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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77695277 No.77695277 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about them?

>> No.77695359

most improved vtuber corpo

>> No.77695375

kicked out the trash

>> No.77695404

>react content central
indifferent, they're below nijisanji

>> No.77695412

stopped watching them after nyan vei and silver left

i do not personally care for their replacements

>> No.77695423

I love whores and I love sluts!

>> No.77695457


>> No.77695503
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>they're below nijisanji

>> No.77695559

Didn't care for them before, but Matara makes sisters seethe so they're based.

>> No.77695593
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>> No.77695687

Hate kekson, don't know/care about the rest.

>> No.77695794
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I like.

>> No.77695834

Ironic how she's the most wholesome person in the company

>> No.77695927

They recently hired some good vtubers to replace the original ones who left. So I guess they got better?

>> No.77696011

they're good. not my favorite, but good.

>> No.77696065

Mata made up with Sayu.
As far as I'm concerned, they're golden.

>> No.77696091

I don't really care about her chaturbate streams, but her Patreon videos are kinda nice. She understands what appeals to weebs when it comes to hentai. I wish more vtubers did lewd stuff like she does with MMD or whatever programs she uses. Live2D lewds like Saruei does is good too, hopefully VAllure will do more stuff like that.

>> No.77696445

Hate. I've had beef since all their talents tried to Twitter cancel Nux (who's also a shitter but that's besides the point) over something they initially praised and gave him permission for. Was a real mask off backstabbing moment. But that was early in the company, right? It's like getting mad at Hololive for the Mel stalking manager thing. You sort of give new companies a pass if they show they improve. But Vshojo hasn't. They're eceleb leeches and basically their own clique. Little better than the Niji clique, just with better PR. Silvervale hinted as much on the way out. They're all the worst aspects of Twitch vtubing culture and I will always advocate a containment wall keeping them over there.

>> No.77696485

bunch of faggots, liars and backstabbers
fuck you froot fuck you ironlung
I know your secrets bitch

>> No.77696490

I'm not a fan. I think their lack of overarching direction means that they lack identity and consistency in quality. You can't build a brand by just tossing a bunch of independent operators together and saying "Just do whatever." Also, the independent operators tend to be skanks.

>> No.77696543

used to hate them a lot, mostly indifferent now

>> No.77696715
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I think they're okay

>> No.77696819

They should've done everything they could to keep Nyanners and Vei so that pink posters and Vei fags stop shitting up /lig/
lig was so much better before that happened

>> No.77696962

I don't visit /lig/ what is happening there that is so bad?

>> No.77696994

Hate, I only hope that it becomes a containment for twitch trannies and whores so it will eventually collapse when it turns out most of them are grooming children.

>> No.77697167

unironic futa erp
join in and ask for pink

>> No.77697311

still i hate them

>> No.77697334

It has no overall direction it might go on the same path as otv. So expect their vtubers to stop using their models and return to rl streaming, given how limiting it is to create content as a vtuber. Kson already showed that it works great for them so they only need to follow her example

>> No.77697347

Strongly depends on the member
I have no beef with girls like Henya or Matara
But you couldn't pay me to watch girls like Froot or Hime

>> No.77697656

Anon, silvervale is legit, honest to god, actually mentally disabled. I wouldn’t take everything she says at face value

>> No.77697667

Mouse, Zen, Haruka, Geega, Henya... none of these people will ever irl stream.

>> No.77697759
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I only like Henya and Haruka at this point. Zentreya was alright for a while but I lost interest. As for the others, I mostly do not care although I despise Froot for backstabbing and hypocrisy.
Also, their mods suck more donkey dick than a whore in Tijuana. I am trying to get an appeal for Henya's Twitch chat and Discord server and it was over a comment on Discord that was not even hateful. I was preemptively banned from Ironmouse's Twitch chat for "racism" even though I said nothing on her chat.

>> No.77697990

Most of the twitch clique sphere shares moderators so if you say something in a chat that gets you banned their jannies will go to other popular streamers chats and ban you there too.

>> No.77698022

Some Twitch streamers share a blacklist of users that misbehave in their chat, and they apply it to all the channels that's part of a group. Maybe VShojo has something similar.

>> No.77698034

Based. Nyan and Frootposters used to erp in /vsj+/. We still have the Frootposters but I miss the Nyanposters sometimes

>> No.77698080

I remember you anon, you actually are racist and have read the works of William Luther Pierce. I guess it's gay that their mods are colluding behind closed doors to ban people but they were not wrong.

>> No.77698135

They do. If someone says something REALLY bad then they'll usually ask the others in the group to add them to a blacklist and you'll get banned from all of VShojo (and a few friends) chats for it. But it usually has to be really bad so I suspect that anon's exaggerating about whatever he did.

>> No.77698141

It's a complicated feeling.

They irreversibly warped the perception of vtubing in the west, making it impossible to find a popular, caring and heavily talented chuuba since it's crowded with nothing but lazy whores, react-content drones, backstabbers, beggars, agenda backing maniacs and grifters thanks to these people's mentality and the fact they were the first to fire their shots almost in time for the pandemic, way before Hololive launched HoloEN.

But I'd be lying if I were to say I'm not happy to see them shitting all over Nijisanji by snatching their talents at the moment.

>> No.77698158

Yeah but if more and more of their vtuber start rl streaming, it would put pressure on them to do the same.

>> No.77698215


>> No.77698279

eh, all I did was call sinder a whore and I got banned in like 10 random streamers chat

>> No.77698314

The magical thing about vtubing is that every group is in a bubble. And my bubble is made out of titanium

>> No.77698337

I have absolutely zero opinion on them as a corpo or any of the talents other than Michi, who is the only one there that I watch and will watch.

