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77949797 No.77949797 [Reply] [Original]

-1600m yen from full year

>> No.77950156


>> No.77950687

That's... nothing? I expected -70% or something, total crash, unsustainable and alike

>> No.77950703

Riku can still save it, he just has to axe the EN branch and merge it in. He has done it before.

>> No.77950772

The worst part is thay this is just EN's revenue. Unless EN's expenses have also magically dropped by the same percentage (kek), net profits for the branch will be WAY down (possibly even into negative percentages). It's telling that Kurocolor doesn't break down expenses by branch...

>> No.77950802

that's -22% with as much damage control as they could muster

>> No.77950809


>> No.77950870

aww look she learned a new word

>> No.77950891

That's comparison to Q4 last year, which isn't that high unlike Q3 last year. Hell all 4 quarters this year are lower than even the LOWEST last year quarter, meaning EN is actually dying for a year now

>> No.77950931

it's a net loss after spamming events like concert, 3D debuts and shit
they gave it all and it wasn't even enough to level the playing field

>> No.77951224

Last year EN was 25% of the total. This year it's 15%. Proportionally speaking it's now half the value relative to JP that it was last year, and it doesn't look much better from a quarterly standpoint. EN has become well and truly negligible.

>> No.77951652

That's just the revenue. The branch is bigger and Nijisanji is doing more events, so branch expenses will most likely have increased (we don't know by how much, because Riku's accountants don't give us a breakdown of expenses or profit by branch, only revenue).

>> No.77951757

When you invest money into expanding (more livers, more events, more sponsorships, etc.), ideally, you're supposed to make more money back.

>> No.77953978

D-d-don't worry, acceleration will save us

>> No.77954017

i mean look at the Q4 graph, they "MERGED" both JP and EN already LMAO

>> No.77954038

Anon, the AR “live” was the hail mary, and even that didn’t save them.

>> No.77954057

At least EN's still gaining a lot of new subs and viewers

>> No.77954060

So now that the branch is dead, what does that mean for fungus who still has no 3D?
Did they just delete the files like they did for KR and ID? How will he cope with this? Will he still bitch and attack hololive?

>> No.77954076

>I expected -70%
if its 70% then even the JP are fucked KEK and ofc all the EN member will get fired.

>> No.77954110

sister, its already merged, look at the graph.

>> No.77954123

>literally lost the equivalent of an arm and sis are defending it as a win.
Nijisis are a monthy python joke at this point. Not evne worth insulting, they had the most “BUY BUY BUY” month ever in May and nobody brough shit.

>> No.77954155

>Gaining subs and views.
Cope should not beocme delulu lies sis. Sit down and cry.

>> No.77954157
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That's it? What happened to it being a dead branch? Keep on praying, Holokiddies

>> No.77954161

Why merge? They would be better off firing all of EN and put all efforts into JP. EN makes them loses money and JP is going sky high.
EN costs them money to maintain and no growth nor profit is made.

Just nuke EN.

>> No.77954187

EN hasn't been getting subs for the past 3 months
They have been only losing them

>> No.77954241

Sent from my iYacht

>> No.77954314

you don't know shit if you were expecting that huge of a drop

>> No.77954390

So they went from -40 to -22 and this is supposed to be a bad thing? They lost less money when they shitcanned Selen. Should have cut out the cancer sooner

>> No.77954524

They couldn’t even achieve a neutral state with the injection of every maneuver they had stocked up in their arsenal. Failing to gain to at least +1% after you finally unleash the fabled AR shit is a travesty.

>> No.77954531

the yacht got torped and is taking on a lot of sea water

>> No.77954547

They just lost their big merch sellers anon
I doubt their 3view replacements will net them the same amount of merch sales

>> No.77954548

You just pretend to be retarded, don't you?

>> No.77954593

it's -50% from what they were last year on the best of days, if I was holding that bag I'd nope out, especially when I know things like concerts are DoA for them nowadays
very likely to see a merger this year to reduce costs

>> No.77954624

They made -22% despite shitting out merch and events after another. May be -30% at least under normal procedures.

