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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 11 KB, 241x398, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77818267 No.77818267 [Reply] [Original]

Beheaded Edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed)
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed)
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

This too shall pass.

Previous thread: >>77785919

>> No.77818390

who all is in the momomosin fic now

>> No.77818422


>> No.77818730

I'm not seiso >:3c

>> No.77818795

Dirty little wizard/rat/boy.

>> No.77818832

i'm looking to rebrand as a shota and i know there's multiple shota /asp/ies. do any of you have suggestions for good live2d artists? thank you.

>> No.77818853

why not just check their artists if you know who they are

>> No.77818868

I use other aspies' names in place of the one I actually want to vaguepost about. Also my l2d is almost done!

>> No.77818951

This is completely unrelated to vtubing but I'm sad that one of the most artistically incompetent people I've ever seen is working on an otherwise amazing shader overhaul of a game that really needed it but the fact that they're fucking with textures and models without being asked to do it and making things look worse as a result is really killing the whole vibe of the mod.

>> No.77818980

I hope my name is used next so I think someone is vagueposting about me…

>> No.77819025
File: 743 KB, 1920x1080, BIRF_TEXT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing my birthday this friday please spread the love!!!!!!

>> No.77819136

>Who's going to Offkai 2025
Repeating this question but also wondering if there are other cons/events for Vtubers that are just as popular as Offkai for meet-ups?

>> No.77819166

im fucked, i had a test and i didnt knew, heh

>> No.77819265
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x720, Region Quest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I confess that I'm going live in 20 minutes with more of the Region Quest Nuzlocke yo. Whitney and Morty today in Johto


>> No.77819293

I would go for a pint or coffee with the cool cats here, but Offkai just feels like absolute nonsense
I saw some people drop an insane amount of cash buying merch during this one, it just seems like a Anime Con

Not my tempo

>> No.77819421

I've never been to a con but I'd love to go someday (preferably not alone) but I have no money and probably won't have the money in the future. I'm always like one bad day away from not being able to pay rent.

>> No.77819482


>> No.77819496

i don't know who they are. i've only seen them in passing.

>> No.77819504

what I would love to do one day is to get a group of dudes together and we would all cosplay some no name 1view just to confuse people.

>> No.77819541


>> No.77819586

Most anime conventions or hobby conventions in general are just used to meet up with friends. The merch is kind of a side thing for the normies to enjoy, but for the people who cosplay or in this case the Vtubers use it as a networking ground or a way to party/have fun with each other in the hotel parties, raves, or just by grabbing a meal and chatting. The appeal is the ability to see people you wouldn't normally be able to see and potentially become closer friends/make new friends.

>> No.77819728
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vocaroo requests nya

>> No.77819979

so valid

>> No.77820003

Begging to not be cut open by a farmer after destroying their crops

>> No.77820021


>> No.77820058

You'll never know which one it is >:3

>> No.77820095

Apparently like 11 people as things stand

>> No.77820116

I'm happier as a vtuber playing games than a nobody playing games

>> No.77820231

i want a make out scene with literally each person separately but only because it would be lore accurate because they need me to survive on the ship

>> No.77820353


>> No.77820515

You say that, but you do not.

>> No.77820521

Please let me stream. Please let me stream. Please let me stream. Please let me stream. Please let me stream.

>> No.77820532

This one will take a bit of work because I want to use sound effects so please hold

>> No.77820559

There's an /asp/ie i like listening too but the style of their content changed and got too zoomer for me and I just feel a little left out as a viewer

>> No.77820633

They'll never know how you feel if you don't discuss it

>> No.77820662
File: 11 KB, 254x198, asdfadgfagdssd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

league of legends final level 30 push

>> No.77820732

what does this mean

>> No.77820855
File: 289 KB, 472x470, 1686379247728933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a big push to get past the SDM chapter

>> No.77820884

Ay Aspies going to Anime NYC this August?

>> No.77820998

How do you make your numbers go up, they are driving me crazy

>> No.77821152

Stream consistently

>> No.77821355

probably not what you had in mind

>> No.77821369

im waiting ($100 says you don't even read this shit because its longer than 10 words)...you said i was banned from general for 30 days, cool, i get it, i got 10-0'd(with a character i suck with and had no idea how truly hard he was, but thats not the point). the match and its stakes were set between echang and i, had nothing to do with you, and yet you still felt the need to add some bullshit like that on top of it. Why, because you hate me for being a dumb asshole sometimes? LOL ....cool, i'll deal with it. but now you're saying "i never said i'd unban you"???? bullshit dawg. you aren't a man of your word. you're a 30-something manchild. no wonder why half the dope OG people left this discord, you're a shit admin that has no real power in real life so you take what little power you have here and running aris' youtube and abuse that shit. i wish you realized how wack you can be sometimes but people are scared to straight up tell you because 9 out of 10 people here dont wanna get banned. i hope all the FGC esports cocksucking you do pays off for you bro, i really really do. i never thought i'd meet a bigger gay f-word than Kittybomber here but boy you sure know how to one up people in the shittiest way. I expect to get banned for this but at least i said my peace.

