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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77797451 No.77797451 [Reply] [Original]

Endurance Edition

Previous Thread: >>77785050

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.77797476

Fuwawa sniffing

>> No.77797482
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, pledge_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77797498

I'm out, I'm dying...

>> No.77797500

Kanji de GO

>> No.77797508

Yeah, Mococo

>> No.77797510

>sister issue
leave 4chan Fuwawa

>> No.77797514


>> No.77797520


>> No.77797521

I had no idea what game this was. Without that starting SC about the headphones to spark my memory, I would have completely forgotten this stream.

>> No.77797523


>> No.77797538


>> No.77797588


>> No.77797599


>> No.77797610

I actually haven't watched this stream

>> No.77797618

Bau bau

>> No.77797647
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>> No.77797672


>> No.77797676

talking about foreheads think they'll get new outfits for summer? If they do think they'll get new hairstyles as well?

>> No.77797697

5head doko

>> No.77797701

That stream was actually very great

>> No.77797714

whats JP's opinion on fuwamoco?

>> No.77797760

yes yes Mococo your 4head is sexy

>> No.77797770

Hopefully. Seems like it might be part of the Advent Summer. It'd be welcome, they haven't really changed up anything on their streaming setup since January with the new outfits.

>> No.77797771


>> No.77797783

Oh they're still streaming? They are going for 850k it seems.

>> No.77797808


>> No.77797819


>> No.77797831
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>> No.77797833


>> No.77797857

Yeah I think casual outfits will be one of the "summer of advent" things
Hard to say how different they'll get because I feel like a lot of girls style their casual outfits off of themselves IRL and FWMC already kinda are styled after themselves.

>> No.77797871

So why the fuck was there a random blazblue shill akasupa on an unrelated horror stream?

>> No.77797873

FuwaMoco kawaii, eigo wakaranai www

>> No.77797903

They also want to blow through their massive superchat backlog

>> No.77797952


>> No.77797959

how does it works in holo again
one new outfit every year? every 100k? 500k?

>> No.77797971

i don't know lmao

>> No.77797975

I am their strongest gummy bear

>> No.77797980

because the game sucked

>> No.77797995

2x year i think

>> No.77797999

What a waste of 850k… should have been an endurance stream (I mean, an actual endurance stream, Kek)

>> No.77797998

t-that fuwawa exhausted breathes holy shit

>> No.77798003
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>> No.77798039


>> No.77798078

Fuck you guys saying I was wrong to put on 50 pounds for them. I'm their gummy bear

>> No.77798126
File: 4 KB, 283x46, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77798222

prepare for cringe

>> No.77798225

c-chocosen get past that in like, 30 minutes

>> No.77798250
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>> No.77798252


>> No.77798271

I remember none of this stream because I didn't watch it.

>> No.77798273

>almost all readable supas from one guy

>> No.77798317

>3 colors

>> No.77798371

I think Mococo should have bigger floofies

>> No.77798392

the grammar seems... off?

>> No.77798399
File: 182 KB, 1200x1200, GPYpxM9b0AA6geE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched everything from golden week, but I was tired the majority of the time so I don't remember large portions of it kek

>> No.77798413

I'm looking around, where is he?

>> No.77798424

The fuck home yapping bout

>> No.77798434

It was fun. So many streams to watch.

>> No.77798457

Mugetsu is still around I see him on twitter sometimes
But he isn't a jap he's Canadian so maybe he's just asleep

>> No.77798462

I watched them all as VODS cause I knew I wouldn't be able to stay up

>> No.77798465

what the hell was that SC

>> No.77798476

i literally dont remember any of the content warning collab, I passed out during it

>> No.77798489

I only remember dkc2, 2hu and minecrap lel

>> No.77798506

genuine autism

>> No.77798508

A lunaito!!!

>> No.77798512


>> No.77798529

my 10ten doesn't even recognize 鮮美透涼 kek

>> No.77798560

finally tuning in just now
the older sister/little sister distinction is magnified 100x by fuwawa standing on the box

>> No.77798575

That's the kinda schizo shit that only comes out on japanese streams

>> No.77798598

>Fluffy Minecraft #1
>Fuzzy Minecraft #1

>> No.77798599


>> No.77798625

How is anyone still awake?
I figured we'd be down to like 1.x thousand by now.

>> No.77798626

They were. It was a fun time.
Some of them I would watch half-way live, almost pass out then decide that I would finish it later
now that I think about it, content warning is the once thing I remember literally nothing about kek

>> No.77798658

only this one, watame, and then 3 fwmc morning
after that, 2 advent collab
and we caught up

>> No.77798659

>It's June 9th!
but it's June 10 where FuwaMoco is

>> No.77798663

I leave for a single week without reliable access to YT and they go back to streaming almost every day, figures. If I knew I had this power, I would have left earlier. Did they announce an actual date for 3D yet?

>> No.77798670

you forget that a good bunch of ruffians run on FOMO, they will feel like they "failed fuwamoco" by missing a stream or not staying up. ruffians WILL kill themselves to catch and stay up for fuwamoco

>> No.77798690

>may the 4th be with you
time for the kotor playthrough

>> No.77798698


>> No.77798726

and Minecraft #2 + current stream
and freechat if they're doing those

>> No.77798743

it's not even midnight in their main timezone

>> No.77798744


>> No.77798766
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Ojisans are strong

>> No.77798796

They're going to hit 850k easily.

