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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77702049 No.77702049 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.77702254

Le based 4chan rabbit

>> No.77702507

just like nyanners but for chuds instead of pedos

>> No.77702514

Why do vtubers have such shit grammar? Even the ESL creatures here type more readable shit.

>> No.77702687

>filtering kiwiniggers

>> No.77702759

newfag doesn't know pippa supported masking during peak covid and is vaxxed,

>> No.77702839

it's always the same
it's a normal process

>> No.77702919
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Yeah, I'm not surprised that the two-faced bitch changed sides yet again.

>> No.77703183

East Asians have worn masks when they catch infectious respiratory diseases for 20+ years because of SARS. I don't normally wear masks but I will when I have a cold (still haven't gotten COVID). If that makes me a gay tranny jewish communist then so be it

>> No.77703451


>> No.77703504

sounds like she got covid at offkai.
Also geez that really is the place you go to to fuck a vtuber. Could probably fuck a holo there.

>> No.77703561

>pickme plappa
>just saying shit that will get her views/clicks/whateverthefuck
Yeah checks out

>> No.77703587

I mean, I can understand her anger on some level. Regardless of how dangerous it is now, Covid still fucking sucks to deal with. It's not fun feeling like absolute shit for a week.

>> No.77703596

Shes kinda right, Japan still does mask just as a cultural practice and we don’t call them all giga commies for it

>> No.77703644

I hate how the right hates masks. They've brainwashed the right to be so self-destructive.

>> No.77703675

Based actually. If she has to drag politics into vtubing at least she's promoting pro-social attitudes.

>> No.77703686
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>grifter chuuba
>oshi is mori
checks out

>> No.77703693

i call them commies for that

>> No.77703725

I've learned that if a girl doesn't outright pander to 4chan culture but has some tendencies then she's probably actually legit. Examples would be some Hololive girls like Mumei, Kiara, and etc (note pre-holo Kiara was super left), Girls that outright pander usually are just faking it which taking into account both sides is ironic.

>> No.77703779

Her oshi is Watame though

>> No.77703782

They are giga commies though.

>> No.77703790

how many boosters have you all gotten? how many has pippa?

>> No.77703877

Go inject bleach, phasemutt

>> No.77703885

Sounds based to me

>> No.77703898

She's said it's actually Artia.

>> No.77703939

always did, poltards were just coping

>> No.77703984

what about my post made you think i'm a phasecuck friendo

>> No.77704087

>*triple kiss at offkai!*
>"wtf use masks"

>> No.77704088

She mostly just copes about Artia, she talks way more about Watame, also she likes Fauna as well since she gives her similar vibes to Watame

>> No.77704089

The way ameritards can take literally anything no matter how mundane and turn it into a culture war angle is impressive. Never in my wildest dreams before 2020 would I have ever guessed that wearing fucking masks would be seen as a political stance.

>> No.77704095


>> No.77704138

Covid ruined masks for everyone. There used to be places in the world where it was common to wear a mask when you were sick, at least it was where I live, but now everyone assumes you still do it because of covid.

>> No.77704192

masks have never worked, it was stupid back then, it's stupid now.

>> No.77704198

Japs are well known to have weak immune systems (the dreaded Japanese Cold). Pippa is similar because she has a shit diet and never goes outside. It's natural for weak creatures to take these precautions. The white race has historically had a powerful immune system, killing whoever we come in contact with, so this nursing home shit is foreign to us.

>> No.77704265 [DELETED] 

Shartmericans are subhuman

>> No.77704301

i dont touch grass enough, so i take vitamin d supplement every day, ive been trying to go out more though, did a 4 hour golf round yesterday

>> No.77704325

No, we recognize that it's demanded as a point of conformity only to show obedience. It has nothing to do with preventing disease. It's literally leftoids saying "Perform this ritual! Our overlords demand it!" And if you disobey, it means you're an evil enemy of the state who's trying to fill the world with plague and must be eliminated.
Fuck. You.

>> No.77704350
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The right wing in America are pretty much a death cult. They get their marching orders from Fox News and will follow it even if it kills them. Millions of them died from refusing to wear masks or even get vaccinated and even 4 years later they STILL insist that it's a hoax despite entire families being wiped out by the disease. Americans are so lucky we don't have ebola out in the open or rightoids would be drinking eachother's blood to own the libs.

>> No.77704415

common cold has decreased by like 90% since 2020 because a lot of people have now made a habit out of not fucking spitting their germs all over everyone in closed spaces.

>> No.77704448

I spent the majority of 2020 and 2021 working full time wearing a mask constantly except to eat in a major hospital at the front door and didn't even get a fucking cold until i quit working there. quit exposing yourself as a retard

>> No.77704471

based ill watch her now

>> No.77704475

you have to be semi retarded to watch plapla unironically

>> No.77704489

Legit got hyped for a complete civilization annihilation when I heard about a COVID-Ebola chimera appearing in Africa. Alas, it was fake.

>> No.77704506

I havent been sick in 3 years thank to either covid masks or my AWESOME body beating the shit out of covid and normal colds and flus
whichever it is, its great

>> No.77704517

So what is she crying about? Is she denying the vax?

>> No.77704570

Nice try Zhang but i never believed in this absurd "the ccp bioweapon is totes harmless, its just a little cold just breath it in already"

>> No.77704577

didn't the evil lefty overlords say it's ok not to wear masks anymore? why would wearing them today still mean obedience?

>> No.77704585

right wing picked up the tradition from the left of being massive moral fags about everything, right now we're going through a THINK OF MY CHILLUMS scare by the retards here in america as their party falls apart bending the knee to zion don

>> No.77704606

She got COVID and is raging about it

>> No.77704716

Those flimsy cloth masks don't do anything, you'd need to wear one of those hospital grade ones.

>> No.77704828

Her dad almost died from it, (and honestly given her heart issues Tenma may actually die from it) So she's a bit hysterical.

>> No.77704846

read what i said in >>77704448, i wore a cheap cloth mask from target the whole fucking time working in one of the US's biggest hospitals and never even got a cold. they didnt give us low-level employees hospital grade masks anyway

>> No.77704856

Nigger do you think George Bush is still president? Nobody has cared about Fox News since they fired Tucker Carlson for being too based.

>> No.77704873

unironically wearing a filthy cloth mask that you never wash or disinfect is probably more harmful than not wearing one at all

>> No.77704879

How many boomers who vote red died because of Covid I wonder?

>> No.77704898

>Pippa ends up attracting a fanbase full of "based and redpilled" individuals
>gets covid
>they all joke and downplay the fuck out of it because they're 100% convinced it doesn't exist
>she gets triggered

>> No.77704900

She's not even saying you should wear a mask to avoid getting sick. She's saying you should wear one if you have covid.
It's not much different from saying you should cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, it's just basic politeness.

>> No.77704935

Actually back in the 2000s the conservatives were the huge moralfags trying to push moralfaggotry on everything and videogames while liberals were the hip guys calling each other faggot and nigger
Then the roles switched and are switching again.

>> No.77704953

I don't understand this dumb ant-mask cult. show basic consideration for the people around you, especially if you're going to a convention where your oshi will be in attendance. risking getting your oshi sick or even potentially killing her because "wearing a mask is gay bro" makes you a terrible fan.

>> No.77704967


>> No.77704978

Yeah N95's

>> No.77705054

why are people worried about covid? didn't you faggots take the vaccine? just let everyone else die

>> No.77705084

if i'm not sick i'm not gonna wear a mask
if i am sick i'm not gonna go to a convention and expose thousands of people to my sickness
simple as

>> No.77705093

>then the roles switched
no they haven't, the left has become more sensitive and militant. The right is just a dying man and has zero growth, their ideals are outdated and straight up shit so everyone now is just some flavor of leftist.

>> No.77705105

Basic politeness is lefty propaganda now.

>> No.77705124

>it's another "this thing we started doing last Thursday is just COMMON COURTESY" episode

>> No.77705155

I worked retail the whole time, didn't wear a mask at all, didn't get vaxxed until they absolutely forced me to like 2 years in, and still never got sick. Some people just dont.

