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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77857761 No.77857761 [Reply] [Original]

Walking her Senpai Edition

[Current and Upcoming Streams]
This week's schedules:

[Gen 1: Indulge]
▶ Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Links: https://x.com/AzuraDulait/status/1791938353182454001
>NSFW Twitter: https://x.com/AzuraDulaitNSFW
>Cover Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ts6Cy_l_pfQ
▶ Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Links: https://x.com/IceySnowpaws/status/1791936481902133333
>NSFW Twitter: https://x.com/IceySnowNSFW
>Cover Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3un18JPeNo
▶ Immy Bisou - Little Sis
>Links: https://x.com/ImmyBisou/status/1792283859628798027
>NSFW Twitter: https://x.com/ImmyBisouNSFW
>Cover Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmyo1Lng8Bo
▶ Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Links: https://x.com/MercyModiste/status/1791955518627438592
>NSFW Twitter: https://x.com/ModisteNSFW
>Cover Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNz4Q9PHg8Y
▶ Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Links: https://x.com/ShibiCottonbum/status/1791928658283630863
>NSFW Twitter: https://x.com/ShibiNSFW
>Cover Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic0ZXAedsU0
▶ Stronny Cuttles - It's Nice to be Back
>Links: https://x.com/StronnyCuttles/status/1791948623217102910
>NSFW Twitter: https://x.com/StronnyNSFW
>Cover Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6ljJwjCQj0

[VAllure Official Links]
>Website: https://www.vallure-agency.com/
>Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@VAllure
>Twitter: https://x.com/VAllureOfficial
>Notification ONLY Discord: discord.gg/zPCvmm84BV

[Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive]

[FAQ for Tourists]
▶ What is VAllure?
>The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo. Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
▶ Where will the content be?
>YouTube - Most likely kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
>Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
>fansly - allowed but not encouraged. None yet.
▶ Will they masturbate on stream?
>It's up to girls how degenerate they want to be while skirting TOS. Don't expect it yet though.
▶ Is this the green lady corpo?
>Yes, listen to the trailer.
▶ Do we know who joined?
>Yes, but we don't wish to discuss past lives here. If you really want to know, look in the archive.
▶ Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
>Yes, all of them, with me.

Previous thread >>77839691

>> No.77857853

Shibi love <3

>> No.77857860
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>> No.77857874
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Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!

>> No.77857872

Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!

>> No.77857875
File: 41 KB, 149x144, 111874668487877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Strontistic wife and her daughters!

>> No.77857880

I love Stronny so much

>> No.77857887


>> No.77857900
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I love my Strontistic wife and her daughters!

>> No.77857912
File: 1.61 MB, 463x6775, stronny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77857963

I really, really wish that they didn't have chat on their stream so I could forget it exists entirely by closing the chat window.

>> No.77857997

>Icey is at the perfect time for my eu-ass
>Streams are kino
>lost all interest in watching her because I find her tweets cringe
Life is pain

>> No.77857998
File: 203 KB, 500x773, don&#039;t make me tap the sign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77858003


>> No.77858047

that friend? me

>> No.77858053
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reminder to use the tools available to you

>> No.77858078
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don't steal my ritual post

>> No.77858106
File: 3.76 MB, 1728x720, 1694010896215155.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breaking my oath and going full gosling for icey

>> No.77858112

Need to supplement this with the Stronny clip from earlier today

>> No.77858120

Is Mercy taking stuff in marshmallow for her upcoming advice stream? Also is it too late to send in my entry at this time?

>> No.77858158

You arent asking samey Maros, are youu HaremAnons?

>> No.77858169

Genuine question, how much would it cost to groom these girls? And if that's not an option, how much would it cost for some small-ish indie?

>> No.77858227

Anon, the whores groom you

>> No.77858278
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>> No.77858297
File: 3.82 MB, 920x1080, stronny addresses the grooming allegations[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fixacii.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77858310

>groom these girls
they groom you for free
>small-ish indie
free if you're suave enough

>> No.77858329
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A fresh warm bread shibi is love

>> No.77858334

its less about money and knowing what their vulnerabilities are. some streamers are vulnerable to the guilt and feeling of obligation that comes from showering donations, but honestly i dont think that applies to anyone here.

>> No.77858361

Here, the whores(affectionate) groom *you*

>> No.77858395

>Stronny rapping Tupac

>> No.77858407

groomers are lame

>> No.77858418

>The tweets filtered (you)
Really? Elaborate.

>> No.77858425
File: 121 KB, 786x1063, 1696260817890373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a fucking second

>> No.77858424

I am just here for the show if the most anti-unicorn vtuber in existence creates the biggest unicorn/coomer company. Out of getting cucked by vshojo,nijisanji,phase connect, hololive and idol corps I shall still support her.

