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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77774158 No.77774158 [Reply] [Original]

Is this favoritism?
But she's not even popular at all

>> No.77774332

>a couple outfits a year is an unheardof luxury for nijifags

>> No.77774812

>niji organs have to get in a fucking raffle system and beg for a meager outfit a year
>Hologirls can just fucking ask and get them

>> No.77774902

She is still trying to get a good looking outfit, they all look god awful so they keep trying and trying.

>> No.77774935

Its quite obvious, the more you stream the more you get rewarded

>> No.77775538

Maybe she just asks for them?
Most of the rest of the holoens barely care about streaming so why would they want an outfit that requires a shit ton of work (communication with non-english speakers, hyping up the outfit debut, etc).

>> No.77775894

She just fucking asked

>> No.77776352

From left to right:
>Bimbo outfit
>Beach bimbo Outfit
>Persona knockoff
>Generic kimono
>Country Girl bimbo outfit
>Gym bimbo outfit

>> No.77776776

All Myth girls have gotten the same amount of outfits , if Kiara has 1 or 2 more than some it's because she traded a milestone wish for an outfit , you would know this if you watched streams

>> No.77776898

It's simple, she just fucking asked. If you want your oshi to have more good outfits and a better management to make better streams, they could just always fucking asked faggot.

>> No.77779121

What the fuck is that last one

>> No.77779303

Do we even know which holos are actually popular with the spending demographic? I wouldn't be shocked if she is in the upper half for superchats+merch sales per year.

>> No.77779442

do germans consider dirndls "country"?

>> No.77779448
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>> No.77779615

Myth has about the same amount and also Kiara has been doing this for 4 years now.

>> No.77779953
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>so many outfits
laughs in Ironmouse. She possesses so many outfits and models she got her own web page for it.

>> No.77780333

All of Myth has this many (dirndl was a wish). Cope and seethe fag. This might've made sense with Mori, she actually has more because of UMG, but you'd still be a fag

>> No.77780424

Everyone has this
Myth has this
Myth has this
Myth has this
Wasted her 1m wish for it
2023 (2022) outfit, Myth has this
>Fever Night
2024 (2023) outfit, Ina also has this so far

>> No.77780546

3 and 4 are the best
6 is good
5 and 2 are ok
1 and 7 are shit

>> No.77780548

I am guessing this thread was made by a nijifag who's used to a raffle system

>> No.77780695

She needs to compensate for her lack of personality somehow

>> No.77782136

You're one to talk

>> No.77782232

Kiara did use her 1M wish for the Dirndl outfit and besides that has the standard number of Myth outfits. After 4 years having that many outfits is normal for a Hololive gen.

>> No.77782725

Have you tried looking at her breasts?

>> No.77783624
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Those who put in the effort and make the company money are rewarded with more funding and opportunities, People give Kiara and Mori shit all the time but who's been almost constantly streaming while the rest of Myth fucked off?
These two, do your job for a real company and your rewarded.

>> No.77785695

for literally everyone not in hololive you faggot. and even most of hololive doesn't have as many outfits as her

>> No.77786675

No wonder why JP loves Miori she has some pretty refined style contrary to her actual personality.

>> No.77786752

Please refer to any of the many posts telling you that this is a normal number for Myth

>> No.77786778

Don't they have to pony up the cost for new outfits? Usually there's some special merch for the reveal too, likely to recuperate some of the cost.

>> No.77786964

Not any of those, they're the all gen/yearly outfits except the april fools one and one she used a wish on.

>> No.77787001

because she's the best and most beloved EN

>> No.77787176

Miori Celesta? I doubt any of HoloJP knows who she is.

>> No.77787255

Wasn't one of them her 1m subscriber reward?

>> No.77787415

no, in fact they can't pay to get new outfit. that would make the rich one get more than other. they get gen outfit or trade 1m sub wish for it.

>> No.77787660

austrians are so tasteless, no wonder they fail art classes

>> No.77788442

>Don't they have to pony up the cost for new outfits?
Cover has started allowing Hololive talents in the JP branch to commission new outfits where they have more creative control but they have to pay the entire development cost. So far commissioned outfits haven't been offered to EN or ID.

>> No.77788700

>homobeggars deflecting from twitter post

>> No.77788770


>> No.77792600

I do not like a single one, what was she even thinking with #3, the hair n the kimono one and the fucking armor? Like, what was her inspiration there?

>> No.77792628

I've never seen the last one.
Why did Hololive give her an 80's/Korean style outfit?

>> No.77792701
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On a second thought, this one is decent.

