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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, 375_@underdatv-1749880012839465417-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77780945 No.77780945 [Reply] [Original]

For the 375th time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

>First original song: Say My Name

>New merch: hololive June Bride Voice Pack 2024

▼ Next stream
▼ Last streams
06/09, Stardew Valley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGjl72v82ns
06/08, NPC stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjqi5PXGVP8
06/06, Content Warning Advent collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XVzmELf4cY
06/05, zatsudan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dOpicM7gKQ
▼ Previous appearance
06/07, #holoENquiz with IRyS, Ina, Calliope & Shiori on the HoloEN channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53rOqRgYx0g

>Siliconera Interview: Nerissa Ravencroft Talks About Her Music and Love for Hololive

BlueBird cover of DECO*27 - Salamander
Jewelbird cover of VIVINOS - OTOMEROID
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Unarchived karaoke (May 9th 2024 #1)
Unarchived karaoke (May 18th 2024 #2)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>77702318
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.

>> No.77780960

2024 to date
Solo streams: 61
Collabs: 62
Twitch collabs: 4
Solo karaoke: 4
Members: 9

>> No.77780961
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>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template

>> No.77781023
File: 674 KB, 1186x1726, @Sayanestia-1760004708436193735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rissa's armptits, and now I sleep.
Goodnight /ope/ !!

>> No.77781038
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>she got to suck on these
its not fair

>> No.77781201
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>> No.77781535

Oh I bet Fauna natured hard all over the place

>> No.77781537
File: 86 KB, 405x720, IMG_2595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna start putting together a ref sheet for a Nikke newissa like pic related so, what kinda unit would she be and what are some extra expressions she should have?

>> No.77781715

I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft more than anyone in the whole world

>> No.77781995

BBM bros, we're so in!

>> No.77782567

Rissa you're losing wife points again…

>> No.77782679


>> No.77782802

Where is her mic seated...

>> No.77782842

literally femcel gaming

>> No.77782891

Fuck this woman just keeps getting cuter, I hate it

>> No.77783032

It really took a nosedive after

>> No.77783107


>> No.77783142
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A Shinigami huh...

>> No.77783156

Well...she is a femcel

>> No.77783173

Light is great and has the best girl
Characters women will never understand

>> No.77783583

Greyfags BTFO

>> No.77783589

She is literally that, what did you expect?

>> No.77783606
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>> No.77783661

They're the smart ones, you'd be a fool to pay for Nerissa.

>> No.77783695

Okay but where does the Time Traveling detective Amelia Watson place in this graph?

>> No.77783860

Based Scooby doo gang

>> No.77783862

Columbo is unstoppable

>> No.77783958

Monk underrated here, he could probably do both

>> No.77784330

Rissa...it's not that hard...

>> No.77784369
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>> No.77784900

>jailbird = piggie milkies

>> No.77785754
File: 151 KB, 930x1316, IMG_8952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im only into birb milks

>> No.77786222

Do fembirds lay eggs?

>> No.77787051

Yeah, they’re like a platypus. They lay eggs but produce milk and still nurse their young.

>> No.77787476

Rissa you didn't come to close to finishing the release content
You could continue it tomorrow if you wanted to

>> No.77787741

Advent went to karaoke with Henma and he killed it when he got to sing, kek

>> No.77787944

Elliott is fucking a fan in zuzu city

>> No.77787965


>> No.77787983


>> No.77788138

And NOT sharing all the vids with Nerissa?! That whore!

>> No.77788280

I miss soundclip jailbird. That "Whattafack?" was hilarious

>> No.77788408

pretty sure he's a novelite now

>> No.77788444

What a damn shame

>> No.77788537

Not to be mean but soundpost jailbro had higher quality sound clip than the novelite soundclipper. Either his quality dropped of it is a different guy

>> No.77788689

Ah, I haven't paid that close attention. It probably is someone different then.
That jailbird posted during the stream too.

>> No.77789386


>> No.77789486

We're gonna make it goslingbros

>> No.77789556
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>Rissa is a gosling
>I'm a gosling

>> No.77790233

>Rissa has 3 grandmas of which 2 are in a lesbian relationship, who live with them.
>the lesbian couple grandmas drive motorcycles.
You couldnt write this stuff

>> No.77790235

I'm the worm

>> No.77790543 [DELETED] 

You shouldn’t gosling for Flayon’s onahole unless you’re into that kind of shit (I won’t blame you if you are)

>> No.77790664


>> No.77790669

heh? you got a source for the top part?

>> No.77790736

NTA she brought them up before

>> No.77790754
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>> No.77790871

damn, I wonder what the story is for that one grandpa

>> No.77790969

She spoke about her family a couple times. She has no grandpa but instead 3 grandmas. I dont recall whether it was a zatsu or an earlier stardew stream

>> No.77791313

I remember seeing a clip about that. Could it be possible the grandpa just married twice then died, and his wife and ex-wife just both get referred to as grandma?

