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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 712 KB, 2832x2736, gem girl the witch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77785686 No.77785686 [Reply] [Original]

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: Elden Ring at MON 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_ABx_-dse0
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.


>> No.77785723
File: 316 KB, 2000x2000, gem girl painter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schejewel TBC.
MON - Elden Ring
TUE - Either Little Kitty, Big City or a spooky game with Kaela backseating (Platform 8 or Don't Scream)
WED - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
THU - ???
FRI - ???
SAT - ???
SUN -???
Possible streams:
Monster Hunter
More Elden Ring

>> No.77785911


>> No.77785970

How much further does Biboo realistically need to get in Elden Wing to be ready for the DLC?

>> No.77785975


>> No.77785997

>For legal purposes

>> No.77786020

the most harmful-to-pebbles post

>> No.77786060

The first minute:
>Okay guys, memberships are... On! Now, let's get back to Rock Simulator...
The second minute:
>Huh, that's odd. I think my chat broke, lemme fix that.
The third minute:
>Okay, it should be working now! Let's see...
The fourth and fifth minute:
>(idle commentary on the game, as she tries to understand whether or not this is really happening, and if it would be better or worse to bring up how literally zero people have bought her membership so far)
The sixth minute:
>P-pebbles, should I say, "okane ga nai yo?" W-were you waiting for that?
The seventh minute:
>(confusion settles into her as absolutely no one buys her membership. She knows for sure that it is open; checking with her manager on her second monitor, they confirm that the membership option is fully functioning.)
The eighth minute:
>(the worst of her fears start flooding into her mind. All of her insecurities pour out inside of her, with a mixture of utter surrealism as she desperately struggles to understand what she could have done wrong. 'The other girls got memberships. Even the oldest Hololive members from the very beginning got someone, ANYONE to member them when they opened those up, right? Getting less than Fuwawa and Mococo was something I expected, but nothing? No one? Why? W-what did I do wrong? W-w-what did I m-miss?')
The ninth minute:
>(her audience hears the faintest whispers of her mental anguish at this baffling result, as her emotions boil over into tears dripping down her face. She is not sobbing; she spent too long suffering her grinding years as an indie, spent too long living with rejection letters to let her sadness control her to that extent anymore. But the silent tears elicit the softest of sniffles as she wipes her eyes free of the salty substance.)
The tenth minute onwards:
>(she tries to compose herself. 'Y-you can do this, Bijou. You made your dream come true, right? Everyone has a setback. Why did you think you'd get people who wanted to buy your membership? Just because you're in Hololive? You spent years getting here; why did you assume that you'd get anything handed to you AFTER that? You... you just have to keep going. Don't think about it: Someone, ANYONE will eventually think you're worth it, right?')
>('YOU'LL think you're worth it, someday, right?')
Later, as she ends the stream, with not a single membership bought:
>Alright pebbles, t-that was a really fun stream! I guess I'll see you soon!
>I... I-I promise I'll do even better from now on!! You'll love it. I-I'm sure of it!!! Eventually, right?
>Bijou... l-later!!!

>> No.77786101

I'm going to filter this post.

>> No.77786102

you can't do youtube clips but you can post them here

>> No.77786107


>> No.77786134

Do not, instead kill yourself

>> No.77786166

was this the first elbbep

>> No.77786172


>> No.77786185
File: 381 KB, 927x839, 1691935299151250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna remove this post from my memory

>> No.77786187

what you gonna do besides cry?

>> No.77786188

I don't get it, are you making shit up for fun?

>> No.77786204

This post has always been stupid, I would have membered and been her favorite Pebble, I still am but this would have cemented it

>> No.77786252

Nigger fuck you.

>> No.77786282


>> No.77786311
File: 1007 KB, 2048x2048, 1714272307567375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bijou ?

>> No.77786314

out of character

>> No.77786319

oooh it's schizophrenia, I see

>> No.77786364

She's gonna play Shadow Generations, to no one's surprise.

