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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77925177 No.77925177 [Reply] [Original]

Six hours

>> No.77925218

Will Q4 be a glorious day for holochads?

>> No.77925239

till what?

>> No.77925278

unironic holozhang deflection thread

>> No.77925420

>post about Niji
Lmao, love to see it

>> No.77925470

You're going to be disappointed.

>> No.77925641

You are coping

>> No.77925926


>> No.77925970

Ok wait and see, Im still going to get proven right

>> No.77925983

Super broken sis.

>> No.77926098


>> No.77926132

It will be a win for the nijiGODS today

>> No.77926235

Why would Holos even seethe?
They're doing just fine

>> No.77927124

they are just going to lie and say everything is going well, like most companies do.

>> No.77927299

Wouldn't their stock be also at risk of going down? Not because of Cover's performance; they're doing much better than Anycolor in many regards, but they're in the same industry. Its not hard to envision investors feeling a bit skittish over the idea of investing in a bunch of menheras.

>> No.77927325

yagoo doesn't give a shit about you, just your wallet. same with all the girls who aren't gonna protest returning to china.

>> No.77927351

This is the exact same type of faggot that will post something about niji even if the thread is about holo. Seethe more

>> No.77927589

Millie irl bukkake deflection thread

>> No.77927668

I don't need Yagoo to give a shit about me Nijinigger. As long as Yagoo takes care of his talents I couldn't care less about anything else.

>> No.77927690

ynbars :)

>> No.77927781

what if Niji lies on the report?

>> No.77927851

>As long as Yagoo takes care of his talents
>anon says this as yagoo returns to the market that relentlessly harassed his talents non-stop for years

>> No.77927941

There would be lawsuits.

>> No.77928004

Lying to investors is illegal.

>> No.77928185

Post tits

>> No.77928259
File: 92 KB, 736x736, 6528ffd97d03f4f68b8db29d3228664d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijisanji on the verge of collaps
>Hololive swoops to take back Chinese market

>> No.77928303
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>> No.77928308

Post feet. :)

>> No.77928347

Well they certainly can't lie their way out of this one when even fucking Bilibili threw them out of the bus a few hours ago.

>> No.77928389


>> No.77928550
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Yagoo's gonna need to show a written letter of approval from kson.

>> No.77928597
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Not a thing, m'lady

>> No.77928598

And risk jail time? They can't cook the raw numbers without committing a crime. And they staked their company's reputation on the Q4 revenue figure by refusing to adjust targets when specifically called out for them being unrealistic.

>> No.77928651


>> No.77928705

Why Nijisister can't understand that it was B2 that kneel to Cover?

>> No.77928751

holobugs have been seething about nijiniggers since luxiem, m'tranny

>> No.77928816

Also NijiEN expiration date is near, can't wait what kind of fuckery the report would have. It's negligible anyway, they can release another wave.

>> No.77928882

holocope lol

>> No.77928973

Fucking with rich peoples money is about the stupidest thing you could ever do, short of sticking your dick in the garbage disposal. Riku would go to prison for life.

>> No.77929069

And these "seethers", are they in the room with you right now?

>> No.77929133


>> No.77929135

If this is true that would be funny

>> No.77929544
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They already tried that tactic on February 7 (picrel)
The investors were not amused. And the tactic they used is one which never works on the second or subsequent tries.

4 hours and 22 minutes remain.

>> No.77930568

The kobo situation confirms Hololive knows its going down

>> No.77930681

>And risk jail time? They can't cook the raw numbers without committing a crime
Many companies get away with it, like Disney

>> No.77930811
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This. Unironically grim.

>> No.77931142

>Chang and Zhang saying the other is seething, the thread

>> No.77931697

Holobros... what is this....

>> No.77932071

Show hole

>> No.77932097
File: 43 KB, 1207x403, Screenshot 2024-06-11 190653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The china shit is such a fucking nothingburger, It's literally just kobo who is a chink herself streaming on b2 because she is a numberchaser, It's literally the same shit as La+ moving her streaming to twitch except for kobo it's just a handful of streams at most instead of a full on platform switch

>> No.77932200

What makes you convinced it will be bad? Riku said it will be good

>> No.77932229


>> No.77932235


>> No.77932273

until nothing happens

>> No.77932323

It's released on the 14th.

>> No.77932327

He said all the events and releases are concentrated in that quarter so it will obvs be good

>> No.77932666

Did i stutter nijinigger?, This china freakout the board is having is one giant falseflag about a dead fucking drama from 4 years ago, Nobody outside of /here/ and the containment breachers on xtter and youtube gives a shit about kobo having a b2 stream, Literally nobody worth a damn, It isn't gonna be a coco v2 situation, It isn't gonna get anybody harassed, Chinks are retarded but holo isn't the same company it was in 2020, It actually has leverage and a solid foothold in the global cultural zeitgeist outside of obscure weeb circles, Hololive is bigger in 2024 than it has EVER been in the past
>Inb4 people bring up myth CCV and somehow thinks it negates the insane numbers increases in every other sector, merch concerts supas and overall watchtime

>> No.77932709
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>> No.77932882

>actually has leverage and a solid foothold in the global cultural zeitgeist outside of obscure weeb circles
it's wild how big hololive has become

>> No.77933070

>Nobody outside of /here/ and the containment breachers on xtter and youtube
so when did you start using this website reddit friend? presumably when selen had her melty, but maybe you're actually an adventfag?

>> No.77933137

What time zone

>> No.77933263

>when selen had her melty
I've been here longer than (You) have nycfo inbred nijinigger

>> No.77933265

1500 JST, the minute today's trading ends. So a bit more than three and a half hours from now.

>> No.77933308

>It isn't gonna get anybody harassed
Except people are already anxious to the point where they're SCing the Holo members. You don't know how bad it was, newfag.

>> No.77933357

JST. It should drop in less than 4 hours...

>> No.77933408


>> No.77933563
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>> No.77933654


>> No.77933700

>Retarded oldfags who can't let go of old drama start harassing holomembers with their schizophrenia without any sense of irony
I hate chinks and zhangs as much as anybody and i'm not gonna downplay how bad shit was back then.. but it was four.. fucking.. years ago, And you idiots amplifying this literal nothingburger into some big yab is ironically the ONLY harassment that is going on right now, You aren't protecting shit by digging up skeletons and forcing them into the girl's faces, Forcing them to address it and MAKING it into a big deal

>> No.77933738


>> No.77933795
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>> No.77933910
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>> No.77933916

kek LITERAL npc behavior. nijiniggers aren't the ones seething (today, at least)

>> No.77934020

the perfect stock for money laundering

>> No.77934038

>Makes B2 kneel to a fucking ID Child
Seems like Q4 is going to be bad

>> No.77934056

They are in 4 hours, There is literally 0 reason for any holofans to be seething today, Gura is streaming, Advent are streaming, We got a concert in august, advent 3Ds likely in july, Even homoshitters get their 3Ds, Literally the ONLY losers today are nijiniggers

>> No.77934090

It is currently 11.30 am in Tokyo, and the TSE is now closed for lunch. Trading will resume in one hour, and the Q4 report will be published in 3 and a half hours from now.