>> No.77954648

Costs of what?

>> No.77954740

Maintaining a branch still costs money. Starts with EN managers, to production of merch and events. Costs of promotion, what little there is and so on.

>> No.77954773
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Riku strategy:

>> No.77954881

legal retainer costs, cost of hiring staff and anything that might come along with hiring EN equivalents,
they'll try and shave as much off as possible because if they were to try and tighten margins on the talents themselves it would kill them,
they might try and graduate the talents that bring in the least but I don't see them knocking out someone like Finana so I don't know who could be thrown on the chopping block,
but I can see them letting the branch run on fumes if they don't merge in the next few months

>> No.77954907


>> No.77954916

>Starts with EN managers
Which would still be working at niji anyways
>production of merch and events
Which they'd get if they stayed in EN anyways
>Costs of promotion
Which they'd still get the same amount of in EN or JP anyways. ID was only merged with JP because most of those fucks spoke Japanese. There is zero financial gain from merging the two branches.

>> No.77954997

even if they don't have any, they will sink a lot of costs on ""staff"" to round out the numbers
and investors will be saying "well then cut on staff"

>> No.77955125

You just proved why its a gain.
All the expenses would fall under one banner.
JP alone makes enough money that a merge with EN means there wont be any financial losses on future reports from a seperate branch.

>> No.77955245

>Just nuke EN.
No, that's dumb, there's still plenty of money to be made and milked out of the organs. The problem here is that it doesn't make any sense to keep going with EN as a separated branch.

>The sisters are the only ones buying the merch
>They are incapable of replicating Luxiem's success with the new waves
>Spamming events was worthless
>Negative growth

The smart thing would be to merge and cut costs.

>> No.77955480

The numbers are what they are, and Nijisanji is hiding them the best they can, their financial people and accountants are quite good. I think the past hour or two has established that quite well. The question I haven't seen asking is though, how many graduations are they going to allow from the EN branch? If they are merging anyways, then the queue is pointless anyways and you might as well get it done and then get people to leave then. But what kind of incentive does Nijisanji have left though? The people not streaming seem like the most likely to go, Kotaka, Petra, Rosemi although Kotaka is probably for other reasons. I would have thought Scarle would be there too but she is streaming consistently without a schedule. But yeah, July's yearly investor meeting is going to be a bloodbath especially with the Japanese fund managers that invested for people's retirement funds in this dumb company.

>> No.77955542

seeing how they lost at min 47% of their valuation YoY a merge makes sense,
if they're smart they'll try and give a package for the organs to stay on
but that would be a first for them and they don't seem to really understand the talents changing corps since it doesn't seem as common in their home market

>> No.77955564

Merging would literally do nothing but make shit harder. The expenses being divided means nothing

>> No.77955629
File: 164 KB, 691x402, WhereIsEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll never be as good at hiding the revenue of EN as Cover is

>> No.77955680

EN has been consistently losing subs since February. Hell, Elira has lost the better part of a year and a half of channel growth, and certainly over a year, with no sign of stopping.

>> No.77955696

Are you just going to spam this retarded shit in every thread? You clearly don't know how any of this works and society would be better off if you ended your life today

>> No.77955742

Are you retarded?

>> No.77955751

>still account for more than 10% of Nijisanji's net revenue
>still making over $25 million a year
yeahhh sure, merge soon guys!

>> No.77955774

>No you don't understand. Losing less money than you did before is wrong because.... it just is okay!
Guess you don't mind if you get robbed of 20 thousand dollars or twenty because losing money at all is the same amount as bad

>> No.77955822

Please I'm begging you to do society a favor and kill yourself

>> No.77955954

I accept your concession

>> No.77956067

-22% is nothing?
Are you for real?
Imagine losing 22% of your income, for most people that would be devastating...

>> No.77956204

>This giant mega corporation stubbed their toe? That's terrible. Imagine if a toddler with cancer stubbed their toe. That'd be devastating
That's what you sound like

>> No.77956316

Why is your toe over a fifth of your body you mutated fuck?

>> No.77956345

Companies aren't charities, most companies won't maintain products/projects that constantly lose money just because they have another product/project that is overwhelmingly successful.

>> No.77956371

Why are you comparing one person's income to a mega corporation,you commie fuck?

>> No.77956446

Merging will reduce expenses by cutting off all non-Japanese support for the livers that came in from the merged branch.

>> No.77956473

They're baiting for more heated responses because there's a niji janny engaging in these threads and trying to get people banned. One removed a post of mine and other anons and obviously filed a ban request but the mods ignored it (because it didn't break any rules).

>> No.77956529

>you commie fuck

>> No.77956610

The livestreaming income dropped even more than 22%, and that's where all the talents income is coming from. The income of the talents is probably down more like 1/3 or more.

>> No.77956624


>> No.77956787
File: 262 KB, 1609x846, 1689751369581969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, even forgetting NijiEN for a second, all the organs are actually making less money while the company keeps all the revenue for itself.

>> No.77956837

>Most of the revenue comes from merch
>Livers make 2% from merch
Explains why Vivi has that melty over spilled soup, that was her only meal of the week

>> No.77956923
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>> No.77956937

tell down picture

>> No.77956967

thats because theyve been spamming the merchs and events, but check the livestreaming rev: despite always debutting more and more members to inflate that total up, it went from 400s to 200s now

>> No.77957026

I don't want the merge to happen. EN can fuck off for all I care I don't wanna jmagine the sisters going after Furen for some retarded reason.

>> No.77957037

Oh, so this merge shit isn't supposed to be an actual merge and is a schizophrenic pipe dream for people to get most of EN fired. That makes sense

>> No.77957068

Explain to me how they can increase profits by multiples, while the size of their viewership actually declines? Surely that can't continue? I mean their audience doesn't have infinite money

>> No.77957203
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Just like it was a schizophrenic pipe dream for KR and ID and the former EN branch
Oh wait...

>> No.77957205

>A big part of the Q4 revenue comes from the merch sales of the Nijifes
>Anycolor has been spamming events and merch as crazy for the past few months
>Their forecast for the Q1 predicts a decline of revenue

Basically, to save the year they went fucking all out on merch and milked the whales until their wallets were literally empty.

>> No.77957304

All that milking and they still went negative

>> No.77957339

You should have listened to Goldman Sachs when they said EN is irrelevant anyway
JP has always been the main focus and rose fantastically. Why bother looking at anythijg else as an investor if JP is that strong?

>> No.77957358

Speaking of ID and KR, what kind of state were they in at the time they got merged? Better or worse than EN is currently is?

>> No.77957442

>Livestream revenue down.
>Livestream revenue is the only one thst the contract assures they get.
>Everything else is not clear but we have a multiple party call of 2% on merch.
>Only selected favoured people get merch.
Livers? More like fucking slaves.

>> No.77957509

ID was merely stagnating but Kurosanji saw “no growth” in ID. They were abundantly wrong but I digress.
KR was an hot steaming mess, the branch was a massive failure that makes EN look like Apple shares.

>> No.77957521

>Thinks members don't get paid to advertise or to perform
The concern fagging usually only starts when someone loses

>> No.77957530
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>> No.77957632

May as well shutdown the deadweight branch at this point

>> No.77957830

JP fucking exploded in revenue ever since last year. It's just a completely different beast.

>> No.77957979

NijiEN is such a big waste of resources KEK

>> No.77958010
File: 68 KB, 460x844, negligible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tis nothing but a scratch

>> No.77958151

Anon did you miss how theres only 3 IDs left in the whole company
That state
They're basically on lifesupport but nijisanji doesn't want to cut it. It boils down to "just do whatever retarded shit you want until you graduate, we arent paying you anything"

>> No.77958349

also reminder that Hana had to turn to prostitution because she was getting nothing in nijisanji. that will be the fate of all the nijiEN whores

>> No.77959304

What what?