>> No.77698345

Maybe them as individuals, but VShojo as a group started a month after Myth debuted.
I wouldn't put all the blame on them, people would've jumped in the vtuber bandwagon with or without them.

>> No.77698364

Indifferent. I prefer Phase, Hololive and Idol.

>> No.77698391
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Listen anon it's funny on /vt/, but you can't expect to say that shit in public and not get in trouble for it.

>> No.77698393

I like Henya, I don't care about or watch any of the others. Henya box exists and I remain in it.

>> No.77698399

have you watched a single nux video

>> No.77698489

If I'm going to get banned for stating the truth so be it, I just think its funny the jannie who banned me also went out of his way to do it on a bunch of channels

>> No.77698497

indifferent but their fanbase is shit

>> No.77698547

literally 1984

>> No.77698575

Kson was doing it before she joined and still does. As for the rest, outside of a couple of kuro streams, there's not really been anything that comes to mind. Maybe a couple of handcam Some bstreams but that's about it. Big twitch indies are often doing cam streams and irl con appearances but there's been none of that from the rest of vshojo.

>> No.77698586

Vshojo almost permanently damaged the western indie scene for 2+ years

>> No.77698664


>> No.77698752

The fleshwhore argument gets brought up every time and it’s true that a lot of twitch vtubers nowadays aren’t better then your average e-celeb but if you take a look at the facts:
henya, haruka, geega never showed their face and never will, zentreya can’t (for "reasons") and ironmouse hasn’t shown her face as ironmouse, the vtuber, once she became a streamer (iykyk). Additionally, Michi, Hime, melody and matara haven’t shown their face as their respective vtuber personality and you need varying degrees of forbidden knowledge for that. So in the end only kson, kuro and froot actively do irl streams

>> No.77698762

Their fanbase is ok, but they are so boring that they can't even banter or shitpost about their company. They get so defensive at the smallest thing and have a pretty big persecution complex.

>> No.77698779

Peer pressure and to conform to the new normal? I mean they don't really have a solid excuse not to show their face in vshojo when asked by fans

>> No.77698844

I don't think you know anything about the members of Vshojo

>> No.77698933

vei legacy is being soda's cum dump and being a cunt to shylily

>> No.77698936

their content isnt for me but if it works out for them then good for them

>> No.77698969

They don't need an excuse other than - I'm a vtuber. Plenty have asked before and they always get told never.

>> No.77699074

The second part's based.

>> No.77699185

Pretty indifferent, at least they're better than Niji though they're pretty much known as the upgrade center for ex nijis and can't really make a star out of a nobody.

>> No.77699214

>being a bitch is based
That's sad anon. Find better people to look up to.

>> No.77699318

The only reason I remember veibae is because she got blacklisted by cover and told a story about how she birthed a chunk of vagina meat because she took so much birth control

>> No.77699635

vsjfag here, this is true. anyone who joins has to show their face, feet, pussy and butthole to their fans. it's sort of like how marie antionette had to give birth in public to be queen of france.

>> No.77700020

I sincerely hope you will get surgery one day from a doctor who got his license by watching TikTok videos

>> No.77700109

being a bitch is the vshojo appeal though

>> No.77700130
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I love Zen and have cum many times to her gigantic tits and ass.

>> No.77700292


>> No.77700579 [DELETED] 

What's the point of living in suffering

>> No.77700871

He's sperging, barely anyone in /lig/ posts about Vei or Nyan.
That thread is dominated by mid-to-low 3views and Phasefag squatters.

The number of actual "large indies" getting regular discussion these days is in the single digits.

>> No.77700879
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>> No.77701098

You don't have rampant tribalism with Vshojo. Maybe you'd throw around some memes about Gunrun, Hime, or how Geega is /in/, but people just like their one or handful of members, but you don't have to slurp corpo dick and unquestionably defend and stay loyal to them to be a "Vshojo fan".

>> No.77701177

>it was over a comment on Discord that was not even hateful
Well what was it, then

>> No.77701310

They are a necessary containment for Twitch retards

>> No.77701372

>making it impossible to find a popular, caring and heavily talented chuuba
That's strange because I've found an absolute shitload of them, many of which came from a VShojo member collabing with them or shouting them out

>> No.77701616
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i just followed Henya from previous life to now.
Still. based on vshojo collabs and Henya talking about her contract and behind the scenes stuff.

my impression of vshojo is pretty positive

>> No.77701938

the vshojo defense force constantly ready to yell at you for criticizing vshojo makes me think otherwise

>> No.77702174

>kson, kuro and froot actively do irl streams
Froot has posted selfies and has an IRL Instagram but she has never done more than a handcam on-stream.
And saying Kuro "actively does them" is a bit of a stretch since I think he's only done like two or three. Not that he's the most active streamer to begin with, though.

>have a pretty big persecution complex
Crazy how constantly being "the enemy" to every other fanbase for three years will do that

>> No.77702980

Henya brought a ton of those idiots to that side though, and they make seafags look tame with how much they're willing to shit on everyone criticizing them, as in not just her but the whole corpo.
The big persecution complex the other anon mentioned... that was inherited ever since kson joined them too.

>> No.77702987
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If you've watched one Vshojo clip, you've seen at least 100 because of that. I have no care for react humor, and coomer humor sucks from them. I feel like they just dont click to me at all.
>inb4 i'm called brown or indo or whatever insult
I just don't care for Vshojo and never did from day 1. They just felt very depraved and everything I hated from vtubing by day one.

>> No.77703122

Corpo that brags about being "talent first" when all they do is poach popular streamers with a decent fanbase.