>> No.77798800

It's 2:00PM here and i'm WFH

>> No.77798826

Cause im enjoying my time with them right now. It's 2am, but really comfy

>> No.77798842

it's they fault for editing vods because of Fuwawa babbling mouth

>> No.77798873

they don't want to have an accidental Mio situation

>> No.77798883


>> No.77798901

Why is this surprising? They played MGS and Palworld for 6+hrs before.

>> No.77798913
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>> No.77798924
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>> No.77798939

>Fuwawa anti

>> No.77798951

I happened to have it open for some reason.

>> No.77798952

Fuwawa... eat more meat...

>> No.77798955

I have a pretty bad sleep schedule, so these are my most active hours

>> No.77798994

Well they did get raided. They would probably be below 2k otherwise.

>> No.77799002

My sleep is FUCKED

>> No.77799006

>that supa

>> No.77799007

more pinks…

>> No.77799010

Now this is ASMR.

>> No.77799023

It's amazing how fast Fuwawa's brain is. She somehow manages to say the fluffiest shit you've ever heard just milliseconds after the thing she responds to.

>> No.77799088

these two girls definitely have something going on in their brains

>> No.77799090
File: 120 KB, 309x328, fuwawastemptinggaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so quick in the strangest places

>> No.77799104
File: 1.37 MB, 4096x3199, Bedtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I can barely think, let alone type anything meaningful in chat. Even if this is the time to get the most chance of being read, it's bed time.
Night night Ruffians.

>> No.77799114
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>these two girls definitely have something going on in their brains

>> No.77799113

Is the meta really sending good night superchats now? Fuwawa has her piggies trained well. Pathetic ojisans can't even stay awake though so they're eliminated as true fans.

>> No.77799130

I just got back from the airport a little while ago and I'm still wired and waiting for the crash

>> No.77799136
File: 517 KB, 1300x1300, 1717984640070782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight Ruffian!

>> No.77799157

Girls..... I made a silly mistake ... I sent a supa during my Birthday in the Absolute fear AOONI stream... but i didnt read the supareading rules... Is it to much to ask for you two to read it out? or maybe just a HBD works

>> No.77799160

>if this is the time to get the most chance of being read
stop caring about this

>> No.77799196
File: 3.37 MB, 3425x2175, F88HpKra4AApLRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight, Ruffian!

>> No.77799214

If I really cared, I'd be chugging an energy drink and fucking my sleep schedule. Time to put on one of the twitter spaces and drift off.

>> No.77799227

silly fool didn't read the rules

>> No.77799251
File: 524 KB, 2302x2875, m'coco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77799269

*tips pon-de-ring baker*

>> No.77799274


>> No.77799292
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>> No.77799310
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I dont like block game that much...

>> No.77799345

I think Fuwawa and Mococo should take their shirts off

>> No.77799371

but then they'll be naked

>> No.77799374

Is there any way to see freecat superchats

>> No.77799385

even mentioning reads is taboo
dont do it

>> No.77799388


>> No.77799397

Are patches applied retroactively? For example if I made a world before Netherite existed, would I eventually find Netherite in the world or do I have to make a world after the Netherite patch?

>> No.77799400

So this SC reading ends at FWMC Morning 96?

>> No.77799421


>> No.77799424
File: 54 KB, 474x353, listenersancomputer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the girls should go to sleep

>> No.77799437

It doesn't load for me but I may be retarded

>> No.77799440

Reminds me, I should do my minecraft reps
haven't played in like 10 years kek
on second thought, it might ruin the series for me, so maybe not

>> No.77799452
File: 44 KB, 187x162, 1692540261943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no that'd be awful

>> No.77799470

good luck chewie

>> No.77799472

start ruffian server

>> No.77799476

You have to generate new chunks, but if the jump between versions is too big it can cause problems

>> No.77799488

You have to generate new chunks for most changes

>> No.77799506
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>> No.77799519
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>> No.77799556


>> No.77799555

this could explain the late artwork rts and stuff

>> No.77799570

why is listener visiting a greek ruin?

>> No.77799583

sounds too much like work

>> No.77799586
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>> No.77799604

in the end everything always goes back to: twitter is complete and utter dogshit
its never anything personal from them

>> No.77799620

No they hate me.

>> No.77799647

what do you mean by "never anything personal"?

>> No.77799649

I mass report ruffians

>> No.77799658

Once a BLOCK is generated, it’s set in stone. These generate in chunks (certain-sized segments of the world). So if you’ve never caused a chunk to load, and fly into where it is, the newly loaded and created chunk could have your material.

This applies to structures too. However, if they add new mobs, they can likely spawn anywhere retroactively as long as they meet the existing conditions, without needing a new chunk always.

>> No.77799664


>> No.77799666

they said it's not shadowban but how would they know which fans are shadowbanned?

>> No.77799668

Ok skimming this I hope they skip it. I was too fucking menhera and it got worse as the days went by. Save me the dignity fwmc

>> No.77799689

>leave stream hours ago
>Check YouTube
>they're still streaming
What the fuck? Ruffians you really like making them suffer, don't you ?

>> No.77799708

Did they ever play portal 1 before hololive?

>> No.77799735

They love us that much

>> No.77799741

I think they said they've never played any portal

>> No.77799755

They love spending time with us. I love spending time with them. It's mutual.

>> No.77799764

they aren't ignoring you on purpose, they don't have it out for you
i took that as them saying they're not shadowbanned

>> No.77799779

I'm going to have less than 3 hours of sleep before work but I must follow my oshis

>> No.77799787

Don't think so, it'd be... interesting to watch kek

>> No.77799806

Somehow my brain is starting to melt from these Minecraft SCs why

>> No.77799822

they have a very big supa backlog to read and it sounds like they dont have any homework obligations to force them to stop the stream
or perhaps they do and just want to get this out of the way for the future

>> No.77799826


>> No.77799829

Fuwawa giggles so much

>> No.77799831

Then I hope they play the first one first. They could beat it in a single stream.

