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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7786811 [Reply] [Original]

I had my first dream involving a chuuba and I dont even get why.

>Be me at some kind of big ballroom
>Everyone is getting ready and seems normal
>Akai Haato is there and shes the only chuuba in the dream so to me she sticks out
>Everyone else just treats her as normal as you can imagine
>Everyone talking about their dates for the ball (I dont know what ball but apparently one was happening that night)
>Everyone had a date except for Haato apparently
>Gossip around was that she was too weird
>Could visibly see her upset but she tried to hide it
>Eventually I just go up to her and try talking
>It was obvious this was the first time I ever spoke to her
>We began just talking about whatever, she was friendly although strangely very shy
>Almost the opposite of her streaming persona
>fast forward and people are starting to talk shit more openly to the point where she could hear it
>See her face just drop from friendly to distraught
>I dont really understand what came over me but it was kind of like it was all scripted I put my arm around her and gave her a hug
>It was weird cause it felt like it was just meant to happen again like a TV show
>All I was able to mutter was if she wanted to go to the ball with me
>She says yes and the dream fast forwards
>Its just her and I, shes in a really pretty blue dress
>We dance for a while and eventually just sit outside
>There is no kiss, no sex just me with my arm around her and her close to me
>It felt good
>It felt like I had found someone I legit cared for and didnt wanna let her go
>As soon as I feel that, I wake up
> I dont even feel angry or depressed, if anything I felt happy, happy I got to feel that.
>Go about my day like nothing happened but, still feeling happy

What the fuck happened guys? I dont even like Haachama for fuck sake, am I finally going schizo? Have the fucking rrats poisoned me?

>> No.7786841

Stop being an underaged faggot. Jerk off or something. Do your homework. Mow the lawn. You aren't funny.

>> No.7786914
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>> No.7786925

Im not trying to be funny.

>> No.7786945

>am I finally going schizo? Have the fucking rrats poisoned me?
Yes you are. Go back to wherever you came from.

>> No.7786969
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>> No.7787186

Had similar one but with Mio. Lot shorter but it still felt good in heart after waking up.
I rarely even watching Mio

>> No.7787303
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I feel you, OP. Never had a dream about my oshi, but I keep dreaming about Kanatan in various different scenarios. None of them erotic or funny, I just keep seeing her dealing with real shit. It's starting to make me like her more.

>> No.7787382

Take your meds

>> No.7787465


>> No.7787507
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You feel it too...

>> No.7787747
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I know that feeling

>> No.7787877

Got a dream where kiara's roommate was my gf. Shit was weird since I don't watch kiara's roommate and barely watch kiara's stream or clip. Got curious since then and began to watch more kiara's stream.

>> No.7788270

Im not even into dancing so the entire dream was out of place for me

>> No.7788461

I didnt know I could feel that bro...

>> No.7789140


>> No.7789367

I had a dream with Miko
>I'm on my deathbed for some reason
>Miko comes in to take my virginity because apparently it's her responsibility as shrine maiden
>She starts riding me in cowgirl position
>She screams COME ON MAN
>I cum and wake up
pants ruined, psyche ruined

>> No.7790833

last time i had a chuuba dream it was me having sex with ina in a post apocalyptic world.

>> No.7790887
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I had a dream I was watching a shitty film about a girl who's a Nazi cosplayer and at one point there's a sex scene and the actress had a tattoo of Gura with the caption "This is a child" above her titty

>> No.7791153

>>She screams COME ON MAN
Audibly laughed

>> No.7791193

How do I lucid dream?

>> No.7791257

>Selen and I were friends and we were just hanging out after her stream.
I don't know why I had this dream.

>> No.7791956
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a few months ago i had a dream where i was rushia's manager. i don't really remember what happened other than me trying to talk to her in english and her just replying with "i have no idea what you just said" and then left
i need serious help

>> No.7792166

>YWN use your dying breath to impregnate Sakura Miko
why even live

>> No.7792169

I had a really, really intense vtuber dream where I was riding a motorcycle up a wide, infinitely-long indoor staircase, with red carpets and everything, while a few vtubers (Marine, Aki, Fubuki, Botan) were running or flying alongside me, with this as background music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUfU1gKln6M
We were following (chasing?) Coco Kaichou, and eventually we broke through the top (or side?) of the building at the end of the staircase...
But then dream logic kicked in. I don't know how, but we landed back on another staircase and it over started again.