>> No.77934159

>holozhangs only care about their company making a profit

>> No.77934165

You mean it was just 4 years ago. That was the biggest Holo yab, EVER, and you're assuming that chinks have changed? You're retarded. The risk is 100% not worth it. They should have NEVER allowed Kobo to even touch that shit.

>> No.77934213

>the ONLY losers today are nijiniggers
The only losers are Nijisanji English
Nijisanji Japan is doing well and they are still the top dog in Japan's Vtuber scene.

>> No.77934246

>207 minutes until NijiEN's total defeat

>> No.77934270

Nijiniggers are mostly Niji EN fans

>> No.77934277

Fun fact - today's open was the first time in 2 months that the stock was above 2400 yen, however brief it was. It is currently at 2342 at the lunch break.

>> No.77934336

So all memes aside, how likely is it that NijiEN will get absorbed into JP, or is it more likely that they'll keep on trucking for another quarter, maybe hoping concerts can bring them back into shape?

>> No.77934431

More like the top chuba of the Holo branch having to resort to pander towards bugs. Grim.

>> No.77934442
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t.Every Hololive whores that joined the streamer gta server

>> No.77934447

>There is literally nothing wrong with Cover going back to China
holocope in full swing

>> No.77934475

Unless they make a miracle in the next 4 hours, 75%

>> No.77934558

>The top ID of Hololive makes B2 beg for Cover
>The top ID of Nijisaji has to make fansly to pay her debts

>> No.77934572

>Nijisanji Japan is doing well and they are still the top dog in Japan's Vtuber scene
By what fucking metric?, Most vtubers under a single corpo?, They aren't winning in watched hours, They aren't winning in subscribers, They aren't winning in supas, They aren't winning in Average or even PEAK CCV (pekora regularly mogging kuzufag every single month with no other organ even coming close), And they CERTAINLY aren't winning in concert ticket sales either, Nobody gives a fuck about nijiJP, HoloJP has fucking GLOBAL appeal, NijiJP has an ever shrinking number of dedicated sisters who are consistently watching less, giving less, and buying less

>> No.77934602

nijicope and nijiseethe, name a better duo

>> No.77934604

They will likely lie in the report. You are assuming this organization will make rational decisions.

One of the main reasons companies fail or decline over time is irrational group thinking (Eg. Riku proposes some mind numbing stupid shit and everyone agrees with him). The most successful companies have mechanisms and a culture to prevent this, but it seems clear that for Kurosanji that is not the case (see the black screen stream).

>> No.77934619

go back to your reddit friends number nigger

>> No.77934686

>Top chuba of the holo branch
Wake me up when Kaela Pekora or Gura/FWMC have a B2 stream, Kobo and Ollie have high sub counts but their CCV and donos are in the toilet

>> No.77934734

go to tokyo, look at the billboards, nijisanji is everywhere (ignore the korea gacha ads btw yea i know they are rampant right now)

>> No.77934736

Isn't ironic that nijifags are telling other anons to go back to plebbit??

>> No.77934822

>NOOOOO, D..Don't point out nijiJP is reclining and failing you...You REDDITOR
I accept your concession nijinigger

>> No.77934835

no, retard. nijiniggers don't use reddit (anymore? idk if they ever did even pre-selen melty), but there are like 5 holo subreddits, including the "general" vtuber subreddit they took over.

>> No.77934897

It's hard to say if we're not memeing. I don't think they'll merge it right after the report, I think they'll put it on life support for a few more months. There is still a bunch of festivals/concerts planned. But if it doesn't improve, I don't see NijiEN being a separate thing this time next year.

>> No.77934914

>Look at all the advertising money riku is wasting instead of investing in actual support mechanisms for his organs
Kek sure thing sis

>> No.77934916

They aren't going to outright lie in the earnings report. However, nothing is stopping them from changing how they present the data to make it seem more favorable. They could, for example, stop reporting EN separate from JP, and just lump them together.

>> No.77934979

I said in Japan, can you read?

>> No.77935066

wouldn't that basically be an admission to the failure of nijiEN

>> No.77935077

They will shut down the EN branch, just like how they shut down the India branch.

>> No.77935092

I can and i did, Can you?, NijiJP is winning literally NOTHING over HoloJP, Anything nijiJP has holo has more of except for the literal quantity of vtubers

>> No.77935093

like zoomers say these days, this is a cope!

>> No.77935212

am i wrong? which reddits does niji still have? and obviously none of them are anywhere near as big as the holo reddits.

>> No.77935244

As long as they have a 3view CCV it won't happen, other branches had to get much lower before being incorporated into NijiJP

>> No.77935289

I see no method to give the illusion that it isn't failing.

>> No.77935421

Or just because Niji EN fanbase turned against Nijisaji after the Selen Incident in Reddit? Rewritting history is easy here, but deny it is hard when the evidence shows the opposite.

>> No.77935514

Kobo is literally the face of HoloID, any other statements is just # cope.

>> No.77935573

Yes, and then they see that and STILL don't watch or pay.
Jesus christ. How retarded do you have to be to think advertising = popularity?

>> No.77935626

Realistically, if anything goes wrong, Kobo would end up either being fired or forced to graduate so it is a self-solving issue for a self-made problem (that Kobo accepted or planned to partake in).

>> No.77935640

if you can show proof that the niji reddit was anywhere near as active as the holo reddits (plural) were i'll concede the point. hololive has always had by far the stronger presence on reddit since reddit dragon was around.

>> No.77935886
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...Are you saying that Hololive is more popular than Nijisaji?

>> No.77936194

Pretty sure Riku knows he can't kill EN without killing NIJISANJI as a whole in the process because then JP, Chinese, etc investors will know that Anycolor can't expand anymore and thus will start to pull-out their money which could initiate either a cascade of economic turmoil that doesn't get better or worst yet, an avalanche of people pulling out their money non-stop effectively ACCELERATING anycolor's demise in record time.
Realistically, nothing really bad will happen tomorrow unless the stock literally signs out of life like it has never been seen before.

>> No.77936304

Anycolor themselves said so in the Q3 report. They called themselves the second biggest corpo.

>> No.77936496

I’m not framiliar with JP listed company docs. Do the fins also have an MD&A section or is it just the fins?
The MD&A could have some amusing comments

>> No.77936579

He doesn't need to kill EN. He just needs to get rid of this awful group that infests it, with Elira/Enna/Millie. He also desperately needs to reform it because there are large structural problems right now.
-- Keep hiring ESL who can barely communicate with all the other ESL's (tower of babel)
-- Gender dynamics in the branch are fucked. The BFE males are always horny with the girls which seriously undermines their ability to gain any traction. This is a consequence of Elira's gender ideology too.
-- Management is incompetent and keeps fucking things up, even very basic things.

