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77677820 No.77677820 [Reply] [Original]

Can she save Rosemi?

>> No.77677887

can you kys?

>> No.77678044
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>> No.77678295
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No, but she can

>> No.77678885

Rosemi is utterly boring on every level.

>> No.77679223
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Dizzy love.
Built for paizuri.

>> No.77679304

no and she shouldnt
rosecucks deserve the rope you faggots choose to support a dying sinking toxic ship now suffer the consequences

>> No.77679385

>Chokesemi Fraudlock
>Cocksleevesemi Lucalock
>Retweetsemi Blackstreamlock
Can rot in Niji

>> No.77679451

>retweeted the black stream
Fuck her

>> No.77679537

wasnt she on a mental break off X for weeks when that happened? their contract clearly said that management can legally skinwalk their accounts.

>> No.77679771

>uhh we decide that Mint should join Hololive and Rosemi should join Phase fuck you btw
I hate this board

>> No.77679867

she still chooses to be in nijisanji and therefore agree’s with their abusive policies that almost killed selen and chooses to be part of it actively therefore shes a shithead herself

>> No.77679934

rosemi should have stayed indie and kept posties selfies on twitter like the attentionwhore pickme she is, but instead she exposed herself as a fraud and now she has to live with her mistake.

>> No.77679935

Kenkou Cross, the king of monster girls, did great work making her model.

>> No.77679944

contracts are a thing retard. we know lazusydia renewed theirs around december so she's at least stuck until then unless she wants to pay heavy fines.

>> No.77680034

I hope she brings Maria and Scarle with her.
That way we can fully enjoy CGDGT again and people that prefer Finana talking about how she threw up on Elira while Millie and Enna laugh about it can be happy too.

>> No.77680205

or she can get herself terminated like selen and make nijien break the contract, selen did it.
you may not want to accept this but she's clearly ok with her situation, she can rot in niji.

>> No.77680215
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She'll be there to promote her but the one to save Rosemi will be this guy

>> No.77680289

she still regularly collabs with the clique and parrots what the black stream shit said. Shes a griefer and a fake ass bitch that deserves ro choke on a rope tied to her neck

>> No.77680852

she need to save herself first

>> No.77680948

Slugma saved her from Tsunderia.
Dizzy will save her from Niji.
Time is a flat circle.

>> No.77681034

I understand why Phasefags want her but there's no way Rosemi's joining. She would be a terrible fit for the corpo and she knows that. She's going indie or VShojo might show an interest in her. Or for the wild card option this guy >>77680215 could genuinely be onto something.

>> No.77681072
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Save rosemi? Can she?

>> No.77681122

Stop larping as anti-niji crusaders, it looks funny

>> No.77681187

Kek you actually made me check and she only had two collabs in the past 2 months one with Petra and one with Nova playing ygo. Is Petra in the clique?

>> No.77681313

>>77681122 (me)
Sorry I forgot that you are brown people, you can continue to larp as you please

>> No.77681453

She would not be a good fit for VShojo either with how unseiso it is. Or who knows, she could be the "pure" one in a den of toilet and sex humor if she can pull it off well.

>> No.77681608

was rosemi that fag retard's kamioshi?

>> No.77681986

terrible fit? rosemi is a whore (real), she'd be perfect.

>> No.77682014

nta but she has been deleting the vods of other collabs for some reason. The reason is Rosemi is based.
The last one I remember is goose goose duck with a bunch of other Nijis.

>> No.77682047

She would fit better in VShojo because it's a very different kind of unseiso and would be more in line with NijiEN which is where she already is. I don't think it's happening regardless though.

>> No.77682102

Why you gotta be so rude anon? What did the duel logs ever do to you?

>> No.77682117
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>> No.77682335

It's just my taste but most of what she does in those situations is act surprised or incredulous at the sex jokes the others say, and it got old eventually. Also I hate Nijisanji now so I can't enjoy anything any livers do anymore

>> No.77682446

Break off what? YouTube?

>> No.77682710

Midsemi Midlock

>> No.77683171

It's so funny people say this as if NijiEN isn't like 10x trashier, nastier and sluttier than 2024 Vshojo. Hell, they even male collab less!

>> No.77684187

Okay but does Rosemi even want to save herself?

>> No.77684566

Just like ltg, she's a fraud

>> No.77684874

Only she can save herself

>> No.77684921

Wiv Da Wose. I hope she gets out of there ASAP. Also, everyone still harping on about the retweets is an idiot.