>> No.77799870


>> No.77799873

They're having sex right now

>> No.77799880

I'm thinking about gorillas

>> No.77799884

If there is no post-reading zatsu this is just an obligation for them and they don't love us

>> No.77799891

They're having sex with Minecraft

>> No.77799897

How are you holding up, oji-sans?

>> No.77799902

they have had more breaks in this supa reading than their longest supa reading from before

>> No.77799921

I wanna put Mococo’s red rocket in my mouth and drink her pee like a straw

>> No.77799928

4k subs DORYAAAAAA!!!!

>> No.77799932

>Sleep is needed to heal their barkers
>8 hours left till FWMC Morning which we know they wake up at least 3 hours beforehand
They need to unironically call it now. They got a decent chunk done but if they keep this up, they will be burning the candle at both ends this night.

>> No.77799941
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>> No.77799945

stop thinking about males

>> No.77799947

fine, they better not end early because i'm starting another coffee

>> No.77799963

I knew it was going to be a long stream so I napped a lot earlier in the day. Not even tired now.

>> No.77799973

it's 3pm my dude

>> No.77799975

i honestly dont think this was worth me staying up for but they are cute as usual

>> No.77799991

No issues here, I'm enjoying this stream a bit too much so I'm wide awake.

>> No.77800024

I've got about an hour left in me.

>> No.77800050
File: 384 KB, 1868x1868, 1704040948998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite well. Its almost 3am but Im just relaxing in bed with my wives.
it's comfy.
after being apart for so long, Ill never take any moment or stream for granted ever again..

>> No.77800053

i'm eating lunch while watching

>> No.77800067

Gorillas can be women too

>> No.77800074

if they dont say anything about freecat superchats they dont love us

>> No.77800108

same, but thats probably cause I watched the new planet of the apes movie the other day

>> No.77800107

they've been memoryholed

>> No.77800126

They're trying to be a bit more conscious of their voices.

>> No.77800129

I have one freecat supa but it's yellow

>> No.77800130

well dont take your health for granted either fatboy

>> No.77800138

Incoming flood of copy paste congrats on 850k supas

>> No.77800146
File: 233 KB, 721x859, 1705463874235059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to sleep, ojisans. The zoomers will walk them home gently for you.

>> No.77800149

are you from 2023

>> No.77800165

Cry about it nigger

>> No.77800179

Uhhh you know they live in Japan now right?

>> No.77800181

baused, thanks for sharing

>> No.77800184
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>> No.77800212

I'm not fat

>> No.77800220

>slept 3.5 hours last night
>woke up 20.5 hour ago
>exhausted from working all day
fuck why

>> No.77800224


>> No.77800228

I will NEVER let you win dark skinned japanese man!

>> No.77800246

this is the longest break they have had other than the time mococo was crying

>> No.77800250

Good hopefully it means they are taking better care of their barkers.

>> No.77800252

>They schedule another supa reading for the 850k scs

>> No.77800277


>> No.77800283


>> No.77800285

They were peeing on each other's laps

>> No.77800290

yeah thats how i interpreted it too, they're actually trying to make an effort to take care of theri voices
aside from mococos rare spergout to entertain the ruffians by shrieking NOEHH

>> No.77800297
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send sheep pics

>> No.77800312
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>> No.77800334

Is she getting closer?

>> No.77800355
File: 35 KB, 118x114, thinking pikeru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77800356
File: 227 KB, 756x701, 1714962720259969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77800368

they're pee breaks, not voice breaks. They drink a lot of tea, anon.

>> No.77800370

5hrs+ supa reading, scs about watame collab KINO

>> No.77800382

they will break everything inside their house with that air hockey table kek

>> No.77800400
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>> No.77800405

>FWMC Morning 94
>FWMC Morning 95

>> No.77800418

Anon they literally say they're getting tea during some of these breaks. They drink tea to help with their voices

>> No.77800432

That tea? Me

>> No.77800444

come on anon, they are drinking a lot = lots of piss

>> No.77800450

I'm on the 12-8pm wagie shift in Aus so this is getting me through the day

>> No.77800459


>> No.77800481

anon, what do you think they are drinking so much tea for

>> No.77800503

Obviously they're pissing too but "we're gonna get some tea for our barkers" is pretty obvious anon
They piss because they drink tea and they drink so much tea for voice health.

>> No.77800507

only if they kiss each other right now

>> No.77800510

To make more piss, obviously

>> No.77800525
File: 2.61 MB, 1252x2040, 1718002062139287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

850k superchats incoming

>> No.77800528

Anon, have you been here for a SINGLE one of their long streams? They say they're getting tea/water every single time kek
It's obvious what they're doing.

>> No.77800550

aiiiiieeee she's getting closer

>> No.77800557

yeah, that's what I mean

>> No.77800596

so they can pee in my mouth more often.

>> No.77800598

>trying to start a dogpile
itter is evil.