>> No.77786373

Funny seeing all these tourists/newfags being clueless about the membership post lmao

>> No.77786382

The voices in my head are fun to listen to

>> No.77786479

She needs to watch Dredd so bad. She'd love it.

>> No.77786505

IIRC 2~3 8 hour streams if she beelines objectives

>> No.77786521

I'm the one who asked about it but I knew about it, it seems fairly mean spirited and done with spite so I had forgotten about it. I thought he was talking about a real thing.

>> No.77786554 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.58 MB, 1206x2226, 6722a7bcf7d79e49768b0d113da83cf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always kinda surprising seeing that there are actually new fans coming in every now and then. I wonder how many remember this.

>> No.77786575

He worded it as poorly as possible, yes.

>> No.77786607

The remake? Imagine her reaction to the ending scene

>> No.77786668


>> No.77786718

I will beep the bipooreon

>> No.77786753

>That's copyright

>> No.77786796
File: 449 KB, 1200x857, 1690891338472762.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some people, imagining an unrealistically bad alternate reality can help raise appreciation for what we have

>> No.77786840

Oh she found an artist already, nice

>> No.77786897

Is the gamma turned up or something on this pic? Why is Biboo's head so shiny?

>> No.77786904

Once a month would be the fucking dream.

>> No.77786968

To make it more enticing to pat

>> No.77786985

Yes, that would be perfect

>> No.77787005

I see, thanks pebble. I predict at least two Elden Wing stweams this week.

>> No.77787035

Biboo is easily persuaded

>> No.77787124

I can see another ER stream on either thursday or friday and a monhun stream on the other day and then she'll leave for the weekend to go back to Japan.

>> No.77787179

She'd love Trigun

>> No.77787190

She's a natural at rolling these R's now

>> No.77787229

bocchi when??

>> No.77787245

My daughterwife explaining memes to me

>> No.77787296

Well I'm a weeb and I've been aware of vtubers for a long time, but for some reason I never got into them. Biboo was the first one I started watching because the YT algo just constantly recommended me clips of her and no one else.
My guess is that Biboo's stuff just breaks through the holo/weeb box and goes into a more "normal" audience. Hell, I stopped using 4chan in like 2013 and came back just to discuss her streams somewhere that wasn't a fan discord.
That's also why I also think pebbles tend to be more "dumb", she probably has the zoomiest and most normal audience. Also why her super chats are low for her popularity, but her membership numbers are somewhat high.

>> No.77787309

I just need a
>Biboo explains
of literally anything. I'd watch the whole thing.

>> No.77787308

What is a mountain, Biboo?

>> No.77787333

Pretty sure this copypasta was made before the Biboo nickname even came about

>> No.77787349

I just need a

>> No.77787369

>Biboo explains thermodynamics

>> No.77787374

I just dont understand the lingo she uses

>> No.77787401

Didn't Biboo tell people they could call her Biboo on her debut?

>> No.77787410

biboo as a nickname was established at debut

>> No.77787433

She's very good with her tongue. Kaela has taught her well

>> No.77787451
File: 194 KB, 600x600, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before the Biboo nickname even came about
>the Biboo nickname even came about

>> No.77787489

>biboo explains quantum field theory
i need to pass my class next term

>> No.77787575

look at this beeping nerd

>> No.77787595

Would you trust Bibs to teach you the information correctly

>> No.77787622

I would watch her do both of these things, actually

>> No.77787645

biboo can do no wrong

>> No.77787696
File: 850 KB, 1924x928, 1717749184032972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need Biboo to explain anything to me because I never learn

>> No.77787711

How can you be so confident about something so wrong?

>> No.77787714

Whatever Biboo says would be correct and how I would interpret the information from that point onward.

>> No.77787721

Never get old pebbles, you lose the ability to eat spicy shit

>> No.77787728
File: 963 KB, 420x422, you're not doubting Biboo right [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4wr9n6.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77787798

too late

>> No.77787814

Biboo loves eating actual boiling lava

>> No.77787823


>> No.77787865

Pretty sure it's easier to eat spicy shit when you get older because your taste buds get worse. It's the reason why kids love plain stuff like mac and cheese, they have sensitive taste buds so that shit tastes amazing to them.