>> No.77791538

>She has no grandpa
Immaculate conception (demon version)

>> No.77791578

Elliott you unfaithful WHORE

>> No.77791697

>special friend
uaghhhhhhhhhhh sexxxxxxx!!!!!

>> No.77792090


>> No.77792651

Frankly, I'm bored

>> No.77792756

Hey there bored, I'm sorry to inform you but I'm not Frankly

>> No.77792863

Hi bored! I'm Jailbird

>> No.77793062


>> No.77793412

I fucking hate that she calls us gamers instead of jailbirds.

>> No.77793495

She's a twitch streamer. Bro, it's so over, gamers. I'm just a little guy after all.

>> No.77793880

I hope RNG continually fucks her over and she can’t get a child

>> No.77794462

Ok, how about an in-game child then?

>> No.77794709

infertility is a cruel fate to wish upon someone, especially a woman.

>> No.77794862

Imagine Nerissa being your actual wife and she talks to you every day the same way she talks to Elliot

>> No.77794904

It's a dream I strive for everyday. I work hard to make this a reality one day

>> No.77794912

There have been like 5 Nerissa stories in this Fuwamoco stream.

>> No.77795035


>> No.77795042

So the trend holds true that you cold have watched any Advent stream other than Nerissa and got more Nerissa stories than the Nerissa stream.

>> No.77795429

Spoonfeed me

>> No.77795880

I mean we did something in the beginning from her which was nice but damn it's clear a lot happened. I wonder if she just forgets, doesn't think it's interesting, or doesn't want to tell us.
>Nerissa mixed up shrine names with a local chain and Fuwamoco thought she was very cute
>They went shopping together and went to the cheesecake scam place
>Nerissa was rubbing her bare feet against Mococo's sock covered feet, probably thought she was the carpet, Mococo said something, Fuwawa joined in and they all rubbed feet together.

>> No.77795975

We got one single story about the blood at Fuwamocos place and her talking about Kiara's outfit and after that it's been well over 4 hours of nothing. It makes for a bad stream, really.

>> No.77796070

Try and prompt her, ask her some questions.

>> No.77796156

NTA but I want her to take the initiative

>> No.77796233

The problem is if you ask her what she did she'll give a vague answer or nothing at all. The only way anyone can get her to talk about something is if we already heard the story from someone else like Fuwamoco and use that story to ask her about it. So we can't actually get a real story out of her unless we've already heard it from someone else.

>> No.77796245

She's a growing streamer and anyways chat is always an integral part of the experience.

>> No.77796368

Sorry to keep being so negative but if anything the last month has shown she's not really growing and is somehow only getting worse at streaming. Props to her for actually streaming while in Japan but the quality has been horrendous.

>> No.77796575

>She's a growing streamer
Has there ever been anyone else in hololive with her specific issues that got actually good?

>> No.77796582

Some holos are just like that. Fauna is also notoriously hard to get stories out of.

>> No.77796704

Oh hey another Nerissa story.

>> No.77796784

Nerissa was walking with Fuwamoco and asked them about a certain kanji.

>> No.77797319

>wanting an introvert to take initiative with stories
it's easier to tell something that happened about another person than yourself usually
its why you'll hear stories from others rather then themselves
ironically if we use fuwamoco as an example, they will tell you more stories about OTHER holomem but not talk about themselves personally often - they do when opportunity arises but that's the thing, they only particularly talk about themselves when there is that opportunity
they're also introverts

>> No.77797394

Rissa doesn't tell us about anything that happened to anyone though.

>> No.77797757

Maybe the best way to be a Rissa fan is to watch another Advent member and skip Rissa streams. They collab enough that you'll still see Rissa, but you'll hear more Rissa stories, at least while they're in JP, watching someone else

>> No.77797860

Nah, I like her and won't skip

>> No.77797951

Yet she constantly says that even as an introvert she makes herself take the initiative when the situation calls for it. According to you then, she doesn't consider her streams to warrant such effort.

>> No.77798226

This reads like a thinly veiled anti-post but if your literal only care is whether you hear about a Rissa story sure...surely you realize how shallow that sounds

>> No.77798235

At that point are you really a Nerissa fan? I care more about listening to her talk than hearing about things she’s done.

>> No.77798296

>Where do I get this fish?
>Elliot is my husband
>I don't think we're gonna catch this fish
I mean it's barely conversation and more just observations on what she's doing in game.

>> No.77798308

Rate the stream I guess

>> No.77798368

Beginning was good but then the remaining 5 hours were just...nothing,.