>> No.77937167

millieneeds correction

>> No.77937251

>He doesn't need to kill EN. He just needs to get rid of this awful group that infests it, with Elira/Enna/Millie. He also desperately needs to reform it because there are large structural problems right now.
That's not nearly good enough. Most of the channels are just bleeding out now. I'd be surprised if more than 10-15 are even salvagable out of the over 30+, with that number pretty much just being TTT, Denauth, Krisis, and parts of XSoleil. Everyone else is getting buttfucked by the algorithm and gaining no new audience.

>> No.77937302

Are you stupid? To do the first point they should fire the entire Hanamori circle, meaning at least half of Niji EN, in that case it would better just dropping out the entire branch.

>> No.77937459

There's only so much lying a company can do in their financial statements before regulators come after them, even Disney. Disney is still "technically" profitable because they make money from their parks, which lets them hide the losses their other divisions are making.

Nijisanji has no ability to hide losses. The only way they can cover up what's happening to EN is to stop reporting all figures for EN, which will be a giant alarm bell to investors.

>> No.77937493

Oh nonsense I think most of them are "salvagable". It's actually just a very small group that's poisoning the well for everyone else.
Elira, Enna, Millie, Luca, Uki. Hex is very unpleasant too, he's on the borderline.
If he can stand to lose them, he can stop the bleeding and carry on.

>> No.77937699

Option 1: capitulate, recognize that the well is poisoned in the EN sphere, then release NijiES or something

Option 2: double down on Niji EN and ACCELERATE. Throw new lives at the wall until something sticks. don't deal with Elira's clique but instead hide them in the middle of a sea of newcomers.

>> No.77937860

there will probably be a decrease in revenue but not that much since they pumped a lot of JP merch for their JP audience this quarter

>> No.77937872

No, I'm talking about their actual channels. Once your channel starts bleeding subs and viewers for long enough, it starts a negative feedback loop until your channel stops being recommended to ANYONE. The way they're going, all the subs and viewers they have are the only people they'll ever reach through the youtube algorithm.

>> No.77938061

the niggerball stuff? lol

>> No.77938126

Nobody wants to promote them anymore or tell their friends once they learn about the group's reputation. If NijiEN got rid of the bad eggs and reformed the group, they could get some goodwill and get people excited again. But the public won't be happy if it's the same group in a different package.

>> No.77938308

Nah, there was some NijiJP events in Q4 like that fuwa solo concert. The guy who told people that they should buy bots. Or the energy drink sponsorship, which they said they should mix 1:1 with soju and got told off by the fucking government for.

>> No.77938350

Riku's dad is a billionaire (japanese yen) so he will be okay.

>> No.77938501

How the hell is nijisanji actually going to work themselves out of this? Vtubing as a whole is getting diluted, their entire nijisanji brand is basically a parody at this point, and they don’t really have any easy side industries to branch in to.

>> No.77938649

no, nobody cares.

>> No.77939015

They missed the opportunity to Vince it up and make being a dirty heel their content. Once the black stream happened it was the only way to salvage something. But it'd require the sort of ingenuity and bold action which if they had would've meant they probably wouldn't have been in that situation in the first place.

>> No.77939127

Lunch break is over, and the TSE is open for trading again.

Two and a half hours remain. That's 150 minutes.

>> No.77939157

lol no kys retard faggot

>> No.77939342


>> No.77939580


>> No.77939941

I'm getting antsy. I think they probably scraped by this quarter through brute force shilling and a dash of book cooking, but there's also a good chance they didn't make it. And I love watching the guys on Yahoo finance melt down. I need to know!!

>> No.77940071

No chance the numbers weren't cooked

>> No.77940115

Nah, the Q4 will show that EN did so bad that the fact of stepping back from the EN market will make their market price to bounce back thank to the VPSO. If they keep EN, the prices will never go back to 3K.

>> No.77940347

Sounds like investor cope. But I suppose cope alone is enough to bounce stock prices. I mean, Anycolor spent literal years talking about how EN is the main growth potential for their company and everything is riding on its success (and it was showing that success)

>> No.77940498

No no, isn't cope, many business after being doing awful in some new places, bounce back after retreating because the negative profit of that new place doesn't affect them anymore, that might be the case of Niji EN, which it's a worst fate because they're turning to be dead weight to Anycolor.

>> No.77941171

KR fucking hates them for how they handled the b ranch. ID fucking hates them for how they handled the branch. EN killed their western market appeal.
Who's fucking left? Spanish speakers? China? That's it.

>> No.77941282

Oh, ain't no doubt about that. The million dollar question is "did Anycolor do anything illegal in their number-cooking?"

The world will find out in two hours.

>> No.77941397

lol no kys retard faggot

>> No.77941420

NijiES might unironically be their last shot

>> No.77941696

NijiBrazil? Is that a big market as well?

>> No.77941880

They do have a big stream watching population so yeah actually

>> No.77942047

NijiBR it is then!

>> No.77942115

will OP and the shit posters kill themselves when it turns out that Mini is doing amazing, since the JP branch just had it's best year ever?

>> No.77942273

they're just going to double down on Japan, they're already winning on that market and it still has plenty of space for them to grow. Corpo is dead in the us regardless

>> No.77942351

Funny thing about running (a branch of) a vtuber agency - you need vtubers.
The LATAM indies are all too familiar with black companies, after having been fucked by Wactor and Owo. And they're probably well aware of the shit reputation of Niji EN (and also Niji proper), what with those indies either being fluent enough in English to read the news, or smart enough to use Google Translate or DeepL to translate to Spanish or Brazilian Portuguese.

How many LATAM indies would apply to Niji ES or Niji BR? As opposed to applying to Idol ES or choosing to remain indies.

>> No.77942431

winning by what metric? more people watch hololive for longer, and they spend more when they do.

>> No.77942460

when you going to hang yourself if it does as bad as predicted.

>> No.77942548

who the fuck is mini

>> No.77942626

China is an unreliable market. You can anticipate conflict between the western world and china in the next 5-10 years, it won't be a stable source of revenue long term.

>> No.77942663

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.77942719

no? what the fuck are you on. they're by far the most recognizable and popular vtuber corpo, they also have the biggest market share since they're second most popular with males and most popular with females. Kuzuha is the most popular vtuber in Japan, NijiFes is the biggest vtuber concert in world

>> No.77942718
File: 31 KB, 831x339, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tick tock, clock is ticking sisters.

>> No.77942804

I already have one shitpost image I've been working on all evening ready, so that way I can drop it the moment the report comes out.
Contemplating making a second

>> No.77942810

Very Unlikely, vtubers are incredibly niche in LATAM, people know Holos at best.

