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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 705 KB, 1274x1184, treaty vtubersaillse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77950315 No.77950315 [Reply] [Original]

After the Great Q4 war, The forces of NijiEN sign the surrender accords ceding the EN market to the victorious United Chuuba Alliance.

>> No.77950351

I have bad news OP

>> No.77950519

The events value is greater than 0 for the first time since 2023 Q1, which I'm fairly sure is on purpose. Subtract that and the QoQ is 21%. EN is absolutely hurting.

>> No.77950615

You forgot to add Kobo standing behind the Cover suit with a knife pressed against his back.

>> No.77950921

Forgive me, I'm part of Dokibird's entourage, so it would be undiplomatic for me to comment on our Hololive allies... internal affairs.

>> No.77951054 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 1214x682, niji big market share.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Treaty made by equals

>> No.77951245

especially Sayu with her new black company.

>> No.77951842

Fine. Maybe I overestimated the intelligence of the EN side. Maybe the gullible, hyper-sentimental philistines of the western scene are too smoothbrained to appreciate the treachery of Selen, Pomu, etc. without a counterweight to stop hololive, I hope all of you rotten faggoons and indies who helped destroy NijiEN look forward to watching your Oshi's lick Yagoo's boot.

>> No.77952474

You know that behind that diplomatic front, Sayu is mentally grinning ear to ear.

>> No.77952837

>EN proudly shown till March
>Now fused into one graph to hide worse performance with ALL the events they did in a single month
GRIM GRIM GRIM. They are getting the investors used to not see EN anymore.

>> No.77952931

So dramafags are satisfied with the usual slow decline now? It was supposed to be the end of the world for NijiEN, but this just confirms that their Western fanbase was nearly insignificant in terms of revenue.

>> No.77953081

They won't care about anything really as long as niji can hype up whatever they do and their stock price goes up it won't matter for them.

>> No.77953104

Like how Holo hid how much the EN branch made entirely, right?

>> No.77953147

NijiEN ain't bouncing back from this defeat.
Come on. Sign OP's accord, bitch.

>> No.77953178

>It was supposed to be the end of the world for NijiEN

>5th consecutive revenue drop
>22% revenue drop in a year
>they spammed a shitload of events and 3D this quarter so there is a high chance that they EN not didn't make any profit but even may have lost money
The branch isn't going to be around for much long and you know it

>> No.77953246


Kek Kuro & Quinn got disinvited from the ceremony.

>> No.77953248

Two more weeks

>> No.77953311

now I'm wondering if their revenue can cover all those effort or not

>> No.77953605

Quinn isn't even the most liked Quinn

>> No.77953622

they hate sayu

>> No.77953640
File: 244 KB, 878x540, Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 00-47-21 poal.me - Who is the superior Quinn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops forgot pic

>> No.77953668

Matara and Sayu publicly reconciled at Offkai. Sayu also met Mint.
They'd be fine standing together here.

>> No.77953724

The doxxer-accomplice gets tossed to the curb like the wannabe sister he always was.
No spoils of war 4 him.

>> No.77953954

Uh oh looks like there were war reparations too >>77952318

>> No.77953962
File: 69 KB, 1070x806, CoverOverseasSales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike Niji, Hololive has multiple overseas branches - but overseas is looking good for Cover.

>> No.77953992

As a fan of the girls, I just want this shit to end already soon so I can enjoy them in peace.

>> No.77954050

Don't know why Kuro isn't invited, he was the one who revealed the merch cut after all (not to shit on Niji of course, just because he's retarded - but still).

>> No.77954056

Which is why they decided to hide how much each made and merged them.. Must also be why they only showed how much merch was sold. Show the revenue for HoloEN

>> No.77954124

He lashed out at all the people making fun of the AR-Live.

>> No.77954365

Eslsister, please go to bed. You need to rest when you type while crying.

>> No.77954946
File: 118 KB, 850x733, No more fighting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peace at last?

>> No.77955119
File: 176 KB, 400x400, image_2024-06-12_022719574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shouldn't you have said "negligible in terms of revenue" sister?

>> No.77955222

I don't care about this, but this meme is cinema

>> No.77955263

hololive is quite friendly to indies, despite never collaborating with them.

>> No.77955285

>Lost less money the year they got rid of the leech known as Selen than the year before
Worse than negligible, to be honest. Should have called her a detriment

>> No.77955330

On a tranquil sea, where the sun kissed the waves,
Sailed a yacht named "NijiEn," through golden rays.
Riku at the helm, his dreams brightly shone,
With tales of triumph, and glories unknown.

Oh, NijiEn, where dreams set sail,
Now drifting lost in a mournful tale.
The waves, they turned, and the sky grew grey,
Investor-sama's anger, forever to stay.

In a fit of rage, on that fateful night,
Riku cast out Selen, into the moonlight.
Her cries for help, lost to the storm,
Sealed his misfortune, as the sea conformed.