>> No.77798401

Any VOD watchers, watch the first hour or so, once you get past where Kiara leaves chat you can skip the rest.

>> No.77798405

She doesn't care about streams, yes. They're something she has to do, not that she wants to do. This is obvious

>> No.77798442

Yeah and I think it’s cute. It’s like watching how she would act if she was married to you.

>> No.77798447

I stayed up expecting if not japan stories then at least some average zatsu. I regret staying up.
Do not want

>> No.77798704

She rarely zatsus during Stardew Valley streams. She'll read chat a bit, but towards the end tonight she was barely interacting with chat. Six hours is a super long time for her though, so it's whatever.

>> No.77798755

I just get the feeling Rissa does not want to experience things with us. She wants to enjoy Final Fantasy and she can't do that if she's streaming for us. Every game she plays, she's already played before, or watched all the cutscenes for. Streaming to her is a job, a chore, or at least that's the impression she gives. Other talents like experiencing things for the first time with their fanbase, but she doesn't. She likes us and misses us, but only as people to vent to and complain to. Her reluctance to tell us about things we know are happening is baffling frankly. I feel like I'm in a relationship with a selfish lover. Now I get she's an introvert with a small social battery but then again so are a bunch of girls and they still manage to work around it somehow. Rissa seems to be unwilling to put in that work.

>> No.77799161

I agree with it being cute, I just had the stream on listening to Risser while playing Minish Cap and it was really comfy

>> No.77800118

I missa da Rissa

>> No.77800435

I don't fault you for feeling this way. However, it's hard to judge her without properly knowing her. It's possible she's just a quiet girl who isn't very talkative. After seeing many of her collabs, I've begun to believe that. If there are louder personalities than hers present, which happens often, she doesn't talk as much. So, expecting her to always be 100% ready and willing to stream is unrealistic, at least for now. I want to believe she can improve on her own, but frankly she needs someone in her corner who is more available to her than a friend. A person that could dedicate the time to help her build more confidence would do wonders for her.

>> No.77800725

She is definitely a quiet girl but she can be talkative when she wants to complain or talk about food or her favorite husbando. And don't get me wrong, I like hearing about that stuff too, but not all the time, and not when she's in Japan going on dates with Ririka and IRyS and Advent and all we hear is like a sentence about it.

>> No.77800761

>at least for now
nta but it's been 10 months and my desire to not want to drop her keeps dwindling by the day

>> No.77800911

as long as you leave without being an anti you're ok, not gonna convince you to stay or go thats for you to figure out

>> No.77802565

Yeah, but I don't believe we'll get more of that unless someone close to her can convince her that it's more okay to share those stories.

I haven't been watching her nearly as long. However I can admit there are times where my interest has taken a dip, only for her to reel me back in. I don't know where I'll be after 10 months or a year. I want to believe I'd still be watching. She's my favorite vtuber and not necessarily because she has the best content. I mainly want to see her grow as a person. She has a lot more potential in her.

>> No.77805046

Nerissa is great I wish her genmates weren't unbearable.

>> No.77805108
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kys nigger

Also, schedule.

>> No.77805221

>more Sisyphus
uh oh melties incoming

>> No.77805314

Yeah, mine

>> No.77805359

Only the watchalong I care about that week

>> No.77805417

Happy week 46!!!

Things are up in the air this week, and per usual there is the potential for things to change due to 3D preparations! Currently planning to starty my Higurashi watchalong - please prepare a place for you to watch it! Alternatively, if something comes up and we don't have time to binge episodes, we'll be watching Sense and Sensibility. Please look forward to it!

Streaming is a little difficult, but I'm trying my hardest to do my best! let's have fun again this week <3

>> No.77805617

>Sense and Sensibility
rissa you know your demographics fucking why

>> No.77805642

Do you ever think about force fucking her mouth while grabbing her horns

>> No.77805727
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>> No.77805891

Yes both as punishment and as a reward

>> No.77805916

Watchalong should be members only, no one but members are going to show up for that. Also why choose only things you've seen already, absolutely pointless. No fucking way has she ever watched more than clips of Kiara or Fauna.

>> No.77806299
File: 144 KB, 512x512, 5464565gfh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grim tidings. June may be the worst month for streams she's ever had at this point. I won't worry about posting links for the watchalong until closer to Sat and we know what we're watching for sure. Btw, WHY isn't the watchalong for members only?? She has such poor judgement it's baffling sometimes

>> No.77806347

Kys fag

>> No.77806370


Also lol at that tweet, yes Rissa that would have been a great story to tell during your 6 hour stream today but whatever.

>> No.77806426

lol hurt your feelings?

>> No.77806561

>they talked about it on stream today
Well shit thanks for making me feel like I was wrong in choosing to watch you, Rissa.