>> No.77959459

they lost less money because they have fewer money shithead
if you add it up they lost 62% from Q3 and Q4
how is this a good thing for a report

>> No.77959543

-22% after losing 40%
sisters are retarded that they coping that losing less money is a good thing

>> No.77959600

you think this board cares about the JP branch?

>> No.77959611

>They have fewer money
Get this ESL retard a textbook. They're generating money. They generated 20% less money than last year so they're not losing out as much. You lost. Now Nijisanji is the king of the Vtubing corporations and is the official number 1

>> No.77959709
File: 3.45 MB, 854x480, VirtualRhapsodyVsDreamhack.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh
why can't the king of vtubing corporations fill an audience?
like ever? Anywhere outside of their home turf?

>> No.77959721

Too late lmao

>> No.77960093

When was the last time a chinese niji concert filled up

>> No.77960151
File: 3.69 MB, 1516x2440, NijiAXSeats3WeeksInVisual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, but AX definitely isn't gonna be one.

>> No.77960264

nymoussy fansly

>> No.77960497

And I hope she does it again

>> No.77960724

>this is what "success" looks like in the heads of braindead nijisisters

>> No.77960945

My only issue is referring to Merch(plus other inexact items) as Commerce.
What the heck else is there?

>> No.77961010

Life support implies that Niji was supporting the ex-IDs at all. The company was just waiting for the ex-ID livers' souls to leave the bodies.

>> No.77961734

Escort Revenue, Elira getting gangbanged by the investors should still net them some income

>> No.77962094

Wow, they really did try for Q4. It really sucks that EN didn't carry its own weight and Q2/Q3 underperforming so much.

>> No.77962215

22% is a miniscule drop compared to what people were expecting. All we've heard for months is how the entire branch has collapsed and is completely dead kek

>> No.77962289

it is though, still lost money despite millions invested in concerts and stock buyback

>> No.77962331

Yeah, I don't get why people are freaking out. It's not like AnyColor increased the amount resources to the EN branch. If they run it with the same margins they do with the JP branch, the EN branch needs to make way less money per person for the branch to be completely die.

>> No.77962384

>Spend more on projects and events, made less
>Lost revenue for 5 straight quarters
>Just dumped most of its money into a buyback that will melt into nothing. Again...
>Instead of reinvesting into its talents
You have to remember that this is gross, not net profit. You're falling for the shell game.

>> No.77962440

is there anything about Revenue per Vtuber?

>> No.77963293

Huh, did they go after the NijiJPs already?

>> No.77965220

there's almost zero expense once a vtuber has set up and debuted. once they have all the equipment even 3D shit is free money after the initial cost. It's pure gravy. You should watch Stronny's VAllure Exposed vod, she goes into all kinds of details on running an agency and how it is virtually no overhead cost at all.

>> No.77965633

That's assuming there's no merch, no managers or other support staff, no events, etc, which is a death sentence for a corporate vtuber.

>> No.77965657

>Salaries, Event venue costs, animators, musicians, artists, talent managers, manager managers, sponsor toilet, advertisers, designers for said adverts, advertiser managers, directors, office facilities, servers, model artists, forty RIGGGGGERS!!, software loicenses, accountant fees, lawyer fees, compliance fee fees, yacht fees, yacht maintenance, yacht fuel, yacht dock fees, yacht insurance, insurance insurance, development costs for their streaming shit, Merch design costs, merch production cost, merch storage cost, fulfillment services, literally just shat out a new gen equipment and all, $64 million in stock buybacks, crayons and jack daniels to speedrun Selen's termination notice in 2 hours, bengay for riku's negligible'd asshole.