Oh, NijiEn, where dreams set sail,
Now drifting lost in a mournful tale.
The waves, they turned, and the sky grew grey,
Investor-sama's anger, forever to stay.

The NijiSisters wept, and begged in vain,
To mighty NijiJP, to ease their pain.
But their pleas were lost, in the stormy sea,
NijiEn's fate was sealed, it was meant to be.

Riku watched the storm, with a heavy heart,
Knowing that his world was tearing apart.
Investor-sama's gaze, cold as the sea,
Demanding answers, that could never be.

Now the yacht lies deep, in the ocean’s keep,
A symbol of sorrow, in the waters deep.
Riku’s heart heavy, with the weight of his sin,
As Investor-sama's wrath, draws him in.

Oh, NijiEn, where dreams set sail,
Now drifting lost in a mournful tale.
The waves, they turned, and the sky grew grey,
Investor-sama's anger, forever to stay.

In the end, we sail, on seas of regret,
With memories of Selen, we cannot forget.
The name NijiEn, forever will be,
A haunting tale, in the heart of the sea.

And remember, anons, karma's waves always find their way back to shore!

>> No.77955347


>> No.77955474
File: 52 KB, 850x479, 1712037206557185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't give less of a shit about Yahoo or whatever you said. I just hope for Niji EN to crash and burn because of what they did to my oshi.

>> No.77955531


>> No.77955643

Ogey, seriously when is this going to end? I want peace.

>> No.77955870

They're supposed to GAIN, how is that not getting through to your thick skull?

>> No.77955995

He's dying, can't attend

>> No.77956063

Oh yeah, doesn't he have some infection? That sucks.

>> No.77956761


>> No.77957071

/NOA/ is based. keep crying cunt.

>> No.77957112

very nice lets see the other poll.

>> No.77957553

I just want all of this to end...

>> No.77958267

now the graduation que can resume...

>> No.77958618

Does that mean Cover is Italy, Cause they were on the Entente and they only got a fraction of the land they were promised. That's why they were on the German side on WW2

>> No.77960433

One can hope

>> No.77960701

Are you implying that the growth is all from holoID?

>> No.77961770


>> No.77962521


>> No.77965107
File: 313 KB, 1600x902, Njipigs alert.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77965406

>still pushing this narrative and samefagging
Can't use Matara anymore sis?

>> No.77966455

Hmm... Cover being Italy is both somehow not very fitting (Cover did not come out of this fight a complete mess, and there is no mussolini like figure about to take control), but also very fitting too (most of NijiEN's marketshare went to Indies + small corpos)

>> No.77966753

I'd settle for nothing less than a full Morgenthau Plan for NijiEN.

>> No.77966861

Sayu is a retard that signed her life to a chink scam lmfao

>> No.77966899

You should unironically submit this to the good people at /wg/ Be sure to reply to their so called "anchor" post for it to count.

>> No.77966958

I can't imagine she would sign anything with any disadvantageous clause. Almost certainly she's had a contract lawyer give it the once over.
I can't imagine they're doing dickall for her and since she already has her model, equipment, etc. they don't really have any overhead on her either so a split would likely be easy and amicable.

>> No.77966992

kek. you sound mad, anthing wrong?

>> No.77967027

She's a woman

>> No.77967104

She's already went through this song and dance

>> No.77967143

She's still a woman

>> No.77967771

Sayu still rightfully benefited from Anycolor's reputational collapse. While it wasn't always easy, she saw her subcount more than double and reconciled with Matara and the other retirees.

>> No.77968110

>reconciled with Matara and the other retirees.
*until she starts using them for drama again

>> No.77969102

I wonder what the surrender terms are

>> No.77969230

To get them to fuck off from the western market, never to return

>> No.77969988

speaking as someone from a country on the losing side of both world wars: total ass rape.
>Verification not required.

>> No.77970798

German? The current trend among historians is that aside from the war guilt clause (Which was a plain and simple dick move) the Versailles treaty was relatively average, in line with the Franco-Prussian War treaty and certainly more lenient than what the other central powers faced. But for a variety of reasons legitimate or not, it FELT worse.
Austrian or minor eastern european ally the central powers or axis? Yeah. You got ass raped. That said...
>Total Ass Rape
I will petition Dokibird to let this dragoon have her sister.

>> No.77970920

>Austrian or minor eastern european ally
wouldn't say minor. not austrian or turkish tho, I think that should make it obvious.

>> No.77970993

Wheres the idol corp bossman? We need a jew rubbing his hands in the background outside the window

>> No.77971060

>Telegraphed and basically guaranteed the rematch would happen
Elira will be Michi's rope bunny.

He has to get more skin in the game first.

>> No.77971129

Who would be the most shocking grad though?
Im thinking Vox or Shu would upset the sisters the most

>> No.77971198

If she was promised a chance to voice a character in genshin for signing that contract, she would sign it on sight

>> No.77971232

Rooting for Shu. He is the more redeemable of the two, and being able to clear his name as a member of luxium would be kino.