>> No.77806594 [DELETED] 

Nerissa is a tranny, this is why he doesn't talk about his personal experiences so he doesn't out himself

>> No.77806611

Is that the one she saw or was it Pride and Prejudice

>> No.77806638

What the fuck is wrong with this general

>> No.77806667

Nerissa Ravencroft

>> No.77806691
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>> No.77806847

What are you talking about, we've watched the gamut of The Shining, Perfect Blue, Home Alone, and Sweeney Todd. We're pretty varied.

>> No.77806897

We've watched more Twilight movies than all of those combined. But then we did watch LoTR extended editions too so...

>> No.77806899

Transrissa HRTcroft

>> No.77807286

None of those are as out of touch as this option

>> No.77809280

My guy, as a theater kid, I doubt anyone is surprised at her choices, dramatic stories are her thing. Sure she likes Naruto and some shonen, but I doubt she cultivated the shonen audience when she said some of her favorite anime and manga were Peach Girl and Ouran. But since we have idiots now trying to get into the transphobia, I can't take the anti arguments too seriously now.

>> No.77809917

Well she's taking tomorrow off. Not surprised and I think everyone here knows why.
>Another watchalong of something she's seen before
>A members stream where the description is bait to get you to watch but it'll be nothing worthwhile
>More zatsu games that'll result in no zatsu
Yep, that's a Rissa schedule alright

>> No.77810050

shut the fuck up bitch

>> No.77811372
File: 36 KB, 654x305, strefra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first two frames of the week are up.

>> No.77811754

Nerissa is in dire need of a butthole and a vagina

>> No.77811780

Wrong, idols dont need those

>> No.77811895

Nerissa is in dire need of futa cock

>> No.77812281

Well at least that Sisyphus frame is kinda funny

>> No.77812401
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>> No.77812975

He already has a cock

>> No.77813258

Jailbirds...your oshi foot raped my oshi. Take responsibility.

>> No.77813559
File: 224 KB, 1270x2048, @edwinhsu6-1800131834539638810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what your oshi gets for making a Voodoo doll out of our oshi. Jokes aside, based Rissa

>> No.77813733

Normal white girl Rissa my beloved

>> No.77814452
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>> No.77814737

If, on the rare chance, Rissa would drink on stream, would she be lovey-dovey with jailbirds?

>> No.77814793

I think she'd cry a bit and get too emotional so maybe

>> No.77815238

Didn't she say she gets very clingy, which is why she doesn't like drinking recreationally? The main pillar of a lot of her hangups is looking bad in front of people to the point of obviously affectionate people toward her she has trouble just asking things of them. Liquid courage is bad primarily because she would definitely look at the tape super critically of herself, she take a lot of embarrassment super seriously.

>> No.77816013
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>> No.77816977
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>> No.77818067
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>> No.77819277
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>> No.77819883


>> No.77820967
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>> No.77821133

Nerissa should try to get better as a streamer instead of just trying to be a singer and hoping she'll break out on that, we've seen how that worked out for IRyS

>> No.77821323

But she doesn't like streaming

>> No.77821475

Problem is whenever someone tries to criticize Nerissa she gets extremely defensive

>> No.77821559

Now that's just wrong and you're probably baiting. She just ignores all criticism

>> No.77821607

The only times i have seen her take criticism well is during member streams, if it wasnt aggressive

>> No.77821907

based Rissa, that's the only place that matters

>> No.77821943

No she doesn't she literally threatens to ban you and presumably bans people for it

>> No.77821979

Who is worse, the stalker or me that is stalking the stalker of pure curiosity?

>> No.77822011
File: 255 KB, 315x357, beegface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a wealth of Nerissa stories in the Fuwamoco stream last night
>Nerissa and Fuwamoco are out and Nerissa suddenly said she wanted to go to the Ikinari Shrine, she meant Inari, and that made them laugh.
>While they were out shopping, Nerissa suddenly whispered "Yobai" and Fuwawa joked "You'll buy me what?" Mococo thinks it's because Nerissa heard some Japanese girls nearby say "Yabai" and it made her think of Yobai.
>They all went out for sushi with Advent. In Fuwamoco's opinion, Advent is all willing to try new foods, but the rate of success that they like something new goes Shiori, Biboo, and Nerissa last. They think it's really cute how Nerissa will go "Oh yeah I'm gonna try this!" and then will go "Ope, I don't like that." They ordered a tofu appetizer and Nerissa said "OK yeah I'll try this. Oh I don't like tofu." They called her very cute.
>Last night, Nerissa was at Fuwamoco's place and she had bare feet and Mococo had socks on. Nerissa's toes touched Mococo's toes because she thought Mococo was part of the table. Fuwawa got jealous and touched toes too. Mococo thought it was a bit weird.
>Nerissa and Fuwawa were walking and chatting and Fuwawa noticed a guy was getting close to Nerissa maybe trying to talk to her. She's very protective so she said "Nerissa come closer to me." Nerissa didn't notice the guy so she said "I want a hug!" Fuwawa said "OK let's hug!" So they got closer and hugged and the guy went away. Protective hug!
>They were out shopping and Nerissa saw a shirt with a chihuahua on it and said "Look Fuwawa it's perfect for you!" and Fuwawa said "I am NOT a chihuahua!"
So there are definitely fun and cute things happening, little frustrating we can't hear them from Nerissa, but basically Nerissa is cute and Fuwamoco love her.

