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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77820022 No.77820022 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>77743308

#1: All ES vtuber are allowed (except envidiositas)

>> No.77820138
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this little brat?
my gf

>> No.77820173

Anal ragefuck Sylvie for a month nonstop to correct her shitty brat attitude.
Tender missionary sex with Runne for the purpose of procreation, until menopause kicks in.

>> No.77820203
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>> No.77820490

>missionary sex with Runne
That's too mild for her, she wants it rough, three times a day

>> No.77820600

I always forget she has a halo since she's such a succubus

>> No.77820840

Integrated lube dispenser...

>> No.77821093

CowAivy is canon

>> No.77821377

we know puchy
btw its too late to try to play subtle now

>> No.77821989


>> No.77822786
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>> No.77822998

both generals look like made by 10 year olds what the fuck

>> No.77823224
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> new yuu song

>> No.77823553

Good to see you alive Yuu Anon

>> No.77824016

my IRL gf oshi is streaming
she cucked me

>> No.77824378

See troll threads, not using them
simple as

>> No.77824559

>pedophile endorsement thread
Neck yourself subhuman
Real thread migrate now

>> No.77824671

they should put no groomers of all girls not only sylvie fucking shitter

>> No.77824970


>> No.77825000

why must sylvie groomers are argies?

>> No.77825185 [DELETED] 


>> No.77825286


>> No.77825315


>> No.77825327


>> No.77825634

Post wachifurras

>> No.77825800


>> No.77825850

>no sylvie
Nishadowns are desperate kek

>> No.77826176


>> No.77826212
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Yamu Picasso

>> No.77826331
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segs therapy

>> No.77827023
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>> No.77827549

Who is this erudita?

>> No.77827659

She's Aurora

>> No.77828038

How can other hags even compete?

>> No.77829041



>> No.77829150

Finally. I can see my wife and our bratty little daughter.

>> No.77830724

Twitch keeps digging it's grave lmao

>> No.77831727

God I wanna impregnate both and ruin their genetics.

>> No.77831941

>Pussy (puchy) wacala
lmao based sylvie

>> No.77831989

Get fucked Eruschizo lmao

>> No.77832035


>> No.77832231

Can’t wait for a surprise extensible tomorrow

>> No.77832275

Is that something bad?

>> No.77832612

She doesn't have the ovaries

>> No.77832859

Not like she should, Shura did nothing wrong

>> No.77833760

What's going on?

>> No.77834010

You're really looking for (You)s in both threads, huh. I wonder how much of a shitter you are in other generals.

>> No.77834632

Anime talk

>> No.77835233

Sylvie love

>> No.77835257

Let it die

>> No.77835436

Hey Ren how are you?

>> No.77835503

both threads?

>> No.77835556

kys ren

>> No.77835874

Seethe and cope Puchy

>> No.77835919

He's been shitting up the jew thread

>> No.77836418

Then this thread might be usable for a while

>> No.77837413

she will betray you

>> No.77837828

She won't

>> No.77838047
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>> No.77838126

Feed her some burgers

>> No.77838630
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>> No.77839032

Nice, now take her to an amusement park

>> No.77840935


>> No.77842819

loli liek borgar

>> No.77842961

More burguers!!

>> No.77844965
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>> No.77846284
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>> No.77847193


>> No.77847875

She promised a full Enya cosplay

>> No.77848263 [DELETED] 


>> No.77848351

kek so she was baiting

>> No.77848736
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Someone give her this cap

>> No.77848844
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>> No.77848907
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he's so lucky...

>> No.77849481 [DELETED] 

yea me

>> No.77849727

why is that renato obsessed faggot back wtf

>> No.77849803

Man.. I wish i have a gf that can give me drawings… i feel so fucking alone.

>> No.77849874 [DELETED] 

Lmao that nigger cucked sylvie with tona and another girl
she sure is la mas cucksita

>> No.77850100 [DELETED] 

I would cuck anya too Renato is based

>> No.77850314

I envy pushy so much...

kys puchy

>> No.77850355

hi pushit

>> No.77850665 [DELETED] 

based Sylvie mocking unicorns and grommers

>> No.77851001 [DELETED] 

she should reconcile with renato and forgive his infidelity, then drop all the vtuber thing and she would be finally free and happy

>> No.77851074


>> No.77851102 [DELETED] 

>la mas cuckeadita

>> No.77851268 [DELETED] 

The worst thing is that this would be the perfect solution

>> No.77851419

you wish renacuajo

>> No.77851528

god i wish i were ren

>> No.77851541

Hi renacuajo

>> No.77851634

Renacuajo should have killed himself just like pajero-kun did that would have been the perfect solution

>> No.77851705

puchy is so lucky...

