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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77706566 No.77706566 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.77706705
File: 322 KB, 610x610, 1709988434504959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, how many bots did this dude pay for? If they keep dual streaming he's gotta run out of money eventually.

>> No.77706822
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>> No.77707025

Why do they have the Polish flag?

>> No.77707195


>> No.77709281

>Why do they have the Polish flag?
it's monegasque baka

>> No.77709327
File: 355 KB, 1080x600, Bots malfunctioned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77709429


>> No.77709462

I heard on discord that the serial botter is extremely rich (multi millionaire tier) and just does this for the lolz

>> No.77709521
File: 791 KB, 1145x638, 2024-06-08 231010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever it was, he didn't pay enough.

>> No.77709667

>the lolz
He wants to taste double doggo snatch

>> No.77709797

he's just fucking around now, huh. Man, what an asshat.

>> No.77709796

That's just what she wants you to believe to have people stop laughing at her for wasting money on catalog baits

>> No.77709826

I legit don't get it
What do these fuckers get by botting them?

>> No.77709876

It pisses off /#/
That's it. He does it any day fauna or irys streams so that they don't win the daily numbers leaderboard.

>> No.77710022

Fuwawa got raided by both rissa and shiori
fuwawa is superior, however

>> No.77710158

Holy shit the botters on both channels just died off

>> No.77710345
File: 795 KB, 1118x642, fuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These ain't even bad numbers without the bots

>> No.77710381

Ammo to use as 'gotcha' whenever holofags accuse other streamers of having inflated numbers. Ironically, those streams are botted in such an explicitly malicious way, it becomes a self-defeating argument.

>> No.77710552

Exposing the futility of numberfagging

>> No.77710755

I hope the botting isn’t stressing out Fuwamoco too much

>> No.77710960

My guess is he owns the bot farm.

>> No.77711282

Dude these pictures are so creepy...

>> No.77711285
File: 208 KB, 901x1400, F3z2ajgbYAA5FGk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he gave up
10k and 9k unbotted. That's still fucking fantastic for a minecraft stream split between two pov

>> No.77711320

Kinda based tbdesu, though I’d rather her did it across the board, If you have the money, why not piss off a bunch of monkeys on 4chan?

>> No.77711856


>> No.77711906

Because it's a pointless waste of money. Only thing she managed to achieve was becoming /#/ biggest lolcow, and they're the only ones who care about numbers in the first place.

>> No.77712294

To make ppl think that holo beat their garbage niji because of bots even tho when you look at the real number they already big enough to beat niji, then when they BOT niji for number war they will use excuse "look holo use bot too" Even tho if you pay attention holo real number still beat them, this is numberfagging in a nutshell

>> No.77712915

>niji invents the finana unit of measurement
10K would sweep them easy

>> No.77713121

Why doesn't he just bot enna streams then, Enna getting gold especially by bot would send /#/ into the chimpout of all chimpouts, wouldn't it?

>> No.77713995

I mean people pay money to watch a movie. If you get the same kind of entertainment from doing this is it a waste? It's his money and it's essentially going back into the market.

>> No.77714405

Not sure why she'd get entertainment out of being mocked and called cuck, but I guess there are people with weirder kinks around

>> No.77715318

How can the bots be this fucking obvious, and yet keep, you know, actually working? How has Youtube not figured out how to filter them out?

>> No.77715390
File: 2.36 MB, 1024x1024, number monkeys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasting money
My brother, pissing off /#/ is about the best possible use of money I can imagine.

>> No.77715583

the sea/indian individual likely owns the bots, hes been doing this for maybe a year now

>> No.77715819

Dunno about that, all I ever see is numberfags laughing their asses off at the retard

>> No.77715844
File: 355 KB, 1028x791, あくあ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, completely without bots

>> No.77716213
File: 570 KB, 1139x670, 2024-06-09 004526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP in general always has good numbers
Look at AZKi, and she's streaming the fucking rock pushing game

>> No.77716389

Pioneers are just glad she streams something.

>> No.77716610
File: 1.46 MB, 1293x854, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AZKi doesn't stream every day, it's true, but she still does it a lot more often than some here like to meme about. A lot more than some EN members at least.

>> No.77716978

vtubers just aren't a thing outside of asia. The west just sees cartoons and assumes it's for children.