>> No.77858430

Anons I come to you all a humble man. I just got home from work has there been any subspace moments from mommeh?

>> No.77858481

I don't think so. I don't send anything like omg please dom me and insult my pp size or whatever.
If I'm sending something horny I actually try to linguifilliate it a little.

>> No.77858487

for me, it's mercy modiste

>> No.77858489

Go back like 25 minutes in the stream

>> No.77858503

No grooming here bro, though /asp/ is right around the corner...

>> No.77858580
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It's me Senpai! I love Mercy!

>> No.77858584
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Kouhai live

yeah she said it will be coming from the maros

>> No.77858632

Ah...so it begins, skinwalker.

>> No.77858661

Her love is a bit... heavy to say the least. Just not my thing.

>> No.77858747

Fair enough. I'm going for the ride. Hopefully it doesn't crash.

>> No.77858774

Not everyone is strong enough to handle her love don’t worry anon we’ll take care of her

>> No.77858777

>debut week
>On cloud 9, cooming a lot, heart full, balls empty
>Watching Stronny's stream, wanna kill myself and crying, don't even know why

Any name for this mental illness?

>> No.77858791
File: 58 KB, 850x539, mywifeiceysnowpaws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The snow is deep on the ground.
Always the light falls
Softly down on the hair of my beloved.

>> No.77858811 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.77858846

bipolar maybe? iunno i ain't a shrink, dog. you might wanna talk to a real quack and get your wig checked out, dig?

>> No.77858875

Bi-polar disorder?
Coom deficiency disorder?

>> No.77858878

what was that one anon's guess about the powerwash simulator stream theme?

>> No.77858939

sexy car wash?

>> No.77858951

I am diagnosed with chronic depression, but my diagnosis doesn't cover this right now...

>> No.77858982

sexy powerwashing business because VAllure wasn't making enough money so they had to resort to drastic measures

>> No.77858991


>> No.77859003

probably something similar to sub drop
>It's an emotional and physical low, that begins anywhere from a few hours to a few days after an emotional/endorphin high and can last hours to weeks. The specific term sub-drop comes from the kink community, because it's typically experienced by submissive individuals after an intense scene

>> No.77859022

Kino storyboard.

>> No.77859023

is her name just feesh now?

>> No.77859052

its prob a depressive episode, just take your meds if you have some or go to the doc if they're not helping

>> No.77859133


>> No.77859132

Well Vallure might have been an outside stimuli that got you out of that rut temporarily, but the brainworms caught up to you. I'm not a dentist, so I don't know how to cure you. You should seek professional assistance in some way.

>> No.77859135
File: 45 KB, 1024x616, 68DE4570-D013-4F5B-8584-61D628559074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take breaks homie unironically touch grass. You’ll be alright buddy.

>> No.77859235

Sounds like it

I'm not on meds, I got weaned off after "finishing" therapy, they told me my brain has permanent morphological changes and this is part of my life now

Before debuts was actually fairly alright

Gonna go lift in a few hours

>> No.77859248

Azura still waiting for her monetization?

>> No.77859290

Did Shibi confirm she got monetized on her stream today?

>> No.77859324

they said 4/6, I am assuming immy and azura are the ones waiting because they both had videos taken down

>> No.77859329

Fuck bro, that sucks. Exercise is your best bet then, natural dopamine hits and healthy to boot. You got it.

>> No.77859333


>> No.77859382

Damn dude, that sucks. I've been having success with jogging in the afternoons, I'm doing a zero-to-5k schedule thing

>> No.77859398

>permanent morphological changes
so they should've given you meds to offset the changes, not just "welp sucks to suck ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
it's good that you're at least lifting, helps a lot

>> No.77859438

>cum in rice
what did Mercy mean by this?

>> No.77859477

Mercy really needs a BGM

>> No.77859492

Get an extra set in for me brother

>> No.77859498
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>can see my messages in mercy's on screen chat
oh god I hope it's over, missing the monetization stream would have sucked

>> No.77859564

Welcome back to chat, anon_____

>> No.77859622
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>> No.77859666

soulless garbage corpo

>> No.77859695

not mercy too.......

>> No.77859707

brapfags winning

>> No.77859720 [SPOILER] 
File: 888 KB, 1060x939, wtfis this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets monetized
>starts streaming naked
WTF Stronny control your children!

>> No.77859742

Nice depression story. Did you know I farted?

>> No.77859760

My Kouhai can't be this smug.