>> No.77942821

Doesn't pekora beat him on a daily basis

>> No.77942826

Do it, you're gonna need it

>> No.77942875

It's over

>> No.77942922

did they hire those 12yo kids to work for them already? i guess the board is eating good tonight.

>> No.77942925

why doesn niji just fire all the problemtic chubas from their nonjp branches and then makes a niji global branch with the chubas they think are worth keepig, this way you dont have to deal with trashy chubas and now you only have ''2'' big branches to work with

>> No.77942999

On a scale of 1 to boned, how badly is he going to fail at explaining himself?

>> No.77943077

He does have decent head game

>> No.77943240

"support me or i'm going to tell dad."

>> No.77943247

literally every single thing you said is wrong
Nijifes has NEVER beaten holofes
Kuzuha has NEVER beaten pekora (without very very narrow windows of pekora not streaming at all)
NijiJP is literally unheard of outside of japan, I mean... see the chronoir ticket sales being outdone by the EN girls at AX for confirmation
Even IN japan nijiJP cannot hold a candle to holoJP, Riku blowing money on billboards is not any kind of indicator of cultural relevancy

>> No.77943752
File: 3.69 MB, 1516x2440, NijiAXSeats3WeeksInVisual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most recognizable? most popular? fucking where?
Chronoir has less people at his AX concert than fucking Mint did at a car park.
Fucking holostars had more people at their concert than this ChroNoir concert. And this is the absolute BEST Nijisanji has to offer? What a joke.
Come back with real numbers if you want to even pretend that Nijisanji's even on Hololive's level in 2024.

>> No.77943874

having different branches labeled specifically for a territory or audience is simply far better for marketing purposes, it allows people to check out specifically what's made for them instead of trying out random vtubers to see who speaks their language, plus creating "groups" or branches allows people to Stan an specific group. Stanning all of Niji sounds like a day job, but only EN? that's manageable.
the only reason KR and ID got absorbed was because it would be more expensive to get rid of them so they just did the classic japanese move and tried to fuck them over as much as possible so they would quit. EN is nowhere near the absolute bottom of the barrel that ID or IN were in, not even close, they're still profitable, still doing pretty good even if on the shadow of their peak, people like to doom post about Elira having 600 viewers or whatever, but that's still 300 more than the average Hollister and cover still doesn't can that branch, still doing better than the Average Phase/Idol and the 1-3k Nijis are also doing better than the average Vspo/Vshojo
NijiEN doesn't have the amazing numbers that they used to, but even if on their own, they would still be like the 3rd or 4th most popular corpo. I don't see any future in which they're fired or anything, they're already extremely cheap to maintain, still have a couple of hardcore fans. NijiJP has actual 2views and they still get 3Ds, 3.0, costumes, merch. Vtubers are cheap, you have to on incredibly poor standings to have to fire them
ID and IN weren't Budget curs, they were filled projects. "BUT EN IS THE SAME" not even close IN had chubas with single digit viewers

>> No.77944089

>Nijifes has NEVER beaten holofes
objectively wrong. NijiFes has been held at the Tokyo Big Sight for the past 3 iterations, the LARGEST convention center in Japan, while Holofes sits 13k people at max capacity. Every year, for the entirety of HoloFes/Expo NijiFes has been bigger

>> No.77944314

>Fucking holostars had more people at their concert than this ChroNoir concert
Not trying to argue with anyone... but the most recent Stars concert didn't actually have as many people as some said it did.
The didn't use the venue at full capacity, only the standing area so around 1/3 of it.

>> No.77944348

I'd tempered my expectation desu. Things like this tends to be overhyped af then turns out to be nothingburger.

>> No.77944375
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>> No.77944437

Has nijifes literally EVER sold out of tickets like holofes has?

>> No.77944465

I haven't heard the song from the remake but if what I heard about the final boss theme applies to the rest of the OST, it must be fucking garbage too.

>> No.77944490
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>> No.77944498

post yfw nijisanji pulls it off

>> No.77944553

>Nijisanji Japan is doing well and they are still the top dog in Japan's Vtuber scene
LMAO nijinigger this is 2024 not 2019 wake up niji are dying in JP too, its just slower than EN

>> No.77944560

>NijiFes is the biggest vtuber concert in world
SO big and successful that they literally cancelled it for 2024!

>> No.77944565
File: 704 KB, 1916x1078, 1717834852511434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but even that is far, far more than the 400ish sales that ChroNoir has managed to pull off.

>> No.77944576

Even if they don't die tonight I just want to see another nijicliff/selen shock
I have been edging since the first shock, please let me bust to this

When is the investor meeting done?

>> No.77944579

yes, NijiFes has never not sold out, also NijiFes is longer and more expensive since there's paid programming outside of the singing stages. The concerts are only like a third of NijiFes, it's by and order of magnitude bigger and more profitable than Holofes

>> No.77944619

>>Kuzuha and Kanae

>> No.77944658

>When is the investor meeting done?
July. I don't know if they've announced the date and time yet.

>> No.77944660

They’ll just throw JP’s achievements into EN’s and claim that some retarded merch deal is a clear indication of a possible 300% gain.

>> No.77944675

>bigger and more profitable
They literally LOST money running nijifes last year as per the Q3 report sister... to the point they literally fucking cancelled nijifes for this year, moving it to the same timeframe as holofes in 2025 in order to try and steal some of that audience back

>> No.77944680
File: 257 KB, 1200x899, ply0960_watchmen_sized_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related Niji after Ozymandias drops the Q4 report

>> No.77944681

so niji bought add? thats it? LMAO

>> No.77944708

No matter how the report turns out, the thread(s) should be pretty entertaining. I'm gonna go get some food.

>> No.77944739

69 minutes

>> No.77944771

Hololive is the real black company

>> No.77944777

Nijifes lost money last year compared to the one before. I'm not going to tell you merch doesn't cover it, it probably does, but the weird way they split it this year so it's fes Q3 and merch Q4 rather than both in the same Q4 makes it hard to get a specific reading on it.

>> No.77944786

They're japanese vtubers in the west for a concert thats an extra cost on top of their con badge. Pretty sure even if they had Suisei instead they would have a hard time selling out, it's a hard ask
AX concert tickets have never been a hot sale item, even at the height of their popularity, on their first US appearance Aqours didn't sell out until a couple of days before the concert for their AX appearance.

>> No.77944806


>> No.77944835

>They literally LOST money running nijifes last year
Not possible, didn't happen

>> No.77944894

>no? what the fuck are you on. they're by far the most recognizable and popular vtuber corpo
no u nigger, you faggot need to get out of /jp/ and touch grass to realise that this is fuckng 2024 not 2019 where niji is at the top, they are fuckng dying and their old liver start to leave 1 by 1.