>> No.77685349
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>> No.77685896

> they even male collab less
Outing yourself. Vshojo has a lot of mixed gender collabs because most of the members are friends with men. Honestly I find it fucking weird classifying collabs with both men and women as separate from all women, they're just all collabs.

>> No.77686413

Cuck spotted.

>> No.77686628

My advice is to come up with a better insult that doesn't assume the person you're replying to has a dick or spends their time jerking off to anime girls.

>> No.77686790

I'm still amazed she went to him for the model. She will forever be based for that

>> No.77686848

>Break off X for weeks
Wtf does this mean?

>> No.77686926

It's Twitter. "X" is Twitter. The claim is that she was purposely not using Twitter.

>> No.77687067
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Dizzy can't even save herself

>> No.77687282


>> No.77687368

Maybe Rosemi dosen't want to be saved

>> No.77687541

No that was Petra

>> No.77687689

Rosemi was in Japan and basically not using twitter while the whole thing went down
She's a fucking boomer with social media and barely uses it to begin with

>> No.77688506

It’s hard to say what could quantify as “saving” Rosemi, as financially she probably makes enough from memberships to live decently, assuming that she gets any cut from those. It would be nice to save Rosemi from NijiEN’s poor management, but she finally got the Home3D she wanted and on top of that her oshi Harada can be seen supporting her from time to time, she probably doesn’t want to leave yet due to the sunken cost fallacy or being guilted by some coworkers. Going indie or joining something like Vshojo would result in her putting in some time to rebuild her position to where she was before; granted it wouldn’t take that much time considering it’s likely that she is still on good terms with Mint, Matara and Doki, and can just as quickly have the spotlight shined on her.
But that’s still going to result in time spent on her waiting for a new 3D model, and who knows if she would debut as the President again or if she would go for a new design from a new artist, meaning even more time spent waiting around (for a design that could end up being a downgrade like Mika and Matara’s are personally). And who knows if Harada would follow her post graduation.

>> No.77691479

I want this corpo to succeed purely because I think this little fucking spider would be a good addition to the vtuber ceo lineup. Yagoo, Riku, and Aviel are boring because they're just guys. But Gunrun is an emote, Sakana's a fish, and now we can add a robot spider to the lineup of cool ceo's (visually)

>> No.77691528

won't you get rope burn?

>> No.77691866

Yeah and Selen ended up 200k in the hole because of it.

>> No.77692063
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Stop pretending she's ever saved anyone and stop making these retarded fucking threads.

>> No.77692131

This is not true, she actually just broke even despite a $200k income. She said this on stream.
It's also not true that Niji can bury Rosemi in "contract termination penalties" if she graduates. If this were legal every job would make you sign a contract like that so they could force you to never quit.

>> No.77692302

You should be thanking Mint for that then.

>> No.77692491

He designed the character, but the actual model is by Cluseller
100% Mint and Michi.

>> No.77692683

Don't forget Sayu.

>> No.77692989
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The 3 that joined vshojo were always going to be a package deal and the one that joined first wasn't even her. Mint took time off to study and travel. Nobody needed saved, Nobody was saved. They just left their old job.

>> No.77694541

>The 3 that joined vshojo were always going to be a package deal

>> No.77694876

Everyone knew exactly where michi was going to the point that people were even bringing it up in donos, meanwhile kuro had his youtube and twitch channels set up before he even graduated.

>> No.77695105

Keep coping sister.

>> No.77695138

Irrelevant. People were also bringing that up for everyone including Selen and Pomu. There is zero chance there was some sort of master plan to bring on Mika in July 2023 when Nina graduated.

>> No.77695484

Mika knew she was graduating long before july23 which incidentally is when kuro set up his new channels.
Guess again, happy they managed to escape that shithole.

>> No.77695737

That is not the same thing as knowing she's going to VShojo and getting more fan support than she's ever had in her life and you know it.

>> No.77696265
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Everyone else that left their company redebuted soon after, using their old channels, apart from the ones that were always joining vshojo under a new name.

>> No.77696959

I love mama but I will never forgive her if she takes Rosemi to that whorehouse called Vshojo.

>> No.77697004

It's possible, even probable, that Mika was planning to join VShojo when she graduated in December but that is not the same thing as planning to do that back in July. I don't know why you would assume she was scheduled for a debut ten months in advance.