>> No.77859770


>> No.77859849

I mean it's a pretty funny way to get across that no one actually remembers the weird shit you do or making them uncomfortable, so don't worry about it

>> No.77859856

Her glasses are going fucking crazy

>> No.77859887

I must be repetitive since I haven't had a shibi reply for a while. Either that or maybe she doesn't like that dumb "send to top of inbox" thing. I can't turn it off on my account, it's stupid.

>> No.77859919

Mercy's glasses asset should be the same as the ones from her lore video.

>> No.77859993

I think they rotate 90 degrees whenever she blinks

>> No.77860029

You sure about that? I don't have premium but I'm pretty sure send to top is a checkbox you can un-tick when you send the maro.

>> No.77860039

Yeah, just hopefully the asker gets that.

>> No.77860070

I just want one sniff of Mercy.
Is that really too hard to ask?

>> No.77860106

i wish I could smell Mercy's eyepatch

>> No.77860123

Mercy news: she doesn't mind facial hair, as long as it's managed.
2nd Mercy news: she thinks beard hair is the same as her pubes in texture.

>> No.77860139

I would kiss Mercy's bush,

>> No.77860158

Mercy has yet to rip one on stream like Shibi and Immy. Stronny hasn't either but she said she recorded herself laughing at ripping ass.

>> No.77860161
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Yeah, it's greyed out and when I try to unselect it it asks me to buy premium.

>> No.77860182

I would kiss down there as long as its Mercy even if its hairy

>> No.77860195

>shaven pits

>> No.77860214

>mercy lasered off her armpit hair

>> No.77860258

>smooth armpits

>> No.77860297

Damn, that's poor design.

>> No.77860324

holy fuck my COCK has never been harder

>> No.77860339

Mercy dancing to phut hon with smooth pits uoh...

>> No.77860354
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>> No.77860361

this feels weirdly intimate without the BGM I really like it

>> No.77860364

Mercy's perfectly smooth pits...

>> No.77860421

Wait we get Bionicles?

>> No.77860426
File: 134 KB, 300x300, MercyModiste_2024-06-11_03-29-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77860431

>she gave me bionicles
yep I'm staying in this cage forever

>> No.77860459


>> No.77860466


>> No.77860480
File: 70 KB, 752x1024, 1696499219981573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mercy is most merciful

>> No.77860531

I would kiss Mercy down there especially if she was hairy

It's fucking over.....

>> No.77860591

She still has a bush though right? Please.

>> No.77860636

Left it to imagination.
I choose to believe yes

>> No.77860641

I hate women so goddamn much

>> No.77860795

yeah bro did you not see it in the corner of your cage?

>> No.77860806

pussy on mercy stream

>> No.77860813

[Mercy News]
talking cat on stream

>> No.77860820
File: 552 KB, 1426x1114, 1712376116080445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay mercy mogged, I found my new oshi

>> No.77860824


>> No.77860843

Mercy news: she is a cat.

>> No.77860869


>> No.77860885

didnt an anon ask about bionicles in this thread yesterday

>> No.77860889

A cat is fine, too...

>> No.77860928

Cute, rather small tho.

>> No.77860950

Um, Mercy made it clear this is her friend. Mercy is busy prepping to kill the asker for wanting other girls.

>> No.77860980

Oh shit my bad. The edge of the blanket was covering the box. She must have put it in while I was sleeping.

>> No.77860993

A cat is fine too

>> No.77861001

Chronic depression anon here, just wanted to let you guys know I miss mummeh...

>> No.77861082
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>> No.77861096

This is a fun and cute way to wildly break kayfaybe. Obviously Mercy drops it a lot but it would probably be too immersion breaking to answer this seriously but also maybe a little too mean to just in character dismiss it.

>> No.77861150

Yeah she probably predicted a question like this would be asked. That is a really smart way to get around it.
Well done Mercy if you read this later!

>> No.77861334

god Mercy is so cute bros

>> No.77861337

god damn retarded senpai we are so fucked

>> No.77861370

lots of Mercy oshi marks in the chat

>> No.77861406

Can't Senpais stay loyal?

>> No.77861418

I would only break out of the cage to spoon with Mercy at night and then climb back in before her parents woke up
Also, nice get

>> No.77861420
File: 54 KB, 512x512, steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ex

>> No.77861549

Purple bush...

>> No.77861650

Im sorry but getting Mercy jealous just gets me hard

>> No.77861686

holy shit I was not expecting that

>> No.77861891

burpfags BTFO

>> No.77861912

>mutes burp
c'est fini...