>> No.77944934

If it was suisei or literally ANY of the first army holos it would have sold out within the first fucking hour that i can promise you

>> No.77944966

rent free

>> No.77944974

this nijinigger NGMI lmao, too deep in riku ass LMAO

>> No.77944976

Every time Nijiniggers get something to grasp onto, something devastating happens soon after to them. They were trying so hard with Mel, but the Selen thing happened for example. Now, they'll try hard with b2. But they have some bad news looming on the horizon that will drown out their nonsense.

>> No.77945011

>In terms of costs, profit margin deteriorated in Q3 due to a high ratio of events to total revenue (change in revenue mix) and larger-than-expected expenses related to “NIJISANJI Festival"
Page 5 https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5032/ir_material_for_fiscal_ym3/152506/00.pdf
Page 7 too.

>> No.77945026

The Q3 report literally said it happened nijinigger...

>> No.77945038

Anon? They went on record saying how they were in the red on Nijifes.
Meanwhile, HoloFes was listed as a major moneymaker on their report instead.

>> No.77945058

Oh, I thought that was today with the ocuntdown and all. What is happening today then?

>> No.77945061
File: 679 KB, 1736x2456, 1672958406301019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 hour


>> No.77945078

>more profitable than Holofes
retardednijiniggerchama, you are in the Q4 /thread/, there is fuckng stats and the number, stop being delusional.

>> No.77945080

They admitted to it, NDFkun

>> No.77945104

Today is the fiscal report, July is the investor meeting which is a response to the fiscal report. Since, y'know, if investors knew prior to the report, it'd be insider trading.

>> No.77945120

The Q4 report is today, The Investor call in Q&A is 1 month from now, Answering questions for the entirety of fiscal year 2023

>> No.77945131

based, i love bestiality.

>> No.77945160

>Pretty sure even if they had Suisei instead they would have a hard time selling out
you wanna bet nijinigger? LMAO prepare to lose tho

>> No.77945170

love live didn't sell out until days before the concert, LOVE LIVE DIDN'T SELL OUT. like dude there's no reality in which any vtuber group is more popular than Aqours at their peak, that world does not exits

>> No.77945192
File: 112 KB, 490x367, blackcompaniesonly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure about that?

>> No.77945218

>Not possible, didn't happen
lmao what stage of denial is this? holy shit these nijinigger are beyond save KEK

>> No.77945232

Excellent, I am edging to the limit right now

>> No.77945256


>> No.77945266

It's an hour out anon... you're gunna get ED at 30 if you're starting that early.

>> No.77945304

Suisei sold out at animenyc though I don't know the capacity

>> No.77945328

Uhh it's the 12th in japan right now.
It's not dropping until the 14th...

>> No.77945361

we know you never watch holo but holy shit, do some fuckng research first, the next holo concert ppl already complaining, you know what they are complain about? they want MORE seat and more ticket because it will sold out FAST, what a pathetic retard LMAO

>> No.77945364

Nta, but yeah... nobody would ever edge for that long or longer... haha... only a real loser would do that...

>> No.77945372

Love live was popular.... a decade ago..., Nobody in 2024 gives a fuck about aqours or any of love live really, Hololive consistently sells out damn near every venue they've ever booked, And they grow bigger and more popular each and every year

>> No.77945414

It doesn't say that they lost money with the NijiFes

>> No.77945462

what event happened in Q3 anon?

>> No.77945467

edging gives your longer virility and helps with premature ejaculation, anon. I suggest you begin edging to this too!

>> No.77945518

is this 2AM EST or 3AM EST

>> No.77945519

That is LITERALLY what it says tho, I know desperation and delusion is literally all you have, But the fact of the matter is Niji is fucked, JP can't save them, They are constantly reclining with no growth in sight

>> No.77945562

2 AM EDT. Daylight savings is in effect, Tokyo is 13 hours ahead of New York

>> No.77945570

>sisters can't read a graph
Jesus christ. It's numbers, not English.

>> No.77945653

The fuck are you on, I get that tickets to Japan from Ecuador or wherever the fuck you live probably cost more than your house, but touch grass dude, preferably Japanese grass so you can see the absolute dominance that Nijisanji (and specially Salome and Kuzuha) have on Japan, try going more than a minute in any densely populated are of Japan without seeing anything Niji, imposible.
everyone's viewership is either steady or rising, the only livers retiring are the unpopular oldies who had a reality check and moves to real jobs, and I'm sorry because someone with an average viewership of 100 graduating doesn't count as an L. Niji is still the most popular vtuber company in Japan, that's just a fact, and they have something that Hololive will never have, an absolute grip on the female audience.
Marine might be the most popular vtuber with males, but Salome is second, meanwhile Kuzuha is the most popular vtuber with women, with no Hololive talent in sight of the top 10.
Salome was the only female vtuber ever in the yumejoshi top 100. No company, group, IP, that can't capture the female market will ever be on top, this isn't the US, if you want to be big in Japan you need the girlies, and fanbase without Fujos and Yumes is dead fanbase. and Hololive is non existent in female circles

>> No.77945664

they don't understand unless it's in the form of goats

>> No.77945679

should i just go to bed now and wait for you guys to translate everything?

>> No.77945711

You do know that both of them tend to avoid holos unless they're confirmed safe (like laplus) because of their own schizo fans, right? Hell, even with the male collabing holos they keep their guard up. Kanae was scared of even being around matsuri last vcr.

>> No.77945732

they drop the reports in english too

>> No.77945737

holofags are about to be coping so hard when all expectations are shattered

>> No.77945790

My sides left this planet far behind

>> No.77945823

Yeah. Nijisanji always finds away to shatter my expectations about how shitty they are. I wonder if the floor can go even lower than my expectations!

>> No.77945840

The JP has been doing great so it will rpobably balance out

>> No.77945874

NijiBRazzers is actually on point with their viewership to be honest
It would honestly be an excellent potential market if they could tap into that thirst trap market

Or I don't know, NijiINDIA and their horde of uncles who want to see boobs

>> No.77945894

yeah retard, that's why I said at their peak, Love live at the peak of it's popularity is more popular than Hololive or any vtuber group will ever be

>> No.77945925

I unironically fell off on salome, wasnt she like pekora tier few years ago? What happened to her, she just completely fell off and I never heard from her again

>> No.77945933

I will be genuinely shocked if they come out positive in this quarter.
JP had a relative lack of events and nothing can clean up the lack of a Q4 Nijifes. Give us a list of every single major event that's happened in this quarter.

>> No.77945935

Nobody really cares if JP is doing well or not, we're only here to see EN crumble because of all the bullshit that went on in the EN branch the past couple of years.

>> No.77946034

She's like the 4th most powerful vtuber anon, not sure what you get from playing dumb. She is still on par with Pekora

>> No.77946047

Riku said 40% of the merch from Nijifes counts for Q4

>> No.77946054

This board is going to be unusable when this releases. Thank God for that. Nijisisters have been insufferable today, so they'll at least get a taste of their own medicine soon.