>> No.77851759

puchy you will never be ren

>> No.77851958 [DELETED] 

and why? he cucked anya then fucked her best friend, and until this day anya still cry for him and wants him back kek

>> No.77852048

Honestly, if I saw him irl I would kill him, scum like him are a danger to society.

>> No.77852092


>> No.77852200

he’s so based

>> No.77852518

you are a mentally ill autistic faggot.

>> No.77852672

This is what just one shitter can do, you can notice is a lot less posts than when we have raids.

>> No.77853025 [DELETED] 

>y tu qn chota sos jaja
>puchi wakatela
she knows what you did puchi

>> No.77853068

i don't know man, i'm sure whe have some resident shitters, but for some reason they are not here today

>> No.77853171 [DELETED] 

And yet she's still there sucking his cock lmao

>> No.77853244

They're in the jew thread today

>> No.77853280

unironically i really envy that fag
imagine having a gf like ru
irl loli
give you draws
is funny
is rich
just like a dream
and then you go, and cuck her. Literally a retard.

>> No.77853283

And neither were that active yesterday, thread didn't even reach bump limit. Meanwhile we have a streak of multiple threads reaching around 450 replies before that.

>> No.77853286

What do you expect from a girl with such a low selfsteem? that renato nigga ruined her kek

>> No.77853466

this... this is really weird
not to be shitter but, isnt suspicious that all the girls disappeared because "they have some urgency to deal with"? and ruby is literally mia since 08/06

>> No.77853492

is just that today the other resident shitter is not posting, with luck he got run over by a bus

>> No.77853608

>literally mia since 08/06
>2 days

>> No.77853614
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>> No.77853753

you dont find suspicious that a girl with activity every day went mia for 2 whole days without any advice? ._.

>> No.77854262

pat pat pat get happy get happy

>> No.77854519 [DELETED] 

plap plap plap plap plap plap pregnant get pregnant

>> No.77854593
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>> No.77854600

i miss you so much renato

>> No.77854798 [DELETED] 

don't worry babe you'll soon be able to travel to Mexico on your break summer

>> No.77854812

They can go cry about it to the jew thread. Last time people here helped those girls we ended up stepping stones.

>> No.77854822

but he cant

>> No.77854894 [DELETED] 


>> No.77854905

>the ones behind these attacks are the guardiatroons
Color me surprised.
Also kys duck.

>> No.77854981

Offtopic >>>/jidf/

>> No.77855221

but eru is streaming papers, please tomorrow, the schedule was made weeks ago
also she said extensible is going to be in july, she said that months ago

>> No.77855281

Ren is so lucky

Wassup Ren

>> No.77855342


>> No.77855610


>> No.77857015
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>> No.77857423
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>Sylvie did the coop with disconnected joystick trick to Runne
This fucking brat

>> No.77857424

What's this offtopic?

>> No.77857583
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Where do you come from newfag-kun?

>> No.77857937

Yuri and the guardiafags trying to tarnish Sylvie's name in retaliation for rejecting their troon agency. Today's raid was on them.

>> No.77857944


>> No.77858023
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>> No.77858109

Is Shura talking covertly about agencies or is genuinely a talk about supermarkets

>> No.77858201

She expends a lot of time buying food, so probably the later

>> No.77858249

>Not Eru is streaming

>> No.77858381

I dont need Eru anymore

>> No.77858496

opening my excel list.

>> No.77858502

I wish Neon came back

>> No.77858603

I wonder if I'm there.

>> No.77858688


>> No.77858706

Tell me if she says something relevant

>> No.77858798

Shura is talking about something more interesting

>> No.77858902

What is going on that she needed to vent by streaming on that persona?

>> No.77858955

she only wanted to see her old fans because she miss them

>> No.77859062

That makes me miss Neon even more

>> No.77859327
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>> No.77859906

Reminds me of Higurashi

>> No.77859957 [DELETED] 

there are some irl friends and people from Reimu's circle
what a disgusting creep

>> No.77860097

Long time not heard that name, didn't he become a Lilyfag?

>> No.77860580
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i miss her...

>> No.77860846

i dunno but that faggot is just craving for some attention like always, i think he is still pestering Eru's chat

>> No.77861367
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i don't need yamu anymore

>> No.77861451

Eru Picasso

>> No.77861688
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>> No.77861781

That guy is getting fart on

>> No.77861794

He'll die!

>> No.77861966

>Flat Chuwa incoming

>> No.77862264

God I wish that were me

>> No.77863529

Shura is going back to YouTube

>> No.77863572

Finally some good fucking news. Also did notEru say anything important?

>> No.77864117

she was just chat chilling with her fans
she only talked about kpop

>> No.77864348

She should open an onlyfans

>> No.77864579

Great, now we'll have her cancerous twitch simps there too

>> No.77864951

>No entiendo cómo hay gente que de un día para otro te dice que te quiere y te admira pero de un día para otro te bloquea
>Se que no onions perfecta pero me gustaría que la gente sea más straightforward y me diga Chuwa te equivocaste en esto

>> No.77865193

>No es como fulanitaVt no le caiga bien si no que alguien que te diga que le gustas y te admira y al día siguiente ya valió

>> No.77865280


>> No.77865335

>Hoy deje un mensaje porque estoy feliz de que la persona este feliz y haciendo cosas, no espero que me responda pero estoy feliz

>> No.77865359

hypocritical slut piece of cow she literally did that to me kek i can't believe how fake is this bitch

>> No.77865442
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>> No.77865473

Who are you?

>> No.77865493

i thought she was talking about you but who are she talking about?

>> No.77865567

an old fan from sezia days
she blocked me without any explanation
i literally did nothing to piss her off she's mad as a cow

>> No.77865576

I tell her and the next day she goes menhera, insults me, blocks me, and close her maros.

>> No.77865579

She didn't mention, she always mentioned "esa persona"

>> No.77865630

It's obviously Eru, retards

>> No.77865631

>about you
sorry my brain messed up it was "about eru"

>> No.77865679

It could be Nisha too or any of the girls under Magnus

>> No.77865700

>be straightforward, she gets offended
>be subtle, she gets offended
No hay pija que le venga bien a esta gorda

>> No.77865717

you see? she's truly a fake bitch. i don't even tell her anything i wake up one day and she just blocked me when days ago it was all good

>> No.77865842

gorda resentida de mierda
fucking fake hag
i used to like her a lot but she's truly a bad person.

>> No.77866030

Wactor blocked a lot of people from her account on her behalf
If she blocked you as Shura, then I don’t know

>> No.77866032

She ultimately says she wants to make everything right or at least get some definitive closure

>> No.77866105

Telling her she doesn’t deserve to be loved isn’t something to be chill about shuraschizo

>> No.77866198

yes she blocked me as shura
thats my complain
i followed her since sezia days
i never said anything bad about her
and i never treated her bad
and she just blocked me one day
maybe it was because im an erudito? idk and i dont care anymore i hate her now fucking piece of cow, she can put her pantcakes fags in her ass

>> No.77866282

show proof, it sounds like falseflagging unless you actually did something bad

>> No.77866321

You probably were in Akira's list, there is one because I was blocked from all Wactor accounts once

>> No.77866326

NTA but once i tell her about radiofuna retards and why she should avoid them on a maro and she atarted to ignore me on stream and twitter

>> No.77866364

Hi Fer Purafil, it’s because of the screenshots of your shit talking I sent her

>> No.77866457

Did you sign the maro?

>> No.77866507

yes, always do

>> No.77866559

Let me guess, you accepted Eru's pizza?

>> No.77866581

>>77866507 (me)
i was very polite tho, not on schizo mode.

>> No.77866655

not that fag you retard
i literally never shit talked shura

>> No.77866864

It’s funny to see retards seethe over Shura so much kek

>> No.77866961
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she blocked me this year
after she join vjin
maybe mai hates me and she telled her to blacklist me i dont know

>> No.77867038

Not my fault Shura can only get bottom submissive fags that are too afraid to voice their complains as followers.

>> No.77867213

No tengo nada en contra de chuwa pero pa la verga neta parece que le gusta hacer drama de la nada a la vieja esta
Lo bueno que ya esta rune para satisfacer mis hag necesidades

>> No.77867376

anon if it was like shura then it was megajorn who blocked you

>> No.77867404
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She blocked me for asking her to pay the sex she owes me
what a bitch

>> No.77867444


>> No.77867539

La gata autista

>> No.77867642

can be
im blocked from her twitter but not from her streams

>> No.77867785

There is this thing i don't like about Shura and is that she said that wanted to do other content different to twitch vtubers and that it was the reason why she joined Wactor, and then as a indie she started to get mixed with dramafaggots like kinetic, radiofuna and all that shit, she like to contradic herself sometimes.

>> No.77867857

I wish I had that Sezia clip at hand

>> No.77867869 [DELETED] 

There's a thing I hate about Shura that I wanted to mention but never did because I fear it'll only bring trouble for everyone, not it's not doxshit.

>> No.77868024

I have the feeling that guy is falseflagging so Shura fels hated again and changes her mind about going back to YouTube

>> No.77868071

There is this thing I hate about Shura and is that she refuses to give me the sex I demand

>> No.77868098

Better not anon, you know perfectly well what kind of subhumans are lurking and posting on this thread.
Just ignore the shitters, they will get bored soon.
literal schizophrenia, is just the usual negroids baiting.