>> No.77705162

Tucker Carlson was only fired last year

>> No.77705179

Basic consideration is not going to a fucking crowded convention when your sick at all. Your mask isn't going to stop shit, especially when you're in those crowds all day.

>> No.77705215


>> No.77705225

Based pips. Keep going so you can collab with Henya again.

>> No.77705229

>goes to tranny STD con in california
>with a bunch of east and southeast asians
>kisses one of them
>blames getting the coof on the chuds

>> No.77705239

sounds like shes just mad she caught the con aids and is blaming it on others typical woman

>> No.77705245

Conservatives are the original moralfags. All the shit people say about sjws has been applicable to chuds and their boomer parents for the last century.

>> No.77705247

>redpilled chuds hate the idea of government overreach and corporations spying on your data and life
>now there's a socially valid excuse (even if manufactured) for face concealment so that all the public access cameras can't know what you look like and register where you are at all times
>facemasks literally protected about 60% of the people on jan 6th when they went full retard
Don't condemn shit you might want to have the option to have later.

>> No.77705291

Wearing a mask would not stop her dumb decision to kiss people full on the lips at a convention lol

>> No.77705316

You are deeply mentally ill.

>> No.77705320

>society should NEVER adopt new habits based on courtesy/common sense or else it's leftoid/rightoid brainwashing!!!
ameritards are sick in the head.

>> No.77705393

i'm not a super sickly person - never had anything worse than a mild fever. but i do get a common cold at least once every 9 months ish. Never got it that whole time though. you are right about it being different for everyone though

>> No.77705398

And they don't work, it doesn't do shit to stop a virus which can be aerosolized. It's a social courtesy thing.

>> No.77705457

I don't have a farm or a generator, and I want people to keep those running

>> No.77705470

but you can't know if you're sick unless you take a test. you can still spread it without showing symptoms.
it's safer to just wear a mask to avoid catching other people's germs anyway. dunno why basic hygiene and caring about your health is suddenly cringe.

>> No.77705491

It's funny how /pol/tards and kiwifags seethe about Pippa every week and call her a grifter because she's not le based and redpilled, they've been doing that regularly for years. It's almost like she's not trying to be right wing at all and the Pippa in their head and the real Pippa are two completely different people.

>> No.77705522

i cant beleb it bros im shakin n criing rn

>> No.77705546

The only retarded thing was forcing everyone to wear one but that was mostly based on how symptoms may not show up in some people who were infected who could in turn infect others without realizing. Retards took that as if you were supposed to wear masks to protect yourself from sick people when it has always been the other way around.

>> No.77705567 [DELETED] 

Coincidentally Fauci just recently admitted he made up the 6ft shit too. It's not the masks themselves that're hated, it's that it's always been obvious bullshit that the left is too stupid to grasp.

>> No.77705596

Pippa is retarded and that is the only reason I blame her completely here. Why go to a con if you were afraid of getting sick? Why interact and kiss people and share rooms if you were afraid of getting sick?

She’s doing what she always does; get assblasted that her own decisions led her to this point. Now she’ll just cry and complain about how her fanbase sucks again and that everyone is stupid except her.

>> No.77705602


>> No.77705609

Anyone that actually cares already knows she's a BLM faggot and left a long time ago.

>> No.77705621

if that started last thursday then "be kind, rewind" started a month ago but everyone still fucking did it, retard. returning your shopping cart started 6 months ago and everyone still does it

>> No.77705628

That was literally proven to be a fake quote.

>> No.77705644

Shes just a normal girl with some libertarian views, shes always been like that, she doesn't like twitter trannies (which is why she played harry potter) and she doesn't like /pol/ schizos

>> No.77705689

meant for >>77705124

>> No.77705723

how do you explain her fanbase then? did the evil chuds just pick a random innocent girl to latch onto?

>> No.77705741

Based. Redpill needs rope

>> No.77705846

You know its funny, the same group of people who told me covid was a bio weapon also told me that this supposed bio weapon was basically just a cold, some fucking bio weapon.

>> No.77705888

>any true chud would have left a long time ago
nope, that's why she had her melty

>> No.77705930

its the voices in her head complaining

>> No.77705949

Good for her, I guess, still not gonna watch her though.

>> No.77706041

>We must go to war with China for releasing a bioweapon on us, but protecting ourselves from said bioweapon is too inconvenient.

>> No.77706082

The evil chud audience always ribs her for what they think are bad takes, they just don’t get so pissed that they leave because bullying pippa is common practice.

>> No.77706093

She said some things they agree with, and politically obsessed retards tend to project their political views onto others and can't even fathom that people can have their own opinions instead of being extreme-right or extreme-left. Then they get angry when they realize that the person they've been supporting doesn't agree with them on everything
This happens really often

>> No.77706106 [DELETED] 

>Yeah, we just made the shit up, but it was "EmPiriC"
>"hurr it was a fake quote"
Retard alert, if he had no scientific backing for it then he did make it up, and the quote comes from official transcripts.

>> No.77706130
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Grifta whorekin grifting once more. Death to the whorebit.

>> No.77706244
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>> No.77706269

masking when you're sick is courteous and good for society at large

>> No.77706338

>go to con with huge amount of strangers
>share bed
>kiss people
>stay close to others
She shouldn't be blaming anyone but herself

>> No.77706412

I liked the mask time because people tried to talk to me less and I'm awkward so that was nice

>> No.77706518

This is a position she's held for a long time though, she's talked about it on streams before.

You'd know that if you actually watched them.

>> No.77706546

Remembering when it was about the 154/155 hololive members Pippa had memorized.

>> No.77706614

the main thing i didn't like about masks was that old people sometime thought i was a butch lesbian because i had short hair... im over 6 feet tall, wtf is wrong with boomers?

>> No.77706642

covid isn't real, we vaccinated it

>> No.77706710
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>> No.77706711

Is Pippa a hypochondriac? That reaction I've only seen from hypochondriacs

>> No.77706722

Trannyism and mask mandates are part of the government mandated progressive state religion, what you speak of so frantically you forgot to reply to me are actual cultural customs (originating from big box capitalist chains no less). Never wore a mask btw lmao

>> No.77706740

trust in the plan TM

>> No.77706784

Red pillers are cucks anyway

>> No.77706807

What's this bitch's problem?

>> No.77706867


>> No.77706905

She grew up.

>> No.77706904

Pippa is schzio for a number of things least of all are cooties.

>> No.77706957

I've only ever opposed mandates.
You didn't have to ask me twice to dress like a supervillain with a skull mask.

>> No.77706962

I didn't mind it because people couldn't really read my facial expressions and that helped. Wearing it with a beard was uncomfortable af tho

>> No.77706991

I just don't wanna be the rude retard sneezing and coughing on people around me.
When I see that it pisses me off

>> No.77707053

Mask time was awesome I could say whatever I wanted and people were naturally intimidated because I have intense eyes or IDGAF eyes.

>> No.77707066


>> No.77707137

Based and centrist pilled

>> No.77707140

Typical faggot leftist, it's "get the fuck out" if it's ring wing ideals coming from a vtuber but if it's a leftist ideal then it's "based"
People like you are truly the worst

>> No.77707164

She has a point. A lot of faggots are so euphoric over how redpilled they are, but they still contribute nothing to society, they don't do anything to make society better, they don't get in shape, they don't fuck and futher the aryan race (hell most of them aren't even aryan) and they don't go out and convert.
They just bitch about faggots, liberals, women online as they grow fatter and don't have a job.
Thats the red pill/black pill about people who are red pilled.

>> No.77707205

Feels like a lot of people got Covid at Offkai. I heard Mint and Matara got it too.

>> No.77707214

Everyone already thinks of the Japanese as brainless sheep though.

>> No.77707229

Your personal health is not the responsibility of the masses.

>> No.77707339

I'm something that would be considered a "right-wing chud", but I don't fucking understand why wearing a face mask is such a big deal. It has been the norm in other countries even before Covid. Are mutts the only ones butthurt by fucking fave masks?

>> No.77707411

Isn't Tenma the one who literally showed up sick?

