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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 47 KB, 960x640, YAGOO-ranked-third-Forbes-JAPAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77894380 No.77894380 [Reply] [Original]

>keeps ignoring the EU market
>returns to the most problematic market (china) despite all the yabs

>> No.77895435 [DELETED] 

at least they have nice health insirance, kinda boring tho. yuros are essentially poor due to heavy taxation, and their laws are a pain in the ass for oversea markets

>> No.77895535 [DELETED] 

>yuros are essentially poor due to heavy taxation,
Not a yuro but funny coming from a country where everyone is in debt for going once to the hospital.
Also eventhough burgers like to feel like they're the center of the world. China is a really important market, bigger than western market

>> No.77895554 [DELETED] 


>> No.77895592

From how it looks right now, HoloEarth is going to rely a lot on selling in-game items & gacha to make big bucks (which they probably will). CN love gacha while on the other hand, doesn't EU have some rather overly strict rules to regulate that kind of thing?

>> No.77895598

>europoors dont have money
>chinks dont have intergrity
you cannot eat integrity

>> No.77895665

What part of THE RED DRAGON RISES don't you understand? I would sacrifice a thousand EUs just to have Yogurt back.

>> No.77895691

it has always been about the numbers anon, shareholders need to see numbers

>> No.77895715

This is the 4th thread about Europe I've seen in the last day and I'm pretty sure the preceding three are still on the catalog

>> No.77895769

Just go to a grocery store

>> No.77895862 [DELETED] 

I know this comment is coming from a third worlder. I’m not a burger but it’s hilarious how europoors and other third worlders brag about “free” education and healthcare as if they don’t get taxed 60% of their shit to pay for obese trannies to get a gastric bypass surgery, for kids to learn that men can get pregnant, and to mass import curry and rice. I know for sure my tax money is being wasted on those goals.

>> No.77895930


>> No.77896054

13 hours, sister

>> No.77896068

Can't you just buy yogurt at the at supermarket?

>> No.77896128
File: 652 KB, 960x864, remember what they took away from you.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77896141

It's very well noted that the EU market is the smallest in terms of how much they pay.

>> No.77896150

I am a burger and I just wanna mention also that, no, not everyone is in medical debt. Don't believe everything that you see on Reddit.

>> No.77896152

You just described the us in a nutshell. Are you sure you are not a burger or someone living in burgerland.

>> No.77896183


>> No.77896245

It's actually the most profitable region for Japanese media outside of Japan
In fact France alone is the most profitable region for Japanese media outside of Japan, you don't even need the rest of Europe to beat everyone else

>> No.77896291

Close. I’m a snow burger but I’ve been in the US a lot. I used to want to move to America back then but when I grew up I learned that it’s not that much better of a shithole than Canada is. Nowadays I’m learning Catalan so I can move to Andorra and enjoy my tax free paychecks.

>> No.77896317

Yeah, but Holo would need to learn Arabic if they were to go to Europe, let alone France.

>> No.77896389

I don't think they're the ones buying the anime titty figurines anon

>> No.77896583
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>> No.77896692

EU bros don't pay, so stingy

>> No.77897808 [DELETED] 

>if they don’t get taxed 60% of their shit to pay for obese trannies to get a gastric bypass surgery, for kids to learn that men can get pregnant, and to mass import curry and rice. I know for sure my tax money is being wasted on those goals.
>He doesn't know that USA was the country who started this shit and actively promote it to rest of the world. Just as with feminism that was on its peak in USA at the 80s and it took 2 decades to start dirtying the rest of the countries. the burger jews are to blame.

>> No.77897969

Wrong. The most profitable market is the US. Americans currently pay more for hololive related products per capita than Japanese do so the US is even above Japan.

>> No.77898000

They did well enough avoiding the most common spoken languages in NA, Spanish and ebonics.

>> No.77898264

>Americans currently pay more
Thanks Biden.

>> No.77898930

This is what happens when you become a public company and suddenly you have investors that you need to keep happy.

>> No.77898991

Cn is banning in game lootboxes, luck based drops, and passes tho

>> No.77899255

EN stands for EU and USA

>> No.77899336
File: 389 KB, 591x417, We were Kings and shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its because the rest of /vt/ realized that there's still White people around

>> No.77899386

I'm talking about Japanese media overall anon. France alone spends more than the US on anime, manga, and associated merch. Yagoo also directly said hololive "should be" successful there and attributed them not being so to a lack of watchable streams

>> No.77899551

Europe is twitch turf. Stay the fuck out of it.

>> No.77899891

So HoloFR with Kobo being the hidden link that ties it together with HoloID then Hololive?
That said tho, I'm not sure how would HoloFR work. Would they mainly speak French and hopefully not broken English? What about Japanese?
They're also the ones too, but they're absolutely not a vocal majority. The problem is clearly not the lack of customers, it's the prominence of shops that take the mainstream slop to make a sell and pretend to cater to the whole weeb community. I've seen someone share a picture of a Miko figurine in a shop, but they thought it was Sakura Miku from Vocaloid.

