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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 86 KB, 720x410, hay_leave_her_alone_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77878345 No.77878345 [Reply] [Original]

Literally how has no Vtuber been hunted down n killed?? This is the safest well paying career holy shit

>> No.77878870

the only ones crazy enough to do it just want them to stream so killing them would be counter productive

>> No.77878933

say that to kiara

>> No.77879113

Kakun is a piece of shit and I hope he enjoys the restraining order.

>> No.77879146

Why would they be hunted and killed? All of this drama over hiding their identity is stupid.

>> No.77879306

Ummm, I'm pretty if you are stalking someone, you are doing it for sex. I don't think I've heard of a situation where they'd do it so they want them to stream more. Like, if a girl gets taken into some dark alley and held by some guy screaming "Stream more on your channel. Do more zatsus so I can superchat you my questions. Collab with your genmates more and do a few ASMRs once in a while" and then they scuttle off to the void, I'd even question what their motive was since that seems weirdly inefficient.

>> No.77879361

Because tourists exaggerate how dangerous the fans are. Even the spurned gfefag has the rationality to move on and you see it happen if you actually pay attention. For Mikeneko the only "harassment" she still faces is from Mafu's fangirls quote retweeting her to call her a dumb hag.

>> No.77879459

>dumb hag.
that's a compliment

>> No.77879474

Yes, absolutely harmless. Subaru definitely didn't have to pack up and move because Kiara fucked up and was followed to her home.

>> No.77879622

Pretty sure they have been stalked and harassed before, matsuri for example

>> No.77879836

Yea she didn't because that was just a rrat

>> No.77879848

All me.
My final goal? the ultimate rape.

>> No.77879854


>> No.77880018

reps newfag

>> No.77880059

any keywords to help my digging?

>> No.77880134

I just did this to Gura though and it worked???

>> No.77880208

Kiara subaru doorbell should be enough

>> No.77880290

I recall one vtber got human trafficked and sold as a slave to some rural household for like a year in China some years ago. People thought she was on an unannounced hiatus until she came back after being rescued.

>> No.77880358

You made me search that guy up and holy shit what a trip.

>> No.77880674

I remember this. Anyone got a name?

>> No.77880764

Why? Because he took a picture with her at a con and was completely respectful?

>> No.77880903
File: 224 KB, 564x593, 35735688653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Showed up immediately on search. Name's Porin. Who knows if she still streams.

>> No.77880935

they're jealous of how close he is to her

>> No.77881164

I just looked this guy up holy shit. This is the kind of shit that makes me never want to become too famous, vtuber or not.

Ok Kakun.

>> No.77881180

How about you dig a little deeper then his pinned tweet. You'll understand. Guy was a retard who actively stalked her from con to con and it got to the point where her RM was asking him to fuck off and leave her alone. He was a kraut who would drop ARS red Supas and eventually it made her annoyed on stream and she would ignore them. Basically had no fucking boundaries. Now all he does is retweet far right political parties in Germany.

>> No.77881346

bro Kakun is just a fan of Kiara who got a little too enthusiastic, but he really does love Kiara just like the rest of us

>> No.77881463

>Why would they be hunted and killed?
mental illness
>Police did not offer a motive, but said that Loibl had shown an "unhealthy and unrealistic infatuation" with the singer and tried to make himself more physically attractive for her through weight loss, hair transplants, teeth whitening and eye surgery. The Orlando Sentinel described his motive as "If I can't have you, then nobody else can – and I'm going to possess you by taking your life."

>> No.77881498

Because he followed one of her friends to her apartment and waited outside the door for her to come out. This is literally why she had to move from the apartment she loved to the shitty one she was in before she bought the house.

>> No.77881549

Shouldn't you be tweeting about how the AFD will give you a free girlfriend if they come into power cuckun?

>> No.77881553

keep these bitches on their toes

>> No.77881600

>you are doing it for sex
Speaking of which maybe since they're vtubers, people are more attracted to their vtuber model and persona they always see on stream and find it more appealing than their actual body. As for stealing, a thief would find it easier to steal from their neighborhood since they're more familiar with the place and knows what to steal.