>> No.77707440

literally zero people wore masks in europe but none of it matters we have science and vaccines

>> No.77707498

>Pippa spawns another catalog thread out of her ass

>> No.77707501

It's literally just the flu now. Most/all the bioweapon characteristics have evolved away because they're not good traits for survival. She has the flu and is grumpy and a tantrum because she's incapable of putting down her phone.

>> No.77707514

>be dumb whore
>do something stupid
>loudly piss, shit, cry, and blame other people when the consequences of your own actions catch up to you
women don't deserve human rights

>> No.77707542

Spirit of the age is to politicize everything even science. Much like how the other side insists that trans women are actually real women and not men crossdressing.

>> No.77707580

Basic hygienic moves aren't a conspiracy. redpillers don't believe this because obambiden

>> No.77707603

wtf I love pippa now? kill yourselves chuds

>> No.77707614

>you can still spread it without showing symptoms.
No you fucking can't. That was always bullshit lockdown propaganda. If you are not coughing or sneezing or leaking fluids you will not spread anything.

>> No.77707726

you're wrong and you should jump into traffic so there's no risk of your genetics ever getting passed on

>> No.77707769


>> No.77707774

You ever sneeze into a sunray through the window? You see all that shit in the air after your sneeze? It's not getting through a mask because it's attached to your spit/snot.

This is not a hard concept to understand but you retards bring up fucking hairspray cans and shit that spray out smaller particles.

>> No.77707840

who doesnt say Fuck you to the Olympic committee?

>> No.77707843

It's literally a pavlovian response now. Every time they were told to mask they were talking with a smug retard and it went on for years so now seeing masks makes them annoyed like they've just had to talk to a smug retard for 10 minutes.

>> No.77707871
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>hangs around in a sleepover with a group of girls where one has covid
>kisses them
>has them rub their boobs all over them
>is surrounded and hanging with these girls that are probably gremlin autists that don't clean properly and have weak immune systems

>blames 4chan

baka pipipipppippa

>> No.77707883

who cares?
Wear. A. Mask.

>> No.77707888

>right wing is the death cult
>not the left who promotes abortions, sterilizing yourself through various means in the name of gender affirmation, not having kids due to overpopulation issues, gay relationships that cant create kids, taking untested medications, releasing known dangerous criminals, decriminalization of deadly drugs, unhealthy 'body positivity', and immediate ends to forms of energy we currently do not have a proper replacement for, among a plethora of other suicidal ideas.
sure ok buddy.

>> No.77707956

I accept your concession

>> No.77707997

you retards realise she's venting at her corpos, probably lumi, and not 4chan, right?

>> No.77708003

typical science denier doesn't understand how microbes work, you women are supposed to be more educated than men. enjoy your mononucleosis.

>> No.77708006

wtf based i love pippa now

>> No.77708012

>It's harmless/just the flu, masks and quarantines are unnecessary
>It was a bioweapon by china/global elites/democrats and they deserve to all be executed. But it's fine now, just a flu
Anything to make sure you are not inconvenienced in any way I guess

>> No.77708037

It is just L after L for her lately isn't it?

>> No.77708041

Don't forget doctor assisted suicide!

>> No.77708094

First of all yes you can.
Secondly I'm sure that everyone stayed at home as soon as they got a slight cough or sneezed more than usual.

>> No.77708120

You're right, everyone is a walking bio weapon at all times even though they look and sound perfectly healthy.
God I love modern science

>> No.77708176

for women it's all about the social climb. more attention = more successful. there are only two routes for women. they can start with mass appeal (appeal to normithority) or start in niche markets. in business terms, this is blue ocean vs red ocean strategy. however, the end result is always mass appeal, as the goal is remains more attention. at somepoint you outgrow the niche (chud market) and pivot towards the normies. this is akin to the bcg matrix movement. through one way or another, the female "instinct" is intensely honed to mimic the immutable bi-laws of business. never understimate the genius of evolution.
in short, don't take it personal, chuds, it's just simple business.

>> No.77708199
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love my oshi

>> No.77708209

Mostly misinformation plus actual retards who do not comprehend that the mask is NOT to protect the wearer. Honestly anybody who does not get it at this point is either being obtuse on purpose or just actually retarded and would fail the "how would you feel if you didn't eat lunch?" people

>> No.77708443

>actual retards who do not comprehend that the mask is NOT to protect the wearer
that's exactly why they didn't want to wear the mask

>> No.77708514

oh yeah sorry, how did i forget that they LITERALLY now advocate for doctor assisted suicide?
fucking nutjobs.

>> No.77708558

Same. I feel like this is something only election tourists care about; the same faggots that spam 'tranime' when they see a vTuber

>> No.77708571

I don't care if that's why but that is never what they say. They say "i won't get sick"

It's like saying you won't wipe your ass because "I won't stink"

>> No.77708570

Because you wanted to kill other people? Wow, you guys sure are moral.

>> No.77708627

shes just delirium posting lol.
seriously though i cant take her seriously on this, she hung out in a room with 9 other people while one had covid, this has nothing to do with masking or not masking at that point.

>> No.77708712

>bringing up trannies out of nowhere
holy shit you are more mentally ill than they are, beyond redemption

>> No.77708721

Because people in the states would rather kill everyone around them than inconvenience themselves.
When studies showed that masks are mostly useful for keeping mask wearers from infecting others than protecting the mask wearer themselves it was the final nail in the coffin.

>> No.77708736

I’m not even sure how effective the masks are but it was such a minor inconvenience throughout covid that it didn’t really matter to me, worst case scenario my glasses would fog up a bit, basically didn’t matter.

>> No.77708801

lul, you used my screen shot from last thread

>> No.77708803

The common masks people wear and the way 99% of people wear them do nothing, You are a gay retard.

>> No.77708865

they don't actually have any opinions, they're just reactionaries
the main stream media tells them to wear mask, right wing grifters says masks are evil, so they hate masks

>> No.77709104

the liberal grifter rabbit lashes out in confusion

>> No.77709128

She didn't kiss people, people kissed her there's a difference.

If Pippa's to blame for anything, she should have told people to stop kissing her. But she's also anti-social and self conscious so she probably thought she'd be seen as an insecure bitch if she didn't play along with the girls and their bicurious thot shit.

>> No.77709239
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also Jesus has this place always been fucking leftypol

>> No.77709251

What did Lia pull off her mask? Push her away and tell her no way fag.

>> No.77709293

They don't really prevent you from breathing it in if it's in the air but do help stop you spreading it if you're sick yourself. During covid the advice was everyone wear one because a ton of people had it but didn't know it because either they were still in incubation stage or were mostly asymptomatic and didn't realize they were infected, but could still spread it. Reducing infections was vital because hospitals were overloaded and they couldn't ventilate enough people so the fewer critical cases coming in the better outcomes there were for that couple-percent of people who did need to get hospitalized from it.

>> No.77709300

need your safe space? you can always go back

>> No.77709357

What >>77707542 said
I remember seeing a news report on staff at a local med center for some rural bumfuck area in Arkansas closing up because they got sick of the hatred and attacks hurled their way simply because they provided medical assistance to a community with no actual hospital in sight. These nurses and medical professionals were their neighbors and friends but because everything got politicized, they were suddenly 'the deep med state enemy' and were to be run out of town because its cooler to die than to even consider self-reflection.

>> No.77709361

They were lezzing out on her, she wasn't lezzing out on them.
If she's to blame, she should have rold them to stop touching her.

>> No.77709368

lets not forget pippa thinks of herself and an irredeemable goblin, so the other girls gushing over her and doting on her probably fried her brain and ability to react.

>> No.77709395

You're trully beyond retarded
Don't wear a mask if you're healthy, that's fine
But if you're sick and going around infecting people because "ur durr mask le bad because freedom", you trully deserve a fucking beating

>> No.77709454

>people disagreeing with me = this place is full of leftists
you have your choice of safe space, /pol/ or kiwifags

>> No.77709481

She is literally mind broken right now. Its sexy af.

>> No.77709558

Yes sweetie I saw your post the first time

>> No.77709575

Finally, someone who actually watches stream, ot at very least do his reps

>> No.77709596

phase is filled with leftypol types, why are you surprised their fanbase has the same mentally ill retards?