>> No.77861946

Mercy news: she (and I, Ryan Gosling) lives with her parents

>> No.77862009

oh you actually can hear them moving plates/dishes around at times

>> No.77862036

>Voicing audio porn while living with her parents
Damn, she's got some cojones

>> No.77862074

and no door

>> No.77862076

Couldn't imagine living with my mother, I'd go crazy, got out of there as soon as I could.
Mercy's parents must be nice.

>> No.77862099
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>doorless house

>> No.77862118

>she's got some cojones
Yea, mine.

>> No.77862181

oh for fuck sake

>> No.77862210

I'm going to save her

>> No.77862255

We spoke too soon

>> No.77862271

fuck you niel

>> No.77862557

what's the Patreon split like?

>> No.77862632

12% base down to as low as 5% for the Patreon cut it seems.

>> No.77862635

well I mean if you made all of your money in memberships and you made 500 dollars, assuming VAllure takes the 20% after youtube takes their 30%, you make 275 off of that
a little bit better, but you lose more on superchats over bits since the buyer pays the extra cost on bits similar to chaturbate tokens

>> No.77862838

---Mercy News---
I just cooked to mercy's patreon asmr. Countdowns always do it for me.

>> No.77862879

I need to save my kouhai...

>> No.77862899


>> No.77862936

Anon, you're cooked.

>> No.77862946
File: 125 KB, 921x839, 1703122735690456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a very Stronny-coded countdown, each number supplemented with a new line teasing and egging you on harder and harder, I loved it.

>> No.77862960

*cooks on you*

>> No.77862995
File: 201 KB, 342x380, cooms on you[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fyibqzx.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77863005

It's alright.
We'll let you cook.
No need to shout.

>> No.77863008

Probably why I liked it
t. reefling

>> No.77863277

What girl to listen to while making some chili con carne?
Who do you listen to while cooking?

>> No.77863286
File: 499 KB, 185x138, cuddlescooms.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77863411

what a weird question to choose

>> No.77863419

we have a coworker among us

>> No.77863464


>> No.77863471
File: 751 KB, 1896x948, 1713443662694958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like a gutteral reaction every single time you see it

>> No.77863476

Whoever's live at the time usually

>> No.77863486

It's mercover

>> No.77863514

Kouhai doesn't trust us... ;_;

>> No.77863558

I don't blame her

>> No.77863568

icey coming here scares me enough, even if I think stronny, shibi, and immy can handle it

>> No.77863591

reddit won...

>> No.77863597

>Mercy's not reading the thread, that means she'll never know that I want to kiss and cuddle her at night until we both fall asleep in each other's embrace
It's so fucking over

>> No.77863629

Mercy, ask us for advice instead

>> No.77863641

You should not be trusting anyone here if it was not obvious already

>> No.77863663 [DELETED] 


>> No.77863703

Le dangerous hacker 4chins

>> No.77863706

I don't trust you

>> No.77863716

I think it gets to Immy sometimes. Immy you're cute and good, stop being one guy'd you baka

>> No.77863765

Given 40% of any given thread is talking about sending cum tributes that seems to be a sensible response.

>> No.77863788

Why should I trust you? And why should you trust me to not trust you?

>> No.77863819

lmao what a fucking loser
I'm definitely not telling Mercy about this post

>> No.77863835

nyantaro is my kamioshi

>> No.77863854

Is this a Cyprus phone number

>> No.77863918

Just tuned in. This is the first time I've watched Mercy after debut.

>> No.77863922

this advice kind of sucks...

>> No.77863946
File: 1.25 MB, 1449x1080, koishilook2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77863973

Don't worry, I'll cuddle her womb a bit extra tonight to cheer her up.

>> No.77863990

koishi stream NOW

>> No.77864034
File: 812 KB, 1280x720, Gigglemesh [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdoh0d6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77864077

Why do you say that, anon?

>> No.77864106

mercy is a real pro

>> No.77864252

talking both you and your oshi changing and oshihening as a result of that feels like a misreading of idol culture and slightly ominous

>> No.77864302

This should be the response any time someone talks about cheating on Mercy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsJc2ZhbXIg

>> No.77864323

she's saying that vtubers change too and it's absolutely a valid reason to not watch them anymore if they do

>> No.77864340

An avtuber being too sensitive to look at le heckin 4chin is kinda worrying. Especially since I've worse takes on twitter where she's actually active.

>> No.77864418

man some of these questions suck like she is supposed to be your yandere gf and fags keep sending "how do i get gf" like please fuck off

>> No.77864421

19 daily tributes left. I WILL be free of microplastics

>> No.77864431

I get that, and it feels wrong because that wasn't really what the question was about. It was more that the viewer themselves were changing. Her bringing up vtubers changing just feels foreboding.

