77974070

And that's going to vanish in July when they have to explain in person why they missed their projections