>> No.77709620


>> No.77709630 [DELETED] 

This board is filled with leftists and literal trannies, yes. That's why they sperg so hard about political discussions here, because they always lose them.
Reminder that on 8ch when /leftypol/ was created it was because they CHOSE to leave after being btfo countless times. Before that /pol/ was a mixed debate board of all sorts of ideologies

>> No.77709675

eh, i see those types get told to fuck off too here.
people just in general dont want any politics or culture war shit in their vtubing, but unfortunately for them, its inescapable at this point.
far from just pippa and her clique pull that shit into this sphere, aswell as the refusal of some to acknowledge certain topics as part of the culture war means you have ~50% of the population seeing certain things the other ~50% casually bringing up as, well, bringing up culture war shit, and thus reacting with their own.

>> No.77709740

why are you scared of nothing? vaccines solved everything and you don't get sick. even the immuno compromised can get the shot.

>> No.77709746

facemasks never worked, as the virus was too small and passes right through the masks that many were forced to wear. Pippa is an idiot if she thinks it is in any way effective

>> No.77709825

If you were actually winning debates you would have converted them to your side, it's more likely that you're just obnoxious and narcissistic.

>> No.77709899

Would her contracting it from a phase member not diminish the assertion that her audience is somehow to blame? You couldn't be thinking that someone maga-hatted maskless capipapillistinista infected her roommate long enough for her to become symptomatic and spread it to her in the span of 48 hours.

>> No.77709955

First you cater your views to fit the audience then you resent the audience for those views you now espouse.
Many such cases

>> No.77710025

I bet you think you win every online argument anon. You would fit in with the same people you condemn

>> No.77710236

>this single spergout sent Pippa and a bunch of people here/on Twitter into full-on 2020 COVID Karen mode, even behaving as if the last four years of updates and revelations never happened (or rather haven't happened yet)

>> No.77710249

>pippa catches the coof and has a meltdown on twitter because le redpilled intellectuals reject the existence of covid
>is now being called a grifter because she isn't siding with those people, while dying of covid
kek, lol and if I may add, perhaps even lmao

>> No.77710309

The idubbbz of vtubers

>> No.77710313

If SURGICAL MASKS DESIGNED TO STOP SURGENS DROPPING SHIT INTO THE INSIDES OF PATIENTS were proven or effective at preventing the spread of most illnesses to a reasonable degree; then sure.

They're not. They're a magical talisman and social approval signaler. If you were serious you would just wash hands at every opportunity, cough into your elbow where it is less likely to spread to objects your touch, and hell even bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer around in your satchel or pockets

>> No.77710357

Debates are for the audience.
Additionally leftists are too conceited to admit they're wrong, and above all else they are ideologues who will push their narrative regardless if they are factually incorrect or immoral.

>> No.77710380

What would it take for the left to absolve Pippa if she decided to fully purge her viewerbase?

>> No.77710406

What studies?

>> No.77710438

She got the fanbase she pandered to.

>> No.77710441

>mask is useless
>coughing into your elbow works great
I will never understand this mentality.

>> No.77710498

no matter how normal a cultist may appear on the outside the moment you threaten their beliefs, they will throw their mask off and lash out like a dog.

>> No.77710515

>the left boogieman
People are just laughing at her and her retarded fans anon. Idk where the "left" comes in

>> No.77710582

This. It's vaxx regret.

>> No.77710588


>> No.77710662

she doesnt have principles so she cannot have a political stance. she just switches to whatever gets her the most attention in any particular situation.
why are you retards surprised?

>> No.77710841

It's about needing to recover. Only weaklings that already had something actually died. But it's still a pain in the ass to be sick because some retard decided.
As i said, since you didn't read:
You're healthy ? No need for mask, you aren't spreading anything
You're sick ? Stop spreading your shit around. Stay at home recovering or wear a mask to reduce the amount of particles you release. Don't you cover your mouth when you sneeze ? It's the same fucking concept.
As you said, it help so you dont drop your shit

>> No.77710846

Shit, that could partially explain it. I got COVID twice and never got vaxxed for it. It was just a slightly shittier cold for slightly longer than usual (I didn't even lose taste or smell), and I didn't sperg out about it either time. And I'm the kinda guy ready to sperg out at a moment's about petty shit like Majora's Mask 3D.

>> No.77710885

When you wear a mask, any spittle or liquid or the rare particle stuck to the mask will stay there. When you enviably touch your face (which people do several times every few minutes subconsciously) you're spreading it.

When you cough into your inner elbow or inside of upper arm, this is an area that is magnitude times less likely to make contact with other people or objects.

By all means wear a mask but don't think it's magically stopping you from spreading or catching viruses. The most effective method is frequent handwashing and coughing into disposable tissues / handkerchief, or inner arm.

Really you just shouldn't be going out and about while sick.

>> No.77710911

If you're not feeling sick, you shouldn't be masking to prevent spreading illness.
>useful for keeping mask wearers from infecting others
Bullshit. Infections occurred through the eyes as much as through nasal inhalation.
Lies and basic bitch propaganda

>> No.77710982

Nyanners: Rabbit Edition

>> No.77711083

you didn't answer a single thing you scared sissy

>> No.77711116
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>> No.77711145

kronii went to offkai, so yeah

>> No.77711148

The studies that studied that.
You can look it up, it's not hard.
>the eyes as much as through nasal inhalation
And nobody said they were foolproof. They just helped. But god forbid you do the bare minimum to reduce the chance as much as possible.
I have no idea if you are terrible at statistics or empathy but either way it's not a good look.

>> No.77711160

>Tucker Carlson
>went to Russia to kiss Putin's ass hoping for him to parrot retarded right talking points and got a donkey hat put on his head instead

>> No.77711176

It definitely is man. Just try to have this conversation with a vaxxie in person, you'll see in their face and body language how much they regret getting the jab even if their mouths say otherwise.

>> No.77711278

the absolute lack of self awareness here lol

>> No.77711408

More like liberals just copied what they thought was working. If the other side stopped being moralfags then why the need for all the red meat ragebait media they love to consume so much.

>> No.77711432

Let me guess, you're a moral relativist and an atheist.
But yeah I'm the one with no self awareness

>> No.77711453

>you didn't answer a single thing you scared sissy
>why are you scared of nothing?
>>It's about needing to recover..
Because it's a pain in the ass
>vaccines solved everything and you don't get sick. even the immuno compromised can get the shot.
vaccines are effective, but that doesn't mean you're inmune to everything, it doesn't work that way. You will not be in danger, but it will still a pain in the ass
It's so hard to understand that because it isn't deadly, doesn't mean it can't be a pain in the ass ?
Fucking brainlet black/white mentality

>> No.77711460

>journalist does his job as a journalist means hes kissing ass.
you are absolutely retarded.

>> No.77711465

places that masked up had notably lower wintertime diseases than usual for the season
masks work, and not just for covid. people just got used to spreading this shit everywhere.

>> No.77711504

marimari-en was telling her chat a story about a offkai party she was at and their were people just flat out stripping in the room doing sexual shit apparently offkai really is just a giant fuck fest at night

>> No.77711660

sorry but vaccines are 100%, you're still scared over nothing.

>> No.77711676

>believing in an absolute moral authority, that is coincidently the moral authority you subscribe to because of your culture, makes you self aware
Are you just completly retarded? Or is this just the part of the argument where you throw buzzwords around that you don't even understand?

>> No.77711704

There's a point where it just gets annoying. Sam Hyde is the same: he hates the turbo redpilled autists

>> No.77711728


>> No.77711751

Mad because I nailed you, godless faggot LMAO

>> No.77711788
File: 292 KB, 589x480, lol pippa malding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pretty funny to watch her just seethe at everything to be honest. like or hate her i wouldnt take anything she says too seriously at the moment shes clearly just out of her rocker with delirious fever anger.

>> No.77711816

Mass vax die-off's are going to happen any day.
Two more weeks.

>> No.77711836
File: 387 KB, 561x551, 475843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get popular by being the biggest /here/ pickme
>doesnt need her retarded /here/ fans anymore so starts showing her true colors
This isnt rocket science Pippatards, you should have seen this coming.