>> No.77787891

Koseki "known cheese disliker" Biboo

>> No.77787912


>> No.77787935

its not going down thats the hard part anon...

>> No.77787963

Oh my condolences

>> No.77787972

>Again bringing up the fact she didn't eat Ramen in japan yet
Actual sin

>> No.77787999

according to shiori, biboo and shiori accidentally peed in the guys restroom

>> No.77788037

Kek Biboo.
She's so precious
Also yes, I love the daily faces

>> No.77788042
File: 3.49 MB, 2792x3200, biboo status.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 9 every day

>> No.77788084

Biboo 7

>> No.77788092

14 for me

>> No.77788111

I'm definitely a 4 at the moment

>> No.77788136


>> No.77788141

I'm pretty much always a 15

>> No.77788145

biboo 6 is the one for me

>> No.77788167

I aspire to be a 3 everyday but I'm more of a 6

>> No.77788200
File: 125 KB, 332x321, derprock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lemme get uhhh 11 biboo

>> No.77788215

>I like to sleep in absolute frigid temperatures
>Biboo likes to sleep in absolute frigid temperatures

>> No.77788227

She has been mentioning Fubuki a bit too much. 3D guest confirmed and she's gonna lick the rock.

>> No.77788232

well that pretty much confirms she lives in CA aka the Devil's Asshole

>> No.77788279
File: 93 KB, 1024x576, 1713660103112604m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77788309

me 10 me always 10 10 good haha

>> No.77788324

I'm always baked so Biboo 11 is for me

>> No.77788356

I'm the same way. It could be blistering hot in my room but I still need to be under at least some sort've blanket.

>> No.77788361

On one hand, there are times she prepares for a stream and collab and does a surprisingly good job of trying to onboard and instruct everyone else and I'm impressed that she understands KISS principles and how to avoid info overload and how to let people learn shit on their own with only some guidance
On the other hand, sometimes she's in a collab and the other person asks "senpai, how do I do that thing you clearly know how to do?" and she just opens her mouth and the worst confused sensei nonsense spews out, down to forgetting the button she pressed to do the thing 5 seconds ago

>> No.77788365


>> No.77788383

Biboo dying under the weight of a weighted blanket

>> No.77788426


>> No.77788438

Aren't weighted blankets for autismos?

>> No.77788437

was pretty obvious

>> No.77788449

Are you just going to ignore all the southern states as well as navada which have objectively hotter temperatures?

>> No.77788467

yes, lots of those in chat

>> No.77788484

consuming thc every day isnt good for you anon, take breaks, it not only is healthier but also saves money

>> No.77788493

Not only them but yes

>> No.77788502

>ignore all the southern states
yes, bc PST lol

>> No.77788547

I use 2 25lb blankets with one folded over, she'd be flattened even more

>> No.77788561


>> No.77788577
File: 2.43 MB, 2509x3541, 112969022_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gotta look at the glass half full pebbro
you just get to experience the spice twice for the price of once

>> No.77788585

Canada gets to 40C anon, dont be retarded

>> No.77788645

she has AC and it's still to hot
that's 100% a southwestern US thing

>> No.77788662

Yeah the problem is the amount of blood loss it causes for me. It's pretty bad and I've had to go to the hospital before...

>> No.77788659

Biboo is such a genius

>> No.77788734

Biboo trying to guilt trip me right now

>> No.77788799

>how do you have time for more than 1 meal

>> No.77788838

As a Canadian that has to do the same, dont be retarded.

>> No.77788855

I can save her

>> No.77788927
File: 204 KB, 412x412, 945454226801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just farted

>> No.77788970

Having 2 AC units helps a bunch. If you have central heating or something, just throw a cheap AC unit in your bedroom and keep the door/blinds closed. Unless you live on the fucking sun it should stay cool.

>> No.77788973

I love my rock wife so much, bros

>> No.77788977

I still remember when Mohg NIHIL'd Ina's PC

>> No.77789061

I miss her already...