>> No.77864508

she's right, though. shackling yourself to a has-been oshi is a dead end. if you find someone that vibes with you better, it's fine to have a new oshi while still looking back on the good times you had with your old one

>> No.77864519

disliked by...?

>> No.77864554

Anon, you better mentally prepare yourself for when Mercy has to graduate so she can take care of our 3 children

>> No.77864561

This site has a bad name because of a couple of boards, and the random people who spam slurs elsewhere.

>> No.77864576

Mercy is teaching senpais how to groom themselves

>> No.77864722

I totally agree with that part.
Just that mentioning the original oshi changing feels kind of like a gaslight, which would make sense if she was in character and saying it, but switching to the cat to say it feels wrong. I don't want to think about my oshi changing, whether it be my previous oshi or my new oshi.

>> No.77864959

So it's been a week now.
Who surprised you?
Who filtered you?
Whose patreon did you get?

For me it's always been Stronny, but Shibi did surprise me. I'm not a sub by any means, more of an 80-20 switch, but she's just so entertaining.
Love Immy's kinks, Azura's voice makes me tingle and Mercy's audios are QUALITY. Wish Azura was more lewd, but she's fine. Also wish Mercy was hairier.
I subbed to all the girls on patreon.
Icey filtered me due to multiple reasons. As a slav I have encountered a few girls like that and it's a bit much for me. Love the piss though.

>> No.77864973

This is not the kind of advice I expected I love, it's like the other side of gfe

>> No.77865078

[Spoiler]I am too loyalty-pilled. I haven't enjoyed most of my kami-oshi's streams for the last year or so, but the previous two were filled with so much bonding, good/bad times and rags-to-riches comradeship that I feel it's my responsibility to stick by her through this decline of her own making too. She is my Cersei and I am her Jamie.[/Spoiler]

>> No.77865118

Ctrl+s the next time, senpai....

>> No.77865143
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>> No.77865195

I'm phoneposting, which I never do so I forgot the s in spoiler isnt capitalized

>> No.77865262

kuroba ex has a spoiler button

>> No.77865321

That app doesn't work on blue boards anymore, at least for me. Even with a pass.

>> No.77865346
File: 3.77 MB, 720x1058, 1700259904183303.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

milk first is correct
milk and then pour the cereal in as you eat it

>> No.77865347

Just dropped mercy

>> No.77865363

>milk first
she's the most degenerate of the bunch after all

>> No.77865402

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.77865418

the duality of anons

>> No.77865446

>mercy wants me to cum into an empty bowl instead of on the cereal
I am filtered

>> No.77865450

Based truthsayer. Cerealfirsties should be gassed.

>> No.77865448


>> No.77865451

A month...

>> No.77865454

You guys are waking up early enough to eat cereal?

>> No.77865460


>> No.77865471

based I love her now

>> No.77865476

stinky stinky kouhai....
imagine the armpits

>> No.77865492
File: 10 KB, 1578x130, notepad++_FZ5DSAqMUq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>re-transcribe AC stream #2
>do quick quality check
>see picrel
>fuck, it's broken
>check stream source
>she's just singing darude sandstorm.
>the transcript was accurate
i love this precious autist

>> No.77865496


>> No.77865505

Is she me?

>> No.77865543

three days ago...

>> No.77865547

honestly after 2-3 days without showering my hair just kinda starts to feel gross and kind of uncomfortable, that's the main issue for me

>> No.77865551

No wonder she needs all those products...

>> No.77865554

no sweat no problem

>> No.77865555


>> No.77865570

She said she went a month without showering, I am unfiltered

>> No.77865593

just oshi'd mercy

>> No.77865602

kunka kunka
wangy wangy

>> No.77865608

Worse showering habits than Aella wowww

>> No.77865676

>NA weather allows you to go a week without showering

>> No.77865724

The wonders of leafland apparently.

>> No.77865730

She is Asian, they don't have the ability to smell anyway.

>> No.77865742

My uncle has an ex-wife named kat who I'm pretty sure molested me at a young age.

>> No.77865762


>> No.77865763

Imagine how good her puss stinks after a month of fermenting.... I want to die to food poisoning....

>> No.77865777


last time to sign up for LOTB

>> No.77865860

Puss is self cleaning and you aren't meant to clean it out anyway.

>> No.77865894

SEA weather is stupid hot that people can't go one day without showering because they get bad body odor from the sweat.