To them, if youre a 2-view nobody, youre not important to them. "Talent first" my ass.

>> No.77703132
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Until picrel comes along with an ice pick to burst them all in the spirit of total vtuber unity.

>> No.77703141
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>> No.77703186

Mixed, I think their push towards poaching Niji’s has the potential to go horribly wrong if they pick even one bad egg, and I don’t think Vshojo management is active enough in wrangling to prevent any shitty behaviour. While I don’t like how restrictive the Jap corps can be I think Vshojo is on the entire opposite end of the spectrum, providing freedom but also providing a lack of wrangling that makes the talents run the risk of getting into petty drama due to management that won’t tell them no, I personally prefer a lax but present management over the “do whatever you want” approach. Its hard to argue with the revenue split, but I really doubt that doesn’t come with any downsides, even if thats just a lack of funding for projects that the talents may want to do. This isn’t inherently an issue for chuubas who just wanna be streamers, but it’s limiting for talents who want to do more than that, Mint for example might have trouble pursuing idol shit as more than just a hobby, especially since it’s not something the Vshojo audience particularly cares to see. If you manage to get into Vshojo you’re probably in a good spot, but some people act like there aren’t any advantages to going elsewhere which is just false.

>> No.77703298

>React slop everyday
At least the Holofags do it cus they can’t gfs. Watching react shit instead of sharing stuff with your friends cus you don’t have any is even more pathetic

>> No.77703935

I don't look up to vei or even watch her but at least she's an honest whore, unlike shylily.

>> No.77703936

The best thing about Vshojo is that it's a filter for the worst creatures on earth. You all know them. They hijacked this board. They can't have access to twitch and the ones who do are already filtered.

>> No.77704112

>They can't have access to twitch
Korean? Chinese?

>> No.77704113

>The best thing about Vshojo is that it's a filter for the worst creatures on earth
People who dont like react content and the same crappy coomer humor?

>> No.77704207

SEAs, ofc

>> No.77704226

Twitch is not included in many data plans in South East Asia, while Youtube is.

>> No.77704315

Anon, my mobile data plan does not include Netflix/Prime Video, but I can watch them.

>> No.77704387

He's not wrong about
>>react content central

It's a Twitch issue before it's a Vshojo issue, but they stream through Twitch.

>> No.77704494

I only watch Kson so indifferent to the company as a whole, the rest of their streamers don't seem as bad a /vt/ claims them to be

>> No.77704540

The company itself seems good. They seem to treat their talents well and don't suffer from the same autism the vast majority of other companies do.
Not really a fan of some of their talents though.

>> No.77704679

They're alright now but their fans are a bit weird.

>> No.77704737

>don't seem as bad a /vt/ claims them to be
They saw one clip of some slightly lewd joke, and assumed that a 10+ second moment is indicative of an entire 6+ hour stream.

>> No.77704780

>can't really make a star out of a nobody
The vast majority of of Michi's current viewers are new to her, and she's a lot more successful than when she was in Nijisanji.

>> No.77704819

NTA but he is wrong when it comes to the reactcentric myth. You should all try watching streams sometimes or at least checking what the streams were. Mouse spent 250 hours gaming on stream in May alone.

>> No.77704872

Dick sucking faggot

>> No.77704938

Vshojos are just Twitch mascot characters, so if you are not a Twitch simp, you will never know them.
Especially in the year 2024

>> No.77704959

I’ve never entirely agreed with this since there are so many twitch vtubers from SEA, it’s possible that twitch is less popular there, but theres such a high number of people from SEA that they probably make up a large chunk of whatever streaming platform you’re using.

>> No.77704989

Net Neutrality isn't a thing in SEA. Most of the cell plans include unlimited traffic for some whitelisted services (like Youtube), but require you to pay extra money for data to use non-whitelisted services (like Twitch).

>> No.77705045

I learned about them thanks to the youtube algo.

>> No.77705052

>Crazy how constantly being "the enemy" to every other fanbase for three years will do that
You act like only VShojo gets shitted on here. There has to be a limit to your victimization.
Mori alone had more shitposts here than all of Vshojo.

>> No.77705211

Anon, I think it is the same all over the world, except for "Net Neutrality".
You have your mother pay your phone bill?

>> No.77705302

they're not perfect but they're better than nijisanji

>> No.77705365

You know what he's talking about. VShojo was always cool to hate, some holomems became cool to hate too, some like Mori were harassed even outside the vtuber community (so was Ironmouse btw). But no there was never a general hostile sentiment towards an org like there was for VShojo, until Feb of this year where everyone hates NijisanjiEN.

>> No.77705680

They don't.

>> No.77705940

How can they watch Twitch?

>> No.77705981

Nope, it's not the same like that all over the world. In North America, you can either get "unlimited", or a bucket of data. They don't offer things like XGB of Data + Unlimited Youtube.

>> No.77705986

the thing with vshojo is most of the vtubers are brutally open about the kind of person they are and don't try to put on a facade.
you already know nyanners is socially awkward
you already know vei has a bf
you already know melody is a whore
aside from froot they're all tame at best
but nijisanji en is filled with two faced faggots that will lie to save face. vshojo may be filled with whores but those whores treat each other like childhood friends

>> No.77706341

Anon, no streamer is open about who they are, they are all playing a character. Funny how you ignore Ironmouse who has a secret she wants to keep hidden.

>> No.77706507

Literally true. I fucking hate Nijisanji but the fact that all these guys do is sit on Twitch and watch other people's videos and TikToks all day is so embarrassing.

>> No.77706569

There is a difference between playing a character and not oversharing personal details which could endanger yourself, you autist.

>> No.77706581

>Funny how you ignore Ironmouse who has a secret she wants to keep hidden.
Who gives a shit?

>> No.77706621

I like Henya, that's it.

>> No.77706701

>there are so many twitch vtubers from SEA
Ethnically sure, but they're diaspora living mostly in North America

>> No.77706840

They stream and game more than any other en group

>> No.77706851

I don't, you're the one talking about them being brutally open.

>> No.77706870


>> No.77707065

Out of curiousity, how many Mika/Michi streams have you watched?

>> No.77707082

I'm not even the same anon. But even I know that there's a difference between being open about your emotions and experiences and putting your fucking social security info or the fact that you know becky's health insurance ran out on stream in front of 10000 people.

>> No.77707314

I used to exclusively watch on Twitch, but then Holos made me pivot to primarily YouTube. So I basically have no exposure to anything they do except for what makes it outside the cloistered generals of /vt/.

>> No.77709657

Vshojo is the best vtuber group and corp. Only tribalistic holomonkeys disagree.

>> No.77710311

If they can access CSGO, they can access twitch.

>> No.77711577

Fair. But I randomly picked Henya and skimmed her recent streams. Reacting to videos on June 1st, 2nd, and 6th. 4th she was paid to watch the OTK. Sorry I skipped out on the month straight of 7 hour Monster Hunter streams. While still reacting to YouTube videos after and inbetween.

>> No.77711960

She watches videos while she eats lunch.

>> No.77712427

It's Iron Mouse's clique, so not really worthy of respect, but at least she streams a lot, so there's that at least...

>> No.77714317

Looking at the stats for Henya for the year she spends around 70% of her stream time gaming and spent a grand total of 30 hours playing monster hunter across 6 streams over a 9 day period late last month.

>> No.77715381

I mostly watch Kson and anyone who collabs with Kson.
She did fewer VShojo collabs in the last year than her first (at least it seemed that way to me).
I really like her dynamic with Melody and with Henya.

>> No.77719460

Liked them when they first started
Turned into indifference because I don't use Twitch
Eventually turned into outright hatred

>> No.77719711

>I was preemptively banned from Ironmouse's Twitch chat for "racism" even though I said nothing on her chat.

>> No.77720284

Yeah, Vshojofags (especially the ones on this board) constantly act all superior and then immediately turn around and get VERY defensive when you dare to criticize Vshojo. They dish it out, but they can't take it all.

Hell, they even do it when you criticize them directly instead of their precious Twitch clique. I tried pointing out how annoying they are in a thread a while back and had accusations of being a seething Nijisister thrown at me.

>> No.77720418

Can I see the thread?

>> No.77720431


They don't appeal to me so I don't watch them, but they stay in their lane and don't instigate drama with other corpos.

>> No.77720449

Honest question, what do you feel are some valid criticisms of Vshojo as an org? Most of what I see on this board (including in this thread) are shit about them being nothing but reactslop/sleepstreams which simply isn't true, and because it's not true you're going to see Vshojo fans push back on it which is then seen as "defensive".

>> No.77720533

tolerating, much less enabling Zen, should be enough for most to discount them

>> No.77720570

what's wrong with zen?

>> No.77720579

Henya is the only good thing about them

>> No.77720608

its called virtual "YOUTUBER" not twitcher, well the fact that you need to ask this question already explain what ppl think about vshojo

>> No.77720648

tbf they are picking ex nijis, so yeah, i mean when they ran out of ex niji that leave nijisanji what else left? nothing.

>> No.77720717

This, I really wish she would shut up sometimes.

I don't think there's one fanbase here who like it when dox and rrats from the catalog end up on twitter or youtube comments.

>> No.77720734

Garbage because it's a retirement home for aging whores who want to fuck up anime related shit because they browsed 4chan in 2008 and watched sailor moon once.
>phase connect
Mentally ill grifters and not in a fun way. Pippa is literally a socialist who pretends to be some kind of anarchist.
BULLYsanji, cancer livers and cancer fanbase.
Literally Red dit. Overpaid chicks who never stream (on the en side anyway).

All companies beyond a certain size kind of suck ass.

>> No.77720736

being coombait for those basement dweller neckbeard twitchfag is one thing, but zen is actually scamming them make them thinking that he is a girl.

>> No.77720820

imagine seething this hard over a platform
>VTubers don't necessarily need to be on Youtube of course, they can be on Twitch, Niconico, Bilibili, or any other platform.

>> No.77720827

why are they always esl?

>> No.77720872

tbf those types of people deserve to be scammed

>> No.77721059

is gura scamming you because she's not actually a shark loli? why do you care so much about who is behind the model?

>> No.77721068

As some other anons have mentioned in this thread, their strategy of poaching new members from the indie scene or other corps is bound to backfire on them sooner or later. All it takes is picking the wrong maggot out of Nijisanji's corpse like Enna or reeling in another Nazuna/Mikeneko-tier lunatic to spell disaster.

Besides, the whole "Vtuber retirement home" reputation they've deliberately given themselves does not seem like a good thing, in my opinion. Not only does it make it seem like they can't grow through any other means, but it presents a very "you're not in our club" image just like their failed auditions did. I know it isn't what I would want to be known for if it were my gig.

>> No.77721195

I like Henya, don't care about the rest.
sometimes I lurk the vshojo general to see what kind of people are fans of people like froot and melody

>> No.77721280

they collab outside of vshojo all the time

>> No.77721371

>All it takes is picking the wrong maggot out of Nijisanji's corpse like Enna or reeling in another Nazuna/Mikeneko-tier lunatic to spell disaster.
Explain how it would spell disaster, because I don't see it.
>Besides, the whole "Vtuber retirement home" reputation they've deliberately given themselves does not seem like a good thing, in my opinion. Not only does it make it seem like they can't grow through any other means
catalogfaggots ignoring Geega as usual because she doesn't fit into their narrative.
>but it presents a very "you're not in our club" image just like their failed auditions did
They hired Haruka so the auditions didn't fail.