>> No.77717084

>Adventfagbot thinks this helps Advent
>Yagoo decides to play it even safer with EN concerts since he can't trust the numbers anymore


>> No.77717228

Its a pointless waste of money, but if you can afford to wipe your ass with money you can make stupid purchases like this

>> No.77717416

You're retarded.
Your retarded.

>> No.77717599

Wow that's the most pathetic an retarded thing i've seen today.
Like if you are multimilionar you could LITTERALY doxx all the number threat participant and ruin directly they life.
Either it's a lie, or that simple though who should require single digit IQ didn't appear in that retard head, who prove how much a fucking retard that person is.

>> No.77717804
File: 1.56 MB, 1350x4950, ennakek_sister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet it's real.

>> No.77718112

Imagine her stink.

>> No.77719539

>When holo bots its because of one lone gunman
>When literally any other corpo bots, its orchestrated
Dogs pay for bots, more at 11

>> No.77719691

>When Niji uses bots, it's because Niji did it.
Fuwa literally told new streamers to buy followers and bots.
A niji was caught getting fucking ads for bots, too.
>When holo bots, it's still niji
Kiara and Mori have gone on stream to stupidly scream at the botters to stop, and the culprits have outed themselves by botting the wrong fucking stream /here/ before, while claiming the other botting shit in advance.

>> No.77719954
File: 241 KB, 1079x885, 1708132841763138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah xe has failed to buy enough bots to achieve xer goals before, definitely a poorfag on a budget.

>> No.77720066

Way too expensive to constantly bot Enna from 2 finanas to 5view all the time as opposed to bumping up a holo's numbers by a 4view amount.

>> No.77724117

One day this shit has to stop, right?

>> No.77724317


>> No.77725500

Why are you blaming the Indians for this dude?
It's the well known Enna cuck who calks IRyS fans Indians.
Get your facts right if you want to make rrats

>> No.77725577

Youtube actually culls them, they just keep adding more, that's why it makes waves

>> No.77725613

This absolute retards keeps wasting time during her turns, making her lose hp
She has the skills to beat him, easily, but she loses about 2 lives worth of heal just by wasting time, every single try

>> No.77725665


>> No.77725691

this was hilarious
a grim reminder that no matter how much the botter shits and pisses himself, he won't even put a dent in Irys' and Fauna's success

>> No.77725752

>have unlimited money still be a miserable loser that uses this place
uh huh nice try ennacuck your not fooling anyone

>> No.77725985

Just a FYI, Ennacuck and Brown feet are the same people who hate Fauna and IRyS and bott other Holos anytime they stream

>> No.77726103

we've already had it confirmed that xe's a poor paki living in a tin hut.
they once let fauna win because they ran out of money, it was hilariously embarrassing to watch them just seethe impotently.

>> No.77727544

that guy is a paki who hates irys because he thinks she is indian
do your schizo reps

>> No.77727711
File: 1.15 MB, 4080x3072, 1703199147568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multi millionaire
RUMAO even

>> No.77727885

Is this the Paki anon>>77727711

>> No.77728256

paki boy is poor as shit
you can tell when his whore mother gets an std and takes a couple days off from getting railed by Indian BVLLS and he gets no money for bots

>> No.77728352

>fuck fdund bitch
All that monopoly money and the most disgusting Keyboard i've ever seen (headphones in the top right too eesh)

>> No.77729266

>couldn't even come up with a single bundle of 50s for his shitty flex

>> No.77730640
File: 281 KB, 1288x1865, 1709950540682174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77732084


>> No.77732454


>> No.77732942

being this obsessed for year is no longer for the fun of it, its deep hatred and seething, peak mental illness
something truly pissed her off so much living rent free in her head she will keep malding until shes dead while peeps would still keep posting whatever she hates on this board or in that thread

>> No.77734920

Kill all numberfags.

>> No.77734962

They separated because mogojyan hated being seen as the retarded one.

>> No.77734961

/#/ can continue to exist if it gives us content like this

>> No.77735058

But she is... that's what makes her cute. Fuwawa is the one who stole all the nutrients in the womb.

>> No.77735314

I've been looking for a good tl;dr image on Ennacuck, thank you, this fucking schizo needs to have his PC and phone taken away.

>> No.77736365


>> No.77739955