>> No.77900084
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>> No.77900317


>> No.77900328
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>> No.77901030

it didn't get pass. source the pass pls

>> No.77901235

I'm a relative newfag when it comes to vtubers, but it does seem as though Holo relies on exploiting rich useful idiots more than I expected. I saw someone post in a different thread about how EUs just don't spend as much on supas or merch and frankly, if that's even half the reason for Holo ignoring them, then good on Europe.

>> No.77901410

Europoors have money, they just don't spend. Look up economic statistics on random european countries and domestic spending is lower than most American and Asian counterparts. Ironically, Europe is an unappealing market because it's the most likely to look at a gacha game and say "what the fuck is this piece of shit?"

>> No.77901649

No it doesn't.

>> No.77901982

Anon, I miss Yogiri, too, and it really sucks that she was caught up in the CN purge (especially since, IIRC, there were some indications that she was being bullied by a couple of the Mainlander girls), but she's long gone. Even if Cover is back in China, I doubt they'll come around to rehiring old talent, especially if they caught wind of Artia's shenanigans.

>> No.77902138

>Artia's shenanigans.
I very vaguely remember, wasn't she involved in some kind of crypto thing?

>> No.77902340

Same desu, additionally I think that if management offered to rehire Yogiri, she'd reject the offer.

>> No.77902613

I don't know about that, but she was involved in riling up the CCP drones against Cover and Coco during the Taiwan Incident. One of the others was involved too, but I can't remember who.

>> No.77902889

Rosalyn and/or Doris. Not sure about Civia. Yogiri for sure and I think Spade Echo stayed clear of chink melty

>> No.77902997

>Europe is an unappealing market because it's the most likely to look at a gacha game and say "what the fuck is this piece of shit?"
Sounds like they have functioning brains.

>> No.77903227

>Europe is an unappealing market because it's the most likely to look at a gacha game and say "what the fuck is this piece of shit?"
wow literally me

>> No.77903313

okay, yagoo...
i will let hololive go to B2...
but i want Holo Taiwan...

>> No.77904611

Civia was clear thankfully.

>> No.77905386

Its true regarding gacha but donations and buying merch is common in our Fleshtuber sphere. People here have a lot higher standards for what they are okay with spending money on. Took me over 3 years of watching vtubers to feel strongly enough about anyone to spend money

>> No.77905483

>doesn't market anything to EU
>complains that the EU doesn't spend any money

>> No.77905496

Taiwan number one

>> No.77905867

>Europoors have money
amazing sentence

>> No.77905894

Cover doesn't complain about that though, that's just weirdos on here. Yagoo even said that they "should" be popular but can't attract fans because they have no streams at good times

>> No.77905986

>because they have no streams at good times
Maybe make ones that stream in EU times? Kiara could have done that, though she doesn't, then again i don't think we need more Kiara

>> No.77905994

Its always funny how a nonsense meme like that can actually form brown peoples perception of reality. I don't envy the inability to think for yourself the same way I do not envy the colour of your skin

>> No.77906027

>Europe is an unappealing market because it's the most likely to look at a gacha game and say "what the fuck is this piece of shit?"
wtf I'm the European market now

>> No.77906111

>because it's the most likely to look at a gacha game and say "what the fuck is this piece of shit?"
Some Euro countries outright ban gacha / lootbox shit, they all should honestly

>> No.77906149

>Europoors have money
lmao wtf

>> No.77907155

CN only loves CN gacha, basically anything else is dead there both because bugs are insane and because the government cracked down hard on them

>> No.77907300

northwestern europe has all the fucking money in the world, every rich company has all their money and headquarters in Scandinavia and Ireland these days. The average is just completely destroyed by former soviet states and birderline middle eastern shitholes on the ass end of europe

>> No.77908190

we were kings and whatnot

>> No.77908522
File: 473 KB, 1163x1350, 348943467867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> they just don't spend
France is the most consumer friendly when it comesto anime. I think they are rank 1.
unlike the lawless jungle you live in, europe have laws against predatory games.

>> No.77908639

Or maybe he could just debut an eu branch if yagoo actually wanted euro to tune in

>> No.77909113

is almost there sister, less than 12 hours

>> No.77909143

soon brother inshallah

>> No.77909159

1. China's population is 1.4 Billion, EU's population is 448 million (all of Europe 750 million).
2. Europe doesn't have a singular unified language, the lingua franca is fucking English, there are over a billion Mandarin speakers
2. A higher ratio of Chinese are weebs
3. There are more Chinese are touch deprived losers willing to whale on thanks to the male surplus from the one child policy. (Fun fact: the male surplus in China is larger than the entire population of the UK.)