>> No.77800633

why do you type like that

>> No.77800648
File: 3.20 MB, 2082x3002, icomochi moco-bunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77800663

imagine putting your dick inside their smooth tea induced throats
oh gosh

>> No.77800673

there can only be one dogpile and it was for hugs

>> No.77800683

fuck off

>> No.77800726
File: 1.75 MB, 2742x4096, GPQm4doWkAAoxLK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77800747

Why would you spend 50 bucks to swms something that could be a tweet with the same impact. Are they addicted to attention and chat reads that much

>> No.77800752

smelling and licking every single part of mocochans seductive cute sweaty hag body

>> No.77800755
File: 423 KB, 687x706, mioejaculating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77800768

the hug-pile, as it were.

>> No.77800772

>computer set to JST while in NWP
>computer set to PST while in Japan

>> No.77800776
File: 157 KB, 1055x1135, Screenshot_20240610_030020_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read 426 ch of a web novel today, how was your say ruffians?

>> No.77800786

>FWMC Morning 96

>> No.77800809

my only problem with it is forcing orange reading and I'm grumpy without much sleep but yeah fuck off with names

>> No.77800830

850k! I'm starting to believe!

>> No.77800838

It makes sense at least for them to keep their schedule somewhat in line with their fans

>> No.77800850

their voices are gone

>> No.77800867


>> No.77800869
File: 18 KB, 402x60, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77800870

They've started reacting and reading oranges more from paypigs so of course the whores spam them to get their special orange reactions now

>> No.77800880

it helps to keep track of time

>> No.77800924

>SC schizo is awake
Kek good morning. Please don't samefag too much

>> No.77800928

Let me sleep you troublesome women

>> No.77800962

I finished an anime today, and started a new game.

>> No.77800979

I kinda don't care about it I want them to do whatever read or skip it doesn't matter as long they are happy that is why I give no fucks when superchatschizo goes on and on Mio poster is based tho

>> No.77800989

the cups to pee into

>> No.77800991


>> No.77801005

Oh my god their so autistic and not in a good or cute way. They're still sitting on cardboard boxes and eating out of cups. Do they not get how that might affect their health?

>> No.77801050

>advent takopa

>> No.77801056

unmarried single hags, please undastand.

>> No.77801078

>we have practice today
ahhh and there it is so they are pushing this long stream despite upcoming work
good luck to them

>> No.77801098

wait, no takopa?

>> No.77801101

>advent content warning

>> No.77801113

I'm an old single man, older than both of them, and I have furniture and utensils and dishes.

>> No.77801117

I see the light at the end of the tunnel

>> No.77801126

oh, we're caught up

>> No.77801128

nah they did that already

>> No.77801139

They read it already.

>> No.77801144

they love us way too much

>> No.77801145

they read them in some stream i dont remember what stream itw as recent tho

>> No.77801166

meant for >>77801056

>> No.77801198

but you're an old man, NOT an old woman. These two basically min-maxed their own stats. All they know is Japanese, idols, and singing/dancing. In every other field, including life itself, they are like big children

>> No.77801216

that you got from your parents

>> No.77801221

>iphone SC
kys omocat

>> No.77801238

Nope, bought myself.

>> No.77801246
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>> No.77801251
File: 37 KB, 212x216, sweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love seeing the reactions to the designs from the fans

>> No.77801268

I hope so because the preview looked awful

>> No.77801273

i am excited

>> No.77801287

Fuwawa said "yeah" just now in a very sex manner.

>> No.77801289

d-did you just hear that fluffy moan?

>> No.77801319

what about Mococo? who would Mococo be?

>> No.77801328


clip it and i can assemble a sex compilation

>> No.77801346

>Fluffy Minecraft #2
>Fuzzy Minecraft #2

>> No.77801354

I got a timestamp I'll check later.

>> No.77801391

they did it bros...

>> No.77801396

this is the homestretch

>> No.77801410

Did they do freecat yetf/

>> No.77801428


>> No.77801430

not yet not sure if they will

>> No.77801439

do what now?

>> No.77801447
File: 1 KB, 204x49, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 4 left and then today!
>25 pink++ from today

>> No.77801456

seems like they might skip those.

>> No.77801473

Agri has entered the throne of favored ruffians

>> No.77801497

they're getting bed breaking sex after this

>> No.77801496

He's pretty behind

>> No.77801507

when you send an aka every stream that they always read your brain will remember them

>> No.77801512

I don't feel anything when I watch them anymore

>> No.77801515

I'll be gentle if you wish

>> No.77801517

Like dust in the wind

>> No.77801531

Agri is taking over rat man's gosling superchat shtick

>> No.77801556

I don't and I'm remembered

>> No.77801563

>implying the guy who sends them $500 every other stream wasn't already

>> No.77801596

What? He was just one of Rrat's alts.

>> No.77801602

>hate replaced by indifference
you're healing antichama

>> No.77801617
File: 519 KB, 720x1080, 1799208862920159635_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread was pretty chill, what changed kek

>> No.77801618

fuck off

>> No.77801621

yes you are remembered even without that
its just why they may go "thank you for supporting us always" cause they remember being sent a SC every single stream

>> No.77801636

Stream's almost over and SCshizo woke up

>> No.77801641

fuck off

>> No.77801642

whatserface with the headband, I assume

>> No.77801647
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>> No.77801658

They've been streaming long enough tonight for someone to wake back up

>> No.77801670

kiara has been facing the brunt of shitposting because she got a new outfit

>> No.77801669

fuck off

>> No.77801673

SCschizo woke up and immediately started schizoposting and namefagging.

>> No.77801691

fuck off

>> No.77801698

>I don't think we'll keep you up longer

>> No.77801703

>they're leaving soon
freecat... forgotten...