>> No.77711877

>common cold has decreased by like 90% since 2020
That's because they just called it Covid instead

>> No.77711887

I'm not even that anon, but you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.77711953

You mentioned studies so the burden of proof is on you to show the studies.
>do the bare minimum to reduce the chance as much as possible.
I went out to work daily and only wore a mask when forced to by my job or business i entered. My bare minimum was forced compliance so fuck off. Oh, I also never took the jab.

>> No.77711957

you're not even talking to me retard lol

>> No.77711997

Not mutually exclusive
Both sides are retarded.

>> No.77712186

Nuh uh! my side is right because I am on it and I want to be right

>> No.77712189

Yes you are a selfish, egotistical asshole.
I know, that was my point all along. Are you not paying attention or as dumb as you are self-centered?

>> No.77712261
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>> No.77712308

So wait, is covid over or is it still as dangerous as before? Swear I hear so many conflicting opinions about this shit every few months.

>> No.77712338

keep the faith, WWG1WGA, the storm is coming, JFK Jr. will come out of hiding to arrest the pedo demmycrats and respect our constitution by installing trump as lifelong god-emperor
- Q

>> No.77712383

uhhhhh you're a fence sitting centrist bro you HAVE to pick a side

>> No.77712414
File: 55 KB, 564x564, 1717816864826888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftists are more often than not secularists and moral relativists. They can't ground any of their beliefs because they are all preference based and so any other preference is just as valid as theirs is, and they can't tell anyone else they are doing something wrong.

This is why I never listen to them sperging about anything, because they are ideologues who will lie to further their agenda politically, and morally all of their ought claims are purely subjective preferences.

>> No.77712431

if you're sick then you shouldnt go to a convention so what difference does it make

>> No.77712523

Now you're just trolling, trully braindead or just don't know how vaccines work
vaccines help your body to react faster and in a effective way to patogens, but this isn't some sort of foce field or magic.
So it's still a pain in the ass

>> No.77712539

She is really the new nyanner huh

>> No.77712578

>he needs a 2000 year old book talking about a magic man in the sky to tell him what's right and wrong
lmao what a faggot

>> No.77712581
File: 292 KB, 915x550, masaka bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) are wasting catalog space, are making a retarded argument, are pretending this represents any kind of change, probably eat pagpag and don't know English, and should kys.

>> No.77712613

>no u

>> No.77712621

and based right wings like tucker carlson never lied to further their political agenda am i right?

>> No.77712662
File: 98 KB, 1070x490, 17368241445764487265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't know shit about Fauna or understand any Japanese to watch Watame. She's just a grifter leech

>> No.77712690

it's over, some weird ass science deniers and streamers are flipping out over nothing despite the proven vaccines keeping them from getting sick in the first place. they're faking everything for sympathy like all those faggots that pretend to have cancer on gofundme.

>> No.77712701

You will think your opinion matters

>> No.77712754
File: 138 KB, 580x360, yuzu expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... "the flu" means disease caused specifically by influenza virus. It is not "idk anything that fucks up your nose and throat and makes you want to sleep a ton and maybe gives you a fever".

>> No.77712810

you fucking retard
LDP (conservative right wingers) have been governing japan for like 90% of the post war period
just because a country has basic social security and virtually free healthcare doesn't make them commies

>> No.77712827

It's better than not being able to tell anyone they're doing something wrong ever because your morals are subjective preferences.
Ever wonder why there's never been a successful secular nation in history?

>> No.77712835

Actual schizophrenia.

>> No.77712849

you're denying science, typical middle left of center antifa conservative wing.

>> No.77712871

This is truly the most >>1 respecting thread of all time. Good job retards.

>> No.77712906

you cant waste catalog space anon, its already all waste.

>> No.77712907

they should put biohazard warnings at offkai

>> No.77712990

>be fat unhealthy retard
>almost die from the flu

It doesn't exist in any meaningful sense but if you try to fuck with people again over your schizo flu then the lynch mob against you will be very real, I can promise you that.

>> No.77713070

No, people were saying this in 2020. Fuck off and slit your throat, you wart on the world's ass.

>> No.77713073

Why hasn't everyone in this thread been banned already?

>> No.77713105

little baby need authority to control what you see and dont see? need daddy government to tell you what you can and cannot post? little baby need more rules to protect your safe space? gonna cry to the jannies? want them to breastfeed you too?

>> No.77713107

>now there's a socially valid excuse (even if manufactured) for face concealment so that all the public access cameras can't know what you look like and register where you are at all times
this is still my favorite moment of the rona years, decades of fighting to rescind or replace anti-mask laws (mostly by preppers and libertarians) and wham, it all goes down the drain, the new political tard elite decided masks are unbased and being visually identifiable at all times is a God given right ackshually

>> No.77713110

>making threats
pretty funny actually

>> No.77713127

go back

>> No.77713142

>goes to vtuber board
>hmm yes this is where i will use the terms "secularist" and "moral relativist"
kill yourself, actually

>> No.77713178

So was it a deadly bioweapon or a harmless cold?
Which is it?

>> No.77713206

This level of grifting is even too low for u... sister....

>> No.77713213

>Vaccines reduce RISKS of getting a disease by working with your body’s natural defences to build protection.
I never said they don't work faggot. They in fact work, it's just not magic and doesn't allow you to go around sneezing on the face of others or avoid cleaning your hands like you're alergic to water

>> No.77713227

She literally has a diet that consists of gummy bears and Monster, she is the ugly american and her weakness to the flu is literally her own fault. No one else should have to eat shit just because she refuses to eat actual food or go for a jog once in a while.

>> No.77713242

>falseflagging all day
>promoting drama channels that don't even have a vtuber model
Mods don't care, they probably got told to let the dramaniggers run the board since it gave it more traffic

>> No.77713315

America rolled back essentially all social restrictions for good by March 2022, though other countries and key American cities started doing so MONTHS beforehand, and there was of course the temporary "world opening back up" in the summer of 2021.

Pretty sure the only reason America did get around to permanent rollbacks when we did was for the midterm. Of course this was before the Republicans totally throwing away their easiest red wave fell into the Democrats' laps with them "taking away" abortion.

>> No.77713368

>but if you try to fuck with people again over your schizo flu then the lynch mob against you will be very real, I can promise you that.
lmao this is the funniest post in this thread

>> No.77713423

this isn't even the worst /pol/ thread on here, early /vt/ was far worse.

>> No.77713432

im telling you you're doing something wrong right now - which is thinking you need religion to be a decent human being. what the fuck kind of crack are you smoking?
And no, there hasn't been a successful secular nation in history, but considering secularism has only become a thing religionfags don't burn you at the stake for in the past 200 years, are you really surprised?
id have a lot more respect for biblethumpers if they actually even *tried* to live like the guy they worship. but instead they, including my own parents, treat even their own neighbors like actual garbage and live their life by the great motto of "fuck you, i got mine".
i can be a pretty awful person but i don't hide behind a 2000 year old book and say "i believe this so i must be getting into heaven" and then do nothing to live my life like that; not to mention the assholes who add the "holier than thou" attitude on top of that

>> No.77713451

Why can't you hide a thread you dislike

>> No.77713490

Every other Pippa thread I read is just room temperature IQ retards arguing about unrelated /pol/ shit for hundreds of posts

>> No.77713523

Some drink bleach just because their overlord told them it can cure chink flu. Amerimutt is so fucked up.

>> No.77713553

Cry, or something

>> No.77713576

they only care if you mention mori or pajeets. i shit you not i could get this thread deleted in 5 seconds.

>> No.77713601

Covid is over and it’s been over for several years at this point, why the fuck are people still bitching about it like it’s a current event, don’t you have anything better to do with your lives? Move on

>> No.77713649
File: 32 KB, 633x791, luna_die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another unfortunately common L from plappa griftkin. it's not even about her takes, i don't give a fuck what your opinion is, it's the fact that being on one side or the other of shit like this publicly invites the kind of people who ruin everything because they automatically assume since you shit on the other tribe they're welcome to move in, make themselves comfortable, and change everything according to their tastes.
tl;dr gatekeep you retarded fucking rabbit

>> No.77713669

xhe's still denying reality, covid has been solved and it's deader than jeffery epstein. you'd sooner catch polio before covid even if you were giving someone a rimjob.