>> No.77822018

Nerissa acts tough and calls other people bitches but she's the most fragile snowflake in Holo EN

>> No.77822025

kek he's actually baiting and it's as retarded as him
I'm a living proof that she has a big heart even if you make her snap

>> No.77822060

Wow sounds bad. Surely you can provide at least one example of this happening right?

>> No.77822192

Watch streams. Guy above you literally said Nerissa snapped at him.

>> No.77822327

I want to RMA this sister, she's so dumb and ignorant that I can't even have a bit of fun with her

>> No.77822375

Yeah it's so weird, even our resident schizos can handle himself in a bait longer than that

>> No.77822382

I've given detailed criticism and still haven't been banned, there is that falsehood they are trying to push too. I haven't seen anyone banned that didn't deserve it, the mod team(if she has one), at least for chat, is pretty lax.

>> No.77822386

Maybe she let it go for you but she banned me. She is a baby back bitch who dishes it out but can't actually take any banter.

>> No.77822465

You're a cunt and I'm sure you deserved it.
She got baited by me in comments, bitched about me one month later, and with all of that she's been very kind and good to me. She gives me hearties on youtube and twitter alike like nothing has happened

>> No.77822532

No I didn't deserve it, she's a shitty streamer and a fragile little bitch despite acting tough, it's no wonder she's the runt of Advent

>> No.77822588

lmao were you the schedule jailbird?

>> No.77822798
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Yes. And even though I wouldn't try my luck again, I'm sure she wouldn't outright ban anyone for criticism unless they're obvious faggots like sis here

>> No.77822818

I think she banned you for being a filthy, ugly, seething and brown sister. Good character judgement on her part.

>> No.77822917

You're a bitch so you're too afraid of provoking her, but the fact that she snapped at even you proves she's fragile. Guys with more balls like me push her more and she just can't take it, pathetic.

>> No.77822929

>>77822798 (me)
Wouldn't try my luck again with straight up bitching*
I've been sneaking in hints and pushes in my comments

>> No.77822958 [DELETED] 

Seeing as that neah faggot isn't banned she obviously loves SEAnigger troons so your post doesn't make sense.

>> No.77822982

That's you, the mere sight of a White woman is enough to make you coom in your favela

>> No.77822989

YWNBAM sister

>> No.77823054

I noticed that threadshitting always comes in pairs
Do you think they're dating?
Do they ERP in-between assignments?
Or maybe it's just his left hand and a phone

>> No.77823352

I thought your internet was cut-off Joseph?

>> No.77823363

No one is stopping you from posting about Nerissa's good qualities, but you know what I'm saying is true and that she's a bad streamer, so you're not doing that.

>> No.77823436
File: 1.21 MB, 458x600, Nerissa I think it could be a big, huge, bait[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1g5n7l.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she banned me for being a cunt
>She's a bad streamer
idk jailbirds, sounds like Rissa is mega based

>> No.77823461

Gogobibo, just because Rissa doesbt read your chat about you asking her to sing Ogre Battle, does not mean that you're banned

>> No.77823547

my boy Gogobibo catching strays

>> No.77823660

I wasn't being a cunt I was bantering her, and she was snapping at plenty of others, presumably many others also got banned. She's a little bitch who can't actually banter with the chat and has to shut any criticism down.

>> No.77823945

>presumably many others also got banned
Still too lenient on your kind

>> No.77824031

Nerissa is an SJW why are you posting that

>> No.77824133

tfw get banned for not respecting xir's pronouns

>> No.77824215

Nah she isnt that far. Otherwise we'd hear her talk about US elections, Israel, equality, trans rights and more bullshit already. Therefore let's leave /pol/fags out of this

>> No.77824329

Hololive doesn't allow that. On her personal account she constantly posts gay shit.

>> No.77824454 [DELETED] 

She likes posts about her tranny friends HRT and numerous other trans posts dude

>> No.77824780

She can banter but it's a coin flip if she's in the mood for it. Unfortunately the bants aren't very clever or creative because chat reflects the streamer and she isn't either of those things either.

>> No.77825090

Transrissa HRTcroft is going to push Kronii to transition...

>> No.77825160

Wait, when people use this type of logic, it pretty much has them admit they aren't very clever either though. I know the point is to try to say they aren't apart of that crowd, but said that way, it isn't particularly punchy and just sounds like a self-own.

>> No.77825476

Oh I know I'm not. I'm about as boring a midwestern white person as Nerissa.

>> No.77826641

Thanks for compiling everything and sharing, anon.

>> No.77826931
File: 23 KB, 1000x1000, 1702949026153593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, that was a fun read. If you post it on twitter it might gain some traction and Rissa might be open to sharing more but you're very appreciated for sharing with us

>> No.77827364
File: 571 KB, 3376x3056, 20240425_011246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77828055
File: 29 KB, 468x228, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shorts watchalong
is this tensai or baka

>> No.77828254

She does it because she's a little bit silly and didn't know any better.

>> No.77828259

Well.. Honestly, the watchalong DOES make sense, since we can't show it on screen and all you need is the timer which can take the top screen real-estate

>> No.77828286

tensai actually, for the watchalong

>> No.77828459
File: 6 KB, 616x66, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she didn't put the #shorts shit btw, does she have time to edit it before the stream goes live?

>> No.77828603

I mean, I'm not gonna call it a genius move, but I've seen stranger things work.

>> No.77828816

Dumb. Even dumber than a superchat reading stream being vertical, but it'll still get her 1k+ subs probably.

>> No.77829121

Eh. Where is the part where she builds her fanbase? After 1m subs?

>> No.77829292
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may, june, i am forgotten

>> No.77829356

I still listen to it, more than SMN now too

>> No.77829810

Hail, watabird

>> No.77830066

Not forgotten, heck, we have Megitsune near 1 million now.

>> No.77830184

vampire is near 2m and she will never do something as good ever again

>> No.77830257

I seriously forgot this existed, only because I was on a business trip when it was released

>> No.77830537

Yea, making a fast song like that work in English really was impressive.
I think she's been beaten down too hard by the Cover grind to ever do something like that again.

>> No.77830650

Wait till the IRyssa orisong with animated MV that will be in her album

>> No.77831461

Why are we hearing this only from Fuwamoco and not Nerissa...

>> No.77831482

>>multiple bans
I'm sorry what? When did this mass banning supposedly happen?

>> No.77831636

It's just Joseph, an unironic creep

>> No.77831789

Is it? It doesn't read like Joseph's MO. Feels more like a copycat but worse, if anything. Like a bad character that GRRM would write

>> No.77831857

I know for a fact that I was banned, and she was threatening others with bans for banter, so it's logical to conclude multiple people have been banned.
I don't know how "mass" it is but seems like it's Nerissa's modus operandi: just ban people giving you criticism instead of improving.

>> No.77831921

Nta but it doesn’t look like it
The schizo writes like an actual NPC

>> No.77831991

He hasn't been back since he got banned for making terroristic threats

>> No.77832073 [DELETED] 

Is he a creep and a chud and misgendering people? Yikes, good think Transrissa HRTcroft got rid of him.

>> No.77832098

Then i dunno. Probably a doxxschizo

>> No.77832126

Do we have a new resident schizo now?

>> No.77832160

Is he a creep and a chud and an incel and misgendering people? Yikes, good think Transrissa HRTcroft got rid of him yaaaas queen.

>> No.77832185

My wife is really making it out there. She has her own dedicated shizos instead of visiting trolls. I'm so proud of her. We will celebrate when she gets home

>> No.77832191

No jailbird, it’s just a retard trying too hard to troll and get (You)s

>> No.77832215 [DELETED] 

Yup. Ignore and report, jailbro.

>> No.77832254

>Good think
>Replied to same post with almost identical phrasing

>> No.77832336

Probably a sister from Neah's trooncord

>> No.77832425

I deleted it because I realized I was missing the key insult of incel that Transrissa HRTcroft would use against men who are bothering her.

>> No.77832521

did you send her that shit in chat during a stream? if so, you're kind of retarded. She doesn't want to read that crap while streaming, I thought that was kind of obvious. If it was from a YT comment or a tweet, well, it must've been worded quite poorly.

>> No.77832565

he's probably a grey nigger, she's been swatting them like flies left and right recently and it's hot asf

>> No.77832632

Nerissa is an entertainer and here for our amusement. I wasn't swearing at her or calling her names, just criticizing what she was doing in a game.
If she is such a shit streamer that she can't deal with that then she deserves people like me shitting on her.

>> No.77832732
File: 417 KB, 900x900, @NofuuKee-1800224064893792555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77832761


>> No.77832812

I would still love her even if she were a large punishment boulder used against the eternally damned

>> No.77832811

I want Nerissa ravenrock to crush me

>> No.77833220

It's comments like yours that keep me from being able to watch her try new games. Kindly fuck off, plenty of streamers ban people for backseating.