>> No.77801705

she has a good move set

>> No.77801710

fuck off agri go back to commissioning more porn

>> No.77801714

fuck off

>> No.77801719

>They read the menhera SC

>> No.77801728

this doomer doesnt deserve them

>> No.77801742

>you are here

>> No.77801743

fuck off

>> No.77801757

>theres actually an additional wave of supas coming in
the fucking golden geese of en

>> No.77801764
File: 1.31 MB, 2436x1125, GLrigtDaYAAnVUt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so a combo of things playing out together, gotcha

>> No.77801765

I like to imagine fuwawa and mococo has big puffy chewable nipples
I also like to imagine chewing on them tbqhwyfamalam

>> No.77801788
File: 76 KB, 530x750, capsnk2-yuri-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77801791


>> No.77801795


>> No.77801811

but hololyzer still got them...

>> No.77801812
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>> No.77801825


>> No.77801827
File: 105 KB, 500x500, 1715847059713349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight wuffians, goodnight spooky.

>> No.77801828

#helpfwmc if you want to be that guy

>> No.77801837
File: 47 KB, 402x293, haram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inshallah Wuffians

>> No.77801839

They're going to read everyone's SCs except mine from freechat

>> No.77801842

>giving themselves an out for skipping freecat SCs

>> No.77801845

honestly does anyone who sent scs in freechat even care?

>> No.77801847

most people work at least 8 hours a day

>> No.77801862
File: 92 KB, 500x500, 1711589059317297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight Ruffian!

>> No.77801866
File: 325 KB, 543x511, 1709892810271049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its almost over

>> No.77801869

They already read some freechat SCs

>> No.77801878


>> No.77801884

i feel like you gotta be a special breed of autism to supa in freechat and should have expected them to not get read

>> No.77801886

don't post our janny's messages

>> No.77801901

I don't give a single fuck about my freechat supas being read

>> No.77801924
File: 102 KB, 690x539, 1694148365637963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77801923

this made me laugh way harder than it should have KEK

>> No.77801932

how many did you send? i can't even remember

>> No.77801936

>not strawberry milk

>> No.77801950

night ruffian

>> No.77801963

I didn't expect them to be read then they read them

>> No.77801973

5k subs from SC readings. #shorts is a cheatcode.

>> No.77801974

1 or 2 yellows

>> No.77801984
File: 18 KB, 640x480, IMG_9174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay with me

>> No.77801987

Of course not, SCs are just sent to support your oshi right? It's not about attention right?

>> No.77801998
File: 3.58 MB, 2081x3002, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77802034

I sent supers and don't really care but they seem to care, so if they want to read I'll support them.

>> No.77802059

that's like, the third HBD just from today

>> No.77802061

Look at that body. I can't believe she's only 20(00)

>> No.77802075

are they incapable of singing happy birthday in a more mellow manner, it sounds like they stress their voice for it

>> No.77802103

wait, this one looks right, does someone finally managed to properly scan it?

>> No.77802109

they want to be sweet and be a good memory, contain your autism for once

>> No.77802113

>that supa
i dont even know what to say

>> No.77802131

imagine being the first ruffian to not get the energetic song.

>> No.77802132

what did they say? 988?

>> No.77802151

the whole book got scanned but anon only ever posts the pictures separately

>> No.77802157
File: 1 KB, 136x53, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did this become 988i?

>> No.77802184

oh rite, there's multiple ARS
this gonna be shorter than I thought kek

>> No.77802187

they are just that happy anon jesus

>> No.77802202

it's up on sadpanda, I believe.

>> No.77802201

they changed their youtube name recently

>> No.77802265

>Fuwawa compares their services to money
of course

>> No.77802293

I want to sniff them

>> No.77802305

fuwamoco need 50 thousand subs to reach 900k
that's as many as 5 thousand tens
and that's terrible

>> No.77802339

they are /here/

>> No.77802389

they love us

>> No.77802400

No worries if you have some days you can't or don't have time to read! But just a mention, the freechat SCs are captured per day on hololyzer.
(You can click 'log' for a day and then uncheck the 'normal' checkbox to filter non-SCs out)

>they just wanted to skip white day
please read the room ruffians

>> No.77802403

their buttholes are mine

>> No.77802404

4th birthday today

>> No.77802428

i just hope they can properly manage their time lol, i don't think the love of ruffians will fix any drowsiness or time constraints they face

>> No.77802439

I was the first person to find and post the 40 cakes pic from that book. It's all been downhill from there

>> No.77802459

Maybe Suzu should stop fucking overloading them because she knows they can't say no and she'll get a promotion off their backs.

>> No.77802488

yeah, if only they have someone whose job is to literally manage them

>> No.77802492

fuwawa protects her friends from rape...

>> No.77802499

Fuwawa has mentioned Nerissa and how much she loves her/being cute 8 times this stream.

>> No.77802509

its not fucking fair

>> No.77802513

Why specifically white day? Was there something bad?

>> No.77802519

only she's allowed to rape

>> No.77802542

my superchat was in there. Sorry freecat bros, there skipping it because of me

>> No.77802549

He's quoting a tweet so he can be ignored

>> No.77802553

I beleb it

>> No.77802566

jesas they dont stop coming

>> No.77802601

>fuwawa doesn't have a limit
you cannot outlast her.

>> No.77802603
File: 15 KB, 128x132, 1717121132279197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deploy more SCs

>> No.77802615

wtf they had that ready

>> No.77802629
File: 1.57 MB, 789x1200, 119414333_p0_master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77802631

wait, did they come back to aooni supa and read his supa

>> No.77802636

>6+ month member
>doesn't know the SC rules

>> No.77802645

Oh they kept that HBD orange ready to read, pretty cool.

>> No.77802656

they kept it ready after they got to it earlier

>> No.77802658

mane-chan might've sent it to them

>> No.77802665

I love them

>> No.77802673

I love mocochan's autism

>> No.77802681

the current pink mentions it's his birthday though

>> No.77802733

either during a break they set it up or suzu told them

>> No.77802743

oh no no no no dunkkeks

>> No.77802755

I'm half asleep, what happened?

>> No.77802777

Dunkin is literally the reason Misudo closed in America so imagine being worse than Dunkin.

>> No.77802780

what's their sub per hour rate?

>> No.77802787

They fucking love us man, I love them back in spades. It's little things like this that just shows their constant sincerity. I think I'm being a bit of a sappy retard because it's not even my birthday, but I'm tearing up a little bit thinking of it.

>> No.77802784

holy shit Fuwawa almost cried saying that

>> No.77802802


>> No.77802817

I mean it's nice they kept it open in a tab or something instead going "one second" and go look for it..

>> No.77802836

lets be real, if they were told "spend less time with ruffians" they're going to be reluctant and probably combative about it. remember how they even forced/fought to fit in a white day stream despite it sounding like they shouldnt have and said their manager thought it was crazy of them to do that
they still have their own freedom to follow what their manager says or not
the only thing i can agree with is >>77802459
but i also really believe they have to learn to say no at some point, thats still a responsibility of theirs

>> No.77802842

they're ass lol

>> No.77802849


>> No.77802854

>they REALLY are /here/

>> No.77802874

They might have saw it when it came in

>> No.77802891

Fuwawa is so fucking fat.

>> No.77802895

fuwawas talking about ice cream pon de rings...

>> No.77802907

is this a common /here/ thing?

>> No.77802925

would you watch 149 hours of vertical Minecraft streams if it meant they hit their goal?

>> No.77802943

Why is Fuwawa so fluffy?

>> No.77802954

no. many people on twitter said they tried pon de rings and said they were shit

>> No.77802968

>5 hours of minecraft everyday for a month
eh, would

>> No.77802975

I would watch like 10 of those

>> No.77802976

Sorry Puppies my internet will be off see you again some day!

>> No.77802981

whether i watch those or not wouldnt matter because im already subscribed, that said no i wouldn't watch them all

>> No.77802991


>> No.77803007

yes, several times over

>> No.77803029

they even got an I Went For a Walk on FWMC Morning forever ago and the dude said they were just ok

>> No.77803082

what part of these women's diet would lead anyone to believe they have good culinary taste?

>> No.77803092

Minecraft has been some of the most fun I've had with them lately, so of course

>> No.77803113
File: 3 KB, 628x65, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did they skip this supa? i dont even remember it

>> No.77803132
File: 257 KB, 441x331, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead dove do not eat

>> No.77803135

They read it.

>> No.77803141

they read it and rejected it

>> No.77803146


>> No.77803147

Mococo saw my penis and said it was "grotesque"

>> No.77803164

They read it and then mentioned some stuff about noises they wouldn't want us to hear

>> No.77803169

stop having cock veins.

>> No.77803172


>> No.77803173

a shame

>> No.77803180

this nigga has the most cringe SCs now

>> No.77803226

>Exactly what I needed
I love them...

>> No.77803236

Just wait til I get a job and start superchatting

>> No.77803238


>> No.77803242

That's when they talked about their teeth making noises

>> No.77803245

most cringe fwmc SCs of history vs most cringe fwmc SCs of today?

>> No.77803274

Fuwawa was using her entire brain to hold back giggles for 10 seconds...

>> No.77803279
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>> No.77803286

no one can top 2schizos trying to ERP rape them every day

>> No.77803287

just fwmcs, you think I watch other streamers SC reading

>> No.77803308

>asking Fuwamoco to watch Star Wars
Actual antis

>> No.77803311

I don't think they have sex, but I do think they probably masturbate together

>> No.77803315
File: 431 KB, 567x532, fuwawascreation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did her best

>> No.77803349

what about throw up

>> No.77803353

she didn't have much to use

>> No.77803354


>> No.77803358

What's going on inside Fluffy's brain? Why does she need to concentrate to stop giggling?

>> No.77803363

It's important to Japanese culture

>> No.77803373

>it's been 7 hours

>> No.77803374

>The romance of an older man and a princess with knights all based on Kurosawa's films.
Yeah they'll hate it.

>> No.77803390

both said fwmc in that post

>> No.77803392

its a funny coincidence because inas stream 2 days ago also had a massive amount of happy birthdays

>> No.77803427
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>> No.77803436

happy birthday to what?

>> No.77803446
File: 349 KB, 220x220, venom-scream.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SO many birthdays today!

>> No.77803447

vod watchers

>> No.77803448

i realized after I responded but didnt care enough to rectify it

>> No.77803453

Maybe she has that disease Joker had.

>> No.77803455


>> No.77803457
File: 380 KB, 566x761, 1698804405848364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because she knows the world is a joke and every second is a punchline.

>> No.77803459

the neurons are in giggle mode by default

>> No.77803465

I thought they grew up in a nerd household that watched Star Wars and Trek

>> No.77803483

yeah, but what was the wording they used in the song?

>> No.77803499

i forgor i can rewind it

>> No.77803514
File: 490 KB, 2400x3800, ewalks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77803518
File: 172 KB, 500x374, unhappy door opens [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0nuew6.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I dont get ESR by 100 then im giving up forever

>> No.77803525

June 9th ruffians I think.