>> No.77865922

Why are there so many canadian vtubers

>> No.77865928

Canadians dont get real heat, tops of around like 26C there

>> No.77865945

>iconic laugh
>depression history
deja vu

>> No.77865958

I've eaten 4 day unwashed pussy and trust me it doesn't taste like fresh pussy.

>> No.77865978

sex nation

>> No.77866004

Mercy I'm sorry but Tim Hortons SUCKS

>> No.77866022

t. has never smelled unwashed pussy

>> No.77866053

Welfare lets them not need to live hand to mouth so they can be NEET and have the spare time to waste time on streaming.

>> No.77866077

Travel anons, is the hype real, or is Tim Hortans just Leaf Dunkin?

>> No.77866083

High population of English-speaking asian women with literally nothing better to do

>> No.77866104

>she likes Putin

>> No.77866143

The point is that it reaches an equilibrium point pretty quickly where it doesn't get any worse.

>> No.77866196

Whole country is falling apart.

>> No.77866226

Canadian here, their donuts are gross, their breakfast items taste like healthier alternatives to McDonald's breakfast but are barely any better for you at all and their coffee tastes like warm unsalted onions sauce.

>> No.77866258

yup, sounds like Dunkin Donuts

>> No.77866269

>watch yandere avtuber
>she fixes (you)
weird how that works

>> No.77866365

Mercy is starting to realize Yanderes mostly attract lonely shy nerds that hate themselves

>> No.77866368


>> No.77866455

she can fix me

>> No.77866472

shut down the stream before it's too late

>> No.77866528


>> No.77866549 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 768x800, 1718064489212195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the artist previously known as Selen Tatsuki

>> No.77866642

Kronii but purple

>> No.77866652
File: 197 KB, 1268x1170, 1717920593243449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you take that back. don't put that curse on kouhai

>> No.77866721

Just dipping in out of interest, but have any of the girls said they'll do movie streams?

>> No.77866764

The "Mercy..." is almost as useable as "Ina..." so it really just keeps going.

>> No.77866785

Immy is going to watch Avatar the last airbender this week if that counts

>> No.77866840

Stronny said they'll do a Blade Runner 2049 watchalong with all the girls dunno when tho

>> No.77866879

Stronny talked about wanting to watch John Wick during the OSRS stream

>> No.77866894
File: 607 KB, 1318x793, 1695061920790007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77866906


>> No.77866925

Oh yeah and Icey was thinking of watching that too

>> No.77866939

Damn this Mercy stream has been one giant filter for me and it makes me sad because I love her when she’s not breaking kayfabe

>> No.77866940


>> No.77866960

>All those high school bully in the tv shows are real
what the fuck

>> No.77866986 [SPOILER] 
File: 264 KB, 700x694, Welcome aboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thread is dumb as hell, but hey someone made an updated version and that's cool. I wanted to see that happen.

>> No.77866992


>> No.77867008

What filtered you?
I can completely relate to her in my case it was my mother

>> No.77867012
File: 798 KB, 1947x1111, 1711453929864946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really tried of idiots here posting about "getting filtered"

>> No.77867036

Lars and the Real Girl would be more apropos.

>> No.77867047

I will save her...

>> No.77867058
File: 65 KB, 500x359, 1687181454023748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too real Mercy... too real it's also why I stay anonymous on 4chan too

>> No.77867106

her high pitch voice sounds like Timmy Turner heh

>> No.77867111

Why? Is it so weird someone would have different tastes than (You)?

>> No.77867120

I can't get emotionally invested in vtubers until they shake off the debut nerves enough to start opening up/"breaking kayfabe" so I've been loving the past couple days

>> No.77867157

Good, more Mercy for me

>> No.77867166

Stories like Mercy's make me at least a little glad i failed at developing social skills, would rather treat myself like shit than be stabbed in the back

>> No.77867178

No one cares that you got filtered. You don't need to announce how pathetic you are.

>> No.77867179

any time anyone does one single thing they don't like
>god I got SO filtered by this stream I can't watch anymore.......................

>> No.77867203

>What filtered you?
The tangent about twitch/YouTube stats at first, and the talk about real life friends/cons/trust issues/etc. A lot of breaking the illusion of ever getting to be with her which is definitely a downer. on the bright side, we found out she’s stinky and unwashed which is hot

>> No.77867235

Why are you so angry? People are discussing chuubas, nobody is being insulted or anything.

>> No.77867270

Not that anon but I knew a girl who had a similar story (betrayal, abuse, bpd diagnosis) and it brought me back to when I talked to her still. Lead to a bunch of trauma but she did eventually apologize years later.