>> No.77833270
File: 158 KB, 349x341, graynigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77833428

I want Nerissa's ravencock to crush my prostate

>> No.77833474
File: 609 KB, 1099x618, IMG_0592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m phoneposting and made a quick edit but this reminded me of something

>> No.77833534


>> No.77833695

Well at least Nerissa isn't Mumei and playing Overwatch. Small mercies I guess.

>> No.77833696

Are you sure you're actually her fans? I get not liking every song, but damn near all of them have been a bop and have had her work hard on it. Not her fault Lilium got screwed, but she did great for Halloween Night Tonight and DBTR too. And she was the one helping the dogs with Let Me Be With You. Acting like she is a has been when she just released a really great song baffles me.

>> No.77833712

Ya shitty Twitchwhores. I've watched Hololive for years and girls far more successful than Nerissa don't do that, and they don't get in to fights against their chat.
I am here to janny Nerissa's shitty behavior.

>> No.77833862

Very nice

>> No.77833923
File: 313 KB, 640x377, does_she_know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody tell the sister, it's funnier this way

>> No.77834505

English covers are simply superior to everything else and she stopped doing those.
Lilium and Down by The River were good too I guess but everything after feels like a step back.
As with her gaming, quantity and effort cannot salvage inferior source material. And the choice of source material is entirely in her hands.

>> No.77834931

God i want a Rissa Treasure box cover, even better if in English

>> No.77835340

Don't wake me up
Just leave me there dreaming

>> No.77835410
File: 94 KB, 1024x784, Watabird2_20240607_183757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, i would like a Rissa cover of Watame's Good Morning song (or an EN Cover of Kaikiri Bear's Darling dance or Fantastic Youth's Koshaberi Biyori)

>> No.77835554

I'm sensing a conflict of interest here

>> No.77835640

Which conflicting interests?

>> No.77836304

>>77835410 (me)
You know what actually? I would like Watame to sing "Say My Name" during one of Watame's night Fevers. SMN isnt that difficult and Watame probably could do it

>> No.77837097

Take a break, anon. I felt myself becoming an anti because she's been so shit lately too, so I took a break and things got better. This next week's streams are mostly trash so now is a good time to take a Rissa vacation

>> No.77837425

With all due respect, if there was ever a time this year you were even close to becoming an anti, thats just weak, period. I'd say moving on is better overall than just being a hater, because then not only do you not get what you want and becoming an annoyance, you don't even feel good.

>> No.77837580

Even now it feels wrong to consider that. I haven't skipped a single live stream since August. What if tomorrow is actually very cool after the game?

>> No.77837834

You don't find it sad that in your post you immediately skip to the post game section because you already know the gameplay portion won't be good?

>> No.77838034

It's another anomaly game. I don't think anyone could make it interesting. Maybe if the devs put in more effort but judging but the price they didn't.

>> No.77838129

If it's good, just watch the vod. Use your own judgement and experience to determine if you think it will be a good stream. In all likelihood, you won't miss anything worthwhile but ymmv
Disagree, I still like her a lot, but have to admit her streams are becoming worse. I'm hoping things pick up again when she goes home. If they don't, then I'll drop her. Doubly true if Gura/Ame return in any capacity

>> No.77838576
File: 33 KB, 734x212, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77839734

Nerissa has been really shit lately

>> No.77840368

no u

>> No.77841726

Neah tried to get Nerissa fired by sharing doxx

>> No.77842388

Really scraping the bottom of the barrel there

>> No.77842890


>> No.77842966

I wanna scrape Nerissa's bottom(asshole) with my tongue if you know what I mean

>> No.77843018

She's pretty much the same as she's always been but people's expectations change because you would expect some amount of improvement after 11 months. People are tired of waiting for that moment they now realize will never come and are moving on.

>> No.77843042

As I hope you do yes

>> No.77843748

No shes definitely worse than April, still better than March though.

>> No.77843891
File: 1.57 MB, 1704x3779, 20240611_011437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm workin on it

>> No.77843973

That looks good, jailbro!

>> No.77844021

>>77843891 (me)
Context. I spilled strawberry-orange juice on my drawpad. So bigger projects and things have to be drawn on paper nowadays

>> No.77844097

You love your vitamin C I see. Also that looks really cute, I'd smash that Rissa (I'd smash any Rissa honestly but you get the point)

>> No.77845338

I Missa da Rissa

>> No.77846404

I kissa da Rissa

>> No.77847247

RISSA MENTION BY GURA, she accidently said Nerissa meaning Orisa whilest playing Overwatch

>> No.77847402

Gura hasn't publicly interacted with anyone from Advent yet, has she?