>> No.77721432

I think "Talent first" means the contract is more in their favor.

>> No.77721468

What surprises you? Twitch works great in Russia. Except there are no ads on twitch here.

>> No.77721939

nuh uh it means they have to give free shit to a bunch of 2views that don't work for them or else they are being le hypocrites

>> No.77722010

That's a valid concern, thanks for responding seriously.
From what I can tell I'm pretty sure they're done with Niji (minus potentially Mint) as all of the pick ups they've had from there have come from friendships that weren't obvious in front of the camera and as Matara said, she only has one friend left there and I dunno, I just don't see Rose joining. She doesn't have something worth trying to get and doesn't have any relationships with other Vshojo members, I could potentially see Mata helping her leave Niji as she did with Mint but it wouldn't go further.
With the three that came from Niji, all of them had experience streaming but also had no significant drama that they themselves caused, it all came from previous shitty fanbases that for the record they've had zero issues with since joining. If something goes wrong with any of them it's probably going to be Michi saying something offensive entirely by accident and I have a hard time believing it wouldn't be forgiven because my god I haven't seen somebody in entertainment more transparent than she is, for better and for worse.
All of the current /in/ posting is based around their friend group that collabs with them the most and tends to hang out on the Minecraft server, to me it's not some tragedy to vet potential hires through friendships and how and when they want to collaborate, it makes sense with how the talent in Vshojo interacts. Hiring somebody unknown is far more dangerous than choosing an indie that they've known as a friend for years and everybody is already comfortable with. Hiring unknowns absolutely works for other companies because they have a much more rigid corporate hierarchy, but because in Vshojo the talent are the ones who control things the priority will always be maintaining existing relationships.

>> No.77722271
File: 106 KB, 1233x692, Gaming rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the bait threads for Mouse are ridiculous at this point and always outdated with their accusations. Since she moved and got a better pc and decent internet she's been gaming more than anything. In the past 30 days Just Chatting didn't take up a fifth of her streams and the bulk of that isn't even react.. And there are anons that constantly sperg over this in the vsj+ threads.

>> No.77722379


>> No.77722386

Vshojo is full of whores
and I love my whores
therefore i love vshojo

>> No.77722534

lol f around and find out faggot be a dumbass /here/ in containment but dont bring it over to a vtubers streams

>> No.77722898
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we all know why

>> No.77723035

I love my vshojo family ! Totally not mandated by management !

>> No.77723238
File: 330 KB, 733x328, cuckronkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People totally watch vshojo for the girls I swear !!

>> No.77723303

>1 month ago

>> No.77723345

>talks about people ironmouse who streams primarily twitch
>links a clipping channel on youtube
>judges the numbers based on the clips

>> No.77723396

he’s from sea anon he only has free access to youtube please understand

>> No.77723402

The only one constantly talking about Vshojo staff is Michi and it's only because she used to wait two weeks for each response from her Niji ones where her current manager will reply back as soon as he sees the message.

>> No.77723454

If her streams were interesting people would come back to the clips, maybe ?
Oh right, you don't even know what she's doing, since you mute the tab

>> No.77723525

Hi Ennacuck.

>> No.77723559

Nta and he's a cunt but that's her official edited channel. HOWEVER, frankly her YT channel sucks due to overediting and we've been saying it in vsj+ for months. I would not recommend that channel to get someone into Mouse which is sad.

>> No.77723607

have you even watched these said clippers? mouse’s clippers are notouriously bad and spread misinfo even /vsj+/ shits on them
if you watched hololive during 2020 you would know what type of clippers Im talking about

>> No.77723672
File: 662 KB, 786x622, kekcumron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I love Ironmouse and not connor I swear !!1!!1

>> No.77723771

reminds me of the time when marine talk about her life stories and the hard struggles time she had with her single parent family and school life never gets clipped but the moment she mentions “i wanna squeeze her tits im sweating when i stare at them” once theres instantly 1000 different channels exaggerating shit with large red font and blown out face of marine on the thumbnail

>> No.77723834

thank you for helping me state my point that clipfags are the worst and usually puts vtubers in a bad light
the video itself isnt even about what the description says most of the time too

>> No.77723847

Are you okay?

>> No.77723906

Mix of dislike and indifference. Matara really does seem like an awful person and the rest have done nothing to grab my attention.

>> No.77723916
File: 748 KB, 776x823, kekfficial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official channel btw

>> No.77723963

In that order, from early melody days till... Actually, I don't know the exact time which I no longer care about them, I think around Advent debut? Because around that time I lost my NEET privilege and I like overall advent. So it was kinda mix of I no longer on my pc 24/7 and I have new entertainment that keep me, well, entertained.

>> No.77723989

yea clippers run her youtube channel no shit she dosent touch it herself we all hate this anon not just you

>> No.77723992

>Matara really does seem like an awful person

>> No.77724109

That's Dr. William Luther Pierce to you, faggot

>> No.77724182

How does Holo deal with out of control clippers? One of Mouse's serious flaws and I say this as a fan is that she won't take down any of the insane clickbait clips because she doesn't want to stop people from getting the bag, but it's to the point where it hurts her reputation because they're being recommended to people who haven't heard of her. If the first time someone sees your face and name is a video where you call your friend a silly name for a joke and it's treated like flirting with huge hearts in the thumbnail it's going to give people a bad impression. But she won't actually take things down unless they clip something she specifically says not to. Does Holo step in if the talent asks or do they prune heavily on their own?