>> No.77792846

That's because it came out today, a few hours ago.
>why did Hololive give her an 80's/Korean style outfit?
because she wanted that.

>> No.77792862

I agree. Not a fan of her design or any of her outfits, which is weird since I usually love bird or fire themes. She seems to hit all the wrong vibes for me, though.
Either way, I hear she's a hard worker and I don't see the issue. All of the holoEN girls seem to have a wardrobe at this point.
It's nothing obscene like how Elira had more than 4x the amount of merch as pomu and far more promotion despite being in the same wave, Pomu being the actual daisenpai, and Pomu just being more popular and hard working in general.

>> No.77795383
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>> No.77795492

>It is April 24th, be Mr.Jap who has been called in by the Yagoat himself just before Golden Week
>Mr. Jap walks into the office
>Yagoat: I am disappointed in you Jap
>Yagoat: Your EN generation has failed to meet expectations. All the hype in the world yet you picked failures. You have some stupid retard botting the girls and fucking with our reports. DID YOU FUCKING KNOW THAT WE BUILT UP GOODWILL BECAUSE WE'RE HONEST AND DIDN'T HIRE TOO MANY TWITCH THOTS YOU LITTLE FUCKWAD INDOG??
>Jap: Mr.Yagoat I can explain!!
>Jap: Even..my girls and Kiara?
>Yagoat: Yes even the chimkim shit women, it's already punishing enough to hear her speak and let her breath the same air as us.
>Jap: ogey...
>Jap leaves the office and shits his pants. Not because he has been chewed out by the big daimyo himself but he has to invest in Kiara
>Dumb Austrian wants a 80s infomercial workout outfit
>Jap wants to kill himself but puts in a commission request to Huke anyway
>Huke-papa said no since this idea sucks donkey cock
>Rando artist picked it up
>Austrian women wants rigging like some amateur 3D hentai patreon scammer made it
>Jap literally digging his own grave right now
>It is June 9th, Jap is comtemplating his life choices and after a few more strong zeros he remembers that it could be worse. He could be in Kurosanji right now. His life seems a bit better now until Kiara's new outfit debut played.
>We are here

No but seriously her new outfit is trash. If she wanted new tiddy rigging then just get that.

>> No.77795792

>600 models
>they're all dogshit

>> No.77796622

I think Myth is just on schedule for new outfits.
Ina got her Apron outfit recently and now it's Kiara, we should be expecting new outfits for Gura, Ame, and Calli too.

>> No.77796685

the original is still the best

>> No.77796771

I believe Gura pays out of her own pocket. Cover will give you like 2 or 3 a year but you gotta fund your own after that and none of the other girls care enough to get more outfits.

>> No.77796773

they are dealing with black company, so pls andastand

>> No.77796906

Cover literally doesn't let you pay for your own model, everything goes through Cover. It prevents chuubas from spamming new models like Ironmouse.

>> No.77797836

>idol outfits
VShojokeks, explain

>> No.77797949

She burned her 1m wish on the German outfit and the sub channel she's used like 3 times

>> No.77798365

>Persona invented masks
This is why I became more of a mainline SMT elitist.

>> No.77798464

Nice try but aia the least popular member has at least 3 more new outfits for this year

>> No.77798991

The aerobics outfit featured in her Fever Night music video.

>> No.77799040

>I have brain damage

>> No.77799080

1 makes her character but it’s too much. 2 is lazy design, 3 is decent if you ignore all the feathers otherwise sorta ruined. 4 kimono another lazy and doesn’t capture her color themes. 5 for elementary school teacher enjoyers, 6 sorta cool themed but armor outfits too gimmicky, 7 yoga 80s is overrated except for late 30-40 year olds

>> No.77801019

It’s kind of a recent change, but Holo talents can now commission and pay for their outfits by themselves.

>> No.77801079

>for literally everyone not in hololive you faggot.
Well good thing we're talking about someone in Hololive, otherwise you might have a point you fucking dunce

>> No.77801082
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Why do they even bother? The perfect vtuber outfit has already happened.

>> No.77801202


>> No.77801501

everyone gets a kimono, everyone gets one per year, she asked for the trad wife; hth

>> No.77801506

Which one is the outfit the mama artist lost all their daughters and decided not to make a vtuber again?

>> No.77801572

Turns out complaining every given time do work

>> No.77801695

>It’s kind of a recent change, but Holo talents can now commission and pay for their outfits by themselves.
Is the process/communication and price for this available somewhere?

>> No.77803101

have you heard her talking? she a little fashionista that loves blowing money on fashion and a s-tier otaku weeb.
bitch be seeing girls outside all wear hotpants n tight blouses and bam. reading some shitty manwha about princess and villainess.

I bet she read some fate and was like "I want an armour with Waffenrock and Schenkeldecke!" and her aerobics leotard? bet she landed on eric prydz call on me lol

>> No.77805179

She complains a lot

>> No.77805607
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The entire premise.of this thread is retarded because Mori has more outfits than anyone in EN despite Kiara using her 1 million wish for an extra outfit. Mori still has 1 more outfit than her despite not having received her 2024 outfit.

>> No.77806210

Dumbass used for her 1M subs rewards for a L2D outfit.

>> No.77806718

Bullshit. Hologirls need to earn their play button first before getting an outfit. The first 3 outfits are locked behind "milestone". There's no they could just ask. Making rigs cost money you fucking yagoo cock strap loser retard.

>> No.77806824

>over 9000 outfits
>mouth tracking worse than 2view indies
the power of holo...

>> No.77807342
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not a bad choice but you would be incorrect

>> No.77808371

Most of the concepts for her outfits are good on paper but the execution is just fucking awful

>> No.77808630

Since everyone keeps saying they get 1 outfit per year, this got me curious and I counted how many outfits everyone got relative to their debut years (not including 1 million sub wishes or loli personas etc). Sorted by least unfortunate to company favorites:

2 outfits behind (has not received one in 2024 yet)

1 outfit behind (received one in 2024)

1 outfit behind (has not received one in 2024 yet)
>Fubuki* (she did get a whole ass redesign including several of her outfits remade though)

1 outfit ahead (IF they receive one in 2024)
>Mori (more than likely)
>Gura (more than likely)
>Ame (more than likely)

1 outfit ahead (received one in 2024)
>Towa (technically but not really, since she debuted on Jan 3rd along with Luna)

Also I think I read the outfits Ina and Kiara got are supposed to be their 2023 outfits? Make of that what you will.

>> No.77808719
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There are nijis with a bunch of outfits as well

>> No.77808762

>no Towa spam yet
KFPiss fell off

>> No.77808792

fucking kys retard nigger.

>> No.77808845

I kinda like how she’s stuck to the same colour palette, she’s been consistent with the original character design

>> No.77808880

No, it’s just that the pain induced by her harpy screeching isn’t worth it so they let her have her way

>> No.77808955

this is normal
>2021 video

>> No.77808969

My only gripe is that she got an outfit themed with one of her worst songs, sparks had one of her best outfits ever and she’s never bothered to get anything akin to that.

>> No.77809007

Crazy part is she has even more than this.

>> No.77809012

Sunk cost. She really believes this will be her one and only shot at making it as a vtuber.

>> No.77809044

The Demon Queen one by Rosuuri

>> No.77809085

sparks is her only good song lmao

>> No.77809296

Many? That's nothing compared to ironmouse

>> No.77809355

Now now, if they paid for better tracking it would cost yagoo some money

>> No.77809488

I know you don't watch kiara streams because this outfit counts as kiara's 2023 outfit and she used a wish on the dirndl outfit, so she's one behind still

>> No.77809588

I would not be surprised if Kiara still work out to watching these oldass tv aerobics on youtube.

>> No.77809693

Well apparently you can't read, because I didn't count the dirndl one and she along with Ina and ID1 is ahead by 1 outfit (with this one) compared to the rest of the company and if they receive another in 2024 then they'll be ahead by 2. So I don't see in what possible way she could be one behind still.

>> No.77809930

Ina and Kiara received their 2023 outfits now, Mori Ame and Gura will before 2024. In 2025 they will get their 2024 outfits. Does this make sense? That's how it works right now.

>> No.77810113

Sunk cost is still going "orange woman bad" in 2024
These outfits didn't cost her a dime.

>> No.77810150

Even assuming that everyone in the company receives outfits the way you are suggesting, Myth and ID1 still have 1 extra outfit compared to everyone else in holo. While there's no Kiara specific favoritism like the OP is falsely suggesting, there is a slight Myth and ID1 favoritism. That's the tl;dr of my post.

>> No.77810287

>Myth and ID1 favoritism.
Wouldn't they be ahead because they debuted first? I'm confused. Some JP members have multiple 3D outfits. These are weird comparisons to make.

>> No.77810465

I have sorted the number of outfits they got relative to their debut dates. E.g. If someone debuted in 2020, then by 2024 they should have 5 outfits (default + kimono + 3 extras). Someone who debuted in 2022 should have 3 by now and so on. Then I listed the holos who are behind and those who are ahead. Hope that's clear enough.

>> No.77810682

She played too much jrpg slop

>> No.77810813

Fantasy/Tales of Arise outfit

>> No.77811016

>>77810465 (me)
Slight correction, I did make a mistake in the original list:
>Aqua is actually 3 behind
>Ayame etc. 2 behind
>Aki etc. 2 behind
And I did not list the ones who are 1 behind but are yet to get their outfits this year. There are quite a few. The rest is correct though.

>> No.77811155

>>Hologirls can just fucking ask and get them
sorry but isnt even true. Each Holo talent they're alloted 1 outfit a year and this particular outfit for Kiara was the outfit for 2023. And even then, her artist abandoned her and has basically fucked off from associating with Hololive.

>> No.77811224

because best girl

>> No.77811267

>persona knockoff '
It's a masquerade dress you fucking retard.

>> No.77811621
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huke is just stuck in the steins gate mines right now

>> No.77811822

Idk what’s worse newfags or the schizophrenic fans. Myth got an extra outfit because of their delayed 3D. ID1 got an extra outfit for something similar. 3D outfits are million wishes, event outfits, or special anniversary occasions. Kiara has gotten an outfit every year so either you’re wrong or Kiara’s lying
2020- Default (no one gets an outfit for debut)
2021- First outfit
2022- Second outfit and Kimono
2023- Armor
2024- This mess

>> No.77812056

she most likely paid for some of them herself. regardless, she's still shit no matter what model she uses.

>> No.77812208

>Myth got an extra outfit because of their delayed 3D. ID1 got an extra outfit for something similar.
This makes absolutely no sense to me because the gens who waited for their 3D debuts the most are ID1 > Promise > Myth in that order, yet Promise didn't get any special treatment.

>> No.77812438

Mori is popular tho so that makes sense

>> No.77812538

wrong and wrong

>> No.77813573

At least there's some good variety here.
Meanwhile all other girls are busy as fuck chuunishit or I'm a fantasy being so I'll just get mismatched color casual clothes of average Japanese woman.

>> No.77814835

Council debuted in August 2021 and got their 3D debut in September 2023, so 25 months after debut.
Myth debuted in September 2020 and got their 3D debut in Febuary 2023, 41 months after debut.
It's not even fucking close.

>> No.77814875

My bad, 29 months after debut for Myth. Still not close, though.

>> No.77814957

Those are showcases, their debuts happened at Fes after which they were free to use their 3Ds.

>> No.77815365

A damn shame too, 'cause I really liked Miryu's and Char's outfits.

>> No.77815630

>Kiara asks for outfits
>Your chuuba doesn't
Simple as

>> No.77816786

That....gets me going especially the bulge

>> No.77817267

How can they even fuck up a phoenix design? Her voice is already retarded, the best she could do is make sure her outfit is amazing.

I took a good look at the breast and got tired of it

>> No.77817342

>>77817267 (me)
I should add that the formal dress should be an exception, that shit looks unironically good, I almost watched her back then.

>> No.77817392

>I almost watched her back then
why did you stop retard

>> No.77817436

She fucking ask

>> No.77817442

>>77817267 >Her voice is already retarded

>> No.77817558


>> No.77817903
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>> No.77818321

does ina ever use her formal dress and maid? outfit I don't watch her enough

>> No.77819294

They see the least use but the kitchen outfit is still a little over a month old so the jury is still out on that.

>> No.77819564

Ina is the only holomem with taste. every outfit has a purpose, a story and tell us more about her.

>> No.77822136

I'm not entirely sure about her later outfits, but at least up until her kimono she left the designs up to Kuroboshi out of respect for him. If you want to praise someone, praise him.

>> No.77826048

formal dress looks like a clown suit so she stopped using it, it was one of the few outfits she gave no direction on

>> No.77826123

coalburning whore

>> No.77826193
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i don't know and I don't care. Here are my Wawa outfit power rankings:

1. Dirndl Wawa
2. Erobics Wawa
3. Formal Wawa
4. Debut Wawa
5. Gyaru Wawa
6. Warrior Wawa
7. Kimono Wawa

>> No.77826336

All of them are gyaru lol she’s a basic white bitch

>> No.77827055

Your mom's here?

>> No.77827126

Gyaru is actually on her list for next time
My dick will not survive

>> No.77829554

and why does she get two scoops of ice cream when everyone else gets one?
Orange woman bad

>> No.77832342

Listen anon I love a pair of jiggling tits as much as the next person but the 80's isn't known for its fashion in that new outfit