>> No.77697019

This is fanfic.
Kuro didn't know he was joining until after graduation. His plans post-Niji were to come back as an indie and try to pay off his debts, and it was VShojo helping him that convinced him to jump on board and join. That's also why his teasers were so low-quality. They had about a month to do it and it was only because all of his other assets and stuff were done already that he was able to have a turnaround that fast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38msQLlN6-c
Mata was the same. She was going to also go indie post-Niji and talked about how scared and nervous she was to do so it's exactly why she helped promote Quinn, she knew what it was going to feel like to debut indie without a team behind you and was even going to join Pomu and Elira on their trip to Antartica. Joining VShojo changed those plans and she wound up not going. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qx-iyrUqSY
Michi is the only one of the three that I think was definitely offered before the chance to join prior to graduation, even then, that's only a rrat on my end and that was very likely thanks to the influence of both Kuro and Mata. Even then she had her doubts and talked about them on stream. https://youtu.be/wTF9ow9-iac?si=D_jokCzV2DJiYa-5

>> No.77697177

I believe in this cool and mysterious person.
NTA but that didn't even sound any ruder than how his oshis normally speak to him.
Speaking of, GlitchStars debuts june 14 I think? The silhouettes look like Leah, Nova, and I don't know who the last one is.

>> No.77697365
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>Kuro didn't know he was joining until after graduation.
He made his youtube and twitch channels on july 30th. Doesn't matter how often you call it fanfic, you can't change facts.

>> No.77697508

??? What does that prove? He was going to stream on Youtube and Twitch as an indie. He chose his name and he made his accounts but they couldn't exactly go live until he had graduated from Niji. You can make preparations pre-graduation, you just can't stream.

>> No.77697605

Even if literally everyone is lying that still doesn't mean Mika was part of a "package deal". You've given zero facts or evidence for that.

>> No.77697672

He did start streaming almost immediately post-Niji too, just under his alt. It was camless streams and mostly react stuff in the month inbetween graduation and VShojo debut. They'd have a point if his Twitch handle was like K9KUROVSJ or something like that but it's not.

>> No.77697833

Save from that? Her scammer neighbor? The B company?

>> No.77698098

>literal vermin

>> No.77698254

Vivi? Maybe.
Rosemi? She's got Dizzy and Matara for that if she wants to.

>> No.77698674

>She would not be a good fit for VShojo either with how unseiso it is.
You do know Henya is Pikamee right?

>> No.77698826

I don't see her joining Phase. Like others said Phase would be a terrible fit for her. I can't even imagine her joining a company with people like Tenma and Pippa in it. It's beyond being a bad fit and more just a retarded idea, even if she has a connection there. VShojo is more likely, but I don't know if they'd have any interest in her.I don't know if any of her best traits would interest her, and she's not exactly a numbers powerhouse. If she does wind up there then it's probably entirely through Mata convincing everyone else she's worth it. GlitchStars is an interesting idea though. It's VShojo-lite and the guy who runs it is a big fan of Rosemi's and would probably shoot her a DM the instant a graduation was announced.

>> No.77699184

Saving her by shoving her in VSTDjo.


>> No.77699322

I don't know why you people think like that, Hina is there, she's a very sweet girl and she got along with Pippa just fine, she's not some /pol/tard anymore.

>> No.77699418

Anon 2022 called, you need to go back.

>> No.77699492

Difference is that Rosemi has the option to be picky with where she goes. She's one of the bigger names at Niji and would very likely survive just fine on her own if she went indie. This isn't some 2view nobody that they'd be trying to pick up and convince.

>> No.77699610
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There is still hope.

>> No.77699638


So it was a meme before?


Now that is just hilarious.

>> No.77699695

you haven't watched Phase lately, have you? because it shows. she'd fit in just fine and most of her Tsunderia friends are there too. her only real competition there would be Jelly and she streams at a completely different timezone.
it's to to her to decide what she wants.

>> No.77699808

>>77699695 (me)
*up to her
i can't type today

>> No.77699957

Rosemi was gone for like two weeks. Petra was gone for months and still only streams once in a blue moon

>> No.77700043

Context? What did Rosemi do this time? Shorts? Stream? Clips? Tweets? Post proof.

>> No.77700098

Either of Rosemi's two bug mommies make a convincing case for either Vshojo or Phase, but let's not forget that there's Idol to think about now, and they've proven to be on the hunt for ex-Tsunderia talents.