>> No.77789084

i think we can rule out the possibility of her being canadian, but any of the PST states are viable options still

>> No.77789104

How the HECK isn't a single AC not enough? How hot does it actually get? I live in a particularly hot part of hueland and a hot summer is like 40º or something, my trusty AC is enough to make me chill

>> No.77789126
File: 1020 KB, 285x260, NOMOREBIBOO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77789222

Nah Alberta for sure

>> No.77789242

over 45c regularly

>> No.77789270

Maybe she's just embarrassed to say she doesn't have an AC lol

>> No.77789304

I can see the sun. Goodnight pebbles

>> No.77789310
File: 2.86 MB, 3840x2160, 1713918598786215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having more than one AC
I agree it's stupid, you can't pilot more than one at the same time.

>> No.77789338

rest well Pebble

>> No.77789349

I don't know man, my a/c units always die after a year or two, the last few years have been pretty consistent 45°

>> No.77789350

Good night bwo

>> No.77789360

Tomorrow is monday...... Bweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh

>> No.77789395

Maybe it's not in her room?. Only way it makes sense to me.

>> No.77789401

>over 45
What the HECK, my condolences.

>> No.77789450

haha funny

>> No.77789522


>> No.77789532

Hehe mohglester

>> No.77789536

it can't be too loud in her room for the audio quality and she needs extra lighting so the phone captures her face so she has a streamer light on her face which is extra hot, her loose blouse probably drenched with sweat

>> No.77789587

she was talking about sleeping, coombrain.

>> No.77789592

Im her chair, can confirm. I am drenched in her sweaty juices.

>> No.77789744

I may have assumed her bed was in the same room as her PC

>> No.77789764

This wasn't what she was talking about but I'm going to uou at the thought of it, anyway

>> No.77789837

She could also just be one of those people who are beeping weird around temperature, shit like her eating habits and spice tolerance are already pretty outside the norm
I've known guys who walk around in t-shirts and shorts in the dead of winter and who are sweating and complaining when it goes past 70-80 F

>> No.77789840

I'm glad she liked Sein. Shame he was only there for a few episodes...

>> No.77789920

>streamer light on her face which is extra hot
Why would she keep her ringlight on whenever she's sleeping???
She's just autistic about being under covers when going to sleep, of course she's going to have a bad sleep in this weather
Also this, she already said a few times that cold doesn't bother her like going out in the snow bare-legged and even running around barefoot in the snow, it wouldn't surprise me if she's just sensitive to heat

>> No.77790435

Sleepy sweaty Biboo...
Imagine the smell

>> No.77790800

I don't have to, I'm her bed

>> No.77790810

jesas anon

>> No.77791064

I do think sleeping naked with a thin sheet blanket, cotton so it breathes, would help biboo sleep

>> No.77791115

I agree, and she should also take pictures so we could judge her set-up and give her tips.

>> No.77791261

Good opinion
Better opinion

>> No.77791408

When I was a kid I'd sleep with my mattress on top of me, I've just always slept more comfortably with some pressure on me

>> No.77791492

Plebians sleeping on their beds. Just get a hammock, nerds.

>> No.77791506
File: 116 KB, 512x512, biboo shiori the movie the last.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...a whole mattress on top of you? were you laying on the floor? on the bed frame? I need to know the logistics

>> No.77791585

he stole his otouto's mattress

>> No.77791638

Between the mattress and the boxspring

>> No.77791649

Hammockshill pebble, I'm getting sick of your shit.

>> No.77791701

genuine fucking unironic full-blown medium-functioning autism

>> No.77791765

well, it sounds like you grew out of it. are you using a weighted blanket now?

>> No.77791814

>he wants to be stationary during his eight hours of baby sleep
lmaoing@your life
the slight head elevation from sleeping in a hammock actually has health benefits unlike your square cashgrab from ((the sleep industry))
Do you wanna be just like him? >>77791638

>> No.77791952

Follow the reply chain, dumbass

>> No.77791960

Yeah, >>77788547 this is me

>> No.77791986


>> No.77791994

What the fuck?