>> No.77909204

Oops I fucked the numbers up lol

>> No.77909221

>No one streams on EU friendly times.
>Why are no Euros watching?!

>> No.77909344


>> No.77909585

kinda makes it feel like they're not researching the indie scene at all considering many of the biggest indies stream during EU hours and are raking in the cash

>> No.77909771

The day will soon come when Apple decides enough is enough and pulls out of Europe. The rest of the tech industry will immediately follow, leaving the EU as a technologically stagnant hollow shell.

>> No.77909881

Every-fucking-time, you dumb niggers only know this one line.
Its pretty easy why, if you have two working brain cells.
-shit doesnt get advertised here
-people dont know shit excists
-no one wants to SELL shit here
-no one can BUY shit here
-dumbest people on the planet are wondering why euros dont spend money on shit
-repeat the cycle

>> No.77909972


>> No.77910012

Cgina has more bans on gatcha and games than any european country, they even restrict tine one can play games

>> No.77910056

what you don't like acrylic and key chains?

>> No.77910195

nice nice, but most of chinks live in poverty

>> No.77910285

You can't get anime OP's unless you're a Chinese bootlicker.

Yes I'm aware you can without like Sora and Suisei movie but 99% of the time they won't bother.
Still not worth bending to the chinks though.

>> No.77910364

they just keep wondering how Kaela got biggest in ID branch, but keeps streaming at odd times

>> No.77910365

>there are over a billion Mandarin speakers
I hate to break this to you but due to secondary speakers English is the most spoken language on the planet.

>> No.77910418

no i dont, i also hate wallscrolls
my point is, i own a few figures but for the most part i like practical merch, but since no one wants to sell it here you have to pay tripple the price just for a fucking anime picture on every-day products.
Its fucking normal people dont spend money here if you dont give them something to spend it on in the first place, or make it extremely hard to get.
No one wants to invest in the market, hence people cant buy. Its not the consumers fault.

>> No.77911155

Ignoring EU is what got them success in the first place. And the rest of the chuuba scene, especially indies. Kinda grim, t,EUfag......

>> No.77911244

What the fuck are you talking about, you retard.

>> No.77911549

Pandering to the anglo-saxon sphere, east asians, south americans gets you success. On paper the EU should be a juggernaut of all kinds of entertainment. In practice it's just sub three digit indies who fly under the radar long enough to gfto to a more entertainer friendly place.

Not too many german or polish speaking chuubas out there for a long time, now is there?

>> No.77912244

Anon, the iPhone X is the entire reason vtubers are as popular as they are. Cover and Anycolor both built their home tracking for Live2D on top of Apple's ARKit, and Riku even said the release of ARKit was the reason they started the company

>> No.77912557

They literally have an EU chuuba already. How the fuck is ignoring Europe what brought them success? And no, people are not expecting them to force girls to stream in Polish during euro times, you strawmaning retard. You don't "ignore" markets to get into new ones, you expand because you're supposed to when you're a public company.
People have discussed the euro market issues and ways to confront them thoroughly in multiple threads in the past, so I'll leave it at this. Cover just doesn't seem interested, but they've only started taking the American market seriously very recently.
(lmao at South America)

>> No.77913050

>Europe is an unappealing market because it's the most likely to look at a gacha game and say "what the fuck is this piece of shit?"

>> No.77913348

Polish is not a language, it's a bunch gibberish nonsensical clusters of consonants you can get on your own by letting a cat sit on a keyboard.

>> No.77913370
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>most likely to look at a gacha game and say "what the fuck is this piece of shit?"
Meanwhile europoors buying literal gacha stickers

>> No.77913767

Woah blast from the past. I thought gacha stickers died out in the '90s.

>> No.77913804

Still sounds better than Dutch.
I would spend all my money on a Hololive Panini sticker album.

>> No.77914307

Still baffles me beyond belief. You had the misfortune of actually tasting excrement at its purest form yet... "well, maybe they are eating better now and the turds are more palatable?". I hope Fubuki has managed her money well.

>> No.77914521

Jij komen hier zo praten tegen mij


>> No.77915832

It's all about money.

>> No.77916042

>The day will soon come when Apple decides enough is enough and pulls out of Europe.
>The rest of the tech industry will immediately follow

>> No.77916297
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We play gachas dude we just do it f2p. Only retards throw money at them maybe beyond 5$ packs. It always makes me laugh that I have better PC than 90% of vtubers because they can't stop wasting money.