>> No.77713680

>im telling you you're doing something wrong right now - which is thinking you need religion to be a decent human being.
Based on your own subjective preference

>> No.77713733

wtf I love pippa now?
still hate phasetards though, stop shitting up the board

>> No.77713735

based on common sense, retard

>> No.77713749

>Why can't you hide a thread you dislike
NTA but there is no perogative to retain off topic content even if you or I like that content
how long will a thread about consumer planes last on /o/ do you think? there's an engine in there so they're technically "auto" and "mobile" even if the content of the thread would be obviously anything but /o/ related
in the same way, this is a /vt/ related /pol/ thread more than anything else, see below:

this mentally ill retard declares COVID over while I am being denied cute anime girl videogame streams because COVID is not over
he is clearly unaware and uninterested in the situation or just baiting, which also has no place in /vt/ which is supposed to be for vtuber enthusiasts and hobbyists, not people who hate the medium and the people who enjoy it

>> No.77713777

yes lets just forget the largest and most coordinated "relocation" of tax payer moneg accross all nations in world history. good... good....

>> No.77713833

based on my own moral compass i've acquired as a human with reason and logic, anon.

>> No.77713865

You're so full of crap, I knew you wouldn't give any citations despite your magic phrase of "studies showed".
Look at DOI 10.1002/14651858.CD006207.pub6 and come back after you've updated.

>> No.77713870

COVID is a common cold, it's literally in the name.
Anyone who acts this way shouldn't be a public figure.

>> No.77713949

seriously why is anyone taking her seriously here? shes just mad shes sick and snapping at whatever lol.

>> No.77713962

Cope. Since you know I'm right I'll just move on and say since your objection is based on a subjective preference, even if I were to grant you that God isnt real and it's all made up, if I still wanted to govern a nation based on Christian morals because I just like them and they are my preference, you could not by your own standard tell me I'm doing something wrong.

>> No.77713973
File: 34 KB, 732x266, 1698338848289462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa literally called out retards like you kek

>> No.77714003

anyone who suggests horse dewormer or ingesting bleach to fight any disease shouldn't be a public figure but shit happens anon.

>> No.77714014

It's pretty much over, even for the niggroid right wings schizos who fervently treated vaccines like it's installed with chips to spy on them.

>> No.77714046

Why are you replying to me retard, COVID is a common cold.
That does not need to be replied to.

>> No.77714084

Majora's Mask 3D hate

>> No.77714174

yeah i can, you're a retard

>> No.77714183

So our brains are the moral arbiters? What if someone comes up with different ought claims then you? Since our brains are the moral arbiters then their ought claims are just as valid as yours, leading to an infinite regress where no one is ever wrong again.

>> No.77714185

She was poisoned by an assassin and is currently trying to fight off the shock to her system, the cover up story is that she’s “sick” but I know the truth

>> No.77714250

No you really can't. Your morals are entirely subjective preferences. Give me one that's not.

>> No.77714258
File: 3 KB, 253x80, H8H8VT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this retardation is almost at bump limit in less than 3 hours

>> No.77714268

my moral is that you're retarded lol

>> No.77714311

Concession accepted

>> No.77714321

Is that assassin a member of phase connect?
Perhaps one with animal ears?

>> No.77714334

ok retard

>> No.77714412

>blah blah blah the data was so shit because nobody bothered to wear masks that we can't say anything
An amazing conclusion.
My world view is transformed.

>> No.77714505
File: 226 KB, 1522x1552, GOqTF2zbgAAn4qo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a weird way to seethe about the reality of Trump going to win this year, why are women like this?

>> No.77714537

Holy shit did you take mushrooms in high school or something? People can be wrong. I can be wrong, you can be wrong. Everyone's brain is different and everyone has a different sense of right and wrong. I don't think your opinions are valid (as you can tell by my hostile language). What the fuck does that have to do with needing religion to have morals?

>> No.77714562

You're really dumb if you didn't notice that the effects don't change when looking at healthcare workers, where correct compliance is very high.
Do you have any contrary studies or are you going to keep being stupid?

>> No.77714576

>is covid over?
>it still as dangerous as before?
Also no. Vaccines keep doing their work and the prevalent strains aren't as dangerous.
It's still very anoying tho

>> No.77714599

This is true and the sjw get triggered by not knowing history.

>> No.77714723

NTA, the only studies in that review which looked at a coronavirus of any kind were (1) fomite prevention, which was determined pretty early not to be a primary way rona spreads (at least under normal conditions) and (2) ILI prevention (broad category for any viral illness in flu season) which did find that N95s are probably effective and declared it needed more research to determine the effect size

given the rona spreads differently from alphacoronaviruses, let alone the flu or rhinoviruses, which are the things they were studying, I'd consider that result pretty specious, though it obviously isn't promising for the effectiveness of surgical masks in general
if you review the official comments and letters following the release of this review it will become clear that it's anything but uncontroversial with the authors repeatedly conceding that they are not discussing the efficacy of masks but rather studies of the efficacy of "mask-promotion measures" (on an ITT basis), the difference is that the latter includes retards who fail to implement masking in appropriate ways as part of the result, muddying the data for whether someone who wears a clean mask reliably would see a reduced risk

>> No.77714758

your parents have brought you to adulthood intact, ungrateful piece of shit, stuff like this is why lefties are nothing but subhumans to me imagine turning on your parents just to have an argument.

>> No.77714846

>The high risk of bias in the trials, variation in outcome measurement, and relatively low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions.

>> No.77714913

>Everyone's brain is different and everyone has a different sense of right and wrong.
Again, if right and wrong are subjective then you cannot tell someone they are doing something wrong, because their preferences are just as valid as yours.
Objective morals exist via divine command. God is truth, the logos. But even if I granted he was not real, the above would still apply.

>> No.77714971
File: 140 KB, 457x473, 1712469856177023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've taken the vaccine, chud.

>> No.77715081

not the other anon, but why about this ?

>> No.77715129

>people change their beliefs after they lose an argument
god how i wish this was true

>> No.77715227

>wake up and smell the coffee
sorry i had to say it

>> No.77715256

>pippa is a homobeggar

>> No.77715323

does my choice of lexicon upset you at all? feeling a little rustled maybe? :^)

>> No.77715388

Masks and clot shots don't make you a better person.
Yes, pagan. Christ is King.

>> No.77715465

Look what fucking site we're on, anon. Did they really bring me up intact? My point was that my parents are major hippocrites thinking they'll get into heaven but thinking I'll go to hell for not believing in their shit religion while they live as they currently do. Isn't God or at least St. Peter the one to determine who gets into heaven or hell in the first place? And by the way I'm not a leftist you mindbroken retard

We're obviously going in a loop here and the thread will be archived soon. I certainly respect you for keeping calm unlike me, and you sound like you'd be an interesting person to debate IRL over this. But I still highly disagree - there's no law of the universe that dictates that just because people can be right and wrong that their opinions are the same amount of valid. I'll concede I got the basic objective morals due to my religious upbringing (something beyond my control, no less) but after a certain event in my life I didn't need any "divine command" to know what was right and wrong.

If Christ is King he sure died like a bitch lmao

>> No.77715577

not getting a vaccine is not a personality or particularly brave and no one here cares if you did or didn't, get a hobby besides squatting baby bars
the only relevance to the thread is the funny anime woman who got sick and is bitching about it and you seem gay (male) so I don't think you ever got within a hundred foot radius

>> No.77715732

BASED. That part of the audience has done nothing but damage lately and bring in outsiders who equate even standard animation with pedophilia.

>> No.77715944

it was an immense act of bravery considering how many people lost their jobs over it. even mainstream celebs like joe rogan were not exempt from the social cleansing as they ate up your tax money and rode off with it.
i say this as someone who's vaxxmaxxed. don't get me wrong, better safe than sorry, but to say it wasn't brave is retarded. i remember big names and journalists/articles calling to literally round up and kill vaxxdeniers, as they were dangerous and spread viruses.
of course, looking at how they turned out maybe it was the correct call. but then we can't criticize israel for doing what we were about to do.