>> No.77792118

Well, that's better than a mattress. Good for you.

>> No.77792126

I'm about to make dinner and I have spicy noodles. Should I actually try the sliced cheese melted in to make it less spicy thing she was talking about?

>> No.77792264

dew it

>> No.77792305

I have like 3 long pillows, a nice comforter blanket and a super comfy warm blanket and I layer both together, if it,s too hot I put the comforter under the blanket

>> No.77792364

I think I will, I'll report back with the results later

>> No.77792379

If you strike me down I shall come back stronger than ever
See you tomorrow for more hammock brainwashing

>> No.77792495

its common in asian countries apparently, try it for us

>> No.77792517

I have close to this setup, I just don't own any long pillows, they feel weird to sleep with. Sometimes even two pillows stacked up is too weird

>> No.77792526

I would use extra blankets but it never felt like it was enough and it would get too hot, so one night I crawled under my mattress and had the best sleep of my life

>> No.77792590
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-4106273602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding cheese to bright red gigaspicy food is a thing in east asian cuisine, though I've seen it a lot more often in KR food than JP myself.
If you need help with spicy food give it a shot, though depending on your mileage with congealed cheese it may put a timelimit on you finishing the bowl, I've seen situations where someone can barely handle the spice to begin with and it just becomes unappetizing for them once the soup gets cold and there's an extra layer of rubbery solidified cheese gluing it all together on top now.

>> No.77792686

I want to say I tried that once as a kid, but it wasnt comfortable.
Seems weird as hell, but everyone is weird so it is what it is.
I did sleep with a weighted blanket last night and it was comfy so I wont make fun of you that much, Weirdo

>> No.77792721

how far will biboo get tomorrow, i'm thinking finishing caelid, and getting the frenzied flame?

>> No.77792825
File: 540 KB, 1536x2227, 1687641083666923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77792962


>> No.77792964


>> No.77793004

armpit peropero

>> No.77793111

fubuki get away from my wife

>> No.77793188

licking all the sweat off her body so she can sleep easier

>> No.77793209

fubuki feel free to fuck my wife

>> No.77793404

alright good job AI man

>> No.77793472

She's definitely getting frenzied flame but who knows how far she'll get, she could probably zoom through most of it honestly

>> No.77793567

that looks like Dukbokki

>> No.77795007

So it's not as weird as I thought it'd be. I can't taste the cheese at all and it made the sauce very thick, like clam chowder. It definitely took the spicy flavor down a lot though. I might do this more often, honestly.

>> No.77795082

i think that is dukbokki

>> No.77795135

i keep replying to the wrong posts, ment to reply to >>77793567

>> No.77795139

Dear biboo, please do the language stream. I don't understand the kids half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of them half as well as they deserve

>> No.77795197

Dukbokki is tasty as fuck

>> No.77795335

Biboo is going to sleep naked tonight, and the blankets rubbing on her nipples are going to make her very horny tomorrow as she's going to be constantly edging all night and even in her sleep

>> No.77795551

kani souls is a goner, unfortunate

>> No.77796485

Good stream, I loved those reactions of her's

>> No.77796503


>> No.77796785
File: 93 KB, 1448x2048, 20240609_223307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77797704


>> No.77798275

The look on her face, I can almost hear the gremlin laugh

>> No.77798280

Goodnight, I love biboo

>> No.77798928

Good night, I am Biboo

>> No.77799245

Biboo it's 3pm

>> No.77799966


>> No.77799986

>KH Steam ports
>Elden Ring DLC
Man my sleep schedule for this year's June and maybe July is literally gonna be in shambles...

>> No.77800148

That's a child

>> No.77800173


>> No.77800251

Out of 10!

>> No.77800527

Pixiv ID?

>> No.77800616
File: 346 KB, 2504x1980, 1708112833226659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77801184
File: 1.43 MB, 2189x1221, no member.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77801398

there's a certain level of spice where the flavor disappears and it's hot for the sake of being hot, which I wanna say is anything past either 80k or 200k Scovilles. People who do the extreme hot shit are retarded.