>> No.77916444

>Civia was clear thankfully.
wait, so it was basically just the second gen?
Shame, they could have just purged them, but i guess the cccp drones woudn't leave the first gen alone after that anyway

>> No.77916831

Financially responsible people are bad customers for workers relying on tips, more news at 12.
Up next, our interview with esteemed Professor Mike Hawk and his generation defining book trying to find the answer to the question "Why would someone spend hundreds of bucks on a jpeg of an anime girl if he could just jerk off to her porn fanart for free or, even better, just commission an artist to draw her to his liking for a fraction of the price?" and much more. Only, on /vt/ news.

>> No.77917169

Europe should've won WW2 if they wanted people to listen to them.

>> No.77920173

fire him

>> No.77920427

>Not too many german or polish speaking chuubas out there for a long time, now is there?
Because most germans and poles speak english well enough. Europeans dont need chubas speaking in their language, we need events, euro-friendly timeslots, etc etc

>> No.77920558

>I would spend all my money on a Hololive Panini sticker album.
>mfw spent my summers as a middle schooler slaving away to get enough money to finish that year's Serie A album

>> No.77921681


Honestly, I don't blame Cover for axing everyone instead of graduating the troublemakers. Imagine the amount of harrasement Civia or Yogiri would have received not only from western schizos but chinese schizos as well. It was the lesser of two evils, even if I miss Yogiri a lot.

>> No.77922228

Cmon, insinuating EU would be more profitable than CH.
Cover should remain out of both for a while. Don't need them right now.

>> No.77922882

Apple is a fashion brand.

>> No.77923401

>implying China doesn't own Europe already.

>> No.77923457

> Cover and Anycolor both built their home tracking for Live2D on top of Apple's ARKit, and Riku even said the release of ARKit was the reason they started the company
And? Its not a peak tech not even rocket science

>> No.77923649

>Cover returns to CN
Did I miss something?
What schizo shit are you rambling about now?

>> No.77923885

Any somewhat self respecting yuro has long moved on to indies

>> No.77923943



>> No.77924236

No really. Is this another one of those "I'm not spoonfeeding you(because the reason is dumb and I don't want to go out and say it)"?
Is this about Kobo going on bilibili?
That was always allowed. And nobody wanted to until now because CN is more trouble than it's worth.

>> No.77925418

It was literally the tech that enabled vtubers as most people here currently recognise them to exist, and is still the best face tracking on the market 7 years later

>> No.77931014


>> No.77931770

It is certainly amusing to see the pivot from "We don't need China to succeed" to "It's okay if we return to China since Nijisanji is dying and it would be a waste not to take advantage of that market.
Pure copium.

>> No.77932493

From what I've heard, a lot of the Chinese insanity in terms of gacha games pertains to things like losing their shit at the mere presence of a male character, to the extent they try to stab the employees. Ostensibly, Holobronies should love the Chinese for this, since they think the same way.
I have to assume that the good Chinese gacha games like Genshin make the majority their money from non-Chinese players, because they certainly don't pander to this mindset.

>> No.77932549

They aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.77935225


>> No.77936114

The sentiment here is still overwhelmingly the former as far as I've seen, where did the latter come from? I mean I've seen it mentioned but no one's pushing it.

>> No.77937891

I fucking called it a month ago goddamn it >>75678735

>> No.77939951

My beliefs are whatever that allows me to most efficiently shit on nijisanji the moment I hit the post button

>> No.77940136

90% of the latter is because nijiniggers and phasenigs taking the opportunity to shitpost on hololive, and as shown in the past whenever an outside attack happens holofags immediately circle the wagons, put aside their differences, and fire back
Maybe if you niggers weren't so eager to push your w you might not have forced acceptance of bili2 this quickly

>> No.77940332

Maybe he still want to save yogurt and others

>> No.77940354

EU didnt pay

>> No.77940800

Cover doesn't officially ship merch to europe so they have no sale number and looped around "no merch sales no interest :("

>> No.77941223

The Eu market does not exist

>> No.77942072

EU has like 0.10% weebs

>> No.77944730

>Cover doesn't officially ship merch to europe
And you can still send max akas if you really wanted.

>> No.77945551

StarsEN and their management are pushing for this. Altare is behind all this that fag has been shitting up things behind the scenes for a while

>> No.77945599

Geekjack gets like 5% of avialible merch for sell. It takes literal seconds to sell out their stock. And we compete with every country that Geekjack ships to

Instead of sending superchats i prefer to save it for shipping cost that usualy gets as high or bigger than the merch i am buying. Taxes can be costly too

>> No.77945688

EU-fag here, this is correct from what I've seen. Many Europeans consider you stupid for gambling on games. Sports on the other hand...

>> No.77946700

>the only euro in the company
>the biggest bitch
i would avoid them too if kiara is the representative of the whole shitshow known as europe

>> No.77946904

And then you bitch when cover doesn't pander to your region

>> No.77949735

>doesn't EU have some rather overly strict rules to regulate that kind of thing?
Depends on the country. Remember, EU directives are merely suggestions until each member state actually implements them in their legal system.