>> No.77724225

Mata showed her face on Giri's stream for a few seconds.

>> No.77724256

Narcissist. If I wanted to deal with one, I'd call my mother.

>> No.77724319

im actually also curious with this one… hololive used to have alot of problematic clippers during 2020 especially with gen3. Nijisanji dealt with theirs by literally copyright striking and flagging them and issuing the japanese ones a cease and desist.

>> No.77724455

>mommy issues
you sure your hate is because of matara and not because you hate your own mother? you seem like you are just projecting here

>> No.77724546

hololive wasnt as aggressive as nijisanji but they also did issue strikes to some of them especially blatant malicious ones like “hololive historian”

>> No.77724784

Why did she put antis in charge of her official channel?

>> No.77724828

Calm down, Dr. K.

>> No.77725107

because shes an idiot and is too busy streaming more than 12 hours a day to check her own youtube channel
btw theyre not exactly “antis” just fucking malicious clickbaiting metafags.

>> No.77725158
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>> No.77725202

>Has time to look for dramafags and block them on twitter
>No time to check a 1 minute clip once in a while for her own channel

She just knows what her community likes and her youtube channel reflects it

>> No.77725291

>>Has time to look for dramafags and block them on twitter

>> No.77725315

I see, so they are just playing the algorithm game.

>> No.77725330

>Vpagpag hating thier own

>> No.77725339
File: 5 KB, 393x104, IMG_2589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we /vsj+/ hates it but I would have to agree with you there and its a problem the shit that gets the most views are clickbait garbage like these… it unironically attracts the wrong type of tourists to her chat like this as a recent example that happened about an hour ago

>> No.77725357


>> No.77725390

I thought Twitch banned the word simp, or that only applies to streamers?

>> No.77725505

He doesn't hate it, look how much time he spends posting screenshots here.

>> No.77725536

I literally don't care who was wrong or who was right. They pretty much single-handedly got Nux to vanish from the EN Vtuber sphere. For that, they'll always be heroes!

>> No.77725562

It doesn't seem malicious, but every vtuber suffers from people who see a clip and come to say the same uninspired, unoriginal and beat to death jokes. It happened with Kroni and the subway sandwiches.

>> No.77725591

has too many dykes

>> No.77725599

>false info on titles
>mr beast markiplier style shocked expressions on thumbnails
>short 1-2 min clips where something else happens
we have the worst clippers by far in the business
if you wonder why the average vshojofag /here/ stopped watching clips thats why
theres only a very few good ones and funny enough its like off community clippers who used to be pomu only or doki only clippers that started including vshojo content on the side recently

>> No.77725655

I checked this guy's channel and it looks like content farm cesspool.

>> No.77725684

But mousey being a connor simp isn't a joke

>> No.77725825

yea shes also a belmond banderas simp but the clips make it seem like thats her ENTIRE personality and they leave out context that makes it look really bad. so when a new tourist goes to her stream all they expect from her is pee pee poo poo my vagoo connor connor react connor cinamonroll.

>> No.77725828

Don't like them. Too much Twitch trash, too many semi flesh tuber whores, too much mingling with garbage ecelebs.
I hate nijiEN but that doesn't mean I'll automatically like this for becoming a retirement home of the nijis that fled.

>> No.77725849

Gunrun is my discord kitten

>> No.77725909

aha, how could I forget about the sleeping and reacting to youtube, sometimes even at the same time! truly these dastardly clippers are ruining her good image

>> No.77726030

she hasnt done that since her last subathon last year which is basically a stream that lasts for an entire month
the thing is tho alot of people copied that style on twitch last year and has fallen off.
the twitch meta these days are 12hour yappathons or minecraft/gta/rust brainrot

>> No.77726076



>> No.77726158

btw filian still does the react meta but she perfected it in a way where theres a penalty if she laughs or something and the fans gets to decide the punishment. Sounds really stupid for us but that type of interaction and slapstick visual comedy is a hit for her underaged tiktok grown community

>> No.77726267
File: 2.51 MB, 720x1280, 1699613681213868.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our queen.

>> No.77726305

I like how the shojokeks shit on vae for being sodapoppin's whore but completely overlook mouse being connor's whore, or the byproduct of her being an even bigger whore earlier in life

>> No.77726354

>shojokeks shit on vae for being sodapoppin's whore
no one does this

>> No.77726386

>vshojofags shitting on vei for going with soda
sir you are highly mistaken and must have confused us for catalogfags lol vshojo general is full of vei simps and shitposters even now… nyanners too some even simp for aethel more than nyanners tbqh

>> No.77726390

Hate, can't explain it I really dislike all their current and former members.
imo their content sucks, their characters suck and their fans are the most retarded and illiterate I've seen. I wouldn't call them a vtuber group

>> No.77726464

we are coomers anon not unicorns we do not care show us tits and ass and we will be happy we do not shit on vei lol

>> No.77726630
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picrel is a popular tool in /vsj+/

>> No.77726726

No one cares about Vei she's free to do what she wants, the only people sperging are the Silver ritualposter and his haters.

>> No.77726796

I want every single one of them to fuck me. Fucking love whores.

>> No.77726834

Nobody even talks about Vei.

>> No.77727248
File: 128 KB, 308x230, 1716289184304523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have many different kinds of clippers:

Only clip sex/dirty jokes or when the girls act horny, they're the most popular ones.

Only clip shipbait, will jump on literally anything that they think supports their ships, even the tiniest compliments between streamers.

>time wasters
Will title their video "Mouse said this" and she will only say the thing 20 seconds before the end of the clip which can be 2-10 min long and what she says might not even be related to the rest of the video.