>> No.77868122

That would imply that megajorn had access to Shura's account and that's just awful

>> No.77868249

She said that all stuff went trough the "management" filter

>> No.77868273

And she does things different to the classical twitch whore, she also doesn’t talk to kinetic
I feel this too

>> No.77868338

Sylvie hace más drama a diario gordo imbecil aunque tampoco tengo nada en contra de ella

>> No.77868354

>she also doesn’t talk to kinetic
someone post the links of Shura replying to him on twitter

>> No.77868428

She's a fucking menace because she's like a bridge between the cancerous twitch thotery and the the proper vtubing style we fight to protect.

>> No.77868431

The 4 tweets over 6 months ago yes anon, meanwhile girls like Enya, Aurora and others you mention here talk to him daily

>> No.77868485

Do you really read this before posting and don’t cringe at yourself?

>> No.77868628

Sylvie ni hace dramas, lo unico que hace es jugar y ser bastante “honesta” al insultar

>> No.77868630

Not my fault you refuse to accept the facts.

>> No.77868643
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anyways remember to pray to shuwajesus she’ll fix all your brains

>> No.77868677


>> No.77868717

Eiwy space

>> No.77868803

the fags who turn everything she does into a "drama" are you

>> No.77868837
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>> No.77868854

I don’t watch Sylvie bro but isn’t she constantly having meltdowns on twitter? You can also say all Shura does is talk about tamagotchi and play tcg, stop seething over 15 seconds of a stream

>> No.77868918

you could say the same about shura
someone in chat even mentioned vtubers and fans manipulating them when she said what she did and she said “oh ahí no sé de qué hablas”

>> No.77868969

>Shura is a sexy demon
t. Eiwy

>> No.77869020

She’s right

>> No.77869095

shura literally throw shit to sylvie when she was about to debut as anya kek she literally SEEK the drama, my lord she's related with radiofuna! FUNA

>> No.77869188

oof, way to out yourself as a threadwatcher

>> No.77869296

Just put the thread to rest already, imagespammer.

>> No.77869305

>another moron who only knows about sylvie because of the squizo

>> No.77869361

I follow her on twitter lol

>> No.77869943


>> No.77870035

How do we fix spic fans?

>> No.77870089

Shura should become a politician

>> No.77870130

La hija pródiga, I'm willing to receive her with open arms in Youtube if she wants to return to the good path.

>> No.77870207

This, Shura should come back to YT

>> No.77870269 [DELETED] 

lmao what a lying cunt
radiofuna collab soon fellow pantcuck

>> No.77870281

>says that
>goes to twitch
Do pantcucks understand the implications of this, or they accept she's basically indirectly admitting to have one now?

>> No.77870318

>si yo quisiera ser vtuber de las que tienen novio me iria a twitch
ahhhhh this lying bitch hahaha pantkeks are literally the most cucked fandom

>> No.77870346

You are the kind of man roasties return to after they are "ready to settle down".

>> No.77870538

I don't have that kind of emotional investments for her so no, my support is as someone who's glad she's doing the right things.

>> No.77870744

Do you understand she has addressed being wrong and judgmental? Nice try though

>> No.77870746

Whats her other channel?

>> No.77870828

That excuse might work for a teen, not for and old grown ass woman.

>> No.77870861

>he doesn’t know

>> No.77871476

Shura streaming on youtube from now on is really good for a particular reason that I won't mention, not now, until it's consolidated.

>> No.77871801

What's this? I'm watching a babiniku and I know it's a guy with a voice changer but he does it so good I just can see the character and think damn she's cute. Is my brain being tricked?

>> No.77872757 [DELETED] 

desde que debuto como Sylvie lo único que hace es inventar e inventar cosas lol

>> No.77872915 [DELETED] 

por ejemplo, ella dice ser rusa pero su familia es del este de ucrania

>> No.77873021 [DELETED] 

cómo dato curioso la familia de Koa también es del este de ucrania, literal dos pueblo de distancia
hace como 8 meses hice cuentas de estadísticas y toda esa mierda (que no guarde por tonto) y el caso es que había una probabilidad del 64.algo de que Sylvie y Koa fueran parientes lejanas

>> No.77873092 [DELETED] 

bueno son más del este pero están casi en el centro

>> No.77873105

You're really dumb, anyaschizo.

>> No.77873133 [DELETED] 

la familia de Sylvie primero vivía en México antes de mudarse a Chile

>> No.77873182 [DELETED] 

pero fue muy poco tiempo

>> No.77873270 [DELETED] 

la que aprendí de todo eso es que el mestizaje es malo porque ni Sylvie ni Koa son rubias, osea se perdió esa característica de su herencia genética

>> No.77873360

I don't know how Nisha manages to attract so many insane fans.

>> No.77874683

>mfw actual schizophrenia in this thread