>> No.77971303

Its the most unlikely option is why i listed him but knowing that he literally worships the ground elira stands on, i dont see him leaving before she gets thrown under a bus

>> No.77971439

Only because he was weak and young, and Fertile. Shu's Counterattack has begun. Sieg Shu!

>> No.77971473

based and truthpilled

>> No.77971528

dumb fuck, they were already declining WITH Selen, dumping her has been a net gain when compared to the previous years losses

>> No.77971974

Would love to see the firing squad at niji taking him out back ol' yeller style

>> No.77972044

Their revenue declined a further 8 percent quarter after quarter. Moreover, it likely stunted further EN growth
But it was arguably a net gain for Dokibird too, in the end.

>> No.77972052

as someone in the know, this is the most depressing part. There will never be peace because of drama addicted monkeys shitting vitriol everywhere relentlessly forever even if they arent even at odds with eachother in the background

>> No.77972153

Neither of them care and are happily doing their own thing.
They barely did anything together before and didn't give a shit.
If you stop being on twatter and /here/ so much your mental illness will recover

>> No.77972254

In the background they were very supportive of eachother but yes, the drama flinging around about them or involving them has nothing to actually do with them at all. They are both happy doing their own thing and were mostly sepparated in the collab department because their games didnt overlap almost at all

>> No.77973169

Then if I may ask, why did Elira say the things she did about Selen in the blackstream, and why did Doki's friends say that the bullies outed themselves?

>> No.77973364

>bullies outed themselves
Enna, Millie, reimu and luca have outed themselves multiple times
She was blindsided that her RL info was on the papers the retarded management showed them and was convinced to do the stream by vox and the management, along with ike (the pushover sweed). During the fiasco she was in a dark place herself since she had a family member diagnosed with a terminal disease. She most likely deeply regrets it but cant even speak out about it since EN has all those people who call themselves her friend still trying to hugbox her into the corner

>> No.77973469

idol's biggest member is on hiatus and their second biggest member graduated, they're getting mogged by PixelLink's newest debuts right now

>> No.77974417

>unironically mentioning Sayu and False
Everyone else here at least keeps up the appearance of being drama-free streamers. Nothing irks me more than when shitposters pretend these dramafaggots have any positive sway in the general community.

>> No.77974597

The girl was in the video itself, uploaded it to the channel and you're here coping and putting a lot of excuses out there. It's crazy. The only thing reimu has for her is the retarded soup tweet but she's collabing with dtto, collabed with selen 10 times more than any of all the girls listed and hanged out irl with rosemi, finana and selen in ar live but sure. Just because her 2 genmates are bitches and elira's friends doesn't mean she is too. She has never been named in the documents nor the video.

>> No.77974793

She willingly went along with those two bitches in her gen to sabatage and abuse nina. No worries phantomo, shes still one of the "good ones" lmao

>> No.77975129

yet when you look at her PL nina and her are all friendly just this week and always were lol but keep on coping about how elira is super innocent and she didn't know anything

>> No.77975214

Where did i say that she was innocent?
I infact said she felt guilty. Are you even comprehending what is being written at this point?

>> No.77975331

:( she's not a bully she just regrets the video and never interacting with her and being a passive aggressive bitch to selen since debut because she was in a dark place plus they were jokes please understand

>> No.77975393

>never interacting with her
Behind the scenes they were close
>passive aggressive bitch
Name a woman who isnt, also was never like that to selen
>they were jokes
I never said that either.

>> No.77975455

Holy cope from elira's fans in this thread kek

>> No.77975967

elira has fans???

>> No.77976086

Think shes still pulling around 2 finanas

>> No.77976196

Well done anon

>> No.77976313

You say you're "in the know" so can you explain why her RL info was in the documents if she herself wasn't involved in workplace harassment/bullying?

>> No.77976498

Okay, then tell me this: why aren't either of them doing what Mint and Matara did to finally slay the rrats instead of keeping quiet?

>> No.77976559

Because one is in talks still about a settlement and the other is still working for the company and doesnt want to break the NDA

>> No.77976654

I thought they were eradicated until I saw the one anon above.

>> No.77976767

Can you please answer this >>77976313

>> No.77976795

Havent seen the documents

>> No.77976857

There are a couple but they don't often make themselves known. They did for a while after February (there was one of the Eliraschizos who claimed he hadn't slept for multiple days because he was defending her /here/ and trying to explain that she must have been forced to do the black stream) but now they mostly just lay low.

>> No.77977061

Well see that's thing: say I take you at face-value and you're not just larping. Presumably you're "in the know" because you're one of the livers or someone close to them within the company. If you've not seen the documents then how can you confidently say that Elira wasn't involved in any of it because presumably you can't be around 24/7?

>> No.77977143

Not in the company either