>> No.77801574

how do you not burst into flames with weighted blankets? I burn to death at 70f in my bed if I've got much of any of my body covered in blankets.

>> No.77801926
File: 242 KB, 1219x1200, 1716953663351596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this dope

>> No.77802223
File: 9 KB, 317x105, Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 04-36-16 Holodex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IRyS having fun with Mohg's trident
>Biboo in chat being cute

>> No.77802674

God I love this memester so much

>> No.77803664
File: 150 KB, 1037x1338, 1716614110309938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This creature

>> No.77803863

the bibert

>> No.77804185


>> No.77804328
File: 135 KB, 1365x2123, 1717901962817282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You wake up and see this in the doorway
What do

>> No.77804364

put her under my arm and bring her to bed with me

>> No.77804618

Spring the trap. No one takes my bed without a fight

>> No.77804795

They're surprisingly cool

>> No.77805303

Most heavy blankets seem to trap in heat really well so you might've gotten lucky with whatever one you have.

>> No.77805416

squeeze her and see if she makes noises

>> No.77805896
File: 109 KB, 849x942, 1716614110309937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife

>> No.77806330
File: 223 KB, 951x1500, 1717431072992603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird, this looks just like my wife.

>> No.77806538

but this is a child

>> No.77806678
File: 370 KB, 931x667, 1717484925859242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be fine

>> No.77806696

Like the Biboo
Follow the Biboo
Do not grab the Biboo

>> No.77806864

Do you guys think Biboo knows we lust after her child alike body?

>> No.77807268

You can't stop me

>> No.77807549
File: 368 KB, 728x1034, 1704185937394565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife

>> No.77808382


>> No.77808422
File: 999 KB, 336x378, oniichan daisuki[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffe4vf6.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely not

>> No.77808573

I hope she's disgusted and grinds me under her crystal heel like the dirty pebble I am while calling me pathetic.

>> No.77809423

Just woke up. Rock status?

>> No.77809501

Bratty. Sexy, even.

>> No.77809564

Racist. Demonically, even

>> No.77809726

She's right here naked with me. We had rough sex last night with momseki's blessing.
And no nobody but me posted this.

>> No.77809739

That me? Me, of course!

>> No.77810160

I've never seen that kind of food in my entire life but I REALLY want to taste that.

>> No.77810623

Good morning, I love biboo.

>> No.77810873

I love Oobib, good night.

>> No.77811258

Wonder if she's having issues getting back to Japan. She said maybe a week but she's streaming again this week. Hope she doesn't fall too behind her genmates practicing all this time. Probably still going to be a hololive summer concert too that Advent might get to participate in. So that's potentially 3 events this summer they have to practice and record, rough.

>> No.77811404

I, too, am getting concerned over it. What if she graduates next week?!

>> No.77811437

Not next week! TODAY!

>> No.77811491

Mococo, please.......

>> No.77811646

>she's having issues getting back to Japan
i dont think so, Biboo just want to play more Elden ring before going back to Japan.

>> No.77812157

Having dreams about Biboo streaming from a treehouse. No idea why, no Idea how. Wish it went on longer

>> No.77812313


>> No.77812431

I was got to entertain this weird dream with a reply but luckily I don't have to since she just put her new frame up!
... Which I can't post because I'm on phone ...

>> No.77812477

Nevermind! Thanks Pebbro

>> No.77812501

Biboo dreams are simply the best. The last one I had was pretty cool. We were killing a village of natives in a fantasy-like world.

>> No.77812827


>> No.77813294
File: 3.89 MB, 854x480, ISHIGORO GOROGORO BIBOO TAX TAX [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frn3cx9.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77813613

The brainrot... It's too strong

>> No.77814270

I never liked strawberry-flavored stuff so I steered away from it most of the time. Ever since Biboo loveit'd my brain I started drinking more strawberry stuff and now I like it.
Biboo love.