>> No.77881602

Not an vtuber. There are B and C level celebs everywhere and they don't hide out in fear. The whole game of acting like they need to hide might even encourage people to seek them out.

>> No.77881711

pretty based desu

>> No.77881841

the weakest KFP

>> No.77881978

Vtubers fans are cuckolds by nature; so weak and emasculated that even if they tried their oshi could probably beat them to death with their woman strength and proceed to fuck their boyfriends in front of them (which was the intent of the stalker all along)

>> No.77882068

I'd let Elira beat me up any day

>> No.77882094

>crazy schizo stalker is a /pol/fag
Every single fucking time.

>> No.77882184

kiara is a /pol/fag, what do you expect

>> No.77882338
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>> No.77882342

Seems like a massive waste of time and resources.
The top of the crop in Vtubers has like 4mil subs. That's a lot but compared to the big channels that's a fart in the wind. They're just random people playing video games on the internet.

>> No.77882359

Being pro-LGBT is /pol/ behavior now? Damn they're starting to become based.

>> No.77882474

Nope he’s based, hope kiara learns to appreciate your fans before betraying them and having them actually cause them physical harm because of the lack of foresight in learning to appreciate them

>> No.77882523

Holy based kraut saving his nation

>> No.77882544

It doesn't sound like their stories are exaggerated but holy shit they don't know how to keep a low profile.

>> No.77882567

No that’s schizo behavior

>> No.77882674

Kiara is in the process of that right now. Kakun, OG fan has been doing all sorts of shit to make her life worse, to the point that one of her two moves were because of him specifically.

>> No.77882739

How do i donate to him?

>> No.77882846

>Two chubby gaijin twins move to Japan
Thry outed themselves the minute they chose to live there. It will be much easier for retards to find an annoy them vs some random women in Canada.

>> No.77882863

>AFDfag is a stalker creep

>> No.77882926

>both hololive examples are kiara related
of course. she even memememe's stalkers.

>> No.77882995

It's really painful to see retarded shit have like 44m views. I can't even blame it on ipad kid autoplay algo either.

>> No.77883044


>> No.77883084

Pretty sure they're hafus though, any amount of makeup and they'd fit right in with the chubby fujos at the cons.

Also actual retardation of them to dox random places they go to, sooner or later a schizo will find security footage of them.

>> No.77883454

How the hell did he even find her, I thought this job was completely safe

>> No.77883498

It is safe, unless you're a narcissist who can't help flaunting their face at every opportunity

>> No.77883758

>beat them to death with their woman strength
lmao I got punched by a "feisty" girl before saying how she'll kick my ass. Threw a closed fisted serious punch and I kid you not I thought she trying to slap me until I realized she made a fist. For the fact that majority of the audience for them are males, these women should be on their toes let's be honest. In truth, it might actually help them in the long run, since a lot of them are legit noodle arms/legs and need to limber up so they don't get tackled and raped by basic lard ojisans. Keep doing your nightly walks and stalk women anons, your doing your part in keeping your oshi stay fit and healthy o7

>> No.77883824

I wouldn't say she is a narcissist, but its probably her overwhelming desire to be an entertainer, rather than just putting out music online. Which is in conflict with the fact she is extra jittery with people in general. So its weight that she puts on herself, but its sad she needs to be afraid because of something a lot of people want, their name in lights. I'm not fond of her, but can sympathize with wanting dreams to come to fruition.

>> No.77884900

To be honest, just having a modicum of common sense and not acting as if you're fated to be the daintiest of flowers can help. We know they are put through the ringer for dance practices and stuff at least. Plus it IS overexaggerated a lot of the time about fans being all mentally unstable, Nerissa herself even thinking she'd be shipped off into a car and never seen again. Both of these stories the clippers use seem to have been just regular guys being regular people. Unless you're really sheltered that is just regular life. There are nutjobs, but its a "you COULD be shot or have something awful happen to you for any reason, at any time, is that any reason not to live?"