>> No.77946107

Even if that's true, that's not 100% which is a huge concern.

>> No.77946112


>> No.77946179

Yeah, but that's in JP only right? Pekora is consistanly popular oversea as well.

>> No.77946185
File: 1.08 MB, 1001x806, salome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77946193

EOP board, who gives a fuck about JP?
Holo JP may be well known to EN audiences, but nobody knows Niji JP. Anycolor made sure that nobody learns about their JP organs and Niji EN exists more in a vacuum.
This is especially true since Niji EN became pariahs in their own market and lost most of their domestic viewers.

>> No.77946209


>> No.77946227

Are you a time traveler from the past? She gets shit numbers these days compared to the top dogs.

>> No.77946232

>on par with pekora
Listen I'm not one of those folks who believe salome was 100% bots, just like 30-40%, but there was literally no era where she was on par with pekora except prior to salome's debut.

>> No.77946346

Salome has comparable views to fucking SHIORI, The runt of advent for fucks sake, And her total supas after 2 fucking years is less than 500k USD, She is a fucking NOBODY, Kuzuha constantly gets mogged by pekora at every turn and he is literally the best they have by a WIDE margin, Salome's CCV is literally mid 3k, I was just in a thread where some nijinigger said a holo getting below 4k was "bad", Like.. jesus christ you are beyond delulu if you think she is worth literally ANYTHING close to marine, Who celebrated 3 million subscribers this year and the countdown stream for it earned more money than kuzuha did in the following 2 fucking months combined

>> No.77946480

Salome is getting beaten out by fucking kiara and shiori nijinigger, She has mid 3k CCV, She is a fucking nobody in the west and not even CLOSE to touching any of hololive's girls.. even the runts in JP do better than her.. Kaela can beat her on most days

>> No.77946530
File: 2.02 MB, 996x1642, kuzu vs peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Kuzuha isn't really a contest for Pekora anymore

>> No.77946609

>80k playing random mario party with branchmates
what the fuck is hololive on

>> No.77946649

correct me if im wrong but wasnt salome the niji who got big really fast and only streamed for 1 hour acouple of weeks after her debut, like I remember anons making fun of it like
>holy shit its 59: 50 time to end the stream

>> No.77946655

Salome doesn't even have memberships. She's a good lady.

>> No.77946871

30 minutes

>> No.77946918

Salome most recent 3D live peaked at 43K while Lui 3d live peaked at 71K according to vrabi

>> No.77947433
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Salami isn't even in the top 10 of vtubers for 2024 so far, Kuzuha is literally the ONLY thing keeping niji in the game

>> No.77947464


>> No.77947590


>> No.77947666

on one hand, she streams a fuckton with relatively high numbers
on the other, she's often botted by ennaschizo.

>> No.77947691

15 minutes remain

>> No.77947813

i feel bad for anyone taking care of u retardednijinigger KEK NGMI
the IPO baby that niji botted so hard for their IPO? or you prefer the "failed gura killer"? LMAO once again this is 2024 WAKE UP FAGGOT LMAO

>> No.77947852
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dump it

>> No.77947870

I still don't get ennaschizo. Isn't he basically directly paying for her advertisements? It even got her a on the billboard there which is basically more attention for her.

Not like anybody outside of /vt/ will care about these kind of non-disruptive bots

>> No.77947884

Anon? Are you okay? What the fuck are you talking about. What year is it for you?

>> No.77947912

no need to post actual pic for that retarded nijinigger they never leave /jp/ they think this is still 2019 where niji have no competition and holo just start climbing.

>> No.77947936

my bad. I meant ennacuck. ennaschizo is separate.

>> No.77947985

>Niji on the verge of total meltdown
>Holo keeps winning like a fucking clockwork
Seeth? Nijinegroes areal a bunch of delusional retard are they?

>> No.77948031

9 minutes

>> No.77948036


>> No.77948095

Nine minute hive mind

>> No.77948115

you dont know how triballist,numberfag and nijinigger mind works and youtube too.
for example biboo stream with 10k ccv which is REALLY GOOD, they botted her to 20k, now ppl will focus on 20k and nijinigger said that biboo number is all fake and normally is low, which is WRONG, then when they botted niji and got called out, they will make excuse "holo botting views too" even tho its them who did it on purpose and remember, biboo REAL NUMBER is already high to begin with.

>> No.77948156
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>> No.77948185

Yeah, so stuff only /vt/ would care about. Normies don't care, they just watch stream and follow the algorithm

>> No.77948214


>> No.77948288


>> No.77948290

Aqua has rushed to her rightful place as queen

>> No.77948305

yeah /vt/ is niji board or "was" niji board, this is really important for nijifag/sisters why the fuck do you think theres a fuck tons of niji /thread/ there, not bait thread, but real one fully active but the catalog full of holo bait, well used to, now niji got shit on too,

>> No.77948334

>LMAO once again this is 2024 WAKE UP FAGGOT LMAO
Anon, as someone who totally agrees with your basic points, I gotta say even I can see this as very low-hanging trolling bait a mile away. If you're trying to get reactions you have to at least be more subtle about it.

"LMAO LMAO" is only used by people who to loudly proclaim they don't care or aren't mad in a way that really makes them seem desperate/angry for others to know this fact. Because they totally don't care. Really. Also it dates you as being in your mid-thirties at least.

>> No.77948359
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>> No.77948364

No retard, that was /jp/.
veetee was created literally because holo got too big and nijijp fags threw fits.

>> No.77948365
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>> No.77948403

>yeah /vt/ is niji board or "was" niji board,
What? It was literally made because /hlg/ kept breaking containment.

>> No.77948417
File: 2.18 MB, 294x361, pomu nervous.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's finally here, huh? Whatever the Q4 results end up being, there is going to be so much fucking grudgeposting over the next few days. Board's probably gonna be fuckin' unusable.
Ah well. No use speculating anymore; we'll all find out in SIXTY SECONDS.
I'll see you on the other side, gentlemen.

>> No.77948418

The clock hand is now 1 minute from midnight.

>> No.77948433

You better put this song in the video Parrot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5xQnN53VI8

>> No.77948456


>> No.77948459

1 minute before i cum

>> No.77948489

Even /jp/ really wasn't. A third of the vtuber thread was niji at most but there were plenty of other folks there like idolbu and animare getting talked about just as much if not more.

>> No.77948490
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>> No.77948494


>> No.77948510

this is /vt/ if you treating this fully seriously you will end up like those retards, thats why its full of ppl shitting on niji or just troll, because taking nijifag/sister seriously is like talking to actual monkey, they will look and act like they are talking with you and understand but you forgot that you are talking to monkey.