>literal liars
Their title and thumbnail is pure clickbait and have nothing to do with the actual content of the video, which might not even be a clip worthy, their videos usually have a couple dislikes and angry comments.

>actually decent clippers
Usually pick interesting/funny moments, will add color coded subtitles but there might be some typos or straight up wrong transcriptions, might accidentally mix up the colors of the subtitles too, clippers of this category will sometimes stitch down multiple clips together and separate them with the "chapters" function of youtube, each chapter has a tl;dr and the title of their video is usually named directly after one of the chapters so people who only want to watch said chapter can directly access it.

>content thieves
Will take a massive chunk of a stream with little to no editing that is 30-50 minutes long and pretend it's a "clip".

Will put actual effort in their uploads with sound and video edits, color coded subtitles with little to no errors, will sometimes elevate the clips by bringing back unique clips from older streams to add context for those that might've missed it, they often understand the humor and vibe of the vtubers they clips because they actually watch streams but might still slip some cringe memes here and there.

There are probably more but that's it from the top of my head, even the good clippers might still have varying degrees of clickbaiting but that's just the youtube meta sadly.

>> No.77727934
File: 101 KB, 1000x533, 1714727391436275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henya has some of the best clippers by far. She's said some very personal stuff on stream, told clippers not to clip it, and they actually don't.

>> No.77728660

her best “clipper” dosent clip but animates moments for her also does fuwamoco on the side iirc hes “mr H” or something

>> No.77729046

H & Mr. H animates for a variety of VTubers. They probably mean DeuxMac as the best clipper

>> No.77729122

Indifferent, won't watch them but glad for Henya and ex-nijis who found a new home there.

>> No.77729657

I like them.

>> No.77730292

Get a better queen. This one is a cunt

>> No.77732042

this still exists?

>> No.77732350

And is doing better than ever, yes

>> No.77732473

I was not keen way back when, it was just e-thots trying to make a quick buck off of the VTuber trend.
These days I'm not so sure thats true

>> No.77732532

a lot of them predated the vtuber boom

>> No.77732545

I like Henya
I am indifferent about the org, they seem fine but making catalog shitposting about "talent freedom" a core part of their JP marketing was really weird and tonedeaf

>> No.77733230

She BECAME the sewer surfer

>> No.77733317

Just because you catch onto a grift early it doesn't stop you being a grifter

>> No.77733360

And? They are calling themselves vtubers now because that's the popular thing to do.

>> No.77733396

are you calling every vtuber a grifter?

>> No.77733937

Hate, Wester Women (but in reality like 99% of women all around the world) need to be put in their place.

>> No.77734012

I'm sorry your mom didn't love you, anon.

>> No.77734073

This vtroonjo is really sitting in this thread to reply to every negative comment lmao

>> No.77734240
File: 289 KB, 783x766, 1633846687061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhh neutral

>> No.77734299


>> No.77735332

they cool

>> No.77735369

They're mostly mediocre vtubers astroturfed into relevancy. Ironmouse is a grifter, Zen is a grifter, Henya's success has nothing to do with Vshojo, every other streamer in the company is mid (at best), but they get lots of attention by scalping talents from other companies.

>> No.77735493


>> No.77735592
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>> No.77735676

yes because they dont have the blue dorito logo

>> No.77735744

I'd say neutral. I watch clips of Haruka or Henya and I find them cute. Kuro is disgusting pervert that makes sex his whole personality, Froot is a whore. No hard opinions on others.
I'd say that since whores leaving and Henya joining, things are improving in my eyes

>> No.77735995

>Kuro is disgusting pervert that makes sex his whole personality
You've literally never seen a single second from a kuro stream.

>> No.77736038

>Kuro is disgusting pervert that makes sex his whole personality
It's ok when women do it, right? Specially dykes right?
All about that “Claming” right anon?

>> No.77736057

But enough about Marine.

>> No.77736181

No, it is not. Yeah, I forgot to mention Melody

>> No.77736276

I turned up couple times. Once he talked about sucking dildo. Second time about masturbation competition with his friends.
He is disgusting

>> No.77736283

Why do you care what other people think of your favorite vtubers? Not everyone is gonna like the same things.

>> No.77736377

Why are you such a massive hypocrite? All the same shit you complain about happens in hololive and you are fine with it.

>> No.77736466

Nobody in hololive talked about getting cum in their eye or getting spitroasted.

>> No.77736472

Howdy Marineshizo? Out at your lonely war again I see?

>> No.77736515

NTA, but maybe that anon doesn't like Marine either.

>> No.77736523

I'm not a regular Kuro watcher, (his streams are too irregular and often at bad times for me), but he just strikes me as a fairly normal "dork".
The way you're talking about him, it's like he's the male version of Melody, which isn't remotely accurate.

It sounds like you saw 1 clip talking about lewd stuff and assumed that everything is like that.

>> No.77736573

btw no one that actually watches vshojo will take offense to calling their streamers a pervert or a whore lol you morons are fighting amongst yourselves biting bait on purpose

>> No.77736596

They have done worse

Not a single holofag has ever denounced her because faggots like >>77736472 will pop up every single time

>> No.77736635

>hey have done worse
Now you are just making shit up.

>> No.77736642

t. original anon
I don't watch Marine either you faggot

>> No.77736656

The ex nijis they picked up were their most popular members though. At this point there is nobody else in nijiEN worth raiding for Vshojo.

>> No.77736662

/vsj+/ likes marine btw this faggot is a baiting you morons

>> No.77736730

Are you retarded? This is about holofags being hypocrites for liking someone that's just like a vshojo member only because she has the blue dorito

>> No.77736746

Indifference, but slight respect. They’re the 2nd most competent EN corpo after Hololive.