>> No.77715956

>there's no law of the universe that dictates that just because people can be right and wrong that their opinions are the same amount of valid. I
I'm not trying to say there's a law, it's just a logical extension of your position. If one's moral compass is based on what they prefer due to theirown personal experiences, and someone else has a different moral interpretation based on their personal experiences, then a conclusion can never be reached.
For example if one person says it's wrong to have sex with a dead body because it disgusts them but the other person says it's fine because they like it and it's normal in their experience, person A could not tell the other they are doing something wrong.

>> No.77716020

Most people will change thier opinions if something affects them. Not many people are actually bound to thier "beliefs" beyond how it makes them feel. Right now she feels upset cause people she knows are suffering from covid and or a really bad congenital/ life style issues. she's not going to feel better until she and tenma get better which is not really in the control of anyone.

On another note if a convention smells or had bad oder it's partially because the dudes didn't clean themselves it's also partially because the airflow in the building is not enough for the added people. It is commonly known that a proper filtration or air conditioning always has to have the fan turn on even if the temperature is fine just so the body orders and methane or farts stay in one area

>> No.77716099

there are clearly jannies because stuff from smaller threads got deleted from the past couple of hours if you check the archive but active ones right now probably ignore other reports or dump them if theyre not interested in the topic
some posts from this thread got deleted like 3ish hours ago so its not that theyre unaware of the thread they just thought it would be less work to leave it up or just didnt GAF who knows really

>> No.77716163


>> No.77716198

I think most girls will silently support (but not publicly cause it means a cut off thier paycheck and number)holostars despite alot of them being sexpest and fuck ups because in thier mind if there is also men then the men they see throwing away thier life and money at them is on them and not in any way on the vtuber themselves. Even though like Pippa they all pretend to be virgins or say they are virgins

>> No.77716294

>better safe than sorry,

>> No.77716428

>The previous definition... could be interpreted to mean that vaccines were 100% effective, which has never been the case for any vaccine, so the current definition is more transparent

>> No.77716586

Kike spotted. I'm guessing you and your kind are still upset that god deemed your sacrifices and lineage are doomed to prophecy no matter what you try

>> No.77716691

>how many people lost their jobs over it
more like being psychopaths who don't know how to navigate normal workplace situations, it isn't hard to get an exemption, make shit up, or otherwise slip under the radar
>joe rogan
not cancelled, never got cancelled by anything relating to vaccines (did get briefly nuked over BLM), still has a paying contract with the exact same platform you likely believe he was cancelled by
antivaxxxxing is a boring soccer mom position that has been around forever and the tuff lads who think it makes them intellectual and streetwise to not get a shot are indubitably looking for an outlet for various much braver stands they voluntarily refused to take that would lead to real consequences like defending police or challenging protected minority statuses
"clotshot"fags are the tertiaries of antivaxxing

>> No.77716712

Welcome to science. Another way of writing that is that if there is an effect for the intervention, it's small at best.
Yeah, this is nuanced.
Thanks for being better than the other anon. Taleb's commentary is a good counterpoint to the Cochrane review, particularly about how poor the quality of most studies is. It also supports masking for personal protection, not just masking for reducing transmission if already infected. Still, the normal response to this and the Cochrane review is skepticism on the quality of any one study. It's a far cry from supporting the initial claim that "studies showed that masks are mostly useful for keeping mask wearers from infecting others than protecting the mask wearer themselves".

>> No.77716803

If you will trade freedom for safety you deserve neither and will be cheated out both. Look tomorrow is not guaranteed and today is a present that God gifts to you. I pray that nothing they put In you hurts you long term but you gave away alot of long term things for the short term feeling of safety

>> No.77716881

Japanese wear masks when sick, but the majority of them are doing it for fashion reasons, believe it or not. Its seen as fashionable.

>> No.77716947

>Another way of writing that is that if there is an effect for the intervention, it's small at best.
this is strictly not what they wrote, the authors of the study argue that it is so plaintext and obvious that they are NOT claiming masks "don't work" they shouldn't have to rewrite it in even plainer text so people stop claiming that's what they're doing
inexplicably cockrain yanked it over and decided they agreed with the current wording but here we are, proving that people still cannot fucking read
>It would be accurate to say that the review examined whether interventions to promote mask wearing help to slow the spread of respiratory viruses, and that the results were inconclusive. Given the limitations in the primary evidence, the review is not able to address the question of whether mask-wearing itself reduces people's risk of contracting or spreading respiratory viruses.
>The review authors are clear on the limitations in the abstract: 'The high risk of bias in the trials, variation in outcome measurement, and relatively low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions.' Adherence in this context refers to the number of people who actually wore the provided masks when encouraged to do so as part of the intervention. For example, in the most heavily-weighted trial of interventions to promote community mask wearing, 42.3% of people in the intervention arm wore masks compared to 13.3% of those in the control arm.
nb: the study that is being specifically cited here as still being too low to show lack of benefit from masks in fact found a massive drop in the rate of COVID-like symptoms in the villages that had higher mask adherence

>> No.77717058

or more weasely. Why not call it a covid shot like they say flu shot? Vaccines mean you don't become ill even if exposed. Simply alleviation of symptoms isn't a vaccine.

>> No.77717128

>still does
always did

>> No.77717170

You are delusional. You built this fantasy where your favourite tubers support your disgusting political views. There's no reason to believe Kiara or Mumei are anything but the standard Milquetoast left-ish standard white woman.

>> No.77717210

>/pol/ doesn't win
>thread ends with masks being debunked and secular ethics being dismantled

>> No.77717246

>antichuds trying to reclaim Pippa hot off the heels of Offkai staffer drama
Absolutely shameless
>more like being psychopaths
Calling opposition to legal/social penalties for not trusting a poorly developed and unproven vaccine "psychopathy" sure is a take, anon.
>normal workplace situations
Nothing about COVID workplace situations was normal.
>it isn't hard to get an exemption, make shit up, or otherwise slip under the radar
You're full of shit. So many employers made it exponentially harder to swing exemptions and ripping under the radar after religious exemptions initially proved so successful.
>antivaxxxxing is a boring soccer mom position that has been around forever
And you've just destroyed any doubt that you aren't a dishonest cunt by conflating age-old "ew medicine icky" with "hang on, legally and economically enforcing this specific dubious medication that governments have huge stakes in is super fucked".

>> No.77717253
File: 454 KB, 2840x1303, community measures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> in fact found a massive drop in the rate of COVID-like symptoms in the villages that had higher mask adherence
I am not confident anyone in here will bother to find the source referenced so here's a related graphic from the study before someone calls bullshit
p<0.05 is generally considered significant, and in this case the treatment group met significancy for both symptoms and seropositivity
reducing the incidence rate of any disease by 10% is huge and would make masking in the case of a COVID pandemic with good source control effective, even if only 42% (marginal) adhere to the practice
it still doesn't prove that specifically masking was the thing that did it though because the adherence was too low, it could be that 40% of people masking up affected behavior in other positive ways like reminding people to keep their distance, but that's part of the social milleau the U.S. never got to addressing because certain retards decided personal space violates the NAP

>> No.77717568

>Calling opposition to legal/social penalties
not what I described
>poorly developed and unproven vaccine
you are ignorant and gay
>Nothing about COVID workplace situations was normal.
you are also womanly and would die first in a war, drought, or famine, the "workplace situation" you are referring to is a white collar distant concern from what essential workers dealt with during the actual pandemic
>You're full of shit. So many employers made it exponentially harder to swing exemptions and ripping under the radar after religious exemptions initially proved so successful.
no one had the hardware or integration required to validate you received an authentic dose, literally just copy a batch ID that is in date and you were good to go, very few people were caught though this is obviously way worse than simply refusing the vaccine (which about a third of my workplace, down South, got away with)
obviously public sector or inpatient health employees have a worse situation but they also signed away all rights when they took necessary positions or government gibs
at any rate, feel free to cry about it

>> No.77717616

No it isn't. It doesn't work. Get it through your thick skull. Masks don't prevent contagion, don't prevent spread.

>Le common courtesy
I don't care, it's a genuflection to stupidity. Japs are wrong.