>> No.77948511


>> No.77948533
File: 125 KB, 434x291, 2983489298723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77948552


>> No.77948579

>No retard, that was /jp/.
lol, lmao even, well atleast now you know what /vt/ is,after nyfco death, they all back here.

>> No.77948589

I hope to see tons of red wojacks like it's /biz/

>> No.77948615


>> No.77948617
File: 1000 KB, 250x336, Enna Mwah[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fod4dnd.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to screencap all the incoming holocope.

>> No.77948622
File: 4 KB, 176x156, nb70p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll see you all in the morning, if you survive.

>> No.77948635

Probably a Nothingburger, but the trend will remain the same. I don't think Anycolor's stock will reach 3k ever again.

>> No.77948639



>> No.77948671

ip grabber

>> No.77948673

just how many are you retard really fell for nijifag? holy shit LMAO, my brother in christ they are SUCK at falseflagging and you retard still fell for it?

>> No.77948685
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>> No.77948687


>> No.77948686

>they hid the numbers
Guess I'll wait for someone to parse it then.

>> No.77948738
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>> No.77948748
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>they joined the chars

>> No.77948752
File: 214 KB, 1169x652, 20240612_124823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?
Usually NijiEN collabs with their own only on their birthday
>offcollabs alone with Hakka instead
Does he hate his Nijifam? Is he trying to reclaim all the goodwill by leeching off Hakka? Is he networking his escape route?

>> No.77948758


>> No.77948788

Of course they would, kek

>> No.77948789
File: 84 KB, 620x878, Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons_0374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time's up, Niji

>> No.77948798

>EN keeps reclining

>> No.77948810


>> No.77948812

The top is from Q4 2024
The bottom is from Q4 last year.
Their momentum is literally dead on the water.

>> No.77948820

That's good right? Nijisanji inclining?

>> No.77948826


>> No.77948830

Oh they combined en and jp eh, looks like en is continuing a downward trend. Jp is the only thing carrying the company.

>> No.77948858

Anon, I...

>> No.77948899

>1373 to 1074
holy KEK
All of that "support" and they still lost that much?

>> No.77948906

>Hangs out with his neighbor for his birthday instead of talking online with the people he talks to all of the time
Does he hate everyone sisters? Is this an omen?

>> No.77948913

Is it just me or did they not report quarterly numbers and just summarized for the whole fiscal year?

>> No.77948926

So it was a nothingburger after all, gotta love fearmongering holokeks LMAO enjoy your Bilibili streams

>> No.77948932

How long does the EN ship sink until they can the entire branch?

>> No.77948945

So, was it good or bad?

>> No.77948967
File: 27 KB, 1100x152, 1713986781405631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77948969

it was good. the en branch is just going down

>> No.77948971

that's -21.78% YoY

>> No.77948976

>During Q4, there were 3 new debuts and 2 graduation from NIJISANJI, and no debuts and 2 graduation from NIJISANJI EN

>> No.77948982

>put the bar higher
>its actually less than the previous year
scummy fucks LMAO

>> No.77948986

>NijiEN down even worse than anyone could have expected
>Baiting with the ACTUAL nothingburger of B2 shit that nobody relevant cares about
Keep crying nijinigger it will all be over soon

>> No.77948996

Despite all the events and 3d, NijiEN revenue still dropped by 25% from the previous year. Anycolor actually got somewhere close to their forecast because JP did well. But NijiEN is pretty much dead. Question is whether or not the investors will be smart enough to see this or not.

>> No.77948998

>flat out lying
wew lad

>> No.77949022

Did....did they actually just combine EN with JP? As if they thought no one would notice?


>> No.77949037


>> No.77949060

>combined them to hide EN shit numbers from the "events"

>> No.77949087

It's what we've been saying. EN is declining hard and is more of a liability. JP is bigger and better than ever. They still missed the 4B mark.

>> No.77949086

so can i get an unbiased tldr of this anyway? i assume EN down, total up bc of JP?

>> No.77949090

How is it a nothingburger?, They missed their target AND showed that nijiEN is fucking super dead... like utterly worthless dead

>> No.77949107

Anon... your eyesight, you are going blind...

>> No.77949137

Sweet merciful crap. Not only did they (try to) hide the numbers, but their attempt to do so was noticed - BY /US/ !!!
If the assholes /here/ noticed, imagine what the people whose job it is to read those numbers think about those numbers.

Oh by the way EN had a 21.777% YOY decline for Q4.

>> No.77949148

>139% yoy last year
>39% this year
>EN is declining
You tell me.

>> No.77949152

>JP is bigger and better than ever.
Anon they literally shifted the vast majority of Q3 nijifes merch sales to Q4 and they STILL couldn't reach their goals.. they had like 3 fucking concerts for their best JP organs too, This is utterly horrific

>> No.77949157
File: 117 KB, 620x878, Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons_0376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77949160

i don't believe for a second EN did 1/7 of NijiJP, this are some made up numbers i swear

>> No.77949162

This one is unbiased >>77948996

>> No.77949173

Niji thriving, Holo seething

>> No.77949181

Anon, they did this too back in March for Q3 report

>> No.77949183

JP branch is growing, EN branch is dying. But because JP branch is many times larger, the company is growing as a whole.

>> No.77949203

So do you think that when the shareholder meeting happens, they'll question the fact that en and jp are combined, as well as the piss poor showing for en?

>> No.77949208

By 3% anon, the only thing this confirms is the stagnation of the En branch, which we knew already

>> No.77949212

>50 million buy back

>> No.77949234

>JP is bigger and better than ever.
>over 60% off from their YoY
fucking lmao

>> No.77949243
File: 61 KB, 2014x368, nijienq4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77949250

Just two more buy backs until they recover

>> No.77949254

>Riku's planning another stock buyback
>This time for 7.5 billion yen

>> No.77949272

Which is what people only care about.

>> No.77949294

>pumping water into a ditch

>> No.77949321

Keep in mind that internal targets are NOT what investors give a fuck about, They have their own expectations and when a company can't even meet their own lenient goals they CERTAINLY aren't pleasing the investors

>> No.77949342

>0 vs 158 event tabulation
Absolute book cookin’

>> No.77949354

Like -20%? -25%? Well... Could be worse I guess...

>> No.77949358

units are in million JPY, I believe this is revenue?

>> No.77949379

Like i said, this have to be some made up numbers, the streamers were out for like 1 month and you expect me to believe they did CLOSE to what they did previously?
It smells extremely fishy

>> No.77949399

This was over hyped
I want niji to fucking die

>> No.77949456

>-21% revenue
Yeah, thriving

>> No.77949476

If that were to happen it wouldn't happen on a single quarter.

>> No.77949483

Niji EN's events made about a million USD. Woo

>> No.77949504

-20% is shockingly low, but it is proof that Selen was not negligible.
Also as an aside: streaming is worthless. Like, actually completely worthless.