I woke up feeling very energized.

>> No.7792172

Look for things that are slightly off but not that much. A light bulb that was working just fine the night before but doesn't now. Question it. Ask yourself it this is a dream. Now you have control.
>How do I look for it if I'm not in control?
You don't, at least not actively. But just by having this knowledge, if this specific scene repeats in a dream, you'll instantly remember this and go through the steps naturally.

>> No.7792286

>lay here
Fucking ESL. He is LYING there, not laying. Remember, you need two to get LAID, and only one to LIE.

>> No.7792320

No schizo is when you think your dream had anything to do with Haachama. As it stands all that happened was you accepted some part of yourself that you probably felt was socially unacceptable.
That'll be $500.

>> No.7792357

Mostly what >>7792172 said. Also if you can, keep a brief dream journal. Keep a notepad near your bed and any time you wake up (middle of the night, morning, whatever), just jot down 1-2 sentences or details from the dream. Review it once a week or something. Once you learn some patterns to your dream logic, it is more likely that you will recognize you are in a dream.

I learned lucid dream in order to intervene when I have car-crash nightmares. It has been mostly successful.

>> No.7792510
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In high school I read a lot about lucid dreaming and was trying to train myself on it and never succeeded. Over a decade later I became lucid in a dream after being shot at while fleeing (a frequent circumstance in my dreams since I was a kid), but in my panicked, half-lucid state I still perceived the danger as real even though I knew it was a dream so I willed myself awake to escape.
I usually keep myself too stoned to dream at night so I probably won't get another opportunity

>> No.7792593
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The first time I had a chuuba dream was with Mimi (Shiromiya Mimi)
It was in some really fucked up future world where people were injecting all kinds of shit in to themselves, extreme plastic surgery was the norm, and Mimi actually looked like Mimi.
Rather funnily, the other Mimi, Tosaki Mimi, was also there.
Weirdly, Shiromiya Mimi was wearing a hoodie EXTREMELY similar to the hoodie SHE JUST GOT. I had this dream LAST YEAR.
The major difference with the dream hoodie is the border of the hood was more stylized instead of plain color, and there was a border across the middle, some pattern i forgot that was similar to her old outfit.
Mimis related.

>> No.7792713
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>>She screams COME ON MAN

>> No.7792736

Only had a lucid dream once, it wasn't a dangerous situation or anything, but my retarded ass had the genius idea of testing if it was a dream by trying to wake up.
I've been regretting it ever since.

>> No.7794422

>even though I knew it was a dream so I willed myself awake to escape.
I did that the first time too, but out of excitement. I got so excited/worked up that I guess some body/brain system that triggers wakefulness decided "Oh, that's my cue!"

>> No.7795074

Big kek

>> No.7795400

I've had 3 dreams of sharing an apartment with Mori, who, while i like, is my least favorite EN
>Two Floor apartment, my room is upstairs, Mori is set up downstairs
>Set around Christmas
>Heading out to go shopping, Mori, just chillin on the couch stops me and asks if I wanna hang
>"S-sorry I'm going shopping"
>"Oh, okay bro, no worries no worries
>I wake up when I leave the apartment
One thing about dream Mori is that she's fucking huge, like 6'7"

>still winter time
>Mori not home
>bring a girl home and up to my room
>start making out and undressing
>suddenly Mori opens my door
>"OH, sorry my dude, I just wanted to see if you wanted to play a game, haha, sorry to interupt!"
>She fingerguns her way out the door
>wake up

>Mori comes up to get me while I'm working on something
>"Okay, Anon. You lost the bet, I'm about to stream. You know what I want you to do
>Apparently, I made some kind of bet with Mori, and lost. My punishment? I had to eat out her ass for the entirety of a stream
>Go down stairs, she's sitting backwards in a chair at her computer, no pants on
>Well, a deal's a deal. I get to work. There's no odor or flavor.
>An hour later, she ends stream. She gets up, takes off the rest of her clothes, walks over to the couch, sits down and spreads her pussy
>"So, you wanna.. do it?"
>my alarm irl starts going off
>Sorry, gotta go to work.
>Wake up

I dont ever have lewd/sex dreams but the 2nd and 3rd Mori dreams were extremely sexual. She's not my type in the looks department either. I don't get it.

>> No.7795984