Their big money debut package makes them a real contender in the wose poaching..

>> No.77700501

It's just your daily average Rosemi begging thread

>> No.77700777

she alluded to having no friends several times in the last 2 streams

>> No.77700849

>she could be the "pure" one in a den of toilet and sex humor if she can pull it off well.
How to spot a catalogfag who has never actually watched a NijiEN collab or VShojo stream. NijiEN is often way trashier anon. It's not like VShojo members are all lewd all the time it's more like they just don't shy away from talking about or making jokes about those topics as a normal fucking adult would.. And then that gets clipped. Hell, people used to joke about Mel being seiso when it came to her Twitch streams.
Ironically Michi a former Niji probably has the most toilet humor out of them in her streams.

>> No.77705933

I'll admit to not watching VSJ but
>Watching NijiEN
Lol, lmao even

>> No.77707005

>How to spot a catalogfag who has never actually watched a NijiEN
and you clearly haven't watched Rosemi

>> No.77710087

I hope

>> No.77713367

thats Fishmans job

>> No.77715979

I'm really tired of antis having no fucking clue about other girls that came after origins. I never read past that point.

>> No.77716016

>but she can
Alright, I know Nijisanji gets a lot of hate and all, but Rosemi is still bigger than 99% of Phase Connect. She cant be "saved" by a smaller vtuber.

>> No.77716220

If NijiEN merges with JP all of the livers are on a chopping block except for Petra and Meloco. I do believe she can shine as an indie doesn't have to be with Phase or vshojo. The JP companies wanting EN branches are too silent right now.

>> No.77716260

Shes within the ballpark of phase, if she brings her old audience and gains new ones within phase then she’d still probably be a 4view, plus phase has significantly less awful management, and probably a better revenue split, Rosemi would do fine.

>> No.77716487

Pomu and Selen leaving in quick succession hurt Rosemi the most audience-wise.

>> No.77716524

I got my Phase merch so I am starting to believe. Before I would have excluded Phase on that point itself in favor of Vshojo. I think the biggest trouble with Indie is the side projects. Kind of amazing what Doki is capable of pulling off.

>> No.77716573

playboard.co stats for average viewers
pippa 3023
tenma 1193
lia 1082
rosemi 1071
uruka 835
I would keep going but apparently they rate limit this daily server-side

>> No.77716600

Hey don't forget the other VTA dodgers, Klara and Kotoka.

>> No.77718868
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Yes, designed it. Sorry for the miswording.

>> No.77719156

can she save my penis

>> No.77719168
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Yeah but uh
Michi's thing was in Kuro's lore video. Bottom left. Finding this out kinda fucked with me on timelines.

>> No.77719284


>> No.77719314 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.77719505

That's what I said. If anyone was /in/ before they left Niji it was probably Michi. She said that she'd submitted her graduation request before either Mata or Mysta so she knew her time was up longer than either of them. She didn't actually debut until 6 months later and people put references to their friends in lore videos all the time. Even Quinn's lore video had Mata and Michi in it, and Michi hadn't even debuted yet.

>> No.77719610

I hope she can. Rosemi is one of the few "older" en vtubers who might deserve rescue.

>> No.77719951

she can save mikeneko if she wanted to

>> No.77720335

Yeah, the only thing I can probably guess is that kuro and michi planned on doing something together, or to at least try to, whether or not michi or kuro planned on joining vshojo, they probably had the idea for their characters and the k9kuro name before joining

>> No.77721783

feetfags btfo

>> No.77724782

It's difficult to tell with the rose. The fact that Rosemi is viewed in a good light, not seen as a bully, is considered to be one of Selen's friends, and is expected to graduate by haterss, it didn't perform better than Petra's 3D. But only time will tell. Wose knows exactly what she's doing.

>> No.77724987

Rosemi knows there are only two roads and it’s up to her to pick one.

>> No.77725146

Nijisanji started with Yugo's termination and from what we know now, some screwy stuff regarding projects and stuff being denied or cancelled which had been happening in the background in 2022 may have started showing a bit in content staleness alongside with Niji's non-investment in promoting talents after a certain period and etc. due to more waves. Everything else then kinda plays out as expected and you can see the drop in subs then due to Selen's termination. If there was a peak period for Nijisanji, it would've been pretty much 2021-2022 from looking at this.