>> No.77949529

do japanese investors care that much about what is happening to the EN branch? ofc they'll care a little bit, but they'll mainly care about the JP side right?

>> No.77949531

>Less than Gura's Sushiro earning

>> No.77949544

Not good at all. Especially in the context that they missed their own projections 2 quarters in a row. They've done all they possibly could in terms of legal financial fuckery to not make it look terrible and it went from bad to slightly awful. Now they're doing another stock buyback - 2 in the space of 12-18months is cause for concern. This is again an effort to stabilise the share price on the basis of this report. This doesn't address their core issues and NijiEN is dead man walking.

>> No.77949608

it's low but i expected lower.
NijiEN got its reputation destroyed, and you expected me to believe its only -20%? Nah, this fuckers are inflating this numbers i swear

>> No.77949618

retard this quarter is the first time EN had events and it couldn't even save them

>> No.77949630

Anon, Q4 is historically their most profitable quarter.
Also, don't forget the absolute smackdown that is -40% back in Q3

>> No.77949650

What is the third category?

>> No.77949668
File: 564 KB, 1079x1518, Screenshot_20240612_082023_Vivaldi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like investors ate it up

>> No.77949670

The fact that they're -20% with multiple different events and "major collabs" is good though. If you fill up a tire with an automatic pump and it deflates, you're not going to break out the old bicycle pump and start blowing now will you?

>> No.77949685
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>> No.77949712

Ah, we're in the pump part of pump and dump.

>> No.77949716

how much money are they actually spending on stock buyback? Surely riku's finances are not that strong, even with all that sony connection he has. at this point this is literally trying to plug a sinking ship with ducttape

>> No.77949721

Buy high, sell low.

>> No.77949722

Did you notice how revenue is separated by branch, but costs are just one number for the entire company? Given how healthy JP-side is, and how obfuscating it is to do that, makes it pretty clear EN is barely profitable or more likely losing money.

>> No.77949728

no. if they're paying any attention at all to the market and to anycolor's fundamentals, they understand that the japanese market is generally saturated. investors want growth, and growth means expansion outside japan. this is why the stock drop was so violent last quarter: overseas expansion (i.e. growth) had stopped and turned toward decline. this quarter continues the theme.

>> No.77949738
File: 10 KB, 416x416, riku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they didn't buy the dip

>> No.77949770

They kinda do in all honesty. The JP market is tapped out. They've failed every single expansion. The NijiEN brand reputation is in the gutter. Where does the business expand from here?

>> No.77949776

Is this anycolor's buy back? this seems AWFULLY artificial for that mediocre report

>> No.77949816

Either short sell or buy back.
investors can't be this stupid and not see EN is fucking dying right?

>> No.77949821

It's the speculative market. It closed before the report went out, we'll see how it goes tomorrow but to be frank you'd be stupid not to buy in when a company is buying 5% of the shares back.

>> No.77949838

What's the point of the EN branch again?

>> No.77949857

they are literally doing a buy back retard pay attention

>> No.77949911

NijiID soon

>> No.77949917

accountability isnt a thing in big institutions, hence the phrase "too big to fail"
just look at the pokemon company

>> No.77949980

40-50mil USD at most or 4million shares. This is why you're getting pump and dump action now. Investors are going to try to milk ANycolor for what they're worth

>> No.77950014
File: 623 KB, 2111x1080, IMG_20240612_082347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that they're also boosted by Nijisanji throwing all the events they could to try to minimize the damage. Look at how Nijisanji EN never made any revenue from events until this quarter. If we don't count events, they're at -33%, 1/3 of their revenue is gone and they can't replace it.

>> No.77950026

so when's the investor meeting, i know nothing about finance shit

>> No.77950042
File: 39 KB, 1207x905, Breakdown seperate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, the breakdown separated by EN and JP, and other as well

>> No.77950070

It all returns to nothing
It all comes tumbling down
Tumbling down, tumbling down
It all returns to nothing
I just keep letting me down
Letting me down, letting me down

>> No.77950080

what happened in Q3 2023 anyways for that big spike

>> No.77950114

how did JP manage to climb so high this year? Was there anything noteworthy?

>> No.77950119

That 158 probably represents the event spam they did in April.

Including that event spam, EN had a Q4 YOY drop of 21.777%
But excluding that event spam the Q4 YOY drop was 33.285%

Also note 5 consecutive quarters of declining revenue; and a decline in Livestreaming (superchat) revenue in 5 of the last 6 quarters, the last three consecutive quarters, and the fact that Q1 FY 2023 (May-July CY 2022) had more SC revenue than each of the last 5 quarters.

Remember - /we/ noticed, and for the most part /we're/ not people whose field of employment is trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Imagine how those traders must feel about this report.

>> No.77950123

Christmas and valentines

>> No.77950157

12 more months nijisanji, mark my words

>> No.77950169

July 30

This can't possibly be the correct decision, can it?

>> No.77950178

Nijisanji EN provides a new form of entertainment in the virtual market, offering quarterly publication of financial satire and ongoing gossip delivery

>> No.77950191

>how did JP manage to climb so high this year?
Merch, and more merch, and more merch, and did I mention merch, and even some more merch, and merch. Oh god, can't forget the merch too.

>> No.77950249


>> No.77950259

>This can't possibly be the correct decision, can it?
No, it is objectively the correct decision if a certain someone is planning on selling.

>> No.77950270

>july 30th
jeez that's a long time from now, anything can happen til then, until then, niji are probably planning something to try to placate them, like a month and a half is enough time to craft some words

>> No.77950271

Same as the ID branch, IN branch, the KR branch, etc. Attempts to expand into new markets. Looks like this one will be a wash too: The way they separated revenue by branch, didn't do the same for costs makes me think EN is barely profitable or even in the red. Or maybe they just want to hide the fact their only foreign market is less profitable per talent due to hire overseas wages?

>> No.77950317

merch and events and merch and events and merch and events and merch and events and merch and events and merch and events and

>> No.77950534

So is Riku about to pump a dump too? Jump off the yatch before it sinks?

>> No.77950582

They have like, 20 events for this past years.
ROF-MAO and Chronoir alone had 8 events for themselves iirc

>> No.77950643

Nijifes is the main driver for that spike.

>> No.77950778

You don't do 5% stock buyback before pump and dump I think.

>> No.77950860

pump, then once the buyback goes through sell wholesale to another party immediately.

>> No.77950879

Told you

>> No.77950904

You absolutely can. Riku has far too many shares to sell if he's planning on quitting, and every dime the company is spending is a dime he's not.

>> No.77951260

as someone who is a fan of neither niji nor holo, how does this impact me, or should i just carry on

>> No.77951334

carry on

>> No.77951668

VShojo takes the power vacuum NijiEN left
From this on forward NijiEN is just dead weight to their parent company

>> No.77951965

Your oshi still hates you.