>> No.77814490

Biboo acquired taste

>> No.77815837
File: 247 KB, 1600x1200, GPs1Xp1bkAAGqKB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77817061
File: 251 KB, 707x1149, biboo by her mama strawberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77818359
File: 2.32 MB, 3840x2160, 【MV】Loveit? | Koseki Bijou (Cover) [NfhJK602XdE].webm_snapshot_02.10.520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kimi wa warui ko na no

>> No.77819438
File: 347 KB, 500x500, 1718022252500555.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully Biboo uses this for her ttyd thumbnail on wensday

>> No.77819759
File: 222 KB, 1353x2048, 1701559078964528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77820087

One of Bijou's greatest gaming strengths is also her weakness. High frustration tolerance can be a double-edged sword.

>> No.77820302
File: 80 KB, 500x500, 1712541283672125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hollow Knight and Crab Souls

>> No.77820356

Hollow Knight isn't dropped unless you don't trust her words
RIP crab souls though

>> No.77820378

crab souls isn't dropped too lil bro

>> No.77820449

Not sure, seemed like a low priority game and she didn't talk about it again
She still talks about MHW and HK all the time

>> No.77820650

need that zoomer meme with the deadbeat at the bottom of the sea
>Hollow Knight fans
>Crab Souls fans
>Hitman fans
>Starfield fans

>> No.77820682

uh oh the shitposter woke up

>> No.77820743

You don't need to announce your arrival

>> No.77821060

me and the other katamari bros down in the fucking mariana with that one guy who shows up to grumble about zelda occasionally

>> No.77821175
File: 73 KB, 472x472, 1709175195214718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starfield fans

>> No.77821546

this is mostly an ER problem because you can shit out so much damage (esp if the boss cooperates and gets stunned) that she actually thinks she can kill the boss without focusing or respecting it, and will just mindlessly bash into it trying to do so for hours - and get away with it on basically everything but mohg too
compare to stuff like HK where she walks into a room, sees some fat fuck bullet hell hentai bugman midboss, and locks in a minute later like he struck the fear of god into her

>> No.77821620

ASMRbros be like

>> No.77822093

She reasserts wanting to do it every few weeks when it's topical so I'm definitely floating up near the top with the Hollow Knight guys
>It's been 3000 years though...
You have to set expectations properly, it's the wombo combo of requiring her to find free time to practice a skill AND purchase some new hardware, it's going to take longer than the JP reps and the new mouse combined

>> No.77822148

Holy catalognigger. All if this happened because memberships were broken on her channel fuwamoco also had problems with memberships. People were buying them but people weren't receiving them instead all memberships went into the void and ppl were refunded.

>> No.77822166

Nah. It's far more likely that she dropped Dragon's Dogma because she stopped having fun with it after Pebbles made an already easy game baby mode. She wants to do Pantheon since she's never done it before and she's enjoying the fuck out of crab game with her self-insert decapod.
It's more than just ER. It's easily observed in basically any game where she's at a disadvantage if she doesn't shut up and stop looking at chat for a few minutes. The whole reason why she repeatedly does it is because she's not bothered by failure because she's not getting frustrated by it.

>> No.77822185

when I was a youngster, my cousin who's 3 years older than me pulled out strawberry ice cream for dessert and I didn't want it because it was pink(said politely) and she was like "it's not because it's pink that it's girly, it's just strawberry flavored, it's so stupid when boys do that" (or something along the lines) and I was like ok and then I ate more pink stuff because she was right.

>> No.77822278
File: 103 KB, 410x419, 1718036697926185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's going to take longer than [...] the new mouse
[It's just a burning memory playing on the background]
Jokes aside I'm a rock so I can wait forever

>> No.77822512
File: 512 KB, 749x589, 1706029976701429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute rockdaughter wife

>> No.77823060

>biboo disappears for 3 months
>mossy rock looks at the news, she's dead
>200 years later
>the rock is fully mossed, still at the same spot where he saw the news and people pass by it thinking "what an old mossy rock, I wonder why it's here
obviously inspired by futurama

>> No.77823190

oh, if you're talking about the yap debuff that's observable almost everywhere, yeah
mentioned ER mostly because it was the most recent to memory where her progression is blocked for a while (repeatedly failing), as opposed to playing like a babu elsewhere but still being able to progress since it's a game even babus can limp through

>> No.77824809
File: 250 KB, 1500x1911, catseki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77824894

Good morning, I love biboo.