>> No.77803524


>> No.77803547

june 9/10th born ruffians

>> No.77803550

>it will never become like this again
foreshadowing that they wont take on as many projects and homework so they can spend more time streaming?

>> No.77803563
File: 94 KB, 250x314, 1687291282353551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fluffy brain operates at 300 miles a minute

>> No.77803567


>> No.77803568

holy shit 851k ruffians

>> No.77803583


>> No.77803594

what the fuck is that sc

>> No.77803600

>Because we are not planning to move again.

>> No.77803604

what did they just mumble in response to the hololyzer thing?

>> No.77803605


>> No.77803610

how are they still getting 10 subs per minute 7 hours into SC reading?

>> No.77803616

They're blaming it on the move

>> No.77803620

>we're not planning on moving again
No, they're supposed to return to NWP when this idol nonsense is over!

>> No.77803626
File: 95 KB, 280x296, 1706291056056997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're unstoppable

>> No.77803628

They don't want to explicitly say they're using hololyzer for some reason

>> No.77803634

Papa Puppy will never see them again...

>> No.77803637

its been so long i forgot some of those supas are pre-move, but aren't a lot of them actually post-move after freechat?

>> No.77803639

They're pretty weird about a lot of stuff.

>> No.77803646

Hey now that's no guarantee!

>> No.77803655

It doesn't matter the content. People will just scroll through and sub.

>> No.77803656

randos scroll shorts
see cute faces and hear cute voices with novelty of twins
simple as

>> No.77803660

But he doesn't have forever to wait...

>> No.77803670

He needs to come to Japan

>> No.77803677

Normies scrolling YouTube like it's tiktok, seeing 2 seconds of cute dogs, clicking sub, then flicking to some vid of a teen twerking or getting kicked in the nuts or whatever

>> No.77803686

They're post move but pre-move into the dog house
They couldn't do a long catchup stream in the cardboard box

>> No.77803689

You know, I bet there will be a trip to the NWP they do at some point.

>> No.77803700

Nope. They took down freechat the moment they moved into the doghouse.

>> No.77803713


>> No.77803727


>> No.77803737

Now that I think about it they could fall behind on supas again if they ever fly back home for the holidays or something.

>> No.77803742

1 million was achievable if they didn't get guilted about the vertical streams, they're a cheat code for free subscribers

>> No.77803746

they will never ever disable scs

>> No.77803748

Fucking whore normalfag

>> No.77803755

I assume Cover bans 3rd party tool mentions of shit like that? Or maybe they just want plausible deniability for skipping ones they don't want to read?

>> No.77803778


>> No.77803790

You know how they are. They'll always promise the best case scenario even though things might not go as planned

>> No.77803794

A couple other holoens have mentioned using it, I think. Kiara is the first that comes to mind

>> No.77803796
File: 1.36 MB, 1233x992, 1694923265483816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77803797


>> No.77803798

>gone right at the last SC
yeah they hate us

>> No.77803802

They are so happy

>> No.77803804


>> No.77803827

6k subs in 7 hours.

>> No.77803833

dkc2 should be 7+ hours as well

>> No.77803837


>> No.77803844

Kiara also just spent her 3D update debut ranting the entire time about how Cover's tech is shit compared to 3rd party. I think Kiara probably says lots she isn't supposed to

>> No.77803847

you think thats going to happen?
rumao even

>> No.77803852


>> No.77803861

ngl im so tired i dont even know what these posts means lmao whata re you saying to me
i think what i was just tyring to say is that, post-move when they got a house they still received a stupendous amomunt of supas they just never got the chance to read them, so its not like the big backlog of supas is from
honestly i dont remember the order of eventsanymore goodnight, also the subs they got from this is disgusting

>> No.77803868

just restream cropped old vods as #shorts streams 24/7 and watch the subs roll in

>> No.77803872

I know the rate won't keep up but couldn't they still reach 1 million with this?

>> No.77803882


>> No.77803894
File: 12 KB, 388x292, 1700980710737687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77803900

dont ask what happened in the stream because I dont remember

>> No.77803906
File: 258 KB, 2048x2048, 1714792802303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I'd llike it to be

>> No.77803907


>> No.77803911
File: 178 KB, 814x750, 1704514421261237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because we're insane for watching all of this stream ehehehehehehehehe

>> No.77803924

nerissa foot raped Mococo

>> No.77803931

I'm gonna have to relisten to the whole stream

>> No.77803937
File: 316 KB, 1450x2048, 1711920022122218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77803939

That will require them to do shorts everyday. They just don't have the time to do that.

>> No.77803955

They talked about Newissa A LOT. It was great.

>> No.77803962

good night schizos, there you go

>> No.77803963

Is that it? Are we done with the SC backlog?

>> No.77803967
File: 297 KB, 381x387, mopero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you enjoy? They did good. I'm glad they got almost 8 hours of superchats finally out of the way and not lingering over their heads anymore.

>> No.77803968

why did i do this

>> No.77803970

careful, don't sleep before their post-stream tweet

>> No.77803974

Today's fuwamocodeword is about us...

>> No.77803992

see: >>77803868
The shorts normies don't care about interaction

>> No.77804000

anon, we still have freecat left

>> No.77804012

It's funny how incredibly obvious is is that you are incredibly tired.
holy fuck same here too

>> No.77804016
File: 126 KB, 910x737, 1692467609305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77804019

Freecat. That will take about 3hrs.

>> No.77804027


>> No.77804038

IRyS actually uses it instead of YouTube and has mentioned it on lots of occasions
Don't think they're banned from saying it

>> No.77804040

I seriously doubt freecat has that many SCs.