>> No.77965747

Considering they did +42% YoY and doubled Cover's profits I really don't think reinvesting into the talents actually matters for anyone but the viewers

>> No.77965941

Lmao this was your big bombshell? It's actually negligible. NijiJP's growth easily covers it. And it's pretty clear that the biggest reason for NijiEN's decrease is Luxiem losing their Chinese fans. As expected, the people whining here never watched in the first place.

>> No.77965996

I'd say helping the formerly 23% of your income recover from dropping to 12% as part of its 15 month continual decline would be more important than literally wasting the money feeding dippers with a pump and dump. I'd also question why feeding dippers is more important than rectifying the longstanding 3d queue bottleneck but what do I know.

>> No.77966062

They've been putting more resources into EN than ever, it doesn't matter

>> No.77966067

Companies aren't charities, they have no reason to keep a branch that's constantly losing money.

>> No.77966087

They only published revenue, not profit. Revenue dropped 22% while expenses went up by putting on a bunch of big banner events, so the hit to net profit was much bigger than 22%.

>> No.77966103

Adding a speck more than basically nothing after self-immolating do be lackluster. Can't imagine why.

>> No.77966136

Except they're not "losing money" the branch is bringing in less than it used to but they're way, way better off than ID or KR ever were.

>> No.77966152

Good thing Nijisanji has more than double the profits of Cover then to make up for that.

>> No.77966281

My brother in christ they only have 200 million left to frontend their events, projects, and merch. It's literally less than their reported expenses.

>> No.77966292

> losing money
Dramabirds are actually so fucking stupid.

>> No.77966654

Actually, from a shareholder's perspective, a decline in revenue is quite bad, even if it is not as bad as an outright loss. Shareholders care more about potential future growth than they do about immediate profit. That is why they propped up Telsa for years even though it spent a good chunk of time being unprofitable.
This mentality has its fair share of critics, but it is still arguably the dominant way of thinking among shareholders and stock traders.

>> No.77966770

If they weren't losing money they wouldn't be hiding what branch of the company their expenses are coming from.

>> No.77966832

You are correct. Their revenue is only declining for 15 straight months while expenses are climbing and now they're wasting nearly all their cash on a stock buyback instead of reinvesting it in the talents.

>> No.77966884

I wouldn't even say the people saying "that's it?" are sisters, people have a really bad habit of hyping themselves up to see the titanic sink and then getting butthurt when they realize these things are usually a "death by a thousand cuts" situation instead. anybody saying a 22% loss is less than they expected is retarded, yes, but not every retard sucks riku cock.

>> No.77966950

You say this like it's a bad thing. I hope she continues. That was some of the hottest shit ever.

>> No.77967045

>Income Deez nuts
>Airplane noises
I wonder what's going through her head. If she's in so much denial about the whole situation or if she's actually holding together

>> No.77967061

A revenue drop of -22% for NijiEN is a major loss when HoloEN was increasing their revenue. Nijisanji damage control included spending money on 3D debuts which did soften the blow. The big question is whether Riku will switch out EN management or if the yacht will keep ramming into icebergs and bleeding numbers.

>> No.77967148

Spending fucking what? Weren't they made way back?

>> No.77967596

Despite EN's decline, Anycolor had their highest earning fiscal year thanks to the JP side, but they're blowing almost all of the year's profits on the buyback.

>> No.77968469

Good job that revenue went up by a huge amount. Lets give the EN branch another couple of years to see if they can pull their weight or either cut them or put them on maintenance mode.

>> No.77969495


>> No.77972556

>A quarter is nothing
wowowowow sisters can't do 3rd grade math

>> No.77973888

Doesn't seem good at all for EN, but as other anons have said, it's likely the EN will never go away to keep up the facade that Anycolor has serious plans to invest internationally.

I cannot support the folks at EN any more after all this insufferable drama, but this statement still rings true:
I hope whoever I like gets the fuck out, and whoever I dislike stays with Anycolor forever.