>> No.77717623

they're giga cucks and their women only wear masks because most of their faces have a completely fucked lower two thirds either structurally, dentally or in their complexion.
t. knower

>> No.77717633

You are confusing redpilled 4chan chuds with rednecks. Most people in 4chan believed sine the start that it was a bioweapon and there was concern months before the lockdowns. Rednecks downplayed it because they don't want to change shit in their lives.

>> No.77717699

Almost definitely why she's sick now.

>> No.77717740

We still don't know the long term effects of the vaxx retard, most other vaccines (real ones) go through 8-10+ years of trials first. We'll start seeing the real problems around 2028

>> No.77717739

Says the babyback bitch writing crypost manifestos about "psychopaths" saying mean things about his big pharma best friends lmao

>> No.77717795

She keeps on putting out "Oh boy, I'm sick of this redpill shit" feelers to gauge if her audience is ready for the full switch into Anthony Fantano style leftism.

>> No.77717889

10% is huge. Your nuance is appreciated. My take remains that "studies show" that neither the maskers nor the anti-maskers can with high confidence claim the evidence is in their favor. This is to be expected when no country in the world will dare to run challenge trials.

>> No.77717904
File: 388 KB, 482x418, 1699767412221232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember back when TWO MORE WEEKS wasn't just a shiori meme and antivaxtards would claim even the most unrelated death to be caused by the vaxx?
>he got into a fistfight into a bear and lost? well this was clearly a vaxx induced brainfog that hampered his judgement
>he got bit by a wild animal and got rabies? well you see the vaxx lowered his immune system which made the rabies more deadly or something
>a car jumped the curve and ran him over? well you see the magnets that bill gates put in the vaxx attracted the vehicle into his direction causing the driver to lose control

>> No.77717930

I got my Fauci Ouchie after watching the Vaxx-scene with Steven Colbert. Now they tell me I'm a ticking time-bomb, but they're just bigots.

>> No.77717954

remember when two more weeks was laughing at the vaxxcattle bootlickers saying they just needed to flatten the curve?

>> No.77718008

No but I remember when tons of non-COVIDA deaths were chalked up as misleadingly labeled, semantic "deaths WITH COVID".

>> No.77718041

Remember when it was vaxxtards claiming every death as a covid death in order to inlfate the stats and induce hysteria over this trumped up man flu.

>> No.77718061

seems like I hit a nerve with the soccer mom comment given you've devolved into whimpering, gomen

amazing how random shitsticks online are now professional drug developers even though they still don't know anything about the process whatsoever, exactly zero vaccines are delayed for monitoring "long term effects," you simply continue to monitor phase 3 trial patients (if available) for long-term follow up
Shingrix (HZ/su) was first in humans in 2012 but had its first large scale trials in 2016 and it was approved in... 2017, and most people still consider this a slow and laborious process
where's your 8-10+ years now, faggot?

>My take remains that "studies show" that neither the maskers nor the anti-maskers can with high confidence claim the evidence is in their favor.
yeah I was the one arguing about the linked review not whether there was additional evidence showing benefit to masks specifically

>> No.77718144

is shingrix a novel gene therapy m8?

>> No.77718192

you don't know what any of those mean or you would recognize the problem with your comparison

>> No.77718216

answer the question you disingenuous fuckstick

>> No.77718248

Shingrix is not a "novel gene therapy"
ok now what retard

>> No.77718266

Every time.

>> No.77718270

>I want to make this post dunking on antivaxxers but I need to hedge it so that my chud audience isn't completely lost, so I'll mention buzzfeed cause they don't like buzzfeed
Nothing will change the fact that you got the clotshot and I didn't, Pippa.

>> No.77718311

you lose because you couldn't engage, it's that simple.

>> No.77718313

How about stop being a leftist?

>> No.77718353

I literally just answered your question, I don't know what it has to do with my original post other than the obvious assumption you are trying to say something about mRNA vaccines and failing

>> No.77718360

You fags post like a call center rep reading from a script.

>> No.77718395
File: 1.38 MB, 320x310, 1658968443927595 Laugh Gold.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"lol le nerve hit do I fit in yet r/4chan"
>proceeds to write ANOTHER vagina monologue professing his love to his big pharma assmasters

>> No.77718431

>I am not mad I am posting the funny face :)
ok retard

>> No.77718462

>no stop it you're not allowed to turn my made up villain back around on me with shit that actually happened

>> No.77718489

one thing is being 4chan pilled bitch, but even she is not that stupid I guess

>> No.77718496

Can a man become a woman? Simple question.

>> No.77718544

Most women will hold whatever belief is the safest to have or will cause the least amount of issues personally even if it self destructive. I don't think anyone should really expect a vtuber much less a corpo vtuber to have strong beliefs beyond what feelings they might hold in that moment. This situation is really on her for reacting to what people are saying and posting she should just close the laptop and the phone when the algorithm starts to feed her stuff that mentally messes her up. Most of these algorithms made built understanding a negative feeling is a stronger motivator than a positive feeling so they will continue to bring negativity into the person. A person's social media feed is just a person's inner thoughts being reflected back at themselves

>> No.77718593

Fishman is probably shitting bricks, seeing his top talent just fucking kicked a hornet nest. Nothing ever really got reconciled between sides, over this stuff in the past couple of years, it just went away. But people still have the same opinions they did at the height of it, and Pippa drudging this up can only really have negative consequences to the company

>> No.77718649

Pippa wants to Collab with Hasan

>> No.77718670

No, originally it meant that they were going to discover that the last elections were fraudulent.

>> No.77718676

>oh yeah well prove you're not a tranny with le heckin epic dogwhistle!
Ah yes, where have I seen this before?
>uh did you just refuse to say trans rights? time to get cancelled for not dogwhisliting to us you heckin bigot chud!
You're all severely brainrotted. Get off the internet.

>> No.77718732

Covid is over nobody cares. The last time the media cared was right before the Ukrainian war and then suddenly it didn't matter anymore. This shit will be forgotten by monday

>> No.77718742

You're beyond retarded

>> No.77718747

My brother in Christ, the SARS related coronaviruses aren't something new, they had been studied since 2002. That's why we talk about SARS Cov-"2" or COVID"19"

>> No.77718841

Wait, so let me get this straight
>Tenma openly says she's sick
>still meets up with everyone
>most phase girls proceed to lez out, tongue kisses and everything
>suddenly everyone gets sick
>FuCkInG rEdPiLlErS
Not only that, but the response to people pointing it out is, verbatim:
>I am more of a weeb than you will ever be. DIE
The fuck kind of logic is that?

>> No.77718883
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>> No.77718884

NTA but can you answer the question

>> No.77718909

Pretty much. I've vastly reduced my intake of political shit, even the stuff I agree with, and have been careful to actually remove anything I don't want more of from my watch history on YouTube.
It's been working pretty well, I tend to just get video game analysis videos, and random niche Vidya stuff usually with less than 500 views.
It's also given me a different perspective on just how aggressively this stuff will become a feedback loop. I've counted, and clicking on something outside of the video game armchair analysis stuff I like, the recommended feed immediately has around five videos like that towards the top.

All of this is to say you're right that Pippa would be better off just closing the laptop in situations like this, even if that means stewing and ruminating for a while. People can't cause a ruckus if you're not saying anything publicly

>> No.77718916

I genuinely hope enough idiots died to seriously affect future elections.

>> No.77718950

>the media
I think the assumption is that her massive aut-right fanbase will unsub overnight because yabbit posted cringe
generally agree on the idea it will be gone and forgotten by Monday regardless, at least until the next stream and she tries to explain or apologize because she gets suckered into the idea that there's an army of totally real antivaxx chads waiting to unsub and not just twelve angry pollacks hunched over in this thread right here

>> No.77718967

>The last time the media cared was right before the Ukrainian war and then suddenly it didn't matter anymore.
At this time the vaccine already existed

>> No.77718972

Is the clown supposed to be altare or kronni? I forget which one had top surgery

>> No.77719022

Nta but no

>> No.77719059

Being caught in a lie/cope

>> No.77719081
File: 37 KB, 680x488, 1687659936376538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it's you.