>> No.77821623

stop thinking about it

>> No.77821707

Let’s play 20 questions. Guess the correct aspie I’m thinking of and I’ll gift said aspie subs

>> No.77821729
File: 3.17 MB, 2313x3927, tiresias10 resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early stream! We're continuing with Maken X!

>> No.77821804

>stream consistently
>stream long
There's some algo fuckery on Twitch that gives a discoverability boost to 3-4+ hour streams, so those bring in the new viewers. Streaming at regular intervals keeps those people coming back, since they know when to expect your streams.

>> No.77821927


>> No.77821996

last one

>> No.77822004
File: 1 KB, 136x33, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn this off

>> No.77822126

Is it possible to activate this on other streams?

>> No.77822174
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>camuis hairline in one year

>> No.77822222

Don't stream EVERY day, but stream often. You want days outside where you can build discussions of what you've been doing outside of streams. You want to create artificial scarcity so you create a tiny amount of FOMO. The longer you stream, the more the algorithm will present you to people, and 4 hour are the recommended minimums

There are browser extensions for that

>> No.77822230 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.35 MB, 4000x2250, uuuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muscle hasnt healed im in pain uuu ;;-;;

>> No.77822325

Would still smash. You on the other hand? Not even at your prime.

>> No.77822495
File: 17 KB, 112x112, EMOTE.SMUG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77822904

I'm glad you liked it

>> No.77822950

You'll have to settle for him kneeling down so you can leave a lipstick mark on the side of his face, same for Klondike

>> No.77822973

ew vita never show yourself again

>> No.77823273

now that you mention it, i don't wanna do anything with those cafe workers either

>> No.77823408

I don't like L2D and would rather stream in 3D.

>> No.77823441

If not going to make it then what instead

>> No.77823463

have sex with someone

>> No.77823522

be happy

>> No.77823527

Empty sex is boring

>> No.77823619

find a partner you can love, they will shy away but this is, unavoidably, /aspsoc/

>> No.77823653

I have no irl friends (I'm intolerant and don't enjoy most things) and my hobbies don't go anywhere, I don't know what else to do to be happy

>> No.77823742

Not hairy enough

>> No.77823785

pet the fucking dog

>> No.77823793

I would also not want to go to a con to meet people, but I would be down to meet people IRL. I was supposed to meet an asp in October but my finances went too bad :(

>> No.77823843

>went from seething to coping to acceptance

>> No.77823926

I get what you're saying but pet the dog is a simple thing where you put your hand on the animal and 9/10 times it sits there and lets you do it, like when it's used here no one says "pet the dog" because people can't make it, they say it because people don't bother start streaming

Making friends IRL is the same as making it, I'm nearly 30 not some guy in college first year

>> No.77824063

I wish I had a stupid boy to pet

>> No.77824100

I want to pet him but he just wants to bite me...

>> No.77824124

how do i get my chat to want to give me $$ and to baby me / give me lots of praise :)

>> No.77824205
File: 1.23 MB, 1644x1448, 8aace07ff7917c8ab61b73067ce107b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my most selfish fantasy is to be laying on a couch with him in a dark room while he plays ps1 games from his childhood
not like, touching him or anything
just there with him and he doesn't mind

>> No.77824217

Have redeems for that, emphasize how easy they are to use, and show a lot of emotions when they give you what you wanted. Pandering to a specific type of audience could help.

>> No.77824431


>> No.77824513
File: 86 KB, 331x304, 1600963755546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna start drama with other vtubers just so I can get them to challenge me to a fight. It wouldn't even be personal, I just enjoy watching people fight eachother

>> No.77824597

It's good to know that a cat isn't fine, too
Also that you've no interest in going to the BONE ZONE

>> No.77824677

then learn how to do it, there are countless books, classes, videos by pseudo-proffesionals, short pamphlets, everything on the most basic level has been explained and you can't find yourself struggling after having tried to learn by doing spmething like that. at best you will not be capable of getting everything that is said on the first piece of media you try to consume about the topic, but you literally have internet access to delve into whichever concept you are lacking. repeat ad nausea and voilá! you will be capable of socializing with people that you really find interesting.
>inb4 muh too much job
don't complain if you are not going to try and work in order to fix yourself.

>> No.77824768

What happened to the special events poster? It would be nice to bring it back and keep track of things like this. I'd do it myself, but I don't come here very consistently. Either way, sounds like fun, looking forward to it.

>> No.77825064

Haru’s event ended so he didn’t need to shill

>> No.77825126

boy or girl?

>> No.77825151

It died because nobody gave me more things to link, and the only remaining stuff were:
-momo undecisive about when will he finally make the celebration for X followers
-albert same thing
-gclef, also unnanounced
-sukadrii, also still undecided

So I decided to not continue, I thought about scrapping events from twitter and such but I thought it wiuld had been wuite distasteful to link things people might not have wanted to see posted here, because after all associating with /here/ is a willful act, and if they themselves didn't give me the link (or at least anon dropped the reminder for me to add) I think they might as well have not even wanted something like that.

>> No.77825181

i'd win

>> No.77825304
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minecraft + sigma grindset lecture in the background

>> No.77825318
File: 155 KB, 560x420, gigadrillmad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of things happened and I ended up forcing my own launch or i won't ever get things done, if you'd like to join for some Talespire Map making followed by some vidyagames here's the deal.
Live in 10, hopefully ;_;

>> No.77825423

Where is the ñ community and ehy has there not been a collab yet

>> No.77825447


>> No.77825601


>> No.77825752
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no hablo con gile

>> No.77826184

i thought you were also a cat...

>> No.77826255

That's understandable. Events don't happen very often anyways, but even just recently Ubume had a birthday stream and I know she's open about being /here/ so that could've been a reason to bring it back, but one event isn't good enough justification and it's not really anyone's business to promote another chuuba's event. Mama did a good job posting about that herself which is probably what most others should be doing if they're here and have something going on. It's nice having a post that gathers info I might've missed out and could help other aspies plan ahead, but not really sustainable. Was good while it lasted, thanks.

>> No.77826338
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Put em up pal

>> No.77826340

he has been moping around for a long time

>> No.77826763
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bit of a wise guy huh?

>> No.77826964

Does anyone know if Phase Connect will contact you to let you know you were rejected? I don't expect a reason why but at least a rejection confirmation.

>> No.77826965
File: 277 KB, 507x369, fae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think we cracked the code to making people want to watch Fleshtuber streams boys, all it takes is 2 chubas smashing each other's teeth out

>> No.77827026

Name um

>> No.77827049

um freeofme

>> No.77827135

um pantsu

>> No.77827204

um charleyfolds

>> No.77827207

um polybius

>> No.77827292

um cheen

>> No.77827408

um *pees on you*

>> No.77827479

um chrii

>> No.77827497

um me (fwofie for those who don't know)

>> No.77827532

um ricecake

>> No.77827728

I cancelled my charity stuff because of my parents divorce. Im a bit too busy with that rn.

>> No.77827776

I will continue to refuse to respond to bait no matter how hard people try to start shit

>> No.77827853

>new babi has a deep ass voice
>somehow makes him cuter
i like him

>> No.77827885

Feel better soon, Albert
Me too, sis

>> No.77827921

which one?

>> No.77828034

Sociopath Sin is still on my mind.

>> No.77828082

i found a boyfriend in this hobby so no more reason to continue

>> No.77828113

chrii wtf

>> No.77828176


>> No.77828212


>> No.77828323


>> No.77828346

that boyfriend? me

>> No.77828404

I want to kill Purrson with a big rock

>> No.77828407


>> No.77828427


>> No.77828478

Dorian you fag

>> No.77828559


>> No.77828635


>> No.77828736


>> No.77828819


>> No.77828983


>> No.77829107


>> No.77829113

it's rura...

>> No.77829189

any /asp/ies online?

>> No.77829248

i left a discord server of someone (not an /asp/ie) who's a very special snowflake. no regrets. i don't know why i associated with them in the first place. plus their content was, is, and will continue to be boring. :3c

>> No.77829262

Im online, send me a DM ;)

>> No.77829312

alpinalbench, charleyfolds, Must_Broke_, that nigga johann

>> No.77829352

Mawg too

>> No.77829362

ungghhhh!! a cute boy's ballsweat musk

>> No.77829413


>> No.77829419

Ricecake, specifically :3c

>> No.77829446


>> No.77829482

Yeah... Must is kinda adjacent, but I'm not sure I'd qualify 'em as asp. I'm not gonna argue though, I love her art.

>> No.77829487

>papayasadas is on
>Unironically has jordan peterson on in the background
You people are insane

>> No.77829520

what do you think it smells like

>> No.77829525

klondike is gay???

>> No.77829527


>> No.77829538

Nigga why the fuck do you have Jordon peterson on

You're a fucking nut job

>> No.77829574

I'm sigma brain maxxing

>> No.77829594

>4chan meme arrows
unironically rope yourself

>> No.77829665

Unironically unwatchable, you're asking people to be okay with listening to fucking Jordan Peterson

>> No.77829669

Must comes here and says 'name a chuuba' sometimes so they're an aspie

>> No.77829682

>4chan meme arrows
>unironically rope yourself

>> No.77829703

I don't talk as much while playing minecraft thath
s why

>> No.77829718

Feminine avatar and has never corrected me. I will continue on this path until she says otherwise.
Fair enough

>> No.77829729

anyone wanna post twitters for concrit?

>> No.77829733

Then put on fucking music like a sane person no one wants to hear fucking Jordan Peterson of all things

>> No.77829806

oh okay! I'll do that next time honk

>> No.77829878

Thanks for clownmaxxing Papaya

>> No.77829954


>> No.77830001


>> No.77830123
File: 210 KB, 994x1268, 1626512003091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aspie is born
>orbit them in chat
>aspie is born
>orbit them in chat
>rinse and repeat hoping that if one of them gets big you can guilt them into interacting and collabing with you
I get it now!

>> No.77830392

>aspie is born
>show them support by saying hi and hanging out to see if their personality is close enough to your own and you might mesh well as collab partners or even friends
>be less of a miserable cuck on fourchan dot org
it just works!

>> No.77830433
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What should I do tonight???

>> No.77830439


Alternatively, just self post and message us directly if you want to collab. The worst any of us can say no. Actually, the worst we can say is, “My name is Mama Ubume, join my birthday VC and I will pressure you into vtubing and make you play Gartic.” <|:)

>> No.77830480

The Matchless Kungfu

>> No.77830509
File: 296 KB, 1663x1055, Silent_Majority-grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your job to identify which one of them you are dealing with, you retard. Nobody cares, play whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.77830528

another poal so we can make it tie

>> No.77830578

i see

>> No.77830696

It's not funny the second time

>> No.77830808

What is Arax supposed to be? He looks like an OFF character

>> No.77831048
File: 2.98 MB, 1920x1080, THERESTARTIN(1)(1)(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ouroboros of reality

>> No.77831113

You should not use big words if you don't know what they mean

>> No.77831122

Is this the first politically based vtuber?

>> No.77831138

Reality is not just earth.

>> No.77831192

Kuromaru, K10nd1k3, Kopadot

>> No.77831200

So an OFF character

>> No.77831245


>> No.77831269

Nono, everything is political. Welcome to the internet.

>> No.77831272
File: 9 KB, 112x112, EMOTE.OGEY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time begins from an infinitesimally small point at which there is a sudden expansion of space where all matter is separated from ostensibly nothing, this continues for countless years as the beauty of reality goes through its sagas of stars, life, sentience, transcendence, until it eventually ends, and then what? There is nothing forever and outside of time?

>> No.77831309

athiests trying to sound smart is so cringe

>> No.77831318

Yes baby I am aware

>> No.77831405

If what you got from my post is that I'm an atheist I suggest you actually go read some religious texts, the Tibetan book of the dead is a good one

>> No.77831412

Now say this in english

>> No.77831415
File: 39 KB, 600x592, 1640546472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads read like the unpopular kids from every friend group got corralled together and tried to one-up one another. I hate it here.

>> No.77831476

Holy shit god clapped its cheeks and it made the whole world in an instant, you are so based dear christian

>> No.77831545

Tierlist the most retarded /here/chuubas based on this judgement? Pickmes, pseudos, edgys, and antisocials

>> No.77831589

Tell me what multiplayer games are good for collabs? I already have Golf with your Friends.

>> No.77831627
File: 19 KB, 120x120, Insideout Upsidedown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A circle has no end, time is a circle, I am the snake eating its tail

>> No.77831634

Update: Tiny and layla requested to be removed from the tierlist

>> No.77831657

You just described the big bang theory

>> No.77831709

You're eating yourself?? Are you fucking gay dude???

>> No.77831719
File: 21 KB, 112x112, EMOTE.LIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes happy pride month

>> No.77831733

I know you dont study, but dont make it my problem bitch.

>> No.77831742

Who was clapping those cheeks tho?

>> No.77831802

I want to organize one, but I got no idea what we'll do or who to invite besides pantsu (I refuse to play video games, the best collabs I've seen so far have been shittalking anime taste, music taste or podcast like collabs).

>> No.77831811


>> No.77831823 [DELETED] 

Head pats, hair pulling.
Hand holding, pinning hands above head.
Hugs, pressing bodies against the bed.
Comfort, yearning.
Kisses, bite marks.
Tears, cries.
Pleasure, pain.
Whispers, moans.
Protect, release.

>> No.77831853

layla has been such a massive detriment to asp and now she's trying to wash her hands clean while pretending she doesnt post here yet knows jamie's discord lmao

>> No.77831872


>> No.77831891

That's part of the fun, you are still here if you ask to be removed.

>> No.77831961

QRD on why Layla was a detriment?

>> No.77831982
File: 256 KB, 1280x720, 1704878812425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yaps in althis politics

>> No.77832057

Made 3 guys fight amongst themselves.
Bited too much bait, intentionally because she got repeatedly told not to.
Was part of the /wasp/cord.

Any qrd that doesnt mention these is outright lying!

>> No.77832146


>> No.77832155

Don't you have anything better to do than be upset at others sexuality

>> No.77832166
File: 189 KB, 732x633, 1636510771310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to turn this tread into a shitty discord server so badly then why don't you all just create one?

>> No.77832186

who did she make fight other than camui and iriya

>> No.77832196

involved in her own drama when she first came here trying to make people feel sorry for her and owning the haters, then got involved in camui drama went crazy in aspcord leaked his dms and doxxed his address to start a witch hunt, became a /wasp/ie and fueled drama there and organized hate brigades to /asp/,
crabs people here and cries about how mean everyone is to her on xitter for attention typical vtweeter desu

>> No.77832289

camui iriya hyde she tried to get merlie involved and crabbed him after he said no

>> No.77832292

happy for you haru

>> No.77832313

I miss hydeposting

>> No.77832339
File: 778 KB, 1444x1914, meginostrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks everyone for your support it was super having y'all around :3
I need to draw a happy cry megino too

>> No.77832361

>crabbed him after he said no
Oh shit I remember that. Thought it was strange how he got a bunch of hate for saying he wasn't going to get involved.

>> No.77832420

Still hilarious that the one destroying /wasp/ was their own members

>> No.77832428

Don't you have anything better to do than take everything so serious?

>> No.77832446

How did she make them fight amongst themselves? Was she flirting with all of them?

>> No.77832470

If you're meant to be making a joke then why aren't you funnier

>> No.77832513

actually yes lmao

>> No.77832530

Today I tell you once again: Female antisocial behaviour is composed mostly of Innuendo - Reputation savaging - Gossiping.

>> No.77832539

Ineda is also Hispanic

>> No.77832552

Was fun to watch! It's always fun to see more tabletop players!

>> No.77832603

thinking about how tiny left just because two randoms said that the new haru model looked bad, bru

>> No.77832607

Why aren't you streaming instead of being a fag?

>> No.77832633

We must end women! Imagine a world without women! We will maie them go extinct!

>> No.77832635

>why don't you just waste hours of your time streaming to 0 viewers to strengthen your argument, fag

>> No.77832647

most crabs here are women

>> No.77832669

She might have left because of what happened with ubume. There was a few people who said they were leaving for that reason

>> No.77832673
File: 1.60 MB, 1000x750, 3287r8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stream at 5 and I asked what I should do tonight (I do not want to play wuxia kenshi game gomenasorry)

>> No.77832699

Natural posts, all of them.

>> No.77832750

Good. Let the trolls have their echo chamber. I want to watch /asp/ die

>> No.77832753


>> No.77832758
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>> No.77832797

asps for this feel? >>77832758

>> No.77832833

I unironically think that game sucks sorry I do not like mindless grinding

>> No.77832866

This is a thinly veiled engagement post to bait people into saying my name. Please comply.

>> No.77832880


>> No.77832882


>> No.77832890


>> No.77832901

What happened with Ubume? Besides the face incident

>> No.77832907

It's funny every time

>> No.77832908

1 view ngmi male vtubers

>> No.77832909

If you played oblivion I’d watch you play it

>> No.77832927

people said they were leaving and disgusted after the doxx shit

>> No.77832936

I make name a chuuba posts just to get 0views hopes up
I will never draw anyone

>> No.77832973

she was rude to gael

>> No.77832981

People wouldn't lie on the internet to make themselves look better...would they?

>> No.77833010

I did think about going back into daggerfall tonight tbdesu, oblivion need to install something to keep it from crashing I did a casual session one night and crashed just playing the game normally in the imperial city

>> No.77833047
File: 182 KB, 363x328, 1626449435343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make vague post about a person I've just made up in my head
>dozens of apsies camp the thread for hours waiting for comfirmation the posts are about them
Nothing but winners here.

>> No.77833073

The only person that's going to be Haru's boyfriend is me.

>> No.77833139

is it any coincidence the thread has been slower since the ubume incident? maybe she really made friends here and they really left because of what happened. it may have scared other people off from posting. we will never know for sure.

>> No.77833150

She's being the usual coomer in people's chat

>> No.77833208

pics or gtfo

>> No.77833388

it was slow because it was the weekend. its slow now because americucks are at work. ubume still posts here, nothing has changed. thread moves on. itll pick up in an hour.

>> No.77833391

If that's the case, I thank mama for being a massive retard and showing her dog ugly mug even after being warned by multiple aspies before. Good riddance

>> No.77833439

i see you..

>> No.77833524

I too employ this
you guys are too fun to tease and after what happened I don't feel bad about sowing seeds and causing y'all to turn on each other.

>> No.77833604 [DELETED] 

Am I cute enough?

>> No.77833637


>> No.77833664


>> No.77833737
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>> No.77833749
File: 34 KB, 339x280, frankypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey :3 We play some Ridge Racer Type 4 for an hour or two.


>> No.77833767

I refuse to call you cute because even though you are very cute, I know I’ll never find out who you are and I’ll be left lonely without cuteness again…

>> No.77833860 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 256x256, pantsu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77833863

Coward talk

>> No.77833871

a man of your gaming skill could never satisfy him

>> No.77833911

This is a pretty poor angle to show yourself off, this is just so you can make people see your penis. I recommend a photo from the side that shows off your waist area a bit better, do a little pose with your legs too. You'll still be able to show your cock with the stockings on, but a view from the side perspective will help accentuate the size of it a lot better.

>> No.77833930
File: 3.52 MB, 3658x4337, grace3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77833945

Let it come out to play

>> No.77833961

female coded posts

>> No.77834005

thought this was dubs from the thumbnail

>> No.77834114

I could pin Haru down and prevent him from playing, therefore I'm better at video games.

>> No.77834183

And no one will ever know that he seriously considered abandoning this place because he feels that there is nothing left for him to learn from this place.

>> No.77834240

Rather kill myself than try to talk to him.

>> No.77834266

im a chicano im not welcome

>> No.77834281

the latinx chuubas?

>> No.77834311

wait hes a fag? So I dont have a chance?

>> No.77834345
File: 1.20 MB, 781x901, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this accurate?

>> No.77834429

this is fucking atrocious, do you even read threads

>> No.77834458

Modern horizons 3 made me buy 2 modern decks and I feel dirty

>> No.77834478

Coco posted like what, last thread or something?

>> No.77834493

Considering i made this post yes

>> No.77834591

Shes already taken by shiroiga

>> No.77834686

he probably gets a boner when you call him a girl

>> No.77834788

I'm tempted to go to a Modern Horizons 3 draft but spending money on MtG would make me feel bad...

>> No.77834844

Who the fuck is dubs

>> No.77834859

You cant get one if you dont have one

>> No.77834880

this post inspired me to kill everyone under the age of 25

>> No.77834882


It's pretty off. There's a lot of people that are still here that you marked as otherwise. A handful of them live in the threads too.

>> No.77834900

seems like you are anon

>> No.77834951

Yo and you’re dubs too that’s crazy

>> No.77834984

Names and i'll fix it
/limbo/ is just a haven't seen them recently but know they usually post frequently category

>> No.77835023

Hey I'm a seiso vartist lurker, I wanted to know who should I ban pronto from my chat when I start streaming? People that are only here for free art or horny people. Sorry for the inconvenience =^=

>> No.77835053

ok i believe you

>> No.77835104

nigga it's /asp/ everyone falls into that category

>> No.77835105

more like fartist lmao

>> No.77835134

He swings both ways. He always talks about wanting a wife because he wants a lot of kids.

>> No.77835179

but he is going to be the wife

>> No.77835187

everyone will only give you a chance in the hopes of free art, that happens to all the artists who are half decent
after that the ones that will stay are the ones that like your streams

>> No.77835189

>who should i ban before i even stream
You should ban yourself from life

>> No.77835198

Iriya, Olga, Chrii, Suraya, Poly, Cheen, Bonnie, Johann, Alpin, Mawg, Uwo, Ria, Crane, Ace, Geltaran, Fuwa, Kankuro, Fland, Skab, Kotaru, Ricecakes, Purrson, Fythol, Churl, Autumn, Magyosen

>> No.77835253

This makes me wonder again what it would be like to have a femboy dad that you could overpower and beat up who you're taller than.

>> No.77835476 [SPOILER] 
File: 533 KB, 935x935, 14654768654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77835580

What did they fucking expect? This is a goddamn anonymous forum where there are confirmed trolls and hostile elements who have no friends here and just want to shit things up. It's like people really don't understand how this place works and naively believe everyone on the internet is a goddamn angel.
If anything this place prepares them for when they inevitably meet a real schizo.
Use this place to meet new cool people who might be interested in networking. It takes a lot of motivation to post your link, so the people here are a lot more open to networking and making friends than your average vtuber in the wild. But don't expect this place to be sunshine and rainbows.

>> No.77835663
File: 167 KB, 744x1039, 552864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nadu combo is super fun, and I bought into amulet titan since it clearly isn't going anywhere.

>> No.77835682

what was it?

>> No.77835726

bulge pic, use the archive if you're interested

>> No.77835745

Ainslie's femboy legs and a cute bulge

>> No.77835806

Hello /asp/ how are you doing this fine day?

>> No.77835812

femboy cock

>> No.77835820

I'm just going to assume you're Lance, what singles should I buy from the set?

>> No.77835831

Man that effect triggers my card game brain.

>> No.77835868

I want to do an hour of just talking but not sure what topic

>> No.77835910


>> No.77836046

Try talking about a game you like
or a hobby
A friend of mine send me a bgm he made for me and i wasted 45 minutes talking about it and then i had to stop to actually start the stream

>> No.77836071
File: 35 KB, 314x437, 12351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what you want, the eldrazi are usually good pick ups because they're popular commander cards and may actually make waves on 60 card constructed. The flare cycle is also a good because lmao free spells. Fetchlands too because obviously.
Yeah card is busted, pair it with this and anything that makes a creature token on landfall and you draw your entire deck.

>> No.77836142

>Try talking about a game you like
maybe what I liked from not-e3? I guess that could work

>> No.77836191


>> No.77836210

Doom Dark Ages wasa pretty amazing
Pity Dragon Age 4 was so ugly

>> No.77836239

Both were coal

>> No.77836240

this thread sucks

>> No.77836430

I think I'm done with this board as a whole

>> No.77836480

good idea

>> No.77836498

Good idea, I haven't gotten anything out of /asp/ for a few months now aside from a few headaches

>> No.77836517

fair but im on copium for Doom

>> No.77836714

I hate the confess posts because it just summons faggots like this guy. Like man, who the fuck cares? I don't give a fuck! Good for you for leaving I guess? Want a cookie?

Man you guys are retarded

>> No.77836941

I hate this thread and I hate being here
Only reason I still come to /vt/ at all is out of habit and FOMO but what am I even missing out on? A bunch of vtubers being dicks to each other or erping?

>> No.77836952

When is the next magic night?

>> No.77837150

sorry ubume ruined asp

>> No.77837165

some people are not open about this but I know at least five aspies that are considering quitting vtubing altogether because of their miserable experiences /here/. it's fucked how an "advice" (lol) thread ends up alienating people away from vtubing entirely

>> No.77837196

Alright then I'll present you with the same choice as before you have 23 minutes

>> No.77837200

I hate responses to confess posts like this guy's. I get it. You don't care. If you wanted a steady stream of things you cared about, go back RSS feeds.

Baby expecting spoonfeeding from a thread.

>> No.77837274

you want her attention so bad it makes you look retarded. not enough love from mommy, huh?

>> No.77837279


>> No.77837308

It's been like this for more than a year just more apparent now

>> No.77837322

At least July, I'm jonesing too, but moving blows.

>> No.77837336

You know I don't like to pin things on one person but
>Creates vtuber character based off her miscarried baby
>Is a pest and also sex pest in chat
>Goes on indefinite hiatus
>People still celebrate her, make art for her, want to interact with her
You people are sick in the head

>> No.77837355


>> No.77837403

funny enough because of that post i found out someone left my discord but I don't think it's the same person as the one who made it since I am obviously an /asp/

>> No.77837456

it keeps me on my toes and reminds me that everyone close to me, no matter how big or small, no matter how nice or friendly, quiet or bombastic, they all came from this hellhole where >we all met

>> No.77837469

then they were too mentally ill for streaming
imagine if they got big and got actual attention

>> No.77837482

why, given what you listed, is she so popular? what is the secret sauce?

>> No.77837495

fragile cuck spotted

>> No.77837544

I like her even if the people here seem to think I hate her

>> No.77837548

>pearl clutching sjw offended by dead baby jokes on four chan dot org

>> No.77837560

Older women market demand

>> No.77837566

First it's Denpa and Gumpai's fault /asp/ sucks
Both of them leave and /asp/ still sucks
Then it's Layla and Camui's fault /asp/ sucks
Both of them leave and /asp/ still sucks
Now it's Ubume's fault /asp/ sucks
Ubume may or may not be here but rest assured /asp/ still sucks as much as it ever has
>you are here
Who's the next scapegoat?

>> No.77837612

Remember that a lot happens outside the public eye. You don't know how many people she may have helped with stuff in DMs, or private conversations and chats she had with others. She's liked for a reason.

>> No.77837625


>> No.77837691

what could she possibly offer them as a 1view fresh off the thread who didnt even read the opsecs guide

>> No.77837713

most of them are still planning on streaming just not as vtubers because /asp/ is really hostile by default

>> No.77837725


>> No.77837740

Literally because of posts like this
They're made from people who are only on 4chan because they'd be ostracized by any other community, some people are just bad, objectively, there are those that wont make it because of circumstance or bad luck and then there's someone shitting in the street and calling it art, and unfortunately this place is full of very loud people who think that shitting in the street is art

>> No.77837763

he is streaming right now, why would he even hate her anyway?

>> No.77837765

the momomosin fic needs a writer and ubume isnt doing shit

>> No.77837808

One guy here has a stalker that's been trying to fuck him over for about a year and you don't get that kind of crazy outside /asp/ unless you're an a list celebrity

>> No.77837835

the facedoxxing night, he told her to stfu in vita’s chat and went into the vc to tell her to stfu, before the reveal even happened

>> No.77837890

notice how all of these are caused by women
you are now reminded of /wasp/ and the shitshow that was and how the women acted
you now realize that women are the only problem and fags like camui

>> No.77837895

is there a site that has compiled vtuber designs, kinda wanna feel out the looks and style people go for

>> No.77837915

Must is genuinely kind of an asshole

>> No.77837926

for an anon from 'spooky sekrit klub 4chan' you sound super fragile right now, bud
Just because no one likes (You) for being a shitty, unlikeable person, doesn't mean everyone else around you has to be unlikeable. Maybe stop being a miserable cuck and people will want to talk to you more.

>> No.77837948

>must talking
go fuck yourself

>> No.77837969

skim twitter and see which vtubers have the most followers. skim twitch and see which vtubers have the most views. base your designs off a mesh of those.

>> No.77837989

most artists are, especially when they get a big head from being a glorified /asp/ darling

>> No.77837995

not must, not saying because it will just cause problems

>> No.77838069

Go fuck yourself

>> No.77838072

None of those are "caused" by women. Women are the target because the anonymous men, usually viewers and aspies who are too pussy to say it with their chest, get up in arms anytime women exist in this space. Especially if they're doing well.

>> No.77838089

Maybe it's that thread filled with toxic gays hate women and straight men and like to blame them for their own problems

>> No.77838091

Arax coded post>>77836941

>> No.77838130

Tbh if they quit because of /here/ they probably would have quit because of twitter or whatever either.

This place is a shithole, but it reeks less in here than on fucking twitter or reddit of all places. At least this shit here has been sprayed a bit sith perfume and has sprinkles on top

>> No.77838150

>He doesn't remember the aspcord (lance era) schizo posting
>He doesn't remember sei
>He doesn't remember yellowcat

>> No.77838172
File: 14 KB, 400x1050, Default.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm just listening to unwelcome school" and closing tabs lmao

>> No.77838250

I'm active on both platforms and it's definitely worse here
>go back
No I like the drama

>> No.77838280

and somehow people trust his friends jignx and rivalviral for whatever reason even though they were confirmed members of his doxxcord along with the pedo ziasan

>> No.77838293

>Women are the target
what a fucking simp
not very pride monthful of you
a whole bunch of literal whos

>> No.77838352

I'll give you the other ones, but lancecord is still a thing.

>> No.77838406

Anon we're all literal whos here
Literal whos piling shit onto a pile of shit and when we see someone about to swim out of the shit pile we take an extra big shit on them

>> No.77838415

BUT HE KNOWS [big vtuber]

>> No.77838442

the worst part of these threads is that people want to use them as a dumping ground for their social drama or erp, personally i've yet to be slighted by anyone yet outside of people making annoying posts

>> No.77838481

seishirou was kanako lumi's personal little schizopet to doxx her rivals like megbert/menace

>> No.77838492

im so glad im not a miserable incel, its really pathetic

>> No.77838522


>> No.77838532

What is "limbo" even supposed to mean?

>> No.77838640

please stop moving all together, you worry me

>> No.77838666

They are stuck in the hit indie game "limbo"

>> No.77838677

>schizos that use an anonymous board to be faggots are cowards
This is what's really happening anon

>> No.77838678

i told you

>> No.77838724

mama run

>> No.77838730

Don't worry, I can take care of your rectus if you want

>> No.77838781

whoa holy shit whoaaaa he's a prophet. a shitty thread got shitty whoaaaa how could he know??

>> No.77838788
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, FLAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which I'm live whoops like ttrpg prep one

>> No.77838801

yeah and it especially sucks because they could be anyone who actively posts their links or has their links posted

>> No.77838827

we know that she has never runned a day in her life

>> No.77838840

I havw obligations I cant avoid, anon. "Muscles must cramp" or something like that B)

>> No.77838854

yea and women take the stinkiest fattest shits here
im a big time sex haver, i get all teh sex, you dont even know and you're jealous

>> No.77838902

All good faith posters should be abandoning this thread
I'm only here to warn people to stay away like an old man in a horror movie

>> No.77838903

dont be so condescending. anon said that the thread was slow and dying because of ubume drama. i was pointing out that it's been normal and that it'll pick up around this time.

>> No.77838932

oh ok anon was right, this list blows

>> No.77839029


>> No.77839072

seems like the ubume anti is an esl

>> No.77839080

>all of the good people should leave so I can keep complaining about how bad it is here

>> No.77839149

People have tried before, all it did was cause more schizo posting

>> No.77839153

If all the good people leave then this will be a schizo hugbox that will burn itself out like /auds/ /wasp/ and /bvg/

>> No.77839159

*cums on you*

>> No.77839181

You're not selling this

>> No.77839302

Think about it
The thread dies completely
Where do the schizos go? They'll spread out to the various generals if they're not already there and become a diluted minority
Give it time to make the new and reformed /asp/ and keep it low key so the schizos don't just flock to the thread in unison like they did the aforementioned threads
This is how you save the concept of /asp/

>> No.77839331

You've been making this shitty post for months. It's time to give up.

>> No.77839368

That's the first time I've ever made that post

>> No.77839369

I live here, I don't want it to go. I don't crab, but I'll be lonely without /asp/. Make /aspsoc/.

>> No.77839399
File: 96 KB, 1125x122, 1717977915061022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more girls in glasses

>> No.77839403

This was the idea for lancecord continuing to exist

>> No.77839405

We both know that's a lie so why did you say it anyway?

>> No.77839446

What if the call is coming from inside the house?

>> No.77839476

>Where do the schizos go? They'll spread out to the various generals if they're not already there and become a diluted minority
when wasp died they just came here, wvt, and lig

>> No.77839489


>> No.77839525

That's why you don't give them an immediate home
Go a few weeks without baking an /asp/ splinter thread, let them spread out or leave

>> No.77839599

Or you could leave and we'd be minus one schizo. That could work much better.

>> No.77839606

It won't work. Everyone eventually comes back to asp. We're the most active social thread here. Being a shitter on any other thread isn't as effective as being a shitter here.

>> No.77839681

I dont want to prove you wrong because it takes too much effort, but im pretty sure that if I baited as a nijisister in the holothreads I would get 10x (You)s compared to the amount i would get here

>> No.77839751

>implying just one
top birthday kek

>> No.77839923

All the schizos want to do is shit up the thread, the only way they can lose is if people ignore negative posts and be supportive helpful people but even that seems too hard for most of the people here.

Remember to not feed the trolls is the most basic rule to follow.

>> No.77839994

I'll believe you, but shitting on here is a lot different than shitting on actual anon viewers in other threads. The fact that these people are within reach, or people that the crabs can potentially watch/talk to makes it more enticing. I think it's a lot more complex than just getting (You)s. Look at Gael as an example. asp will never get rid of their schizos, it's always been like this, always will, and if you choose to be here you have to learn to swim through all the shit.

>> No.77840005


>> No.77840011

The difference is that here you know you are hurting real individuals and not just a random poster

>> No.77840015

*teleports behind you*
*penetrates and thrusts 666 times*
*gets you ass pregnant*
*uses time magic to accelerate the pregnancy*
*impregnates your ass baby*
*vanishes into the night*

>> No.77840093


>> No.77840207


>> No.77840217


Literally WHO are these people. You can tell these schizos have been around for years because they expect us to know who these people are at a namedrop. /asp/ is full of newfags, retard. Nobody cares who they are.

>> No.77840250

Just let them say and do whatever they want with no pushpack or consequences at all that'll show them!

>> No.77840372

Crabs are the joggers of /asp/ and anons that say "just ignore it bro" are the shitlibs that make excuses for the chimping out

>> No.77840428
File: 1.87 MB, 4096x2304, 61024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New week, new streams. Hoping to have an actual YT VOD edit out soon. T-T Anons, how do you edit quickly?

>> No.77840453