>> No.77736851

its kinda you’re fault for biting the oldest stalest 3 year old bait in the book anon. like really getting triggered over vshojo being called whores and perverts? lol calm the fuck down nerd

>> No.77737073

No one is triggered over that, brony. I'm just making fun of you for claiming that you hate sex jokes.

>> No.77737152

Talking about your intimate sex life is not sex jokes, and not everyone might enjoy that kind of content. Is that so hard to understand?

>> No.77737250
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>> No.77737374

It's not any worse than the whores of hololive, brony.

>> No.77737437


>> No.77737463

My whores are better than yours.

>> No.77737476
File: 280 KB, 1920x1080, 1711595716613037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DN makes a video praising vshojo
>deluge of bait and anti threads
Just a coincidence

>> No.77737566

>every thread about VShojo is an anti thread

>> No.77737618

bitch i’ve watched vshojo before vshojo was a thing back when it was just melody’s lewdcast you arent a nijisister anymore accept that kuro is a really a degenerate pervert and embrace it. Did you forget that the first thing he did after his debut was larp that he got pregnant with gunrun?
I dont recall marine doing anything like that lol

>> No.77737681

It's the catalog, most every thread is an anti thread to begin with. The exception are SOME Holo threads

>> No.77737715

Here comes that persecution complex again.

>> No.77737752

I don't mean JUST VShojo, the catalog in general is seethe and bait threads with a few exceptions

>> No.77737764

he has a point all non general catalog threads are bait you tourist.

>> No.77737787

Why are you trying to rationalize holofag's double standards?

>> No.77737820

Explain how is this a bait thread, it's just asking people what is their personal opinion of VShojo.

>> No.77737832
File: 1.18 MB, 1683x752, VShojoPolfagging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate. The 3DPD shit is awful. Ironmouse is a fuckface fleshy chaser that's actively poisoning vtubing culture. Too many of them are polfags.
Pretty much only Zen is borderline okay, and Henya is good. Nobody cares about the deer.

>> No.77737875

why do you want ironmouse to give out personal information? do you want her to expose her social security information

>> No.77737975

You know what I'm talking about, it's not about her SSN.
Obviously, some have secrets they want hidden, but to imply that only VShojo talks about their true feelings, and they don't put any kind of facade is naive.

>> No.77738004

no im telling you to stop biting stupid bait. if the catalog retard says kuro is a pervert then so be it no matter what you say he will never watch him so he will never matter. Im betting the dude dosent even watch hololive to begin with and just stiring shit coz you keep biting bait

>> No.77738049

how new are you tourist? its asking for a board that hates anything not hololive to describe something thats not hololive. Use your common sense a little buddy

>> No.77738283
File: 16 KB, 252x175, 1688649105709251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you find opinions so bad, maybe stick to reddit.
Here's the tally so far.

>> No.77738347

love, hate, all the same

>> No.77738364

If you actually think the catalog doesn't spend even more time baselessly seething at hololive then you are in fact proving his point about having a persecution complex anon

>> No.77738373

If you know, play the game

>> No.77738515

yea because you cant just samefag over and over to fuck with the shit. how about you go back instead tourist

>> No.77738683

I will take every opportunity to point out holobrony double standards.

>> No.77738725

are you really trying to compete and numberfag on whos the bigger victim here? lol you are definitely a holo /#/ schizo
bottomline is this is as what you holofaggots always say “This is a Holoboard” and general knowledge is anything not holo posted on the catalog and not a general thread should be be recognized as bait. Does it mean others nijisisters wont try to fight back and make their own counter bait deflection threads? no I mean thats how this “ALL OUT WAR” you faggots keep having with the sisters is still going on right? are you really that dense not to realize it by now?

>> No.77738826

Every catalog thread singling out an agency or vtuber is an anti thread yeah.

>> No.77738902

then you are doing a terrible job. using marine whos larping to be a pervert but actually is a turbo fucking virgin lol there are far better examples than her but im betting you dont watch holo to know that like how they dont watch vshojo its just gonna be an infinite cycle of stupidity.

>> No.77738940

single handedly responsibly for the collapse of vtubing in the west

>> No.77738961

The holofag cries out in pain as he strikes you.

>> No.77739028

love backpack guy
hate react streamers and twitch ""vtubers""
indifferent to their cultural status

Hi Connor btw

>> No.77739116
File: 73 KB, 1024x570, IMG_2153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread

>> No.77739199

Why are you defending holoshit so hard?

>> No.77739346

From this unhinged post that does not address my point and instead rants about retarded console war threads I can only assume you're one of the people who posts hololive bait threads in the catalog

>> No.77739351

Your arguement has been done to death for ages now anon you seem to be new at this im just skipping everything and preventing you from seething all day while hes laughing his ass off triggering you on purpose.
hes just gonna make another bait thread later and you are gonna reply to it again on cooldown over and over.

>> No.77739474

better than NijiEN

>> No.77739495

nah thats not me because im too busy watching streams plus as I’ve said I love me my whores no matter what side and I watch /lig/ tubers, clara and tenma from phase, holos, vshojo and doki/mint from time to time
I’ve been watching so much vtubers now that I know when its an actual whore or just a dumb bitch pandering and larping as one to get clicks from dicks

>> No.77739526

Henya is best,
Matara has a cute monstergirl design

>> No.77739574

When are they getting their own 3D studio?

>> No.77739906

never, vshojo just rents stuff nothing wrong with that

>> No.77740295

With talents in 3 continents, that would be a poor idea

>> No.77740959

It made sense for Hololive because they have like 30 talents just in japan.