>> No.77867279

>A lot of breaking the illusion of ever getting to be with her
Why do you think you're in the cage? Obviously trust issues

>> No.77867377
File: 28 KB, 128x128, 1717387245919524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breaking the illusion of ever getting to be with her which is definitely a downer
you're not supposed to actually want whores (affectionate) as gfs
kouhai loves you anyway

>> No.77867406

I've only heard of one vtuber that being recognized had a negative impact on, which is kind of surprising

>> No.77867433

I can't wait to use this emote it is so cute

>> No.77867488

>friends/cons/trust issues/etc
But that's the perfect backstory for a Yandere.

>> No.77867530

I agree with you, everything she's talked about has pretty much thrown the GFE kayfabe out the window. The Yandere stuff has been shoehorned in offhandedly and she's regressed to be like any other vtuber. That and she doesn't seem to be enthusiastic about her lewd content much.

>> No.77867541
File: 155 KB, 1280x1280, 1690153240881312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77867762
File: 166 KB, 1178x1635, 1703442980245063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, can't stand these fickle tards who are ready to have their whole world shattered the moment something is not exactly how they want it

>> No.77867786

>vtuber went to anime cons before becoming a vtuber
kayfabe RUINED GFE RUINED I HATE her now!!!!!!

>> No.77867833

>NA math
Why are NA math teachers such cucks. Let me do it with my own way solving the problem. No wonder most chuubas hate math

>> No.77867873

anon do we have to tap the sign

>> No.77867914

It does work super super well and I hope it is just a convoluted part of the kayfabe, for her sake. No one deserves to go through that.

>> No.77867986

If Americans would be taught math they might accidentality figure out how to be financially responsible and not overdraft multiple credit cards.

>> No.77868021

>Mercy's math classmates were stupid
It's not fair...It should've been me helping her with math.

>> No.77868104
File: 20 KB, 735x108, 1695782513642858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77868109

sorry the math talk turned my brain off

>> No.77868143

>I took a lot of theory things
truely the mind of an academic

>> No.77868169

>Mercy taking law
She's gonna teach us how to get away with murder...

>> No.77868228

>could have a 6 figure job if she wanted to
>Chooses to be a whore
she loves us...

>> No.77868242

yeah, me

>> No.77868256

>be nice
Woman brain.... Being an asshole has netted me more pussy than being nice (which netted me a cheater)

>> No.77868258

Is kouhai one of them high INT low WIS kinda gals?

>> No.77868264

I kinda expected mercy to be more like Icey. More possessive and parasocial with her fanbase.

>> No.77868296

Which girl is the best to have on a second monitor while I'm playing games?

>> No.77868320

Remember previously mentioned mental illinois

>> No.77868327

Shibi, every stream becomes a Zatsu

>> No.77868352

Shibi and Stronny l, yap machines and long streams. I love Stronny like my wife and Shibi like a friend...

>> No.77868397


>> No.77868402

her social INT is probably low

>> No.77868418

The whole agency exists for GFE. What distinguishes these girls if they don't do it?

>> No.77868444

new soundpost

>> No.77868460

>already groomed

>> No.77868466

Just because you do law doesn't meant you'd get a six figure job lol. In fact most law grads can't make it in law at all.

>> No.77868473
File: 1.48 MB, 1126x1191, 1716685139219199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's too late already, you have already been groomed

>> No.77868560

>gfe chuuba give me advice on how to get a gf
Are these people retarded

>> No.77868565

>im in a loving relationship with my Kouhai
Later, virgins

>> No.77868615

The problem is also with Mercy though, she's specifically selected these ones to view on stream. It's not very fun to listen to if you're there for the GFE.

>> No.77868696

>she's specifically selected these
she already had a couple non questions in there, I don't think she curated these as well as she should have

>> No.77868727

>Mercy forcing herself to answer something other than "but you already have me"

>> No.77868728

No offense to Mercy, but holy shit, why did she pick so many literal essays? I don't want to hear some dude's fucking life story, I am here to hear her say dumb nonsense and laugh at it.

>> No.77868776


>> No.77868828

probably picked a couple at random without reading them and hoped that they were interesting enough for the stream

>> No.77868876

It's almost definitely the opposite. She wants to answer these questions but the yandere stuff is holding her back.

>> No.77868907


>> No.77868940

She'd have to make sure it's not NSFW so there'd be at least some cursory reading of them.

>> No.77868991

Why is a social recluse giving advice on friendships....

>> No.77869034

the one-eyed is the king among the blind, or something

>> No.77869037

anyone have Azura OP ideas
we went through 300 posts fast...