>> No.77825338
File: 342 KB, 1664x2432, EROTIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77825947

I will be a rock until the end of times. Enduring eternally the heavy rain.

>> No.77826269

>if you BEEP'd Momseki after she fell from the sky it would be 隕石姻戚
I beeping hate Japanese

>> No.77826785
File: 147 KB, 1147x563, Phibonnachee-1800180773095665677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaela got a bunch of new emotes and guess who's on it!? https://x.com/Phibonnachee/status/1800180770025386407

>> No.77826902

Biboo singing California Girls is giving me life

>> No.77827180
File: 645 KB, 720x720, kaela nightmare fuel [sound=https%3a%2f%2ffiles.catbox.moe%2ftwrduk.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love their friendship lmao

>> No.77828065

kek that's a good one

>> No.77829187
File: 1.26 MB, 4096x3046, 8ad368139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77830549
File: 111 KB, 166x134, UHD biboo [sound=files.catbox.moe%2f7gsyk1.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77831409
File: 636 KB, 1090x1228, 1716891035791998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77832117


>> No.77832843

Has biboo mentioned rabbit and steel yet as a potential game to play?

>> No.77832922

No but Ina did and she said she'd ask biboo about it
They have perms afaik

>> No.77833676

That game requires actual discussion and strats, I'm not sure its a good game for streams.
Its fun to play with friends though, basically pocket sized raiding

>> No.77834960

to be fair, you could say the same about a lot of the turboautism puzzle-ish coop grindstone games
but maybe it works specifically because grindstone, since they can goof around for a normal collab's length and then start focusing for the next 3-4 hours after

>> No.77836011

>That game requires actual discussion and strats
Not really. Discussion is only important if you've got 3-4 people. With only two(Ina and Bijou) things are calm enough that you barely have to pay attention to your positioning relative to other people beyond the stack mechanic. Two players is a slightly more involved version of the solo experience. I'm positive the two of them can clear normal in a single standard non-Grindstone collab length stream, maybe Hard if Bijou doesn't fall for her usual chat trap.

>> No.77836155

>if Bijou doesn't fall for her usual chat trap
lol, lmao even

>> No.77836550

Hello, I love my wife

>> No.77837077
File: 86 KB, 736x1472, gnrlieyacaazyf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also love your wife, because she's my wife too.

>> No.77837666

Biboo SOON!

>> No.77837738

Biboo NOW

>> No.77837780

>zoomer meme
Ojisan... that's an old one...

>> No.77837812
File: 8 KB, 186x162, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pebbros, correct me if I'm wrong, but there are only two archived Biboo karaokes, right?
Obviously other than the two members-only singing practice stream she also did:

>> No.77837842

Cocksucky Bitchjew

>> No.77837900

Yeah my cock
Yeah my jew

>> No.77837935

>more elden bling
biboo really is my oshi, she completes me

>> No.77837945

Kosexi Bratjuice

>> No.77837957

best way to check would be Hololyzer

>> No.77838937


>> No.77839238
File: 548 KB, 1664x2432, 1691012877179363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgive me father for I have sinned

>> No.77839265


>> No.77839376

Not all AI is slop, but this sure is.

>> No.77839798
File: 951 KB, 740x1068, 1704965681466094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of 10!

>> No.77839979

Why can I hear her gremlin laugh in this

>> No.77840490

I'm feeling a 2 today

>> No.77841014

she still talks about HK
games she doesn't talk about she drops, so yeah RIP crab souls

>> No.77841020

Alright I'm back with snacks and drinks, I'm ready for some elden wing

>> No.77841079
File: 4 KB, 352x47, 1700423408697369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, absolutely not

>> No.77841081

>Starfield fans
those don't exist

>> No.77841250

>loves Biboo
>hates pebbles
she's just like me

>> No.77841353

schedule now

>> No.77841416

New bread:
