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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 138 KB, 850x1202, __dokibird_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_panpanmc4__sample-52e721ee987667a1dffc73c6edc3ef14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77762335 No.77762335 [Reply] [Original]

Bonus question: What % genuinely believe that the entire situation was negligible, and any talk of NijiEN suffering PR/financial losses at all is seditious Dragoon/Hololive propaganda?

>> No.77762550

Doki sex

>> No.77762799

Fuck the bird until exploded

>> No.77763164

I miss Selen's giant tits, and Elira's just don't feel the same anymore. For this reason I will never forgive Nijisanji

>> No.77763252

I believe that a large % of Niji EN fans don't actually speak English and that they have no idea that this ever hapened.

>> No.77763305

>What % of remaining Nijifans do you think blame her for NijiEN's current state?

I'd say 100%. They need someone to blame to cope.

>> No.77763359

100%? How is this even a question?
Maybe some of them do it subconsciously rather than regurgitate their thoughts into the ether like most, but if you're still watching NijiEN afterwards you hold some form of hate for her in your heart. Even the people who watch her.

>> No.77763427

Personal theory: Sisters like to pretend all their antis are Holofags, because they can't bear to face the fact that their entire branch got BTFO'd by a quirky indie whose lore claims that she is really a giant talking tomato in disguise.

>> No.77763599

If you bring up Selen in Elira's comments section, her fags will whine that you should "Doki said not to harass us!" or "Hate management not the talents!"
But yeah, I see your point that most of them probably still blame Dokibird at least partially when they are in private.

>> No.77763904

It's even simpler than all of that. If you're watching NijiEN, you're directly supporting the group that pushed someone who was supposed to be close with them to suicide. Either A. you're a terrible fan and person and that doesn't bother you, or B. you've convinced yourself that an attempt was not made (lmao) and that suddenly that makes everything okay, or C. you just don't know, which is an excuse that only flies for ESL's and even then it doesn't because it's literally the biggest happening to ever happen to the company: some NijiEN's STILL haven't gone back to their normal streaming schedule to my knowledge. Even if you only watched a handful of people it absolutely affected someone you watched, and if you ever looked into why nobody was streaming for the entirety of February and March you'd only find the one answer.

That being said, your first sentence is a little surprising. Since y'know, Nijisanji were the ones to specifically claim it was livers and explicitly was not management.

>> No.77764183

I would know, because I was there as we burned down the clique's YT comments.

>> No.77764495

The few Nijifags I’ve interacted with seem to have a love hate relationship with the company, as in they don’t like the company but they tolerate it because thats where their favourite chuubas are.

>> No.77764549

>you're directly supporting the group that pushed someone who was supposed to be close with them to suicide
nijisanji are not therapists and cannot control the fact that girls with BPD hurt themselves when you don't reply fast enough

>> No.77764986

And here we have Exhibit A.

>> No.77765559

I do find it funny how fast they swap from saying there was never a suicide attempt to trying to insist it was caused by something minor.

>> No.77766010

Literally EVERYONE has moved on except for dramafags and tourists (You).

>> No.77766117

>Literally EVERYONE
>nijien still has viewers
You keep using that word. I don't think you know what it means.

>> No.77766241

this, the majority remaining don't give a shit because they joined the fandom after Luxiem and Noctyx

>> No.77766449
File: 228 KB, 459x370, 1715724507026203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I'm a Rosebud and I don't even donate. I use adblock like everyone else. In terms of revenue Nijisanji probably made around 3 dollars off of me in 3 years. Rosemi hasn't been implicated as a bully, Matara loves her, and I don't watch anyone else.

Anyone who's still a Weewa is fucking mental though lmao

>> No.77767032

>Rosemi hasn't been implicated as a bully
like 6 or 7 people have been implicated as bullies, why is everyone suffering then? oh yeah, because nijisanji decided to play fucking Clue with their members and now nobodies innocent

>> No.77767040

>Seafag doesn't understand nuance
Not surprised.

>> No.77767065

Doki is way hotter than Selen you guys are deluded

>> No.77767217

Either you mean literally literally, or you mean "literally" literally. Both of which are objectively not true.

>> No.77767329

Or that Selen is a lying whore and tried using her suicide attempt as leverage for a push to power

>> No.77767547

37 hours isn't fast enough. I hope you get your hand stuck under a boulder and when the paramedics find you after 72 hours just to amputate it and when you're snot nosed crying over the whole ordeal, they just say, it wasn't that long.

>> No.77768124

Here we have Exhibit B

>> No.77768178

I'm not going to tell you that Rosemi is evil or that Rosemi is good, but with NijiEN recontextualization is basically the keyword here. Let's go back a year in time. You're a Rosebud, you remember the offcollab with her + then-nijiUK + Elira + Oceanlaw right? The one where Elira basically thwarted the rrats that she hated, not bullied at the time, but just simply hated Selen right? Even Finana, the girl who was chatting up Selen in the corner about gacha games while the rest went crazy doing girl things, didn't really give a "dude stop" in the moments where Selen was clearly uncomfortable. That was all Elira, Selen's biggest defender. At that moment in time, Elira was seen as innocent.

But then she did the black stream. That changed everything. Elira, the only person to stand up for Selen, or Vox, a frequent collaborator and at one time a planner with Selen even "swung his name to protect her from management", or Ike, a friend of Selen's, all got their relationships completely and utterly recontextualized to the point where the only actual chart between any of them is "is bullied by X" and "bullies Selen with Y". Like anon said, most fans got a hard time trusting their former oshis specifically because of that backstabbing shit, and while I'm glad you can still enjoy your oshi and I do genuinely hope she's not a bully, personally I've been so disillusioned with that entire nijien """family""" that its impossible for me to not doubt everyone after seeing the good turn to bad. Well except Vox, I always thought he was a slimeball.

>> No.77769272

The hidden truth is, you take China & SEA out of the equation, it becomes clear that Selen and Pomu where likely the most popular members in NijiEN.

>> No.77769365

Considering that Niji pulled Vox and Vivi out of a tourney just to have them avoid interacting with Doki, I don't think management has entirely moved on. Just a thought.

>> No.77769810

Sisters will blame everyone but themselves for nijien being dogshit

>> No.77769895

100% because they have to be retards to still be nijifans

>> No.77769919

I see, have verbal or written proof? Time stamps from streams stating this,from the livers themselves. Any tweets saying WORD FOR WORD Management pulled them from the tourney? Surely actual proof exist and not speculation.

>> No.77770007

Probably not many, despite what people here might think. Niji destroyed itself long before selen bailed.

>> No.77771556
File: 79 KB, 1215x225, Screenshot 2024-06-09 171634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, admittedly not, but I DO have archived posts from butthurt nijisisters complaining that either Sajam knowingly chose the "hot new kid", or that Doki herself was somehow stealing opportunities from Nijisanji. How reflective these posts are of the majority of Nijisisters is uncertain, but I have more of these if you want, and if nothing else, they illustrate the lingering bitterness in some of NijiEN's most dedicated fans.
In other words, they have NOT moved on, contrary to earlier assertions.

>> No.77771612

>doki gets everything handed to her
>literally every single interaction she's ever had was just her fucking asking
ain't no way

>> No.77772637

From what I've seen from the occasional /nijien/ browse, quite a lot.
You wanna see something REALLY funny, go back to the AR live from that time and read the /nijien/ threads. They were FUMING and blaming Selen for absolutely everything.

>> No.77772968

Here's another Sajam-slam related one. >>/vt/thread/76594668#p76596688.. In this one, one Nijisister justifies to another anon the theoretical decision to not allow Vox to interact with "the woman that basically destroyed the EN branch and shit all over everyone's hard work."

Whether or not Dokibird is getting things "handed to her" is of little importance to me. I believe she has already earned it. Regardless, if you want a change of topic, I can pull up nijiseethes about other things, such as the moment Mint made her appearance at Wrestletuber. I don't think these posts are a sign of a group that has moved on and is at peace with Dokibird's success.

>> No.77773079

Huh? You mean the one cancelled for ""covid""? Why would they blame Selen for that

>> No.77773176

Oh yes. I was browsing Nyfco at the time, larping as one of them for the keks. It was hilarious. I honestly miss that site, and wonder how they would be coping with subsequent things like seeing Doki and Mint collab. It would probably be even juicier than the twitter screenshots already floating around.

>> No.77773197

oh that sounds hilarious. Nijien moves so quickly I didn't even think to check them around that time.

>> No.77773392

No, not for its delay. For the fact that Nijisanji blotted out 1/3rd of the girl's section to get rid of any and all visual or audio appearances of Selen. Doxxsite sisters were screeching about how "dookie" was continuing to "ruin" Nijisanji.

>> No.77774224

you love to see it

>> No.77774307

Q4 sister

>> No.77774389
File: 19 KB, 192x220, 1569470956650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point it doesn't really matter what the sisters think. Their thoughts are about as relevant as the black company they support.

>> No.77774713

because she's the part of the mean girl clique?
or did you buy le epic innocent Rosemi meme?

>> No.77774971

I feel like if she actually was part of them she'd have taken Selen out of her intro by now. There's not a chance management hasn't noticed that it's still there.

>> No.77775015

Elira was not getting ANY hate before the black screen video man. It was mostly Enna/Millie for vague reasons and it was a massive stretch. Elira basically confirming the document named her and both of them just painted a massive target on themselves.
But what can you expect from the same group of people that did the secret GC stream. Actually baffling how stupid these people are.

>> No.77775256

If I were NDF, I’d be desperate too. The streamers are the lifeblood of the corpo but their cubicle entertainers are shambling corpses.

>> No.77775361

Wasnt she the person Selen collabed with and invited the most to collabs last year before she graduated?

>> No.77775398

Why would nijisisters blame doki? She has nothing to do with niji. Never interacted with them.

>> No.77775598

You DO know that Dokibird is the new identity of the ex-Niji liver formerly known as Selen Tatsuki, right? You know, the one whose termination marked an inflection point in Nijisanji's reputational and financial decline?

>> No.77775657

A backstage thing, probably. We won't know the real reason for this suspension unless they terminate her for it and tell us in the white paper.

Remember from December 26 to February 4 how everyone thought Selen Tatsuki was suspended over the MV, either because she told people to reupload it or because she uploaded it in the first place? And then on February 5th they announced that they suspended her for not retracting her claims of having been a victim of workplace harassment, while she was still hospitalized after a (thankfully) failed attempt brought about by that very workplace harassment.
That's why I say that we won't know what she did to get suspended unless she gets terminated for it.

>> No.77775815

um what is this comment supposed to do to me, i don't have BPD so...

>> No.77776016

Kek, like children on twitter. No wonder /NijiEN/ is grooming kids, most of you are actual kids.

>> No.77776033
File: 543 KB, 2048x2048, GF59FqHbcAABgxM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon, anon. At least try to come up with believable rrats.
Dokibird's never mentioned or even alluded to any company by the name of Nijisanji. She just returned to us a few months ago after graduating like 3 years ago. She seems a little different now but I think we'd know if she joined some company named Nijisanji.

>> No.77776440

you think adults are more phased by a reply? children would read >>77767547 and think it's the edgiest thing in the world, in fact the poster must not be any older than 16 and /vt/ is the only board he goes to

>> No.77776811

>you think adults are more phased by a reply?
More the way you typed it kid.

>> No.77776946

bumping it down to 15

>> No.77777295

somewhere around 80-90%
I actually know a couple of irl people that are still nijisanji fans and blame doki for blowing everything out of proportion an poisoning the brand

>> No.77777370

Sorry to break it to you but I'm not, in fact, young enough to ERP with members of /NijiEN/, although I believe you lot like them a bit younger than even 15, right?

>> No.77777945

What a rrat holy shit, what sewer did you pull this out of?
Selen is Doki? LMFAO

>> No.77778021

I'm so sorry you know actual NIjisisters, anon

>> No.77778367

one of them is a guy that somehow watches vox alban and sonny along with the girls

>> No.77778457

>guys, trust me, Selen hijacked some random indie vtuber's youtube account and model when she got fired from niji!
>source: my ass
this board gets more unhinged every day

>> No.77778768

Elira did get hate for nepohiring people, and jokingly (at the time anyways...) hating Selen as mentioned, but that was basically it? "The clique" used to just mean nepohires, not the group of bullies.

>> No.77779030

Well I don't know about Niji management or Doki, but here's Sajam talking about it

>> No.77779146

the ending really sells it, man's based as fuck

>> No.77779419

Male "sisters" exist, according to nyfco. I wish I had that screenshot saved, it was ridiculed to hell and back

>> No.77779476

That whole event was a crazy fun vibe. Team Brawlpro was just raw joy the whole time.

>> No.77779601
File: 41 KB, 1080x349, sistersdiscord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one? I think there was another often used one

>> No.77779795
File: 141 KB, 870x1171, 1708102656696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the other one.

>> No.77779886

No, it was another one that said something like, "good job sisters and male sisters" at the top.

However, this one gives me second hand embarrassment from just reading. Christ, they think they're that important, as if most of their haters aren't just shitting on them for fun

>> No.77779957

Thanks, I was looking for that one.

>> No.77779973

jesus christ I forgot about their little anti-doki rentry. I don't think I ever even read them properly. It was just gross.

>> No.77780067

Oh yeah, it was funny how a whole bunch of people tore that one to pieces.

>> No.77780080

They quickly took the original one down after even neutral people on twitter started calling them disgusting for bringing up her supposed mental health issues. Really funny that they didn't see how bad the optics of doing that would be.

>> No.77780100

Hey, I wrote this myself a few weeks ago! Kudos to spreading my nijinigger hate message, anon

>> No.77780226

Oh wow, little kiddie figured out how to write "no u" differently. It's a Christmas miracle!

>> No.77780349

Diego attempted to RT it, then rescinded his RT a few minutes after the fact. Presumably upon realizing that being seen as accessory to a document digging into an unconfirmed mental health disorder could be seen as bad.

>> No.77780409

It almost makes me wish the site was still up so I could have seen them react to Mint and Matara being on Doki's wrestling thing, Mint and Matara having brunch with Sayu. It would have been amazing I'm sure.

>> No.77780593
File: 22 KB, 835x285, 12332123132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77780768

I actually thought the rentry doc was (ableism aside) a more coherent and internally consistent defense of Nijisanji's behavior than anything Nijisanji itself was able to muster. Which says more about the quality of Nijisanji's PR than it does about the sisters. It was still trash.

>> No.77780790

Yep, shows how quickly they'll turn on any organ that's seen as betraying the company. Anycolor itself truly is their oshi.

>> No.77781092

A negligible percentage

>> No.77781701
File: 40 KB, 939x1410, sisterslovemint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sentiment was common there, too. They all loved Mint but they lampshaded the members stream that Pomu unprivated, and went out of their way to willfully ignore any signs that she didn't hate Doki...

>> No.77781722

Look, I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out.
*Dokibird's social media account issued a series of cryptic and confrontational messages within hours of Selen Tatsuki's termination. We may never know the context for sure, but I think it is more than a coincidence
*Dokibird begins to act very strange whenever the topic of Selen Tatsuki or even getting fired from a job comes up. Take her Bunny Garden stream, when she cracked up upon learning that the MC was fired.
* Every now and then, Dokibird will sometimes mention vague past memories, especially when she is around people confirmed to be ex-Niji livers. This is particularly true around Mint Fantome, who many believe to be a reincarnation of the ex-Niji Pomu Rainpuff (but that's another story for another time)

Are there other explanations? Sure. Maybe Dokibird suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury that happened to overlap with the approximate career of Selen Tatsuki, and the effects linger on in the form of artificial memories. But hopefully you can at least see WHY I think Dokibird may, JUST MAY, really be Selen.

>> No.77781938

If I may ask, how are you able to get all these screenshots from a dead website? Waybackmachine? Did you just have them stored?

>> No.77782109

Quite a few of these have been pasted in the catalogue in the past while the site was still up.

>> No.77782146

NTA but view same.

>> No.77782263

Anon take your meds, do you want to be called Dokischizo? We have an Ennaschizo already and it's not a good look.

>> No.77782274
File: 46 KB, 719x781, ACKpa3fY6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno about other anons but when I was angry or bored I'd go browse the nina comments section myself and screencap random shit. I have a LOT of stuff, but it's mostly nonsense or cope.

>> No.77782374
File: 20 KB, 696x477, GACNI8Le.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's an example of cope. This is an example of nonsense.

>> No.77782822

When things were really bad with sisters raiding around February there were loads of them floating around and they were very frequently posted. There are some from before then but that was when the majority were taken.

>> No.77782874

>why is everyone suffering then?
Because fans of the talents who left used to watch other Niji organs during their oshi's dead hours
That secondary viewership went away when they left

>> No.77783085

I don't remember what was in it, but I remember it was torn apart for mostly bad faith arguments and just straight up lying or speculation. It was given a tl;dr of "I am a woman and mnhera, Selen is a woman and menhera, so I'm going to project"
I think it only sounds 'more coherent' since it wasn't machine translated.

>> No.77783253
File: 3 KB, 113x125, DokiDare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kindly ask for you to stop spreading these rrats. It makes no sense for Doki to be Selen.

>> No.77783437

Do you have anything along the lines of
*Comparing the Dragoons to a traitor legion?
*Saying that Dokibird was deliberately catering to a 4chan audience?
*A post asking why Dokibird was so effective at rallying people to her side, which then led to some ramble about how Selen deliberately ran a lot of projects to try and undermine Nijisanji's authority?

If you do and could retrieve those, that would be wonderful. Those were all baitposts I created.

>> No.77783595

I thought Mint was Selen.

>> No.77783890

Probably close to 100% since everyone with an ounce of sanity has already abandoned ship

>> No.77784151

No, Mint was Nina. Keep up, anon. Nyfco matched their e-mails like last week.

>> No.77784326

No you retard KuroK9 is Selen

>> No.77784848

this stupid cunt is entirely responsible for how shitty things have gotten for nijiEN. She lied and grifted her way into getting her trash behavior not only ignored, but rewarded by the fans, put up on a pedestal like some kind of fucking saint even though she was the heart of nijisanji for years, helping to make it the way it is. Her fanbase is the worst in all of vtubing, bloodthirsty fagoons bully people far worse than anyone else I've ever seen, the hypocrisy is astounding considering bullying is what they're all so mad about in the first place. She could have easily just shut the fuck up, took her termination like an adult, and moved on with life. But the whole thing was a plan to get out, get sympathy, and grift, and it worked to perfection for her. I'll hate her for the rest of my life for what she's put all the other niji girls through, ruining so many careers just so she can cash in on pity money. I hope karma gets her in the end and she meets a miserable end.

>> No.77785198

is this a new copypasta?

>> No.77785358
File: 6 KB, 1722x112, mint will not be collabing with doki for wrestletuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best I can give you is this

>> No.77786894

genuine /vt/ history, literally not even a second later

>> No.77787377

>conveniently leaves out how she nearly killed herself twice
>conveniently glosses over all the unityfagging she did for the branch
>conveniently leaves out that she commissioned 5 lo fi songs for her branchmates
>conveniently leaves out the thousands of dollars she wanted to pay out of her own pocket to artists
>conveniently leaves out the wrestlesanji belt that Enna never even showed anyone after she won it while bitching the whole time

Sisters ostracized their agency's strongest soldier and now they're reaping what they sow. They point the finger and scream BPD even after Vox himself said that the attempt on her life "should not be taken lightly." Niji defenders are hypocrites willfully ignorant of the bullshit they endorse.

>> No.77787500

God that was sweet to see. Sisters pissed blood out of pure anger when they saw Mint wasn't avoiding or hated Doki. A bunch of Elipomu shippers had mental breakdowns on twitter and unoshi'd her.

>> No.77787522

>conveniently leaves out that she commissioned 5 lo fi songs for her branchmates
And their PV's, by the way. You're also forgetting her commissioning chibi models for multiple other people, including Luca I believe, and directly introducing them to the artist who later did half of the branches chibi 3D's.

Quite frankly Lucubs would never see Luca in 3D if it weren't for Selen, either directly or indirectly, and half of their love for him wouldn't exist.

>> No.77787772
File: 121 KB, 3011x646, don't harass doki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how you conveniently forgot what your oshis said theselves: don't harass Doki or spread hate. Wouldn't you be ashamed if your oshis knew what snakes you were when you're not in their streams?

>> No.77787896
File: 44 KB, 788x274, mint not in wrestletuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>77785358 (me)
I'm retarded, I actually did have the updated one saved. I don't know why I uploaded the old version

>> No.77791805

I agree that this stupid cunt is entirely responsible for how shitty things have gotten for nijiEN. She lied and grifted her way into getting her trash behavior not only ignored, but rewarded by the fans, put up on a pedestal like some kind of fucking saint even though she was the heart of nijisanji for years, helping to make it the way it is. Her fanbase is the worst in all of vtubing, bloodthirsty fagoons bully people far worse than anyone else I've ever seen, the hypocrisy is astounding considering bullying is what they're all so mad about in the first place. She could have easily just shut the fuck up, took her termination like an adult, and moved on with life. But the whole thing was a plan to get out, get sympathy, and grift, and it worked to perfection for her. I'll hate her for the rest of my life for what she's put all the other niji girls through, ruining so many careers just so she can cash in on pity money. I hope karma gets her in the end and she meets a miserable end.

>> No.77792843

don't watch niggersanji but i still hope her next attempt is successful because she's annoying and i'm sick of seeing and hearing her literally everywhere. i didn't care about her or her company as selen, i don't care for her now that suddenly she's the patron saint of saviorfags, though maybe it's a net positive that she lit the source of the homo scourge on fire when she left. she sounds like a toad and she's not really that impressive in apex. i do not get the appeal.

>> No.77792982

>I also agree that this stupid cunt is entirely responsible for how shitty things have gotten for nijiEN. She lied and grifted her way into getting her trash behavior not only ignored, but rewarded by the fans, put up on a pedestal like some kind of fucking saint even though she was the heart of nijisanji for years, helping to make it the way it is. Her fanbase is the worst in all of vtubing, bloodthirsty fagoons bully people far worse than anyone else I've ever seen, the hypocrisy is astounding considering bullying is what they're all so mad about in the first place. She could have easily just shut the fuck up, took her termination like an adult, and moved on with life. But the whole thing was a plan to get out, get sympathy, and grift, and it worked to perfection for her. I'll hate her for the rest of my life for what she's put all the other niji girls through, ruining so many careers just so she can cash in on pity money. I hope karma gets her in the end and she meets a miserable end.

>> No.77793069

>don't watch nijisanji but watch me break my ass backwards to defend their biggest detractor
okay anon

>> No.77793108

sisters have doki rent free so deep in their heads they made a new copypasta

>> No.77797364


>> No.77797366

there is no such thing as a good nijifan remaining after february 2024 as if there was prior

>> No.77797444

I think it's amazing when Dokifags use the term ableism in a completely serious way.

>> No.77797557

I was also thinking that was retarded, but I'm going to chalk it up as an ex-sister since I don't think a single person actually read that thing top to bottom.

>> No.77797710
File: 35 KB, 915x848, SistersEatingThemselvesOverBPD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but I'm pretty sure the ableism came from nyfco and them eating themselves over the "am I the baddie" moment when they realized they were attacking someone for an unconfirmed mental illness that they were pulling out of their asses.
Also for the first anon, nijiseethe.

>> No.77797789

Nah, Selen’s model was top tier while Doki’s is meh. I have masturbated to the former so many times.

>> No.77797878

So you do believe in ableist malarkey? Do you also support DEI? Do you need a safe space from the heckin hateposts? Life must be really hard for a fragile individual such as yourself, since you're incapable of defending your oshi without exposing your liberal underbelly. Really embarrassing stuff.

>> No.77798073

anon I have no fucking clue what you're sperging about. Go take a walk or something.
Doki's model is like 4 years old. Trust in the new skinsuit. It will be sex incarnate.

>> No.77798154

Enna and Millie were seen as the faces of the clique before the black stream.

>> No.77798372

OMG we actually have a real Nijisister in our midst right now, I thought your filthy ilk was already eradicated. Well technically you dipshits are indeed being slowly eradicated. Goodluck with the Q4 Doomsday!

>> No.77798537


>> No.77798717

are nijifans perfect when dead?

>> No.77798860

No I meant an anon like >>77780768 even using the term "ableism" to me screams of as mentioned an ex-sister. Which... yeah, it does. I had my tumblr phase too and I grew out of it, I'm only slightly ashamed to admit it, but that screams of tumblr to me. It'd be much better for anon to have just said
>these mentally ill women are mocking another mentally ill woman for being mentally ill

>> No.77798977

It's funny to see them being hypocrites when it's a person they don't like.

>> No.77799047

Yeah that'd work too! Regardless sisters are basically the least self-reflective people in the world so I can't get too mad at them, as I know they'll never find anything of true value to them in their life and they'll probably end up roping by the end of 2040 or stuck in a dead-end marriage pumping out babies they hate for a man who beats them at best.

>> No.77799622

>I had my tumblr phase too
Hilarious. Falseflag or true Dokigoon?

>> No.77799867

Worse. Dangan Ronpa teen. I'd apologizing for being a part in raping SA's servers and being overall a retard but I don't think this board let alone site has any trugoons left. I don't actually care about Doki that much, it's mostly just pity and a desire to see sisters get shit on since they went ballistic at my oshi.

>> No.77799972

You are very lucky that /vt/ is an insular reddit board, that's all I'll say.

>> No.77800141

Nah, if anything I'm lucky that 4chan is an anonymous website and none of you know who I am so my admission of my dark history has done nothing more than inevitably make me feel embarrassed in bed for a night, as I replay stupid memories. You know how it is.

>> No.77800281
File: 1.70 MB, 1107x2000, Amamiya.Kokoro.full.3576948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN cannot be fixed without firing at least Elira, Enna and Uki and it's current state is predominantly caused by these three
>t. Myamya enjoyer

>> No.77800521

their evil den was long gone so most of the active nijsisters had no choice but to lurk here in /vt/ now, they literally don't have anywhere else to go. Fortunately they're very easy to smoke out

>> No.77800658

TLDR, bitch. Brevity is the soul of wit- oh, what am i saying, you don't have it for shit.

>> No.77805002