>> No.77869046

because she's not a social recluse lol

>> No.77869070


>> No.77869111

I want to send Immy a nut video with sound, but I don't think there is enough time before she goes to sleep

>> No.77869181

I have something

>> No.77869236

Edge and build up for a good one tomorrow or later, you impatient fuck. She'd probably appreciate a good one, not one you rush out.

>> No.77869243

I'm beginning to understand why Mercy streamed for 3 years and was never been monetized...

>> No.77869250

Faundla Bosom

>> No.77869263

Her advice is shit
>You are autismal and mentally ill?
>Reduce your support network to 2 people you can REALLY trust
>Also I got betrayed by a friend so I don't trust them

>> No.77869342

She had monetization on twitch but never the higher tiers from what I understood.

>> No.77869343


>> No.77869362

she is supposed to be giving shitty advice so i guess it counts

>> No.77869366

Anon if your asking a 2d whore for life advice. The advice is going to be shit. You shouldn't have your hopes up.

>> No.77869371


>> No.77869395

usually the threads at this hour aren't this shit

>> No.77869403



>> No.77869448

What if she picked these maros because the others were somehow worse?

>> No.77869462


>> No.77869482

Because she wants to answer them. She doesn't want to answer anything spicy because she's not comfortable with them.

>> No.77869490

Thank fuck this shit is over.
Mercy is cute as always out of 10.
Questions are shit out of 10.

>> No.77869501

>Have better quality friends over quantity
Sound advice, don't be popularity-chasing fag.

>> No.77869519

I feel like you think these things are somehow contradictory but they are not at all, getting betrayed by a trusted friend does not make you want to go out and suddenly start depending on more people.

>> No.77869535

Point is that she actually is not that interesting. If not for VAllure/GFE, she probably would be a 1view.

>> No.77869552

they are just like me frfr

>> No.77869580
File: 297 KB, 500x773, 1697078445556503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77869611
File: 371 KB, 595x499, Tap it[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6kfige.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a tap the sign sound you can steal for that

>> No.77869623

But her advice is specific to her situation, it's not born of wisdom, but trauma

>> No.77869642
File: 37 KB, 784x142, 1708229180771260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell happened to your link mummeh

>> No.77869665

point and laugh...

>> No.77869667

I fucked it point and laugh

>> No.77869722
File: 371 KB, 595x499, Tap it[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6kfige.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to fix it for you, let's see

>> No.77869734


>> No.77869745


>> No.77869766
File: 1.70 MB, 726x758, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1r4qef.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over
I'm sorry

>> No.77869782

bait used to be audible

>> No.77869795

been gone for a week is there wet pussy audio yet? like really wet

>> No.77869796

reeftards can't into soundposts...

>> No.77869809

>dont get too attached

>> No.77869837

in my defense anon's audio file is fucked, not the soundpost link

>> No.77869842

I mean, that actually is good advice.

>> No.77869841

>yandere tells you not to get too attached
What was even the point of using the cat for kayfabe breaking answers?

>> No.77869851

>it's not born of wisdom, but trauma
That's how you learn from your mistakes so you don't do it again. You learn to sniff out people with bad intentions

>> No.77869860

ADHD flared up tried to make Mercy's emblem cuz it sounded like she'd like something like that. And I am a dum who forgot that white on white is not a great thing to take a pic...oh well

>> No.77869867
File: 485 KB, 692x552, im retard[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fj1n8za.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this doesn't work I'm gonna kill myself

>> No.77869881

coming from a yandere character?

>> No.77869897
File: 145 KB, 945x2048, 1698328267875699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit first out of corpo raid
and she was afk

>> No.77869911

good boy

>> No.77869936
File: 67 KB, 200x200, 1718028408979790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77869951

you live another day

>> No.77869993

>from a yandere character
That makes the advice more genuine

>> No.77870002

yeah not for kayfabe of course

>> No.77870033

what was immys oshi mark again?

>> No.77870059

I kinda see what you mean but I hope she continues to do well.

>> No.77870075

jack-o-lantern, band aid

>> No.77870172

I was too confident in my ability to make soundposts to not check my work and I flew too close to the sun.
I fucked up the cut on the sound whoops
Goodnight /vag/gots and /vag/inas

>> No.77870185
File: 665 KB, 3024x4032, 20240611_011314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77870242

you have my screams

>> No.77870306

How did you manage to cum in that shape?

>> No.77870307
File: 885 KB, 646x1156, 1704001933071145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immy has a new short as of some hours ago, giver her a view!

>> No.77870350

high fiber diet

>> No.77870904
File: 3.09 MB, 2560x1440, Sir Lady Knight Tobs, Baker of Bread, Displaying Freshly Baked Bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