>> No.77976689

You are so mad

>> No.77976837


hoping Rosemi, Petra and Scarle find the exit soon
i kinda like Aia but she's thrown down for the black company so meh

>> No.77977122

>a lot
>less than 10 000 this month
not because some organs begun to gain subs again means they will recover from the hemorrhagic loss this year anytime soon

>> No.77977139

nice deflect from holo bowing to china supremacy

>> No.77977591

I like how -22% is being downplayed by the sisters, when on top of the -22% Anycolor is about to spend 40-50million USD in order to stabilise the share price caused by NijiEN fucking up in the 1st place.

>> No.77979525

>hoping Rosemi, Petra and Scarle find the exit soon
Likewise, but they're gonna have to wait for their contracts to expire, or hope they get culled when the branch merger happens.
Or they can get fired, but Niji might be petty enough to take a "permanent stealth suspension until your contract expires" approach to meting out punishment.

That's not a misspelling, it's a conjugation of "to mete," as in "to mete out punishment" or "they will be meting out punishment"

>> No.77981481

neither can you retard, a quarter is 25%

>> No.77981889

A lot of anons seem to be overlooking the fact that the 22% is REVENUE (For laymen: That means their income before paying all their taxes and bills). And not actual net profit. They hid their EN operating costs by merging the JP and EN costs into a single number.

So for all we know EN could have already been in the red before all this went down. Given how the ID, KR, and IN branches were it wouldn't be surprising EN has been red this whole time. Going into the negative is expected par for the course when entering new markets in most industries.

>> No.77982694

I can't believe coping dramafags think Anycolor spends over 26 million dollars on EN every year. Tell me where you think that 26 million went

>> No.77982782

Where are you getting 26 million spent on EN? They explicitly merged the EN and JP numbers so that the report readers wouldn't actually know the number.

>> No.77982798

They only lost 6 million dollars. How much did Cover loose from last year anon? Over 15 million dollars less revenue. Niji will always win

>> No.77982836

NTA but both of you missed by about 3% so it is about the same margin of error, negligible even.

>> No.77983263

As a direct result of them losing 6 million, they've just spent about 1/2 their liquid assets in order to do a share buyback in order to stabilise their share price. That's just today. If you add in the buy back less than 12 months ago the picture gets worse

>> No.77984050

you guys hyped this up as the death of niji but it's the same as when cover releases a report form a slow quarter right after a big one with holofes and shit. meh.

>> No.77984091

I know you're trolling, but I think Cover is still a better investment even excluding all drama. Cover makes far more per-talent, and has fewer talents. That means many times lower chance of a controversy happening by virtue of sheer numbers alone -- and that's not even factoring the higher risk per person of Niji due to their "hands-off" shotgun approach to recruitment.

Niji's higher number of talents also means higher operating costs. Which means Niji either has to operate on far thinner profit margins, or they have to be far more exploitative of their talents. (The latter explains their much higher turnover rates)

>> No.77984295

Holy fuck

>> No.77984506

That's way more than I was expecting, I was thinking it'd be closer to a 10-15% drop, I thought that all the last minute event spam they did would bring it back up to something more tolerable but that's almost a quarter of their last year's profit that just went fucking poof into the ether, and all because Elira and her pathetic little clique of bullies couldn't let well enough alone

>> No.77986611

and considering that they did push all that stuff, the real number of losses is probably way worse

>> No.77986634

Someone ran the numbers and if they didn't mass spam events for EN, the decline would've been around -35%.
So even with Niji pulling a hail mary (3D lives, two concerts), the EN branch still reported -22%.
Which, for any growth company, is disastrous. JP can only hold the line for so long.
The fact that even Riku is predicting only about 10% growth next year in total (for both JP and EN) is extremely grim.

>> No.77986896

Any growth at all is pretty good honestly the field is really fucking saturated

>> No.77986987

doubt thats a sister post because i was expecting the same. -22% is a pretty big ouchie but it isnt the crash and burn i was expecting

>> No.77988184

because nijisanji defenders are not human