>> No.77847678

No but she's mentioned FuwaMoco a couple times, IIRC

>> No.77847739
File: 2.32 MB, 1200x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77847821

I hope they do something together at some point. I think Gura could get along with everyone pretty well, Biboo and Shiori most of all, probably.

>> No.77848018
File: 387 KB, 673x474, 1702238622988123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny that everyone just forgot this stream

>> No.77848093

Oh shit, I did. And I really enjoyed it, it was just a fairly long time ago.

>> No.77849608

I don't want that lazy bitch near Rissa honestly, she struggles with motivation enough as it is.

>> No.77851725
File: 49 KB, 1050x357, 1718068639805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure she likes Naruto and some shonen, but I doubt she cultivated the shonen audience
For the record this was what people were hoping to see from her at debut. One of the top comments

>> No.77852278

How are we living in a world where IRyS is a gamer but chud girl isn't

>> No.77853526


>> No.77853694


>> No.77854223

And people thought Shiori was going to be a goth dommy mommy, debut tourists are always fucking retards

>> No.77854308

IRyS' hopes of making it big by being a singer holo were already mercilessly crushed
Rissa meanwhile is still hopelessly naive and thinks she stands a chance

>> No.77855277

I hope her dreams of making it big get crushed, bitch thinks she's too good for us

>> No.77855353

Damn, Keisea strikes again. He/She loves Nerissa

>> No.77855396

Who is that?

>> No.77855563

Go seethe somewhere else, thankyaverymuch

>> No.77855565
File: 560 KB, 2032x2876, @Keiseeaaa-1766220963086319878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artist of this.

>> No.77855642

H-h-hottt. (Me on the left btw)

>> No.77855857

She retweeted. Probably on next week's schedule then.

>> No.77855867

Neah should have tried harder

>> No.77855934

>I hope her dreams of making it big get crushed
There's something that she will never have an issue making big

>> No.77856048

Probably the second best regular Rissa artist after yomosaka

>> No.77856310

how are you celebrating her birthday?

>> No.77856354

Getting my ass whooped in Ghost of Tsushima dlc

>> No.77856373

Please no

>> No.77856409

Wdyn i liked the cats organized neatly streams

>> No.77856485

I'm a heartie whore and proud

>> No.77856497

Yeah look, i may have mentioned this earlier but i've been banned on twitter for racism when beefing with K-pop fans who were shitting on J-pop including Holo music

>> No.77856574

Did you reply to the correct post?

>> No.77856604

He makes good Rissa art but he hasn't made art of "our" Rissa recently.

>> No.77856701
File: 1.03 MB, 2500x3500, @Keiseeaaa-1762586941433004035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77856777

It was a couple years ago during covid but i havent felt the need to return.

>> No.77856799
File: 1.23 MB, 2500x3500, @Keiseeaaa-1782515300526927920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77856814

Vampire Rissa ready to gobble you up literally two weeks ago

>> No.77856825
File: 205 KB, 1079x1504, 1689591453070746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May 26th isn't that long ago

>> No.77856890

Should have said "today" because of >>77855396 op here

>> No.77856960

Used Nitter in the meantime but as you might know...
I do remember these and i also have them saved. But sometimes i just forget artist names. Silly me, like my wife

>> No.77856972

>teenage summer love rissa
>sweaty dance practice rissa
>thirsty vamprissa under a blood moon
man, how did i not remember these were all from the same lad

>> No.77857106
File: 809 KB, 701x921, 1700521215764428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77857169

Not canon, not enough poop

>> No.77857177

oops this one my bad

>> No.77857233

I keep getting banned on twitter for praising Hitler. Last time was just 2 months ago

>> No.77857254


>> No.77857294
File: 1.38 MB, 3404x3407, 1697675793723977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77857331

Remember what they took away from you

>> No.77857364

We were robbed
I will never forgive the nijiniggers

>> No.77857474
File: 1.56 MB, 1728x2160, @hikienlaventana-1800311641491349849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77857484

She's lusting after chicken ass again…

>> No.77857510

hey, that's just - ahhhhh

>> No.77857519

Imagine how much Rissa would have yapped with Mel about Idols.

>> No.77857678
File: 615 KB, 1987x2640, 1713269414105962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs to do one with Fuwawa now since she's basically obsessed with Nerissa.

>> No.77858137

Could Nerissa have resisted molesting Mel?

>> No.77858966

Are you here tonight, baker-dono? Or are you taking a break with Wissa?

>> No.77859040

Here tonight.
Feel free to bake if you want to though.

>> No.77859192

Okie I'll do this one, thank you <3
(Let's hope my power doesn't go out randomly kek)

>> No.77859914

New bake
I forgot she didn't update her pinned schedule on twitter uwu

>> No.77859988

Thanks, secondary baker-san