>> No.77804043

I'm glad they can get it out of the way and it won't take up no more slot
I think there's a lot of tangent too, tho not exactly japan-related, but my brain too mushy to remember

>> No.77804059

they are memoryholing it

>> No.77804067

Fuwawa wanted to protect nerissa from rape.

>> No.77804075

yeah but I think we all are. Get some rest before FWMC Morning Ruffians!

>> No.77804096

Lock me in with them again

>> No.77804104

I loved it and am glad they cleared their entire stream backlog.
I loved the moment when Fuwawa tried to suppress her sweet giggles lol

>> No.77804107

Fun stream, comfy.
As usual the tangents were a good time.
I can't see straight anymore though...

>> No.77804108

god they still have to make the fwmcmorning frame tweet too
ill just reply in the morning man fuuckkit

>> No.77804117

please share the timestamp sir

>> No.77804139
File: 139 KB, 349x379, areallyhappyfuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really cute stream! I'm a little more tired than I usually am now, but I had a lot of fun

>> No.77804145

Anon, they mentioned freecat supas twice at the end of this stream.

>> No.77804152

How long did they have FreeChat open for? I wonder how long it will take to do all of that.

>> No.77804158

Hold on, my trigger finger is itchy for the post-stream tweet.

>> No.77804160

huh, the freecat link on hololyzer is fucked, but the url itself works

main freecat page: https://hololyzer.net/youtube/freechat/

fwmc page linked in mane freecat page: https://hololyzer.net/youtube/freechat/UCt9H%20RpQzhxzlyBxFqrdHqA.html

actual fwmc page: https://hololyzer.net/youtube/freechat/UCt9H_RpQzhxzlyBxFqrdHqA.html

>> No.77804184


>> No.77804187

>I loved the moment when Fuwawa tried to suppress her sweet giggles lol
recency bias
also from forgetting the content of 90% of the stream

>> No.77804192

They did mustache. We're good now but fuck they got through that finally. Probably just a quick nap before work for me.

>> No.77804212

fuwawa really wants mamapuppy on stream, huh?

>> No.77804217
File: 60 KB, 294x165, 042641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so tired...

>> No.77804244

god I love this image
crunchy and squashed

>> No.77804246


>> No.77804264

time for a power nap alarms dont fail me now

>> No.77804281

Okay here

>> No.77804322


>> No.77804325

Hope it's a good day Ruffian.

>> No.77804331


>> No.77804336

how about playing 7 hours DKC2

>> No.77804338
File: 820 KB, 918x1014, 1704683598100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my tasty little gummy bears

>> No.77804348

Oh shit, they missed like a big chunk of 14 supas in the latest stream.

>> No.77804355

ima have to watch that one guy that clips all of Fuwamocos streams

>> No.77804369

Eh no thanks. I will be happy with 4 hours.

>> No.77804404

will Mococo eat natto for fwmc morning or will it be a different challenge?

>> No.77804427

they saved the spit-out takoyaki for it

>> No.77804433

It was a jab at their latest X post.
>Thank you for spending over 7 hours talking with us today
I'd be happy with just 4 hours gaming

>> No.77804461

That's Fuwawa's snack

>> No.77804480

14 hour OOT endurance

>> No.77804525
File: 124 KB, 500x500, Mocosleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G'night see you for FWMC Morning

>> No.77804543
File: 275 KB, 1494x2048, 1689449350798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14 hour OOT endurance
This is actually going to happen someday... someday...

>> No.77804544
File: 327 KB, 467x472, mogogotosleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77804572
File: 333 KB, 556x623, 1715144130578841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gn ruffians

>> No.77804582
File: 108 KB, 1080x480, 1703708364397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

night. I can't believe I'm finally turning my FWMC Morning alarm clock back on

>> No.77804651
File: 10 KB, 476x91, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77804654

>alarm set for 6 hours from now on

>> No.77804678

>fell asleep 4 hours in
>another almost 4 hours of VOD content left to watch
Guess I know what I’m doing after FWMC Morning.

>> No.77804717
File: 74 KB, 225x223, happymogogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77804725

hey, that's a lot of time
yesterday I set mine to +3 hours

>> No.77804761

if you don't have a SC you want read, it's really not worth it

>> No.77804785

FuwaMoco are always worth it.

>> No.77804847

I'm so happy they aren't joining the tree project that would be finished with how dedicated they are but would be insufferable to watch

>> No.77804897

You would rather listen to the happy birthday song repeatedly for four hours than watch a whole 12 episode anime?

>> No.77804904

just one more #shorts bro
please, just one more
one more #shorts and they'd finally pass the tree

>> No.77804908

I’m sorry, I think I’m going to stop forcing myself to post something every day. I don’t think it’s helping me mentally forgive me if it mattered I kinda doubt it tho, I’ll post when I think it’s worth posting. So…here’s hoping

>> No.77804922

fuck off

>> No.77804947

>You would rather listen [to FWMC] for four hours than watch a whole 12 episode anime?

>> No.77805031


>> No.77805058

too much effort

>> No.77805072


>> No.77805137


the last they read was DFS's here

>> No.77805162

I can’t sleep.

>> No.77805207

The white day supas. Lost like tears in rain

>> No.77805262

Marshmallowschizo spared a suicide.

>> No.77805546

entertainmentchads have never suffered from menhera
come join the superior side

>> No.77805633


>> No.77805699
File: 1.11 MB, 1359x947, You made a big mess[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsmfoz9.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