>> No.77885002

I mean it's not wrong.It happens to a relatively small amount of people at intl. airports every year.
But yeah they have been clipbaiting in bad faith with stuff like the fwmc story.

>> No.77885083

>people are more attracted to their vtuber model and persona they always see on stream and find it more appealing than their actual body
If they're stalking the vtuber irl, they've gone way past that.

>> No.77885307

>Pretty sure they're hafus though
They're not; they're just extreme weebs.

>but the RM pictures
They look 100% white. You faggots never seen photo filters before?

>> No.77887648

Kayfabe, boundaries, separation of pl can act as filters that can keep away or filter those kind of behaviour. If someone still stalks a vtuber despite all that, then they're simply not right in the head.

>> No.77888411

No, her agency suspended her when it turned out her entire story was fake.

>> No.77888599

>drops ARS akasupas
Couldn't write a better joke if I tried.

>> No.77888729

>Now all he does is retweet far right political parties in Germany.
Of course he wants the government assigned gf experience.

>> No.77888855

This is a woman by the way
Only a jealous woman would call fuwamoco chubby

>> No.77889367

What's even the story behind this clip?

>> No.77889427


>> No.77889654

Of course this nut would fit in Kirsche's fanbase/orbit. Of course he's a poltard now.

>> No.77889913
File: 580 KB, 1200x955, 13213132439345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search the name
holy shit, this is unironically your typical KFP

>> No.77890004

>Japanese guy sees girls walking down road
>walks up to hit on them
>dogs start barking at him angrily

>> No.77890009
File: 750 KB, 1142x793, 465464646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KFP are fucking schizo, fat and have no fucking manner
Pic rel

>> No.77890127
File: 2.84 MB, 3765x3942, 32154657987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically Most sanest KFP, holy shit
KFP are mentally SEA

>> No.77890560

That's what the gov wants you to believe, remember nothing bad ever happens, no sir not in chink land.

>> No.77890571

clues given are too vague to throw off potential stalkers
and if anons from the 2010s or nyfcofags are anything to base off of, people can dox where they are even with the most little info given

>> No.77890601

Show us an attractive fanbase then

>> No.77891606

They seriously need to either send equipment so they can record at home and ship merch than having them fly to Japan. Biboo was almost kidnapped by some sex trafficker scout to sell her to the yakuza now this. I wonder how much else has happened in Japan that girls weren't willing to talk about. If they took their trains then they were at least 100% grope against their will.

>> No.77891737

It was a stinky host club worker he just wanted the smol indo grill to try to outdrink him

>> No.77891792

Those gropers? Fuwawa and Nerissa

>> No.77891961
File: 1.16 MB, 4000x2252, 1716603300950884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this kakun or is he one of these gentlemen

>> No.77892776

You idiots will believe anything they tell you. Have any girls outside Hololive ever told stories like this? Strangely though every holomem goes to japan and almost gets abducted.

>> No.77892803

you don't even need a tweet hinting if they're in JP anymore, even a semi-innocuous tweet at a certain time of day and people can already tell
that's what the women only trains are for anon, also why do you think they went to places as a group in the first place, the dogs are the only ones who speak JP

>> No.77892876

I fantasize almost everyday about being a popular vtuber who gets stabbed by a fan of another vtuber and then everyone feels sorry for me.

>> No.77893010

None of those

>> No.77893074

Shut the fuck up corporate bootlicker. This conversation does not need your useless and worthless opinion Ken sama.

>> No.77893111

Eggchama blew his load very quick thisbthread

>> No.77893134

Pippa went to Japan and no one tried to kidnap her.

>> No.77893709

It's easier to become their manager and groom them.
Or just become a vtuber and call her out for a collab.
There was that one Nijisanji dude that got caught, but who knows how many are out there without being caught?

>> No.77894410

The "far right" are sweeping in Germany, so his politics are actually pretty mainstream.

>> No.77894835

NTA but it’s not hard to see why japs aren’t interested in the mold queen.
